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Natural Revegetation of a Boreal Gold Mine Tailings

Ian W. R. Young,1 Christian Naguit,1 Sara J. Halwas,1 Sylvie Renault,1 and John H. Markham1,2

Abstract ahead of P. mariana. Both tree species show a similar pat-

Understanding the natural revegetation of forests dis- tern of annual growth, showing positive correlations with
turbed by the dumping of mine wastes is vital for the spring precipitation, a pattern also occurring on L. laricina
success of reclamation strategies. The Gunnar gold mine growing on a nearby site. The establishment of E. palus-
tailings pond in southeast Manitoba has remained largely tre was accompanied by initially rapid decreases in com-
unvegetated since the mine was closed in 1942, with lim- paction and conductivity of the tailings, and an increase in
ited vegetation developed on one side of the pond. We inorganic nitrogen. Surface organic matter depth, coarse
examined the natural Picea mariana/Larix laricina for- organic matter mass, and soil organic carbon increased at
est that has developed on the pond to determine how the a constant rate, whereas subsurface coarse organic matter
plant community develops and what changes in the tailings had an initial rapid increase followed by a gradual increase.
are associated with this development. Vegetation sampled As fern allies (and specifically members of the Equisetaceae
along transects showed a consistent pattern of succession family) have a number of properties that facilitate succes-
from Equisetum palustre to Salix spp., and Populus bal- sion on mine wastes, their use should be explored further.
samifera, to Larix laricina and finally to P. mariana. Larix
laricina and P. mariana are moving into the site at the Key words: Equisetum, mine tailings, revegetation, vege-
rate of 1.5 m per year with L. laricina invading 4 years tation succession.

Introduction seeds and vegetative propagules from neighboring vegetation

provide pioneer plant species, establishing at pond margins and
The main waste products of ore processing operations are
favorable microsites (Shu et al. 2005). Therefore, the dispersal
crushed rock material, referred to as tailings. The rate of
mode of plants can strongly affect the trajectory of succession
plant colonization of disturbed land is dependent on the
(Alday et al. 2011b). Organic matter input to the tailings from
extent of the disturbance, the prevailing edaphic conditions,
early successional plant turnover may help to stabilize the tail-
and the presence of neighboring and residual vegetation
ings surface and allow for improved wind-borne sediment and
persisting since disturbance (Szarek-Łukaszewska 2009). In
seed interception (Bradshaw 2000). The decomposition and
the case of mine tailing dumps (hereafter referred to as ponds) mineralization of deposited organic matter can fuel microbial
natural revegetation occurs at a very slow rate because of communities, and have a positive feedback on overall plant
their low nutrient status, poor aggregation, and low organic health due to positive effects on soil structure and nutrient
carbon (Tordoff et al. 2000; Shu et al. 2005). Additionally, cycling (Shrestha & Lal 2006). The early pioneer plant stage
highly acidic tailings ponds produced from sulfide-bearing ores will transition toward a woody community, accompanied gen-
limit or entirely suppress revegetation because of the high erally by an increase in organic matter depth and the associated
bioavailability of heavy metals (Winterhalder 1996). nutrient pools (Smith et al. 1997).
Understanding the processes that occur during natural colo- Throughout the world there are hundreds of thousands of
nization and succession on mine wastes is important for guid- mine sites where operators no longer exist (orphaned mines).
ing restoration programs (Alday et al. 2011a). Colonization In these cases, the responsibility of site remediation of the
typically begins at the margins of tailings ponds from existing land, including tailings dumps, either falls to new operators,
vegetation (Shu et al. 2005). Wind-borne or animal-delivered governments, or of does not occur. The Province of Manitoba
(Canada) has approximately 150 abandoned or orphaned
1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T mines, a few of which have mine tailings ponds. One of these,
2N2, Canada the Gunnar gold mine in southeastern Manitoba, was in oper-
2 Address correspondence to J. H. Markham, email
ation from 1936 to 1942 (Slivitzky 1996). Our previous work
(Renault et al. 2007) has shown that the chemical and physical
© 2012 Society for Ecological Restoration
properties of the Gunnar tailings have prevented plant growth
doi: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2012.00913.x on most of the pond. These properties included high bulk

