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Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is




The world is run by a vastly powerful and wealthy British-AmericanEuropean oligarchy of international bankers and dynastic families, and international corporations, which controls much of the wealth of the world. This cabal dominates the largest banks and corporations, manipulates national currencies and economies, controls the media of most nations, and commands the earth's resources. Their wealth and power originated in the middle ages and expanded over the centuries, and today they reign supreme. Few people are aware of the power and global influence of these oligarchs because they dominate the major media. As a result, instead of informing us, the media feeds us a steady diet of entertainment, disinformation and lies - to distract us and misdirect us - so that the oligarchy can achieve its plan to dominate the globe. We see the world through the lens of the major media - for most people that means television. Books, newspapers, magazines, radio, and the internet play a role in informing people, but the vast majority of people around the (1 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

world get their information from television. And, if those who own the global media conglomerates, and those who run the television networks and cable channels, decide to feed us disinformation and lies that serve the agendas of those in control, then, instead of being told the truth, we will learn not about the real world, but about the world they wish us to see, one that will serve their plan for global control. Unless we reach beyond the media matrix to find sources that tell us the truth, authoritarian world government run by this powerful oligarchy will become a reality, and we will all be proles in a George Orwell totalitarian world.



Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is




Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is


In Europe today there are only ten monarchies left, but they have enormous wealth and power (dating back to the Middle Ages) HOUSE OF WINDSOR (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) NETHERLANDS BELGIUM LIECHTENSTEIN LUXEMBOURG SPAIN DENMARK NORWAY SWEDEN MONACO


Eight families own the majority of stock in almost all private central banks in the world, including the Federal Reserve. ROTHSCHILD ROCKEFELLER KUHN LOEB WARBURG LAZARD LEHMAN GOLDMAN SACHS ISRAEL MOSES SEIF

Almost all sovereign nations in the world have privately-owned central banks that are controlled by a global banking oligarchy made up of the largest private banks and a few international banking and dynastic families. (4 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS (BIS) (the central bank of central banks - located in Basel, Switzerland) BANK OF ENGLAND (Great Britain) FEDERAL RESERVE (United States) THE CENTRAL BANK OF ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD


Before the September 11, 2001 attacks, the countries listed below did not have privately-owned central banks. Their banks were government-owned and -controlled. AFGHANISTAN IRAQ SUDAN LIBYA CUBA NORTH KOREA IRAN BRAZIL VENEZUELA INDIA CHINA (5 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

Following the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, the countries below experienced "regime change" - orchestrated by the United States and its Western allies - as part of the "War on Terror". As a result, these countries, which previously had government-owned central banks, now have central banks that are controlled by a private global banking oligarchy. AFGHANISTAN IRAQ LIBYA SUDAN (split into North and South Sudan)



Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is


There are more than more than 40,000 transnational corporations in the world. More than fifty of the largest one-hundred economies in the world are corporations. Transnational corporations hold ninety percent of all technology and product patents worldwide. Transnational corporations are involved in 70 percent of world trade. Hundreds of corporations own the stocks and bonds of each other - they collectively own themselves. Hence, it becomes nearly impossible to trace the roots of ownership and control. From their relative obscurity, they wield enormous control over national and global economies. These corporations emerged even larger and more powerful after the 2008 economic meltdown.

THE TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS THAT HAVE THE GREATEST CONTROL OVER THE GLOBAL ECONOMY - 2011 A scientific study on the global financial system was undertaken at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, October 2011. Using a database which listed 37 million companies and investors worldwide, the researchers studied all 43,060 transnational corporations (TNCs), including the share ownerships linking them. The top 737 of these super-corporations or "super-entities" control 80% of the world economy. The top 147 super-corporations or "super-entities" control 40% of the global economy through direct and indirect ownership or controlling interest. Below are the top 50 of the 147 super-corporations which have the greatest impact on the global economy. 1 - BARCLAYS PLC - GREAT BRITIAN 2 - CAPITAL GROUP COMPANIES INC. - UNITED STATES (7 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is


Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is


The global oligarchy controls all of the major media. In the United States, six global media corporations control 90% of what we see, hear and read. These media mega-corporations, as well as other international media corporations, are controlled by an AngloAmericanEuropean oligarchy of international bankers and dynastic families. GENERAL ELECTRIC (NBC) NEWS CORP (Fox News / Wall Street Journal) TIME WARNER (CNN) VIACOM DISNEY (ABC) CBS The global oligarchy controls major media around the world, including: NEW YORK TIMES WASHINGTON POST REUTERS ASSOCIATED PRESS BBC (BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION) THE TIMES OF LONDON And, most of the major print and broadcast corporations worldwide. The global oligarchy also controls the most influential alternative and progressive news sources. (9 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is


"The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations. But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world. The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order." Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

"Whatever remaining wealth the middle class holds is in the process of being eliminated [by the economic crisis] and as the crisis progresses, the middle classes of the world will suffer, while a great percentage of lower classes of the world, poverty-stricken even prior to the crisis, will suffer the greatest, most probably leading to a massive reduction in population levels, particularly in the "underdeveloped" or "Third World" states." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"Some dilution or leveling off of the sovereignty system as it prevails in the world today must take place to the immediate disadvantage of those nations which now possess the preponderance of power... The establishment of a common money... would deprive our government of exclusive control over a national money... The United States must be prepared to make sacrifices afterward in setting up a world politico-economic order which would level off inequalities of economic opportunity with respect to nations." John Foster Dulles, 1939 (10 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"The standard of living of the average American has to decline. I don't think you can escape that." former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, 1979

"The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. The capitalists owned everything in the world, and everyone else was their slave. They owned all the land, all the houses, all the factories, and all the money. If anyone disobeyed them they could throw him into prison, or they could take his job away and starve him to death." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"There is a transnational ruling class, a "Superclass", that agrees on establishing a world government. The middle class is targeted for elimination, because most of the world has no middle class, and to fully integrate and internationalize a middle class, would require industrialization and development in Africa, and certain places in Asia and Latin America. The goal of the Superclass is not to lose their wealth and power to a transnational middle class, but rather to extinguish the notion of a middle class, and transnationalize a lower, uneducated, labor oriented class, through which they will secure ultimate wealth and power. The global economic crisis serves these ends, as whatever remaining wealth the middle class holds is in the process of being eliminated, and as the crisis progresses, the middle classes of the world will suffer, while a great percentage of lower classes of the world, poverty-stricken even prior to the crisis, will suffer the greatest, most probably leading to a massive reduction in population levels, particularly in the "underdeveloped" or "Third World" states." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 'The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century'

"People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of (11 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

multinational banks and corporations." Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book "Technotronic Era"

"Freidrich Hegel's Hegelian dialectic put forth a process whereby opposites 'thesis' and 'antithesis' are reconciled into 'synthesis'. The Rothschild's Business Roundtable that sponsored him saw in the dialectic a boon to their monopolies by presenting phony communism (antithesis) as bogeyman to capitalism (thesis)... By upholding Soviet state capitalism to all the world as an example of "failed Communism", the bankers could discredit this dangerous idea while producing their desired 'synthesis' - a New World Order ruled by the Illuminati banking families and Black Nobility monarchs, with laissez faire monopoly capitalism as their economic paradigm." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority." Strobe Talbott, Deputy Secretary of State in the Clinton administration

"The middle class is targeted for elimination because most of the world has no middle class, and to fully integrate and internationalize a middle class, this would require industrialization and development in places such as Africa, and certain places in Asia and Latin America, and would represent a massive threat to the Superclass, as it would be a valve through which much of their wealth and power would escape them. Their goal is not to lose their wealth and power to a transnational middle class, but rather to extinguish the notion of a middle class, and transnationalize a lower, uneducated, labor oriented class, through which they will secure ultimate wealth and power." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research "The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The (12 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"Communism and socialism are themselves forms of monopoly. The only difference is that in this case, the monopoly is operated by the government. But what if an international banker, through loans to the state, manipulation of a central bank, campaign contributions, or bribes, is able to achieve dominion over a government? In that case, he would find socialism welcome, for it would serve him as an instrument to control society." James Perloff in his book "The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline"

"If you wanted a national monopoly, you must control a national socialist government. If you want a worldwide monopoly, you must control a world socialist government. That is what the game is all about. "Communism" is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a movement created, manipulated and used by power-seeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world, first by establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a "Great Merger," into an allpowerful world, socialist super-state." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" (13 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is



September 11, 2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks "For those Americans who accept the official interpretation of the event, "9/11" was a surprise attack on the US government and its people by Islamic terrorists. For some Americans, "9/11" has a more complex meaning. This second group, while accepting the official interpretation of the attacks, thinks of "9/11" primarily as an event that was used opportunistically by the Bush administration to extend the American empire. For a third group of Americans, the term "9/11" connotes an event with a more sinister dimension. These citizens believe that the Bush administration knew the attacks were coming and intentionally let them happen. According to a fourth view of "9/11", the attacks were not merely foreknown by the Bush administration; they were orchestrated by it." 9/11 and American Empire : Intellectuals Speak Out edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott


"There is persuasive evidence that the events of September 11, 2001 did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe... All three buildings that were destroyed in the World Trade Center were most probably destroyed by controlled demolition charges placed in the buildings before 9/11." (14 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

William Bill Christison, a 29-year CIA veteran

"Whether a person believes the official story of 9/11 which rests on unproven government assertions or believes the documented evidence provided by a large number of scientists, first responders, and structural engineers and architects, the result is the same. 9/11 was used to create an open-ended "war on terror" and a police state. It is extraordinary that so many Americans believe that "it can't happen here" when it already has." Paul Craig Roberts

*There were stand-down orders on 9/11. The US Air force did not intervene. There was a cover-up of the WTC and Pentagon investigations. The WTC rubble was removed before it could be examined. The plane debris at the Pentagon is unaccounted for. There were reports of significant financial gains made as a result of 9/11, from insider trading in the days prior to 9/11. Mystery surrounds WTC Building 7, which collapsed or was "pulled" down in the afternoon of September 11, 2001." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"The official explanation of the events of 9/11 is false and the evidence indicating an inside job is significant." Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Housing Secretary in the George H W Bush administration

"9/11 has allowed the government to use fear to get unlimited power. But when you get power, it doesn't mean you can quickly spring it on everybody, because that shocks and startles them. So you use the power a little bit at a time, and let the people get used to it, and in that way you never meet any opposition." Paul Craig Roberts (15 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"The press is saying what they have been told to say... the stories about 9/11 are false... You take a look at the buildings falling down. They didn't fall down because airplanes hit them; they fell down because explosives went off, demolitions. Look at building 7. It didn't fall to its side; it didn't fall in this direction of that direction. Just like the two towers... What is it they do not want the public to know?" Major General Albert Stubblebine, retired Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command - speaking to a reporter in Germany about 9/11

"The factual arguments clearly establish the possibility of controlled demolition of the WTC buildings on September 11, 2001, yet, there is almost zero coverage in the corporate media in the US. This is top down corporate censorship pure and simple. Even if other scientists can be found to disagree with the study, the policy of ignoring the topic inside the corporate media is relatively absolute... Perhaps the mainstream science journalists left their critical thinking skills at home and gave the scientific method the day off. Or maybe the real conspiracy exists within the boardrooms of the corporate mainstream media." Peter Phillips, Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University

"Naive people think that if the US government's explanation of 9/11 was wrong, physicists and engineers would all speak up. Some have. However, for most physicists and engineers this would be an act of suicide. Physicists owe their careers to government grants, and their departments are critically dependent on government funding. A physicist who speaks up essentially ends his university career... An engineering firm that spoke out would never again be awarded a government contract. In addition, its patriotic, flag-waving customers would regard the firm as a terrorist apologist and cease to do business with it." Paul Craig Roberts

"All three buildings of the World Trade Center were destroyed by carefully planned, (16 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

orchestrated and executed controlled demolition." Professor Lynn Margulis, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

"I have had a lot of experience looking at photographs. l don't know exactly what hit it the Pentagon but I do know from the photographs I have analyzed, it was not an airplane. For one thing, if you look at the hole that was made in the Pentagon, the nose penetrated far enough so that there should have been wing marks on the side [of the building. ... Whenever there's a plane crash, things are strewn about. So where are the seats, the luggage? The wings, vertical stabilizers, and engines were never fully recovered. A number of parts to a 757 are pretty much indestructible, but not a single piece has ever been positively identified as originating with Flight 77. ... With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased, rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft - and in most cases the precise cause of the accident." Major General Albert Stubblebine, retired Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command

"After 9/11, not a single employee at the FAA or NORAD got punished. In fact, all the major military men involved received promotions." Jesse Ventura in the book "American Conspiracies"

"America's fate was sealed when the public and the anti-war movement bought the government's 9/11 conspiracy theory. The government's account of 9/11 is contradicted by much evidence. Nevertheless, this defining event of our time, which has launched the U.S. on interminable wars of aggression and a domestic police state, is a taboo topic for investigation in the media." (17 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:09]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

Paul Craig Roberts

a novel by George Orwell - written in 1949 "The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake, We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power... We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power." George Orwell, in his book "1984"


"How does continuous war act to keep the Lows "stupefied by poverty" and thereby assure the maintenance of the social structure? The goal of the wars is to enable the economy to be kept going for the benefit of the High, its military, and its bureaucracy and control personnel (the Thought Police, etc.), but at the same time to assure that any excess production capacity is prevented from producing consumer goods for the lower classes. That excess capacity is instead directed to producing excess military goods which will ' ultimately rust away or be destroyed in warfare; that is, the excess capacity is deliberately wasted in order to turn it away from the production of goods which would result in added leisure or well-being for the lower classes. Those classes are instead continually forced into group activities expressing hatred toward the current enemy (any enemy) and dependency upon and love toward their benevolent rulers for protecting them from that enemy. They are thereby led to accept the consumer shortages, the poverty, and the other privations to which they are subjected. Their economic status is kept at the subsistence level, forcing their priorities to be focused on simply acquiring basic food, clothing, and shelter. They are thus denied either the time or the inclination to question the fairness or permanence of their societal (18 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

condition, or to otherwise evolve into a threat to the established hierarchy." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating?... A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself." George Orwell, in his book "1984"

"During the consolidation of power stage [of a state, non-state] sources of public information [are] suppressed, guaranteeing the future uniformity of public opinion on all matters of significance [to the new ruling elite]." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"If leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors. The Party is not concerned with perpetuating its blood but with perpetuating itself. Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same." George Orwell in his book "1984" (19 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men ... [And] how does one man assert his power over another?" He answers his own question: "By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy - everything." George Orwell in his book "1984"

" If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. The capitalists owned everything in the world, and everyone else was their slave. They owned all the land, all the houses, all the factories, and all the money. If anyone disobeyed them they could throw him into prison, or they could take his job away and starve him to death." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"[In '1984' George] Orwell warned of a world where books were banned. {In 'Brave New World' Aldous] Huxley warned of a world where no one wanted to read books. Orwell warned of a state of permanent war and fear. Huxley warned of a culture diverted by mindless pleasure. Orwell warned of a state where every conversation and thought was monitored and dissent was brutally punished. Huxley warned of a state where a population, preoccupied by trivia and gossip, no longer cared about truth or information. Orwell saw us frightened into submission. Huxley saw us seduced into submission. But Huxley, we are discovering, was merely the prelude to Orwell. Huxley understood the process by which we would be complicit in our own enslavement. Orwell understood the enslavement. Now that the corporate coup is over, we stand naked and defenseless." (20 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

Chris Hedges

"Today, the power of government to control, far exceeds what Big Brother had in Orwell's imagination." Paul Craig Roberts


"In early 1929, the Federal Reserve board of governors called upon the member banks to reduce their loans on stock-exchange collateral, and took other actions with the publicly pronounced aim of reducing the amount of credit available for speculation. Yet, it had the reverse effect, as the available credit went more and more to speculation and decreasingly to productive business. On September 26, 1929, London was hit with a financial panic, and the Bank of England raised its bank rate, causing British money to leave Wall Street, and the over inflated market commenced to sag, leading to a panic by mid-October. The BIS [Bank of International Settlements] was established to remedy the decline of London as the world's financial center by providing a mechanism by which a world with three chief financial centers in London, New York, and Paris could still operate as one. The BIS Bank of International Settlements was founded by the central banks of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Japan, and the United Kingdom along with three leading commercial banks from the United States, including J.P. Morgan & Company, First National Bank of New York, and First National Bank of Chicago." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"On August 9, 1929 the pin was inserted into the bubble. On that date, the Federal Reserve raised its discount rate to six percent and simultaneously began to sell securities on the open market. Both actions acted to shrink bank reserves and therefore the money supply... The market reached its peak on September 19, then started its slide downward. On October 24 the slide became a torrent, and on October 29, the market collapsed. While the uninformed were in the process of loosing their shirts, the insiders who had (21 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

sold out before the crash were now to be found, with cash at the ready, on the buying side. Companies whose stock had dropped to a fraction of their value were still basically viable, but their ownership, in large measure, had been shifted from, to use Andrew Mellon's phrase, the "less competent people," who had been sucked into the speculative maelstrom created by the Fed's easy credit, to the financial elites, who had been made privy to the crash that was around the corner. Great fortunes were made or added to by the latter. ... Virtually all of the inner club was rescued from The Depression. There is no record of any member of the interlocking directorate between the Federal Reserve, the major New York banks, and their prime customers having been caught by surprise." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island""

"The depression [of 1929] was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market. The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank."
Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book "My Exploited Father-inLaw"

"Having built the Federal Reserve as a tool to consolidate and control wealth, the international bankers were now ready to make a major killing. Between 1923 and 1929, the Federal Reserve expanded (inflated) the money supply by sixty-two percent. Much of this new money was used to bid the stock market up to dizzying heights. ... On February 6, 1929... the Federal Reserve Board reversed its easy money policy and began raising the discount rate. The balloon which had been inflated constantly for nearly seven years was about to be exploded. ... The investing public, including most stock brokers and bankers, took a horrendous blow in the [1929] crash, but not the [international financial] "Insiders". They were either out of the market or had sold "short" so that they made enormous profits as the Dow Jones plummeted."
Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" (22 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"When the President signs this act [Federal Reserve Act of 1913], the invisible government by the money power - proven to exist by the Monetary Trust Investigation will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on, depressions will be scientifically created." Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., Congressman (R-MN), (father of famous aviator), Senate, Nov. 1912

"The 1929 depression was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence... The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all." Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, 1932

"Almost eight years after the Taliban regime was toppled, our hopes for a truly democratic and independent Afghanistan have been betrayed by the continued domination of fundamentalists and by a brutal occupation that ultimately serves only American strategic interests in the region. ... The government headed by Hamid Karzai is full of warlords and extremists who are brothers in creed of the Taliban. ... Today the situation of women is as bad as ever. Victims of abuse and rape find no justice because the judiciary is dominated by fundamentalists. ... Rather than democracy, what we have in Afghanistan are backroom deals among discredited warlords who are sworn enemies of democracy and justice. ... It is due to the wrong and devastating policies of the U.S. government and NATO countries that unfortunately today Afghanistan is a mafia state and ranked at the top of the most unstable and corrupt countries in the world." Afghan peace activist Malalai Joya, Guardian/UK, 2009

"It's hard to overstate the magnitude of the failure of American reconstruction in Afghanistan. While the U.S. has occupied the country for seven years and counting, and (23 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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efficiently set up a network of bases and prisons, it has yet to restore to Kabul, the capital, a mud brick city slightly more populous than Houston, a single one of the public services its citizens used to enjoy. When the Soviets occupied Afghanistan in the 1980s, they modernized the education system and built power plants, dams, factories, and apartment blocs, still the most coveted in the country." Ann Jones, TomDispatch, 2009

"If you look at the deployment of US forces in Afghanistan ... you'll see that the US forces are positioned to guard the pipeline route. It's what it's about. It's about money, it's about oil, it's not about democracy." Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, 2009

"The Carter [administration], which hoped a war in Afghanistan would be the USSR's Vietnam, began funding and arming the most right-wing fundamentalists, the ideological ancestors of the Taliban and Osama bin Laden. Jay Janson, 2008

"There is ample evidence that, when it comes to the freedom of women, education levels, governmental services, relations among ethnic groups, and quality of life-all were infinitely better under the Afghan communists than under the Taliban or the present government of President Hamid Karzai." Chalmers Johnson, 2008

"One of the hidden objectives of the war In Afghanistan was effectively to restore the CIA sponsored drug trade to its historical levels and exert direct control over the drug routes." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism" (24 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The West has a real stake in keeping Africa poor. People in Western countries have sincere feelings of charity and they have faith that aid works - but Western governments and multi-national corporations reap enormous benefits from the continued instability and destitution of African countries. The successful manipulation of cheap labor and agricultural products, smuggled resources, and arms trading relies on corrupt politicians, prolonged warfare, and an underdeveloped civil society that lacks the capacity to stand up for its rights. If there were peace and transparency in the Congo, it would be much more difficult-if not impossible-for foreign corporations to exploit the mineral resources; if there were no rebel groups or tribal conflicts, there would be no market for small arms." Jenny Williams, worked with NGOs in Africa, 2006

"'Western powers' real concern is that African states will opt for Chinese deals to free themselves from the punitive conditions of IMF-World Bank loans and other forms of financial dependence on Europe and the United States." Lena Weinstein, 2008

"Angola ... earned more than $30 billion last year form oil exports, but according to the World Bank, 70 percent of the population lives on less than $2 a day and one in four children die before their fifth birthday." Financial Times, 2008

"There's really four entities that are involved in keeping the Congo dependent, and one of those entities are international financial institutions, multinational institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank... The International Monetary Fund had set up financial rules that pretty much restrict the Congolese government. At least they prevented the Congolese government from having the necessary resources to pay its soldiers. And as a result of the government not having the resources to pay its soldiers, the soldiers (25 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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then feast on the population - by stealing, by raping. ... The World Bank ... went in after the conflict in 2002, established the mining laws, and the mining laws provided the legal framework for the multinational corporations to come in and establish contracts with the government. Now, even though the mining laws were in place and they required transparency and adherence to the OECD laws, the mining companies came in, and the contracts were opaque. They weren't transparent. And World Bank studies clearly document this, but they have refused to publish those studies which demonstrate how the mining contracts that's been established by multinational corporations are actually odious contracts and absolutely do not serve the interests of the Congolese people, but serve the interest of investors from the West." Maurice Carney, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Friends of the Congo, 2008

"Where once there were poor but self-sufficient people with rich farmland and fisheries, there is now an unfolding ecological collapse of horrifying dimensions in which the land, air and water are increasingly unable to sustain human life, but the region's people have no place else to go. Twenty percent of Nigerian children die before the age of 5, according to the World Bank. Hundreds of billions of dollars worth of oil have been extracted from the Niger Delta, according to Amnesty International in 2005. But according to them, its inhabitants remain among the most deprived oil communities in the world - 70 per cent live on less than $1 a day." Lena Weinstein, 2008

"The increased concentration of corporate farming and the dismantling of state programs that sustained the agricultural sector have driven small farmers out of business all over the planet, while making many of those who remain ever more dependent on expensive chemical pesticides, fertilizer, and seeds... The continent of Africa went from a net exporter of food in the late 1960s to a net importer today - thanks to the World Bank and the WTO riding roughshod through the continent in the same cavalry unit as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The Bank's "structural adjustment programs" and the WTO's "tariff reductions" don't quite have the ring of war, pestilence, famine, and death, but they have been just as devastating." John Feffer, 2008 (26 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"After I got home from Rwanda, and the years slowly revealed to me the extent of the cynical maneuvering by France, Belgium, the United States among others, I couldn't help but feel that we were a sort of diversion, even sacrificial lambs, that permitted statesmen to say that the world was doing something to stop the killing. In fact we were nothing more than camouflage. ... To my mind, their [Western powers] crimes had made them inhuman, turned them into machines made of flesh that imitated the motions of being human." former Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire who commanded the UN peacekeping force in Rwanda in 1993-1994

"The [Paul] Kagame military machine - backed by the US, U.K., Canada, Germany and Israel - is one of Congo's greatest enemies. Kagame was one of the original 27 soldiers to launch the guerrilla war in Uganda, 1980, alongside now President-for-life Yoweri Museveni. Kagame soon became the head of Museveni's dreaded Internal Security Organization, and he was directly involved in tortures, massacres and other human rights atrocities during the Museveni regime's consolidation of power. In October 1990 Kagame returned from training at the US Army base at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to lead the Ugandan People's Defense Forces (UPDF) illegal invasion of Rwanda. The US military and its partners backed the invasion, just as they backed the invasion of Congo in 1996." Keith Harmon Snow, 2009

"In 1969 the Senate Church Committee discovered that the US Defense Department (DOD) had requested a budget of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars for a program to speed development of new viruses which target and destroy the human immune system. ... Out of this research came the AIDS virus which was targeted at "undesirable elements" of the population. The first AIDS viruses were administered through a massive smallpox vaccine campaign in central and southern Africa by the World Health Organization in 1977. A year later ads appeared in major US newspapers soliciting "promiscuous gay male volunteers" to take part in a Hepatitis B vaccine study. The program targeted male homosexuals age 20-40 in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco. It was administered by the US Centers for (27 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Disease Control which, under its earlier incarnation as the US Public Health Department in Atlanta, oversaw the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on African American males. ... A 1968 study by the Club of Rome advocated lowering the birth rate and increasing the death rate. Club founder Dr. Aurello Peccei made a top-secret recommendation to introduce a microbe that would attack the auto-immune system, then develop a vaccine as a prophylactic for the global elite." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"I don't think there is any doubt that AIDS is a man-made problem. The question is whether it was created accidentally or intentionally. I believe the AIDS virus was requested, predicted, produced, and deployed." Dr. Robert Strecker, a practicing gastroenterologist with a Ph.D. in pharmacology, who was hired as a consultant to work on a health-care proposal for Security Pacific Bank

"There was a vaccination program for smallpox in Africa by the WHO [World Health Organization]. Some researchers believe that the Smallpox vaccination program in 1972 was used to introduce the [AIDS] virus into the population." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order

"There is no question that HIV was introduced into the U.S. male homosexual population via the gay hepatitis B vaccine experiment that took place between 1978 and 1981... Not surprisingly, the government has refused to release data on the number of AIDS deaths that have occured in the large group of gay men who initially volunteered for the vaccine experiment." Alan Cantwell, MD

"In 1978, more than 1,000 non-monogamous gay adult males received an experimental vaccination against Hepatitis B, which was sponsored by the National Institute of Health (28 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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and the Center for Disease Control... In 1981, the Center for Disease Control reported that 6% of those receiving the Hepatitis vaccine were infected with AIDS, but in 1984, they admitted that it was actually 64%." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order


"American democracy serves the interests of the United States ruling elite - stability and prosperity. Stability means control of the population. The West is stable because the population is under control by the social engineering process that came with the development of our modern democracy - the propaganda system, the public relations system, the education system, and the consumer society. The consumer society is a system of social engineering. In a consumer society, people are concerned not about the world, not about life, not about freedom and democracy. They are concerned about buying things. So, that keeps them distracted, and it ultimately keeps them stupid, and essentially useless, except for serving the function of continuing to consume until they die." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 2013

"The United States has entered the ranks of the failed states. One of the most remarkable manifestations of a failed state is that the criminals are all inside the government operating against the people, whereas in a normal state, the criminals are on the outside of the government, operating against it. So, we now have every manifestation of being a failed state, with the government in the hands of a few Wall Street gangsters." Paul Craig Roberts "Americans are wonderfully courteous to strangers, yet indiscriminately shoot kids in schools. They believe they are masters of the world, yet know nothing about what goes on outside their shores. They are people who believe the world stretches from California to Boston and everything outside is the bit they have to bomb to keep the (29 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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price of oil down. Only one in five Americans hold a passport and the only foreign stories that make their news are floods, famine, and wars, because it makes them feel good to be an American. Feeling good to be American is what they live for. " Brian Reade, columnist for London Mirror newspaper

"The general public are viewed as no more than ignorant and meddlesome outsiders, a bewildered herd. And it's the responsible men who have to make decisions and to protect society from the trampling and rage of the bewildered herd. Now since it's a democracy they - the herd, that is - are permitted occasionally to lend their weight to one or another member of the responsible class. That's called an election." Noam Chomsky

"The American government could already be described as authoritarian... Due process of law and the right of habeas corpus, which for centuries have characterized the rule of law in democratic states, have been eliminated. At the discretion of the president, noncitizens and citizens alike may be classified as enemy combatants, picked up and held for an indeterminate period of time without access to counsel. A network of secret prisons and camps is being established both inside and outside of the United States. Paramilitary forces or private mercenary armies are being developed to make up for the inadequate numbers of the existing volunteer army. This is effectively resulting in the privatization of the US military." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"Many Americans, whether consciously or unconsciously, actually pride themselves on their ignorance. It reflects their break with the overly complicated intellectual tradition of "old Europe". It's also a source of satisfaction that they have a president [George W. Bush] who's no smarter than they are. They could be happy under totalitarianism, might well come to prefer it, and may be helping to advance it in the United States." William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death" (30 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"American government is corrupt. Those who have enough money can almost get anything they want from our government, whether it is tax breaks, or subsidies, or policies and laws changed, removed, or added. ... Money controls U.S. politics as never before. As a result, the tax burden has gradually shifted from the wealthy onto the backs of the poor and the middle class. From 1950 to 1980, the top-bracket income tax rate ranged from 70 to 90 percent, while the Social Security tax imposed on lower incomes varied from 4 to 9 percent. By 2005 the top income tax rate was down to 35 percent, but the Social Security tax had jumped to 15.3 percent. Such are the tangible benefits that moneyed donors receive from politicians. ... Today CEOs and wealthy businessmen are the ruling elite in the Western world, especially the United States. Their donations finance elections and even education, which they are constantly saying has to adapt itself to the needs of the market (that is, be molded to inculcate their views. It should come as no surprise therefore that the theories offered by economists rationalize the self-interest of big business and the wealthy. Overtly, of course, such theories claim to benefit society and the public's wellbeing. But covertly, they do just the opposite: they make the great mass of people poorer while making the rich fabulously richer." Ravi Batra in his book "The New Golden Age", 2007

"Americans don't understand that terrorists cannot take away habeas corpus, the Bill of Rights, or the Constitution. Terrorists are not anything like the threat that we face to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution from our own government in the name of fighting terrorism."
Paul Craig Roberts

"The Defense Authorization Act [2007] gives the Executive the power to move National Guard units anywhere in the country, without regard for the wishes of the state governors, and to declare martial law. This declaration would authorize the detention of dissenting citizens who could then be picked up and held incommunicado for an indefinite period, without access to counsel or the courts. This is nothing short of a militarization of the Republic. Enabled by the Defense Authorization Act, the president can now declare martial law, transfer military technology to militarized domestic police forces, and detain dissenting citizens virtually at will. These detainees could be held in camps that are now being (31 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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constructed and refurbished by Kellogg Brown and Root, ostensibly for illegal immigrants. ... The unitary presidency has been granted the authority to order kidnapping, detention, and torture abroad under the Military Commissions Act of 2006. This act authorizes extraordinary rendition, which inevitably means foreign detention and torture of anyone the President determines to be an unlawful combatant." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"Our manufacturing base has been dismantled. Speculators and swindlers have looted the U.S. Treasury and stolen billions from small shareholders who had set aside money for retirement or college. Civil liberties, including habeas corpus and protection from warrantless wiretapping, have been taken away. Basic services, including public education and health care, have been handed over to the corporations to exploit for profit. The few who raise voices of dissent, who refuse to engage in the corporate happy talk, are derided by the corporate establishment as freaks." Chris Hedges

"The shaping of the will of Congress and the choosing of the American president has become a privilege reserved to the 20% of the population that holds 93% of the wealth, the happy few who run the corporations and the banks, own and operate the news and entertainment media, compose the laws and govern the universities, control the philanthropic foundations, the policy institutes, the casinos, and the sports arenas. ... Ronald Reagan's new Morning in America brought with it in the early 1980s the second coming of a gilded age more swinish than the first, and as the country continues to divide ever more obviously into a nation of the rich and a nation of the poor, the fictions of unity and democratic intent lose their capacity to command belief." Lewis H. Lapham

"American electoral politics had become a caricature of its former vital self: a process in which money (mostly corporate) first bought both political parties and then graciously allowed the public to choose between them." (32 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Peter Dale Scott in his book "The Road to 9/11"

"If you are not willing to lie, cheat, manipulate, steal and kill to get ahead, you are never going to be the president of the United States." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"In theory, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 adopted in the wake of the US civil war, prevents the military from intervening in civilian police and judicial functions. This law has been central to the functioning of constitutional government. While the Posse Comitatus Act is still on the books, in practice the legislation is no longer effective in preventing the militarization of civilian institutions. Both the legislation inherited from the Clinton administration and the post 9/11 PATRIOT Acts I and II have blurred the line between military and civilian roles. They allow the military to intervene in judicial and law enforcement activities even in the absence of an emergency situation." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"What is masquerading as government is a crime syndicate with a flag. The US Government is an instrument of organized crime, alternatively described as the Octopus, the Washington Consensus, the Shadow Government, Wall Street, the Round Table (Bilderbergs, Trilaterals, Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs), and the New World Order." Nikki Alexander, 2009

"President Barack Obama realizes that he is only the president in a country where the industrial-military complex decides what has to be done, and you cannot go beyond the parameters of what they decide. It would be dangerous." Former UN General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto (33 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"A nation [US] in which 87 percent of eighteen- to twenty-four year olds (according to a 2002 National Geographic Society/Roper Poll survey) cannot locate Iran or Iraq on a world map and 11 percent cannot locate the United States, is not merely "intellectually sluggish." It would be more accurate to call it moronic, capable of being fooled into believing anything." Morris Berman in his book "The Twilight of American Culture"

"The privatization of public services and functions manifests the steady evolution of corporate power into a political form, into an integral, even dominant partner with the state. It marks the transformation of American politics and its political culture from a system in which democratic practices and values were, if not defining, at least major contributing elements, to one where the remaining democratic elements of the state and its populist programs are being systematically dismantled." Sheldon Wolin

"To keep liberty is a task. People need to be schooled in it. And, Americans aren't." Paul Craig Roberts

"The Roman Empire produced few exportable goods. Material innovation, whether through entrepreneurialism or technological advancement, all but ended long before the final dissolution of the Empire. Meanwhile the costs of military defense and the pomp of Emperors continued. Financial needs continued to increase, but the means of meeting them steadily eroded. In the end due to economic failure, even the armor of soldiers deteriorated and the weaponry of soldiers became so obsolete to the extent that the enemies of the Empire had better armor and weapons as well as larger forces. The decrepit social order offered so little to its subjects that many saw the barbarian invasion as liberation from onerous obligations to the ruling class." (34 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Alfred Toynbee

"According to the Defense Department's 2007 Base Structure Report, we maintain 823 military facilities in 39 foreign countries, and another 86 facilities in seven U.S. territories." Paul Waldman, 2008

"Because the United States does not look like a militarized country, it's hard for Americans to grasp that Washington is a war capital, that the United States is a war state, that it garrisons much of the planet, and that the norm for us is to be at war somewhere at any moment." Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch, 2009

"The West is habituated to the idea that the world is its world; that the international community is its community; that international institutions are its institutions; that the world currency - namely the dollar - is its currency; that universal values are its values; that world history is its history; and that the world's language - namely English - is its language. The assumption has been that the adjective 'Western' naturally and implicitly belongs in front of each important noun. That will no longer be the case." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"While securing corporate control over extensive oil reserves and pipeline routes along the Eurasian corridor on behalf of the AngloAmerican oil giants, Washington's ultimate objective is to eventually destabilize and then colonize both China and Russia. This means the takeover of their national financial systems and the control over monetary policy, leading eventually to the imposition of the US dollar as the national currency." Michel Chossudovsky, 2005 (35 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"For the world as a whole, the CIA has now become the bogey that communism has been for America. Wherever there is trouble, violence, suffering, tragedy, the rest of us are now quick to suspect the CIA had a hand in it. Our phobia about the CIA is, no doubt, as fantastically excessive as America's phobia about world communism; but in this case, too, there is just enough convincing guidance to make the phobia genuine. In fact, the roles of America and Russia have been reversed in the world's eyes. Today America has become the nightmare." Arnold Toynbee, the British historian, quoted in the New York Times of May 7, 1971

"We first fought in the name of religion, then Communism, and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change." Serj Tankian

"What's the point of having this superb military that you're always talking about if we can't use it?" Madeline Albright, Secretary of State under Bill Clinton

"The U.S., with $37.8 billion in arms sales ... controlled 68.4% of the global arms market in 2008... with 70% of the market, the U.S. actually has what, in any other field, would qualify as a monopoly position." Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch, 2009

"The "Anglo-American axis" in defense and foreign policy is the driving force behind the military operations in Central Asia and Middle East. This rapprochement between London and Washington is consistent with the integration of British and American business interests in the areas of banking, oil and the defense industry." (36 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"Beijing believes the United States enjoys more rights because of its wealth, power, and history - not because of its greater virtue, empathy, or understanding of others. It argues that an individualizing of human rights pervades the Western human rights stance largely because of such affluence; that basic subsistence, national independence, economic and cultural transformation are often simply taken for granted." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights"

"Time may dispel many pleasing illusions and destroy many noble dreams, but it shall never shake my belief that the wound caused by the wholly unlooked-for and undesired separation of the mother from her child is not to bleed forever. Let men say what they will, therefore, I say that as surely as the sun in the heavens once shown upon Britain and America united, so surely is it one morning to rise, shine upon, and greet again the reunited state, the British-American union, forever. Let men say what they will, therefore, I say that as surely as the sun in the heavens once shown upon Britain and America united, so surely is it one morning to rise, shine upon, and greet again the reunited state, the British-American union." Andrew Carnegie, 1893

"There grew up in the twentieth century a power structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university life, the press, and the practice of foreign policy. In England the center was the Round Table Group, while in the United States it was J. P. Morgan and Company or its local branches in Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope" (37 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"Why should we not join ... a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire, for the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire." Cecil Rhodes attached to his will a "Confession of Faith"

"There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the communists act. In fact, this network which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The present century owes much of its record of horrors to the influential Anglophile American families which came to dominate and employ the Skull and Bones Society [Yale University] as a political recruiting agency, particularly the Harrimans, Whitneys, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers and their lawyers, the Lords and Tafts and Bundys. The politically aggressive Guaranty Trust Company, run almost entirely by Skull and Bones initiates, was a financial vehicle of these families in the early 1900s. Guaranty Trust's support for the Bolshevik and Nazi revolutions overlapped the more intense endeavors in these fields by the Harrimans, George Walker and Prescott Bush [in New York], and in Berlin. Skull and Bones was dominated from 1913 onward by the circles of Averell Harriman." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

"[Montagu] Norman [the Governor of the Bank of England] had a devoted colleague in Benjamin Strong, the first governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York... In the 1920's, they were determined to use the financial power of Britain and of the United States to force all the major countries of the world to go on the gold standard and to operate it through central banks (38 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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free from all political control, with all questions of international finance to be settled by agreements by such central banks without interference from governments." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

see JOHN KENNEDY see MARTIN LUTHER KING "If I was president of the United States, this is what I would do: On the first day, I would extend an apology to all orphans and widows and victims of U. S. foreign policy. On the second day, I would announce that we won't intervene anywhere else. On the third day, I'd tell Israel, "your country is not the 51st state but a foreign country," and then reduce the military budget 90 percent and pay reparations to all families in the world destroyed by U.S. foreign policy. On the fourth day, I would be assassinated." author William Blum


"JFK [John Kennedy] , Malcolm [X], Martin [Luther King], and [RFK [Robert Kennedy] were four proponents of change who were murdered by shadowy intelligence agencies using intermediaries and scapegoats under the cover of "plausible deniability"." James W. Douglass in his book "JFK and the Unspeakable"

"Who were the assassins deployed to carry out the "triangulated firing" on President Kennedy in Dallas on November 22? ... The assassins - seven expert riflemen in all were part of a special team of the most expert killers in the world that had been put together in 1943 at the combined initiative of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and SOE Commander Sir William Stephenson. Members of that team would be implicated in the assassinations of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy." (39 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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DOPE, INC., Executive Intelligence Review, 1992

"Our collective denial of the obvious, in the setting up of Lee Harvey Oswald and his transparent silencing by Ruby, made possible the Dallas cover-up of the JFK assassination. The success of the cover-up was the indispensable foundation for the subsequent murders of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy by the same forces at work in our government - and in ourselves. Hope for change in the world was targeted and killed four times over. The cover-up of all four murders, each leading into the next, was based, first of all, on denial - not the government's but our own." James Douglass in his book book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"

"JFK [John Kennedy] , Malcolm [X], Martin [Luther King], and [RFK [Robert Kennedy] were four proponents of change who were murdered by shadowy intelligence agencies using intermediaries and scapegoats under the cover of 'plausible deniability'." James Douglass in his book book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"

"The Kennedy years saw a continual conflict between the military and intelligence circles and the civilian leadership of John Kennedy. His brief term as President was marked by a constant struggle to prevent the military and intelligence services of America - particularly the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the CIA - from starting wars with Cuba, Vietnam and the Soviet Union. The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved only after Robert Kennedy, JFK's brother and the Attorney General, convinced the Russians that Kennedy was at risk of being overthrown in a military coup, which would result in a direct nuclear war against the USSR." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research , 2011

"John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert ... were hated viscerally by their enemies... Their political enemies on the right felt that their risk-taking aggressiveness was reckless and their idealism was putting the country at (40 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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risk of being overcome by its Communist enemies. Their enemies in the Mafia, who felt they had been ambushed by John and Robert, after having helped their father get them elected in 1960, thought they had been used and abused by them. The oilmen of Texas had given at least partial support for the Democratic ticket because of Johnson's presence, but then felt they were being double-crossed as well." Phillip F. Nelson in his book "LBJ: The Mastermind of JFK's Assassination"

"John and Robert Kennedy had become notorious in the ranks of big business. JFK's strategy of withdrawing defense contracts and RFK's aggressive investigating tactics toward men of power were seen as unforgivable sins by the corporate world. As a result of the president's uncompromising stand against the steel industry - and implicitly any corporation that chose to defy his authority - a bitter gap opened up between Kennedy and big business, whose most powerful elements coincided with the military-industrial complex." James W. Douglass in his book "JFK and the Unspeakable"

"A cabal of English aristocrats and bankers [created] the Bank of England in 1694. King William, in need of money to fight a certain war, money which he couldn't raise by taxing or borrowing, granted a charter to a favored group of intriguers to form a bank which would be given a monopoly on issuing English bank notes, i.e., English paper money, which would be created out of nothing and credited to the government in return for a government IOU, the only "backing" that would be required. The government would pay interest on this "loan," making it look legitimate to the public, but the bank's even larger payback was that it was empowered to make additional commercial loans, at interest, using the same government IOU's as "backing," just as though the IOU's were hard, metallic gold. The banks, by receiving interest on money they could create and lend out at will, were thereby going to get rich, the king was going to be able to raise any amount of "money" he wanted, and the public, remaining ignorant of what was going on, was going to pay for it all by having their savings devalued by the expansion of the currency." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" (41 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The founding of the Bank of England by William Paterson and his friends in 1694 is one of the great dates in world history. For generations men had sought to avoid the one drawback of gold, its heaviness, by using pieces of paper to represent specific pieces of gold. Today we call such pieces of paper gold certificates. Such a certificate entitles its bearer to exchange it for its piece of gold on demand, but in view of the convenience of paper, only a small fraction of certificate holders ever did make such demands. It early became clear that gold need be held on hand only to the amount needed to cover the fraction of certificates likely to he presented for payment; accordingly, the rest of the gold could be used for business purposes, or, what amounts to the same thing, a volume of certificates could be issued greater than the volume of gold reserved for payment of demands against them. Such an excess volume of paper claims against reserves we now call bank notes. In effect, this creation of paper claims greater than the reserves available means that bankers were creating money out of nothing." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The Bank of England, a privately owned institution... is not subject to regulation by the British parliament and is in effect a sovereign world power." E. C. Knuth in his book "The Empire of the City"

