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Life Affirming Proclamation

By & for

The Republic of The United States of America

It is the position of Almighty God Jehovah, His Son Jesus Christ, and now, The Republic of The United States of America, that Human Life from the moment it is conceived is endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That this is not and has never been a States Rights issue should be clear as nowhere in The Constitution for The Republic of The United States of America is provision made for State governments to have power over the Life of The People other than to protect them and to defend them with respect to their individual rights which first among these is Life. Just as The States cannot issue laws, nor amend their constitutions in a manner which brings them in conflict with our Republic constitution, much more is it the domain of The Republic of The United States of America, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All to rule in support of Our Creator Who Affirms Life, whether prior to birth or for all time thereafter. Be it known, no State in this Republic of The United States of America has the authority to pass any law which in anyway interferes with the right of The People to keep and bear arms. Thus, how much more obvious it is that no State has such power to sanction the murder of the innocent unborn at any point or time while they are on their God given, God Sanctified Path in this life. Note, These innocent unborn, soon to be American Citizens are endowed by their creator with the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness as are all of We The People. If We The People in The Republic of The United States of America expect to truly experience The Blessings of Freedom and Liberty from Our Creator, then we must make every effort to uphold His, Their Natural Law and affirm Life. Just as an acorn has life and may grow into a mighty oak tree, how much more true it is at the time a child is conceived, a new Life has begun, and with Almighty God's Spirit and Blessing, He may lead and inspire that individual to do great acts of love and leadership for this, His and our Great Republic of The United States of America and thus for We The People. I hereby declare that I will stand with Almighty God Jehovah, together with His Son who is Our King and Redeemer, Jesus Christ in Their unwavering affirmation in support of Life for The Unborn Citizens and Citizens of all ages who make up Our Great Republic. May Almighty God Jehovah and His Son, Our King and Savior Bless All of Us, and may They pour out a Great Blessing on Our Republic for We The People.
First Middle: Last Co-Author with Above Named on this the 29th day of May 2012 One of The People of and for The People of Your State, Republic of The United States of America

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