Restoration Ecology 1
Natural Revegetation of a Tailings Pond

density, low levels of nutrients (especially nitrogen), and low canopy dominant trees sampled circa every 10 m. In total, 63
organic matter content. The high level of elements (arsenic: L. laricina cores and 43 P. mariana cores were collected from
15 mg/kg1 , copper: 194 mg/kg, manganese: 1,185 mg/kg, the tailings pond and 22 L. laricina cores were collected from
chromium: 111 mg/kg, aluminum: 5.4%, iron: 6.1%, vana- the nearby fen. Coarse organic matter (OM), that is, material
dium: 162 mg/kg−1 , and zinc: 212 mg/kg−1 ) could also limit retained on a 2 mm sieve, was collected every 2 m along
plant growth and establishment as they exceed the Canadian the transects from an area of 0.0397 m2 in the litter layer
Interim Remediation Criteria for Soil (CIRCS) Agricultural and separately to a depth of 20 cm from the tailings surface
and/or Residential/Parkland guidelines (Slivitzky 1996). How- (although there was a sharp separation between the tailings and
ever, high acidity is not likely to be a concern for revegetation, the litter layer there was no identifiable A layer). This material
as it is on many tailings ponds, as the pH of the unvegetated was then dried to a constant mass at 65◦ C and weighed.
Gunnar tailings ranges from 6.4 to 8.5 (Renault et al. 2007). A hydraulic penetrometer (model HyPen1, Pike Agri-Lab
The purpose of our study was to examine changes in both Supplies, Inc., Jay, ME, U.S.A.) was used to measure soil
tailings and vegetation associated with the natural revegetation compaction on all transects at a depth of 30 cm, to determine
that has occurred on the exposed Gunnar mine tailings pond the potential for roots to grow into the tailings. Measurements
since it was created over 70 years ago. Our hypothesis was were made at the same intervals as the vegetation and 3,
that natural succession will lead to more fertile conditions in 2 and 1 m before the start of the vegetated zone. Tailing
the tailings. This study provides insights into the changes that samples were also collected to 20 cm using a 2.5 cm diameter
need to be made in order to fully revegetate this mine site and corer for chemical properties. The electrical conductivity of
potentially other similar mine tailings sites. the air dried tailings was recorded with a Traceable Portable
conductivity meter (Fisher Scientific, Ottawa, Canada) using
a (1:1, V:V) water slurry method (Schofield and Taylor
Methods 1955). Inorganic nitrogen levels were measured using the
micro-diffusion method on 2M KCl extracts (Mulvaney 1996).
Study Site and Experimental Design To determine the pH of the tailings a 0.01M CaCl2 solution
The Gunnar mine tailings pond (50◦ 51.37 N, 95◦ 15.31 W) was added to the tailings (2:1, V:V). The organic matter of
cover 11 ha and contain 210,000 m3 of tailings. The elevation the tailings was determined using dichromate oxidation (Kalra
of the pond varies by circa 1.8 m, being greatest at the west & Maynard 1991).
end of the pond and grading to a wetland on the east, and to
a lesser extent toward the south. On the north and west side
Data Analysis
of the tailings pond, vegetation from the surrounding forest
has invaded less than 10 m onto the tailings since the site was Tree cores were dried and sanded, and the width of rings was
abandoned in 1942, whereas on the southwest side of the pond measured to calculate growth increments. When determining
a Picea mariana forest has developed. The total forest zone the year of recruitment, we assumed that trees were 1 year
varies from 60 to 80 m in width. The remaining unvegetated older than the number of growth rings. Many of the cores
area of tailings is approximately 360 × 120 m. from the tailings pond had increments in the first 5 years of
growth with widths less than a standard deviation compared
to all other years. We interpreted this as suppression in the
Sampling understory. We therefore excluded these increments from the
Between 2008 and 2009, nine transects were sampled along analysis. For each core, the increment width was standard-
the southwest side of the tailings pond running into the ized to standard deviation units and a mean of zero (Fritts
natural vegetation. Transects were set up by selecting points 1976). Growth increments in years where less than 16 trees
approximately every 30 m along the edge of the vegetation of each species present were excluded from the analysis. To
(starting where less than 1% vegetation cover occurred) account for any miscounted cores, a 3-year running average
running perpendicularly to the edge of the tailings pond. (i.e. the previous, the present, and the following year) was
The elevation along each transect and between transects was calculated for the mean increment values for each species
measured every 2 m using a surveying transit. in each year. Variation in yearly growth increments between
The cover of vegetation was assessed along six of the L. laricina and P. mariana on the tailings pond, and between
transects in 1 × 1 m plots every other meter the first 20 m of L. laricina on and off the tailings pond were compared using
the transect and every 3 m for the next 30 m. In every 1-m linear correlations. The mean growth increment and the year
section along the transect the closest P. mariana and Larix of recruitment for each species were correlated with environ-
laricina trees were selected within 5 m either side of the mental data from the nearest Environment Canada weather
transects. Selected trees were greater than 6 cm diameter at station (Bissett, 51◦ 1.800 N, 95◦ 42.000 W, data available
breast height. Tree cores were collected 20 cm above ground from We exam-
level. To compare the performance of trees on the site with the ined individual correlations between growth increment and
surrounding area, an additional set of cores were taken from year of recruitment for the mean daily temperature from May
a fen (wetland) dominated by L. laricina approximately 2 km to September, mean daily temperature in April, mean daily
from the site. Trees were sampled over a 750 m transect with temperature in October, total precipitation from April to June,