"In 1991 the Bank of England directors decided to work out more explicitly what the bank is for, and they came up with three main aims. Two were the usual central bankers' goals: to protect the currency and to keep the financial system stable. The third is to ensure the effectiveness of the United Kingdom's financial services and advance a financial system which enhances the international competitive position of the City of London and other UK financial centres. In other words, to protect and promote the City as an offshore centre." Nicholas Shaxson in his book "Treasure Islands"

"England is a financial oligarchy run by the "Crown" which refers to the "City of (42 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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London" not the Queen. The City of London is run by the Bank of England, a private corporation. The square-mile-large City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London." Henry Makow, 2004

"Montagu Norman, the arch conservative governor of the Bank of England throughout the 1920s ... supported the aims of finance capitalism "to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money" "Benjamin Strong, Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England, who worked closely together throughout the 1920s, decided to use the financial power of Britain and the United States to force all the major countries of the world to go on the gold standard and to operate it through central banks free from all political control, with all questions of international finance to be settled by agreements by such central banks without interference from governments. These men were not working for the governments and nations of whom they purportedly represented, but "were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down." Andrew Gavin Marshall in his book "Global Power and Global Government"

"Eventually international bankers owned as private corporations the central banks of the various European nations. The Bank of England, Bank of France and Bank of Germany were not owned by their respective governments, as almost everyone imagines, but were privately owned monopolies granted by the heads of state, usually in return for loans." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"The Bank of England is in effect a sovereign world power, for this privately owned institution is not subject to regulation or control in the slightest degree by the British (43 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Parliament... This privately owned and controlled institution functions as the great balance wheel of the credit of the world, able to expand or contract credit at will; and is subject only to the orders of the "City", the City dominated by the fortune of the House of Rothschild and the policies of the House of Rothschild." E. C. Knuth in his book "The Empire of the City" "The reason why the British abolished the right of the Colonies to create and issue their own money is simple: the bankers did not want the Colonists to be able to trade among themselves without paying tribute to them on the promises of the Bank of England, which they were forcing the Americans to borrow for use in trading among themselves. The objective was clear: by forcing Americans to pay interest, the European money changers wanted to enslave the Colonies in a mountain of debt." Des Griffin in his book "Fourth Reich of the Rich" "Great Britain, which was firmly under the control of the banking dynasties. In 1694, the Bank of England was formed as a private central bank, which would issue the currency of the nation, lending it to the government and industry at interest, which would be paid back to the Bank of England's shareholders, made up of these private banking dynasties. The 16th to the 19th centuries was the period in which both the nation-state and capitalism emerged, soon followed by central banking in the late 1600s. This is when the origins of what was known as a "world economy" took place." Andrew Gavin Marshall in his book "Global Power and Global Government"

"In Great Britain, where the Bank of England is owned by the government, 97% of the money supply is issued privately by banks as loans." Ellen Brown

"Nothing happens on Wall Street that is not known to the Bank of England, whose instructions are relayed through the Morgan Bank and then put into action through key brokerage houses. John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300" (44 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The BIS is where all of the world's central banks meet to analyze the global economy and determine what course of action they will take next to put more money in their pockets, since they control the amount of money in circulation and how much interest they are going to charge governments and banks for borrowing from them. ... When you understand that the BIS pulls the strings of the world's monetary system, you then understand that they have the ability to create a financial boom or bust in a country. If that country is not doing what the money lenders want, then all they have to do is sell its currency. "
Joan Veon, in a 2003 article "The Bank for International Settlements Calls for Global Currency"

"BIS regulations serve only the single purpose of strengthening the international private banking system, even at the peril of national economies. The IMF and the international banks regulated by the BIS are a team: the international banks lend recklessly to borrowers in emerging economies to create a foreign currency debt crisis, the IMF arrives as a carrier of monetary virus in the name of sound monetary policy, then the international banks come as vulture investors in the name of financial rescue to acquire national banks deemed capital inadequate and insolvent by the BIS." economist Henry CK Lui

"The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is eager to enter into close relationship with the Bank for International Settlements.The conclusion is impossible to escape that the State and Treasury Departments are willing to pool the banking system of Europe and America, setting up a world financial power independent of and above the Government of the United States.The United States under present conditions will be transformed from the most active of manufacturing nations into a consuming and importing nation with a balance of trade against it." Louis T. McFadden (1876-1936), US Congressman (R-PA) (1915-1935), Chairman of House Banking and Currency Committee, quoted in the New York Times (June 1930), June 10, 1932. Poisoned in 1936 (45 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"BIS [Bank for International Settlements] is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank, owned by the U S Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Nederlandsche Bank, Bundesbank, and Bank of France. BIS holds at least 10% of monetary reserves for at least 80 of the world's central banks, the IMF and other multilateral institutions. It serves as financial agent for international agreements, collects information on the global economy and serves as lender of last resort to prevent global financial collapse."
Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the IMF ... are nothing more than bullyboy clearing houses for the drug trade. The BIS undermines any country that the IMF wants to sink by setting up ways and means for the easy outflow of flight capital. Nor does BIS recognize nor make any distinction when it comes down to what is flight capital and what is laundered drug money. The BIS operates on gangster lines. If a country will not submit to asset-stripping by the IMF, then it says in effect, "Right, then we will break you by means of the huge cache of narco-dollars we are holding." It is easy to understand why gold was demonetized and substituted with the paper "dollar" as the world's reserve currency. It is not as easy to blackmail a country holding gold reserves as it is one having its reserves in paper dollars." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"The BIS [Bank of International Settlements] was established to remedy the decline of London as the world's financial center by providing a mechanism by which a world with three chief financial centers in London, New York, and Paris could still operate as one. The BIS [Bank of International Settlements] was founded by the central banks of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Japan, and the United Kingdom along with three leading commercial banks from the United States, including J.P. Morgan & Company, First National Bank of New York, and First National Bank of Chicago." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope" (46 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"[Bank for International Settlements (BIS)] was part of a plan] to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"


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Eight families own the majority of stock in every private central bank in the world including the Federal Reserve. ROTHSCHILD ROCKEFELLER KUHN LOEB WARBURG LAZARD LEHMAN GOLDMAN SACHS ISRAEL MOSES SEIF The central banks of the world are controlled by a global oligarchy which in turn controls the major banks and transnational corporations, the major universities, and through fiancial manipulation the currencies amd economies of most countries. BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS (BIS) (the central bank of central banks) BANK OF ENGLAND FEDERAL RESERVE The private banks below own the most shares of the Federal Reserve and therefore control it. ROTHSCHILD BANK OF LONDON ROTHSCHILD BANK OF BERLIN WARBURG BANK OF HAMBURG WARBURG BANK OF AMSTERDAM LAZARD BROTHERS OF PARIS ISRAEL MOSES SEIF BANK OF ITALY KUHN LOEB BANK OF NEW YORK GOLDMAN SACHS OF NEW YORK J. P. MORGAN CHASE BANK OF NEW YORK LEHMAN BROTHERS OF NEW YORK (48 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"We are ruled, though it may be difficult to imagine, by a small dynastic power structure, largely consisting of powerful banking families, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others. They emerged in controlling the financial system, extended their influence over the political system, the educational system, and, through the major foundations, have become the dominant social powers of our world, creating think tanks and other institutions which shape and change the course of society and modern human history." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"Powerful private families decide who controls the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and even the European Central Bank. Money is in their hands to destroy or create. Their aim is the ultimate control over future life on this planet, a supremacy earlier dictators and despots only ever dreamt of." F. William Engdahl

"[The most important international banking families] include Baring, Lazard, Erlanger, Warburg, Schroder, Seligman, the Speyers, Mirabaud, Mallet, Fould, and above all Rothschild and Morgan." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

international banking cartel / money trust "During the past two centuries when the peoples of the world were gradually winning their political freedom from the dynastic monarchies, the major banking families of Europe and America were actually reversing the trend by setting up new dynasties of political control through the formation of international financial combines. These banking dynasties had learned that all governments must have sources of revenue from (49 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]


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which to borrow in times of emergency. They had also learned that by providing such funds from their own private resources, they could make both kings and democratic leaders tremendously subservient to their will." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations." Carroll Quigley in his book 'Tragedy and Hope

"States, most especially the large hegemonic ones, such as the United States and Great Britain, are controlled by the international central banking system, working through secret agreements at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and operating through national central banks (such as the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve)... The same international banking cartel that controls the United States today previously controlled Great Britain and held it up as the international hegemon. When the British order faded, and was replaced by the United States, the US ran the global economy. However, the same interests are served. States will be used and discarded at will by the international banking cartel; they are simply tools." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The merchant bankers of London had already at hand in 1810-1850 the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, and the London money market... In time they brought into their financial network the provincial banking centers, organized as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other." (50 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Hundreds of years ago, bankers began to specialize, with the richer and more influential ones associated increasingly with foreign trade and foreign-exchange transactions. Since these were richer and more cosmopolitan and increasingly concerned with questions of political significance, such as stability and debasement of currencies, war and peace, dynastic marriages, and worldwide trading monopolies, they became the financiers and financial advisers of governments. Moreover, since their relationships with governments were always in monetary terms and not real terms, and since they were always obsessed with the stability of monetary exchanges between one country's money and another, they used their power and influence to do two things: (1) to get all money and debts expressed in terms of a strictly limited commodity-ultimately gold; and (2) to get all monetary matters out of the control of governments and political authority, on the ground that they would be handled better by private banking interests." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The influence of financial capitalism and of the international bankers who created it was exercised both on business and on governments, but could have done neither if it had not been able to persuade both these to accept two "axioms" of its own ideology. Both of these were based on the assumption that politicians were too weak and too subject to temporary popular pressures to be trusted with control of the money, system; accordingly, the sanctity of all values and the soundness of money must be protected in two ways: by basing the value of money on gold and by allowing bankers to control the supply of money." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of investment bankers (also called "international" or "merchant" bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks. This dominance of investment bankers was based on their control over the flows of credit and (51 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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investment funds in their own countries and throughout the world. They could dominate the financial and industrial systems of their own countries by their influence over the flow of current funds through bank loans, the discount rate, and the re-discounting of commercial debts; they could dominate governments by their control over current government loans and the play of the international exchanges. Almost all of this power was exercised by the personal influence and prestige of men who had demonstrated their ability in the past to bring off successful financial coupes to keep their word, to remain cool in a crisis, and to share their winning opportunities with their associates. In this system the Rothschilds had been preeminent during much of the nineteenth century, but, at the end of that century, they were being replaced by J. P. Morgan whose central office was in New York, although it was always operated as if it were in London." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The merchant bankers of London had already at hand in 1810-1850 the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, and the London money market when the needs of advancing industrialism called all of these into the industrial world which they had hitherto ignored. In time they brought into their financial network the provincial banking centers, organized as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other. The men who did this, looking backward toward the period of dynastic monarchy in which they had their own roots, aspired to establish dynasties of international bankers and were at least as successful at this as were many of the dynastic political rulers. The greatest of these dynasties, of course, were the descendants of Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) of Frankfort, whose male descendants, for at least two generations, generally married first cousins or even nieces. Rothschild's five sons, established at branches in Vienna, London, Naples, and Paris, as well as Frankfort, cooperated together in ways which other international banking dynasties copied but rarely excelled." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"In addition to their power over government based on government financing and personal influence, bankers could steer governments in ways they wished them to go by other pressures. Since most government officials felt ignorant of finance, they sought advice from bankers whom they considered to be experts in the field. The history of the last century shows that the advice given to governments by bankers, like (52 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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the advice they gave to industrialists, was consistently good for bankers, but was often disastrous for governments, businessmen, and the people generally. Such advice could be enforced if necessary by manipulation of exchanges, gold flows, discount rates, and even levels of business activity." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The structure of financial controls created by the tycoons of 'Big Banking' and 'Big Business'... was of extraordinary complexity, one business fief being built on another, both being allied with semi-independent associates, the whole rearing upward into two pinnacles of economic and political power, of which one, centered in New York, was headed by J. P. Morgan and Company and the other, in Ohio, was headed by the Rockefeller family. When the two cooperated, as they generally did, they could influence the economic life of the country to a large degree and could almost control its political life, at least at the Federal level. They caused the "panic of 1907" and the collapse of two railroads, one in 1914 and the other in 1929." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"In the period up to 1931, bankers, especially the Money Power controlled by the international investment bankers, were able to dominate both business and government. They could dominate business, especially in activities and in areas where industry could not finance its own needs for capital, because investment bankers had the ability to supply or refuse to supply such capital." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The power of investment bankers over governments rests on a number of factors, of which the most significant, perhaps, is the need of governments to issue short-term treasury bills as well as long-term government bonds. Just as businessmen go to commercial banks for current capital advances to smooth over the discrepancies between their irregular and intermittent incomes and their periodic and persistent outgoes (such as monthly rents, annual mortgage payments, and weekly wages), so a government has to go to merchant bankers (or institutions controlled by them) to tide over the shallow places caused by irregular tax receipts." (53 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"International investment bankers took seats on the boards of directors of industrial firms, as they had already done on commercial banks, savings banks, insurance firms, and finance companies. From these lesser institutions they funneled capital to enterprises which yielded control and away from those who resisted. These firms were controlled through interlocking directorships, holding companies, and lesser banks. They engineered amalgamations and generally reduced competition, until by the early twentieth century many activities were so monopolized that they could raise their noncompetitive prices above costs to obtain sufficient profits to become self-financing. But before that stage was reached a relatively small number of bankers were in positions of immense influence in European and American economic life." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"[The] period, 1884-1933, was the period of financial capitalism in which investment bankers moving into commercial banking and insurance on one side and into railroading and heavy industry on the other were able to mobilize enormous wealth and wield enormous economic, political, and social power. Popularly known as "Society," or the "400," they lived a life of dazzling splendor. ... The influence of these business leaders was so great that the Morgan and Rockefeller groups acting together, or even Morgan acting alone, could have wrecked the economic system of the country merely by throwing securities on the stock market for sale, and, having precipitated a stock-market panic, could then have bought back the securities they had sold but at a lower price. Naturally, they were not so foolish as to do this, although Morgan came very close to it in precipitating the "panic of 1907." Carroll Quigley, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"This world is not run by the Presidents or the Prime Ministers. It is run by the global corporations and the banks. For it is these entities that control the money supply and it is these entities that decide which country lives or falls." (54 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The bankers control the world's major corporations, media, intelligence agencies, think tanks, foundations and universities." Henry Makow

"International financier Paul Warburg masterminded establishment of the Federal Reserve to put control over nation's economy in hands of international bankers. The Federal Reserve controls the money supply, which allows manipulators to create alternate cycles of boom and bust, ie., a roller coaster economy. This allows those in the know to make fabulous amounts of money, but even more important, allows the insiders to control the economy and further centralize power in the federal government." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"Eventually international bankers actually owned as private corporations the central banks of the various European nations. The Bank of England, Bank of France and Bank of Germany were not owned by their respective governments, as almost everyone imagines, but were privately owned monopolies granted by the heads of state, usually in return for loans." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"In the Bolshevik Revolution we have some of the world's richest and most powerful men financing a movement which claims its very existence is based on the concept of stripping of their wealth, men like the Rothschids, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, Morgans, Harrimans, and Milners. But obviously these men have no fear of international Communism. It is only logical to assume that if they financed it and do not fear it, it must be because they control it." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" (55 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"While wars and revolutions have been useful to international bankers in gaining or increasing control over governments, the key to such control has always been control of money. You can control a government if you have it in your debt; a creditor is in a position to demand the privileges of monopoly from the sovereign. Money-seeking governments have granted monopolies in state banking, natural resources, oil concessions and transportation. However, the monopoly which the international financiers most covet is control over a nation's money." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"It is in the pecuniary interests of the international bankers to centralize political power and this centralization can best be achieved within a collectivist society, such as socialist Russia, national socialist Germany, or a Fabian socialist United States. There can be no full understanding and appreciation of twentieth-century American politics and foreign policy without the realization that this financial elite effectively monopolizes Washington policy." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"

"In foreign affairs the Council on Foreign Relations, superficially an innocent forum for academics, businessmen, and politicians, contains within its shell, perhaps unknown to many of its members, a power center that unilaterally determines U.S. foreign policy. The major objective of this submerged - and obviously subversive - foreign policy is the acquisition of markets and economic power (profits, if you will), for a small group of giant multi-nationals under the virtual control of a few banking investment houses and controlling families." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"

"There is a special breed of international financiers whose success typically is built upon certain character traits. Those include cold objectivity, immunity to patriotism, and indifference to the human condition. That profile is the basis for proposing a theoretical strategy, called the Rothschild Formula, which motivates such men to propel governments into war for the profits they yield... As long as the mechanism of central (56 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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banking exists, it will be to such men an irresistible temptation to convert debt into perpetual war and war into perpetual debt." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

"The Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Goldman Sachs, Schiffs and Rothschilds have intermarried into one big happy banking family. The Warburg family - which controls Deutsche Bank and BNP- tied up with the Rothschilds in 1814 in Hamburg, while Kuhn Loeb powerhouse Jacob Schiff shared quarters with Rothschilds in 1785. Schiff immigrated to America in 1865. He joined forces with Abraham Kuhn and married Solomon Loeb's daughter. Loeb and Kuhn married each others sisters and the Kuhn Loeb dynasty was consummated. Felix Warburg married Jacob Schiff's daughter. Two Goldman daughters married two sons of the Sachs family, creating Goldman Sachs. In 1806 Nathan Rothschild married the oldest daughter of Levi Barent Cohen, a leading financier in London." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"CPA Thomas D. Schauf states that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"In the latter half of the 1800s European financiers were in favor of an American Civil War that would return the United States to its colonial status. The Civil War, lasted from 1861 until 1865 ... during which, Congress also set up a national bank, putting the government into partnership with the banking interests, guaranteeing their profits." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research (57 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"Our global banking system is a global cartel, a "super-entity" in which the world's major banks all own each other and own the controlling shares in the world's largest multinational corporations. ... This is the real "free market," a highly profitable global banking cartel, functioning as a worldwide financial Mafia." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 2012

"The global banking cartel, centered at the IMF, World Bank and Federal Reserve, have paid off politicians and dictators the world over [Including Washington]. In country after country, they have looted national economies at the expense of local populations, consolidating wealth in unprecedented fashion - the top economic one-tenth of one percent is currently holding over $40 trillion in investible wealth, not counting an equally significant amount of wealth hidden in offshore accounts." David DeGraw, 2011

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sinBankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back againTake this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live inBut, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit." Sir Josiah Stamp (1880-1941), President of the Bank of England in the 1920_s, the second richest man in Britain, speaking at the Commencement Address of the University of Texas in 1927

"The real menace of our republic is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends." (58 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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John F. Hylan, 1922, Mayor of New York, in a speech

"The world's money-lenders became experts at parasitic high finance and got rich through the explosive growth of fractional reserve banking. These people have dominated the economies of nations through such institutions as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve System, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), and other central and commercial banks, currency and commodity exchanges, and stock and bond markets. ... The bankers on the one hand and the political racketeers on the other merged over a century ago under the oversight of figures associated with the creation of the AngloAmerican Empire, such as Cecil Rhodes, Lord Alfred Milner, Colonel Mandell House, Winston Churchill, the House of Windsor, and the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Morgans, Harrimans, Rockefellers, Myers, and Bushes." Richard C. Cook, 2008

"The big bankers of the world, who practice the terrorism of money, are more powerful than kings and field marshals, even more than the Pope of Rome himself. They never dirty their hands. They kill no one: they limit themselves to applauding the show. Their officials, international technocrats, rule our countries: they are neither presidents nor ministers, they have not been elected, but they decide the level of salaries and public expenditure, investments and divestments, prices, taxes, interest rates, subsidies, when the sun rises and how frequently it rains." Eduardo Galeano

"On September 1, 1894, we will not renew our loans under any consideration. On September 1st we will demand our money. We will foreclose and become mortgagees in possession. We can take two-thirds of the farms west of the Mississippi, and thousands of them east of the Mississippi as well, at our own price." American Bankers Association, 1891

"We must keep the people busy with political antagonisms... By dividing the (59 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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electorate ... we'll be able to have them spend their energies at struggling amongst themselves on questions that, for us, have no importance whatsoever. ... Let us make use of the courts... When through the law's intervention, the common people shall have lost their homes, they will be more easy to control and more easy to govern, and they shall not be able to resist the strong hand of the Government acting in accordance with ... the control of the leaders of finance." United States Bankers magazine, 1892

"I fear that foreign bankers with their ... tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it systematically to corrupt modern civilization. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole [world] into wars and chaos in order that the earth should become their inheritance." Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany, after the assassination of President Lincoln, 1863

"The banking cartel succeeds in creating "false" prices for commodities such as oil, gold and silver through their creation of bogus paper markets (futures, ETFs, etc.), in which sometimes a hundred times or more of the commodity is bought and sold in paper form than exists in real physical form." F. WIlliam Engdahl

"The world's money-lenders became experts at parasitic high finance and got rich through the explosive growth of fractional reserve banking. These people have dominated the economies of nations through such institutions as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve System, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), and other central and commercial banks, currency and commodity exchanges, and stock and bond markets. ... The bankers on the one hand and the political racketeers on the other merged over a century ago under the oversight of figures associated with the creation of the AngloAmerican Empire, such as Cecil Rhodes, Lord Alfred Milner, Colonel Mandell House, (60 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Winston Churchill, the House of Windsor, and, as examples of families involved, the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Morgans, Harrimans, Rockefellers, Myers, and Bushes." Richard C. Cook, 2008

"Every country suspended the gold standard at the outbreak of the war [WWI]... This removed the automatic limitation on the supply of paper money. Then each country proceeded to pay for the war by borrowing from the banks. The banks created the money which they then lent by merely giving the Government a deposit of any size against which the Government could draw checks. The banks were no longer limited in the amount of credit they could create because they no longer had to pay out gold for checks on demand. Thus the creation of money in the form of credit by the banks was limited only by the demands of its borrowers." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Before World War I, two opposing systems of political economy competed for dominance in the United States. One operated out of Wall Street, the New York financial district that came to be the symbol of American finance. Its most important address was 23 Wall Street, known as the "House of Morgan." J. P. Morgan was an agent of powerful British banking interests. The Wizards of Wall Street and the Old World bankers pulling their strings sought to establish a national currency that was based on the "gold standard," one created privately by the financial elite who controlled the gold. The other system dated back to Benjamin Franklin and operated out of Philadelphia... The Philadelphia faction favored a bank on the model established in provincial Pennsylvania, where a state loan office issued and lent money, collected the interest, and returned it to the provincial government to he used in place of taxes. President Abraham Lincoln returned to the colonial system of government-issued money during the Civil War; but he was assassinated, and the bankers reclaimed control of the money machine. The silent coup of the Wall Street faction culminated with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913." Ellen Brown in her book "Web of Debt" "You can count the number of banks that own half of all the wealth in the U.S. economy on just one hand. There are just five of them: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Citigroup. Their total assets equal 8.5 trillion, which is 56% (61 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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of our entire economy." Thom Hartmann

"Only low echelon drug dealers get caught with drug money in their hands. The elite Drexel Burnham, Credite Suisse, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC) - escape detection... American Express was and still is a conduit for laundering drug money." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"A competent war on drugs must begin with a war against the banking institutions and bankers who 'launder' Dope, Inc.'s ill-gotten gains...Shut down the drug moneylaundering by the major Anglo-American banks, and the dope cartel would choke to death on its own profits... Dope, Inc.'s vulnerable flank is the international network of banks and other financial institutions that 'launder' the cartel's $558 billion per year in gross revenue... Action by governments against the drug bankers could rapidly shut down Dope, Inc." from the book "Dope. Inc.", Executive Intelligence Review,1978

"By 2000 four giant banks emerged to rule the US financial roost. JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup were kings of capital on the East Coast. Together they control 52.86% of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Bank of America and Wells Fargo reigned supreme on the West Coast. During the 2008 banking crisis these firms got even bigger, taking on distressed assets for pennies on the dollar. Barclays took over Lehman Brothers. JP Morgan Chase got Washington Mutual. Bank of America was handed Merrill Lynch and Countrywide, while Wells Fargo got the nation's 5th biggest bank- Wachovia." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC), remains the largest and least controlled clearinghouse bank for the opium trade. (62 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"The Four Horsemen of Banking [Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup] own the Four Horsemen of Oil [Shell, Chevron, British Petroleum, Exxon] , in tandem with Deusche Bank, Banque Paribas, Barclays and other European old money behemoths... These same Four Horsemen of Banking are also among the top 10 stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation. " Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The institutional changes which the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) brought about, including the concentration and centralization of power in the hands of a small number of financial giants, largely contributed to Wall Street's unswerving quest for global financial domination. The tendency was towards a worldwide financial supermarket controlled by a handful of global financial institutions which penetrate and permeate the fabric of national economies. The sweeping deregulation of U.S. banking imparted unprecedented powers to Wall Street's financial conglomerates to acquire and take over banking institutions all over the world." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"The debt crisis of the early 1980s unleashed a wave of corporate mergers, buyouts and bankruptcies. These changes then paved the way for the consolidation of a new generation of financiers clustered around the large merchant banks, the institutional investors, stock brokerage firms and large insurance companies. In this process, commercial banking functions have coalesced with those of the investment banks and stock brokers, leading to the consolidation of a handful of global financial conglomerates." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research (63 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"In the United States, five banks control half the economy: JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Goldman Sachs Group collectively held $8.5 trillion in assets at the end of 2011, which equals roughly 56% of the U.S. economy. This data was according to central bankers at the Federal Reserve. In 2007, the assets of the largest banks amounted to 43% of the U.S. economy." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 2012

"The Bilderberg Group is the quintessential transnational planning body of the Transnational Capitalist Class, as it is composed of the elite of the elite, totally removed from public scrutiny, and acts as "a secretive global think-tank"which holds the concept of a "world government" in high regard and works to achieve these ends." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"The Bilderberg group is an organization of political leaders and international financiers that meets secretly every spring to make global policy. There are about 110 regulars Rockefellers, Rothschilds, bankers, heads of international corporations and high government officials from Europe and North America. Each year, a few new people are invited and, if found useful, they return to future meetings. If not, they are discarded. Decisions reached at these secret meetings affect every American and much of the world." Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary

"In the more than fifty years of their meetings [Bilderberg Group], the press has never been allowed to attend, no statements have ever been released on the attendees' conclusions, nor has any agenda for a Bilderberg meeting been made public. ... It is certainly curious that no mainstream media outlet considers a gathering of such figures, whose wealth far exceeds the combined wealth of all United States citizens, to be newsworthy, when a trip by any one of them on their own makes headline news on TV. ... Bilderberg meetings are never mentioned in the media, [because] the mainstream (64 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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press is fully owned by the Bilderbergers." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

"What the Bilderberg group intends is a global army at the disposal of the United Nations, which is to become the world government to which all nations will be subservient. ... A UN army must be able to act immediately, anywhere in the world, without the delay involved in each country making its own decision whether to participate, based on parochial considerations?" Henry Kissinger at a Bilderberg meeting, Spotlight Reprint, August 1991

"Since 1954, the Bilderbergers have represented the elite and the absolute wealth of all western nations - financiers, industrialists, bankers, politicians, business leaders of multinational corporations, presidents, prime ministers, finance ministers, state secretaries, World Bank and International Monetary Fund representatives, presidents of world media conglomerates, and military leaders." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

"The international ruling elite have established some very special and highly influential organizations, many of which have clandestine aims and goals ... the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, [and] the Bohemian Grove." Gary Allen in his book 'None Dare Call It Conspiracy'

"The Bilderberg Group is Europe's version of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Acting on behalf of The Committee of 300 (Queen of England), specifically the Vatican and the Priory of Sion (French Monarchy), Knight of Malta Dr. Joseph Retinger plotted to forge alliances with the European Council of Princes, the CIA, and Britain's MI6, by creating another New World Order think-tank to be known as "The Bilderberg Group". (65 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Dr. Retinger, founder of the European Movement leading to the founding of the European Union (EU), approached Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1952, who agreed to become its co-founder. The Bilderberg Group has been meeting secretly behind closed doors at irregular intervals, once or twice each year since its formation. Its purpose is to remove independence from all countries and permit the aristocracies tyrannical rule from behind the military might of the United Nations." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group - An Offshoot of the Venetian Black Nobility" "The international consortium of financiers known as the Bilderbergers, who meet annually in profound secrecy to determine the destiny of the western world, is a creature of the Rockefeller-Rothschild alliance... The Rockefeller interests work in close alliance with the Rothschilds and other central banks." Dr. Martin Larson from the book "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins "The man who created the Bilderbergers is Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers meet once or twice a year. Those in attendance include leading political and financial figures from the United States and Western Europe. Prince Bernhard makes no effort to hide the fact that the ultimate goal of the Bilderbergers is a world government. In the meantime, while the "new world order" is being built, the Bilderbergers coordinate the efforts of the European and American power elites." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" "The Bilderbergers are made up of the elites from the worlds of banking, business, government and academia - which holds top-secret meetings each year in remote resorts in the United States and Europe - to plan what is going to happen on the world scene in the months ahead. ... Only politicians and others who have proven their unquestioning loyalty to the Rothschild/Rockefeller cabal are invited to Bilderberg meetings. They must be willing tools of the super-rich and totally dedicated to the creation of a New World Order." Des Griffin in his book "Fourth Reich of the Rich"

"The Bilderberg Group's chief fear is organized resistance. Members do not want the common people of the world to figure out at they are planning for the world's future: mainly, a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, (66 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one "World Bank" using one global currency." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

"In the United States, the "independent" banking system is known as the Federal Reserve System, a privately owned bank system interlocked with the Bilderbergers. In Europe, the independent banking system is run through the European Central Bank, whose monetary policies are put together by the leading members of the Bilderberg elite." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group" "The intention behind each and all of the Bilderberg meetings was about how to create an 'Aristocracy of purpose' between Europe and the United States, and how to come to agreement on questions of policy, economics, and strategy in jointly ruling the world. The NATO alliance was their crucial base of operation and subversion because it afforded them the backdrop for their plans of 'perpetual war,' or at least for their 'nuclear blackmail' policy." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

"With very few exceptions, offshore banking as a whole is under the thumb of the British oligarchy." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"Shell Oil is principally owned by the British royal family." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography" (67 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"Nothing has changed in the opium-heroin-cocaine trade. It is still run by the same "upper class" families in Britain and the United States. It is still a fabulously profitable trade where what seem to be big losses through seizures by the authorities are written off in paneled boardrooms in New York, Hong Kong and London over port and cigars as merely the cost of doing business." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"Hong Kong was set up by the British, literally from bare rock, as a center for the drug trade, and remains to this day purely British, and purely a center for the drug trade. " Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

"The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank [HSBC] and related companies finance the opium trade. In this, they are acting as designated agents of the British monarchy, through the Royal Institute of International Affairs." - How the Drug Empire Works

"America is run by 300 families and England is run by 100 families and these families are intertwined through marriage, companies, banks, not to mention ties to the Black Nobility, Freemasonry, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and so on. These are the people who, through their surrogates, find ways to protect huge shipments of heroin from Hong Kong, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan and ensure they reach the market places in the U.S. and Western Europe with the minimum cost of doing business." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" (68 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The bulwark of the British financial oligarchy lies in its ageless and self-perpetuating nature, its long-range planning and prescience, its facility to outwait and break the patience of its opponents. The transient and temporal statesmen of Europe and particularly of Britain itself, who have attempted to curb this monstrosity have all been defeated by their limited tenure of confidence. Obligated to show action and results in a too short span of years, they have been outwitted and outwaited, deluged with irritants and difficulties; eventually obliged to temporize and retreat. There are few who have opposed them in Britain and America, without coming to a disgraceful end, but many, who served them well, have also profited well." E.C. Knuth in his book "The Empire of The City", 1946

"The drug "industry" is ... under the control of a single world network. ... The drug-related illegal economy is the biggest business in the world. ... The British monarchy organized most of the Far East to conform to the drug traffic. ... The Anglo-Dutch "offshore" banking system and related precious metals and gems trade were designed around illegal money. ... The world drug traffic is a top-down operation under the immediate control of the British and allied monarchies. " - How the Drug Empire Works

"Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth's non ocean surface. She is the only person on earth who owns whole countries. The value of her land holding is approximately $28,000,000,000,000. This makes her the richest individual on earth." from the book "Who Owns The World" by Kevin Cahill

"The Eastern Liberal Establishment families of the United States were just as deeply involved in the China opium trade as were the British [oligarchy], indeed they still are." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" (69 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The British pre-eminence makes the world picture of offshore banking and dirty money more comprehensible. If the world offshore banking sector appears to run as a single operation under British monarchy control, that is because the same group of people who run it also run the opium traffic whose proceeds this banking sector was created to handle." - How the Drug Empire Works

"The British royal family rules the world, but they do not rule it alone. There are at least three other actors: central banks, the legacy of Cecil Rhodes, and the immense financial power of the biggest international banking family, the Rothschilds." "Who Runs The World And Controls The Value Of Assets?" an article by Joan Veon

"Club of the Isles is a European cartel - centered within the City of London and headed by the House of Windsor - which controls every aspect of the global economy -- banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, raw materials, transportation, factories, major retail groups, the stock and commodities markets, politicians and governments, media, intelligence agencies, drugs and organized crime." "The Windsors' Global Food Cartel: Instrument for Starvation" an article by Executive Intelligence Review, 1995

"The best-protected institutions of the British oligarchy prefer to launder their dirty money through Caribbean, Hong Kong, and similar branch operations, rather than in London itself." - How the Drug Empire Works

"To the oligarches and plutocrats of the Committee of 300, drugs have a two-fold (70 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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purpose, firstly to bring in colossal sums of money and secondly, to eventually turn a major part of the population into mindless drug zombies who will be easier to control than people who don't need drugs. Punishment for rebellion will mean withholding of supplies of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etc. For this it is necessary to legalize drugs so that a monopoly system, which has been readied for introduction once severe economic conditions cause drug usage to proliferate as hundreds of thousands of permanently jobless workers turn to drugs for solace. In one of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) top secret papers, the scenario is laid out as follows: 'Having been failed by Christianity, and with unemployment on every hand, those who have been without jobs for five years or more will turn away from the church and seek solace in drugs. That is when full control of the drug trade must be completed in order that the governments of all countries who are under our jurisdiction will have a monopoly which we will control through supply.... Drug bars will take care of the unruly and the discontent, would be revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of their own'." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia... Eurasia is the globe's largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world's three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail African subordination. ... It is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America. Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his 1997 book"'The Grand Chessboard"

"The three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together." Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his 1997 book"'The Grand Chessboard" (71 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The most immediate task is to make certain that no state or combination of states gains the capacity to expel the United States from Eurasia or even to diminish significantly its decisive arbitration role." Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his 1997 book"'The Grand Chessboard"

"The war on terror is being used as a pretext and excuse for building up the US and NATO military and organizational machine in the region [Afghanistan and Central Asia] and maintaining its open-ended presence there." Zbigniew Brzezinski

"As America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." Zbigniew Brzezinski, Council on Foreign Relations, 1977

"I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot .... Pol Pot was an abomination. We could never support him but China could." Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1979

"People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations." Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era" (72 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nationstate." Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era"

"What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?" Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1998

"Society would be dominated by an elite which would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control." Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era"


"I will never apologize for the United States of America - I don't care what the facts are." President George H W Bush, 1988

"[George H W Bush's father] Prescott Bush became managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman ... ultimately the largest and politically the most important private banking house in America." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The (73 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Unauthorized Biography"

"Prescott Bush [George HW Bush's father] was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. ... On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush. ... Under the ...Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union Banking Corporation, in which [Prescott] Bush was a director. ... On Oct. 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank. ... Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation, long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on Nov. 17,1942." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography" "George H W Bush's response to the Gulf crisis of 1991 will be largely predetermined, not by any great flashes of geopolitical insight, but rather by his connection to the British oligarchy, to Henry Kissinger, to Israeli and Zionist circles, to Texas oilmen in his fundraising base, and to the Saudi Arabian and Kuwaiti royal houses" Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

"Virtually all the Nazi trade with the United States was under the supervision of the Harriman interests and functionaries such as Prescott Bush, father of President George [H W] Bush." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

BUTLER, SMEDLEY - U.S. MARINE GENERAL (18811940) (74 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. I helped make Honduras 'right' for American fruit companies in 1903. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. 1 brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." Major General Smedley Butler in a 1933 speech

"[War is] largely a matter of money. Bankers lend money to foreign countries and when they cannot repay, the President sends Marines to get it. I know--I've been in eleven of these expeditions." retired General Smedley Butler, 1931

"It would seem time that school textbooks in America were revised to acknowledge our debt to the almost forgotten hero - General Smedley Butler - who thwarted the conspiracy to end democratic government in America." Jules Archer in his book "The Plot to Seize the White House"

"By allowing capital to flow unchecked from one end of the world to the other, (75 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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globalization and abandon of sovereignty have together fostered the explosive growth of an outlaw financial market. It is a coherent system closely linked to the expansion of modern capitalism and based on an association of three partners: governments, transnational corporations and Mafias. Business is business: financial crime is first and foremost a market, thriving and structured, ruled by supply and demand. Big business complicity and political laisse faire is the only way that largescale organized crime can launder and recycle the fabulous proceeds of its activities. And the transnational corporations need the support of governments and the neutrality of regulatory authorities in order to consolidate their positions, increase their profits, withstand and crush the competition, pull off the 'deal of the century' and finance their illicit operations. Politicians are directly involved and their ability to intervene, depends on the backing and the funding that keep them in power." Christian de Brie and Jean de Maillard, Le Monde Diplomatique, 2000 "The modern pantheon of enemies are the banking consortium; the global Elite born and bred from mega-wealth; the academics and economists who disconnect ideas from reality; and the scientific and military minds who are so compartmentalized by design that they rarely know what sort of dictatorship to which they are making their contributions." Michael Edwards

"Capital must protect itself in every wayDebts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd." Civil Servants' Year Book: "The Organizer", January 1934

"Unfettered and unregulated capitalism is a brutal and revolutionary force that exploits human beings and the natural world until exhaustion or collapse." Chris Hedges (76 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The financial crisis [2008] raised the curtain on a new and protracted period of painfully low growth and greatly reduced expectations in the West, with the American economy - like its European counterparts - facing the prospect of years of austerity, with swinging reductions in both government and personal expenditure, combined, for Americans at least, with the urgency of greatly reducing its trade deficit. Burdened by sovereign debt crises in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy, the European integration project threatens to unravel, condemning the euro to oblivion in the process. Meanwhile the Western economies continue to teeter on the brink of another recession, with a further banking crisis and a full-scale slump not to be excluded. In contrast, the Chinese, buoyed by huge foreign exchange reserves, large trade surpluses and a high level of savings, can look forward to many more years of fast economic growth. All this adds up to an extraordinary and irreversible shift in power from the West in general, and the United States in particular, to China." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"CapitaIism, because it seeks profits as its primary goal, is never primarily seeking to achieve prosperity, high production, high consumption, political power, patriotic improvement, or moral uplift. Any of these may be achieved under capitalism, and any (or all) of them may he sacrificed and lost under capitalism, depending on this relationship to the primary goal of capitalist activity - the pursuit of profit." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Our manufacturing base has been dismantled. Speculators and swindlers have looted the U.S. Treasury and stolen billions from small shareholders who had set aside money for retirement or college. Civil liberties, including habeas corpus and protection from warrantless wiretapping, have been taken away. Basic services, including public education and health care, have been handed over to the corporations to exploit for profit. The few who raise voices of dissent, who refuse to engage in the corporate happy talk, are derided by the corporate establishment as freaks." Chris Hedges (77 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The advanced capitalist economies of North America and Europe are desperately trying to maintain their hegemony and economic survival by means of austerity programs which shift the burden of the depression from the wealthy financiers and speculators who created it to the poor and working class who must pay for it... The Western imperial powers seek to destroy the social safety net and drive their populations into further destitution and desperation. This is the crisis of advanced, postindustrial capitalism - an economic system which must expand the divide between rich and poor, create extremes of wealth and poverty and generally perpetuate itself on the misery and poverty of the lower classes." Eric Draitser, Global Research, 2013

"The 2008 financial crisis marked a fundamental shift in the relationship between China and the United States. Nothing could or would be quite the same again. The management of the US economy was revealed to have been fatally flawed, a lightly regulated financial sector almost allowed to shipwreck the entire economy. In a few short months, the crisis served to undermine a near-universal assumption of American, and Western, economic competence; in contrast, China's economic credentials have been considerably burnished. The crisis at the same time exposed the huge levels of indebtedness that have sustained the American economy, accentuated since by the financial rescue package, while underlining the financial strength of the Chinese economy, now the world's largest net creditor with its massive foreign exchange reserves. Although hardly new, the crisis finally woke Americans up to the fact that China had become their banker, with all this meant in terms of the shifting balance of power." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"In late October of 2012, the CEOs of 80 major corporations and banks in the United States banded together in order to pressure Congress to pursue an agenda of harsh austerity measures and structural reforms... Among the demands are to reform Medicare and Medicaid, healthcare, Social Security, increase taxes, and generally reduce spending. All of this amounts to a large federal program of austerity, to cut social spending and increase taxes on the population, thus impoverishing the population." (78 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Andrew Gavin Marshall

"The engine of capitalist expansion is now oiled by the profits of serious crime. ... It is a coherent system closely linked to the expansion of modern capitalism and based on an association of three partners: governments, transnational corporations, and mafias. ... Big business complicity and political laissez faire is the only way that large-scale organized crime can launder and recycle the fabulous proceeds of its activities. And the transnationals need the support of governments and the neutrality 0f the regulatory authorities in order to consolidate their positions, increase their profits, withstand or crush the competition, pull off the "deal of the century" and finance their illicit operations. Politicians are directly involved, and their ability to intervene depends on the backing and the funding that keep them in power. ... The only objective of the anti-corruption campaigns taken up by international organizations (World Bank, IMF, and OECD) is the "good governance" of a financial crime that is now an integral part of market globalizations under the leadership of the American democracy, the most corrupt on the planet." Le Monde Diplomatique, 2000

"We find persistent recurrence of the same names Owen Young, Gerard Swope, Hjalmar Schacht, Bernard Baruch, etc.; the same international banks: J. P. Morgan, Guaranty Trust, Chase Bank. ... This group of international bankers backed the Bolshevik Revolution and subsequently profited from the establishment of a Soviet Russia. This group backed Roosevelt and profited from New Deal socialism. This group also backed Hitler and certainly profited from German armament in the 1930s." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution"

"Capitalism has been shaped by the Washington Consensus, which was formed around the neoliberal policies that had been imposed on developing countries by Milton Friedman's Chicago Boys, and on Eastern Europe by Jeffrey Sachs. The Shock Doctrine involves cutting back or eliminating social programs, privatization, tax cuts and incentives for the wealthy, and increasing prices on strategic goods - gasoline, fuel oil which affect the poor more than any other segment of society." (79 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"Commercial capitalism became institutionalized into a restrictive system, sometimes called "mercantilism," in which merchants sought to gain profits, not from the movements of goods but from restricting the movements of goods. Thus the pursuit of profits, which had earlier led to increased prosperity by increasing trade and production, became a restriction on both trade and production, because profit became an end in itself rather than an accessory mechanism in the economic system as a whole." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Capitalism and Fascism are one under the iron mask. Fascism is the expression of Capitalism's death struggle. War is the life blood of Capitalism; it is the body and soul of Fascism. Capitalist economy leads inevitably to War; Fascist economy begins and ends in war." Kenneth Patchen, 1911-1972

