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:hristian missionaries Frank & Edna Horn

Caixa Postal 801

" a l l things work together FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO

LOVE GOD" Rom. 8:28

forwarding secretary Miss Bessie Wilson

Box 333

Belem, Para, Brazil

September, 1963




Greetings from Brazil,

Two wonderful things have happened since we last wrote: (1) Brother Bill Paddock, an elder of the First Christian Church in Maryville, Tennesses came and spent eight days here to survey the work and'help make plans for the future of the HOME; (2) our d-aughter Brenda Jeanette was born on August 5. She weighed 8 lbs. 8 ozs. and was 19 Vs ins. long. We are very thankful to have a fine healthy girl now along with Michael who was 3 on September 2.
To get back to Brother Bill; he arrived on July 26 and left August 3. Dick Robison, I, and the elders of the Maryville Church {who are the trustees of the HOME) felt the need to have someone come to Brazil and Brother Bill consented to come. His visit was valuable to all concerned. We are striving to provide: 1. a Christian home for needy children; 2. Christian educational opportunities to the children of the HOME and community; 3. facilities for Christian youth work; 4. madical care for the children

in^the HOME and the community; and 5. assistance for evangelizing the area. The plans for the future
are to remodel and enlarge present facilities to be able to do these things in a better way. The project we are working on now is the clinic to provide medical care. We have decided that the best place to have the clinic is this house in which we are living. We have a doctor who has promised to come. So we have the building and the doctor, but there is still one problem-we are living in the building. For this reason we are especially anxious to finish our house immediately and move into it. Another reason for finishing our huose now is that by January prices on everything will be much higher because of an increase in the minimum salary. We feel that if we had all the necessary funds, we could finish it in about three months. Anyone wishing to send a special contribution for this purpose may send it to Miss Bessie and designate it as such. We refer to this house as ours (for lack of a better word); actually it is the property of the HOME. It is ours in that we will be living in it as long as we are working with the HOME. The month of July was vacation time from school so the children enjoyed one week of D.V.B.S. here at the HOME and the older ones also attended a two day Cristian Youth Conference at the Para
Bible Institute.

I have been teaching a S. S. class at our services here some Sundays and am also preaching a series of sermons from the book of Acts, taking one chapter per week. On Sundays at 4:00 p.m. we
have C. E. - at this time we have a contest to see which of the children can answer the most Bible

questions. The children have devotions each night in their individual houses and on Wednesday evening

we all come tegether for prayer meeting. We thank the Lord that we, the Brazilian workers, and the
children are well. He truly does watch over us. Please continue to pray for us. Thank you.

Frank & Edna

P.S. If there are any odd "w's" in this letter, it is because the printer has run out of the regular ones as he did in our May newsletter. The reason for this is that the Portuguese language uses almost no

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