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Basic Codes HTML

+ As many people ask me the same question over and over again that how to make a home page, so I try to make this homepage that may help. Sorry, my English is not good thought, so I you see some english errors, please don't mad at me please :) Actually, HTML language is the same idea of other language that It runs by the bunch of codes. But HTML language is the easier language to learn. Here, I try to provide as much as commands that I know so far, and I hope it may help you guys :) + First, you can open any text editors, but I recommand you guys open the Notepad or Writepad to edit the command codes. If you are using Windows 95/98, NT please click on the "START" button down to your left bottom. And then click on "Programs ==> Accessories ==> Notepad or Writepad. Here is the basic form of the HTML language <html> <header> <tittle> </title> ........ </header> <body> </body> </html> + After you finish with all the commands, you can click to "File" and hit "Save As". There will be a new window that asks you three things. The "Save in" = location you want to save, you should remember this directory, because later, you need to open it to see your work. The "File name" is the name that you want to call just simple one word and follow at the end with ".html" such as mypage.html, defaul.html, index.html. The "Save as

type" is much important, and please change it to "Text Document" type. After fill out three required things, you should hit save as. BIG NOTE: Before you start, you must understand how the HTML code works. It's very simple. When you open a command you have only two brackets what you open you must close by adding a slash to the tag . Anything you type in your HTML document must be between the two tags for the tag to take effect. <Header>Header is the location where you put tittle of your homepage, discription, keywords, author, and so on... It starts with command and finish with command . Title: Title is start with <title> and end with </tittle> for the title of your homepage! Example: <title>Welcome to VietFun Home Page</title>, Please click to the link to see the demo! More in header: In the header, you can also put the discription, keywords, author, and so on... Example: Description <meta name="description" content="This homepage is help people understand more about building homepage"> Example: Keywords <meta name="keywords" content="Build homepage, any thing that may add to string of search engines when you submit it"> Example: Author <meta name="Author" content="VietFun Admin">

Body In the body, you can set the default of background image, background color, font color, link, vlink, alink and more... This defaut have to set that in the body tag, and you can check out the colors code with VietFun Colors Chooser. Background = That is the image backround for defaultBgcolor = That is the color default for the backgroundtext = That is the color default of the font you want to haveLink = That is the color of the link that you did not click yet.Vlink= That is the color of the link that you already clicked.Alink= That is the color that when you click the link.Example: <body background="" bgcolor="ffffff" text="8000FF" link="8000FF" vlink="0000FF" alink="66FF00"> Keys References For Text<h1> Some Text</h1> (<h1> Something </h1> = <p><font size=+3> Something </font></p>) you will see:

Some Text
<h2>Some Text</h2> you will see you will see the text smaller! Bold <B> Some Text</B> you will see: Some Text Italic <I>Some Text</I> you will see: Some Text Center <center>Some Text</center> you will see: Some text Underline <U>Some Text</U> you will see: Some Text

Font Size <font size=+1>Some Text</font> ( You can increase the number, as big the number is, as big the text you will see.) Font Color <font color="FF0000">Some Text</font> you will see: Some Text Font Face <font face="Comic Sans MS">Some Text</font> you will see: Some Text (With the font face, you have to type exactly the font face name that avarible in your computer. If other people have that type of font, it will display the face of that font. If other people did not have that font face, it will display the default fonts of the browser) Note: You can add more than 2 tags together.Example: <B><I><font size=+2 face="Comic Sans MS">Some Text</font></I></B> you will see: Some


More Key CodesHorizontal line: <HR> you will see:

( You can custom your line with the size or how width it is too) Example: <hr size=5 width=75%> you will see:

Center Text or Image: <center>Some Thing</center> you will see: Some Thing Paragraphs: You can use <P> some thing </P> for

paragraph and <BR> for changing line List and Bullets: <ul> <li> Some Thing</li> <li> Some Thing Else</li> </ul> and you will see: Some Thing Some Thing Else Add Link: <a href="">VietFun Home</a> and you will see: VietFun Home Add Image: <img src="" alt="Here is the text display when the Image not load yet" border=0> and you will see:

Tables HTML Codes

+ Table is a special way to custom your web page. Actually it's little confuse, but I think it's easy to understand too. To set the table, it start with command <Table> and end with </Table>. <tr> is for row and <td> is for column. Example: A table with 2 rows and 3 columns.

<table><tr><td>Frist</td><td>Second</td> <td>Third</td></tr><tr><td>Fourth</td><td>Fifth</td> <td>Sixth</td></tr></table> You will see: Thi rd Four Sixt Fifth th h + You can also custom the border of table. Frist Example: A table with 2 rows and 3 columns, and table = 1 <table border=1><tr><td>Frist</td><td>Second</td> <td>Third</td></tr><tr><td>Fourth</td><td>Fifth</td> <td>Sixth</td></tr></table> You will see: Thi rd Four Sixt Fifth th h + Your can also custom the width size of the table Frist <table border=1><tr><td width=120>Frist</td><td width=130>Second</td><td width=140>Third</td> </tr><tr><td width=120>Fourth</td><td width=130>Fifth</td><td width=140>Sixth</td></tr> </table> Seco nd Seco nd

You will see: Frist Fourth Second Fifth Third Sixth

+ Your can also custom the background color of table, colums, or rows <table border=1 bgcolor="EEADB8"><tr><td width=120>Frist</td><td width=130 bgcolor="FFFF00">Second</td><td width=140>Third</td></tr><tr><td width=120>Fourth</td><td width=130 bgcolor="FFFF00">Fifth</td><td width=140>Sixth</td></tr></table> You will see: Frist Fourth Second Fifth Third Sixth