"Monopoly capitalists are the bitter enemies of laissez-faire entrepreneurs; and, given the weaknesses of socialist central planning, the totalitarian socialist state is a perfect captive market for monopoly capitalists, if an alliance can be made with the socialist powerbrokers." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution"

"Capitalism provides very powerful motivations for economic activity because it associates economic motivations so closely with self-interest. But this same feature, which is a source of strength in providing economic motivation through the pursuit of profits, is also a source of weakness owing to the fact that so self-centered a motivation contributes very readily to a loss of economic coordination. Each individual, just (80 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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because he is so powerfully motivated by self-interest, easily loses sight of the role which his own activities play in the economic system as a whole, and tends to act as if his activities were the whole, with inevitable injury to that whole." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"There is this religion that the United States is imposing on people. Its name is capitalism. It's like a religion. They dedicate their whole military and every kind of power that they have to make sure that you do not use alternative means of development." former UN General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto

"The economy is designed to self-destruct... Many people hit a proverbial wall on this issue because they simply cannot fathom that certain groups of men (globalists and central bankers) view money and economy in completely different terms than they do. The average American lives within a tiny box when it comes to the mechanics and motivations of finance. They think that their monetary desires and drives are exactly the same as a globalist's. But, what they don't realize is that the box they think in was built by globalists. This is why the actions of big banks and the decisions of our mostly corporate establishment run government seem so insane in the face of common sense. We try to rationalize their behavior as "idiocy", but the reality is that their goals are highly deliberate and so far outside what we have been taught to expect that some of us lack a point of reference. If you cannot see the endgame, you will not understand the steps taken to reach it until it is too late." Giordano Bruno, Neithercorp Press, 2010

"It was Henry Ford who in the 1930s built the Soviet Union's first modern automobile plant ... and which in the 50s and 60s produced the trucks used by the North Vietnamese to carry weapons and munitions for use against Americans. At about the same time, Henry Ford was also the most famous of Hitler's foreign backers, and he was rewarded in the 1930s for this long-lasting support with the highest Nazi decoration for foreigners." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" (81 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. The capitalists owned everything in the world, and everyone else was their slave. They owned all the land, all the houses, all the factories, and all the money. If anyone disobeyed them they could throw him into prison, or they could take his job away and starve him to death." George Orwell in his book "1984"

Almost all sovereign nations in the world have central banks that are controlled by a global banking oligarchy made up of the largest private banks and a few international banking families. BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS (BIS) (the central bank of central banks - located in Basel, Switzerland) BANK OF ENGLAND (Great Britain) FEDERAL RESERVE (United States) THE CENTRAL BANK OF ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD


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Before the September 11, 2001 attacks, the countries listed below did not have privately-owned central banks. Their banks were government-owned and -controlled. AFGHANISTAN IRAQ SUDAN LIBYA CUBA NORTH KOREA IRAN BRAZIL VENEZUELA INDIA CHINA

Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, each of countries below experienced "regime change" by Western governments, as part of the "War on Terror". As a result, these four countries, which previously had government-owned central banks, now had central banks that were controlled by a private global banking oligarchy. AFGHANISTAN IRAQ SUDAN LIBYA

"The central banking system has been the most powerful network of institutions in the world; it reigns supreme over the capitalist world order, almost since its inception. Central banks are the perfect merger of private interests and public power. ... Central banks work behind the scenes; their weapons are the financial instruments they create and employ. With the stroke of a pen, they can destroy a nation and (83 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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bankrupt a people." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"Central banks have utilized and promoted wars for their own profit, starting with the Rothschild involvement with the Napoleonic wars, and continuing up to the present day." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

"The most vital and powerful force within the capitalist global political economy [is] the central banking system... the central banking system, is also the source of the greatest wealth and power, essentially managing capitalism - controlling the credit and debt of both government and industry." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild's five sons were sent to the major capitals of Europe - London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin and Naples - with the mission of establishing a banking system that would be outside government control. The economic and political systems of nations would be controlled not by citizens but by bankers, for the benefit of bankers. Eventually, a privately-owned "central bank" was established In nearly every country. This central banking system has now gained control over the economies of the world. Central banks have the authority to print money in their respective countries, and it is from these banks that governments must borrow money to pay their debts and fund their operations. The result is a global economy in which not only industry but government itself runs on "credit" (or debt) created by a banking monopoly headed by a network of private central banks." "Central banking functions on the expansion and creation of money and debt, which is lent at interest, thus serving as the source of income for the central banking system." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research (84 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called 'international' or 'merchants' bankers) who [remained] largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated (private banks.] These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"States, most especially the large hegemonic ones, such as the United States and Great Britain, are controlled by the international central banking system, working through secret agreements at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and operating through national central banks (such as the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve). The state is thus owned by an international banking cartel, and though the state acts in such a way that proves its continual relevance in the global economy, it acts so not in terms of self-interest for the state itself, but for the powerful interests that control that state. The same international banking cartel that controls the United States today previously controlled Great Britain and held it up as the international hegemon. When the British order faded, and was replaced by the United States, the US ran the global economy. However, the same interests are served. States will be used and discarded at will by the international banking cartel; they are simply tools." Andrew Gavin Marshall in his book "Global Power and Global Government"

"Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. As of the year 2000, there were seven countries without a Rothschild-owned Central Bank: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone. Today [2013] the only countries left without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba, North Korea, Iran. Pete Papaherakles,, Feb. 10, 2012 (85 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The first step in having a Central Bank established in a country is to get them to accept an outrageous loans, which puts the country in debt of the Central Bank and under the control of the Rothschilds. If the country does not accept the loan, the leader of this particular country will be assassinated and a Rothschild aligned leader will be put into the position, and if the assassination does not work, the country will be invaded and have a Central Bank established with force all under the name of terrorism.", 10/23/11

"The private issuance of a nation's money has given tremendous power to central bankers, a power so great that even democratically elected governments are subservient to them. Governments are not in control of the economy; it is the allpowerful banksters who create the money, determine interest rates, and decide who gets loans and who doesn't." Gabriel Donohoe

"There are few historians who would challenge the fact that the funding of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War was accomplished ... through the Federal Reserve System. An overview of all wars since the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 suggests that most of them would have been greatly reduced in severity, or perhaps not even fought at all, without fiat money. It is the ability of governments to acquire money without direct taxation that makes modern warfare possible, and a central bank has become the preferred method of accomplishing that." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIAA) "To establish a trust, to and for the establishment and promotion and development of a secret society [the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA)], the true aim and object whereof shall be the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and the colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein (86 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]


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the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor, and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the consolidation of the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire, and finally, the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best interests of humanity." Cecil Rhodes's last will and testiment, 1877

"The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) [Chatham House] and its leading personnel control not only the Far Eastern drug traffic but every important dirty money operation on the surface of he globe." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) ... control not only the Far Eastern drug traffic but every important dirty money operation on the surface of the globe.", 2009

"The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), effectively now completely controls the entire global business, banking and political system of the world - including the Vatican. Its sub-branches illustrate its stagering global power. * Council of Foreign Relations (USA) * Trilateral Commission (USA) * Australian Institute of International Affairs * Canadian Institute of International Affairs * Danish Institute of International Affairs (87 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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* Hungarian Institute of International Affairs * Institute of International Affairs Italy * Japan Institute of International Affairs * Institute of International Affairs Prague * Netherlands Institute of International Affairs * Norwegian Institute of International Affairs * South African Institute of International Affairs * Swedish Institute of International Affairs The RIIA changed its name to Chatham House on September 1, 2004." John D. Christian in his book "Hidden Secrets on the Alpha Course"

"Hugo Chavez re-founded his country, freed it from colonial domination, thrust the invisible poor permanently into the national spotlight, redistributed oil revenues to benefit the Venezuelan majority, sharply reduced illiteracy and poverty, radically improved public health, raised pensions and the minimum wage, mandated pay for housework, established health clinics, schools, cooperatives and popular councils throughout the country, all this while making the stagnant Venezuelan economy grow. He strengthened the hand of the oil-producing countries against the international oil oligarchs, derailed Washington's "free trade" market of the Americas (substituting an alternative economic integration model based on mutual aid), and laid the foundation for a new brand of socialism in the 21st century when most people were loathe to even mention socialism."
Michael K. Smith

"Of the 92 elections that we've monitored, I would say that the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world." former President Jimmy Carter, 2012 (88 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"In Venezuela, voters touch a computer screen to cast their vote and then receive a paper receipt, which they verify and deposit in a ballot box. Most of the paper ballots are compared with the electronic tally. This system makes vote-rigging nearly impossible: to steal the vote would require hacking the computers and then stuffing the ballot boxes to match the rigged vote." Mark Weisbrot, 2012

"The funding of political groups in Venezuela, and others throughout Latin America that promote US agenda, has increased since the April 2002 coup against President Chvez. Through two principal Department of State agencies, USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the US government has channeled more than $50 million to opposition groups in Venezuela since 2002. The USAID/NED budget to fund groups in Venezuela in 2010 is nearly $15 million, doubled from last year's $7 million. This is a state policy of Washington, which the Obama Administration plans to amp up. They call it "democracy promotion", but it's really democracy subversion and destabilization... Through USAID and NED, and their "partner NGOs" and contractors, such as Freedom House, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, Pan-American Development Foundation and Development Alternatives, Inc., hundreds of political groups, parties and programs are presently being funded in Venezuela to promote regime change against the Chvez government." Eva Golinger interviewed by Mike Whitney, 2009

"When the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, tried to take more direct policy control of the Venezuelan state oil company, the Bush administration attempted a covert coup." William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order"

"In Venezuela voter registration is now at 97%." Mark Weisbrot, 2012 (89 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution and its commitment to the poor as the most important movement on the planet. [Hugo] Chavez fully embraces the values that inspired by [Martin Luther] King to help the poor and marginalized. Corporate media will continue to distort and misrepresent what is going on there, as it will with respect to every non-capitalist, cooperative effort." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"Living standards of the majority of Venezuelans have dramatically improved under [Hugo] Chvez. Since 2004, when the government gained control over the oil industry and the economy had recovered from the devastating, extra-legal attempts to overthrow it (including the 2002 US-backed military coup and oil strike of 2002-2003), poverty has been cut in half and extreme poverty by 70%. And this measures only cash income. Millions have access to healthcare for the first time, and college enrolment has doubled, with free tuition for many students. Inequality has also been considerably reduced. By contrast, the two decades that preceded Chvez amount to one of the worst economic failures in Latin America, with real income per person actually falling by 14% between 1980 and 1998." Mark Weisbrot, 2012

"The Venezuelan government has a [distinct] set of measurements to determine true poverty including: access to education, access to clean drinking water, access to adequate housing, and other factors. In Venezuela, poverty is not a measure of income, but of quality of life." Eric Draitser, Global Research, 2013

"[Hugo] Chavez more than anyone drawing a breath, carries on and expands [Martin Luther] King's struggle on behalf of the wretched of the earth. He is a revolutionary)' leader deeply committed, as was {Martin Luther] King, to liberating the poor from the impoverishment, physical deprivation, and exclusion that denies all life in the face of the challenge to survive." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin (90 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Luther King"

"Through USAID and NED, and their "partner NGOs" and contractors, such as Freedom House, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, Pan-American Development Foundation and Development Alternatives, Inc., hundreds of political groups, parties and programs are presently being funded in Venezuela to promote regime change against the Chvez government." Eva Golinger interviewed by Mike Whitney, 2009

"The Israeli elite repeatedly criticise Hitler's actions against the Jews, and indeed Hitler's actions must be criticised, not just against the Jews but against the world. It's also fascism that Israel is doing to the Palestinian people ... terrorism and fascism." Hugo Chavez

"The Empire is afraid that the people of the United States will find out the truth. that a Bolivarian movement, or a Lincoln movement, or a movement of conscious citizens could erupt in their own country and transform the system." Hugo Chavez

"The Chinese state has, ever since Confucius if not earlier, been perceived as the embodiment and guardian of Chinese civilization, which is why, in both the dynastic and Communist eras, it has enjoyed such huge authority and legitimacy. Amongst its constellation of responsibilities, the state, most importantly of all, has the sacred task of maintaining the unity of Chinese civilization. Unlike in the Western tradition, the role of government has no boundaries; rather like a parent, with which it is often compared, there are no limits to its authority. Paternalism is regarded as a desirable and necessary characteristic of government." (91 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"China has borne witness to the greatest poverty-reduction programme ever seen, with the number of people living in poverty falling from 250 million at the start of the reform process in 1978 to 80 million by the end of 1993, 29 million in 2001, and 26 million in 2007, thereby accounting for three-quarters of global poverty reduction during this period." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"The Chinese leadership has displayed great patience and considerable competence at tackling a succession of difficult and elusive problems. At the end of the nineties, for example, the government was faced with three extremely difficult domestic issues: closing a very large number of loss-making state enterprises; overhauling the state banks, which were saddled with a large and rising proportion of non-performing loans, mainly to indebted state enterprises; and strengthening the weak fiscal position of central government. A decade later, the government had fundamentally overcome these problems, having greatly reduced the problem of indebted state enterprises, transformed the condition of the banking system and improved its own finances. Given its scale and speed, China's economic transformation is surely the most extraordinary in human history... The government's economic strategy, shrewd and farsighted has been very successful, resulting in stellar economic growth an rise in per capita income from $339 in 1990 to over $4,000 in 2010. Economic growth is no longer confined to a few 'islands' but has spread out in waves to most provinces of China... In a remarkably short space of time, China has become the centre of global manufacturing... In 2011, China became the world's largest manufacturing country in terms of output, bringing to an end a period of 110 years during which the United States had occupied that position." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"For the Chinese leadership, the objective of economic reform was never Westernization, but rather a desire to restore the Party's legitimacy after Mao through economic growth, and thereby build a strong nation and state. Political stability was accorded the highest priority." (92 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"The Chinese state has consistently been seen as the apogee of society, enjoying sovereignty over all else. In European societies, in contrast, the power of government has historically been subject to competing sources of authority, such as the Church, the nobility and rising commercial interests. In effect government was obliged to share its power with other groups and institutions. In China, at least for the last millennium, these either did not exist (there was no organized and powerful Church) or were regarded, and saw themselves, as subordinate (for example, the merchant class); the idea that different sources of authority could and should coexist was seen as ethically wrong." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"One of the most fundamental features of Chinese politics concerns the overriding emphasis placed on the country's unity. This is remains by far the most important question in China's political life. Its origins lie not in the short period since China became a nation-state, but in the experience and idea of Chinese civilization. The fact that China has spent so much of its history in varying degrees of disunity, and at such great cost, has taught the Chinese that unity is sacrosanct." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"The task of the [Chinese Communist] Party is to govern, while the people are left free to get on with the business of transforming their living standards and enjoying the rewards of rising incomes and a growing variety of consumer goods. Money-making, meanwhile, has replaced politics as the most valued and respected form of social activity, including within the Party itself." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"The fact that the Chinese regard themselves as superior to the rest of the human race, and that this belief has a strong racial component, will confront the rest of the world with a serious problem. It is one thing to hold such attitudes when China is relatively (93 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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poor and powerless, quite another for those attitudes to inform a country when it enjoys huge global power and influence. Of course, there is a clear parallel with European and Western attitudes, which have similarly been based on an abiding sense of superiority rooted in cultural and racial beliefs. There are, though, two obvious differences: first, China's hubris has a much longer history and second, the Chinese represent one-fifth of the world's population, a far larger proportion than, for example, Britain or the United States at their zenith have ever constituted. Precisely how this sense of superiority will inform China's behaviour as a global superpower is a crucial question." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"The roots of China's sense of difference, superiority and greatness lie not in its recent past as a nation-state but in its much longer history and existence as a civilizationstate. There are two key elements to this. First, there is China's belief in its cultural superiority, which dates back at least two millennia. Second, there is the idea of China's racial superiority, which is closely linked to its cultural hubris and which anchors that hubris in nature: that to be born Chinese, rather than as a 'foreigner', 'barbarian' or 'foreign devil', carries a special status and significance. Together they constitute what might be described as the Middle Kingdom mentality." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"China lent more money to the entire developing world than was lent by the World Bank: specifically, the China Development Bank and China Export-Import Bank (often known as the China Exim Bank) signed loans of at least $110 billion to other developing country governments and companies during those two years, while the equivalent arms of the World Bank made loan commitments of $100.3 billion. Already, in other words, the China Development Bank and the China Exim Bank are becoming more important institutions in the funding of the developing world than the World Bank." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"The main political impact of China on the world will be its Confucian tradition, its lack of a Western-style democracy or tradition, the centrality of the state and the relative weakness of any civil society that is likely to develop. Even a more democratic China will be profoundly different from the Western model." (94 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"At the heart of the Chinese model is a hyperactive and omnipresent state, which enjoys a close relationship with a powerful body of SOEs (state-owned enterprises), a web of connections with the major firms in the private sector, and has masterminded China's economic transformation. The Chinese state is a highly dynamic institution that has been subject to a constant process of reform. Based on experimentation and trial and error, it has been continuously restructured, with institutions regularly re-purposed and incentivized. This picture contrasts with the neo-liberal view that is still dominant in the West, which sees the state as inevitably prone to ossification, atrophy and anachronism." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"The attitude of the Chinese towards the state is very different to that of Westerners. For the latter, the state is an outsider, a stranger, even an interloper, whose presence should, as far as possible, be limited and confined... In China, in contrast, the state and society are seen as on the same side and part of the same endeavour: the state enjoys the status of an intimate and is treated like a member of the family, not just any member but the head of the family - the patriarch himself. We can only understand the immense authority of the Chinese state in these terms, an authority which has been reinforced by the fact that, unlike in the West, it has had no serious rivals for over a millennium." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"



"When people hear of 'The Crown' they automatically think of the King or Queen [of (95 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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England]; when they hear of 'London' or 'The City' they instantly think of the capital of England in which the monarch has his or her official residence. ... When we speak of 'The City' we are in fact referring to a privately owned Corporation or Sovereign State - occupying an irregular rectangle of 677 acres and located right in the heart of the 610 square mile 'Greater London' area. ... The 'Crown' is a committee of twelve to fourteen men who rule the independent sovereign state known as London or 'The City.' 'The City' is not part of England. It is not subject to the Sovereign. It is not under the rule of the British parliament. Like the Vatican in Rome, it is a separate, independent state. It is the Vatican of the commercial world. The City, which is often called "the wealthiest square mile on earth, is ruled over by a Lord Mayor. Here are grouped together Britain's great financial and commercial institutions: Wealthy banks, dominated by the privately-owned (Rothschild controlled) Bank of England." Des Griffin in his book "Descent Into Slavery?"

"The merchant bankers of London had already at hand in 1810-1850 the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, and the London money market... In time they brought into their financial network the provincial banking centers, organized as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"In the heart of London, England, the financial district is known as 'The City,' or the 'Square Mile.' All major British banks have their main offices here, along with branch offices for 385 foreign banks, including 70 from the United States... It is virtually the financial hub of the world." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order" (96 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"England, Scotland, Wales, and, especially, Northern Ireland, are today little more than slave plantations and social engineering laboratories, serving the needs of ...the City of London. European dynastic families constitute a financial oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne [Britain]. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium. The City of London dominates the world's speculative markets. A tightly interlocking group of corporations, involved in raw materials extraction, finance, insurance, transportation, and food production, controls the lion's share of the world market, and exerts virtual ``choke point'' control over world industry." historian Jeffrey Steinberg

"Both E. C. Knuth, in his book 'Empire of the City', and Des Griffin, in his book 'Descent into Slavery', stated their belief that 'The City' is actually a sovereign state (much like the Vatican), and that since the establishment of the privately owned Bank of England in 1694, 'The City' has actually become the last word in the country's national affairs, with Prime Minister, Cabinet, and Parliament becoming only a front for the real power. According to Knuth, when the Queen enters 'The City,' she is subservient to the Lord Mayor (under him, is a committee of 12-14 men, known as 'The Crown'), because this privately-owned corporation is not subject to the Queen, nor to Parliament." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order"

"England is a financial oligarchy run by the "Crown" which refers to the "City of London" not the Queen. The City of London is run by the Bank of England, a private corporation. The square-mile-large City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London." Henry Makow, 2004

CLIMATE CHANGE (97 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between AngloAmerican financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe, particularly the socalled "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual depressions. John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300"

"The Club of Rome (COR) was established with a membership of 75 prominent scientists, industrialists, and economists from 25 countries. Along with the Bilderbergers, it has become one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Roundtable group." David Allen Rivera in is book "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order"

"There is no other viable alternative to the future survival of civilization than a new global community under a common leadership." Club of Rome website

"The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors and many others who lurk in the shadows of power." Brent Jessop, Global Research, 2008 (98 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"The solution of these crises can be developed only in a global context with full and explicit recognition of the emerging world system and on a long-term basis. This would necessitate, among other changes, a new world economic order and a global resources allocation system." from a Club of Rome book called "Mankind at the Turning Point"

"The global warming myth is an extension of The Club of Rome's activities." Brent Jessop, Global Research, 2008

"The Club of Rome will encourage the creation of a world forum where statesmen, policy-makers, and scientists can discuss the dangers and hopes for the future global system without the constraints of formal intergovernmental negotiation." The Club of Rome book "The Limits to Growth", 1972

"On September 17, 1973, The Club of Rome released a Report called the "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System"." It revealed the Club's goal of dividing the world into ten political/economic regions, which would unite the entire world under a single form of government. These regions are North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Rest of Developed World, Latin America, Middle East, Rest of Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and China." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning"

"The international bankers' Club of Rome arm advocated depopulation of the world's undesirable poor." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf" (99 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The Club of Rome has indicated that genocide should be used to eliminate people who they refer to as 'useless eaters." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning"


"The Club of the Isles provides capital for George Soros' Quantum Fund NV - which made substantial financial gains in 1998-99 following the collapse of currencies of Thailand, Indonesia and Russia. Soros was a major shareholder at George W. Bush's Harken Energy. The Club of Isles is led by the Rothschilds and includes Queen Elizabeth II and other wealthy European aristocrats and Nobility." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Club of the Isles is a vast network of private financial interests, controlled by the leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe. It is modeled on the 17th-century British and Dutch East India Company models. The Rothschild family has been at the financial heart of the Club of the Isles. The Club of the Isles is centered in the City of London." William Engdahl , Executive Intelligence Review, 1997

"The "Club of the Isles" is an informal association of predominantly European-based royal households including the Queen [of England]. The Club of the Isles commands an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets at the disposal of its geopolitical agenda. Its goal: to reduce the human population from its current level to below one billion people within the next two to three generations; to literally ``cull the human herd'' in the interest of retaining their own global power and the feudal system upon which that power is based." (100 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Henry Makow, 2004

"The Rothschild's are founding members of the exclusive $10 trillion Club of the Isles which controls corporate giants Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Barclays, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, BHP Billiton and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The Club of Isles is led by the Rothschilds and includes Queen Elizabeth II and other wealthy European aristocrats and Black Nobility." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Club of the Isles is a European cartel - centered within the City of London and headed by the House of Windsor - which controls every aspect of the global economy -- banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, raw materials, transportation, factories, major retail groups, the stock and commodities markets, politicians and governments, media, intelligence agencies, drugs and organized crime." "The Windsors' Global Food Cartel: Instrument for Starvation" an article from Executive Intelligence Review, 1995

"You will not read about the Club of the Isles in any textbook or popular magazine. It is unincorporated and it has no membership lists. Yet, as an informal association of predominantly European-based royal households and princely families, the Club of the Isles commands an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets not merely in the pursuit of wealth, but as resources at the disposal of its geopolitical agenda. Its goal: to reduce the human population from its current level of over 5 billion people to below 1 billion people within the next two to three generations in (101 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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the interest of retaining their own global power and the feudal system upon which that power is based." "The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor" an article from The New Federalist newspaper, 1994

"Club of the Isles is an immensely influencial network of institutions and companies controlled by the British House of Windsor and the Black Nobility European dynastic families. It is a web of interlocking directorships which hold independent companies in a network of common control and common agenda. European dynastic family members of this web include: House of Guelph/House of Windsor, Britain; House of Wettin, Belgium; House of Bernadotte, Sweden; House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein; House of Oldenburg, Denmark; House of Hohenzollern, Germany; House of Hanover, Germany (the second most important one); House of Bourbon, France; House of Orange, Netherlands; House of Grimaldi, Monaco; House of Wittelsbach, Germany; House of Braganza, Portugal; House of Nassau, Luxembourg; House of Habsburg, Austria; House of Savoy, Italy; House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia (former); House of Wrttemberg, Germany; House of Zogu, Albania. Bank and corporate members include: The Bank of England, Anglo-American Corp of South Africa, Rio Tinto, De Beers Consolidated Mines and De Beers Centenary AG, N.M. Rothchild Bank, Barclays Bank, Lloyds Bank, Midland Bank, National Westminster Bank, Barings Bank, Schroders Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Hambros Bank, S. G. Warburg, Toronto Dominion Bank, Lazard Brothers, Lonrho, J. P. Morgan and Co, British Petroleum. Shell and Royal Dutch Petroleum, General Electric, HSBS Holdings (Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank), Imperial Chemical Industries, ING Group, Jardine Matheson, Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co, Reuters, GlaxoSmithKline, Unilever, Vickers. Environmental Organizations established and controlled by the Club of the Isles include: World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Sierra Club, Earth First, Sea Shepard, Rainforest Action Network." David Icke in his book "The Biggest Secret"

"The Committee of 300 is an "aristocracy" claiming ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve banking system, and globally, insurance companies, corporations, (102 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

foundations, and communications networks. It has front organizations, including the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and affiliated organizations, think tanks and research institutions, and the military establishment. The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. These aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain world-wide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to "go into business" with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business. ... Some notable members of the Committee of 300 include: The British royal family, Dutch royal family, House of Hapsburg, House of Orange, Duke of Alba, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Lord Carrington, Lord Halifax, Lord Alfred Milner, John Jacob and Waldorf of the Astor Illuminati bloodline, Winston Churchill, Cecil Rhodes, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Juliana, Queen Beatrix, Queen Magreta, King Haakon of Norway, Colonel Mandel House, Aldous Huxley, John Forbes, Averill Harriman, William and McGeorge Bundy, George Bush, Prescott Bush, Henry Kissinger, J.P. Morgan, Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller, David and Evelyn Rothschild, Paul, Max and Felix Warburg, Ormsby and Al Gore, Bertrand Russell, Sir Earnest and Harry of the Oppenheimer Illuminati bloodline, Warren Buffet, Giuseppe Mazzini, Sir William Hesse, George Schultz, H.G. Wells, and Ted Turner." "The Committee of 300: A Brief History of World Power: Venetian Black Nobility - Roots of Today's Ruling Oligarchy" an article by Dr. John Coleman

"Committee of 300 front organizations, include the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment." John Coleman, 2012

"In 1991 President George Herbert Walker Bush was ordered by Margaret Thatcher on behalf of the "300"[Committee of 300] to take a belligerent stance against Iraq. Within two weeks, not only in the United States, but in almost the entire world, public opinion was turned against Iraq and Saddam Hussein. (103 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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... The Club of Rome reported to the Committee of 300, at whose head sits the Queen of England. Her Majesty rules over a vast network of closely-linked corporations who pay no taxes, and are answerable to no one; who fund their research institutions through foundations whose joint activities have almost total control over our daily lives. ... These linked institutions and their leading personnel form an upper-level parallel government that controls the lives of every American, whether they know it or not. Together, the interlocking corporations, insurance companies, banks, finance corporations, the mega-oil companies, newspapers, magazines, radio and television broadcasting companies they make up a vast apparatus that sits astride the United States and the world. There is not a politician in Washington, D.C. who is not somehow beholden to it." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300"

"Banking, while not its mainstay [Committee of 300], it is of vital importance, especially following the burgeoning drug trade that began in 1997, for which its banks act as clearing houses and money launderers of billions of dollars derived from drug money. The main "big name banks" are: The Bank of England The Federal Reserve Banks Bank of International Settlements The World Bank The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank American Express American Express Bank Travelers checks are a convenient method of recycling drug dollars. Each of these banks is affiliated with and/or controls hundreds of thousands of large and small banks throughout the world. Banks large and small in the thousands are in the Committee of 300 networking cycle." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300"

"The Club of Rome reported to the Committee of 300, at whose head sits the Queen of England. Her Majesty rules over a vast network of closely-linked corporations who pay no taxes, and are answerable to no one; who fund their research institutions through foundations whose joint activities have almost total control over our daily lives. These linked institutions and their leading personnel form an upper-level parallel (104 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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government that controls the lives of every American, whether they know it or not. Together, the interlocking corporations, insurance companies, banks, finance corporations, the mega-oil companies, newspapers, magazines, radio and television broadcasting companies they make up a vast apparatus that sits astride the United States and the world. There is not a politician in Washington, D.C. who is not somehow beholden to it." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300: The Conspirator's Hierarchy"

"To the oligarches and plutocrats of the Committee of 300, drugs have a two-fold purpose, firstly to bring in colossal sums of money and secondly, to eventually turn a major part of the population into mindless drug zombies who will be easier to control than people who don't need drugs. Punishment for rebellion will mean withholding of supplies of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etc. For this it is necessary to legalize drugs so that a monopoly system, which has been readied for introduction once severe economic conditions cause drug usage to proliferate as hundreds of thousands of permanently jobless workers turn to drugs for solace. In one of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) top secret papers, the scenario is laid out as follows: 'Having been failed by Christianity, and with unemployment on every hand, those who have been without jobs for five years or more will turn away from the church and seek solace in drugs. That is when full control of the drug trade must be completed in order that the governments of all countries who are under our jurisdiction will have a monopoly which we will control through supply.... Drug bars will take care of the unruly and the discontent, would be revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of their own'." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"By the early 1930's, the British Crown had a stranglehold on the biggest supplies of gold and diamonds ever found in the world. Now, the Committee of 300 had at its disposal both the vast fortune coming from the drug trade and the equally vast fortune of the minieral and metal wealth of South Africa. Financial control of the world was complete." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" (105 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"If you wanted a national monopoly, you must control a national socialist government. If you want a worldwide monopoly, you must control a world socialist government. That is what the game is all about. "Communism" is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a movement created, manipulated and used by power-seeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world ... first by establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a "Great Merger," into an all-powerful world, socialist super-state." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"The myth of monolithic Communism - that all activities of people everywhere who call themselves Communists or whom J. Edgar Hoover calls Communists are planned and controlled in the Kremlin - is essential to the ideology of the national security bureaucracy. Without it the President and his advisers would have a harder time identifying the enemy. They certainly could not find opponents worthy of the 'defense' efforts of the mightiest military power in the history of the world." Richard Barnet

"Third World elites dread socialism the way the rest of us might dread poverty and hunger. So, when push comes to shove, the wealthy classes of Third World countries, with a great deal of help from the corporate-military-political elites in our country, will use fascism to preserve capitalism while claiming they are saving democracy from communism." Michael Parenti in his book "Dirty Truths"

"The Soviet Union and something called communism per se had not been the object of Washington's global attacks. There had never been an International Communist Conspiracy. The enemy was, and remains, any government or movement, or even (106 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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individual, that stands in the way of the expansion of the American Empire; by whatever name the US gives to the enemy-communist, rogue state, drug trafficker, terrorist." William Blum in his book "Killing Hope"

"A clique of American financiers not only helped establish Communism in Russia, but has striven mightily ever since to keep it alive. Ever since 1918 this clique has been engaged in transferring money and, probably more important, technical information, to the Soviet Union... Virtually everything the Soviets possess has been acquired from the West. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that the U.S.S.R. was made in the U.S.A.." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"In the Bolshevik Revolution we have some of the world's richest and most powerful men financing a movement which claims its very existence is based on the concept of stripping of their wealth, men like the Rothschids, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, Morgans, Harrimans, and Milners. But obviously these men have no fear of international Communism. It is only logical to assume that if they financed it and do not fear it, it must be because they control it." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy

"Communism and socialism are themselves forms of monopoly. The only difference is that in this case, the monopoly is operated by the government. But what if an international banker, through loans to the state, manipulation of a central bank, campaign contributions, or bribes, is able to achieve dominion over a government? In that case, he would find socialism welcome, for it would serve him as an instrument to control society." James Perloff in his book "The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline"

"Without communism - once monolithic and on the march - our state lacks a Wizard of Oz to terrify all the people all the time. So the state looks inward, at the true enemy, who (107 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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turns out to be-who else? the people of the United States" Gore Vidal in his book "Dreaming War"

"Communism is the ultimate monopoly, not only controlling the government, the monetary system and all property, but also a monopoly which, like the corporations it emulates, is self-perpetuating and eternal." Eustace C. Mullins in his book "The Rockefeller Syndicate"

"Communism is an enormously serviceable tool for achieving morally dubious goals under a morally acceptable cover. It is not acceptable to destabilize a country, overthrow its democratically elected government, and institute a reign of terror in order to lower taxes and wages for one's own multinational firms. It is necessary to put forward a higher moral imperative [fighting communism]." Edward S. Herman

"The so-called demise of Communism is a Great Deception, having been stage managed for the transition to world government." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island: a second look at the Federal Reserve"

"If one understands the socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately socialism, its not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite." author Gary Allen from the documentary "The Money Masters: How Banks Create the World's Money" (108 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"In general, the Reagan administration tried to propagate the notion that communism was the main threat to democracy in Latin America and that therefore fighting communism was equivalent to promoting democracy. In reality, however, the main obstacles to democracy in Latin America have historically been a variety of structural domestic factors such as the extreme concentration of economic and political power in the hands of undemocratic elites, the sociopolitical marginalization of whole classes of citizens, and the lack of any underlying national consensus on basic democratic values." Thomas Carothers in his book "In the Name of Democracy - U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years"

"There is no such thing as a bad system of government. Not even Communism. It is the men who execute it who make it good or bad. ... We consider capitalism as the exploitation of man by capital and Communism the exploitation of the individual by the state." Juan Peron, dictator of Argentina,1968

"Among Latin American elites, a peasant asking for a higher wage or a priest helping organize a peasant cooperative is a communist. And someone going so far as to suggest land reform or a more equitable tax system is a communist fanatic. There is no word or act suggesting the desirability of elite generosity toward the poor, or the need for education, organization or material advance for the majority, that has not been branded communistic in Latin America in recent decades. Since communism is the enemy and peasants trying to improve themselves, priests with the slightest humanistic proclivity, and naturally anyone seriously challenging the status quo, are communists, they are also, by definition, enemies." Edward S. Herman "The educated, urbane men of the State Department, the CIA, and the United Fruit Company, the pipe-smoking men of Princeton, Harvard, and Wall Street, decided that the illiterate peasants of Guatemala did not deserve the land which had been given to (109 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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them, that the workers did not need their unions, that hunger and torture were a small price to pay for being rid of the scourge of Communism." William Blum in his book "Killing Hope"

"The CIA is not now nor has it ever been a central intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President's foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it overthrows or supports foreign governments while reporting "intelligence" justifying those activities... Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target audience of its lies. ... The Agency's task is to develop an intemational anti-communist ideology. The CIA then links every egalitarian political movement to the scourge of intemational communism. This then prepares the American people and many in the world community for the second stage, the destruction of those movements. For egalitarianism is the enemy and it must not be allowed to exist." Ralph McGehee in his book "Deadly Deceits"

"Terrorism has replaced Communism as the rationale for the militarization of the country, for military adventures abroad, and for the suppression of civil liberties at home. It serves the same purpose, serving to create hysteria." Howard Zinn in his book "Terrorism and War"

"After World War II, in the name of containing Communism, the United States, mostly through the actions of local allies, executed or encouraged coups in, among other places, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina and patronized a brutal mercenary war in Nicaragua ... By the end of the Cold War, Latin American security forces trained, funded, equipped, and incited by Washington had executed a reign of bloody terror hundreds of thousands killed, an equal number tortured, millions driven into exile-from which the region has yet to fully recover." Greg Grandin in his book "Empire's Workshop" "Since the anticommunism hysteria in the years following the Second World War, a bipartisan consensus has existed on foreign policy, with at least three consequences. (110 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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First, meaningful political discourse has been almost absent about foreign policy issues. At election time, debates about foreign policy amount to contests to see which of the candidates is "toughest" on communism or "communist"-sponsored insurgencies in various countries. Second, as a result voters have never been presented with alternatives outside the Cold War consensus. And third, so many foreign policy decisions have been placed beyond public scrutiny-only surfacing periodically in public "scandals"-that almost all of what passes as official information about foreign policy is manufactured by government agencies for its propaganda effect." Daniel Hellinger and Dennis R. Judd in their book "The Democratic Facade"

"World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse string." Denis Healey, former British Secretary of Defense

"'Conspiracy theory' is a term that at once strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs." Professor James F. Tracy, Global Research, 2013

"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." William Blum in his book "Rogue State" (111 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"We have been conditioned to laugh at conspiracy theories, and few people will risk public ridicule by advocating them... Almost all of history is an unbroken trail of one conspiracy after another. Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception." G. Edward Griffin, Federal Reserve Historian inis book "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

"The media use the epithet 'conspiracy theorist' to discredit anyone who discusses the criminal activities of real people." Daniel Estulin in his book "Shadow Masters" "In an oligarchical society characterized by the preponderant role of secret intelligence agencies - such as the United States at the beginning of the twenty-first century anyone who rules out conspiracies runs the risk of not understanding very much of what is going on." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"In America, a 'conspiracy nut' is defined as a journalist who reports the news two years before the New York Times." Greg Palast

"There is a huge tacit conspiracy between the U.S. government, its agencies and its multinational corporations, on the one hand, and local business and military cliques in the Third World, on the other, to assume complete control of these countries and "develop" them on a joint venture basis. The military leaders of the Third World were carefully nurtured by the U.S. security establishment to serve as the "enforcers" of this joint venture partnership, and they have been duly supplied with machine guns and the latest data on methods of interrogation of subversives." Edward S. Herman (112 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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""Conspiracy theorist" as an all-purpose term of 'ad hominem' argument to dismiss arguments which cannot be refuted, goes back to the years after the Kennedy assassination, when the public was expected to accept that it was US government policy that this great crime, along with the further assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy in 1968, would remain permanently unsolved, and that those who objected would be vilified." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"The corporate-owned press and numerous political leaders have suppressed or attacked the many revelations about the murder [of President John Kennedy in November 1963] unearthed by independent investigators. ... Their efforts reveal a conspiracy to assassinate the president and an even more extensive conspiracy to hide the crime." Michael Parenti in his book "Dirty Truths"

"The high officials, media executives and military officers who are bound by law and ethics to serve the American people have become a textbook example of a grand conspiracy. To look at it from their point of view, they are historic actors who are beyond good and evil, who must stimulate the American people to a necessary geostrategic adventure by any means necessary. To them, the official account of the 9/11 "terror" attacks is what Plato once described as the "noble lie," a necessary falsehood told to a childlike public in order to direct it maturely. The simple fact is that 9/11 has justified an attempt to seize and control the ultimate geostrategic resource: oil." Captain Eric H. May, a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, 2008

"Am I a conspiracy theorist if I suggest that since the network's nightly news broadcasts are sponsored almost entirely by prescription drug ads, that you might have to hold your breath a long time before you hear the alternative point of view to using pharmaceuticals to cure all our ailments? ... Do pharmaceutical companies want to cure diabetes or do they want to sell diabetes (113 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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drugs and equipment? Well, they sure do sell a lot these days, and the food companies are what make that possible. Read David Kessler's book about the deliberate way food companies use salt, fat and sugar as foodcrack to get people literally addicted to eating bad food and too much of it. Is that a conspiracy? Only if you define corporations putting profit ahead of human health as conspiracy. The fact that Americans will do anything to each other for money is not a conspiracy, it's a scandal." Bill Maher, 2009

"There is an Establishment history, an official history, which dominates history textbooks, trade publishing, the media and library shelves. The official line always assumes that events such as wars, revolutions, scandals, assassinations, are more or less random unconnected events. By definition events can never be the result of a conspiracy, they can never result from premeditated planned group action. ... Woe betide any book or author that falls outside the official guidelines. Foundation support is not there. Publishers get cold feet. Distribution is hit and miss, or nonexistent." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"


"COG (Continuity of Government) called for suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the government over to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) , emergency appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments, and declaration of martial law during a national crisis. The plan also gave the FEMA which had been involved in drafting it, sweeping new powers, including internment." Alfonso Chardy, Miami Herald

"COG (Continuity of Government) is a secret program to deal with running the state in the event of national emergency. The COG program was partially implemented on 9/11 by Dick Cheney... If the National Emergencies Act has been rendered inoperative by COG, this would indicate that the constitutional system of checks and balances no (114 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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longer applies, and also that secret decrees now override public legislation. Peter Dale Scott

From the beginning of the Reagan presidency in 1981, arrangements were made for a secret group outside government to work on so-called "Continuity of Government" or COG plans for running the state in the event of national emergency. Initially this was an extension of existing plans for a response to a nuclear attack which would decapitate the United States' leadership, but before Reagan retired, the terms were modified by his Executive Order 12686 of 1988 to cover any emergency. The COG actually began under President Jimmy Carter, although Carter may have never been aware of it. Carter did create FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which has always been charged with being the infrastructure for this COG planning... the COG plans were extreme plans, but Congress didn't know about them in the 1980's. Only a small group of people - including Oliver North, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld - were secretly assigned to work on them by a 1981 top secret executive order from Reagan." Peter Dale Scott

"On 9/11, COG (Continuity of Government) plans were implemented, along with an officially proclaimed state of emergency that is still in effect, ignoring a post-Watergate law calling for either approval or termination of an emergency by Congress. The COG plans are a closely kept secret, but there were reports in the 1980's that these involved warrantless surveillance and detention, and a permanent militarization of government. To some extent these changes have clearly been put in place since 9/11." Peter Dale Scott

"As developed in the mid-1980s, the plans for COG (Continuity of Government) called for not just the surveillance but also the potential detention of large numbers of American citizens. ... The COG planning eventually called for suspension of the Constitution, not just "after a nuclear war" but for any "national security emergency." This was defined in Executive Order 12656 of 1988 as "any occurrence, including natural disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or other emergency, that seriously degrades or seriously (115 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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threatens the national security of the United States." Peter Dale Scott

"We have a corporate media cartel that overlaps with the war industry. It has no interest in democracy." David Swanson , 2010

"Concentrated corporate media have acted as a government megaphone, largely blocking out criticism of the official 9/11 account and the lies that led our troops into the disastrous war in Iraq." 9/11 and American Empire : Intellectuals Speak Out edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott

"If deliberate distortion of reality by corporate media could be effectively prosecuted in the United States, the entire industry would be behind bars." Cynthia McKinney, 2007

"Corporations, which have hijacked the state, are delighted with the demise of journalism. And the mass communications systems they control pump out endless streams of gossip, trivia and filth in lieu of news. ... Money flows to advertising rather than to art or journalism because manipulation is more highly valued than truth or beauty. ... The faux objectivity and neutrality of the traditional news industry hastened the cultural irrelevance of traditional news gathering. The narrowing of debates within the press to the minor differences among the power elite had a debilitating effect on news. ... The lie told by newspapers and traditional news is the lie of omission, which is not as bad as the outright lies told on Fox News, but in the end it is still a lie. Our power elite (116 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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are bankrupt, and the press, tethered to the elite, is as bankrupt as those it covers. ... Once we lose a system of information based on verifiable fact, will become disconnected from reality. All totalitarian societies impart their propaganda through manipulated images and spectacles. And the death of traditional news is one more stage in the terminal illness that is ravaging American democracy. Chris Hedges, 2010