2 Restoration Ecology
Natural Revegetation of a Tailings Pond

total precipitation in July, and total precipitation in August.

As trees continued to recruit onto the site once other trees had
established, we used quantile regression (Cade & Guo 2000)
with the 90th percentile of the data to establish the relationship
between the distance along the transects and the maximum age
of trees. This relationship was used to estimate of the rate of
invasion onto unoccupied tailings. The changes in vegetation
were examined for the individual dominant species and for the
total cover of plant functional groups with plants classified as
mosses, ferns and allies, annuals, biennials, forbs, grasses and Figure 2. Standardized growth increments of Picea mariana (dashed
sedges, and shrubs and trees. The diversity of plant species line) and Larix laricina (dotted line) growing on the Gunnar tailings
was calculated using Simpson’s diversity index. Relationships point and L. laricina growing in a nearby fen (solid line).
between the tailings variables and distances along the transect
were examined with least squares regression. Aikake Informa- than P. mariana. We therefore assume that the vegetation is
tion Criterion (AIC) was used to decide which model best fits colonizing the site at the rate of about 1.5 m/yr.
the data including null, linear, log transformed, and quadratic Both tree species showed the same trend in growth incre-
models. Jump (version 8.01, SAS Institute) was used to con- ment over time (Fig. 2). There was a significant (p = 0.017)
struct the models and perform the data analyses. positive linear correlation in growth increments between
P. mariana and L. laricina (r = 0.390) on the tailings sites,
and a significant (p = 0.035) correlation between L. laricina
Results on the tailings pond and the nearby fen (r = 0.500). This sug-
gests that the same environmental conditions are required for
All transects had a downward slope toward the edge of the
the growth of both species on the tailings pond and whether
pond with a slope of 0.31 ± 0.14 cm/m (mean ± standard
or not the L. laricina are growing on the tailings or in nearby
deviation). However, the elevation at the start of each transect
wetlands. Both species on the tailings pond and L. laricina
varied by up to 69 cm and the average slope between adjacent
off the tailings pond experienced reduced growth in the mid-
transects was 1.60 ± 1.53 cm/m. This suggests that consistent
1990s. These were also years with low recruitment on the
changes along the transects are not solely due to the changes
tailings: no L. laricina recruitment occurred between 1991
in elevation along them as there is much more variation and 1994 and no P. mariana recruitment occurred between
between transects. 1989 and 1992. April and October mean daily temperatures
Tree age on the pond ranged from 7 to 49 years for Picea accounted for about half the variation in the growth increment
mariana and from 9 to 48 years for Larix laricina (Fig. 1). of trees both on and off the tailings (mean r = 0.454 ± 0.041
The distance along the transect had a significant effect on tree averaged across each combination of species, location, and
age of both P. mariana and L. laricina. Although both species monthly temperature). Monthly precipitation was usually not a
continued to recruit into established vegetation, locations near significant predictor of growth; the only instance where there
the start of the transects had only younger trees. Using the was a significant correlation was between May precipitation
upper 90th quantile of the data, the slopes of the regression and P. mariana growth increment (r = 0.423, p = 0.029).
lines indicate that L. laricina and P. mariana have similar The cover of dominant species followed a consistent pattern
rates of invasion, 1.45 m/yr and 1.56 m/yr, respectively. These of distribution along the transects (Fig. 3). The cover of
estimates are in agreement with the fact that the vegetation has Equisetum palustre rose rapidly within the first few meters
spread about 80 m in 66 years. The intercepts of the regression to a maximum cover of 52% and then gradually declined,
suggest that L. laricina invades the site 5.7 years earlier remaining present at less than 5% from 23 m onward. This
was followed by three Salix planifolia, which had an average
P. mariana
cover of 1% for the first 2 m and then reached a maximum
35 cover of 5%. This Salix species was absent by the 20 m point.
L. laricina
30 Populus balsamifera was absent for the first 4 m, reached peak
Tree age (yr)