Basic Codes HTML

+ As many people ask me the same question over and over again that how to make a home page, so I try to make this homepage that may help. Sorry, my English is not good thought, so I you see some english errors, please don't mad at me please :) Actually, HTML language is the same idea of other language that It runs by the bunch of codes. But HTML language is the easier language to learn. Here, I try to provide as much as commands that I know so far, and I hope it may help you

guys :) + First, you can open any text editors, but I recommand you guys open the Notepad or Writepad to edit the command codes. If you are using Windows 95/98, NT please click on the "START" button down to your left bottom. And then click on "Programs ==> Accessories ==> Notepad or Writepad. Here is the basic form of the HTML language <html> <header> <tittle> </title> ........ </header> <body> </body> </html> + After you finish with all the commands, you can click to "File" and hit "Save As". There will be a new window that asks you three things. The "Save in" = location you want to save, you should remember this directory, because later, you need to open it to see your work. The "File name" is the name that you want to call just simple one word and follow at the end with ".html" such as mypage.html, defaul.html, index.html. The "Save as type" is much important, and please change it to "Text Document" type. After fill out three required things, you should hit save as. BIG NOTE: Before you start, you must understand how the HTML code works. It's very simple. When you open a command you have only two brackets what you open you must close by adding a slash to the tag . Anything you type in your HTML document must be between the two tags for the tag to take effect.

<Header>Header is the location where you put tittle of your homepage, discription, keywords, author, and so on... It starts with command and finish with command . Title: Title is start with <title> and end with </tittle> for the title of your homepage! Example: <title>Welcome to VietFun Home Page</title>, Please click to the link to see the demo! More in header: In the header, you can also put the discription, keywords, author, and so on... Example: Description <meta name="description" content="This homepage is help people understand more about building homepage"> Example: Keywords <meta name="keywords" content="Build homepage, any thing that may add to string of search engines when you submit it"> Example: Author <meta name="Author" content="VietFun Admin"> Body In the body, you can set the default of background image, background color, font color, link, vlink, alink and more... This defaut have to set that in the body tag, and you can check out the colors code with VietFun Colors Chooser. Background = That is the image backround for defaultBgcolor = That is the color default for the backgroundtext = That is the color default of the font you want to haveLink = That is the color of the link that you did not click yet.Vlink= That is the color of the link that you already clicked.Alink= That is the color that when

you click the link.Example: <body background="" bgcolor="ffffff" text="8000FF" link="8000FF" vlink="0000FF" alink="66FF00"> Keys References For Text<h1> Some Text</h1> (<h1> Something </h1> = <p><font size=+3> Something </font></p>) you will see:

Some Text
<h2>Some Text</h2> you will see you will see the text smaller! Bold <B> Some Text</B> you will see: Some Text Italic <I>Some Text</I> you will see: Some Text Center <center>Some Text</center> you will see: Some text Underline <U>Some Text</U> you will see: Some Text Font Size <font size=+1>Some Text</font> ( You can increase the number, as big the number is, as big the text you will see.) Font Color <font color="FF0000">Some Text</font> you will see: Some Text Font Face <font face="Comic Sans MS">Some Text</font> you will see: Some Text (With the font face, you have to type exactly the font face name that avarible in your computer. If other people have that type of font, it will display the face of that font. If other people

did not have that font face, it will display the default fonts of the browser) Note: You can add more than 2 tags together.Example: <B><I><font size=+2 face="Comic Sans MS">Some Text</font></I></B> you will see: Some


More Key CodesHorizontal line: <HR> you will see:

( You can custom your line with the size or how width it is too) Example: <hr size=5 width=75%> you will see:

Center Text or Image: <center>Some Thing</center> you will see: Some Thing Paragraphs: You can use <P> some thing </P> for paragraph and <BR> for changing line List and Bullets: <ul> <li> Some Thing</li> <li> Some Thing Else</li> </ul> and you will see: Some Thing Some Thing Else Add Link: <a href="">VietFun

Home</a> and you will see: VietFun Home Add Image: <img src="" alt="Here is the text display when the Image not load yet" border=0> and you will see:

Tables HTML Codes

+ Table is a special way to custom your web page. Actually it's little confuse, but I think it's easy to understand too. To set the table, it start with command <Table> and end with </Table>. <tr> is for row and <td> is for column. Example: A table with 2 rows and 3 columns. <table><tr><td>Frist</td><td>Second</td> <td>Third</td></tr><tr><td>Fourth</td><td>Fifth</td> <td>Sixth</td></tr></table> You will see: Thi rd Four Sixt Fifth th h + You can also custom the border of table. Frist Seco nd

Example: A table with 2 rows and 3 columns, and table = 1 <table border=1><tr><td>Frist</td><td>Second</td> <td>Third</td></tr><tr><td>Fourth</td><td>Fifth</td> <td>Sixth</td></tr></table> You will see: Thi rd Four Sixt Fifth th h + Your can also custom the width size of the table Frist <table border=1><tr><td width=120>Frist</td><td width=130>Second</td><td width=140>Third</td> </tr><tr><td width=120>Fourth</td><td width=130>Fifth</td><td width=140>Sixth</td></tr> </table> You will see: Frist Fourth Second Fifth Third Sixth Seco nd

+ Your can also custom the background color of table, colums, or rows <table border=1 bgcolor="EEADB8"><tr><td width=120>Frist</td><td width=130 bgcolor="FFFF00">Second</td><td

width=140>Third</td></tr><tr><td width=120>Fourth</td><td width=130 bgcolor="FFFF00">Fifth</td><td width=140>Sixth</td></tr></table> You will see: Frist Fourth Second Fifth Third Sixth

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