"Big media in the United States effectively represent the interests of corporate America. The media elite are the watchdogs of acceptable ideological messages, the controllers of news and information content, and the decision-makers regarding media resources." 9/11 and American Empire : Intellectuals Speak Out edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott

"In 2005, newspaper circulation declined over the previous year by 2.6 percent, with the largest declines posted in the major newspapers. Still worse, in 2007, newspaper advertising revenue fell by 9.4 percent. ... In 1980, the combined audience for the NBC, CBS and ABC newscasts was 53 million. Just last month, that audience tallied at 21.5 million: about seven percent of the US population. And the median age of that audience is 60.2, which means that the networks are failing to reach the essential younger age cohorts. ... The newspaper and broadcast industries cite a number of alleged reasons for these figures: the internet, competition from cable news programs, and declining literacy and political interest among the public. Missing from this list is "the crud factor"; namely, that the quality and credibility of reporting has deteriorated so spectacularly that the public, fed-up with the insults and lies, has turned to other sources of news and information." Ernest Partridge, 2008

"The real problem with professional journalism becomes evident when political elites do not debate an issue and march in virtual lockstep. In such a case professional journalism is, at best, ineffectual, and, at worst, propagandistic. This has often been the case in U.S. foreign policy, where both parties are beholden to an enormous global military complex, and accept the right of the United States, and the United States alone, (117 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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to invade countries when it suits U.S. interests. In matters of war and foreign policy, journalists who question the basic assumptions and policy objectives and who attempt to raise issues no one in either party wishes to debate are considered 'ideological' and 'unprofessional. This has a powerful disciplinary effect upon journalists." Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols, 2010

"The corporate media is funded by the corporations and wealthy Americans who don't want to pay higher taxes or even pay any taxes and who are largely profiting off the continuing wars." Coleen Rowley, retired FBI Agent

"Corporations are totalitarian sociopathic organizations. They are institutional serial killers." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"The forces running the corporate state ... are surely now aware of the impending disaster. Their fear and anxiety is caused by the realization that when the impoverished masses have lost all or most of what they had, they will organize and take to the streets. Hence, every means of mass control is being put in place by the legislature and by executive order, to provide for the use of force to control the population. A pretext for the declaration of martial law and the wholesale detention of American citizens must not be ruled out during a period of decline and disaster." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The governments of the world are restructuring their economies, and the global economy as a whole, into a corporatist structure. Thus, this new international economic (118 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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system being constructed is one representative of economic fascism. The governments now work directly for the banks, democracy is in decline everywhere, and the militarization of domestic society into creating "Homeland Security states" is underway and accelerating." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"The corporate-dominated economy and the transnational corporate state had consolidated its power over almost every aspect of public and private life, and under a formal globalization movement the transnational corporations were extending their tentacles all over the planet. Footsoldiers like Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, the ever-dutiful Bush family, Helmut Kohl, and a list of Japanese leaders had diligently kept the faith. Working with the timeworn International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and ultimately with the new engine of globalization, the World Trade Organization, they ensured that the interests of capital were nowhere endangered by the needs of the world's three billion poor to eat, have shelter, clothing, sanitation, medical care, and education." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"This empire that we've created really has an emperor, and it's not the president of this country... it doesn't really matter whether we have a Democrat or a Republican in the White House or running Congress; the empire goes on, because it's really run by what I call the corporatocracy, which is a group of men who run our biggest corporations. This isn't a conspiracy theory. They don't need to conspire. They all know what serves their best interest. But they really are the equivalent of the emperor, because they do not serve at the wish of the people, they're not democratically elected, they don't serve any limited term. They essentially answer to no one, except their own boards, and most corporate CEOs actually run their boards, rather than the other way around. And they are the power behind this." John Perkins, 2007

"The framework for the post-1945 economy had largely been worked Out by the United (119 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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States and Britain. It called for the creation of three multilateral institutions - the World Bank, the IMF, and an international trade organization {WTO]... With the demise of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1990s, however, there were no longer any alternatives or restrictions on the planet to the spread of corporate colonialism." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"Ronald Reagan .. was most definitely a global empire builder, a servant of the corporatocracy... He would cater to the men who shuttled back and forth from corporate CEO offices to bank boards and into the halls of government. He would serve the men who appeared to serve him but who in fact ran the government - men like Vice President George H. W. Bush, Secretary of State George Shultz, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, Richard Cheney, Richard Helms, and Robert McNamara. He would advocate what those men wanted: an America that controlled the world and all its resources, a world that answered to the commands of that America, a U.S. military that would enforce the rules as they were written by America, and an international trade and banking system that supported America as CEO of the global empire." John Perkins in his book "Confessions of Economic Hit Man"

"U.S. multinationals are in a class of their own. Their top managers, the CEOs, have the highest salaries in the world. Japan, Germany, France and England also have global corporations, but managers there earn about a third of what their U.S. counterparts make. ... U.S. CEOs earn three times the average of CEOs in the 13 other advanced countries for which there are comparable data. Only in one country, Switzerland, are 7 CEOs paid even as much as 50 percent of what the average U.S. CEO makes. ... According to the Federal Reserve, while the CEO compensation in Britain was 22 times the pay of an average worker in 2004, in the United States it was 170 times, and in Japan only 11 times." Ravi Batra in his book "The New Golden Age", 2007

"The governments of the world are restructuring their economies, and the global economy as a whole, into a corporatist structure. Thus, this new international economic (120 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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system being constructed is one representative of economic fascism. The governments now work directly for the banks, democracy is in decline everywhere, and the militarization of domestic society into creating "Homeland Security states" is underway and accelerating." Andrew Gavin Marshall - The Global Economic Crisis - Global Research, 2010


"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) took control of the ideological foundations of the American empire, encompassing the corporate, banking, political, foreign policy, military, media, and academic elite of the nation into a generally cohesive overall world view. By altering one's ideology to that of promoting such an internationalist agenda, the big money that was behind it would ensure one's rise through government, industry, academia and media. There are divisions within the elite, predicated on the basis of how to use American imperial power, where to use it, on what basis to justify it, and other various methodological differences. The divide amongst elites was never on the questions of: should we use American imperial power, why has America become an Empire, or should there even be an empire? If one takes such considerations to heart and questions these concepts, be it within the foreign policy establishment, intelligence, military, academia, finance, corporate world, or media; chances are, such a person is not a member of the CFR." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"Before America had even entered the war in late 1941 [World War II], the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the American branch of the Round Table groups that originated from the secret society of Cecil Rhodes, was planning on America entering the war. The CFR had essentially captured US foreign policy firmly in the grips of the banking elite. The establishment of the Federal Reserve (1913) ensured that the United States would become indebted to and owned by international banking interests, and thus, act in their interest. The Fed financed the US role in World War I, provided the credit for speculation, which led to the Great Depression, and massive consolidation for the interests that own the Federal Reserve System. It then financed US entry into World War II." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book (121 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"Tragedy and Hope"

"The formal membership in the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] is composed of close to 1500 of the most elite names in the worlds of government, labor, business, finance, communications, the foundations, and the academy ... and in spite the fact that it has staffed almost every key position of every administration since those of FDR - it is doubtful that one American in a thousand so much as recognizes the Council's name, or that one in ten thousand can relate anything at all about its structure or purpose. Indicative of the CFR's power to maintain its anonymity is the fact that, despite its having been operative at the highest levels for nearly fifty years and having from the beginning counted among its members the foremost lions of the Establishment communications media. Only a handful of articles on the Council [on Foreign Relations] have appeared in the nation's great newspapers. Such anonymity - at that level - can hardly be a matter of mere chance." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education and mass communication media, should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the U.S. Constitution and our freeenterprise system. Yet, the nation's news media, usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities. The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship." Rep. John R. Rarick of Louisiana, 1971

"The Trilateral Commission doesn't run the world, the Council on Foreign Relations does that." (122 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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CFR member Winston Lord, U.S. Ambassador to China during the Reagan Administration

"Of some 1600 CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] members, 120 either own or control the nation's major newspapers, magazines, radio and television networks, as well as the most powerful book publishing companies. The interlock with academia is immense. ... CFR members virtually control the major foundations, whose grants quite often are bestowed on persons or groups tied to the CFR. ... The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been under virtual CFR control since its creation. ... Of the CFR's 1974 membership, about 90 represented the major Wall Street international banking organizations. In addition, presidents, vice-presidents and chairmen of the boards of most of the giant corporations are members of the CFR." Gary Allen in his book "Kissinger", 1976

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England ... (and) ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"I believe that the Council on Foreign Relations and its ancillary elitist groups are indifferent to communism. They have no ideological anchors. In their pursuit of a new world order, they are prepared to deal without prejudice with a communist state, a socialist state, a democratic state, a monarchy, an oligarchy - its all the same to them." Senator Barry M. Goldwater in his book "With No Apologies"

"The Council on Foreign Relations gets little publicity and is virtually unknown to the general public. But it represents Big Government, Big Business, Big Banking, and the Big Media. At the apex of this power elite sits none other than David Rockefeller." (123 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Gary Allen in his book "Kissinger", 1976

"When you examine the Council on Foreign Relations' member list, you will find that 90% either sit on the Trilateral Commission or belong to the Bilderberg Group." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

"The CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] established six years after the Federal Reserve was created, worked to promote an internationalist agenda on behalf of the international banking elite. It was to alter America's conceptualization of its place within the world from isolationist industrial nation to an engine of empire working for international banking and corporate American interests. Where the Fed took control of money and debt, the CFR took control of the ideological foundations of such an empire encompassing the corporate, banking, political, foreign policy, military, media, and academic elite of the nation into a generally cohesive overall world view. By altering one's ideology to that of promoting such an internationalist agenda, the big money that was behind it would ensure one's rise through government, industry, academia and media. The other major think tanks and policy institutions in the United States are also represented at the CFR. They are constitutive of divisions within the elite, however, such divisions are predicated on the basis of how to use American imperial power, where to use it, on what basis to justify it, and other various methodological differences. The divide amongst elites was never on the questions of: should we use American imperial power, why has America become an Empire, or should there even be an empire? If one takes such considerations to heart and questions these concepts, be it within the foreign policy establishment, intelligence, military, academia, finance, corporate world, or media; chances are, such a person is not a member of the CFR." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"In foreign affairs the Council on Foreign Relations, superficially an innocent forum for academics, businessmen, and politicians, contains within its shell, perhaps unknown to many of its members, a power center that unilaterally determines U.S. foreign policy. The major objective of this submerged - and obviously subversive - foreign policy is the acquisition of markets and economic power (profits, if you will), for a small group of giant multi-nationals under the virtual control of a few banking investment houses and (124 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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controlling families." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"

"In the beginning, the Council on Foreign Relations was dominated by J.P. Morgan. It is still controlled by international financiers. The Morgan group gradually has been replaced by the Rockefeller consortium. It is the most powerful group in America today. It is even more powerful than the federal government, because almost all of the key positions in government are held by its members. In other words, it is the United States government." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island: a second look at the Federal Reserve"

"The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), established six years after the Federal Reserve was created, worked to promote an internationalist agenda on behalf of the international banking elite. Where the Fed took control of money and debt, the CFR took control of the ideological foundations of such an empire - encompassing the corporate, banking, political, foreign policy, military, media, and academic elite of the nation into a generally cohesive overall world view." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The Council on Foreign Relations remains active in working toward its final goal of a government over all the world - a government which the Insiders a global financial elite - and their allies will control." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"[The goal of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is] to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States ... Primarily, they [CFR] want a world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government." Admiral Chester Ward, longtime Council on Foreign Relations member (125 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"After World War II, in the name of containing Communism, the United States, mostly through the actions of local allies, executed or encouraged coups in, among other places, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina and patronized a brutal mercenary war in Nicaragua ... By the end of the Cold War, Latin American security forces trained, funded, equipped, and incited by Washington had executed a reign of bloody terror hundreds of thousands killed, an equal number tortured, millions driven into exile-from which the region has yet to fully recover." Greg Grandin in his book "Empire's Workshop"

"I have first-hand information that the [United States] empire, through the U.S. Southern Command, made the coup d'etat in Honduras." Bolivian President Evo Morales, July 2009

"The trigger for military coups [in Latin America] was less the elite fear of Soviet encroachment or guerrilla threats than fears of popular demands for social reform and democratic change." J. Patrice McSherry in the book "Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America"

"It is unlikely the Honduras coup took place without the knowledge of the U.S. military, which has a base in that country... The coup is a message from Latin American and U.S. 'ultraconservatives' to keep leftist governments in line." Ecuador's President Rafael Correa. July 2009 (126 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The Americans who engineered countless military coups, death squads and massacres in Latin America never paid for their crimes - instead they got promoted and they're now running the 'War on Terror". author Naomi Klein

"The democratically elected president [of Honduras Manuel] Zelaya, had called for a new constitution to replace the old one that was really set up by the oligarchy in favor of the very wealthy and the international companies. He also called for a 60 percent increase in the bottom wage rate, which had a huge impact on Dole and Chiquita, two of the biggest employers in that company. They, along with a number of companies that have sweatshops in Honduras, strongly objected, very much the same way that they had objected to Aristide in Haiti, when he did something similar, and called in the military. The general in charge of the military was a graduate of our School of the Americas, this, you know, school that's famous for creating dictators, and they overthrew Zelaya. It was a classic CIA-sponsored type of coup, very similar to what United Fruit had done in Guatemala in the early '50s. And, of course, United Fruit became Chiquita." John Perkins, 2009

"The coups in Iran, Guatemala, South Vietnam, and Chile ... were not rogue operations. Presidents, cabinet secretaries, national security advisers, and CIA directors approved them ... The first thing all four of these coups have in common is that American leaders promoted them consciously, willfully, deliberately, and in strict accordance with the laws of the United States." Stephen Kinzer in his book "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Haiti to Iraq"

"Coups do not happen in Latin America without the support of those with power in the US." Bill Quigley and Laura Raymond, 2010 (127 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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" It was under Johnson that Washington began either to organize or patronize a cycle of coups starting in Brazil in 1964, continuing through Uruguay, Bolivia, and Chile, and ending in Argentina in 1976." Greg Grandin in his book "Empire's Workshop"

"The coup against Aristide, then, must be understood not in isolation, but as the culmination of activities that really began the minute he was re-elected in 2000. Destabilization efforts by the U.S. government, active U.S. support for the creation of a so-called civil-society opposition, and eventually the invasion of Haiti by an armed band of criminals and murderers were all part of a process designed to ensure that Haiti would return fully to the fold of the U.S. empire and its minions in Haiti." Bill Fletcher, Jr, 2004

"The United States... supported authoritarian regimes throughout Central and South America during and after the Cold War in defense of its economic and political interests. In tiny Guatemala, the Central Intelligence Agency mounted a coup overthrowing the democratically elected government in 1954, and it backed subsequent rightwing governments against small leftist rebel groups for four decades. Roughly 200,000 civilians died. In Chile, a CIA-supported coup helped put General Augusto Pinochet in power from 1973 to 1990. In Peru, a fragile democratic government is still unraveling the agency's role in a decade of support for the now-deposed and disgraced president, Alberto K. Fujimori. The United States had to invade Panama in 1989 to topple its narco-dictator, Manuel A. Noriega, who, for almost 20 years, was a valued informant for American intelligence." John Perkins in his book "Confessions of Economic Hit Man"

"Jean-Bertrand Aristide's second term as President of Haiti would end the same way as had his first had, cut short in a U.S.-backed coup d'tat. Aristide's opposition to neoliberalism, his defiant stance towards the U.S. and France, and his enduring popularity with Haiti's poor had made him a marked man from the very beginning of his term in February 2001." (128 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Nik Barry-Shaw, 2008 "On June 28, 2009, Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was awakened by gunfire. A coup was carried out by US-trained military officers, including graduates of the infamous US Army School of the Americas (WHINSEC) in Georgia. President Zelaya was illegally taken to Costa Rica. Democracy in Honduras ended as a de facto government of the rich and powerful seized control. A sham election backed by the US confirmed the leadership of the coup powers. The US and powerful lobbyists continue to roam the hemisphere trying to convince other Latin American countries to normalize relations with the coup government." Bill Quigley and Laura Raymond, 2010

"History is repeating itself in Haiti, as democracy is being destroyed for the second time in the past fifteen years. Amazingly, the main difference seems to be that this time it is being done openly and in broad daylight, with the support of the "international community" and the United Nations ... The US Agency for International Development and the International Republican Institute (the international arm of the Republican Party) had spent tens of millions of dollars to create and organize an opposition ... and to make Haiti under Aristide ungovernable. ... Taking advantage of Haiti's desperate poverty and dependence on foreign aid, it stopped international aid to the government, from the summer of 2000 until the 2004 coup." Mark Weisbrot, 2005

"In March 1982, General Efrain Rios Montt seized power in Guatemala in a military coup. An avowed fundamentalist Christian, he immediately impressed Washington where President Reagan hailed Rios Montt as "a man of great personal integrity." But under Rios Montt, the slaughter in the countryside and selective assassinations in the cities only grew worse. By July 1982, Rios Montt had begun a new scorched-earth campaign called his "rifles and beans" policy. The slogan meant that pacified Indians would get "beans," while all others could expect to be the target of army "rifles." In October, he secretly gave carte blanche to the feared "Archivos" intelligence unit to expand "death squad" operations. (129 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Based at the Presidential Palace, the "Archivos" masterminded many of Guatemala's most notorious assassinations. The U.S. embassy was soon hearing more accounts of the army conducting Indian massacres. However, during a swing through Latin America, Reagan discounted the mounting reports of hundreds of Mayan villages being eradicated. On December 4, 1982, after meeting with dictator Rios Montt, Reagan hailed the general as "totally dedicated to democracy" and asserted that Rios Montt's government was "getting a bum rap." On January 7, 1983, Reagan lifted the ban on military aid to Guatemala and authorized the sale of $6 million in military hardware. Approval covered spare parts for UH-1H helicopters and A-37 aircraft used in counterinsurgency operations. Radios, batteries and battery chargers were also in the package. State Department spokesman John Hughes said political violence in the cities had "declined dramatically" and that rural conditions had improved, too. In February 1983, however, a secret CIA cable noted a rise in "suspect right-wing violence" with kidnappings of students and teachers. Bodies of victims were appearing in ditches and gullies. CIA sources traced these political murders to Rios Montt's order to the "Archivos" in October to "apprehend, hold, interrogate and dispose of suspected guerrillas as they saw fit." Despite these grisly facts on the ground, the annual State Department human rights survey praised the supposedly improved human rights situation in Guatemala. "The overall conduct of the armed forces had improved by late in the year" 1982, the report stated." Robert Parry in his book "Secrecy & Privilege" "[President of Haiti Jean-Bertrand] Aristide did not resign. He was abducted by the United States in the commission of a coup." Randall Robinson, the founder and former director of TransAfrica, 2004

"It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup.... We are to continue to generate maximum pressure toward this end utilizing every appropriate resource. It is imperative that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so that United States Government and American hand be well hidden." cable outlining CIA objectives in Chile to the station chief in Santiago (130 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"In Indonesia in 1965 a group of young military officers attempted a coup against the U. S.-backed military establishment and murdered six of seven top military officers. The Agency seized this opportunity to overthrow Sukarno and to destroy the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), which had three million members... Estimates of the number of deaths that occurred as a result of this CIA ... operation run from one-half million to more than one million people." Ralph McGehee in his book "Deadly Deceits"

"At the time of the Rios Montt coup d'etat in March 1982, the Israeli press ... referred to the Montt coup as "the Israeli connection" because that group was "trained and equipped by Israel" ... Rios Montt himself told ABC News reporters that his coup had been successful because "many of our soldiers were trained by the Israelis." Bishara Bahbah in her book "Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection"

The U.S. wants to overthrow President Hugo Chavez to put Venezuela in line with their other clients in Latin America and knock down the only government that offers an alternative foreign policy for the whole region. They don't want that alternative present. That's why this coup was planned, directed, and financed by the Bush administration. It wasn't just the CIA. The assistant secretary of state for Western hemisphere affairs was involved - I'm talking about the Cuban terrorist exile Otto Reich. I'm talking about people like Elliot Abrams, who was in the Reagan administration and involved in justifying the killings in Central America, which amounted to 300,000 deaths. I'm talking about John Negroponte, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, who was involved with the death squads in Honduras. You have thugs running U.S. policy in Latin America, who are capable not only of overthrowing a government but engaging in the kind of violent repression that was launched in those 24 hours of the coup against Hugo Chavez. James Petras interview, 2002

"80 percent of the officers who carried out the 1964 coup against President Goulart [Brazil] had been trained by the United States." (131 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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Penny Lernoux in her book "Cry of the People"

"The moment of Arbenz's fall is the moment history stopped in Guatemala or took another course, the army withdrawing support for an elected government that had relied upon it, joining in a CIA-supported coup replacing democrat with dictator, and beginning forty years of military repression." Kate Millett in her book "Politics of Cruelty" "Documents clearly show knowledge of the detailed plans for the coup against Chvez, written by the CIA... financial and advisory agencies like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) financed all the groups, NGOs, trade unions, businesspeople, political parties and the media involved in the coup." Eva Golinger, 2008

"In Guatemala, United Fruit supported the CIA-backed 1954 military coup against President Jacobo Arbenz, a reformer who had carried out a land reform package. Arbenz' overthrow led to more than thirty years of unrest and civil war in Guatemala." Nikolas Kozloff, 2009

"On September 11, 1973, General Augusto Pinochet orchestrated a coup d'tat, with the aid and participation of the CIA, against the Allende government of Chile, overthrowing it and installing Pinochet as dictator. The next day, an economic plan for the country was on the desks of the General Officers of the Armed Forces who performed government duties. The plan entailed "privatization, deregulation and cuts to social spending," written up by "U.S.-trained economists." These were the essential concepts in neoliberal thought, which, through the oil crises of the 1970s, would be forced upon the developing world through the World Bank and IMF." Andrew Gavin Marshall (132 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"The [U.S.] military acts in the interests of the corporate and financial elite, as those countries that do not submit to American economic hegemony are deemed enemies, and the military is ultimately sent in to implement "regime change." " Andrew Gavin Marshall

"The coups in Iran, Guatemala, South Vietnam, and Chile were all "what the President ordered." They were not rogue operations. Presidents, cabinet secretaries, national security advisers, and CIA directors approved them, authorized by the 1947 law that created the CIA and assigned it "duties related to intelligence affecting the national security." The first thing all four of these coups have in common is that American leaders promoted them consciously, willfully, deliberately, and in strict accordance with the laws of the United States." Stephen Kinzer in his book "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Haiti to Iraq"

"Right wing [American] ideologues and shell NGOs based out of Washington played a critical role in the coup [in Honduras in 2009 ... and are hell bent on stopping the growing populist movements throughout Latin America from gaining more influence and power." Bill Quigley and Laura Raymond


"If Nuremberg were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged." Noam Chomsky (133 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:10]

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"This is a very hard choice, but ... we think the price is worth it." U.S. Ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright when asked whether she considered the deaths of half a million Iraqi children a reasonable result of U.S. sanctions

"The United States and its officials aided and abetted by others engaged in a continuing pattern of conduct from August 6, 1990 until this date to impose, maintain and enforce extreme economic sanctions and a strict military blockade on the people of Iraq for the purpose of injuring the entire population, killing its weakest members, infants, children, the elderly and the chronically ill, by depriving them of medicines, drinking water, food, and other essentials in order to maintain a large US military presence in the region, and dominion and control over its people and resources including oil. ... The United States, its President Bill Clinton and other officials, the United Kingdom and its [former] Prime Minister John Major and other officials have committed a crime against humanity as defined in the Nuremberg Charter against the population of Iraq. ... The United States, its President Bill Clinton and other officials, the United Kingdom and its Prime Minister John Major and other officials have committed genocide as defined in the Convention against Genocide against the population of Iraq including genocide by starvation and sickness through use of sanctions." International Court On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the UN Security Council, Madrid, November 1996

"American air power pounded the hell out of Iraqi armor and buildings with depleted uranium rounds... I have been in and around buildings destroyed by depleted uranium rounds, as well as vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks and corpses... During the invasion, we were also exposed to severe sandstorms, which meant that we were breathing in sand for days, sand that more than likely contained depleted uranium." James Gilligan, United States Marine Corps, 2008 (134 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The Charter of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg was the institution that tried Nazi war leaders for their crimes [WWII]. Among the crimes listed in the charter were "crimes against peace," "war crimes," and "crimes against humanity" Crimes "against peace" were defined as "planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing." David Swanson in his book "War Is A Lie"

"The United States remained Cuba's main supplier of food and farm products in 2007, selling the communist-run island more than $600 million in agricultural exports despite its trade embargo. ... Washington's nearly 50-year-old trade embargo prevents U.S. tourists from visiting Cuba and prohibits nearly all trade. But a law passed by the U. S. Congress in 2000 allows the Cuban government to buy U.S. food and agricultural products with direct cash payments. ... The U.S. has been the island's top food source since 2003." Will Weissert, Associated Press, 2008

"The embargo has been a failure by every measure. It has not changed the course or nature of the Cuban government. It has not liberated a single Cuban citizen. In fact, the embargo has made the Cuban people a bit more impoverished, without making them one bit more free." Cato Institute

"The U.S. embargo against Cuba, one of the few that includes both food and medicine, has been described as a war against public health with high human costs." Brian Cloughley, 2010 (135 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Debs , Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918

"They have always taught and trained you to believe it to be your patriotic duty to go to war and to have yourselves slaughtered at their command. But in all the history of the world, you, the people, have never had a voice in declaring war, and strange as it certainly appears, no war by any nation in any age has ever been declared by the people." Eugene Debs , Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918

"The working class that fights all the battles, the working class that makes the supreme sacrifices, the working class that freely sheds its blood and furnishes the corpses, has never yet had a voice in either declaring war or making peace." Eugene Debs , Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918

"It is the ruling class ... alone declare war and they alone make peace. "Yours not to reason why; Yours but to do and die.' That is their motto, and we object on the part of the awakening workers of this nation." Eugene Debs , Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918

"While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free." (136 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Eugene Debs , Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918

"I look upon the Espionage Law as a despotic enactment in flagrant conflict with democratic principles and with the spirit of free institutions." Eugene Debs , Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918


"I know of no severe depression, in any country or any time, that was not accompanied by a sharp decline in the stock of money, and equally of no sharp decline in the stock of money that was not accompanied by a severe depression." Milton Friedman

"Instrumental in control of economics by the rich has been the debt-based monetary system, where credit is treated as the monopoly of private financial interests who in turn control governments, intelligence services and military establishments. Politicians are bought and sold, elected or removed, or even assassinated for this purpose. The global monetary system is tightly controlled and coordinated at the top by the leaders of the central banks who work for the world's richest people." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"Central banking ... needs to expand its control over industry, nations and people through the expansion of debt, continually needing to bring more individuals, nations and industries under debt bondage. Debt is the source of all power and wealth for the central banking system - as they do not actually produce any tradable good, such as industry; nor do they provide any necessary service, such as government. Interest on debt is the source of income and authority for the central banking system, and thus, it (137 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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needs to continually advance credit and expand debt." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"Central banking functions on the expansion and creation of money and debt, which is lent at interest, thus serving as the source of income for the central banking system." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"Since 97% of the money in the world is created from debt, any loans paid off decreases the amount of money in circulation. And when no further loans are given, the circulating money stock falls dramatically, adversely affecting businesses and the economy at large. This intentional reduction of the money supply leads to widespread business failures, high unemployment, foreclosures on property, and severe hardship within the community. On the other hand, great wealth is transferred from defaulting borrowers to the banksters." Gabriel Donohoe

"When governments fall into the trap of accepting loans in foreign currencies, they become "debtor nations" subject to IMF and BIS [Bank for International Settlements] regulation. They are forced to divert their production to exports, just to earn the foreign currency necessary to pay the interest on their loan." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"A great industrial nation is controlled by it's system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the world." President Woodrow Wilson (138 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The organizational structure for creating means of payment out of nothing, we call credit." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The Western banking system controls a worldwide electronic banking network. The control of money creation at a world level constitutes the ultimate instrument of economic and social domination. The creation of fiat money provides a command over the real economies of countries worldwide. The ultimate lever of the U.S.-NATO imperial design is to override and destroy national currencies." Michel Chossudovsky

"One of the primary motivations for the [American] Revolution was the control of currency by a foreign imperial power, with the ability to control inflation and devaluation, essentially controlling the entire economic conditions of the colony from abroad. The Founding Fathers of the United States understood the necessity of controlling one's own currency if one was to preserve sovereignty and independence." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"The US is bankrupt. However, the US dollar remains the world reserve currency. This means that the US can print money to pay its bills. As long as the world accepts the dollar as world reserve currency, the US will be able to continue its wars." Paul Craig Roberts

"The U.S. bailout ... shows that countries do not need to borrow credit from foreign banks at all. The government could have created its own money and credit system rather than leaving foreign creditors to accrue interest charges that now represent a permanent and seemingly irreversible balance-of-payments drain. The United States has shown that any country can monetize its own credit, at least domestic credit." (139 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Michael Hudson and Jeffrey Sommers, 2008

" America is the largest debtor nation, and at the same time it is the world's creditor. "Creating money out of thin air", while at the same time imposing the U.S. dollar as a global currency constitutes the ultimate instrument of conquest and imperial domination. The U.S. monetary system is supported by the most powerful military power on earth. The dollar is backed by U.S. military might, which constitutes a means for displacing national currencies and imposing the U.S. dollar. In this regard, the Federal Reserve's overwhelming powers of money creation constitute an essential lever of an imperial monetary agenda. ... The Western banking system controls a worldwide electronic banking network. The control of money creation at a world level constitutes the ultimate instrument of economic and social domination. The creation of fiat money provides a command over the real economies of countries worldwide. The ultimate lever of the U.S.-NATO imperial design is to override and destroy national currencies." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"The deep state is alleged to be a group of influential anti-democratic coalitions within the political system, composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services (domestic and foreign). The notion of deep state is similar to that of a "state within the state". For those who believe in its existence, the political agenda of the deep state involves an allegiance to nationalism, corporatism, and state interests. Violence and other means of pressure have historically been employed in a largely covert manner to manipulate political and economic elites and ensure specific interests are met within the seemingly democratic framework of the political landscape. The outlook and behavior of the elites who constitute the deep state, and work to uphold national interests, are shaped by an entrenched belief that the country is always "on the brink"." Wikipedia (excerpted) (140 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The "deep state" refers to a parallel secret government, organized by the intelligence and security apparatus, financed by drugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect the status and interests of the military against threats from intellectuals, religious groups, and occasionally the constitutional government. ... The "deep state" refers to the wider interface in America between the public, the constitutionally established state, and the deep forces behind it of wealth, power, and violence outside the government. You might call it the back door of the Public state, giving access to dark forces outside the law." Peter Dale Scott

"CIA Director Leon Panetta advised [President Barack] Obama that "no Democratic president can go against military advice So just do it. Do what they say"." Peter Dale Scott

"The deep forces dominating both political parties [in the United States] are now so powerful, so affluent, and above all so invested in the profits from war-making, that a president is farther than ever from challenging this power - even as it becomes more and more clear that America's era of world dominance, like Britain's before it, is drawing to a close." Peter Dale Scott

"The political institutions of the West, saturated as they are with contributions from freefloating global wealth, are more efficient at resisting than generating a visionary alternative to the status quo." Peter Dale Scott in his book "The Road to 9/11" (141 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"An important characteristic of the Chinese model has been the idea of strong government and the eschewing of the notion of democracy... In contrast to the now discredited Washington Consensus, it rejects shock therapy in favour of a process of gradual reform based on working through existing institutions. It is predicated upon a strong developmental state capable of steering and leading the process of reform." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World"

"In Washington, democracy has a simple definition: does a government do what the state department wants it to do?" Mark Weisbrot

"Crowds have always undergone the influence of illusions. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim." Gustave Le Bon, one of the first pioneers of the study of mass psychology.

"There is little demand for democracy from within China. Indeed, if anything, there has been a turn away from democracy since Tiananmen Square. A combination of a fear of instability following the events of 1989, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and what are seen as the difficulties experienced by Indonesia, Thailand and Taiwan as democracies - and also the Philippines and India - have reinforced the view of most Chinese that this is not an immediate issue: that, on the contrary, it is liable to represent a distraction from the main task of sustaining the country's economic growth. Implicit in this is the not misplaced view that any move towards democracy is likely to embroil the country in considerable chaos and turmoil. This is a key reason why democracy, for the great majority of Chinese, commands little support." Martin Jacques in his book "When China Rules the World" (142 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The elites know that once we stop thinking we become a herd. We react to every new stimulus as if we were rats crammed into a cage. When the elites push the button we jump. It is collective sadomasochism. And we get a good look at it on Election Day." Chris Hedges

"I don't think [democracy is] worth a damn .... People say, 'If the Congress were more representative of the people it would be better.' I say the Congress is too damn representative. It's just as stupid as the people are; just as uneducated, just as dumb, just as selfish." US Secretary of State Dean Acheson

"The West had failed to bring a better way of life to China. Foreigners had plundered the country for more than a century under the doctrine of free enterprise, leading more and more Chinese to reject the doctrine of individual liberty because they came to believe it was a weapon of the strong to oppress the weak... Today the Communist Party is often still seen within China not as a decaying elite feeding off a brutalized populace but as a political force that retains considerable legitimacy for the radical changes it has spearheaded." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights"

"All the news we get every day and every hour is all about the bankers, while presidents, prime ministers and other elected leaders of the world have been reduced to the role of mere commentators who are expected to supply taxpayers' money whenever it is needed to bail out the wealthy. Indeed, what we are watching is nothing less than the steady transfer of real political power from the polling station to the market and from the ballot to the wallet - reversing the democratic gains we have made over the last century when we were able, increasingly, to use our votes to shape our economic future." Tony Benn, 2008 (143 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"To oppose the policies of a government does not mean you are against the country or the people that the government supposedly represents. Such opposition should be called what it really is: democracy, or democratic dissent, or having a critical perspective about what your leaders are doing. Either we have the right to democratic dissent and criticism of these policies or we all lie down and let the leader, the Fuhrer, do what is best, while we follow uncritically, and obey whatever he commands. That's just what the Germans did with Hitler, and look where it got them." Michael Parenti "Congress passed three pieces of legislation between 1917 and 1919 to suppress all forms of dissent. The Espionage Act of 1917 made it a crime punishable by a fine of $10,000 and 20 years in jail to attempt to "convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States or to promote the success of its enemies...or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal to duty." The Sedition Act of 1918, under the same penalties, made it illegal to "utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States...or any language intended to...encourage resistance to the United States." The third piece of legislation, passed in 1918, decreed that "any alien who, at any time after entering the United States, is found to have been at the time of entry, or to have become thereafter, a member of any one of the classes of aliens"-anarchists, anyone who advocated revolution or assassinations of public officials-would be "taken into custody and deported." Annie Zirin, 2002

"On October 23 2007 the House of Representatives passed the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Bill. ... The bill is designed to identify which ideas are likely to radicalize the American people and promote dissenting activity. A nationwide network of academic researchers is charged with the responsibility of identifying certain ideologies and the thoughts that underpin them. Thus, it is a pre-criminal thought control piece of legislation amending the Homeland Security Act, and has moved stealthily through two committees of the (144 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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House of Representatives. While not criminalizing "thought crime" at this juncture, it sets up an elaborate foundation for that move in the future." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"No revolution can be successful without organization and money. "The downtrodden masses" usually provide little of the former and none of the latter. But Insiders at the top can arrange for both." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"[The] process of incrementally closing down what is left of an "open society" has been a part of the political program of every dictatorship. Control over the major sources of mass information through an elaborate filtering system, ultimately presided over by compliant editors, is essential to creating homogenous views in a population who, in many instances, are already conditioned not to want to know. Allowing peripheral dissent still affords rulers the opportunity to claim that other views are allowed. The reality is that it is a fringe activity, irrelevant to the dominant system of control." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"To convey the illusion of democracy [in America], "the globalizers" must "fabricate dissent"... they must create and finance their own political opposition. In order to appear legitimate, they must actively encourage the type of "criticism" which does not challenge "their right to rule" This libertarian "counter-discourse" - which serves to disarm a genuine mass movement against war and globalization - constitutes part of the foundations of this evolving totalitarian system. Leaders of trade union confederations and mainstream NGOs, together with selected "academics" and critics, are invited to participate in policy formulation together with bankers, corporate executives and politicians. The ploy is to selectively handpick civil society leaders "whom we can trust" and integrate them into a "dialogue' The idea is to cut them off from their rank and file, make them feel that they are "global citizens" acting on behalf of their fellow citizens, but make them act in a way which serves the interests of the corporate establishment: (145 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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... Once the fundamental premise that the US Administration is committed to curbing international terrorism is accepted, these leftist intellectuals and civil society critics are invited to express their "reservations" regarding America's conduct of the war, the impacts on civilians or their humanitarian concerns regarding the derogation of the Rule of Law. In this ritual, the main justification for waging the war, which is a complete falsehood, is never questioned despite documented evidence that the "war on terrorism" is a fabrication. ... While the "globalizers" are subjected to "constructive criticism", their legitimate right to rule remains unchallenged. What this "left accommodation" and "civil society mingling" does is to reinforce the [control] the military-intelligence elites and the corporate establishment, while weakening the real protest movement. More importantly, "left accommodation" splits up the protest movement. It divides the anti-war movement from the antiglobalization movement. It prevents the development of a broader movement against the American Empire. The large trade unions and the mainstream non-governmental organizations, by failing to denounce the falsehoods behind the "war on terrorism' have contributed unwittingly to the failure of a real opposition movement being mounted against the New World Order." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "America's War on Terrorism"

"The single, integrated, multinational cartel which runs the international drug trade is properly referred to as "Dope, Inc.". DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"Money laundering, according to IMF estimates for the 1990s, was between 590 billion and 1.5 trillion dollars a year, representing 2-5 percent of global GDP. The proceeds of the drug trade are deposited in the banking system. Drug money is laundered in the numerous offshore banking havens in Switzerland, Luxembourg, the British Channel Islands, the Cayman Islands and some 50 other locations around the globe. It is here that criminal syndicates involved in the drug trade and the representatives of the world's largest commercial banks interact. Dirty money is (146 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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deposited in these offshore havens, which are controlled by major Western banks and financial institutions. The latter, therefore, have a vested interest in maintaining and sustaining the drug trade. Once the money has been laundered, it can be recycled into bona fide investments not only in real estate, hotels, etc, but also in other areas such as the services economy and manufacturing. Dirty and covert money is also funneled into various financial instruments including speculative stock exchange transactions (derivatives), primary commodities, stocks and government bonds." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "America's War on Terrorism"

"From Colombia to Miami, from the Golden Triangle to the Golden Gate, from Hong Kong to New York, from Bogota to Frankfurt, the drug trade, and more especially the heroin trade, is big business and it is run from the top down by some of the most "untouchable" families in the world... It is not a street corner business, and it takes a great deal of money and expertise to keep it flowing smoothly. ... It is, in fact, the largest single enterprise in the world today, transcending all others. That it is protected from the top down is borne out by the fact that, like international terrorism, it cannot be stamped out which should indicate to a reasonable person that some of this biggest names in royal circles, the oligarchy, the plutocracy are running it, even if it is done through intermediaries." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, with the British Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) at the top, is considered the number-one moneylaundering center for the heroin trade ... Illegal drugs are the biggest business in the Far East -and close to being the biggest business in the world - but in Hong Kong, drugs do not merely dominate the economy: They are the economy." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"In 2009, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reported that billions of dollars in drug money saved the major banks during the financial crisis, providing much (147 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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needed liquidity." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"[Drug money was] the only liquid investment capital" available to banks on the brink of collapse, with roughly $325 billion in drug money absorbed by the financial system. Without identifying specific countries or banks, Costa stated that, "Inter-bank loans were funded by money that originated from the drugs trade and other illegal activities... There were signs that some banks were rescued that way." Antonio Maria Costa, the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009

"The kingpins of the U.S. branch of the drug cartel [are] led by Henry Kissinger and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank [HSBC] and related companies finance the opium trade. In this, they are acting as designated agents of the British monarchy, through the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The world illegal drug traffic is controlled by a single group of men whose intimate ties of ownership, family, and political collaboration go back 200 years." "How the Drug Empire Works"

"The large international banks that finance the drug trade, get it and launder it, using it to prop up their bankrupt international financial system." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992 (148 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The mafia and the CIA are the same group at the upper levels. In Britain, the MI-6 drug money is laundered through the Bank of England, Barclays Bank and other household name companies. The drug money is passed from account to account until its origins are lost in a huge web of transactions. The drug money comes out 'cleaner' but not totally clean. Diamonds are then bought with this money from the corrupt diamond business families like the Oppenheimers. These diamonds are then sold and the drug money is clean." James Casbolt

"Under U.S. law, banks must report all cash deposits of $10,000 or more. Traffickers have turned to high cash-turnover businesses - such as hotels, casinos, restaurants, and sports events-to launder their money. Since banks don't have to report deposits made by these businesses, drug profits are simply mixed in with legal cash flows. Cash is also frequently shipped out of the United States. Often planes which fly cocaine into the U.S., fly back loaded with $20, $50, and $100 bills. The bills can then either be deposited directly in offshore banking centers - where no questions are asked -or in remote bank branches in the drug-producing countries. These funds are then wiretransferred out to the offshore banks, into secret accounts where there is no government supervision." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"Cocaine is indeed clearly the most profitable article of trade in the world." Economist magazine, August 1989

"Some of the world's leading private financial institutions [are] deeply implicated in the witting laundering of hundreds of billions of dollars a year in illegal dope money... [Illegal drugs are] the largest commodity in international trade, with the exception of petroleum, and the annual revenues of the narcotics traffic exceed[s] the national product of most of the world's nations, and the revenues of the largest multinational companies." (149 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"In the half century since the Korean War the United States has been involved in four major wars in the Third World: in Vietnam (1961-1975), in the Persian Gulf (1990-1991), in Colombia (1991-present), and in Afghanistan (2001-2002).' All four wars were fought in or near significant oil-producing areas. All four involved reliance on proxies who were also major international drug traffickers. The American habit of training, arming, and financing its drug-trafficking allies in order to help secure oil resources abroad has been a major factor in the huge increase in global illicit drug trafficking since World War II." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"The drug activities of the US - and the US-led NATO - are tightly linked with the NATO expansion and the creation of US military bases in the protectorates established along the drug-trafficking and pipeline routes. The best example is the supervised state of Kosovo used by drug lords to relay narcotics from Afghanistan to Europe via the Balkan route. The Albanian drug mafia's throughput is estimated at four to six tons of heroin of the Afghan origin monthly, the annual revenues being as high as $2 billion. According to the UN, Europe which is the key market for Afghan opiates absorbs up to 150 tons of heroin annually, with 35-50 tons going to Russia. The Albanian mafia is responsible for 75% of heroin supplies to West Europe and 50% - to the US." Elena Ponomareva

