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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter August 27, 2013

Pastors Notes: This past Sunday was an awesome day! First of all, it was the Lords Day!!!! Anytime we can gather together in the Lords House on the Lords day, its GOOD! Even with a little electrical problem and some of our sanctuary lights not working, the SON was shining and everything was wonderful. During the service, I shared some information about Benevolent or Home Missions giving during this church year. Id like to post those here for those that may not have been in attendance or didnt get to write them down. 1. Kidz Clothes Closet 97 families helped (15 pieces of clothes and 1 pair of shoes). Value: $8,245 2. Kidz Food Pantry 90 boxes given out. Value: $3,600. 3. Kidz Kafe & Youth Caf 120 kids & 90 youth a week get meals. Thats 11,760 meals a year. Value - $18,816. 4. Kidz Bag Lunch to the Community 3000 sandwich bags a year. Value - $12,000. 5. Community/Church Fellowship 2000 hotdogs, chips, drinks & desserts given out. Value: $4,500. 6. Ladies Ministries Christmas toy giveaway 30 boxes given out. Value: $1,800. 7. Helping Hands/Woodruff Area Soup Kitchen Value: $2,400. 8. Benevolent Needs Value: $9,000. 9. Band of Brothers projects Value: $900. TOTAL for this Home Missions Ministry: $61,261 CAN SOMEBODY SHOUT WITH ME!!!!!!! Think for a moment.. two and a half years of go, most of these projects were not in existence. There was no Kidz Closet, no Kidz Pantry, no Kidz Kafe, no feeding the kidz in the community, not fellowship meals outside of our church family, no Christmas toy give away (we had families who would call the church and some in the church would help and sometimes the church would help, but not in the form we do it now), we had no Band of Brothers (at least functioning as it presently does). WEVE COME A LONG WAY!!!!! Are we thankful? You better believe it! We need to stop and give God praise! ARE WE SATISFIED? Not for a moment. There is still much to do and lives to change and impact. We cannot do it all and we cannot do everything all at the same time. We begin with immediate needs and grow in that. Then as the Lord gives revelation and opens doors to other opportunities, we do our best to follow Him. We recognize that food is only one issue that our children & youth face. There is also the issue of clothing & hygiene. With that being said, we are trying to accumulate some things that can be kept in hand when the need arises. The following list has been given by Ms. Donna and Pastor Jason. Would you join with us as we continue to press forward in our HOME MISSIONS giving and ministering to our community?

These are the items needed: 50 wash clothes 50 towels 50 bars of soap Sneakers or Tennis Shoes: boys or girls size 0-13 preteen/teen girls size 5 to 10 boys size 6-12

I am so proud to pastor a congregation who loves to care for Gods children. I am proud to give you the report of what has been done, but am believing for bigger and better things!!!!! Let me encourage you to become a GREATER HELP in the area of Home Missions. 1. GIVE make sure you are a TITHER. Then give in offerings. Designate them to the childrens ministry or to the benevolence ministry or some other ministry here at home. The more we have designated for these areas, the more we can do. 2. GO go visiting with Ms. Donna, Pastor Jason, Bro. Buster or myself. Get into the harvest and see the need and become a participator. 3. DO do the work of a missionary, an evangelist, a care-taker. Dont just talk about what everyone else is not doing..get out there and DO IT YOURSELF. Ive always heard that either you are part of the problem or part of solution. There really is not in between. Thank you in advance for what is going to take place in the church year 2013-2014. I see us being positioned for GREATER things in this next year. TOGETHER, we can do anything!!!!! SIGN UP SHEETS FOR JUST ASK T-SHIRTS are on the desk in the lobby. The 1st 150 people to sign up, their shirt is FREE. All others, shirts will be $5.00 and money must be paid before the shirt will be ordered. Deadline for the first shirt order is August 29th. Pastor Shealy will be bringing another message this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. The Word that He has spoken to us has been timely and needful. You dont want to miss this Wednesday night. Look forward to seeing you there!!!!! FALLFEST MEETING..Thursday, August 29th. Please note the change of date due to other meetings scheduled on the same night. VERY IMPORTANT!!!! SPECIAL COMMUNITY HAPPENINGCookout in the Park! Area churches are going in together to try and bring the community together and also present the gospel. September 7, from 4-8, there will be some singing, preaching and eating in Woodruff City Park (behind the City Hall). Hotdogs will be served and will be FREE to all of Woodruff. If you would be interested in volunteering, see Donna Burdette. FALLFEST DATE: October 5-6 MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!!! Sunday afternoon singing under the tent at 4:00 PM. Its going to be a great weekend!

