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Valores morales para nios / Moral Values for Children

Intentaste alguna vez Algo muy difcil hacer? Te esforzaste sin parar, Hasta casi abandonar.

Have you ever tried to do Something very hard for you? All alone you tried and tried, Until you almost quit and cried.

Llegaron luego tus papas, Y tus amigos a ayudar. A todo el mundo le viene bien El apoyo de alguien.

Then someone came and helped you, Mom or Dad or friends so true 'Cause big or little, old or young, We all need help from someone.

En el cuerpo humano hay Ojos, odos, manos y pies. Cada parte es esencial Para or y ver y correr.

Look at how your body's made: Eyes and ears and arms and legs. Each part needs the other one To see and hear and catch and run.

Qu bueno es poder contar Con la ayuda de alguien ms. Trabajar unidos Es ms divertido.

So I need you and you need me. Let's work together in unity. I'll help you and you'll help me, And, oh, what fun our job will be.

Trabajando siempre juntos Todo nos saldr mejor Trabajando juntos con amor.

As a team we do it better, That's the way to get things done. Everybody helping everyone.

Created by Text and art Aurora Productions.

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