25 abundance at 8–12 m, then gradually declined and was absent

by 38 m. Larix laricina was absent for the first 8 m, reached
a peak abundance at 16 m, declining gradually until no trees
were present by 41 m. Finally, P. mariana was absent for the
first 4 m and continued to increase in abundance along the
transects up to a cover of 67%. A total of 45 plant species
0 from 17 families and 37 genera were observed along the
0 10 20 30 40 50
Distance (m) transects (Appendix S1). The cover of plant functional groups
also followed a consistent trend across the transects. Only two
Figure 1. Tree age along transects. Lines are quantile regressions on the mosses were found, Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium
90th percentile for Picea mariana (dashed) and Larix laricina (solid). splendens with P. schreberi making up 98% of the total moss

Restoration Ecology 3
Natural Revegetation of a Tailings Pond

Figure 3. Mean cover of dominant species and plant functional groups along transects.

cover. Mosses had less than 1% cover for the first 10 m and Grass cover (not shown) reached a peak of 6% cover at 2
then had an increase paralleling P. mariana. The ferns and m, but otherwise ranged 1–3% across the transects. The only
allies were represented by two Equisetum species, E. palustre annual and biennial found along the transects were Crepsis
making up 95% of the cover. The two most abundant forb tectorum and Sonchus arvensis, respectively, and they never
species were Fragaria vesca and Pyrola asarifolia which exceeded 1% cover. The total cover of legumes never exceeded
made up 45 and 39% of the forb cover, respectively. Total 3% and they were absent from the first 10 and last 12 m of
forb cover rose to 26% at 18 m and then decreased to less than the transects. The plant diversity increased along the transects
1%. The most common shrubs were Salix species, making up up to 30 m and then decreased (Fig. 4).
79% of the total shrub cover. Shrubs reached a maximum
cover of 21% at 8 m and then declined to less than 1%
by 35 m. Trees were absent from the transects for the first Tailings Physicochemical Parameters
2 m. The cover then rose to between 30 and 50%, being The pH of the tailings was relatively homogeneous (7.3–7.7),
made up of a mix of L. laricina and P. balsamifera. Past whereas the electrical conductivity and compaction decreased
38 m P. mariana became the dominant tree where it displaced significantly (p < 0.001 for both) along the transects, with
L. laricina and P. balsamifera and had a cover of over 60%. both showing a rapid initial drop followed by a more gradual

