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5091 North Helton Lincoln, Illinois

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Dear Christian Friends:

I need only two words to explain three years of my life in this country as a student, which kept me alive and urged me to make progreBS toward the goal for the glory of God; they are divine grace. I am deeply indebted to each one of you Christians I am addressing and in reality your names are as important as or more than my own^ You have prayed, encouraged, and helped us even financially, shared your precious hours to hear the stories of disappointments and visions, plans and convictions#
Thus with have As I that what you have represented the divine family, the Church, and impressed me the faith that God lives. I irust frankly admit that it would not been possible for me to carry on without your spiritual assistance. have closed the third year of education in the United States I felt it was necessary for me to write a personal report to share with you has happened in the last year and to counsel with you concerning my

programs for the Lord Jesus Christ.

After graduation from Lincoln Bible Institute I took a number of history and education courses at Illinois State Normal University during the summer, living in the home of Brother Jim Summy at El Paso, Illinois. Then, when the fall term was opened I came back to Lincoln and enrolled in the graduate school of Lincoln Bible Institute to study the New Testament, At the same time I began my work as an assistant minister for the Bunn Park Church of Christ, Springfield, Illinois. Grace of God abounded in this
work and I learned things I couldn't learn from any book. Then, as the second semester of the school was approaching I needed more time to work on a thesis as I had registered for a Master of Arts degree, I resigned against my own will from the church and shut myself in to write the thesis. Valuable suggestions of my major professor Dr. Leach and the untiring help of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Meter made it possible to conplete the thesis in time for graduation on June 1. Of course, there were many more who helped more than I can express my thankso The full subject of the thesis was "A Study of the Nex^r Testament use of ekklesia and some of the doctrines associated with the term." The Lincoln Christian Seminary granted me a Master of Arts degree on June 1* Oar plan is to study at Lincoln at least

two more years to complete the study for a Bachelor of Divinity degree, and then I want to spend two more years for a further degree before I go
back to my country, KOREA, to work. One of the things which happened this last year was the coming of
Brother Jaikwan Ahn to Lincoln to study for the ministry. We need trained

leadership to train the young people to preach and teach the gospel of

Christ in the land of Korea, One of the most grave deficits in the past amidst the variety of activities of the missions and the local churches

has been the lack of vision, plan, and an institution where we could
train God's spokesmeno The coming of Brother Yoon Kwon Chae and his returning to Korea was very significant in that it was the first case among us in the effort to achieve toward the goal of cooperative actions in Christian faith. As it was so in the case of Mr Ahn, it is desirable, in our estimation to find dedicated young people and help them to study the VJord of God so that one day we may have an institution to train
preachers of the Gospel-

Another thing that happened to us was the coming of my family to join with me here. I-fy" son, llidong, was two years and nine months old
when I first saw him. It was three years since I had seen Myonghi, ny wife. It was nearly inpossible to imagine that they could come because

it xjas a standing policy of our government not to send student's family abroad and secondary because of financial reasons# Many wonderful friends helped us in such a fashion we were simply amazed when they obtained a passport and all necessary fund was secured. They have a passport until
December of this yearo None of us know exactly whether the extension will be possible or not but vie pray that God's will may be done on this occasion. VJe were well rewarded at any rate because there was a great joy to talk a grovdng boy and to feel him. VJe want to thank you because of your part in us. VJe actually like to write a personal letter but we send this with a feeling of apology.
Pray for us that we may do God's work here and when we return to Korea to preach and teach the Vj'ord. May God bless you.

Sincerely in Christ,

Soong^k Choi

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