We are in need of volunteers to be on a rotating nursery schedule for Sunday and Wednesday nights. Please see me Ms. Donna if you would like to volunteer.

Helping Hands is looking for a new Director. Mrs. Lisa Abercrombie has done a great job but is taking a position at her church. If you are interested, please call 476-2401 for a job description.

We are looking for about 4 couples who would be willing to take 1 Thursday a month from 9:00-12:00 to help us with our Benevolence Ministry. If you have a heart for the community, are available in the morning hours, and would like to serve with us, please contact the church office at 476-2977 or We will give you more detailed information at a later date.

If someone would like to volunteer to help keep our church property beautified, there is a need from Sunday Morning about 8:45 to go around picking up trash, etc. If you would like to help us with this by creating a great first impression for our guests, please see Pastor Terry. Thank you! Prayer List

AMERICA, Curtis Culpepper, Robin Erwin, Raymond Lowman, Bobby Godfrey, Kim Roberson, Kaye Brandanburg, Mary Ann Cox, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Tammy Pierson, Alicia Landurm, Megan Laster, Taylor Baston, McKailey Smith, Judy Mary Roddy, Paul Nichols, Don Colburn, Linda Lida & Family, Carol Hopson , Judy & Leroy Arrington, Thomas & Gladys Wallace, Conni Holcomb, Javin, Shannon Boyd, Buddy & Ann Gilliland, Samantha Peeler, Rick & Angie James, Etta Mitchell, Phil Jolley, Ronnie Rogers, Kimberly Sisk & Baby Ryleigh, Dennis Seay, Jim Polson, Lamia Shahoud, Todd, Sherry, & Brianna Smith, Paula, Roger, & Alex Beck, Bethany, TJ, & Drew Nabors, Gail Turner, Abigale Smith, Loretta Kelley, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

The choir is wearing robes this Sunday! We will have our annual choir kickoff meeting on Wed. Sept. 4th . All current choir members and anyone interested in joining need to be there! We still need some volunteers to help with the media! Please see Todd or Vickie if you can

help with this important ministry! We will have a music/media/sound picnic on Oct. 26 from 11 - 1 at Cleveland Park in Spartanburg!

FallFest: The Senior Adult Ministry has been asked to operate the Country Store this year at the annual FallFest. If this is the happen we will need the help of a lot of people. Here's what we need! Helpers, Helpers and more helpers. In addition we need people to give us a donation to help purchase supplies to operate the store. We need people who will bake cakes, pies, cookies etc., who will donate some of their homemade canned vegetables, fruits, pickles, jams, jelly etc. Homemade bread would be great also but it would need to be fresh. We also need items that can be sold in our yard sale section. Please make sure these are good items and not just something you want to get rid of. If you would be willing to help in any way please meet Pastor Shealy at 6 pm this Wednesday night in the Library. I look forward to your help in this important project. AMISH TRIP: We are excited about this upcoming trip. Some are so excited that they have already paid their full fare. Our minimum number must be at least 30. We actually have room for 40 if other wish to go with us. We are almost at the required number, so if you have been waiting around just to see if we were really going to go, with the help of the Lord we will be leaving at the end of Oct. COME GO WITH US!

