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25 PMO Metrics April 29, 2012 By admin PMO metrics are a challenge to many PMO s within organisations especially

as every PMO and organisation is different and one size does not fit all. One failing I believe in traditional PMO s primary focus on PM skills, processes and templates w hich were a little too inward focused. PMO performance metrics should primarily focus on value to key stakeholders so I have not included metrics such as number of PM s certified in PRINCE 2 / MSP, thi s is not to say that these are not valid metrics but may not really mean much t o business stakeholders who just want their projects delivered on time, in budge t and fit for purpose. In defining PMO metrics, there is a very simple 3 step process worth considering : 1.Step 1: What outcome are you trying to demonstrate? 2.Step 2: What questions will demonstrate your attainment of the defined outcome . 3.Step 3: What measures can you define to answer the questions? Please note these metrics are for generation of discussion only and as every PMO is different, they may not be suitable, applicable or meaningful. 25 PMO Metrics 1.% of investment decisions influenced by PMO participation and provided data 2.% of projects aligned with organizational goals 3.% of projects reviewed during execution by senior management 4.% of projects completed within budget vs. cost overunns 5. Number of projects completed during this financial year vs. previous year (pr oductivity) 6.% of projects completed on time - deliverables (On Time vs. Late) 7.% of projects with deliverables (Accepted vs. Rejected) 8.The number of open issues and their aging on a monthly basis 9.% of projects that were audited at major milestones 10.% of projects with post-project reviews 11.Business Stakeholder customer satisfaction score for project performance (sur vey per project) 12.Business Stakeholder customer satisfaction score for stakeholder communicatio ns and governance reporting (survey) 13.% of projects reporting earned value on a monthly basis 14.% of projects have supporting and validated business cases (should be 100%) 15.Project Manager satisfaction score of value of PMO services (survey) 16.Organisational customer satisfaction perception of PMO value contribution to project management within the organisation (survey) 17.Improved co-ordination of resource management (planned vs. actual) 18.Organisation perception of improved portfolio management and prioritisation 19.Improved visibility of risks and interdependencies of projects 20.% of projects complying with project management standards & methods for audit requirements 21.The monthly number and status of change requests (approved, rejected and pend ing) 22.The total cost impact of all the changes on a monthly basis 23.The total number of risks open (Size, Schedule, Quality, Staffing, and Cost) on a monthly basis 24.The total number of risks by ageing on a monthly basis 25.The total cost value of risk by month (by adding up individual risk cost amou nts)

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