"All empires since the Renaissance have been driven by the search for foreign resources, and nearly all-including the British, the French, and the Dutch-used drugs as a cheap way to pay for overseas expansion. When the United States decided to preserve Western influence in Southeast Asia, it inherited a social structure of former colonial regimes that had coexisted in one way or other with powerful Chinese Triads engaged in the drug traffic." Peter Dale Scott, 2003 (150 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Shipments of cocaine are sometimes interdicted and seized. That is mere window dressing. Often times the shipments seized belong to a new organization trying to break into the trade. Such competition is put out of business by informing the authorities exactly where it is going to enter the U.S. and who the owners are. The big stuff is never touched; heroin is too expensive." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"The United States has become more and more committed to exclusive domination of the world oil economy, both to secure its increasing oil needs and to preclude this power from passing into the hands of anyone else. The consistent U.S. recourse to actions that have built up the global drug traffic raises an analogous question: Did the United States seek to maintain control over the global drug economy to ensure that its riches would strengthen the U.S. economy and to deny them to communist enemies?" Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"The U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan in 2001 was accompanied by restoration of opium for the world market, a recreation of what happened with the earlier U.S. intervention of 1979-1980, and before that with the U.S. intervention in Indochina after 1959, and in Southeast Asia in 1950." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"The strengthening of the global narcotics traffic has fueled other smuggling and related criminal activities, leading to the consolidation of an international criminal milieu. Chinese Triads, Japanese Yakuza, Russian gangs, and the Mafias of Italy, America, and Colombia have now combined into a "worldwide criminal consortium." Peter Dale Scott, 2003 (151 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The drug "industry" is run as a single integrated world operation, from the opium poppy to the nickel bag of heroin sold on an inner-city street corner. Not only is illegal drug traffic under the control of a single world network, but opiates traffic in particular is without doubt the best-controlled production and distribution system of any commodity in international trade, illegal or legal. ... The drug-related illegal economy is the biggest business in the world. ... The British monarchy organized most of the Far East to conform to the drug traffic. ... The Anglo-Dutch "offshore" banking system and related precious metals and gems trade were designed around illegal money. ... The world drug traffic is a top-down operation under the immediate control of the British and allied monarchies." "How the Drug Empire Works" "The heroin epidemic that ravaged our cities during the fifties and sixties originated with the CIA out of Southeast Asia. Almost from the moment of their founding in 1947, the CIA was giving covert support to organized drug traffickers in Europe and the Far East, and eventually the Middle East and Latin America. During the Vietnam War, heroin was being smuggled into this country in the bodies of soldiers being flown home." Jesse Ventura in the book "American Conspiracies"

"In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA." Dennis Dayle, a forms DEA agent in the Middle East

"A huge chunk of international banking and related financial operations have been created solely to manage dirty money. ... The Anglo-Dutch banking operations control illegal drug and related trade. ... The Anglo-Dutch oligarchy's banking operations have the following qualifications: They have run the drug trade for a century and a half. They dominate those banking centers closed off to law enforcement agencies. Almost all such "offshore," unregulated banking centers are under the direct political control of the British and Dutch monarchies and their allies. They dominate all banking at the heart of the narcotics traffic; the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, created in 1864 to finance the drug trade, is exemplary. (152 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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They control world trade in gold and diamonds, a necessary aspect of "hard commodity" exchange for drugs. They subsume the full array of connections to organized crime, the pro-drug legislative lobby in the USA, and all other elements of distribution, protection, and legal support. "How the Drug Empire Works"

"Drug trafficking constitutes the third biggest global commodity in cash terms after oil and the arms trade. Supported by powerful interests, heroin is a multibillion-dollar business, which requires a steady and secure commodity flow. One of the hidden objectives of the war In Afghanistan was effectively to restore the CIA sponsored drug trade to its historical levels and exert direct control over the drug routes." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"Britain has been involved in the China opium trade for over two centuries. No one is going to be so foolish as to rock the boat when millions upon millions of dollars flow into the bank accounts of the British oligarchists, and more gold is traded on the Hong Kong gold market than the combined total traded in London and New York." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300"

"The global narcotics market is estimated by the UN to be of the order of $400-500 billion a year." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"The main heroin supply routes from the NATO-dominated Afghanistan [are a] land heroin route through Turkey,Bulgaria, Kosovo or Bosnia, [and a] maritime heroin route via Mediterranean trade lines to the island of Corsica. ... How many tons of heroin were intercepted on merchant vessels in Mediterranean during more than ten years of the operation Active Endeavour? ... Not a single gram... In 2003-2009 155 merchant vessels were boarded and checked by NATO inspection teams. They did not find anything. (153 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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... Why is NATO is wasting stupendous resources on a purposeless operation [Operation Active Endeavor]? The answer is evident: both NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Active Endeavour are perfectly complying with their real mission: to ensure total control over production, transportation and distribution of illegal drugs.", April1 , 2012

"Intelligence agencies and powerful business syndicates, which are allied with organized crime, are competing for the strategic control over the heroin routes. The multi-billion dollar revenues of narcotics are deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the large international banks, together with their affiliates in the offshore banking havens, launder large amounts of narco-dollars. This trade can only prosper if the main actors involved in narcotics have "political friends in high places". Legal and illegal undertakings are increasingly intertwined; the dividing line between "business people" and criminals is blurred." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"The real reason that the drug problem is not eradicated is because it is being run by the highest families in the entire world as part of a coordinated gigantic money-making machine. ... The plutocracy controlling British banks held the purse strings and then, as now, put up a most respectable facade to cover their true business. No one ever caught them with dirtied hands. They always had front men, even as they do today, willing to take the blame if things went awry. Then as now the connections with the drug trade were tenuous at best. No one was ever able to lay a finger on the respectable and "noble" banking families of Britain." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"


These eight private banks own the most shares of the Federal Reserve. (154 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Essentially, they own the FED. 1. Rothschild Bank of London 2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg 3. Rothschild Bank of Berlin 4. Lehman Brothers of New York 5. Lazard Brothers of Paris 6. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York 7. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy 8. Goldman, Sachs of New York 9. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam 10. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York

"During the past two centuries when the peoples of the world were gradually winning their political freedom from the dynastic monarchies, the major banking families of Europe and America were actually reversing the trend by setting up new dynasties of political control through the formation of international financial combines. These banking dynasties had learned that all governments must have sources of revenue from which to borrow in times of emergency. They had also learned that by providing such funds from their own private resources, they could make both kings and democratic leaders tremendously subservient to their will. Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The merchant bankers of London had already at hand in 1810-1850 the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, and the London money market when the needs of advancing industrialism called all of these into the industrial world which they had hitherto ignored. In time they brought into their financial network the provincial banking centers, organized as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other. The men who did this, looking backward toward the period of dynastic monarchy in which they had their own roots, aspired to establish dynasties of international bankers and were at least as successful at this as were many of the dynastic political rulers. The greatest of these dynasties, of course, were the descendants of Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) of Frankfort, whose male descendants, for at least two generations, generally married first cousins or even nieces. Rothschild's five sons, established at branches in Vienna, (155 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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London, Naples, and Paris, as well as Frankfort, cooperated together in ways which other international banking dynasties copied but rarely excelled." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Hundreds of years ago, bankers began to specialize, with the richer and more influential ones associated increasingly with foreign trade and foreign-exchange transactions. Since these were richer and more cosmopolitan and increasingly concerned with questions of political significance, such as stability and debasement of currencies, war and peace, dynastic marriages, and worldwide trading monopolies, they became the financiers and financial advisers of governments. Moreover, since their relationships with governments were always in monetary terms and not real terms, and since they were always obsessed with the stability of monetary exchanges between one country's money and another, they used their power and influence to do two things: (1) to get all money and debts expressed in terms of a strictly limited commodity - ultimately gold; and (2) to get all monetary matters out of the control of governments and political authority, on the ground that they would be handled better by private banking interests." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"By the end of the 1890's [J.P.] Morgan and [John D.] Rockefeller had become the giants of an increasingly powerful Money Trust controlling American industry and government policy. There was little room for the actual practice of democracy in their world. Power was the commodity of their trade. It was the creation of an American aristocracy of blood and money, every bit as elite and exclusive as the titled nobility of Britain, Germany or France - despite the Constitutional ban on titled nobility in America. It was an oligarchy, a plutocracy in every sense of the word - rule by the wealthiest in their selfinterest. Some 60 families - names like Rockefeller, Morgan, Dodge, Mellon, Pratt, Harkness, Whitney, Duke, Harriman, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, DuPont, Guggenheim, Astor, Lehman, Warburg, Taft, Huntington, Baruch and Rosenwald formed a close network of plutocratic wealth that manipulated, bribed, and bullied its way to control the destiny of the United States. At the dawn of the 20th Century, some sixty ultra-rich families, through dynastic intermarriage and corporate, interconnected shareholdings, had gained control of American industry and banking institutions." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money" (156 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"We are ruled, though it may be difficult to imagine, by a small dynastic power structure, largely consisting of powerful banking families, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others. The emerged in controlling the financial system, extended their influence over the political system, the educational system, and, through the major foundations, have become the dominant social powers of our world, creating think tanks and other institutions which shape and change the course of society and modern human history. Among these central institutions which extend the domination of these elites and their social group are the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"J. W. McCallister, oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank - by far the most powerful Fed branch - by just eight families, only four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschild's of Paris and London; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"


"The neoliberal global system never was open in practice. America never imposed on itself the kind of shock therapy that President Clinton's Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin promoted in Russia and the rest of the former Soviet bloc, from the Baltic countries in the northwest to Central Asia in the southeast. Just the opposite! Despite the fact that America's own balance of trade and payments is soaring, consumer prices are rising and financial and property markets are plunging, there are no calls among its power elite to let the system self-correct. The Treasury is subsidizing America's financial markets so as to save its financial class and support its asset prices. Interest rates are being lowered to re-inflate asset prices, not raised to stabilize the dollar or slow domestic price inflation." (157 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Michael Hudson and Jeffrey Sommers

"The entire thirty-year history of he Chicago School experiment has been one of mass corruption and corporatist collusion between security states and large corporations, from Chile's piranhas, to Argentina's crony privatizations, to Russia's oligarchs, to Enron's energy shell game, to Iraq's "free fraud zone." The point of shock therapy is to open up a window for enormous profits to be made very quickly-not despite the lawlessness but precisely because of it." Naomi Klein in her book "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism"

"The Latin American debt crisis ... erupted as a direct result of [US Federal Reserve Chairman Paul] Volcker's interest rate shock therapy. In August 1982 Mexico announced it could no longer pay the interest on its staggering dollar debt. Mexico, along with most of the Third World from Argentina to Brazil, from Nigeria to Congo, from Poland to Yugoslavia, had fallen for the New York banks' debt trap." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"Along with former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker; Citibank vicechairman H. Anno Ruding, who was formerly with the IMF; and Harvard Professor Jeffrey Sachs, George Soros had a big hand in creating the Polish model of "shock therapy." [Sachs drew Soros's attention through his work in implementing IMF-style "shock therapy" in Bolivia.]" Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, April 1997

"The Communist state was simply replaced with a corporatist one: the beneficiaries of the boom were confined to a small club of Russians, many of them former Communist Party apparatchiks, and a handful of Western mutual fund managers who made dizzying returns investing in newly privatized Russian companies. A clique of nouveaux billionaires, many of whom were to become part of the group universally known as "the oligarchs" for their imperial levels of wealth and power, teamed up with Yeltsin's (158 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Chicago Boys and stripped the country of nearly everything of value, moving the enormous profits offshore at a rate of $2 billion a month. Before shock therapy, Russia! had no millionaires; by 2003, the number of Russian billionaires had risen to seventeen, according to the Forbes list. ... By 1998, more than 80 percent of Russian farms had gone bankrupt, and roughly seventy thousand state factories had closed, creating an epidemic of unemployment. In 1989, before shock therapy, 2 million people in the Russian Federation were living in poverty, on less than $4 a day. By the time the shock therapists had administered their "bitter medicine" in the mid-nineties, 74 million Russians were living below the poverty line, according to the World Bank. That means that Russia's "economic reforms" can claim credit for the impoverishment of 72 million people in only eight years. By 1996, 25 percent of Russians - almost 37 million people-lived in poverty described as "desperate." Russia's population is ... in dramatic decline-the country is losing roughly 700,000 people a year. Between 1992, the first full year of shock therapy, and 2006, Russia's population shrank by 6.6 million." Naomi Klein in her book "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism"

"The aim of Washington's IMF "market reforms" in the former Soviet Union was brutally simple: destroy the economic ties that bound Moscow to each part of the Soviet Union .... IMF shock therapy was intended to create weak, unstable economies on the periphery of Russia, dependent on Western capital and on dollar inflows for their survival -- a form of neocolonialism .... The Russians were to get the standard Third World treatment... IMF conditionalities and a plunge into poverty for the population. A tiny elite were allowed to become fabulously rich in dollar terms, and manipulable by Wall Street bankers and investors." William Engdahl in his book" A Century of War"

"The country has been intentionally plundered and will eventually wind up in the hands of its creditors... After a nation is successfully driven to destitution, public policy decisions are made by creditors and not by representatives of the people .... The catastrophe that middle class Americans face is what these elites breezily refer to as "shock therapy"; a sudden jolt, followed by fundamental changes to the system. In the near future we can expect tax reform, fiscal discipline, deregulation, free capital flows, lowered tariffs, reduced public services, and privatization." (159 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Mike Whitney, 2005

"For over 40 years, Washington had quietly supported Yugoslavia, and the Tito model of mixed socialism, as a buffer against the Soviet Union. As Moscow's empire began to fall apart, Washington had no more use for a buffer - especially a nationalist buffer which was economically successful, one that might convince neighboring states in eastern Europe that a middle way other than IMF shock therapy was possible. The Yugoslav model had to be dismantled, for this reason alone, in the eyes of top Washington strategists. The fact that Yugoslavia also lay on a critical path to the potential oil riches of central Asia merely added to the argument." William Engdahl in his book" A Century of War"

"Economic science is an ideological construct which serves to camouflage and justify the New World Order. A set of dogmatic postulates serves to uphold free market capitalism by denying the existence of social inequality and the profit-driven nature of the system is denied. The role of powerful economic actors and how these actors are able to influence the workings of financial and commodity markets is not a matter of concern for the discipline's theoreticians. The powers of market manipulation which serve to appropriate vast amounts of money wealth are rarely addressed." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"The theories offered by economists rationalize the self-interest of big business and the wealthy. Such theories claim to benefit society and the public's well-being. But they do just the opposite: they make the great mass of people poorer while making the rich fabulously richer." economist Ravi Batra (160 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"What [the wealthy elite] are trying to do is to roll back the Enlightenment, roll back the moral philosophy and social values of classical political economy and its culmination in Progressive Era legislation, as well as the New Deal institutions. They're not trying to make the economy more equal, and they're not trying to share power. Their greed is (as Aristotle noted) infinite. So what you find to be a violation of traditional values is a reassertion of pre-industrial, feudal values. The economy is being set back on the road to debt peonage. The Road to Serfdom is not government sponsorship of economic progress and rising living standards; it's the dismantling of government, the dissolution of regulatory agencies, to create a new feudal-type elite." Michael Hudson, 2008

"Today CEOs and wealthy businessmen are the ruling elite in the Western world, especially the United States. Their donations finance elections and even education, which they are constantly saying has to adapt itself to the needs of the market (that is, be molded to inculcate their views. It should come as no surprise therefore that the theories offered by economists rationalize the self-interest of big business and the wealthy. Overtly, of course, such theories claim to benefit society and the public's wellbeing. But covertly, they do just the opposite: they make the great mass of people poorer while making the rich fabulously richer." Ravi Batra in his book "The New Golden Age", 2007

"The advanced capitalist economies of North America and Europe are desperately trying to maintain their hegemony and economic survival by means of austerity programs which shift the burden of the depression from the wealthy financiers and speculators who created it to the poor and working class who must pay for it... The Western imperial powers seek to destroy the social safety net and drive their populations into further destitution and desperation. This is the crisis of advanced, postindustrial capitalism - an economic system which must expand the divide between rich and poor, create extremes of wealth and poverty and generally perpetuate itself on the misery and poverty of the lower classes." Eric Draitser, Global Research, 2013

"Economists are schooled in bank-funded university economics departments (161 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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where they are thoroughly indoctrinated in monetary theories. The Money Power ensures that economists are methodically trained in economic language and thought and are programmed to spout the official, approved version. ... Economists show no inclination whatsoever to challenge the fundamentals of a centuries old fraudulent practice of private, debt-based, interest-bearing money creation. Gabriel Donohoe

"Why don't elite economists ever want to reduce payroll, gasoline and sales taxes? Why do they always want to cut income and corporate taxes? Why do some Ivy League experts always want to slash tax rates on capital gains and dividends? Why is their theory silent about the beneficial effects of cuts for low-income people? The reason is simple: these other rate cuts won't offer much benefit to the rich, so well-paid economists working for the affluent see no investment and growth benefits from such reductions. If the experts urged consideration of tax cuts for the middle and lower classes, their colleges would likely starve for donations from the CEOs." Ravi Batra in his book "The New Golden Age", 2007

"83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people. 66% of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% of all Americans. In 1950, the ratio of the average executive's paycheck to the average worker's paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one. As of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7% of the liquid financial assets. The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation's wealth. The top 1% of U.S. households own nearly twice as much of America's corporate wealth as they did just 15 years ago. More than 40% of Americans who actually are employed are now working in service jobs. For the first time in U.S. history, more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps. Approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years. The top 10% of Americans now earn around 50% of our national income." (162 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is, July 2010

"In 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of U.S. economic output. In 2008, it represented 11.5 percent. The United States has lost 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000." Michael Snyder, 2010

"The big question is why hasn't government and the Fed tried to solve the economic situation [in the United States]? The answer is they have no intention of doing so, because they want the public on their knees economically and financially so they can impose World Government." Bob Chapman, 2011

"The need for major states as enemies stems partly from the fact that only the perceived presence of enemy states can justify military spending at the level which the industries concerned have come to demand." David Edwards - Burning All Illusions

"There was no comer of the known world where some interest was not alleged to be in danger or under actual attack If the interests were not Roman, they were those of Rome's allies; and if Rome had no allies, then allies would be invented When it was utterly impossible to contrive such an interest-why, then it was the national honor that had been insulted. The fight was a/ways invested with an aura of legality. Rome was always being attacked by evil-minded neighbors, always fighting for a breathing space. The whole world was pervaded by a host of enemies, and it was manifestly Rome's duty to guard against their indubitably aggressive designs." (163 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Joseph Schumpeter, Austrian economist, 1979 essay "The Sociology of Imperialisms"

"However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration.... It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented, rather than developed from unknown conditions." Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

"Enemies are necessary for the wheels of the U.S. military machine to turn." former CIA official John Stockwell

"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant funds demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real." General Douglas MacArthur, 1957, as quoted in "American Caesar" by William Manchester, 1978

"Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy." George Kennan, State Department Cold War strategist (164 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies ... may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration... It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented, rather than developed from unknown conditions." Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

"Now that the cold war is becoming a memory, America's foreign policy establishment has begun searching for new enemies. Possible new villains include "instability" in Europe, the "vanishing" ozone layer, nuclear proliferation, and narco-terrorism. Topping the list of potential new global bogeymen, however, are the Yellow Peril, the alleged threat to American economic security emanating from East Asia, and the so-called Green Peril (green is the color of Islam)." Leon T. Hadar, Cato Institute, in the 1990s

"Among Latin American elites, a peasant asking for a higher wage or a priest helping organize a peasant cooperative is a communist. And someone going so far as to suggest land reform or a more equitable tax system is a communist fanatic. There is no word or act suggesting the desirability of elite generosity toward the poor, or the need for education, organization or material advance for the majority, that has not been branded communistic in Latin America in recent decades. ... Since communism is the enemy and peasants trying to improve themselves, priests with the slightest humanistic proclivity, and naturally anyone seriously challenging the status quo, are communists, they are also, by definition, enemies." Edward S. Herman

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ... by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary... The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it." H L Mencken, In Defense of Women, Dover Publications, 1918 (165 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The ruling elites know who their enemies are, and their enemies are the people, the people at home and the people abroad. Their enemies are anybody who wants more social justice, anybody who wants to use the surplus value of society for social needs rather than for individual class greed, that's their enemy." Michael Parenti

"America cherishes her enemies. Without enemies, she is a nation without purpose and direction. The various components of the National Security State need enemies to justify their swollen budgets, to aggrandize their work, to protect their jobs, to give themselves a mission in the aftermath of the Soviet Union." William Blum in his book "Rogue State"

"How does continuous war act to keep the Lows "stupefied by poverty" and thereby assure the maintenance of the social structure? The goal of the wars is to enable the economy to be kept going for the benefit of the High, its military, and its bureaucracy and control personnel (the Thought Police, etc.), but at the same time to assure that any excess production capacity is prevented from producing consumer goods for the lower classes. That excess capacity is instead directed to producing excess military goods which will ' ultimately rust away or be destroyed in warfare; that is, the excess capacity is deliberately wasted in order to turn it away from the production of goods which would result in added leisure or well-being for the lower classes. Those classes are instead continually forced into group activities expressing hatred toward the current enemy (any enemy) and dependency upon and love toward their benevolent rulers for protecting them from that enemy. They are thereby led to accept the consumer shortages, the poverty, and the other privations to which they are subjected. Their economic status is kept at the subsistence level, forcing their priorities to be focused on simply acquiring basic food, clothing, and shelter. They are thus denied either the time or the inclination to question the fairness or permanence of their societal condition, or to otherwise evolve into a threat to the established hierarchy." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"It is now clear that we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is (166 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply. If the United States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of "fair play" must be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy." Doolittle Report - White House commission to study the ClA's covert activities , 1954

"The collapse of the Soviet Union ... ended China's main usefulness to the United States as an ally, while enhancing its new status as a possible long-term rival to American hegemony. In the wake of the Cold War, with the Pentagon intent on maintaining near Cold War levels of military spending, enemies on the global horizon were much needed. With the Soviet army increasingly seen as a disintegrating "paper tiger," China's economic emergence as a major power in the Pacific offered one possible fit with the Pentagon's need for a major enemy." Chalmers Johnson in his book "Blowback"

"There's really no serious proposal about what to do about the severe problems of health, education, homelessness, joblessness, crime, soaring criminal populations, jails, deterioration in the inner cities - the whole raft of problems... In such circumstances you've got to divert the bewildered herd, because if they start noticing this they may not like it, since they're the ones suffering from it... You have to whip them up into fear of enemies." Noam Chomsky in his book "Media Control"

"This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq, then we take a look around and see how things stand. This is entirely the wrong way to go about it... If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war . . . our children (167 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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will sing great songs about us years from now." neoconservative Richard Perle

"In the eyes of officials and citizens of a given country, a 'terrorist' is someone who is killing friends, but the murderer of political enemies is labeled a 'rebel' or a 'freedom fighter." Chicago Sun-Times columnist Carl T. Rowan, 1984

"In order to rally people, governments need enemies...if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us." Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk

"The need for major states as enemies stems partly from the fact that only the perceived presence of enemy states can justify military spending at the level which the industries concerned have come to demand." Anatol Lieven in his book "America Right or Wrong"

"From the era of US wars to disarm and eliminate "merciless Indian savages" to the era of capitalist wars to contain and then vanquish red communism, to the current era of global police and military operations mounted in the name of opposing the largely manufactured demon of al-Qaeda, the American empire of material aggrandizement has always required an external enemy to give military support to the expansionary enterprises of its biggest engines of corporate profit. It has required pretexts to present wars of aggression as self-defence." Anthony J. Hall in his book "Earth into Property: Colonization, Decolonization, and Capitalism"

ENVIRONMENTALISM (168 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"'Big Green' has been used to describe the biggest environmental organizations in the United States. These are heavily-staffed, well-funded non-profit corporations each with budgets in the tens of millions of dollars a year, offices in Washington, DC and other major cities, highly paid executive directors, and a staff of lobbyists, analysts and marketers. Big Green environmental groups together raise and spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year, most of it contributed by non-profit foundations and individual donors. Many of the Big Green groups partner with corporations and have representatives of major corporations on their boards of directors."

Members of Big Green Defenders of Wildlife Environmental Defense Greenpeace National Audubon Society National Wildlife Federation Natural Resources Defense Council The Nature Conservancy Sierra Club The Wilderness Society World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

"Report from Iron Mountain (1967) was the first publication to draw together themes that have been linked together ever since. It is the source document for a key constellation of ideas, namely: (1) that the threat of war must be replaced by another threat, preferably global in scope, (2) that the ecothreat is the best of several possible replacements, and, finally, (3) that the threat must be cultivated and the populace prepared before the "solution" to the threat can be applied." Larry Abraham with Franklin Sanders in their book "The Greening: The Environmentalists' Drive for Global Power" "It may be that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival (169 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution." Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

"The figures at the helm of each and every one of the major environmental foundations such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Heritage Trust, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation, The Sierra Club, the World Wilderness Congress, Conservation International, and the Center for Earth Resource Analysis, are key members of the elite political organizations, including the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission)." Larry Abraham with Franklin Sanders in their book "The Greening: The Environmentalists' Drive for Global Power"

"The WWF [World Wildlife Fund] was established in 1961... Thirty years later, the WWF controls 10% of the world's surface." Dutch Attorney J. Wilgers

"The figures at the helm of each and every one of the major environmental foundations (such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Heritage Trust, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation, The Sierra Club, the World Wilderness Congress, Conservation International, and the Center for Earth Resource Analysis are key members of the elite political organizations previously and repetitiously identified (i.e., the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission)." Larry Abraham with Franklin Sanders in their book "The Greening: The Environmentalists' Drive for Global Power" (170 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Global environmentalism requires global planning, global regulation. and inevitably, global bureaucrats." Wall Street Journal, November 8, 1989

"The environmental issue has clearly been selected as the major policy initiative to be developed... It might be possible to enhance the environmental threat, or even to invent a fake issue if an appropriate real one could not be found." Larry Abraham with Franklin Sanders in their book "The Greening: The Environmentalists' Drive for Global Power"

"The global elites genuinely believe they are the destined elite worthy to rule the world. Environmentalism is merely the rally, ragged rationalization designed to hoodwink the world into accepting their rule."


"Anti-war protesters in 1917, after the Espionage Act was passed, were often arrested and sentenced... Today's Espionage Act, ostensibly \directed at domestic terrorism, is just as wide-ranging." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The Espionage Act of 1917 made it a crime punishable by a fine of $10,000 and 20 years in jail to attempt to "convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States or to promote the success of its enemies...or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal to duty. ... The Sedition Act of 1918, made it illegal to "utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, (171 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States...or any language intended to...encourage resistance to the United States." Annie Zirin, 2002

"The Sedition Act passed by the Federalist Congress in 1798 prohibited "any false, scandalous and malicious writing... against the government of the United States, or President of the United States, with intent to defame said government (or Congress or President) with intent to bring them into contempt or disrepute, or to excite against them the hatred of the good people of the United States." Lewis Lapham in his book "Gag Rule"

"The Espionage Act of 1917, and an amendment, the Sedition Act of 1918 made it a crime to "willfully utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States," punishable by a $10,000 fine and up to twenty years in prison." Sherry Wolf, 2006


In Europe today there are only ten monarchies left. HOUSE OF WINDSOR (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) NETHERLANDS BELGIUM LIECHTENSTEIN LUXEMBOURG SPAIN DENMARK NORWAY SWEDEN MONACO (172 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"At the center of oligarchy is the idea that certain families are born to rule as an arbitrary elite, while the vast majority of any given population is condemned to oppression, serfdom, or slavery. Oligarchs identify wealth purely in money terms, and practice usury, monetarism, and looting. The oligarchy has believed for millennia that the Earth is overpopulated. The essence of oligarchism is summed up in the idea of the empire, in which an elite identifying itself as a master race rules over a degraded mass of slaves or other oppressed victims. If oligarchical methods are allowed to dominate human affairs, they always create a breakdown crisis of civilization, with economic depression, war, famine, plague, and pestilence. A pillar of the oligarchical system is the family fortune. The continuity of the family fortune which earns money through usury and looting is often more important than the biological continuity across generations of the family that owns the fortune." "The Venetian Black Nobility and the Concept of Oligarchy" an article by Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley & James Higham

"By the early 1930's, the British Crown had a stranglehold on the biggest supplies of gold and diamonds ever found in the world. Now, the Committee of 300 had at its disposal both the vast fortune coming from the drug trade and the equally vast fortune of the minieral and metal wealth of South Africa. Financial control of the world was complete." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"The British East India Company/British government held the monopoly in opium trading - the only people allowed to make instant fortunes were the nobility, the aristocracy, the plutocrats and oligarchical families of England." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" (173 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"European dynastic families constitute a financial oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne [Britain]. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium." historian Jeffrey Steinberg, 2004 "The European Black Nobility is responsible for the insidious entanglements of numerous secret societies, lodges, and organizations, which are backed with high finance and powerful political connections. Such organizations include: Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group (German version of CFR), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), United Nations (founded by CFR), Illuminati order Skull & Bones (inner circle of the CFR), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank of International Settlement, Club of Rome, Chatham House (formally the Royal Institute of International Affairs - RIIA), Round Table, Tavistock Institute for Human Studies (England's psychological warfare think tank), Associated Press, Reuters (Rothschild owned news monopoly used for brainwashing the masses), and many others, all of which, whether they are dupes or adapts, work in favor of Great Britain's aristocracy and their one world government agenda. Although there is a wide cross-section, all roads lead to the Queen of England." John Colman, 2012

"The Swedish Nobel and French Rothschild families discovered oil in Russia through their Far East Trading Company, which later combined with Oppenheimer family interests to become Shell Oil. The Dutch House of Orange joined forces with the British House of Windsor in the Dutch East Indies to launch Royal Dutch Petroleum." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The British Crown, i.e., the Royal Family, joined the British East India Company's trade, and used it as a vehicle to produce opium in Bengal, and elsewhere in India, controlling exports through what was called "transit duties," that is, the Crown levied a tax on all producers of opium duly registered with the state authority, who were sending their opium to China. Prior to 1896, when the opium trade was still "illegal"- there never having been the (174 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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slightest attempt to stop the trade - colossal amounts of opium were shipped out of India on board "China Tea Clippers" which supposedly carried chests of tea from India and China to the London exchanges." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300: A Brief History of World Power"

"Royal Dutch/Shell is controlled by the Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Nobel and Samuel families along with the British House of Windsor and the Dutch House of Orange." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The Black Nobility are the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, who in the 12th century held privileged trading rights (monopolies). The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class. In 1204 the oligarchic families parceled out feudal enclaves to their members, and from this date, they built up power until government became a closed corporation of the leading Black Nobility families. The European Black Nobility is responsible for the insidious entanglements of numerous secret societies and organizations, which are backed with high finance and powerful political connections. Such organizations include: Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), United Nations, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Club of Rome, Chatham House, and many others. Present day European Black Nobility families are connected with the House of Guelph, one of the original Black Nobility families of Venice from which the House of Windsor and thus the present Queen of the United Kingdom Elizabeth II descends." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300: A Brief History of World Power" "During the Middle Ages, European power centers coalesced into two camps: the Ghibellines and the Guelphs. The Pope then allied himself with the Guelphs against the Ghibellines resulting in their victory. All of modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers. The Guelphs were also called the Black Guelphs and Black Nobility. Every subsequent coup d'tat, revolution and war has centered in the battle of the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the World (175 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Order. The power of the Guelphs grew through their control of banking and international trade." Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley & James Higham in their book "The Venetian Black Nobility and the Concept of Oligarchy"

"Every British monarch since 1729 has benefited immensely from the drug trade." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"There is a vast network of private financial interests, controlled by the leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe. A secret cross-linked vast holding of private financial interests, tied to the told aristocratic oligarchy of Western Europe, was developed (Club of the Isles). It was in many ways modeled on the 17th-century British or Dutch East India Company models. The center of this Club of the Isles is the financial center of the old British Empire, the "City of London"." William Engdahl , Executive Intelligence Review, April 1997

"Dope = Big Business and Big Business is done by the oligarchical families of Europe and the United States Eastern Liberal Establishment. The drug business is not a Mafia operation, nor one run by the Colombian cocaine cartels. The noble families of Britain and America's top people are not going to advertise their role in the shop windows; they always have a layer of front men to do the dirty work." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The (176 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened." Josef Stalin

"The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry out . This is exactly how government perpetrators in the US and UK handled the 9/11 and 7/7 "terror" attacks, which were in reality government attacks blamed on "terrorists"." Captain Eric H. May, former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, 2008

"9/11 was an example of state-sponsored, false-flag, synthetic terrorism. The 9/11 events were organized and directed by a rogue network of high government and military officials of the United States, with a certain participation by the intelligence agencies of Britain and Israel, and with a more general backup from the intelligence agencies of the other Echelon states Australia, New Zealand, Canada." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"For many Americans, the idea that we are living in a country whose own leaders planned and carried out the attacks of 9/11 is simply too horrible to entertain. Unfortunately, however, there is strong evidence in support of this view." 9/11 and American Empire : Intellectuals Speak Out edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott

"Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Hadley, Elliott Abrams, and Condoleezza Rice ran the attacks [9/11]. It was called a stand down, a false flag operation in order to mobilize the American public under false pretenses... it was told to me by the general on the staff of Wolfowitz. I taught stand down and false flag operations at the national war college, I've taught it with all my operatives so I knew exactly what was done to the American public." (177 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik , Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford and Carter

POWER: "At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now." BBC HOST: "To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?" POWER: "Precisely." Peter Power, former Scotland Yard anti-terrorism agent, who was a contract employee working in government exercises on the day of the July 2007 London railway bombings - interviewed by BBC

"The owner of all three [World Trade Center] buildings was Larry Silverstein, who had recently doubled the insurance value of the Twin Towers. He stated in a PBS interview that he and the New York Fire Department agreed to a controlled demolition of WTC 7. Since skyscrapers are not [normally] wired for demolition -- unless someone intends to demolish them -- Silverstein's statement is an admission that 9/11 was an inside job." Captain Eric H. May, former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, 2008

"[Operation Northwoods] The U.S. government declassified documents showing that in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up American airplanes, and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba." Washington's Blog, Global Research, 2010

"The Israeli embassy had been advised in advance by Scotland Yard of an impending bomb attack [London, July 7, 2005]: (178 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy to say they had received warnings of possible attacks. ... Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was warned by his embassy not to attend an economic conference. Netanyahu was staying at the Aidridge Hotel in Mayfair. The conference venue was a few miles away at the Great Eastern Hotel close to the Liverpool subway station; where one of the bomb blasts occurred." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"The former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admit that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and other European countries in the 1950s and blamed the communists, in order to rally people's support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism." Washington's Blog, 2010

"The really dangerous American fascist is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power. ... They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection." Vice President Henry Wallace, New York Times, April 9, 1944

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." (179 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Sinclair Lewis, 1835

"The movement from democracy to fascism has historically involved the criminalization not only of active dissent, but also of speech and ideas... the Violent Radicalization Bill, which is clearly on that track, is an attempt to legitimize an effort to identify words and thoughts that may be capable of radicalizing citizens of the Republic. As a part of this process, the narrow constitutional definition of treason is expanded to a new level. Unpatriotic speech or slander against the president, the government, or the state becomes treasonous." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret, to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security .... I do not speak of your "little men," your baker and so on; I speak of my colleagues and myself, learned men, mind you. Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about-we were decent people-and kept us so busy with continuous changes and "crises" and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the "national enemies," without and within, that we had no time to think about those dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us. Unconsciously, I suppose, we were grateful. Who wants to think? * ... To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it-please try to believe meunless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, "regretted," that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these "little measures" that no "patriotic German" could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head." Milton Mayer "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-1945" (180 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power." President Franklin Roosevelt

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy, 1930-43

"Washington supported Latin-American dictators who claimed to be anti-communist, as in the case of General Stroessner in Paraguay. But the result of this preoccupation with communism was the revival of another monster: a creole version of European fascism. A latent force in several of the most important South-American countries, fascism particularly Mussolini's corporate state - had long attracted certain military and civilian sectors. During the 1930s it was also popular within an influential wing of the Catholic Church because of its virulent anti-communism and emphasis on "God, Fatherland, and Family." Called "integralism" in South America, this creole brand of European fascism made its greatest impact on Argentina, although the Brazilian populist dictator Getulio Vargas (president 1930-45, 1951-S4) also flirted with integralism, especially after 1937, when he seized total power and established his Estado Novo. Chile and Paraguay were also influenced by fascism." Penny Lernoux in her book "Cry of the People"

"The elements are in place [for fascism]: a weak legislative body, a legal system that is both compliant and repressive, a party system in which one party, whether in opposition or in the majority, is bent upon reconstituting the existing system so as to permanently favor a ruling class of the wealthy, the well-connected and the corporate... That scheme is abetted by a sycophantic and increasingly concentrated media." Sheldon Wolin "Inverted Totalitarianism", 2003 (181 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Fascism is on the march today in America. Millionaires are marching to the tune. It will come in this country unless a strong defense is set up by all liberal and progressive forces... A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government, and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. Aboard ship a prominent executive of one of America's largest financial corporations told me point blank that if the progressive trend of the Roosevelt administration continued, he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism to America." William Dodd, former US Ambassador to Germany, 1938

"Fascism is the imposed dictatorship of the ruling class utilizing armed force to preserve the social-economic system wherever it is collapsing. The destruction of democracy - the suppression of all civil liberties, the destruction of the trade unions and the intellectuals, the glorification of the State - these are the natural results of the coming into power of a regime whose one purpose is the salvation of the profit system and whose hired leaders are superpatriots, demagogues, militarists, political racketeers, and fanatics. Fascism has no place for the intelligent. George Seldes

"The Federal Reserve Act, 1913, [was] a coup that authorized a private cartel to create money out of nothing, lend it to the government with interest and control the national money supply, expanding or contracting it at will." Nikki Alexander, 2009

"The American central bank (the Fed or the Federal Reserve System) is an institution that is entrusted to regulate banks and other financial institutions, but it is partly owned by the large money center banks. It is in a perpetual conflict of interests. In fact, it can (182 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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be said that the Fed is the banks' own private government. In good times, large Wall Street banks, bank holding companies and other large integrated financial groups are pretty much left alone and allowed to build profitable but risky and shaky financial pyramids, with scant supervision. When things go bad, however, the Fed stands ready to bail them out with automatic discounting, zero-interest loans and other goodies, the overall cost being transferred to the general public through an inflation tax and a debased currency." Professor Rodrigue Tremblay, Global Research

"The establishment of the Federal Reserve (1913) ensured that the United States would become indebted to and owned by international banking interests, and thus, act in their interest." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned central bank. While the Federal Reserve Board is a government body, the process of money creation is controlled by the twelve Federal Reserve banks, which are privately owned. The shareholders of the Federal Reserve banks (with the New York Federal Reserve Bank playing a dominant role) are among America's most powerful financial institutions." Michel Chossudovsky

"The Chairman of the Federal Reserve has one essential mandate: to preserve the power of the big banks." F. William Engdahl

"In the early 20th century, European and American banking interests achieved what they had desired for over a century within America, the creation of a privately owned central bank [Federal Reserve - 1913]. It was created through collaboration of American and European bankers, primarily the Morgans, Rockefellers, Kuhn, Loebs and Warburgs." (183 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"All public debt operations go through the Federal Reserve, which is in charge of monetary policy, acting on behalf of private financial interests. The government as such has no authority over money creation. This means that public debt operations essentially serve the interests of the banks." Michel Chossudovsky

"The regional Federal Reserve banks are not government agencies. ... but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations." US Supreme Court ruling - Lewis vs. United States, 1982

"When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money." "Putting it simply" Boston Federal Reserve Bank

"We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it." Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932

"When the President signs this act [Federal Reserve Act of 1913], the invisible government by the money power - proven to exist by the Monetary Trust Investigation will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. (184 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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From now on, depressions will be scientifically created." Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., 1912

"The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That Board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is Private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money." Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., 1923

"Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are the United States government's institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers. Congressman Louis T. McFadden, 1932 [He was poisoned in 1936]

"The Federal Reserve ... controls our monetary policy. By changing the supply of dollars in circulation, they have influence over interest rates, mortgage payments, whether the financial markets boom or collapse, and basically whether our economy expands or stumbles. But the Fed is only partly an institution of government. The stockholders in a dozen different Federal Reserve banks in different regions of the country are the big private banks. The Federal Reserve was created by Congress in 1913, after a financial panic that led to a secret meeting at banker J.P. Morgan's private resort, off the coast of Georgia at a place called Jekyll Island. ... What emerged was a cartel agreement with five objectives: stop the growing competition from the nation's newer banks; obtain a franchise to create money out of nothing for the purpose of lending; get control of the reserves of all banks so that the more reckless ones would not be exposed to currency drains and bank runs; get the taxpayer to pick up the cartel's inevitable losses; and convince Congress that the purpose was to protect the public. It was realized that the bankers would have to become partners with the politicians and that the structure of the cartel would have to be a central bank." (185 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Jesse Ventura in the book "American Conspiracies"

"For most of the twentieth century the Federal Reserve System, particularly the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (which is outside the control of Congress, unaudited and uncontrolled, with the power to print money and create credit at will), has exercised a virtual monopoly over the direction of the American economy." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"


"The ultimate control over the world economy is achieved through command over money creation: through fiat money, by creating money from nothing. The "long war" is intended to instate the hegemony of the U.S.-EU financial system as well as the contours of "world government"." Michel Chossudovsky

"When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money." "Putting it simply" Boston Federal Reserve Bank

"If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very (186 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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soon." Robert H. Hemphill, former Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga., 1935

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented... Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again... If you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit." Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England, 1927

"[The] creation of paper claims greater than the reserves available means that bankers were creating money out of nothing. The same thing could be done in another way, not by note-issuing banks but by deposit banks. Deposit bankers discovered that orders and checks drawn against deposits by depositors and given to third persons were often not cashed by the latter but were deposited to their own accounts. Thus there were no actual movements of funds, and payments were made simply by bookkeeping transactions on the accounts. Accordingly, it was necessary for the banker to keep on hand in actual money (gold, certificates, and notes) no more than the fraction of deposits likely to be drawn upon and cashed; the rest could be used for loans, and if these loans were made by creating a deposit for the borrower, who in turn would draw checks upon it rather than withdraw it in money, such "created deposits" or loans could also be covered adequately by retaining reserves to only a fraction of their value. Such created deposits also were a creation of money out of nothing." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money." "Putting it simply" Boston Federal Reserve Bank (187 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The founding of the Bank of England by William Paterson and his friends in 1694 is one of the great dates in world history. For generations men had sought to avoid the one drawback of gold, its heaviness, by using pieces of paper to represent specific pieces of gold. Today we call such pieces of paper gold certificates. Such a certificate entitles its bearer to exchange it for its piece of gold on demand, but in view of the convenience of paper, only a small fraction of certificate holders ever did make such demands. It early became clear that gold need be held on hand only to the amount needed to cover the fraction of certificates likely to he presented for payment; accordingly, the rest of the gold could be used for business purposes, or, what amounts to the same thing, a volume of certificates could be issued greater than the volume of gold reserved for payment of demands against them. Such an excess volume of paper claims against reserves we now call bank notes. In effect, this creation of paper claims greater than the reserves available means that bankers were creating money out of nothing." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"In Pennsylvania in the first half of the 18th century, the provincial government not only printed its own money but owned its own bank. Colonial scrip was printed and lent to farmers at 5% interest, and this money recycled back to the government as it was repaid. The money went out and came back in a circular flow, preventing inflation... The Bank of Pennsylvania issued its fiat currency as loans for domestic use, loans on which not only the principal but the interest came back to the government. Since the provincial government had the power to issue the local scrip, it could issue some extra to meet its expenses; and this money filtered through the economy to provide the additional sums needed to cover the interest on the loans. During the time this provincial system was in place, the Pennsylvania colonists paid no taxes, there was no government debt, and price inflation did not result." Ellen Brown, 2009