4 Restoration Ecology
Natural Revegetation of a Tailings Pond

to 0.4%. Inorganic nitrogen levels along the transects could

not be described by any of the statistical models. However,
levels were always less than 6 mg/kg before the start of the
vegetation zone, the mean values at the 0, 2, and 4 m were
always greater than 20 mg/kg, after which the values varied
from 8.5 to 18.5 mg/kg for the remainder of the transect.

The vegetation colonization at the Gunnar mine site follows
a pattern similar to other anthropogenically and naturally dis-
turbed forests (Smith et al. 1997), being colonized initially by
pioneer species (either woody or herbaceous) and eventually
Figure 4. Plant diversity along the transect. succeeded by climax species. The transition from a Populus
balsamifera to a Picea mariana dominated forest is also typi-
decline (Fig. 5). The litter layer depth increased in a linear cal of southern boreal forest succession on mesic sites (Frelich
fashion along the transects, although the depth also became & Reich 1995). However, most of the plant cover in this
more variable with distance. In addition, there was a decrease study was made up of woody species recruiting on to the site
in litter layer depth in the zone dominated by P. balsamifera within the first few meters (or about 3 years) of the Equisetum
(20–35 m). Coarse organic matter both in the litter layer and in palustre colonization. In other mine successions, annuals make
the tailings showed a significant increase along the transects. up a much greater proportion of the early colonizing species
The coarse organic matter in the litter layer increased linearly and dominate the site for longer, with woody species increas-
and at a greater rate than the coarse organic matter in the ing in cover at a much slower rate (Martinez-Ruiz & Marrs
tailings that had a rate of increase that leveled off along the 2007; Alday et al. 2011b). In these other systems diversity
transects. Soil carbon increased along the transects from 0.3 also peaked with the cover of annual species. On our study

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 5. Variations in tailings properties along the transects. Tailings conductivity (a), compaction (b), surface litter layer (LL) depth (c), coarse organic
matter on the tailings surface and to a depth of 20 cm (d), soil carbon (e), and inorganic nitrogen (f). Only the best fitting model according to AIC is

