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in my project I primarily concentrated on the data security issues when sending the data over the network using steganographic techniques. The main objectives of the project are Overview of different steganographic algorithms and comparing them in means of speed and quality of hiding. Testing the efficiency and accuracy of hiding the data through algorithms using different software


The scope of the project is to limit unauthorised access and provide better securityduring message transmission. To meet the requirements, I use the simple and basicapproach of steganography and digital watermarking. In this project, the proposedapproach finds the suitable algorithm for embedding the data in an image usingsteganography which provides the better security pattern for sending messagesthrough a network.For practically implementing the function of the discussed algorithms, Microsoft .NETframework is used. Although the Microsoft .NET is not particularly known for its topsecurity functionalities, I use this for easier application development and a welldefined User Interface


Chapter-1: Introduction: In this section, the main points discussed are about theOverview, the Background of the project, the scopes and limitations of the projectand the approach to research employed are discussed.Chapter-2: Literature Review: Definitions and overview about the differentinformation security methods to gather knowledge on the existing theories ofsteganography and review it for proposing an improvised system for providing therequired security and discuss about different functionalities of algorithms used for theproposed system.Chapter-3: Design Structure: This section describes the general architecture ofencryption, decryption and data hiding procedures using Data Flow Diagrams.Chapter-4: Implementation: Description about the hardware and softwarerequirements for the proposed system, overview of the .NET software andimplementations of different modules like encryption, decryption and data hidingtechniques. It also discusses about the advantages of the .NET system over theother frameworks.Chapter-5: Testing: Here, the algorithm proposed to analyse in different formats andanalyse on its operations is tested and error reports are prepared. The differenttypes of testing helps are considered to validate the built software on differentconditions.Chapter-6: Conclusion and Future work: Here, the project is concluded with theresults of the proposed method that has been analysed and recommendations aremade according to the results obtained from the analysis

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