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Extremely Important Truth of Climate Crisis in Brief

1] We all know our universe is ENERGY AND MATTER. HEAT IS ENERGY. The amount of energy in a system is measured in Joules. Heat Creates disorder, beyond some point it can break down the system. 2] Temperature is the measure of the average molecular motions in a system and simply has units of degrees. 3] They are related, because when energy/heat is supplied to a system the molecular motion increases. 4] A primary difference is that energy can be transported without the temperature of a substance changing. 5] The very idea of transportation of heat or energy necessities existence of parallel and multiple worlds Now look at Earth. It has "Parallel and Multiple world Design" When one part opens its face to Sun [light/heat] and goes into disorder, simultaneously another part of Earth opens its face to darkness and it goes in to new order. When heat peaks in one part it gives way for the opposite. Simultaneously the opposite happens in the other part.

Very Important Points

1] We see here a mechanism for heat or energy transport so that average temperature remains constant. 2] The system here is instantaneously communicated. This mean the system has PERCEIVER or CONTROLLER that brings the change of phase

3] This change is then communicated in time through the system such that the temperature is sustained. This happens in 12 hour cycle. There is bigger cycle with a bigger peak and fall that forms into climatic Cycle. Similarly there are bigger cycle of 12 years and so on forming Universal Time Cycle. 4] This invariably means Earth has many layers of grid point through which the change occurs smoothly. Now let us observe how we are influencing the heat and therefore the Energy of the environment. This reveals a startling fact. With industrial Era we have been exponentially increasing the heat of the environment. Every technology we use is said to be only 30% efficient, rest is added as heat. Our car, mobile, computer and all gives out radiation and add immense heat into the environment. With Globalization we have intruded into the night cycle and thus reduced the time period in which she cools the environment.

This leads to two important facts that all climatologist, Climate Activists and Organization of the World should stand up to take note1] By adding immense heat we are upsetting Earths functioning to sustain certain balance of Energy to matter ratio. This invariably means the environment is getting highly energized and the change is getting accelerated. The grid points of Earth are dissolving to maintain the temperature. This means one may not observe any rise in average temperature. But we will witness increased destruction by violent Energy peak and falls. When one part is getting destroyed by Fire/wind [Unwinding Force of Sun and Human activity] another part simultaneously experiences flash floods/snows [winding force of Earth]. This sudden flash flood causes stress on air in Earth, leading to huge mud slides, sinkholes. It makes Earth Fragile. The winding of Earth also causes increased Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions. This eventually

can lead to virtually splitting Earth. Volcanic eruptions are known to cool Earth's environment inducing ice-age. We have proofs of many civilizations buried beneath sea and Earth. We are seeing the signs of the world inching towards such destruction. 2] The second more important point that the world has failed to take note is the O2 to CO2 ratio. We have been cutting forest recklessly and loosing greenery through increasing forest fire. Green plants we know absorb light/heat and use carbon dioxide to create biological mass and releases O2 that maintains the vital ratio of CO2 to O2 balance. Many Human activities is leading to accelerated loss of O2. When this is pushed to critical limits, animals and humans will end up in mass death. We also see sign of it. VERY IMPORTANTLY The world needs to attend to this ratio O2 to CO2 being upset

Answers and Solution to this catastrophic end can be simple.

1] The world has to awaken to manage Energy of Earths environment. This could involve stopping the release of heat and CO2 into the environment and turning Earth green. 2] It calls to lessen our intervention into the night cycle. The sustenance of the system calls for changes in our thinking about Nature and technologies we use. We need to evolve from the substandard technologies to high level technologies that life uses to sustain itself. Once we know the fundamentals, it is a matter of time for the minds in temples of science around the world to quickly develop it. We must note that a Human heart pumps blood along 1000000 Km carrying many trillions of cells 20 times per minute. The brain conducts nearly 20 million billion calculations/second, in addition human body carries out various mechanical processes to sustain life. Life does so taking few pieces of bread and water. Many spiritualists have shown that we can live for years without water and food simply deriving energy from environment. Important fact here is that human life

releases very little amount of heat into the environment. This speaks of the potentials that are before us, to be invented to support and create space for human growth. I have resisted speaking on technologies because technologies in the absence of Whole Truth are used for self-advancement and the destruction of others ruthlessly. We humans carry a pathologically criminal mindset that needs to be cured with TRUTH.

Please Viral
Author was a researcher in applied biotechnology before he left this lucrative career standing with his consciousness. As a farmer living in an interior village he pursued answers to the fundamental questions. Much of his thoughts and ideas are derived by his interaction and communication with Nature free from Platos Chair. These thought occurred to Author more than two decades back. But his attempts to reach out to temples of science to discuss this mater failed. Since it was vital, author has taken common mans media to spread the message against many odds. It is our life that is in danger. If we do not awaken now we might end in paying a huge price. Please viral to awaken the media, public and the leader of Nations in whose awakening is vital to take actions. Further reading

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