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When a patient is to be shifted in a wheel chair with a continuous bladder drainage, theurinary bag should be kept:a. on his lap b. below the bladder levelc. kept clamped2. Why a pregnant woman gets heart burn during pregnancy?a. hormonal changes b. Growing uterus pushes the uterus upc. effect of diet3. What would be the mode of communication for a patient with CVA and Aphasia?a. Ask the relatives to help him b. give him a pen and paper c. ignore himd. observe his lip movements4. When a nurse sees a patient chocking, what will be the nurse's immediate response?a. Ask the patient to cough b. ask are you chockingc. do abdominal thrustd. call for help5. If a foul order comes from the plaster cast, what would be the reason?a. infected wound under the cast b. very old castc. cast is wet6. How will you give a wound care for a dry wound?a. Hydrogen peroxide b. normal salinec. 5% dextrosed. liquid paraffin7. Define shock?8. After gastroscopy, what is the nursing management before starting oral fluids?a. gag reflex b. check the bowel soundsc. look for dehydration9. After 4hours of delivery, if a client is having shift of uterus to one side of abdomen. Whatis the nursing management?a. Massage the uterus b. Empty the bladder c. Document the findingsd. Call the doctor

10. What is the use of humidified Oxygen?a. Gives the soothing effect b. It makes dry of respiratory mucous membranec. It gives more concentrated Oxygen11. Gastritis is caused by which of following foods?a. Dairy products b. Carbonated drinksc. Orange juice12. Patient is on 3rd hourly N.G.T feeding-before starting the next food the nurse withdraws40ml of gastric content, what is the next step?a. Allow the patient with out feeding for next 3 hours b. Discard the 40ml and aspirate some morec. Inject the aspirated fluid into stomachd. Continue the feeding13. After the subtotal thyroidectomy, what is the complication?a. Tetany b. Hyper Parathyroidismc. Muscle Lethargy14. In a post operation ward the nurse has 3 patients- What is nursing priority?a. Having Chest Pain b. Post operative wound painc. I/V Infiltrating tissue15. 2 hours after post operative the charge nurse says patient is alright vital signs as normal,she says the next shift nurse no need take the vitals hourly what is the duty of the nextcharge nurse16. If a patient comes in emergency ward with Hypoglycemia what will you look?a. Profuse sweating b. High Glucose Levelc. Acetone smell17. What precautionary measure the nurse should take after giving pre-medication?a. Remove denture b. Empty the bladder c. Raise the railing of the bed18. Patient with C.H.F which position you will keep the patient?a. High Fowlers b. Low Fowlersc. Supined. Trendlenburg

19. During the 24 hours urine collection the nurse should look for a. If the bottle has preservative b. Ask the patient to void the last urine outside20. Patient is going with AV Shunt the nurse should look for a. Thrill b. Look for bleeding21. Anterior fontanelle closes at the age of a. 3 months b. 8 monthsc. 18 months22. How will you take care of the soiled linen after the bed making?a. Wash hands before & after the bed making b. Keep away from uniformc. Kept on floor 23. Tuberculin test reading to be done after:a. 24 hours b. 24-48 hoursc. 48-72 hoursd. 1 week 24. Baby is diagnosed as tetrology of fall to what defects you can find?a. clubbing of fingers b. puffy facec. protruded eye balls25. What will be the discharge advice for a patient after mastectomy and removal of axillaryglands?a. ask the patient to keep her legs hanged b. try to avoid to sleep on the right sidec. not to check BP on right side handd. do arm exercises

regularly26. What changes occur in glaucoma?a. iris is constricted b. lack of blood circulation to retinac. destruction of retinal cells27. What nursing measures you will take while giving bed bath to an unconscious patient?a. take the help from relatives b. lower the bedc. while turning the patient raise the opposite side railing28. A patient is admitted with 45% burns. What will be nursing management after 24 hrs?a. adequate tissue perfusion b. give high nutritionc. prevention of infection

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