"During the Civil War, [President] Lincoln issued Greenbacks. That was a form of fiat (188 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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money in an emergency situation, but what it did, partially at least, was to take the control of the U.S. debt temporarily out of the hands of London and New York banks. That displeased London to an extraordinary extent." F. William Engdahl, 2011

"The powers of financial capitalism [international bankers] had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements [BIS] in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations." Carroll Quigley "Tragedy and Hope"

"Financial markets acting like a global supra-government oust entrenched regimes where normal political processes could not do so. They force austerity, banking bailouts and other major policy changes. Their influence dwarfs multilateral institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. Indeed, leaving aside unusable nuclear weapons, they have become the most powerful force on earth." Roger Altman, former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Financial Times, 2011

"American history over the previous century [19th century] had been driven an increasingly powerful cartel of financial elites and the large industrial trusts they controlled [The Money Trust]. Their interests, rather than the interests of the nation and the population as a whole, defined the strategic priorities of that powerful cartel. Their overwhelming control of the national media allowed their propaganda experts to portray their interests as 'America's interests.' Most Americans, wanting to think the best of their country, bought the propaganda. (189 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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... Their economic model was that of the British East India Company or, more accurately, of the Barbary pirates, looting and plundering to exhaustion one region after the next to prop up their empire, leaving behind as little of value as possible. For the Rockefellers ... the entire world was considered their 'frontier.' By portraying their mission after 1948 as a Cold War fought by 'American democracy' against 'Godless Communism' they gave the cause of advancing American interests a messianic religious cover that was astonishingly effective for decades." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century"

"Countries that do not follow the dictates of the "financial market" are punished with lower credit ratings, higher interest, speculative attacks, and in the cases of Greece and Italy in November of 2011, their democratically-elected governments are simply removed and replaced with technocratic administrations made up of bankers and economists who then push through austerity and adjustment policies that impoverish and exploit their populations... and if your elected governments do not succumb to "market discipline," they will be removed and replaced in what - under any other circumstances - is referred to as a 'coup.'" Roger Altman, former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Financial Times, 2011

"The world financial system is now as addicted to drug monies as a junkie is to heroin. Without the regular flow of those monies, the system would collapse." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"The U.S. monetary system is supported by the most powerful military power on earth. The dollar is backed by U.S. military might, which constitutes a means for displacing national currencies and imposing the U.S. dollar. In this regard, the Federal Reserve's overwhelming powers of money creation constitute an essential lever of an imperial monetary agenda. ... The Western banking system controls a worldwide electronic banking network. The control of money creation at a world level constitutes the ultimate instrument of (190 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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economic and social domination. The creation of fiat money provides a command over the real economies of countries worldwide. The ultimate lever of the U.S.-NATO imperial design is to override and destroy national currencies." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"The $500 billion international narcotics trade today is second only to the world oil trade. Total world trade volume is $1.7 trillion... The question that emerges is: "How is it possible that $500 billion and up in dirty money, crisscrossing international borders, can remain outside the control of the law?" Only one possible answer can be admitted: A huge chunk of international banking and related financial operations has been created solely to manage dirty money." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"Financial manipulation is an integral part of the New World Order. It constitutes a powerful means to accumulate wealth. It has contributed to destabilizing the U.S. fiscal structure. Under the present political arrangement, those responsible for monetary policy are quite deliberately serving the interests of the financiers, to the detriment of working people, leading to economic dislocation, unemployment and mass poverty. What we are dealing with is the fraudulent confiscation of lifelong savings and pension funds and the appropriation of tax revenues to finance the bank bailouts... What is at stake is then outright criminalization of the financial system, financial theft on an unprecedented scale."
Michel Chossudovsky

"Our global system is one of state-capitalism, where the state and corporate interests are interdependent and mutually beneficial, at least for those in power." Roger Altman, former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Financial Times, 2011 (191 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Financial markets acting like a global supra-government oust entrenched regimes where normal political processes could not do so. They force austerity, banking bailouts and other major policy changes. Their influence dwarfs multilateral institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. Indeed, leaving aside unusable nuclear weapons, they have become the most powerful force on earth. They oust entrenched regimes where normal political processes could not do so. They force austerity, banking bail-outs and other major policy changes. Their influence dwarfs multilateral institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. Indeed, leaving aside unusable nuclear weapons, they have become the most powerful force on earth."
Roger Altman, former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under the Clinton administration in an article in the Financial Times, December 2011

"By early 2000, the process of global financial deregulation was in many regards a fait accompli. Wall Street routinely invaded country after country. The domestic banking system was put on the auction block and reorganized under the surveillance of external creditors. National financial institutions were systematically destabilized and driven out of business; mass unemployment and poverty are the invariable results." Michel Chossudovsky

"The small, but politically powerful, minority of financiers and industrialists is interested in various forms of economic imperialism. By a judicious use of their resources, the capitalists of highly industrialized countries stake out claims for themselves within nominally independent countries. Those claims are then represented as being the claims of the respective nations, and the quarrels between the various financial interests concerned become quarrels between states. The peace of the world has frequently been endangered, in order that oil magnates might grow a little richer." Aldous Huxley in his book "Ends and Means", 1937


"In 1960, Senate investigators discovered that FDA officials had been receiving financial incentives from the companies they were supposed to regulate... In 1969, a (192 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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congressional study revealed that thirty-seven of forty-nine top FDA officials who left the agency took jobs with food and drug companies." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"People think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day." former FDA Commissioner Dr. Herbert Ley said in 1969

"The Food and Drug Administration is so closely linked to the biotech industry now that it could be described as their Washington branch office." Betty Martini of the consumer group Mission Possible

"The GAO [Government Accounting Office] found that more than half of the drugs approved by the FDA between 1976 and 1985 had severe or fatal side effects that had not been detected during the agency's review and testing." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"Thimserosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to his known neurotoxin. Our public health agencies' failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry." Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the House's Committee on Government Reform, May 2003 (193 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"In 1960, Senate investigators discovered that FDA officials had been receiving financial incentives from the companies they were supposed to regulate... In 1969, a congressional study revealed that thirty-seven of forty-nine top FDA officials who left the agency took jobs with food and drug companies. ... [In 1976] several FDA officials and drug company executives were convicted on corruption, racketeering, and similar charges for a bribery scheme that went on from 1989-1992. Generic drug companies paid off FDA officials to approve their drugs and block approval of competitors' drugs. The generic drug companies also withheld data and even substituted other companies' brand name drugs for evaluation, instead of risking an evaluation of their own product." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA [Food and Drug Administration]is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day." former FDA Commissioner Dr. Herbert Ley, 1969

"The FDA's [Food and Drug Administration] failures have become a scientific breakdown that threatens the safety of America's food supply generally, and dairy products in particular .... As a result of [their] failure to act, the nation's milk supply - as well as products such as infant formula, ice cream, cheese and yogurt that are made from milk - is highly contaminated with unknown levels of animal-drug residues that have not been shown to be safe." FDA chemist Joseph Settapani

"References to the unintended negative effects of bioengineering [at the FDA in the 1990s] were progressively deleted from drafts of the policy statement, and a final statement was issued claiming (a) that [GM] foods are no riskier than others and (b) that the agency has no information to the contrary." public interest attorney Steven Druker, who has studied the FDA's internal files (194 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"At the top [of the FDA] there are political appointees not necessarily bound by science, but often influenced by other agendas. Many pass through the agency at a rapid clip, moving from one regulated enterprise to another. At the same time, some of the finest scientists and public servants that I have ever met worked at the FDA. Unfortunately many of them are often hired away by universities, nonprofit groups, and other public health agencies, leaving a less dedicated and less competent residue of people not highly sought after outside of government." James Turner, long-time FDA watchdog and author of the book "The Chemical Feast: The Nader Report on the Food and Drug Administration"

"There seemed to be a trend [at the FDA] toward approval at any price. It went from a university-like setting where there was independent scientific review to an atmosphere of 'approve, approve, approve... the thinking is, 'How many things can we approve this year?' Somewhere along the way they abdicated their responsibility to the public welfare." FDA veterinarian Richard Burroughs describing what the saw at the FDA

"The [Government Accounting Office] GAO [found] that more than half of the drugs approved by the FDA between 1976 and 1985 had severe or fatal side effects that had not been detected during the agency's review and testing." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"In 1987, [the United States] allocated $13 billion, or only 0.19 percent of its gross national product, for foreign aid, but $4.8 billion of it went for military equipment. Only $1.5 billion was for food, $3.2 billion for economic security, and $2.5 billion for development assistance. Furthermore, over half the economic and security aid was disbursed to Egypt and Israel. (In 1980, U.S. aid to Israel per capita was 120 times the U. S. aid to India.) (195 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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... In 1986, U.S. foreign aid expenditure totaled $15.9 billion, while Americans spent $10.3 billion on movies and theaters, $34.2 billion on tobacco, and $59 billion on alcohol. An expenditure of five cents per person would save the sight of 100,000 children who are blinded annually because of a vitamin A deficiency, and a mere three dollars each would immunize them against poliomyelitis, tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, and measles. One year's expenditure by the U.S. cosmetics industry would provide 1.6 billion people with sanitation. In percentage of GNP given away as foreign aid, Norway tops all countries, with 1.1 percent. The Netherlands spends 0.98 percent. The United States ranks next to last out of eighteen countries, with 0.19 percent of its GNP." Helen Caldicott in her book "If You Love this Planet"

"According to polls, Americans believe that foreign aid constitutes roughly 20 percent of the federal budget... in fact the United States provides less in foreign aid (as a percentage of GNP) than any other industrialized nation: a mere sliver of one percent." Miriam Pemberton and John Feffer in their book "Power Trip"

"According to the United Nations, developing countries send developed countries ten times as much money through unequal trade and financial relations as they receive through foreign aid." Eduardo Galeano in his book "Upside Down"

"The United States is last among the industrialized nations in the amount of foreign aid we distribute per capita. ... The United States gives less than one half of one percent of our $1.6 trillion budget to foreign aid, but we are still number one in providing military aid to developing countries. Michael Moore in his book "Downsize This"

"Total American spending on nonmilitary foreign aid in 2002 represented a mere 0.15 (196 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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percent of gross domestic product, placing the United States last among twenty-one industrialized countries. On a more comprehensive measurement, the 2003 Commitment to Development Index prepared by the Center for Global Development and Foreign Policy magazine, gauging whether twenty-one countries' aid, trade, immigration, investment, peacekeeping, and environmental policies help or hurt poor countries, the United States finished next to last." William Schulz in his book "Tainted Legacy"

"Foreign aid has been perfected so that it subsidizes corporate U.S. agriculture while preventing poor countries from developing profitable agriculture or feeding themselves." Nicholas Von Hoffman in his book "Hoax"

"The Council for a Livable World Education Fund reports that most U.S. aid is for the military of the recipient nations and that 90 percent of all American foreign aid has gone to the Middle East, with most of that to Israel or regimes like Egypt's, which keep their restive Islamic masses under control." Ben Bagdikian in his book "New Media Monopoly"

"World Health Organization (WHO} report shows the share of GNP given in foreign aid by advanced countries - the United States ranks dead last." Paul Krugman in his book "Great Unraveling"

"Americans always overestimate the amount of foreign aid we give. In recent national polls, people have guessed, on average, that between 15 and 24 percent of the federal budget goes for foreign aid. In reality, it is less than 1 percent. The U.N. has set a foreign-aid goal for the rich countries of .7 percent of gross national product. A few countries have attained that modest goal, all of them Scandinavian. The U.S. has never come close. Indeed, it comes in dead last, consistently, in the yearly totals of rich (197 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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country foreign aid as a percentage of GNP. In 2000, we gave .1 percent." journalist William Finnegan

"Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization." John Perkins in his book "Confessions of Economic Hit Man"

"Foreign aid is when the poor people of a rich country give money to the rich people of a poor country." Michael Parenti in his book "Against Empire"

"Today Israel - a country of 6.5 million people-receives 33 percent of the entire foreignaid budget of the American empire ($3 billion a year). Another 20 percent of the budget goes to Egypt (in part as a payment for not attacking Israel), and Jordan is the third largest recipient. In short, more than half the budget concerns the security of Israel. The average African receives 10 cents a year from U.S. foreign aid. The average Israeli receives $500 a year. Only 0.2 percent of the U.S. GNP goes to foreign aid-by this measure America ranks last out of the twenty-two wealthiest countries in the world." Cornel West in his book "Democracy Matters"

FOREIGN POLICY (198 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Since World War Two the United States has attempted to overthrow more than fifty foreign governments, it has dropped bombs on the people of around thirty countries, has attempted to assassinate some sixty foreign leaders, helped to suppress dozens of populist or nationalist movements, has tortured many thousands, and seriously and illegally intervened in one way or another in virtually every country on the planet, in the process of which the U.S. has caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair." author William Blum, in a speech at the University of Vermont, November 2, 2007

"Which nation's leaders since 1945 have murdered, maimed, made homeless, tortured, assassinated and impoverished the largest number of civilians who were not its own citizens? I have asked this question of Americans in every walk of life since I discovered the bombing of Laos in 1969. It's a simple matter of fact, not involving judgments of right and wrong, and I remain astonished at how most answer "the Russians," "the Chinese," or just have no idea that their leaders have killed more noncitizen civilians than the rest of the world's leaders combined since 1945." Fred Branfman

"Since the anticommunism hysteria in the years following the Second World War, a bipartisan consensus has existed on foreign policy. Meaningful political discourse has been almost absent about foreign policy issues. So many foreign policy decisions have been placed beyond public scrutiny, that almost all of what passes as official information about foreign policy is manufactured by government agencies for its propaganda effect." Daniel Hellinger and Dennis R. Judd Brooks in their book "The Democratic Facade"

"The greatest myth concerning American foreign policies is the deeply-held belief that no matter what the United States does abroad, no matter how bad it may look, no matter what horror may result, the American government means well. American leaders may make mistakes, they may blunder, they may even on the odd occasion cause more harm than good, but they do mean well. Their intentions are always honorable. Of that (199 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Americans are certain. They genuinely wonder why the rest of the world can't see how kind and generous and self-sacrificing America has been." William Blum

"Since the Bush-Cheney Administration took office in January 2001, controlling the major oil and natural gas fields of the world had been the primary, though undeclared, priority of US foreign policy... Not only the invasion of Iraq, but also the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan, had nothing to do with 'democracy,' and everything to do with pipeline control across Central Asia and the militarization of the Middle East." F. William Engdahl

"The United States became the target of terrorists on 9/11 not because of the country's freedom and democracy, but because U.S. Middle East policy has had nothing to do with freedom and democracy." Stephen Zunes

"From 1945 to 2003, the United States attempted to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments, and to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements fighting against intolerable regimes. In the process, the US bombed some 25 countries, caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair." William Blum in his book "Killing Hope"

"In the last decades of the twentieth century, self-interest, sovereignty and taking care of number one became the primary criteria for any serious provision of support or resources to the globe's trouble spots. If the country in question is of any possible strategic value to the world powers, then it seems that everything from covert operations to the outright use of overwhelming force is fair game. If it is not, indifference is the order of the day." (200 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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former Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire who commanaded the UN peacekeping force in Rwanda in 1993-1994

"Our leaders are cruel because only those willing to be inordinately cruel and remorseless can hold positions of leadership in the foreign policy establishment. People capable of expressing a full human measure of compassion and empathy toward faraway powerless strangers do not become president of the United States, or vice president, or secretary of state, or national security adviser." William Blum

"Mass graves and cemeteries everywhere are filled with people which have been killed instead of helped, and the US will never again be regarded as benevolent: the world has seen enough and knows the US is a bully." Seymour Hersh, 2005

"Do American leaders really believe the utterances that emanate from their mouths? When the words "god" and "prayer" are regularly invoked in their talks, while American Hellfire missiles are sent screaming into a city center or a village marketplace teeming with life ...when they carry on endlessly about democracy and freedom, while American soldiers are smashing down doors, dragging off the men, humiliating the women, traumatizing the children... when they proclaim the liberation of a people and the bringing forth of a better life, while vast quantities of American depleted uranium are exploding into a fine vapor which will poison the air, the soil, the blood, and the genes forever." William Blum in is book "Freeing the World to Death"

"U.S. leaders have nothing against those they regularly kill and impoverish... But they are products of a system that is indifferent to the fate of the "unpeople", whether in the Shah's Iran, Somoza's Nicaragua, Suharto's Indonesia or the many other dictatorial regimes that enjoyed [US] support." (201 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Fred Branfman

"Doing the right thing is not a principle of American foreign policy, not an ideal or a goal of policy in and of itself. If it happens that doing the right thing coincides with, or is irrelevant to, Washington's overriding international ambitions, American officials have no problem walking the high moral ground. But this is rarely the case. ... the engine of American foreign policy has been fueled not by a devotion to any kind of morality, nor even simple decency, but rather by the necessity to serve other masters." William Blum in his book "Rogue State"

"Over the long haul, since World War II, oil interests have dictated the general disposition of U.S. foreign policy." Peter Dale Scott

"American leaders are perhaps not so much immoral as they are amoral. It's not that they take pleasure in causing so much death and suffering. It's that they just don't care ... the same that could be said about a sociopath. As long as the death and suffering advance the agenda of the empire, as long as the right people and the right corporations gain wealth and power and privilege and prestige, as long as the death and suffering aren't happening to them or people close to them ... then they just don't care about it happening to other people, including the American soldiers whom they throw into wars and who come home-the ones who make it back alive-with Agent Orange or Gulf War Syndrome eating away at their bodies. American leaders would not be in the positions they hold if they were bothered by such things." William Blum in his book "Killing Hope"

"U.S. leaders have nothing against those they regularly kill and impoverish. On the contrary, they often exhibit compassion for them. But they are products of a system that is indifferent to the fate of the "unpeople" in the dictatorial regimes that enjoyed their support." (202 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Fred Branfman

"The engine of American foreign policy has been fueled not by a devotion to any kind of morality, but rather by the necessity to serve other imperatives, which can be summarized as follows: making the world safe for American corporations; enhancing the financial statements of defense contractors at home who have contributed generously to members of congress; preventing the rise of any society that might serve as a successful example of an alternative to the capitalist model; extending political and economic hegemony over as wide an area as possible, as befits a "great power." William Blum, 1999

"Tallying only the death toll inflicted by US. armed forces or U.S.-backed surrogate forces around the world, the estimates are as follows: 3,000,000 in Vietnam, 1,000,000 in Cambodia, 1,000,000 in Mozambique, 500,000 to 1,000,000 in Indonesia, 600,000 in Angola, 300,000 in Laos, 250,000 in East Timor, 200,000 in Iraq, 200,000 in Afghanistan, 150,000 in Guatemala, 100,000 in Nicaragua, 90,000 in El Salvador, and tens of thousands in Chile, Argentina, Zaire, Iran (under the Shah), Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Panama, Somalia, South Yemen, Western Sahara, and other countries." Michael Parenti in his book " Dirty Truths"

"American foreign-policy makers are exquisitely attuned to the rise of a government, or a movement that might take power, that will not lie down and happily become an American client state, that will not look upon the free market or the privatization of the world known as "globalization", that will not change its laws to favor foreign investment, that will not be unconcerned about the effects of foreign investment upon the welfare of its own people, that will not produce primarily for export, that will not allow asbestos, banned pesticides and other products restricted in the developed world to be dumped onto their people, that will not easily tolerate the International Monetary Fund or the World Trade Organization inflicting a scorched-earth policy upon the country's social services or standard of living, that will not allow an American or NATO military installation upon its soil... Given the proper pretext, such bad examples have to be reduced to basket cases, or, where feasible, simply overthrown." (203 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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William Blum in his book "Rogue State"

"In foreign policy administrations from Truman to Bush were all habitually interventionist, brutal, fanatically anti-communist, concerned mainly with making the world safe for US multinational corporations, and unconcerned about human rights." William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death"


"The greater percentage of global trade is controlled by powerful multinational enterprises. Within such a context, the notion of free trade on which the rules of the WTO [World Trade Organization] are constructed is a fallacy. The net result is that for certain sectors of humanity -- particularly the developing countries of the South -- the WTO is a veritable nightmare." United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, June 2000

"Manufacturing, not trade, is the main source of prosperity." Ravi Batra in his book "The Pooring of America" "The increased concentration of corporate farming and the dismantling of state programs that sustained the agricultural sector have driven small farmers out of business all over the planet, while making many of those who remain ever more dependent on expensive chemical pesticides, fertilizer, and seeds. For instance, as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexico lost 1.3 million agricultural jobs, forcing many desperate small farmers to cross into the United States as migrant workers. Even more strikingly, the continent of Africa went from a net exporter of food in the late 1960s to a net importer today -- thanks to the World Bank and the WTO riding roughshod through the continent in the same cavalry unit as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The Bank's "structural adjustment programs" and the WTO's "tariff reductions" don't quite have the ring of war, pestilence, famine, and death, but they have been just as devastating." (204 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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John Feffer, 2008

"Washington's idealized picture of how free markets operate (as if such a thing ever existed) promised that countries outside the United States would get rich faster, approaching U.S.-style living standards if they let global investors buy their key industries and basic infrastructure. For half a century, this neoliberal model has been a hypocritical exercise in poor policy at best, and deception at worst, to convince other economies to impose self-destructive financial and tax policies, enabling U.S. investors to swoop in and buy their key assets at distress prices." Michael Hudson and Jeffrey Sommers, 2008

"Free trade has done to America what even the Great Depression could not do. Even during the economic cataclysm of the 1930s, earnings rose with productivity because the United States was still a closed economy with high tariffs. But since 1973, earnings have declined while productivity has continued to rise. Eventually, free trade could be more devastating than even the Great Depression." Ravi Batra in his book "The Pooring of America"

"The U.S. economy rose to dominance as a result of Progressive Era regulatory reforms prior to World War I, reinforced by popular New Deal reforms put in place in the Great Depression. Neoliberal economics was promoted as a means of undoing these reforms. By undoing them, the Washington Consensus would deny to foreign countries the development strategy that has best succeeded in creating thriving domestic markets, rising productivity, capital formation and living standards." Michael Hudson and Jeffrey Sommers, 2008

"Practically all of today's developed countries, including Britain and the US, the supposed homes of the free market and free trade, have become rich on the basis of policy recipes that go against the orthodoxy of neo-liberal economics. Today's rich countries used protection and subsidies, while discriminating against (205 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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foreign investors - all anathema to today's economic orthodoxy and now severely restricted by multilateral treaties, like the WTO Agreements, and proscribed by aid donors and international financial organizations (notably the IMF and the World Bank)." Ha-Joon Chang in his book "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

"Today, there are certainly some people in the rich countries who preach free market and free trade to the poor countries in order to capture larger shares of the latter's markets and to preempt the emergence of possible competitors." Ha-Joon Chang in his book "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

"Neo-liberal economic orthodoxy: in order to fit into it, a country needs to privatize stateowned enterprises, maintain low inflation, reduce the size of government bureaucracy, balance the budget (if not running a surplus), liberalize trade, deregulate foreign investment, deregulate capital markets, make their currency convertible, reduce corruption and privatize pensions." Ha-Joon Chang in his book "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

"Practically all of today's rich countries used nationalistic policies (e.g., tariffs, subsidies, restrictions on foreign trade) to promote their infant industries. ... The two champions of free trade, Britain and the US, were not only not free trade economies, but had been the two most protectionist economies among rich countries until they each in succession became the world's dominant industrial power." Ha-Joon Chang in his book "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

"The elite economists backed free trade in full knowledge that it creates poverty in America." (206 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Ravi Batra in his book "The New Golden Age", 2007

"The TRIPS (Trade-related Intellectual Property Rights) agreement, strengthened the protection of patents and other intellectual property rights. Unlike trade in goods and services, where everyone has something to sell, this is an area where developed countries are almost always sellers and developing countries buyers. Therefore, increasing the protection for intellectual property rights means that the cost is mainly borne by the developing nations." Ha-Joon Chang in his book "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

genetically-modified organisms (GMO)
"The hope of the biotech industry is that over time, the market is so flooded that there's nothing you can do about it. You just sort of surrender." a biotech consultant - in the book "Seeds of Deception" by Jeffrey M. Smith "The project of making GMO crops the dominant basic crops on the world agricultural market was the creation of a new enforcement institution which would stand above national governments. That new institution, which opened its doors in 1995 was to be called the World Trade Organization (WTO)." F. William Engdahl

"Dr. Arpad Pusztai, the world's expert on lectins, found that rats which were fed GM potatoes suffered damaged immune systems... Compared to rats fed a non-GM control diet, some of the GM-fed rats had smaller, less developed brains, livers, and testicles. Other rats had enlarged tissues, including the pancreas and intestines. Some showed partial atrophy of the liver. What's more, significant structural changes and a proliferation of cells in the stomach and intestines of GM-fed rats may have signaled an (207 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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increased potential for cancer. ... In the end only the rats that ate the GM potatoes suffered the serious negative effects. From the evidence, it was clear that the lectins were not the major cause of the health damage. Rather, there was some effect from the process of genetic engineering itself that caused the damaged organs and immune dysfunction of the adolescent rats. ... Pusztai knew that his results strongly suggested that the GM foods already approved and being eaten by hundreds of millions of people every day might be creating similar health problems in people, especially in children. ... Furthermore, if human beings developed problems similar to his rats, it could take years to appear and it would be highly unlikely for anyone to suspect GM foods as the cause. Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"Population reduction and genetically engineered crops were clearly part of [a] broad strategy: the drastic reduction of the world's population. It was in fact a sophisticated form of what the Pentagon termed biological warfare, promulgated under the name of "solving the world hunger problem." F. William Engdahl

"Researchers at Cornell University announced that monarch butterflies died when they came into contact with pollen from corn engineered to create its own pesticide." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"In Europe, nearly the entire food manufacturing and retail industry has banned GM ingredients, and the majority of the world's population are covered by restrictions on the sale and use of GM crops." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"The World Health Organization, the World Bank, the UN environmental department, the UN Population Fund, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are closing in on all of (208 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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humanity with mass-scale vaccination programmes and genetically engineered food." Jurriaan Maessen, 2012

"In the last four or five years ... I became very concerned. The problems with GM foods may be irreversible and the true effects may only be seen well in the future. The situation is like the tobacco industry. They knew about it but they suppressed that information. They created misleading evidence that showed that the problem wasn't so serious. And all the time they knew how bad it was. Tobacco is bad enough. But genetic modification, if it is going to be problematic, if it is going to cause us real health problems, then tobacco will be nothing in comparison with this. The size of genetic modification and problems it may cause us are tremendous. If we injure the health prospects of humanity in this and the next and the next generation, then I think those people should be made accountable for the crimes they committed." Dr. Arpad Pusztai, researcher and the world's expert on lectins

"GM foods are a regular part of the U.S. diet. Approximately 80 percent of the soy and 38 percent of the corn planted in the U.S. in 2003 is genetically engineered. Derivatives from these two crops are found in about 70 percent of processed foods. In addition, 70 percent of the cotton crop and more than 60 percent of the canola crop, both used for cooking oil, are also genetically modified. About 75 percent of these crops are engineered to withstand otherwise deadly applications of an herbicide, 17 percent produce their own insecticide, and 8 percent are engineered to do both. There are also hundreds of foods produced with genetically engineered cooking agents, food additives, and enzymes, as well as varieties of GM squash and papaya. And there are dairy products from cows injected with a GM bovine growth hormone. All these are sold without labels identifying them as GMOs." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"Research on GMOs is now taboo. You can't find money for it. We tried everything to find more financing, but we were told that because there are no data in the scientific literature proving that GMOs cause problems, there was no point in working on it. People don't want to find answers to troubling questions. It's the result of widespread (209 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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fear of Monsanto and of GMOs in general." Manuela Malatesta, researcher at he University of Pavia, 2006

"The introduction of GMOs into Argentina came about with no public or even parliamentary debate. There is still no law regulating their marketing... After they were authorized in 1996, [Monsanto's] RR soybeans spread through Argentina at an absolutely unprecedented speed in the history of agriculture: an average of more than two million acres a year. We now have a veritable green desert devouring one of the world's breadbaskets." Walter Pengue, an agricultural engineer at the University of Buenos Aires

"In Europe, nearly the entire food manufacturing and retail industry has banned GM ingredients. ... Because of the difficulty of segregating GM crops from non-GM crops, many overseas buyers have simply rejected all corn, soy, canola, and cotton from the U.S. and Canada. Since these four GM crops and their derivatives are found in most processed foods in the U.S., American-made packaged foods are also off-limits in many markets." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"In going over the battleground the next day, I did not see a body of a man, woman or child but was scalped and in many instances their body was mutilated in the most horrible manner - men, women and children's privates cut out, &c. I heard one man say he had cut out a woman's private parts and had them for exhibition on a stick; I heard another man say that he had cut the fingers off an Indian to get the rings on the hand; according to the best of my knowledge and belief, these atrocities were committed with the knowledge of J. M. Chivington, and I do not know of his taking any measures to prevent them; I heard one instance of a child a few months old being thrown in the feedbox of a wagon, and after being carried some distance left on the ground to perish; I also heard of numerous instances in which men had cut out the private parts of (210 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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females and stretched them over the saddle-bows, and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks." Lieutenant James Connor, soldier who fought in the Sand Creek, Colorado massacre, November, 1864

"The United States had never in its history intervened to stop genocide and had in fact rarely even made a point of condemning it as it. ... U.S. policymakers knew a great deal about the crimes being perpetrated [during specific genocides]... The United States did have countless opportunities to mitigate and prevent slaughter. But time and again, decent men and women chose to look away. ...[The U.S.'s] consistent policy of nonintervention in the face of genocide offers sad testimony not to a broken American political system but to one that is ruthlessly effective. The system, as it stands now, is working! No US. president has ever made genocide prevention a priority, and no US. president has ever suffered politically for his indifference to its occurrence. It is thus no coincidence that genocide rages on. Samantha Power in her book "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide"

"Since the invasion of Iraq 655,000 Iraqis had died as a direct result of the invasion... the figure was equal to the figure for deaths in the Fordham University study of the Rwandan genocide." John Pilger, 2007

"Romeo Dallaire, a Canadian major general who commanded UN peacekeeping forces in Rwanda in 1994, appealed for permission to disarm militias and to prevent the extermination of Rwanda's Tutsi three months before the genocide began. Denied this by his political masters at the United Nations, he watched corpses pile up around him as Washington led a successful effort to remove most of the peacekeepers under his command and then aggressively worked to block authorization of UN reinforcements. The United States refused to use its technology to jam radio broadcasts that were a crucial instrument in the coordination and perpetuation of the genocide. And even as, on average, 8,000 Rwandans were being butchered each day, the issue never became a priority for senior U.S. officials. Some 800,000 Rwandans were killed in 100 days." (211 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Samantha Power in her book "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide"

"There seems to be a systematic plan to crush the Armenian race [by the Turkish government]. ... Persecution of Armenians assuming unprecedented proportions. Reports from widely scattered districts indicate systematic attempt to uproot peaceful Armenian populations and through arbitrary arrests, terrible tortures, whole-sale expulsions and deportations from one end of the Empire to the other accompanied by frequent instances of rape, pillage, and murder, turning into massacre, to bring destruction and destitution on them. These measures are not in response to popular or fanatical demand but are purely arbitrary and directed from Constantinople in the name of military necessity. ... It is difficult for me to restrain myself from doing something to stop this attempt to exterminate a race, but I realize that I am here as Ambassador and must abide by the principles of non-interference with the internal affairs of another country. Henry Morganthau Sr., U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, in a July 10, 1915 cable to Washington

"Researchers from Johns Hopkins University and a professional survey company in Great Britain, Opinion Research Business (ORB) report that the United States is directly responsible for over one million Iraqi deaths since our invasion over six and half years ago. In a January 2008 report, ORB reported that, "survey work confirms our earlier estimate that over 1,000,000 Iraqi citizens have died as a result of the conflict which started in 2003. We now estimate that the death toll between March 2003 and August 2007 is likely to have been of the order of 1,033,000." A 2006 Johns Hopkins study confirmed that US aerial bombing in civilian neighborhoods caused over a third of these deaths and that over half the deaths are directly attributable to US forces. Iraqi civilian death levels in the fall of 2009 likely now exceed 1.2 million." Peter Phillips, Global Research, 2009 "[Sanctions] do not impact on governance effectively and instead [they damage] the innocent people of the country. For me what is tragic, in addition to the tragedy of Iraq itself, is the fact that the United Nations Security Council member states ... are (212 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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maintaining a program of economic sanctions deliberately, knowingly killing thousands of Iraqis each month. And that de

"It was knowingly and lightheartedly that Genghis Khan sent thousands of women and children to their deaths. History sees in him only the founder of a state... The aim of war is not to reach definite lines but to annihilate the enemy physically. It is by this means that we shall obtain the vital living space that we need. Who today still speaks of the massacre of the Armenians?" Adolf Hitler to his military chiefs, August 1939

"Men, fourteen to sixty years old, were driven to a single place, a square or a cemetery, where they were slaughtered or shot by machine guns or killed by hand grenades. They had to dig their own graves. Children in orphanages, inmates in old-age homes, the sick in hospital were shot, women were killed in the streets. In many towns the Jews were carried off to "an unknown destination" and killed in adjacent woods." Jewish Socialist Bund in Poland, May 1942

"The vast majority of people simply did not believe what they read... A plot for outright annihilation had never been seen and therefore could not be imagined, the tales of German cremation factories and gas chambers sounded far-fetched... When tales of Nazi gas vans and extermination plots emerged, many people believed that such stories were being manufactured or embellished as part of an Allied propaganda effort. ... In April 1943, at the Bermuda conference, after twelve days of secretive and ineffectual meetings, the Allies rejected most of the modest proposals to expand refugee admissions, continuing to severely limit the number of Jews who would be granted temporary refuge in the United States and unoccupied Europe." Samantha Power in her book "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide"

"It takes centuries and sometimes thousands of years to create a natural culture, but Genocide can destroy a culture instantly, like fire can destroy a building in an hour." (213 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Rafael Lemkin, in his book 'Axis Rule'

"With the end of war in Europe on May 8,1945, and the Allied liberation of the Nazi death camps, the scale of Hitler's madness had been revealed. Practically all that had sounded far-fetched proved real. Some 6 million Jews and 5 million Poles, Roma, Communists, and other "undesirables" had been exterminated." Samantha Power in her book "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide"

"The Nuremberg court treated aggressive war ("crimes against peace"), or the violation of another state's sovereignty, as the cardinal sin and prosecuted only those crimes against humanity and war crimes committed after Hitler crossed an internationally recognized border. Nazi defendants were tried for atrocities they committed during but not before World War II. By inference, if the Nazis had exterminated the entire German Jewish population but never invaded Poland, they would not have been liable at Nuremberg. States and individuals who did not cross an international frontier were still free under international law to commit genocide." Samantha Power in her book "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide"

"What we have been living here is a disgrace. The international community and the UN member states have on the one hand been appalled at what has happened in Rwanda while, on the other hand, these same authorities, apart from a few exceptions, have done nothing substantive to help the situation .... The [UN] force has been prevented from making a modicum of self-respect and effectiveness on the ground. ... Although Rwanda and UNAMIR have been at the centre of a terrible human tragedy, that is not to say Holocaust, and although many fine words had been pronounced by all, including members of the Security Council, the tangible effort... has been totally, completely ineffective." General Romeo Dallaire, UN Commander in Rwanda, in one of his parting cables (214 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"[The dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki] was mass murder. The people in these cities were overwhelmingly non-combatants. The bombings were not necessary for ending the war. The Japanese were ready to surrender and President Harry Truman knew it." Daniel Jonah Goldhagen

"By early 2000, the process of global financial deregulation was in many regards a fait accompli. Wall Street routinely invaded country after country. The domestic banking system was put on the auction block and reorganized under the surveillance of external creditors. National financial institutions were systematically destabilized and driven out of business; mass unemployment and poverty are the invariable results." Michel Chossudovsky "The relationship between globalization and militarism should be seen as two sides of the same coin. On one side, globalization promotes the conditions that lead to unrest, inequality, conflict, and, ultimately, war. On the other side, globalization fuels the means to wage war by protecting and promoting the military industries needed to produce sophisticated weaponry. This weaponry, in turn, is used or is threatened to be used to protect the investments of transnational corporations and their shareholders." Steven Staples

"Globalization can be seen as the triumph of capitalism: the ascendancy of economics over politics, of corporate demands over public policy, of the private over the public interest, of the transnational corporation and its global framework over the national state." Gary Teeple in his book "Globalization and the Decline of Social Reform" (215 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Corporations want to move in and grab hold of everything, be it education, health, medical care, water supplies, electrical utilities, whatever else. Privatize and deregulate. That's their goal, the thirdworldization of America - and everywhere else. They just want to get richer and richer and make us work harder and harder for less and less. That's what globalization and the "free market" are all about." Michael Parenti, 2002

"If we're going to have globalization, let's have a globalization of human rights." Howard Zinn, 2002

"Today corporate globalization needs an international confederation of loyal, corrupt, authoritarian governments in poorer countries to push through unpopular reforms and quell the mutinies. It needs a press that pretends to be free. It needs courts that pretend to dispense justice." Arundhati Roy in her book "War Talk"

"America can't let us stay in power. We are the exception to the new globalization order. If we succeed, we are an example to all the Americas." Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's minister Miguel Bustamante Madriz

"For globalization to work, America can't be afraid to act like the almighty superpower that it is. The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell-Douglas, the designer of the F-15, and the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley's technology is called the United States Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps." Thomas Friedman, 1999 (216 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Globalization, as it has been advocated, often seems to replace the old dictatorships of national elites with new dictatorships of international finance. Countries are effectively told that if they don't follow certain conditions, the capital markets or the IMF will refuse to lend them money. They are basically forced to give up part of their sovereignty, to let capricious capital markets, including the speculators whose only concerns are shortterm rather than the long-term growth of the country and the improvement of living standards, "discipline" them, telling them what they should and should not do." Joseph Stiglitz in his book "Globalization and Discontents"

"Modern democracies have been around for long enough for neo-liberal capitalists to learn how to subvert them. They have mastered the technique of infiltrating the instruments of democracy - the "independent" judiciary, the "free" press, the parliament - and molding them to their purpose. The project of corporate globalization has cracked the code. Free elections, a free press, and an independent judiciary mean little when the free market has reduced them to commodities on sale to the highest bidder." Arundhati Roy in her book "An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire"

"There is no known case in which globalization has led to prosperity in any Third World country, and none of the world's twenty-four reasonably developed capitalist nations, regardless of their ideological explanations, got where they are by following any of the prescriptions contained in globalization doctrine." Chalmers Johnson in his book "Sorrows of Empire"

"Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization." (217 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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John Perkins in his book "Confessions of Economic Hit Man"

"Corporations are like the feudal domains that evolved into nation-states; they are nothing less than the vanguard of a new Darwinian organization of politics ... the forefront of real globalization." Robert Kaplan, 1997

"The goal [of globalization] was to create an integrated international order that offered no barriers to the flow of goods, capital, and ideas, and that is administered by the United States. The whole world is to become a free-market economy, and the US. military is there to remove any opposition to this process. And since there will be those who will not be happy with this project and will resist it, our foreign policy necessarily has to become, in essence, a military one." Andrew Bacevich in his book "American Empire"

"Looking at the global picture one gets a striking view of inequality. The fact that the combined wealth of the 225 richest people in the world nearly equals the annual income of the poorer half of the earth's population, that is to say more than 2.5 billion human beings, is more arresting than volumes of social criticism." social critic Daniel Singer in his 1999 book "Whose Millennium: Theirs or Ours?"