Restoration Ecology 5
Natural Revegetation of a Tailings Pond

site peak diversity was associated with the cover of peren- naturally revegetated portion of the Gunnar mine tailings site,
nial forbs. the total amount of stored carbon needs to be assessed.
The initial colonization of the tailings by Equisetum spp. The other tailing property that modified was a reduction
resulted in the most rapid changes in soil properties and may in soluble salts (as measured by electrical conductivity). The
have facilitated plant succession. The presence of Equisetum overall values of electrical conductivities were lower than
was associated with decreases in compaction and conductiv- those recorded for the tailings of the nonvegetated zone
ity and an increase in soil inorganic nitrogen. Both decreased (287–360 mS/m2 , Renault et al. 2007). Mine wastes are
bulk density and increased soil nitrogen have generally been typically high in soluble salts owing to the dissolution and
regarded as the processes associated with vegetation develop- weathering of carbonate and sulfide minerals (Borden &
ment in newly exposed land (Crocker & Major 1955) and mine Black 2005). Weathering and dissolution rates decrease with
waste sites (Wali 1999; Borden & Black 2005). Species in the time, and under the proper climatic conditions, leaching and
genus Equisetum have a number of properties that may allow percolation allow for the removal of excess salts from the
them to facilitate succession on mine tailings. Along with other soil solution. Another study examining potential mine soil
fern allies they have the ability to grow in metal rich substrates factors limiting early growth in Pinus strobus found that the
(Cornara et al. 2007). Nitrogen fixation by associative dia- most influential chemical characteristic on tree growth was
zotrophs has also been found in their rhizomes (Uchino et al. soil soluble salt content (Torbert et al. 1988). This finding
1994), which may result in increased soil nitrogen levels. Their agrees with the observation that weedy plant communities
ability to move air through their rhizomes by convection could tended to persist for a longer time period on naturalized
provide a source of soil aeration (Armstrong & Armstrong sites with high soil conductivity, while soils with lower salts
2009), which would be especially important in mine tailing transitioned to a woody community more rapidly (Borden &
ponds given their poor physical structure. The ability to access Black 2005).
soil nutrients at great depths in the soil column may allow them The annual growth of trees on the mine site followed the
to act as nutrient pumps (Marsh et al. 2000). The high degree same pattern as trees growing off the site. Our results sug-
of internal and external surface area and the low lignin con- gest that the growth of selected trees is strongly dependent
tent result in the rapid decomposition and mineralization of on spring precipitation. Excessive precipitation in the spring
Equisetum spp. litter (Marsh et al. 2000). The organic matter leaves the vegetated portion of the Gunnar tailings flooded
from Equisetum shoot and root litter could also facilitate the because of the elevation of the site and the inability of tailings
invasion of other plant species by chelating heavy metals (Shu to promote drainage because of its compact nature. Flood-
et al. 2005). ing creates anoxic conditions, which can reduce tree growth
The development of vegetation on the site was accompa- because of decreased root respiration, organic matter decom-
nied by a steady build up of organic matter, both on the position, and N mineralization. Growth studies of L. laricina
surface of and in the tailings. The newly formed litter layer can and P. mariana in peatlands have shown similar results where
provide several important modifications to the soil, through poor drainage and high water tables can reduce tree growth,
surface structure protection, improved water retention, ther- while the opposite is true for peatlands where the water table
mal regulation, improved sediment and seed capture, and as is lowered (Lieffers & MacDonald, 1989; MacDonald & Yin
an energy source for saprophytic organisms (Bradshaw 2000). 1999). Combined with the rapid colonization of vegetation, the
Other studies suggest that increased organic matter can facil- tree growth data suggest that the site quickly starts to mimic
itate the recruitment of less heavy metal tolerant species on the growth of surrounding forests.
mine tailings and other industrial wastes (Shu et al. 2005; Regardless of the geographic setting of the anthropogeni-
Szarek-Łukaszewska 2009; Wang et al. 2011). Soil organic cally disturbed substrate, biological and physical processes,
matter represents the major carbon and nitrogen reserves in individually and interactively, contribute to improvements in
all terrestrial ecosystems (Smith et al. 1997) and accounts edaphic conditions that facilitate the progression of primary
for approximately 75% of the total terrestrial carbon pool succession (Bradshaw 2000). Techniques that draw on these
(Shrestha & Lal 2006). By returning unvegetated mine tail- natural biological and physical processes have been suggested,
ings to their original undisturbed land use, large quantities of and incorporated into many technical restoration efforts world-
atmospheric carbon dioxide can be sequestered and protected wide (Prach & Hobbs 2008). For example, natural invasion
(Shrestha & Lal 2006). Rates of carbon sequestration between can be accelerated and facilitated through active seeding pro-
0.7 and 4 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 have commonly been observed in grams where native seed is imported from adjacent areas to
forest ecosystems, and by initiating succession of these tail- account for the poor initial survival that is common to dis-
ings, atmospheric carbon can be effectively stored, thereby turbed substrates (Bradshaw 2000). Alternatively, or in addi-
reducing its environmental harm (Shrestha & Lal 2006). On tion to improving seed availability, substrate physical and
naturally and anthropogenically reclaimed mine spoils, rates chemical properties may be amended to achieve the benefit
of carbon sequestration between 0.5 and 1.0 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 of years of vegetative growth and biomass turnover. Technical
have been obtained (Shrestha & Lal 2006). Therefore, unveg- restoration efforts may amend the disturbed substrate with low
etated mine wastes represent potential sinks for atmospheric cost organics or fertilizers in order to restore the substrate to
carbon emissions, should they be returned to their natural land levels of fertility sufficient for plant establishment. Further-
use. Given the deep litter layer that has developed on the older, more, mechanical treatment of compacted substrates through