Toy Closet: Item to purchase this week is Board Games

Thanks to all who bought toys this past week. Our box was running over. Thanks for "Opening the Hand." Ladies Fun Friday---September 20. Stephanie Harrell will be teaching us to make a Fall Mesh Wreath for our front door. The cost will be $20 and all the supplies will be provided. If you want your initial on your wreath you will need to go to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or JoAnn's Fabrics to purchase one. They come unpainted. Stephanie will have the paint for these. Plan to bring a tray of finger foods. We will meet in the CLC dining room. Sign up and pay your money No Later than September 18. Expect Fun, Fun, Fun!

First Annual Band Of Brothers Season Kickoff. On Saturday, September 7th. 11:30 til 1

Band Of Brothers is having a season kickoff for Real Men of all ages. Leave them church clothes on the closet floor and wear your favorite sports team t-shirts, nascar hats, wear your camo, jeans, overhalls, huntin britches or fishin garb. Feel free to decorate your car or truck for this event! The first quarter festivities will begin at 11:30 with side line snacks of assorted chips, salsa and drinks; playing horse shoes and corn hole for the adults and the younger guys will have a Basketball challenge and target fishing. At 12:00, our second quarter begins with our Real Man tailgate plate. An all homemade menu of Hash (prepared by Brother Wayne Bishop) , baked beans, choice of cole slaw or marinated slaw, chips, banana pudding and drinks. After our meal, we will have a half time exhibition that you dont want to miss. Third quarter presents former ACC Wake Forest Center and Byrnes High Football standout, Trey Bailey to share his personal testimony, career highlights and give us his play by play on being a Real Man. Fourth quarter, we will introduce our 2014 Band of Brothers leadership teams and our plans for the coming 2014 season. Then our focus will turn to our kickoff drawing. Real Man gifts! Fishing stuff, BBQ Stuff, Golf Stuff, Coffee Stuff, Huntin Stuff and other Real Men stuff. Watch for our posters and fliers, you dont want to miss this Real Men event.

Sign up for our season kickoff team roster will be located in the church lobby area so that adequate food can be prepared. ~Allen

NO Praise and Worship Practice this Sunday, September 1st Need Volunteers: If you would like to Volunteer to work in Extreme Kidz church on Sunday Mornings, Sunday Night, Wednesday night, or in the Nursery please see Ms. Donna. Christmas Play Practice will start next Sunday September 8 please listen to your CD and be ready to practice.. So excited... Extreme Kidz Lunch to the community this Saturday August 31 we will start at 8:00 am packing lunches and then deliver after wards. We still need loaf bread, chips, and cookies. We invite everyone to come and help! This is away to show the people in our community the Love of Christ. Thank you again for your support! Upcoming Events: September 22 Extreme Kidz Service September 22 Extreme Kidz Lunch fundraiser, Menu Fried Chicken, Green beans, mashed Potatoes, roll, Homemade desserts, and Tea. $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for kidz 2-12. September 28 Derby Car Race please see Mr. Garren to register your car for the race. October 12: 2-6 year old Extreme Kidz to Pumpkin Patch October 30: Trunk or Treat

Just a reminder Woodruff Iglesia de Dios is having their first anniversary; September the 13, 14, 15 come out and join us and see what God is doing in the church. Have a great week. Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Patsy Brown & Linda Palmer Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt

Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Danny Knight Usher Team #2Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, Walter Housand, Paul Lundberg, John Nemitz, Paul Nichols, & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Bus Pick Up: Phillip and Daniel Take Home: Clint and Daniel Van 1 Pick UP: Tabitha and Brian Van 1 Take Home: Garren & Richard Van 2 Pick Up: Richard Bishop and Buster Van 2 Take Home: Tim & June Kidz Late Workers- Shannon & Randi NurseryWednesday- Randi Roberson AM Tanya Tumblin & McKenzie Baumgardner PM- Ann Knight & Faith Burdette Kiddie Church: Tabitha & Brian Hellams Youth workers for Extreme Kidz Church: Faith, Zack & Josh Music Wednesday- Amy Arnold Sunday AM-Brantley Burnett PM-Kathy Arellano Praise Team-White Computer Patrick Guitar Korey, Freddie, John

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