" America is the largest debtor nation, and at the same time it is the world's creditor. "Creating money out of thin air", while at the same time imposing the U.S. dollar as a global currency constitutes the ultimate instrument of conquest and imperial domination. The U.S. monetary system is supported by the most powerful military power on earth. The dollar is backed by U.S. military might, which constitutes a means for displacing national currencies and imposing the U.S. dollar. In this regard, the Federal Reserve's overwhelming powers of money creation constitute an essential lever of an imperial monetary agenda. (218 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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... The Western banking system controls a worldwide electronic banking network. The control of money creation at a world level constitutes the ultimate instrument of economic and social domination. The creation of fiat money provides a command over the real economies of countries worldwide. The ultimate lever of the U.S.-NATO imperial design is to override and destroy national currencies." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"



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"America is run by 300 families and England is run by 100 families and these families are intertwined through marriage, companies, banks, not to mention ties to the Black Nobility, Freemasonry, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and so on. These are the people who, through their surrogates, find ways to protect huge shipments of heroin from Hong Kong, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan and ensure they reach the market places in the U.S. and Western Europe with the minimum cost of doing business." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"The Eastern Liberal Establishment families of the United States were just as deeply involved in the China opium trade as were the British, indeed they still are." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"To the oligarches and plutocrats of the Committee of 300, drugs have a two-fold purpose, firstly to bring in colossal sums of money and secondly, to eventually turn a major part of the population into mindless drug zombies who will be easier to control than people who don't need drugs. Punishment for rebellion will mean withholding of supplies of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, etc. For this it is necessary to legalize drugs so that a monopoly system, which has been readied for introduction once severe economic conditions cause drug usage to proliferate as hundreds of thousands of permanently jobless workers turn to drugs for solace. In one of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) top secret papers, the scenario is laid out as follows: 'Having been failed by Christianity, and with unemployment on every hand, those who have been without jobs for five years or more will turn away from the church and seek solace in drugs. That is when full control of the drug trade must be completed in order that the governments of all countries who are under our jurisdiction will have a monopoly which we will control through supply.... Drug bars will take care of the unruly and the discontent, would be revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of their own'." (220 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"Nothing has changed in the opium-heroin-cocaine trade. It is still run by the same "upper class" families in Britain and the United States. It is still a fabulously profitable trade where what seem to be big losses through seizures by the authorities are written off in paneled boardrooms in New York, Hong Kong and London over port and cigars as merely the cost of doing business." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"There was a concerted effort on the part of a small clique of elite scientists at the UN and in supporting institutions, governments and universities to concoct the climate change "consensus" to pressure governments and public opinion into supporting the political, economic and social agenda of elites. This small group of scientists have for years been influential in driving the worldwide alarm over global warming ... not least through the role they play at the heart of the UN's Intergovernmental 'Panel on Climate Change'." R. Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor

"The Rockefeller faction in the Anglo-American world began to prepare the Global Warming fraud - a fairy tale that oil from transportation vehicles or from coal fired plant emissions of CO2 are the cause of the gradual warming of the earth. However, no climate model takes into account the major influence on world climate: our Sun. F. William Engdahl

"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, (221 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth." petition signed by 31,000 Scientists, including over 9,000 PhDs

"CO2 emissions make absolutely no difference one way or the other every scientist knows this, but it doesn't pay to say so." Dr. Kunihiko, Chancellor of Japan's Institute of Science and Technology

"Accurate temperature records have been kept only since the end of the 19th Century, shortly after the world left the Little Ice Age. So while recorded temperatures are increasing, they are not the warmest ever. A 2003 study by Harvard and the Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics determined that the 20th century is neither the warmest century nor the century with the most extreme weather of the past 1,000 years. ... America and Europe had escaped a 500-year period of cooling, called the Little Ice Age, around 1850." R. Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor

"Scientists who dissent from the [global warming] alarmism have seen their grant funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves labeled as industry stooges, scientific hacks or worse. Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science that supposedly is their basis." MIT meteorologist Richard S. Lindzen

"Print news media have warned of four separate climate changes in slightly more than 100 years - global cooling, warming, cooling again, and, perhaps not so finally, warming. Some current warming stories combine the concepts and claim the next ice age will be (222 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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triggered by rising temperatures . Recent global warming reports have continued that trend, morphing into a hybrid of both theories. News media that once touted the threat of "global warming" have moved on to the more flexible term "climate change." The effect of the idea of "climate change" means that any major climate event can be blamed on global warming, supposedly driven by mankind." R. Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor

"The suggestion that future hazardous climate events could in any way be mitigated by the control of carbon dioxide emissions is absurdity in the extreme." William Kivninmonth, Emeritus head of Australia's National Climate Centre

"Compared to solar magnetic fields, the carbon dioxide production has as much influence on climate as a flea has on the weight of an elephant." Dr. Oliver K Manuel, University of Missouri

"The hypothesis of current global warming resulting from the increased emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is a myth. Humans are not responsible for the increase in the global surface temperature of 1 degree F = O.56 degree centigrade during the last century and one should explain this increase by the natural forces heating the atmosphere ... the anthropogenic impact on the global temperature is negligible." O.G.Sorokhtin, G.V. Chilinger and L.F. Khilyuk - all PhD's and published authors in Earth Sciences

"Increase of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is not the cause of global warming which has a solar origin There exists no reliable scientific evidence that anthropogenic increase of the carbon dioxide concentration has caused current global warming or can lead to catastrophic changes of the Earth climate in the visible (223 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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futureanthropogenic global warming is a Great Myth." Habibullo I. Abdussamatov , Head of the Space Research Laboratory of the Russian Academies of Sciences' Pulkovo Observatory

"I am convinced that the current alarm over carbon dioxide is mistaken. Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science... I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism." Dr. William Happer, former director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy under the first President Bush in July of 1991

"Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense. The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major businesses and political battle." Delgado Domingo, Environmental Scientist, Portugal, the founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast group

"We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth." Sydney Schanberg

"Every government is run by liars, and nothing they say should be believed." journalist Izzy Stone (224 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Never believe governments, not any of them, not a word they say; keep an untrusting eye on all they do." Martha Gelhorn, American journalist

"The Patriot's [missle] success, of course, is known to everyone. It's 100 percent-so far, of 33 [Scuds] engaged, there have been 33 destroyed." General Norman Schwarzkopf, Commander of Allied Forces in the Gulf War, Pentagon briefing, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 31, 1991

"To the best of my recollection, only one Scud missile exploded in the air as a consequence of a Patriot explosion." General Dan Shomron, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Force at the time of the Gulf War, The Christian Science Monitor, September 8, 1997

"If there is somebody captured, I expect those people to be treated humanely. If not, the people who mistreat the prisoners will be treated as war criminals." President George W. Bush, March 23, 2003

"It is a blatant violation of the Geneva Convention to humiliate and abuse prisoners of war or to harm them in any way." Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke, March 24, 2003

"The Geneva Convention is very clear on the rules for treating prisoners. They're not supposed to be tortured or abused; they're not supposed to be intimidated; they're not supposed to be made public displays of humiliation or insult." (225 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz to the BBC, March 24, 2003

"Defense Department officials don't lie to the public. The Defense Department doesn't do covert action, period." Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, 2002

"No country in the world upholds the Geneva Conventions on the laws of armed conflict more steadfastly than does the United States." Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, 2002, 2004

"The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians. [The bomb killed more than 150,000 civilians in this Japanese city with a population of 400,000.]" President Harry Truman, August 9, 1945

"The establishment of the writ of habeas corpus... are perhaps greater securities to liberty and republicanism than any it [the Constitution] contains .... The practice of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny." Alexander Hamilton in The Federalist #84 in August of 1788

"Even in 1215, the King of England was held to the standard of habeas corpus. I guess we want to turn the clock back to before the Magna Carta." (226 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Senator Tom Harkin, 2007

"The 2006 Military Commissions Act authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights. Anyone designated an "enemy combatant" can be denied the right to habeas corpus. Habeas corpus petitions allow defendants to challenge their unlawful imprisonment and to seek their release if their cases were tried unfairly. By suspending habeas corpus, the new law takes human rights back to the thirteenth century." Yale law professor Bruce Ackerman

"The American government could already be described as authoritarian... Due process of law and the right of habeas corpus, which for centuries have characterized the rule of law in democratic states, have been eliminated. At the discretion of the president, noncitizens and citizens alike may be classified as enemy combatants, picked up and held for an indeterminate period of time without access to counsel. A network of secret prisons and camps is being established both inside and outside of the United States. Paramilitary forces or private mercenary armies are being developed to make up for the inadequate numbers of the existing volunteer army. This is effectively resulting in the privatization of the US military." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"September 29, 2006, the US Senate agreed to the Military Commissions Act of 2006 ... The new Act does 3 things: 1) Strips the right of detainees to habeas corpus (the traditional right of detainees to challenge their detention); 2) Gives the US President the power to detain indefinitely anyone-US or foreign nationals, from within the US, and from abroad-it deems to have provided material support to anti-US hostilities, and even use secret and coerced evidence (i.e. through use of torture) to try detainees who will be held in secret US military prisons; 3) Gives US officials immunity from prosecution for torturing detainees that were captured before the end of 2005 by US military and CIA." (227 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Anup Shah, 2006

"The Military Commissions Act of 2006 effectively suspended habeas corpus and freed up the executive branch to designate any American citizen an "enemy combatant" forfeiting all privileges accorded under the Bill of Rights." Christopher Ketcham, 2008

"The corporate media has ignored the fact that habeas corpus can now be suspended for anyone by order of the President. With the approval of Congress, the Military Commissions Act (MCA) of 2006, signed by Bush on October 17, 2006, allows for the suspension of habeas corpus for US citizens and non-citizens alike." Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff, Project Censored, December 21, 2009

"Ever since Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now Barack Obama, what we've learned is law means nothing to the executive branch in the US. They don't obey our own laws; they don't obey international law; they violate all the civil liberties and buried the principal of habeas corpus and the ability for a defendant to be legally represented." Paul Craig Roberts, 2011

"During the Cold War, the U.S. supported the dictatorships of Papa Doc Duvalier and then Baby Doc Duvalier - which ruled the country from 1957 to 1986 - as an anticommunist counter-weight to Castro's Cuba nearby. Under guidance from Washington, Baby Doc Duvalier opened the Haitian economy up to U.S. capital in the 1970s and 1980s. Floods of U.S. agricultural imports destroyed peasant agriculture. As a result, hundred of thousands of people flocked to the teeming slums of Port-au-Prince to labor for pitifully low wages in sweatshops located in U.S. (228 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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export processing zones. In the 1980s, masses of Haitians rose up to drive the Duvaliers from power - later, they elected reformer Jean-Bertrand Aristide to be president on a platform of land reform, aid to peasants, reforestation, investment in infrastructure for the people, and increased wages and union rights for sweatshop workers. The U.S. in turn backed a coup that drove [Jean-Bertrand] Aristide from power in 1991. Eventually, the elected president was restored to power in 1994 when Bill Clinton sent U. S. troops to the island - but on the condition that he implement the U.S. neoliberal plan which Haitians called the "plan of death." Aristide resisted parts of the U.S. program for Haiti, but implemented other provisions, undermining his hoped-for reforms. Eventually, though, the U.S. grew impatient with Aristide's failure to obey completely, especially when he demanded $21 billion in reparations during his final year in office. The U.S. imposed an economic embargo that strangled the country, driving peasants and workers even deeper into poverty. In 2004, Washington collaborated with Haiti's ruling elite to back death squads that toppled the government, kidnapped and deported Aristide. The United Nations sent troops to occupy the country, and the puppet government was installed to continue Washingotn's neoliberal plans." Ashley Smith

"[Haitian president Jean-Bertrand] Aristide was overthrown in a violent US-backed coup under the George H.W. Bush administration... What Clinton did is he kept Aristide in exile for years, until they could squeeze out of Aristide a commitment to uphold US neoliberal economic programs in Haiti and that Aristide would agree not to lay claim to the years he spent in exile as part of his presidency. He was a democratically elected president. The US violently overthrew him. They butchered Haiti. And then Clinton refused to put Aristide back in power, even though he could have done it with one phone call. And instead, what he did is he implemented a vicious regime of economic neoliberalism inside of Haiti. The Haitian people now are suffering under that neoliberal economic model and the aftermath of this repression force that just terrorized the people of Haiti. To have Bill Clinton now be the person who's going to "stabilize" Haiti and dabble in the economics of this incredibly poor suffering nation, to me, is just a grotesque act on the part of the United Nations. And I think that anyone who's about justice for Haiti should rise up and say that Bill Clinton has no business stepping foot in Haiti in any official capacity with the United Nations at all." Jeremy Scahill, 2009 (229 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Condelleza Rice and Colin Powell are both dangerous people. What they did in Haiti [2004 U.S.-backed coup that ousted democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide] is a good measure of it. They destroyed a democracy. They squelched loans that had been approved by the Inter-American Development Bank. They did everything behind the scenes, including arming the thugs that came to overrun the country. They're frauds." Randall Robinson

"Haiti was the centerpiece of the Caribbean Basin Initiative, launched by David Rockefeller's International Basic Economy Corporation, which aimed to create a lowwage manufacturing platform in the Caribbean for US multinationals. Real wages in Haiti declined 56% from 1983-1991 after the Caribbean Basin Initiative kicked in... The US textile industry has a huge presence in Haiti. Nowhere in the world is labor cheaper." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The Clinton administration was credited for working for the return to power of Jean Bertrand Aristide after he was overthrown in a military coup. But, in fact, Clinton had stalled the return for as long as he could, and had instead tried his best to return antiAristide conservatives to a leading power role in a mixed government, because Aristide was too leftist for Washington's tastes. ... Clinton was not actually repulsed by coup leader Raoul Cdras and company, for they posed no ideological barrier to the United States continuing the economic and strategic control of Haiti it's maintained for most of the century. ... Faced ultimately with Aristide returning to power, Clinton demanded and received and then made sure to publicly announce - the Haitian president's guarantee that he would not try to remain in office to make up for the time lost in exile. Clinton of course called this 'democracy,' although it represented a partial legitimization of the coup... Jean-Bertrand Aristide's reception was a joyous celebration filled with optimism. However, unbeknownst to his adoring followers, while they were regaining Aristide, they may have lost Aristidism." William Blum, author of the book 'Killing Hope', about appointment of former US President Bill Clinton as special UN envoy to Haiti (230 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"The violent U.S., Canadian, and French-inspired coup d'tat [against Jean-Bertrand Aristide elected-President of Haiti] in February 2004 left thousands killed, displaced, imprisoned and exiled, and the imposition of a disastrous regime of human rights abuses that lasted two years under direct United Nations sanction. The 2004 coup was yet another crushing blow to Haiti's remarkable democratic movement of the poor majority - and has set the country back decades, economically, socially and politically." Niraj Joshi, 2009

"A relatively few Americans knew what wealthy white Haitians were doing to poor Haitians through their black surrogates in the years between 1957 and the coup of February 29, 2004. With the unpublicized support of the bourgeoisie, Franois (Papa Doc) Duvalier and his dreaded macoutes killed an estimated 50,000 poor blacks during his rule. His son, Jean-Claude, took up where his father left off. Even after JeanClaude's expulsion from the country in February 1986, the slaughter of the prodemocracy black poor continued unabated." Randall Robinson in his book "An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, from Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President"

"Haiti is best understood as a successfully failed state. As of last estimate, 65% of Haiti's government revenue comes from international agencies. 84% of its rice grown abroad. This is because of U.S. and other Northern countries' economic policies, wherein Haiti's ability to feed itself with domestic rice production was wiped out by Washington-subsidized imports that U.S. agribusiness has profited from. At Ronald Reagan's behest, Haiti initiated a series of neoliberal measures in the 1980s, including trade liberalization, privatization and decreasing investment in agriculture, that led to the disappearance of Haiti's cotton and sugar export industries. During the 1990s, the U. S. conditioned its food aid - sent to alleviate a hunger crisis - with demands that Haiti lower its tariffs and open its markets to U.S. imports. This subsidized U.S. rice was much cheaper than Haitian rice, forcing local farmers out of business. Over the same period, Haiti became increasingly more reliant on the International Financial Institutions, which imposed more neoliberal conditions on its help. Since 1980, when Haiti started receiving the World Banks' help in earnest, its per capita Gross Domestic Product has shrunk by 38.3%. Haiti is left with a 1.4 billion dollar multinational debt. In addition to draining resources from needed sectors - such as health, education, or (231 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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developing national production, this debt has served as leverage for the IMF and World Bank to impose even more neoliberal measures." Mark Schuller, an anthropologist at Vassar College, 2008

"We should be wary of the role of international NGOs. While many NGOs are trying to address the crisis, the U.S. and other governments are funneling aid to them in order to undermine Haitians' democratic right to self-determination. The international NGOs are unaccountable to either the Haitian state or Haitian population. So the aid funneled through them further weakens what little hold Haitians have on their own society." Ashley Smith

"Thirty years ago, Haiti imported almost no rice. Today, Haiti imports nearly all of its rice. It even imports sugar, even though it was the sugar-growing capital of the Caribbean. And the reason is that in order to get these loans, which they need desperately to be able to survive, that they had to open up their markets to competition. ... The United States exports over 200 million metric tons of rice every year to Haiti... And the reason is that our rice is cheaper than the rice that they could grow there themselves, because our rice is so heavily subsidized. A billion dollars a year of taxpayer money goes to rice farmers in the United States, plus we have a tariff ... that adds between three and 24 percent protection for our rice farmers. And as a result, the rich and powerful country of the United States, along with other rich and powerful countries in the world, have just really bullied these small countries into accepting our rice. And as the rice from the United States came in, it destroyed the ability of farmers in Haiti to be able to grow rice. And as a consequence, the country now depends totally on imported rice." Bill Quigley, law professor at Loyola University in New Orleans, 2008

"The effort to weaken, demoralize and then overthrow Lavalas [the social/political movement that allowed Aristide to achieve the Presidency of Haiti] in the first years of the twenty-first century was perhaps the most successful exercise of neo-imperial sabotage since the toppling of Nicaragua's Sandinistas in 1990. In many ways it was much more successful, at least in the short-term, than previous international triumphs in Iraq (2003), Panama (1989), Grenada (1983), Chile (1973), the Congo (1960), (232 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Guatemala (1954) or Iran (1953). Not only did the coup of 2004 topple one of the most popular governments in Latin America but it managed to topple it in a manner that wasn't widely criticized or even recognized as a coup at all." Peter Hallward in his book "Damning the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment"

"Few people anywhere have suffered more for so long, yet endure and keep struggling for change. For brief periods under Jean-Bertand Aristide, they got it until a US-led February 29, 2004 coup d'etat forced him into exile where he remains Haiti's symbolic leader. UN paramilitaries [MINUSTAH] occupy the country . Washington effectively controls it. ... Haitians suffer dearly as a result, deeply impoverished, at times starving, denied the most basic essentials, plagued by violence, a brutal occupier, police repression, an odious and onerous debt, and exploitive sweatshop conditions for those lucky enough to have a job in a country plagued by unemployment and deprivation." Stephen Lendman, 2009

"In many ways, the people (first-world diplomats, IFI economists, USAID consultants, IRI mediators, CIA analysts, media specialists, ex-military personnel, security advisors, police trainers, aid-workers, NGO staff) ... managed to back one of the most popular political leaders in Latin America i[Haitian president Jean-Bertande Aristide] nto a corner from which he couldn't escape. They managed not only to overthrow but also to discredit the most progressive government in Haitian history, and they managed to attack this government in ways that were rarely perceived (by mainstream commentators) as aggressive at all. They managed to disguise a deliberate and elaborate political intervention as a routine contribution to the natural order of things. Ten years after his triumphant return from exile in 1994, Aristide's enemies not only drove him out of office but into an apparently definitive disgrace." Peter Hallward in his book "Damning the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment"

"The last and only Haitian leader strongly committed to putting the welfare of the Haitian people before that of the domestic and international financial (233 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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mafia was President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Being of a socialist persuasion, Aristide was, naturally, kept from power by the United States - twice; first by Bill Clinton, then by George W. Bush, the two men appointed by President Obama to head the earthquake relief effort." author William Blum

"Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a reformist priest, was elected to the presidency in Haiti in 1990, then ousted in a military coup eight months later in 1991 by men on the CIA payroll... In 1994 the Clinton White House found itself in the awkward position of having to pretend - because of all their rhetoric about "democracy" - that they supported the democratically-elected Aristide's return to power. After delaying his return for more than two years, Washington finally had its military restore Aristide to office, but only after obliging the priest to guarantee that after his term ended he would not remain in office to make up the time lost because of the coup; that he would not seek to help the poor at the expense of the rich; and that he would stick closely to free-market economics. This meant that Haiti would continue to be the assembly plant of the Western Hemisphere, with its workers receiving starvation wages." author William Blum

"In 2006 elections, the Haitian masses voted in longtime Aristide ally Ren Prval as president. But Prval has been a weak figure who collaborated with U.S. plans for the country and failed to address the growing social crisis. In fact, the U.S., UN and other imperial powers effectively bypassed the Prval government [of Haiti] and instead poured money into NGOs. "Haiti now has the highest per capita presence of NGOs in the world," says Yves Engler. The Prval government has become a political fig leaf, behind which the real decisions are made by the imperial powers, and implemented through their chosen international NGOs." Ashley Smith

"Haiti is called "the Republic of NGOs," with over 10,000 operating (according to World (234 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Bank estimates) for its nine million people, the highest per capita presence worldwide in all sectors of activity and society, many with sizable budgets. Yet their numbers beg the question. With that abundant firepower, why is Haiti the poorest country in the hemisphere, one of the poorest in the world." Stephen Lendman, 2010

"After the [Haitian slave] revolution which concluded in January, 1804, Haiti became the second free country in the Western World (after the United States), and the first black republic. However, the United States was still a slave nation, as was England. While France had freed the Haitian slaves during the revolution, France and other European nations had slaves in Africa and Asia. The international community decided that Haiti's model of a nation of freed slaves was a dangerous precedent. An international boycott of Haitian goods and commerce plunged the Haitian economy into chaos. It is difficult to measure the exact impact of this international conspiracy. Here was a nation of ex-slaves trying to rise to democratic self-rule, rising to run an economy in which the masses had only served as slaves before. The international boycott of Haitian products at this time was devastating for Haiti's long-term economic development." Bob Corbett, Director of "People To People", 1999

"Haiti is best understood as a successfully failed state. As of last estimate, 65% of Haiti's government revenue comes from international agencies, 84% of its rice grown abroad. This is because of U.S. and other Northern countries' economic policies wherein Haiti's ability to feed itself with domestic rice production was wiped out by Washington-subsidized imports that U.S. agribusiness has profited from. At Ronald Reagan's behest, Haiti initiated a series of neoliberal measures in the 1980s, including trade liberalization, privatization and decreasing investment in agriculture, that led to the disappearance of Haiti's cotton and sugar export industries. During the 1990s, the U. S. conditioned its food aid - sent to alleviate a hunger crisis - with demands that Haiti lower its tariffs and open its markets to U.S. imports. This subsidized U.S. rice was much cheaper than Haitian rice, forcing local farmers out of business. Over the same period, Haiti became increasingly more reliant on the International Financial Institutions, which imposed more neoliberal conditions on its help. Since 1980, when Haiti started receiving the Banks' help in earnest, its per capita Gross Domestic Product has shrunk by 38.3%. Haiti is left with a 1.4 billion dollar multinational debt, with a debt service next year of almost 80 million. In addition to draining resources from needed sectors - such as health, education, or developing national production, this debt has (235 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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served as leverage for the IMF and World Bank to impose even more neoliberal measures." Mark Schuller, an anthropologist at Vassar College, 2008

"The medical systems are controlled by financiers in order to serve financiers. Since you cannot serve people unless they get sick, the whole medical system is designed to make people sicker and sicker." Guylaine Lanctot,, MD

"The United States is the only country in the developed world that doesn't already have a fundamentally public--that is, tax-supported--health care system. The United States now has the most expensive health care system on earth and, despite remarkable technology, the general health of the U.S. population is lower than in most industrialized countries. Worse, Americans' mortality rates--both general and infant--are shockingly high. In the United States, infant mortality rates are 7.1 per 1,000, the highest in the industrialized world. U.S. government statistics rank the U.S. 43rd in infant mortality, in the company of Croatia and Lithuania, below Taiwan and Cuba. Today, over half the family bankruptcies filed every year in the United States are directly related to medical expenses, and a recent study shows that 75 percent of those are filed by people with health insurance." Holly Dressel, 2006

"We [US] are the only advanced nation without a national system of subsidized health care. Elliott Currie in his book "'Crime and Punishment in America" (236 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"When a patient goes into a hospital in Canada, they hand a card in for the national plan [Canadian single-payer health care system], and that's the end of it. You are not threatened with bankruptcy in Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Japan, Italy, Spain. In none of these countries can a citizen be bankrupted by their illness. But it is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States." Congressman Jim McDermott

"For decades, the healthcare issue has been at the top of domestic concerns, for very good reasons. The US has the most dysfunctional healthcare system in the industrial world, has about twice the per capita costs and some of the worst outcomes. It's also the only privatized system." Noam Chomsky , 2009

"The for-profit insurance industry through waste, fraud, abuse and bureaucracy eats up 31% the cost of health care. ... Health care costs are a cause in two-thirds of bankruptcies [in United States]. ... The effort to protect the insurance industry at all costs is making real health care reform impossible." Kevin Zeese, 2009

"We've got a medical system in which private for-profit insurers are spending a lot of money trying to avoid sick people. It's an absurd system. And all of that money they're spending, marketing and finding groups of people who are relatively healthy and at relatively low risk and avoiding the sick people, all of that money is being wasted." Robert Reich, economist, and Clinton Administration Secretary of Labor

"The health insurance industry has always tried to make Americans think that government-run systems are the worst thing that could possibly happen to them, that if (237 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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you even consider that, you're heading down on the slippery slope towards socialism. So they have used scare tactics for years, to keep that from happening. If there were a broader [public health insurance] program like our Medicare program, it could potentially reduce the profits of these big companies. So that is their biggest concern." Wendell Potter, former head of Public Relations for CIGNA Insurance Company

"If you don't stop Medicare and I don't do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free." Ronald Reagan, 1961

"All that stands in the way of universal health care in America are the greed of the medical-industrial complex, the lies of the right-wing propaganda machine, and the gullibility of voters who believe those lies." economist Paul Krugman, 2009

Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel thesis + antithesis = synthesis

"In classical liberalism, the State is always subordinate to the individual. In Hegelian Statism, as we see in Naziism and Marxism, the State is supreme, and the individual exists only to serve the State. ... Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

HEGELIAN DIALECTIC (238 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"In Hegelian terms, an existing force (the thesis) generates a counterforce (the antithesis). Conflict between the two forces results in the forming of a synthesis. Then the process starts all over again: Thesis vs. antithesis results in synthesis. The synthesis sought by the Establishment is called the New World Order. Without controlled conflict this New World Order will not come about... The International bankers backed the Nazis, the Soviet Union, North Korea, North Vietnam against the United States. The "conflict" built profits while pushing the world ever closer to One World Government. The process continues today." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

"Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

"What is the function of a Parliament or a Congress for Hegelians? These institutions are merely to allow individuals to feel that their opinions have some value and to allow a government to take advantage of whatever wisdom the "peasant" may accidentally demonstrate." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

"The State in practice becomes all powerful. The immediate task of "the revolution" is to convey all power to the state, and modern Marxist states operate under a constant paranoia that power may indeed pass away from the hands of the State into the hands of the people. ... If Marxism is posed as the thesis and national socialism [Nazism] as antithesis, then the most likely synthesis becomes a Hegelian New World Order, a synthesis evolving out of the clash of Marxism and national socialism. Moreover, in this statement those (239 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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who finance and manage the clash of opposites can remain in control of the synthesis [New World Order]." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

"In the Hegelian system, conflict is essential ... for Hegel and systems based on Hegel, the State is absolute. The State requires complete obedience from the individual citizen. An individual does not exist for himself in these so-called organic systems but only to perform a role in the operation of the State. He finds freedom only in obedience to the State. There was no freedom in Hitler's Germany, there is no freedom for the individual under Marxism, neither will there be in the New World Order. And if it sounds like George Orwell's 1984 - it is." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

"A tragic failure of American education in this century has been a failure to teach children how to read and write and how to express themselves in a literary form ... their prime purpose is not to teach subject matter but to condition children to live as socially integrated citizen units in an organic society - a real life enactment of the Hegelian absolute State. In this State the individual finds freedom only in obedience to the State, consequently the function of education is to prepare the individual citizen unit for smooth entry into the organic whole." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

"To Friedrich Hegel, our world is a world of reason. The state is Absolute Reason and the citizen can only become free by worship and obedience to the state. Both fascism and communism have their philosophical roots in Hegelianism." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" (240 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"For [German philosopher Georg] Hegel every quality of an individual exists only at the mercy and will of the State. This approach is reflected in political systems based on Hegel whether it be Soviet Communism or Hitlerian national socialism." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

"The World Order organizes and finances Communist groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Communist groups. It is not necessary for the Order to throw these groups against each other, they seek each other out like heat-seeking missiles, and try to destroy each other. By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome." The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins, 1984

"The Dewey educational system does not accept the role of developing a child's talents but, contrarily, only to prepare the child to function as a unit in an organic whole - in blunt terms a cog in the wheel of an organic society. Whereas most Americans have moral values rooted in he individual, the values of the school system are rooted in the Hegelian concept of the State as the absolute." John Dewey in his book "My Pedagogic Creed"

"The concept of the necessity of conflict takes much from the philosopher Hegel (17701831). He believed that ... might certifies right, and war is a legitimate expression of the dominant power of the moment... [War is] a force for the good of the state since it discourages internal dissent and corruption and fosters the spiritual cement of patriotism. L. Fletcher Prouty in his book "JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy" (241 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Freidrich Hegel's Hegelian dialectic put forth a process whereby opposites thesis and antithesis are reconciled into synthesis. The Rothschild's Business Roundtable that sponsored him ... saw in the dialectic a boon to their monopolies by presenting phony communism (antithesis) as bogeyman to capitalism (thesis). The ensuing conflict which manifest in the Cold War produced a huge market for arms and oil which their trusts manufactured. Genuine revolutionary struggle in the Third World could be labeled as "Soviet communist conspiracy" and more arms could then be sent to depopulate the undesirable poor, dispensing of agitators who threatened Roundtable interests... By upholding Soviet state capitalism to all the world as an example of "failed Communism", the bankers could discredit this dangerous idea while producing their desired synthesis - a New World Order ruled by the Illuminati banking families and Black Nobility monarchs, with laissez faire monopoly capitalism as their economic paradigm." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

(atomic bombs dropped on two Japanese cities, 1945)

"The MacArthur memorandum to F.D.R. of January 20, 1945 ... explicitly set forth the terms of an authentic Japanese peace offer which were virtually identical with the final surrender terms that we accepted from the Japanese seven months later - at the cost of countless needlessly expended lives, Japanese and American alike. The major reason for dropping the bomb was a saber-rattling gesture to the Russians against whom we were already preparing the Cold War." historian Harry Elmer Barnes, National Review, 1958


"The Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing {atomic bomb]." Dwight Eisenhower, Newsweek, 1963

"It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was (242 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons. The lethal possibilities of atomic warfare in the future are frightening. My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children." William Leahy, Chief of Staff to Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman

"We didn't need to do it [bomb HIroshima and Nagasaki], and we knew we didn't need to do it, and they knew that we knew we didn't need to do it; we used them as an experiment for two atomic bombs." Brigadier General Carter Clarke, military intelligence officer, in charge of preparing intercepted Japanese cables for President Truman and his advisors

"The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians. [The bomb killed more than 150,000 civilians in this Japanese city with a population of 400,000.]" President Harry Truman, August 9, 1945

"Wall Street corporations viewed the Nazis ... as enemies of communism. American investment in Germany increased 48.5 percent between 1929 and 1940... Major investors included Ford, General Motors, General Electric, Standard Oil, Texaco, International Harvester, ITT, and IBM." David Swanson in his book "War Is A Lie" (243 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"I. G. Farben and Standard Oil of New Jersey operated a "preconceived plan" to suppress development of the synthetic rubber industry in the United States, to the advantage of the German Wehrmacht and to the disadvantage of the United States in World War II." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"

"Never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it." Adolf Hitler

"General Electric was prominent in financing Hitler, it profited handsomely from war production - and yet it managed to evade bombing in World War lI." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"

"It was Henry Ford who in the 1930s built the Soviet Union's first modern automobile plant ... and which in the 50s and 60s produced the trucks used by the North Vietnamese to carry weapons and munitions for use against Americans. At about the same time, Henry Ford was also the most famous of Hitler's foreign backers, and he was rewarded in the 1930s for this long-lasting support with the highest Nazi decoration for foreigners."

"Henry Ford and Edsel Ford respectively contributed money to Hitler and profited from German wartime production. Standard Oil of New Jersey, General Electric, General Motors, and I.T.T ... made financial or technical contributions which comprise prima facie evidence of "participating in planning or carrying out Nazi enterprises."" Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" (244 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"We must aggravate the inequality between people by putting impenetrable barriers. There will be the class of masters and below them there will be anonymous mob, the lowest ones forever. Still further down, there will be the defeated foreigner modern slaves. And above all these will rise a new aristocratic class of which I can say nothing yet." Adolf Hitler

"Shell Oil is principally owned by the British royal family. Shell's chairman, Sir Henri Deterding, helped sponsor Hitler's rise to power, by arrangement with the royal family's Bank of England Governor, Montagu Norman. Their ally Standard Oil would take part in the Hitler project right up to the bloody, gruesome end." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

"Hitler was in power for nine years before the United States went to war with him-hardly a principled stand against fascism-and then it was because Germany declared war on the United States, not the other way around." William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death

"The Department of Homeland Security has announced that it has shifted its focus from Muslim terrorism to "domestic extremists," an undefined term. Recently the Department of Homeland Security purchased more than one billion rounds of deadly ammunition, such as hollow point bullets, enough to shoot the entire US population several times. There are also reports that detainment camps have been constructed, allegedly for such events as hurricane evacuation. Congress and the media are not asking questions about these developments." (245 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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Paul Craig Roberts

"The quest for homeland security is heading, in ad hoc fashion, toward the quasi militarization of everyday life ... If danger might lurk anywhere, maybe everything must be protected and policed." William Greider, 2004

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland." Adolf Hitler

"One of the first booms for the homeland security industry was surveillance cameras, 4.2 million of which have been installed in Britain, one for every fourteen people, and 30 million in the U.S.." Naomi Klein in her book "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism"

"The governments of the world are restructuring their economies, and the global economy as a whole, into a corporatist structure. Thus, this new international economic system being constructed is one representative of economic fascism. The governments now work directly for the banks, democracy is in decline everywhere, and the militarization of domestic society into creating "Homeland Security states" is underway and accelerating." Andrew Gavin Marshall - The Global Economic Crisis - Global Research, 2010

"In the American Empire, success at war no longer matters. Huge sums of American taxpayers' money have flowed into the American armaments industries and huge (246 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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amounts of power into Homeland Security. The American empire works by stripping Americans of wealth and liberty. This is why the wars cannot end, or if one does end another starts." Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, 2012

"The entire National Security doctrine centers on the existence of an "outside enemy", which is threatening the Homeland." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "America's War on Terrorism"

"Washington set out after the Vietnam War to craft human rights into a new language of power designed to promote American foreign policy. ... Washington has shaped idealism into a potent ideological weapon for ends having little to do with human rights - and everything to do with extending America's global reach." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"America's "dirty hands" make even the most well-intentioned statement about human rights or terrorism seem hypocritical." Chalmers Johnson in his book "Blowback"

"[There is a current of human rights that] judges a society by how well it treats the poor and the weak. It challenges power by asking why, in large areas of the world where civil liberties and the "rule of law" do hold sway, so little is done to meet the most basic economic, medical, and educational needs of the population." (247 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"Today we look with perplexity at how slavery could coexist with the belief that all men are created equal, how liberalism could rise hand in hand with colonialism and brutal forms of exploitation, how calls for freedom could ignore women's rights, how the antislavery movement in England could coincide with the Opium Wars against China, and how democracies could fight colonial wars." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"Human rights leaders ... convinced themselves that Washington was actually interested in human rights rather than in an ideological vision of "rights-based power" that would nourish the idea that American values were universal. They repeatedly praised the Reagan administration for "vigorously pursuing" the cause of human rights in Cuba and the USSR, for example, as though such advocacy were a principled stand rather than a political strategy. They lauded its support for "civil society" throughout the Soviet bloc and challenged it to extend its support elsewhere, while refusing to acknowledge how that support was fueled by Washington's national security interests." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"The Reagan administration commended governments that were systematically abusing human rights and claiming dramatic progress in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick's praise for the "moral quality" of the El Salvadoran government even as death squads were roaming the country; Reagan's praise for President Efram RIos Montt of Guatemala for being "totally dedicated to democracy" even as his armed forces were slaughtering tens of thousands in counterinsurgency operations; the administration's praise of the Nicaraguan Contras as "freedom fighters" even as they were committing massive atrocities." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights (248 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:11]

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"Human rights leaders never found a war against the social development and economic well-being of a nation a violation of human rights." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"The Constitution itself does not include economic, social, and cultural rights. It includes no mandate to have the basic needs of people satisfied." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"We have yet to read a substantive meaning of equal protection into the realm of economy. Neither the court nor the Congress is at this stage prepared to say the equal protection of the laws means an equal right to a job, means equality in housing, means equality in medical care, means equality in prison and penal conditions, means equality in all those nonpolitical, non-legal, and we might say, nonsocial areas. Thus a century after we got rid of the paradox of freedom and slavery, the paradox of equality and individualism persists and may indeed be getting more aggravated." Henry Steele Commager, in the early 1990s

"The American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man failed to restrain European colonialism and racism in the non-white world or rampant inequality at home. Only with non-Western struggles against colonialism, racism, imperialism, and economic exploitation did the concept of human rights move beyond individual rights toward the UN covenants that today codify cultural and social rights and especially the right to a decent standard of living." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights (249 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"When people with black or yellow or brown skin, with Islamic or Communist or nationalist credentials murder their prisoners or bomb their villagers, they are condemned by the "civilized" world... But the American leaders who ordered the free fire zones in Vietnam and the Phoenix program, or directed the Contras against the Sandinistas, or were complicit in Saddam Hussein's gas warfare against the Kurds, or set up and operated Guantnamo are not taken to court. They face no trials. On any human rights website you will find a growing number of prominent leaders indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Few are American or Western European or Israeli." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"Human rights will have little future as a process of justice unless the leaders of democratic societies are also charged with crimes. ... Justice that unceasingly fails to confront the powerful is not only selective, it has become a weapon of the powerful. Immunity for the prominent is a deeply corrupt basis for an international criminal court, and it points to one of the major challenges confronting the human rights movement. James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"US policy towards China's economic emergence across Asia, Africa and beyond, incorporated unexpected weapons of war - 'Human Rights' and 'Democracy.' Atypical as weapons of warfare, 'Democracy' and 'Human Rights' were a 21st Century version of the 1840 Opium Wars. ... The main US targets in the new 'Opium War' against China, euphemistically termed 'promotion of democracy,' were China's vital sources of raw materials. Specifically, the US targeted Myanmar, Sudan, and China itself - through the Dalai Lama organizations in Tibet and the Falun Gong 'religious' sect inside China. To accomplish their goal, the US clandestine intelligence services turned to an arsenal of NGOs they had carefully built up, using the battle cry of 'human rights violations' and weakening of 'democracy.' ... Countries to be targeted were singled out and repeatedly charged - typically in a massive international media assault led by CNN and BBC - as violators of 'human rights... It was a controlled game in which US agencies, from the State Department to the intelligence community, worked behind the facade of a handful of extremely influential, allegedly 'neutral' and nonpartisan' NGOs... from the National Endowment for (250 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Democracy to Human Rights Watch and the Open Society Institutes. F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"Since the early 19th century, when the first European settlers began arriving in what was to become the western states of the United States of America, this has been an imperial nation, a conquering nation; annihilation of natives, acquisition, expansion, a society made safe for the freest of enterprise; belief in American "exceptionalism", a people providentially exempted from the dark side of human nature; all this in the American blood, the nation's myths, its songs, its national character." William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death"

"Since the late 1940s, the United States has been deliberately engaged in an imperial project, and anyone who would hold the office of the presidency has to be willing to serve that end. All presidents have to promote the national security state, both domestically and in American foreign policy, if they wish to attain and hold on to power." Morris Berman

"Neo-colonialism is the worst form of imperialism. For those who practise it, it means power without responsibility, and for those who suffer from it, it means exploitation without redress. In the days of old-fashioned colonialism, the imperial power had at least to explain and justify at home the actions it was taking abroad. In the colony those who served the ruling imperial power could at least look to its protection against any violent move by their opponents. With neo-colonialism neither is the case. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first postcolonial president

"Imperialism is the process whereby the dominant investor interests in one country (251 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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bring to bear their economic and military power upon another nation or region in order to expropriate its land, labor, natural resources, capital, and markets-in such a manner as to enrich the investor interests. Empires do not just pursue "power for power's sake." There are real and enormous material interests at stake, fortunes to be made many times over." Michael Parenti, 2010

"For centuries the ruling interests of Western Europe and later on North America and Japan went forth with their financiers---and when necessary their armies---to lay claim to most of planet Earth, including the labor of indigenous peoples, their markets, their incomes (through colonial taxation or debt control or other means), and the abundant treasures of their lands: their gold, silver, diamonds, copper, rum, molasses, hemp, flax, ebony, timber, sugar, tobacco, ivory, iron, tin, nickel, coal, cotton, corn, and more recently: uranium, manganese, titanium, bauxite, oil. ... Empires are enormously profitable for the dominant economic interests of the imperial nation but enormously costly to the people of the colonized country. In addition to suffering the pillage of their lands and natural resources, the people of these targeted countries are frequently killed in large numbers by the intruders." Michael Parenti, 2010

"If the structure of imperialism gives the United States the power to impose its will in many foreign locales, its institutions and intelligentsia will, as a matter of course, normalize and support the ensuing projection of power." Edward S. Herman, 2002

"The United States has been inching toward imperialism and militarism for many years. Our leaders, disguising the direction they were taking, cloaked their foreign policies in euphemisms such as "lone superpower?' "indispensable nation?' "reluctant sheriff?' "humanitarian intervention?' and "globalization?' With the advent of the George W. Bush administration and particularly after the assaults of September 11, 2001, however, these pretenses gave way to assertions of the second coming of the Roman Empire." Chalmers Johnson in his book "Sorrows of Empire" (252 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The primary goals of U.S. imperialism have always been to open up investment opportunities to U.S. corporations and to allow such corporations to gain preferential access to crucial natural resources." John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney in the book "Pox Americana"

"The broader function of empire is simply imperialism. It's this kind of ideology that has grown up in the wake of the cold war, propounded quite openly by what we are calling neoconservatives in America, which identifies the United States as a colossus athwart the world, a new Rome, beyond good and evil. We no longer need friends. We don't need international law. Like the old Roman phrase, "It doesn't matter whether they love us or not, so long as they fear us." That's very much the ideology that's at work today." Chalmers Johnson in the book "Hijacking Catastrophe"

"Imperialism and militarism will ultimately breach the separation of powers created to prevent tyranny and defend liberty. The United States today, like the Roman Republic in the first century BC, is threatened by an out-of-control military-industrial complex and a huge secret government controlled exclusively by the president." Chalmers Johnson in his book "Nemesis"

"There is a firm determination to maintain a world in which United States capitalism will feel at home. War in Indochina, the fantastic waste of vast military spending, the encouragement of assassinations of foreign leaders, support of reactionary regimes the world over, bribes and corruption, as well as the domestic repression necessary to maintain imperialism abroad - political trials of dissenters, FBI-CIA harassment of radicals, and wiretaps - are all the result of and testimony to the destructive nature of imperialism." Lawrence H. Shoup and William Minter in their book "Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations and United States Foreign Policy" (253 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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CIA (US), MOSSAD (Israel)), MI6 (Britain)

"The world of secret intelligence agencies is a realm of falsehood, camouflage, deception, violence, unspeakable cruelty, treachery, and betrayal. It is the most desolate and grim sector of human endeavor, where no human values can subsist. It knows neither hope nor mercy nor redemption." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"


"BCCI [Bank of Credit and Commerce International] would become the mixing bowl into which Persian Gulf petrodollars were stirred with generous helpings of drug money to finance worldwide covert operations for the CIA and its Israeli Mossad and British MI6 partners." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Intelligence agencies and powerful business syndicates, which are allied with organized crime, are competing for the strategic control over the heroin routes. The multi-billion dollar revenues of narcotics are deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the large international banks, together with their affiliates in the offshore banking havens, launder large amounts of narco-dollars. This trade can only prosper if the main actors involved in narcotics have "political friends in high places". Legal and illegal undertakings are increasingly intertwined; the dividing line between "business people" and criminals is blurred." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"The cooperation and interpenetration of the Anglo-American intelligence agencies is overwhelming and thoroughly institutionalized. The CIA and MI-6 are virtually Siamese twins sharing a number of vital organs." (254 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"The hidden agenda behind the Anglo-American "trans-Atlantic bridge" is to eventually displace the Franco-German military conglomerates and ensure the dominance of the US military industrial complex (in alliance with Britain's major defense contractors). Moreover, this integration in the area of defense production has been matched by increased cooperation between the CIA and Britain's MI6 in the sphere of intelligence and covert operations, not to mention the joint operations of British and US Special Forces." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "America's War on Terrorism", 2005

"The CIA is not now nor has it ever been a central intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President's foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it overthrows or supports foreign governments while reporting "intelligence" justifying those activities... Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target audience of its lies. ... The Agency's task is to develop an intemational anti-communist ideology. The CIA then links every egalitarian political movement to the scourge of intemational communism. This then prepares the American people and many in the world community for the second stage, the destruction of those movements. For egalitarianism is the enemy and it must not be allowed to exist." Ralph McGehee in his book "Deadly Deceits"

"We live in an era in which political and social reality are incessantly manipulated by huge and pervasive intelligence agencies - CIA, FBI, MI6, FSB (KGB), Mossad." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"The very best CIA, Mossad and MI6 agents are recruited to become better paid private spooks for multinational corporate and banking empires." (255 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

CIA (United States)

"Coming to grips with U.S./CIA activities in broad numbers and figuring out how many people have been killed in the jungles of Laos or the hills of Nicaragua is very difficult. But, adding them up as best we can, we come up with a figure of six million people killed-and this is a minimum figure. Included are: one million killed in the Korean War, two million killed in the Vietnam War, 800,000 killed in Indonesia, one million in Cambodia, 20,000 killed in Angola ... and 22,000 killed in Nicaragua. These people would not have died if U.S. tax dollars had not been spent by the CIA to inflame tensions, finance covert political and military activities and destabilize societies." John Stockwell, CIA official in the 1960s and 1970s

"The Church committee report made it clear that the CIA had, directly or indirectly, been involved in assassination plots, coups, or attempted coups against eight foreign leaders: Premier Fidel Castro of Cuba, Patrice Lumumba of the Congo, Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, President Salvador Allende and General Ren Schneider of Chile, President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam, President Franois Duvalier of Haiti, and President Sukarno of Indonesia." David Wise in his book "The American Police State:The Government Against the People"

"The CIA had been running thousands of operations over the years... there have been about 3,000 major covert operations and over 10,000 minor operations... all designed to disrupt, destabilize, or modify the activities of other countries... But they are all illegal and they all disrupt the normal functioning, often the democratic functioning, of other societies. They raise serious questions about the moral responsibility of the United States in the international society of nations." (256 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Al Qaeda has been supported and financed from its inception in the early 1980s by the CIA." Michel Chossudovsky, 2012