6 Restoration Ecology
Natural Revegetation of a Tailings Pond

various ploughing techniques can accelerate the naturalization Alday, J. G., Y. Pallavicini, R. H. Marrs, and C. Martínez-Ruiz. 2011b.
process, potentially bypassing the lengthy process of bulk den- Functional groups and dispersal strategies as guides for predicting
vegetation dynamics on reclaimed mines. Plant Ecology 212:1759–1775.
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freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles (Bradshaw 2000). Armstrong, J., and W. Armstrong. 2009. Record rates of pressurized gas flow in
According to our data, it would take between 70 and 110 the great horsetail, Equisetum telmateia. Were Carboniferous Calamites
years for the site to be completely and naturally revege- similarly aerated? The New Phytologist 184:202–215.
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et al. (1997), while studying the natural afforestation of iron- Cornara, L., E. Roccotiello, V. Minganti, G. Drava, and R. De Pellegrini.
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given sufficient time (Anderson 1977; Smith et al. 1997). Insam, H., and K. H. Domsch. 1988. Relationship between soil organic
However, it is important to note that while some edaphic carbon and microbial biomass on chronosequences of reclamation sites.
factors may return to natural levels quite rapidly (e.g. sur- Microbial Ecology 15:177–188.
face organic carbon, microbial carbon, conductivity), others Kalra, Y. P., and D. G. Maynard. 1991. Methods manual for soil and plant
analysis. Forestry Canada, Northwest Region Northern Forestry Centre,
can take hundreds of years to reestablish (e.g. organic car-
Edmonton, Alberta.
bon at depths and carbonate content), and some factors may Lieffers, V. J., and S. E. MacDonald. 1989. Growth and foliar nutrient
never have the potential to return to an undisturbed condition status of black spruce and tamarack in relation to depth of water table
(e.g. rockiness and depth to hardpan) (Schafer et al. 1980; in some Alberta peatlands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20:
Insam & Domsch 1988). The rapid colonization found on this 805–809.
site suggests that the facilitation effects of Equisetum species MacDonald, S. E., and F. Yin. 1999. Factors influencing size inequality in
may be of great benefit in establishing vegetation on mine peatland black spruce and tamarack: evidence from post-drainage release
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Implications for practice
Martinez-Ruiz, C., and R. H. Marrs. 2007. Some factors affecting successional
• Natural colonization of mine tailings can be achieved by change on uranium mine wastes: Insights for ecological restoration.
modification to their chemical and physical structure. Applied Vegetation Science 10:333–342.
• Increases in surface litter allow for the establishment Mulvaney, R. L. 1996. Nitrogen-Inorganic forms. Pages 1123–1184 in D. L.
Sparks, editor. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3. Chemical methods. Soil
of a more diverse plant community and accelerate
Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin.
the progression toward the regional climax vegetative Prach, K., and R. J. Hobbs. 2008. Spontaneous succession versus technical
community. reclamation in the restoration of disturbed sites. Restoration Ecology
• The use of fern allies should be explored for use in the 16:363–366.
remediation of compacted, nutrient poor, or metal rich Renault, S., C. Nakata, A. Sabra, L. Davis, and D. Overton. 2007. Revegetation
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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this
revegetation and reclamation of metalliferous mine wastes. Chemosphere article:
Uchino, F., T. Hiyoshi, and M. Yatazawa. 1994. Nitrogen-fixing activities Appendix S1. Species present along transect and their functional group
associated with rhizomes and roots of Equisetum species. Soil Biology classification.
and Biochemistry 6:663–667. Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the content or functionality
Wali, M. K. 1999. Ecological succession and the rehabilitation of disturbed of any supporting materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing
terrestrial ecosystems. Plant and Soil 213:195–220. material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

8 Restoration Ecology

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