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SFL: Mid Semester Exam (601) page 1 of 5

Spiritual Formation & Leadership:

Mid Semester Exam (601)

% ______
Final Mark____/60

Monday 26th August 2013, 0900-1100

Use only the space given for each answer.

This exam is looking for clear, concise answers DO NOT
Use lists and bullet points where appropriate.
You may use your Bible in this exam.
Students Name:________________________________________________

Section 1 - 30 Marks
Important: Select ONLY 3 of the 5 questions to answer:
1. A young person (18-25 years old) who attends your church comes and asks for
your advice: They confess to you that they have been struggling with temptation in
many areas of their life. Often they give in to the temptation with resulting feelings
of guilt and condemnation. Outline what would you say to them? (10 marks)

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2. A friend says to you, I am happy that I am saved (born again) and go to church
each week, but I really dont understand why you are suggesting that I go to Bible
school. What difference would that make for me as a disciple of Jesus, how would it
help me love Jesus more? (10 marks)

3. Using your Bible explain what a disciple is and what fruit should be produced to
show that a believer is really walking as a disciple of Jesus Christ. (3+7=10 marks)

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4. Donald Whitney says that, No spiritual discipline is more important than the intake of Gods Word. Nothing can substitute for it. Argue in favour of this statement.
Use Bible references to support your answer. (10 marks)

5. Jesus Christ said, I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I
in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (Jn 15:5) How
can you abide in Christ? (10 marks)

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Section 2 - 30 marks

The following questions all involve you recalling what was taught during the
class sessions. (All the answers to these questions are found in the presentations shown in class which were posted online).
1. How might we, as 21st century believers in Christ, hear the Word of God
today? (5 marks)
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________________________

2. Ezra 7:10 suggests a four step pattern of development for teaching the
WOG in the life of Ezra. Outline it below: (4 marks)
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________

3. In class we suggested that there are the 5 Ws and an H that can help
you in Bible study. List them below. (6 marks)
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________

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4. List four benefits of memorising Scripture(4 marks)

1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. Rick Warren outlines a process by which temptation works in us(3 marks)

1. A DESIRE is created
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________

6. The essence of discipleship is becoming increasingly like Jesus Christ.

Give four Bible references to prove / demonstrate this belief (4 marks)
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________

7. We have to learn how to pray. Give four examples of ways in which we can
learn.(4 marks)
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________

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