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Design principle 1: A well-differentiated core

Principle 1: Y our score (0)

View score information Y ou clearly have a basic sense of your core differentiation, but you might want to deepen your understanding of the core and how to replicate it. You could start by asking: Core differentiation: Do we have a good understanding of the three to five assets or capabilities make us uniquely differentiated from our competitors? Are they measurable? Mutually reinforcing? Providing a decisive advantage over competitors? Alignment: Do we agree as a management team on these questions? Do we regularly discuss our core differentiation? Should we? Replication: Is our growth strategy based on replicating our core differentiation again and again? Or is it more a 'pattern of no pattern'? Read more about Design principle 1: A well-differentiated core

Design principle 2: Clear nonnegotiables

Principle 2: Your score (-50)

View score information Y our front line doesn't seem aligned with you on your strategy, something you will need to address in order to become truly successful. These questions could help: Key routines: Do we have a good understanding of w hat daily, weekly, and monthly front-line activities are essential for success? Do we replicate any best practices in these routines? Do they link to our core differentiation? Key decisions: Have we mapped the key decisions and trade-offs our front line makes? Are you happy with the trade-offs they make? And with the speed of decision making? Nonnegotiables: Can you formulate the essence of your strategy in a few nonnegotiable principles for your front line? W ill these help in making 80 percent to 90 percent of the key front-line decisions and trade-offs without the need for escalation?

Read more about Design principle 2: Clear nonnegotiables

Design principle 3: Closed-loop learning

Principle 3: Your score (38)

View score information Y ou have systems in place to drive improvement, learning and adaptation. You could ask yourself these questions to further drive this essential part of strategy: Closing the loop: Do we understand what makes customers loyal to our company? Is there someone responsible for 'closing the loop' to improve customer loyalty? Continuous improvement: Do we continuously improve on the few critical routines that drive our differentiation? Can we measure that? Do we have the right systems in place to keep learning from what we do well? Adaptation: Do we regularly step back to confront our biggest threats and adapt our strategy accordingly? Should we? Read more about Design principle 3: Closed-loop learning

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