"It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms." John Stockwell, CIA official in the 1960s and 1970s

"Secret CIA operations constitute the usually unseen efforts to shore up unjust, unpopular, minority governments, always with the hope that overt military intervention (as in Vietnam and the Dominican Republic) will not be necessary. The more successful CIA operations are, the more remote overt intervention becomes - and the more remote become reforms. Latin America in the 1960s is all the proof one needs." Philip Agee in his book "CIA Diary"

"In my 30 year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA." Dennis Dayle, former chief of an elite DEA enforcement unit

"The CIA is not now nor has it ever been a central intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President's foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it overthrows or supports foreign governments while reporting "intelligence" justifying those activities... Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target audience of its lies. ... The Agency's task is to develop an intemational anti-communist ideology. The CIA then links every egalitarian political movement to the scourge of intemational communism. This then prepares the American people and many in the world community for the second stage, the destruction of those movements. For egalitarianism is the (257 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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enemy and it must not be allowed to exist." Ralph McGehee in his book "Deadly Deceits"

"Brutal dictators such as the Shah of Iran in 1953, General Suharto in Indonesia in 1967, and Pinochet in Chile in 1973, were all installed in power by the CIA, and relied on American support and weapons to hold on to power. Their dependence on U.S. support all but guaranteed a friendly regime." David Model in his book "Lying for Empire"

"If the Agency [CIA] actually reported the truth about the Third World, what would it say? It would say that the United States installs foreign leaders, arms their armies, and empowers their police all to help those leaders repress an angry, defiant people; that the CIA-empowered leaders represent only a small faction who kill, torture, and impoverish their own people to maintain their position of privilege." Ralph McGehee in his book "Deadly Deceits"

"There is no war on terrorism. If there was, the Royal Marines and the SAS would be storming the beaches of Florida, where more CIA-funded terrorists, ex-Latin American dictators and torturers, are given refuge than anywhere on earth." John Pilger

"In country after country, from Mexico and Honduras to Panama and Peru, the CIA helped set up or consolidate intelligence agencies that became forces of repression, and whose intelligence connections to other countries greased the way for illicit drug shipments." Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall in their book "Cocaine Politics" (258 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Almost from the beginning, the CIA engaged not only in the collection of intelligence information, but also in covert operations which involved rigging elections and manipulating labor unions abroad, carrying on paramilitary operations, overturning governments, assassinating foreign officials, protecting former Nazis and lying to Congress." former Senator George McGovern, 1987

"The CIA's involvement in planning assassinations goes back at least to 1954, when it prepared a manual for killings as part of a U.S.-run coup against the leftist government of Guatemala." David Wise, 2009

"In every country, embassies are used for spying. So, it would be dumb for a country to put its real intelligence-gathering officers inside an embassy or consulate or attach', because that is the first place a hosting nation is going to look for spies. So, the number one place the United States and other countries place their intelligence-gathering officers and informants is NGOs. In Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and elsewhere in the world, United States' NGOs - over 90% of them - are operations bases for the CIA." Sibel Edmonds

MI6 (Britain)
"In Britain, the MI6 drug money is laundered through the Bank of England, Barclays Bank and other household name companies. The drug money is passed from account to account until its origins are lost in a huge web of transactions. The drug money comes out 'cleaner' but not totally clean. Diamonds are then bought with this money from the diamond business families like the Oppenheimers. These diamonds are then sold and the drug money is clean." James Casbolt, former MI6 Agent (259 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"In Britain, the MI6 drug money is laundered through the Bank of England, Barclays Bank and other household name companies. The drug money is passed from account to account until its origins are lost in a huge web of transactions. The drug money comes out 'cleaner' but not totally clean. Diamonds are then bought with this money from the diamond business families like the Oppenheimers. These diamonds are then sold and the drug money is clean." James Casbolt, former MI6 Agent

"Permindex [is] the MI6 assassination unit which was at the heart of the John F. Kennedy assassination." James Casbolt, former MI6 Agent, 2006

MOSSAD (Israel)
"It is interesting, but not surprising, to note that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel's intelligence service agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned. And yet a Mossad motive is obvious. On this question, as on almost all others, American reporters cannot bring themselves to cast Israel in an unfavorable light -despite the fact that Mossad complicity is as plausible as any of the other theories." US Congressman Paul Findley, March 1992

"In 1951 Sir William Stephenson of M16, restructured the [Israeli intelligence agency] Mossad into a single unit as an arm of the Political Department of the Israeli Foreign Office and assigned the task of conducting intelligence gathering. It was also given the job carrying out "black job" operations. ... All Mossad agents, operate on a war-time footing. The Mossad has a tremendous advantage over other intelligence services in that every country in the world has a large (260 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Jewish community, which is useful. The Mossad also has the advantage of having access to the records of all U.S. law enforcement agencies and U.S. intelligence services. The office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) services the Mossad at no cost to Israel. ... The Mossad has a skillful disinformation service. The amount of disinformation it feeds to the American "market" is embarrassing, but even more embarrassing is how America swallows hook, line and sinker such propaganda." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300"

"This is our final judgment: the government of Israel, through its secret spy agency, the Mossad, orchestrated the conspiracy that ended the life of John F. Kennedy. Through its own vast resources and through its international contacts in the intelligence community and in organized crime, Israel had the means, it had the motive, and it had the opportunity to carry out the crime of the century and did." Michael Collins Piper in his book "Final Judgment"

"Israeli agents [Mossad] planted firebombs in American installations in Egypt in 1954 in an attempt to undermine relations between Nasser and the United States; Israel murdered 34 American servicemen in a deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967; Israeli espionage, most notably Jonathan Pollard's spying, has done tremendous damage to American interests; five Mossad agents were filming and celebrating as the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001; Tel Aviv and its accomplices in Washington were the source of the false pre-war intelligence on Iraq." Maidhc Cathail. 2010

In carrying out its mission to collect positive intelligence, the principal function of the Mossad is to conduct agent operations against the Arab nations and their official representatives and installations throughout the world, particularly in Western Europe and the United States. ... Objectives in Western countries are equally important to the Israeli intelligence service. The Mossad collects intelligence regarding Western, Vatican, and UN policies (261 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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toward the Near East; promotes arms deals for the benefit of the IDF; and acquires data for silencing anti-Israel factions in the West. ... Mossad activities are generally conducted through Israeli official and semiofficial establishments - deep cover enterprises in the form of firms and organizations, some especially created for, or adaptable to, a specific objective - and penetrations effected within non-Zionist national and international Jewish organizations... Official organizations used for cover are: Israeli purchasing missions and Israeli government tourist offices, El Al, and Zim offices. Israeli construction firms, industrial groups and international trade organizations also provide nonofficial cover. Individuals working under deep or illegal cover are normally charged with penetrating objectives that require a long-range, more subtle approach, or with activities in which the Israeli government can never admit complicity." 1979 CIA analysis titled 'Israel: Foreign Intelligence and Security Services'

"For the past 20 years, a large and growing component of Dope, Inc. has been the combined machinery of gangster Meyer Lansky and the Israeli Mossad." DOPE, INC., Executive Intelligence Review, 1992

"The Israeli Mossad has a fearsome reputation for ruthlessness second only to the old Russian KGB. The Israeli intelligence services are known for their boldness and their buccaneering tactics... however, the Mossad has lately gone in for assassinations on foreign soil... This is nothing new for the Israelis: picking off their enemies on foreign soil is a longtime favorite sport of the Mossad." Justin Raimondo, 2010

"Mossad wants to do everything possible to preserve a state of war between Israel and its neighbors." US Congressman Paul Findley, March 1992

"For years the tentacles of the Israeli Secret Service had reached out into all walks of (262 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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American life. ...This influence extended into the U.S. [House] and the Senate, the Pentagon, the defense and electronic industries, the research laboratories and such Jewish-oriented organizations as the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Defense Committee, Bonds for Israel and the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies. Some of these bodies have served as fronts for intelligence-gathering and there are few of the important congressional committees which do not possess one member or staffassistant who does not feed the Israeli network relevant material." Richard Deacon, intelligence historian, in his history of israel's Mossad

"American policymakers, setting themselves up as guardians of the world system, are more inclined than ever to simply disregard international laws and conventions if they get in the way of unrivaled military supremacy. Every instance of U.S. armed intervention during the 1980s and 1990s represents a flagrant violation of regional treaties and laws, not to mention the UN Charter itself, which explicitly prohibits military attacks against sovereign nations - for example, Grenada, Nicaragua, Haiti, Panama, Serbia, and Iraq. In any event, the U.S. has consistently shown its contempt for international bodies, agreements, and procedures that might conflict with its hegemonic aspirations." Carl Boggs

"The invasion of Iraq is one of the most sordid and unjustifiable episodes in recent human history: a devastating attack on the rule of law." Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzon has called for George W. Bush, Tony Blair and former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar to be prosecuted for the invasion of Iraq

"I don't care about international law. I don't want to hear the words 'international law' again. We are not concerned with international law." (263 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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a military judge at Guantnamo

"The real axis of evil is composed of the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund." George Katsiaficas in the book "Masters of War" The IMF, the World Bank and the WTO (World Trade Organisation) are largely controlled by the rich countries so these institutions devise and implement policies that those countries want." Ha-Joon Chang in his book "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

"The United States has given frequent and enthusiastic support to the overthrow of democracy in favor of "investor friendly" regimes. The World Bank, IMF, and private banks have consistently lavished huge sums on terror regimes, following their displacement of democratic governments, and a number of quantitative studies have shown a systematic positive relationship between U.S. and IMF / World Bank aid to countries and their violations of human rights." Edward S. Herman

"The IMF and World Bank are the chief pushers of the whole scheme of structural adjustments that are designed to further open up the Third World economies for penetration and plunder by private monopoly corporations. We call for the abrogation of all loan agreements that provide for structural adjustment, public assumption of private debts and the further exposure of the Third World economies to plunder by private multinational giants." (264 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Cebu Declaration - Philippine-Asia Jubilee Campaign Against the Debt, 1999

"When the IMF and the World Bank force a country to cut wages, lay off workers, produce for export instead of their own people, and sell off public property to cronies for less than its vallue, that's called "economic reform." Robert Naiman, 1999

"Structural adjustment imposed by the World Bank and IMF have brought disaster to the working poor of as many as 100 countries, forced to open their markets to a flood of cheap imports while the rich refuse to abandon their subsidies, quotas and high tariffs. The result is brutal suppression of wages and living standards and elimination of social programs, the effects increasing as the programs are implemented over the past decade or more." Noam Chomsky in his book "Year 501"

"Mexico was the star pupil. It did everything right, and religiously followed the World Bank and IMF's prescriptions. It was called another great economic miracle, and it probably was ... for the rich. But for most of the Mexican people, it's been a complete disaster." Noam Chomsky in his book "The Common Good"

"The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which represents most of the major banks in the Western world, produced a proposal [1980s] that basically demanded that developing countries sacrifice government spending on health, education, and welfare in order to service the debt and that they increase the export of commodity or luxury goods to earn more money." Helen Caldicott in her book " If You Love this Planet" (265 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The World Bank and the IMF are controlled by the governments of the world's richest countries. The G-7 together have more than 40 per cent of the directors' votes. The US holds 16.45 per cent of the votes at the World Bank and 17 per cent of those at the IMF. Since an 85-per-cent majority is required for the most important decisions, the US effectively has the power of veto." Jeremy Seabrook in his book "World Poverty"

"We turned the World Bank, the IMF, and other "multinational" institutions into colonizing tools. We negotiated lucrative deals for U.S. corporations, established "free" trade agreements that blatantly served our exporters at the expense of those in the Third World, and burdened other countries with unmanageable debts. In effect, we created surrogate governments that appeared to represent their people but in reality were our servants." John Perkins in his book "The Secret History of the American Empire"

"The World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO consider the ideal country to be one in which all assets and resources are owned by foreign corporations producing for export to generate foreign exchange to repay international debts. Their favored country has no public services. Power, water, education, health care, social security, and financial services are all owned and operated by foreign corporations for profit on a fee for service basis. Food and other goods for domestic consumption are all imported from abroad and paid for with money borrowed from foreign banks." David Korten

"Never before in history have the poor financed the rich on such a scale and paid so dearly for their servitude. During the 1980s, the Third World sent to the West $220 billion more than was sent to them in any form. At the current rates of interest, it is a mathematical impossibility for most countries to pay off their debt. Many had to agree to 'structural adjustment' by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This has often meant the end of uncertain protection for the old, young and sick and (266 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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'wage restraint' in countries where the difference between wage and peonage is slight." John Pilger in his book "Distant Voices"

"What has to be understood is that both the [International Monetary] fund and the [World] bank are actually surrogates for the U.S. Treasury. They are both located at 19th and H Streets, Northwest, in Washington, DC, and their voting rules ensure that they can do nothing without the approval of the secretary of the Treasury." Chalmers Johnson in his book "Sorrows of Empire"

"Beginning in the late 1970s ... the World Bank and IMF mandated a shift away from industrialization toward economies based solely on the export of raw materials and agricultural products. Loans were now to be used as leverage to impose what were called Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)-programs that mandated slashing social spending, eliminating price subsidies and trade tariffs, and privatizing governmentowned industries and services-all in order to pay down foreign debt." Lena Weinstein, 2008

"The World Bank and IMF ... operate as global loan sharks." Lena Weinstein, 2008


"Under the brunt of IMF economic medicine, imposed on developing countries, national central banks are prevented from expanding the supply of money thereby shunting the process of credit creation. Once these measures are imposed, the only way to finance public and private investment is through dollar denominated foreign loans. What this signifies is that Wall Street and the U.S. Federal Reserve control the domestic credit market of developing countries, namely the expansion of credit in domestic currency." (267 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Michel Chossudovsky

"Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization." John Perkins in his book "Confessions of Economic Hit Man"

"Unlike the formal imperialism of the British empire; the United States uses the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other international bodies to legitimize imperial interventions into the political and economic systems of developing nations." Ivan Eland in his book "The Empire Has No Clothes"

"The United States has a high degree of control in the World Bank and International Monetary Fund because of the extent of its financial contributions and the formula used for weighting votes. The IMF, in particular, imposes strict conditions on debtor nations that force them to concentrate on producing cheap exports in order to increase foreign reserves needed to pay interest on their debt. These structural adjustment programs include currency devaluation, reduced wages, cutbacks to social programs, and reliance on the market system. All of these programs benefit creditor nations such as the United States at the expense of the debtor nations." David Mode l in his book "Lying for Empire"

"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was the most important avenue of U.S. influence in developing countries for the past three decades. The IMF was positioned, by informal arrangement, at the top of a creditors' cartel. Governments who did not reach (268 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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agreements with the Fund on various economic policies were in most cases denied credit not only from the IMF, but from the larger World Bank, other multi-lateral lenders such as the Inter-American Development Bank, the governments of rich countries, and sometimes even the private sector. This gave Washington, which has dominated the IMF since its inception in 1944, a powerful lever to promote a whole series of economic reforms in developing countries." Mark Weisbrot, 2008

"African ruling classes deposit so much money from Africa into foreign banks, what's called capital flight, billions more have gone into those banks than has been lent to Africa. According to one study, sub-Saharan Africa experienced capital flight of $196 billion between 1970 and 1996 - whereas these countries' combined debt in 1996 stood at $178 billion. A good portion of this money comes from funds siphoned off from foreign aid and sent back to the private accounts of African rulers in Western banks. This dynamic helps explain why African ruling classes do not refuse the World Bank and IMF terms, as deadly as they are for the majority in Africa: they profit off of foreign assistance." Lena Weinstein, 2008

"Policies imposed by the World Bank, and trade liberalization rules crafted by the World Trade Organization (WTO), are creating a sweeping culture of corporate-states all over the world. Not only has the World Bank played a major role in the creation of water scarcity and pollution, it is now transforming that scarcity into a market opportunity for water corporations. ... The erosion of water rights is now a global phenomenon. Since the early 1990s, ambitious, World Bank-driven privatization programs have emerged in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Malaysia, and Nigeria. The Bank has also introduced privatization of water systems in India." Vandana Shiva in her book "Water Wars" (269 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Reagan used the World Bank to force countries to change their laws so that U.S. corporations would gain direct access to their oil." Antonia Juhasz in her book "The Bush Agenda"

"There's a saying that the World Bank takes tax money from poor people in rich nations to give to rich people in poor nations." Barron's, 1978


"The greater percentage of global trade is controlled by powerful multinational enterprises. Within such a context, the notion of free trade on which the rules of the WTO [World Trade Organization] are constructed is a fallacy. The net result is that for certain sectors of humanity -- particularly the developing countries of the South -- the WTO is a veritable nightmare." United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, June 2000

"The WTO [World Trade Organization] obeys the orders of multinational corporations, which, under cover of the globalization of trade, in fact rule the world." Marie-Monique Robin in the book "The World According to Monsanto", 2008

"The project of making GMO crops the dominant basic crops on the world agricultural market was the creation of a new enforcement institution which would stand above national governments. That new institution, which opened its doors in 1995 was to be called the World Trade Organization (WTO)." F. William Engdahl (270 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"On New Year's Day in 1995, the World Trade Organization (WTO) was quietly born during the Uruguay round of GATT. In low-income "developing countries," the World Bank and the IMF had institutionalized the doctrine that extensive borrowing was the way forward. Thus, subject economies became enslaved to repayment schedules and loan conditions which invariably required the cutback of necessary social services and population assistance programs, whilst the loan funds found their way back to Western corporations. ... With the way clear for the WTO, the world's largest corporations are now represented by a global body with legislative and judicial power committed to protecting their rights against the intrusion of governments and the citizens to whom those governments are theoretically responsible. ... Any national law requiring imported goods to meet national health, safety, labour, or environmental standards may be declared an unfair trade practice by the WTO if the legislation requires stricter standards than the international standards accepted by the WTO." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The inauguration of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 marked a new phase in the evolution of the post war economic system. A new triangular division of authority among the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO has unfolded. ... The deregulation of trade under WTO rules, combined with new clauses pertaining to intellectual property rights, enable multinational corporations to penetrate local markets and extend their control over virtually all areas of national manufacturing, agriculture and the service economy." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order"

"The Articles of Agreement of the WTO provide what some observers have entitled a "charter of rights for multinational corporations" derogating the ability of national societies to regulate their national economies threatening national level social programs, job creation policies, affirmative action and community based initiatives. The WTO articles threaten to lead to the disempowerment of national societies as it hands over extensive powers to global corporations." (271 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order"

"The WTO is blatantly illegal ... a totalitarian intergovernmental body has been casually installed in Geneva, empowered under international law with the mandate to police country-level economic and social policies, derogating the sovereign rights of national governments." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order"

"The articles of the WTO are not only in contradiction with pre-existing national and international laws; they are also at variance with "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights". Acceptance of the WTO as a legitimate organization is tantamount to an "indefinite moratorium" or repeal of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ... WTO rules provide legitimacy to trade practices which border on criminality, including: "intellectual piracy" by multinational corporations; the derogation of plant breeders rights - not to mention genetic manipulation by the biotechnology giants, and the patenting of life forms including plants, animals, micro-organisms, genetic material and human life forms under the TRIPs agreement." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order"

"Under WTO rules, the banks and multinational corporations (MNCs) can legitimately manipulate market forces to their advantage leading to the outright re-colonization of national economies. The WTO articles provide legitimacy to global banks and MNCs in their quest to destabilize institutions, drive national producers into bankruptcy and ultimately take control entire countries." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order" (272 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The TRIPS [Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property] agreement ... is under the jurisdiction of the WTO, which obeys the orders of multinational corporations like Monsanto, which, under cover of the globalization of trade, in fact rule the world." Marie-Monique Robin in the book "The World According to Monsanto"



"Iran is being targeted as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil financial hegemony and global control." Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt

"Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under control [of private banks]. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone." Pete Papaherakles,, 2012

"By 1976, Amnesty International announced that Iran had the worst human rights record on Earth ... The secret police, SAVAK, trained by Israel and supplied by the U.S., were infamous for the use of torture and assassination." Mark Zepezauer in his book "Boomerang" (273 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Iran, because of the great leadership of the Shah, is an island of stability in one of the troubled areas of the world. This is a great tribute to you and to your majesty and to your leadership and to the respect, admiration, and love which your people give to you." President Jimmy Carter during a visit to Iran, New Year's Eve, 1978

"There are no competitive elections for president, for prime minister, nor for any kind of legislative body that can initiate and pass meaningful laws or make real policy in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, or other autocratic governments in that region supported with American military and economic aid. Indeed, the majority of governments supported by the United States in the Middle East and Central Asia are even less democratic than Iran." Stephen Zunes, 2005

"Iran could hold the potential to alter the balance of power in Eurasia if it were to closely ally itself with Russia or China, or both - giving those nations a heavy supply of oil as well as a sphere of influence in the Gulf, thus challenging American hegemony in the region." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 2009

"The argument is made or implied that the United States and Israel are good, need [nuclear] weapons for legitimate defense, and are not likely to use them irresponsibly, whereas Iran is not good, supports terrorists, and doesn't need these weapons for legitimate defense. This is pure ideology and utter nonsense." Edward S Herman, 2005

"The Iranians had democratically elected a president (Mossadegh) and he began to clamp down on the oil companies, insisting that they pay fair taxes so the people of Iran would be recompensed for the oil being taken out of their country. The British and the U. S. were involved there and our oil companies were very resentful of this so we decided (274 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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to get rid of Mossadegh. ... Rather than sending in troops, we sent a CIA agent, Kermit Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt's grandson. With a few million dollars, Kermit managed to overthrow the democratically elected Mossadegh and replace him with the Shah of Iran, who we all know was a despot-and a friend of the oil companies." John Perkins, 2005

"Brutal dictators such as the Shah of Iran in 1953, General Suharto in Indonesia in 1967, and Pinochet in Chile in 1973, were all installed in power by the CIA, and relied on American support and weapons to hold on to power. Their dependence on U.S. support all but guaranteed a friendly regime." David Model in his book "Lying for Empire"

"The American press played an important supporting role in Operation Ajax, as the Iran coup [against democratically-elected Iranian President Mossadegh] was code-named... The New York Times regularly referred to [democratically-elected President Mossadegh] as a dictator. Other papers compared him to Hitler and Stalin. Newsweek reported that, with his help, Communists were "taking over" Iran. Time called his election "one of the worst calamities to the anti-communist world since the Red conquest of China."" Stephen Kinzer in his book "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Haiti to Iraq"

"With the Mossadegh overthrow in Iran, the United States served notice that it was not a country to be trusted, not the defender of democracy we portrayed ourselves to be, and that our aim was not to help the Third World. We simply wanted to control resources." John Perkins in his book "The Secret History of the American Empire"

IRAQ (275 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The [Iraq] sanctions, imposed for a decade largely at the insistence of the United States, constitute a violation of the Geneva Convention... For more than ten years the United States has deliberately pursued a policy of destroying the water treatment system of Iraq, knowing full well the cost in Iraqi lives." Professor Thomas Nagy

"Famine threatens four million people in sanctions-hit Iraq - one fifth of the population... The human situation is deteriorating. Living conditions are precarious and are at prefamine level for at least four million people ... The deterioration in nutritional status of children is reflected in the significant increase of child mortality, which has risen nearly fivefold since 1990." UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) report on the effect of U.S. sanctions on Iraq, September 1995

"Sanctions closed down the entire Iraqi economy and devastated the people. Iraqi families could not buy food or medicine or school books or basic household commodities. Children starved and died. Literacy was wiped out in a single generation. The future of the country was ravaged in all parts. It was deliberate cruelty and a mockery of the humanitarian principles embodied by the United Nations." Susan Lindauer in her book "Extreme Prejudice"

"Iraq's post invasion (2003-2007) excess under five mortality has been estimated at over one million. In Afghanistan, post invasion, at 1.9 million (2001-2007)." Felicity Arbuthnot, Global Research, 2008 "There was no one left to kill." General Norman Schwartzkopf after the Basra Road bloodbath Operation Desert Storm, 2003 (276 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq. " Paul Wolfowitz, U. S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, 2003

"Oil was not the only motivation for the American invasion and occupation [of Iraq] , but the other goals have already been achieved -- eliminating Saddam Hussein for Israel's sake, canceling the Iraqi use of the euro in place of the dollar for oil transactions, expansion of the empire in the Middle East with new bases. American oil companies have been busy under the occupation, and even before the US invasion, preparing for a major exploitation of Iraq's huge oil reserves. Chevron, ExxonMobil and others are all set to go. Four years of preparation are coming to a head now. Iraq's new national petroleum law -- written in a place called Washington, DC -- is about to be implemented. It will establish agreements with foreign oil companies, privatizing much of Iraq's oil reserves under exceedingly lucrative terms. Security will be the only problem, protecting the oil companies' investments in a lawless country. For that they need the American military close by." William Blum, 2006

"On the question of whether or not Iraq was involved in 9-11, there was never any evidence to prove that." former Vice President Dick Cheney, on Fox News, June, 1, 2009

"Before the Persian Gulf War, Iraq was a rapidly developing country, with free education, ample electricity, modernized agriculture, and a robust middle class. According to the World Health Organization, 93 percent of the population had access to health care. The devastation of the Gulf War and the sanctions that preceded and sustained such devastation changed all that." Joy Gordon, Harpers, 2002 (277 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The allied bombardment had had a "near apocalyptic impact" on Iraq and had transformed the country into a "pre-industrial age nation," which "had been until January a rather highly urbanized and mechanized society." a UN inspection team, in William Blum's book "Killing Hope"

"Following the War [World War I] Britain and France carved up the Middle East... Britain obtaining protectorate status over Palestine (Israel) and the important oil-producing areas, especially Iraq. Their protectorate over Palestine set the stage for their planned later creation in that area of a Jewish homeland, which intent was proclaimed to British Zionists in a letter from Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Walter Lord Rothschild, representing the English Federation of Zionists. The letter became known as the Balfour Declaration, which was not implemented until after World War 2. The British intent was to project their control into the oil laden Middle East by creating a Jewish-dominated Palestine, beholden to Britain for survival, and surrounded by a pack of squabbling, balkanized Arab states." F William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"The Balfour Declaration justified the seizure of Palestinian lands for the post-WWII establishment of Israel. Israel would serve, not as some high-minded "Jewish homeland", but as linchpin in Rothschild/Eight Families control over the world's oil supply. Baron Edmond de Rothschild built the first oil pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to bring BP Iranian oil to Israel. He founded Israeli General Bank and Paz Oil. He is considered by many the father of modern Israel." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The dissolution of Syria and Iraq into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon is Israel's primary target on the Eastern front... Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run, it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. (278 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul and Shiite areas in the South will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north." Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist, in an 1982 article for a publication of the World Zionist Organization in which he outlined Israel's strategy in the Middle East

"Estimates of the Israeli nuclear arsenal range from a minimum of 200 to a maximum of about 500. Whatever the number, there is little doubt that Israeli nukes are among the world's most sophisticated, largely designed for "war fighting" in the Middle East. A staple of the Israeli nuclear arsenal are "neutron bombs," miniaturized thermonuclear bombs designed to maximize deadly gamma radiation while minimizing blast effects and long term radiation - in essence designed to kill people while leaving property intact." Michel Chossudovsky, 2012

"Fourteen percent of Israel's industrial labor force is employed in its arms industry. If the armed forces are included, the number rises to 25 percent According to the latest CIA estimates, Israel is the fifth largest exporter of arms in the world, up from its seventh place ranking in 1980. Israel remains the largest supplier of arms to subSaharan Africa and Latin America." Clarence Lusane

"Critically thinking Israelis - a negligible minority - already know the pattern: no matter how extreme our new prime minister is, it won't take more than a couple of months for the media to portray him as the sane, moderate, and pragmatic leader of the political center." (279 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Ran HaCohen, 2009

"Israel is expected to eventually join the European Union. The E.U.'s enlargement is tied into the process of NATO expansion. Israel and the E.U. will both manage, from an economic and political standpoint, the western outer periphery of the "Arc of Instability" under the framework of a Mediterranean Union." Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, 2008

"The U.S.-NATO-Israel axis constitutes the most powerful military alliance in world history. America's allies are the NATO member states, NATO associate member States and partners under the Istanbul Initiative (including Israel), the Mediterranean Dialogue, the Partnership for Peace, and various other bilateral agreements (New Zealand, Australia, Colombia, Mongolia, Singapore). All in all, the U.S.-NATO-Israel military axis includes more than fifty countries." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"The real reason why American politicians are so deferential [to Israel] is the political power of the Israel lobby. The lobby is a loose coalition of individuals and organizations that actively works to move U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction. It is not a single, unified movement with a central leadership, and it is certainly not a cabal or conspiracy that "controls" U.S. foreign policy. It is simply a powerful interest group, made up of both Jews and gentiles, whose acknowledged purpose is to press Israel's case within the United States and influence American foreign policy in ways that its members believe will benefit the Jewish state. The Israel lobby is the antithesis of a cabal or conspiracy; it operates out in the open and proudly advertises its own clout. In its basic operations, the Israel lobby is no different from interest groups like the farm lobby, steel and textile workers, and a host of ethnic lobbies, although the groups and individuals who comprise the Israel lobby are in an unusually favorable position to influence U.S. foreign policy. What sets it apart, in short, is its extraordinary effectiveness." John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, 2007 (280 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Our citizen denial provides the ground for the government's doctrine of "plausible deniability". John F. Kennedy's assassination is rooted in our denial of our nation's crimes in World War II that began the Cold War and the nuclear arms race. As a growing precedent to JFK's assassination by his own national security state, we U.S. citizens supported our government when it destroyed whole cities (Hamburg, Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki), when it protected our Cold War security by world-destructive weapons, and when it carried out the covert murders of foreign leaders with "plausible deniability" in a way that was obvious to critical observers." James Douglass in his book book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"

"As President, [John] Kennedy earned many powerful enemies during his few months in office, from the head of US Steel to CIA chief Allen Dulles and the Pentagon. Perhaps no one opposed Kennedy more strongly than the powerful bankers of Wall Street. ... Five months before his assassination by what was decades later revealed to have been a CIA hit team," Kennedy issued an all-but unknown proclamation which may have cost him his life. Much as Abraham Lincoln did when he avoided dependence on London bank loans to finance the Civil War and instead issued interest-free US Treasury notes, Greenbacks, to finance the war, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 on June 4, 1963. Kennedy's EO 11110, which did not require a vote of Congress, mandated the US Treasury "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the US Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in US notes into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. The $10 and $20 United States Notes were just in the process of being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated. They were never circulated. It was the first time since Lincoln that a President had issued interest free money and the first time a President had challenged the sole money power of the private Federal Reserve. ... After JFK's death, E011110 was put into abeyance, no more silver certificates were issued and those that had been issued were removed from circulation. The very existence of E011110 was hidden from the public, and forgotten or ignored by most historians." (281 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"In the summer of 1963, the leaders of the military-industrial complex could see storm clouds on their horizon. After JFK's American University address and his quick signing of the Test Ban Treaty with Khrushchev, corporate power holders saw the distinct prospect in the not distant future of a settlement in the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. ... In the direction of U.S.-Soviet disarmament lay the diminished power of a corporate military system that for years had controlled the United States government. In his turn toward peace, Kennedy was beginning to undermine the dominant power structure that Eisenhower had finally identified and warned against so strongly as he left the White House." James Douglass in his book book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"

"Nearly a century after Lincoln was assassinated for issuing Greenbacks, President John F. Kennedy found himself in the crosshairs. Kennedy had announced a crackdown on off-shore tax havens and proposed increases in tax rates on large oil and mining companies. He supported eliminating tax loopholes which benefit the super-rich. His economic policies were publicly attacked by Fortune magazine, the Wall Street Journal and both David and Nelson Rockefeller. Even Kennedy's own Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon, who came from the UBS Warburg-controlled Dillon Read investment bank, voiced opposition to the JFK proposals. Kennedy's fate was sealed in June 1963 when he authorized the issuance of more than $4 billion in United States Notes by his Treasury Department in an attempt to circumvent the high interest rate usury of the private Federal Reserve international banker crowd." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"To the power brokers of the system that President Kennedy ostensibly presided over, his and Khrushchev's turn toward peace was, a profound threat... As the Cold War elite knew, Kennedy was already preparing to withdraw from Vietnam. They feared he would soon be able to carry out a U.S. withdrawal from the war with public support, as one part of a wider peacemaking venture with Khrushchev (and perhaps even Castro)." (282 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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James Douglass in his book book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"

"The final judgment is inescapable ... Israel was indeed the driving force behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The role of Israel was the unsuspected "missing link" in the JFK assassination conspiracy. ... This is our final judgment: the government of Israel, through its secret spy agency, the Mossad, orchestrated the conspiracy that ended the life of John F. Kennedy. Through its own vast resources and through its international contacts in the intelligence community and in organized crime, Israel had the means, it had the motive, and it had the opportunity to carry out the crime of the century - and did. ... Israel's worldwide connections-particularly with the anti-Kennedy forces within the CIA and the CIA-linked Lansky crime empire, along with the French OAS rebels and Charles DeGaulle's enemies within his own intelligence service - made possible the network through which the plan to kill JFK was carried out. Permindex was in the center of it all." Michael Collins Piper in his book "Final Judgment"

"In his deepening alienation from the CIA, the Pentagon, and big business, John Kennedy was moving consciously beyond the point of no return. Kennedy knew well the complicity that existed among the Cold War's corporate elite, Pentagon planners, and the heads of 'intelligence agencies'." ... We have no evidence as to who in the military-industrial complex may have given the order to assassinate President Kennedy. That the order was carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency is obvious. The CIA's fingerprints are all over the crime and the events leading up to it." James Douglass in his book book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"

see ASSASSINATIONS (283 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The greatest purveyor of violence on earth is my own government." Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The only trial ever held for for Martin Luther King's murder took place in Memphis, Tennessee, only a few blocks from the Lorraine Motel where King was killed. In a wrongful death lawsuit initiated by the King family, seventy witnesses testified over a six-week period. They described a sophisticated government plot that involved the FBI, the CIA, the Memphis Police, Mafia intermediaries, and an Army Special Forces sniper team. The twelve jurors, six black and six white, returned after two and one-half hours of deliberation with a verdict that King had been assassinated by a conspiracy that included agencies of his own government."
James Douglass in his book book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"

"In December of 1963, less than a month after the Kennedy assassination, FBI officials met in Washington to explore ways to "neutralize [Martin Luther] King as an effective Negro leader". In spite of that material in their files the House Select Committee declared that the FBI played no role in the assassination." William Pepper, in his book "An Act of State, The Execution of Martin Luther King", 2003

"We must mark [Martin Luther King] now as the most dangerous Negro in the future of this Nation." William C. Sullivan, Assistant Director of FBI wrote to J. Edgar Hoover, 1963 (284 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Governmental agencies caused Martin Luther King to be assassinated. They used other foot soldiers. They caused this whole thing to happen. And they then proceeded with the powerful means at their disposal to cover this case up." William Pepper, in his book "An Act of State, The Execution of Martin Luther King", 2003

"From the moment that he formally opposed the war [Vietnam], followed by his commitment to the Poor People's Campaign, Martin King ... became locked in a deadly struggle with the behemoth of transnational corporate colonialism and the awesome power of its steward state, the United States of America." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"[Martin Luther King] was involved ... in attempting to confront the core issue of economic injustice in American society, which went hand in hand with waging a costly war and the growth of militarism. This new struggle brought him into direct conflict with the federal government and its numerous agency surrogates whose mission it was to serve and protect American corporate interests at home and abroad." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The blame for the initiation planning conspiracy, and execution of the killing [of Martin Luther King] should be laid squarely on the shoulders of agents of the government of the United States in collaboration with Memphis operatives of the Marcello criminal organization. As horrifying as that fact is, it gets worse when one realizes the extent of the military's involvement, from the coordination of the flow of events down to the last detail, including the selection of the back-up team by the head of the 902nd Military Intelligence Group. Even prior to the assassination, the use of military intelligence to spy on Dr King and other Americans, leading to other army sharpshooter actions against targeted civilians, makes it clear that for a half century or more the military have been heavily involved (285 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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in the domestic affairs and life of the nation. Very few people at the time knew, or even now know, the extent of this involvement. It is only in retrospect that we begin to get a glimpse of how widespread this activity was in the 1960s." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"When Martin King began to crusade against the [Vietnam] war, he would cast a long shadow over the economic forces of America. Little wonder that they shuddered at the possibility that his efforts might result in the tap of the free-flowing profits being turned off. Should the American people come to demand an end to the war and should the war end, the losses were not something they could accept. Perhaps it was for this reason alone that King had to be stopped." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The wealthy, powerful interests across the nation ... knew that it was not going to be possible for the Congress to satisfy the demands of the multitude of poor, alienated Americans led by Dr King, and they believed that the growing frustration could well lead to violence. In such a situation with the unavailability of sufficient troops to control that mass of people, the capital could be overrun. Nothing less than a revolution might result. This possibility simply could not be allowed to materialize." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"In December 1963, less than a month after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, bureau [FBI] officials met in Washington to explore ways of "neutralizing King as an effective Negro leader. ... A massive [FBI] campaign was under way from 1964 aimed at destroying [Martin Luther King] through dirty tricks and media manipulation. ... In January 1979, the House Select Committee published its final report on the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin King. It found no evidence or complicity on the part of the CIA, the FBI, or any other government agency in the assassination of (286 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Martin King." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King" "Warren and Murphy [aliases of Army Special Forces soldiers] ... were part of an eightman "Operation Detachment Alpha 184 team - a Special Forces field training team in specialized civilian disguise. ... Warren and Murphy stated that the team was specifically briefed before departing from Camp Shelby for Memphis at 4:30 AM on the morning of April 4 1968. During the half-hour session the team was left in no doubt as to its mission. On the order they were to shoot to kill - "body mass" (center, chest cavity) - Dr Martin Luther King Jr and the Reverend Andrew Young. They were shown "target acquisition photos" of the two men and the Lorraine Motel. The team's pep talk stressed how they were enemies of the United States who were determined to bring down the government. Warren said that no one on the team had any hesitancy about killing the two "sacks of shit." ... Warren recognized his target, Andrew Young, putting on his coat, and took aim, holding him in his sights... Warren kept Andy Young in the cross hairs of his scope, and then, he said, a shot rang out. It sounded like a military weapon, and Warren assumed that the other sniper unit had jumped the gun and fired too soon because the plan was always for a simultaneous shooting [of Martin Luther King and Andrew Young]... the team leader came on and ordered the team to disengage in an orderly fashion and follow the egress routes assigned to them out of South Memphis." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"In 1999, the [Martin Luther] King family brought a wrongful death lawsuit in a Tennessee Circuit Court. A nearly month-long trial ensued. Seventy witnesses were called. It took the jury only two and a half hours to come back with a verdict that Dr. King was assassinated by a conspiracy that included agencies of his own government." Jesse Ventura in the book "American Conspiracies"

"In 1999, the King family took the case of Martin Luther King's assassination to civil (287 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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court. They proved, and the jury verdict confirmed, that Martin Luther King had been assassinated by a conspiracy of the FBI, military intelligence, and the Memphis Poiice Department. The decision to assassinate King was decided upon because he had begun speaking out against the Vietnam War, against the American empire, and against poverty in the form of his massive national antipoverty campaign." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government." Henry Kissinger

"It is Henry Kissinger's belief that by controlling food one can control people, and by controlling energy - especially oil - one can control nations and their financial systems. By placing food and oil under international control along with the world's monetary system, Kissinger is convinced a loosely knit world government can become a reality." Washington columnist Paul Scott, 1976

"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world." Henry Kissinger

" Henry Kissinger was the high priest of imperialism and neocolonialism, animated by an instinctive hatred for nationalist world leaders. (288 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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... Kissinger was a Zionist, dedicated to economic, diplomatic and military support of Israeli aggression and expansionism to keep the Middle East in turmoil, so as to prevent Arab unity and Arab economic development." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkinin their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

"The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer." Henry Kissinger

"Henry Kissinger, together with his international political directorate known as Kissinger Associates, is the individual who stands at the intersection point of every one of these networks: the back-channel with the Soviet Union, the drug and terror networks from Italy to Ibero-America, and the highest levels of finance - including his directorship in American Express, the entity into which has merged a major portion of Dope, command structure." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves. ... I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. " Henry Kissinger, about Chile under Salvador Allende

"Oil is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands of the Arabs." Henry Kissinger (289 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"I refuse to believe that a little fourthrate power like North Vietnam does not have a breaking point." Henry Kissinger

"If you control the oil, you control entire nations. If you control the food, you control the people. If you control the money, your control the entire world." Henry Kissinger

"Jimmy Carter is not the President of the United States. The Trilateral Commission is the President of the United States; I represent the Trilateral Commission." Henry Kissinger

"The kingpins of the U.S. branch of the drug cartel [are] led by Henry Kissinger and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith." DOPE, INC., the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"Although [Henry] Kissinger has been historically a close ally of the most rabid factions inside Israel and within the Zionist establishment in the United States, his primary allegiance through-out his political career has been to the British Crown and its intelligence and financial tentacles." DOPE, INC., the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"if we can't control Latin America, how can we dominate the world?" (290 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Henry Kissinger, 1970s

"While Kissinger's 1973 oil shock had a devastating impact on world industrial growth, it had an enormous benefit for certain established interests - the major New York and London banks, and the Seven Sisters oil multinationals of the United States and Britain. By 1974, Exxon had overtaken General Motors as the largest American corporation in gross revenues. Her sisters, including Mobil, Texaco, Chevron and Gulf, were not far behind. The bulk of the OPEC dollar revenues, Kissinger's 'recycled petrodollars,' was deposited with the leading banks of London and New York, the banks which dealt in dollars as well as international oil trade. Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Manufacturers Hanover, Bank of America, Barclays, Lloyds, Midland Bank - all enjoyed the windfall profits of the oil crisis." William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"We [Latin Americans] need the United States as much as we need arsenic, and that is the fact. We don't need it. We would need it, if they wanted to join the rest of humanity and together work for a better future for all of us, but they are not doing that. They have instilled, a culture of death, of greed, of selfishness. And this is killing the world." former UN General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto

"[In Paraguay] 2 percent of the population owns 70 percent of the land." Marie-Monique Robin in the book "The World According to Monsanto"

"In our own hemisphere, dictators and oligarchs fronting for American corporations were put in power and maintained often by the most brutal state terroristic acts, including the use of death and torture squads in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Haiti, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina and Uruguay." (291 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"There is compelling evidence that in Chile Nixon's tough stance against Allende in 1970 was principally shaped by his concern for the future of the American corporations whose assets, he believed, would be seized by an Allende government." investigative reporter Seymour Hersh

"Bolivia is, in my opinion at least, probably the most democratic country in the world. Nobody says that, but if you look at what happened in the last couple of years, there were huge, popular, mass organizations of the most repressed population in the hemisphere, the indigenous population, which for the first time ever has entered the political arena significantly and were able to elect a president from their own ranks and one who doesn't give instructions to his army, but who's following policies that were largely produced by the population. So he's their representative, in a sense in which democracy is supposed to work." Noam Chomsky, 2009

"During the Cold war, highly politicized and ruthless militaries in Latin America, aided and abetted by Washington, used the methods of terror to wage their anticommunist wars in secrecy. Counterinsurgent forces created a vast parallel infrastructure of clandestine detention centers and killing machinery to avoid national and international law and scrutiny, and utilized disappearance, torture, and assassination to defeat "internal enemies." ... Six military states in South America extended ... parastatal structures and extralegal methods across borders - with a "green light" from the U.S. government - in a transnational repressive program known as Operation Condor (or Plan Condor). The militaries in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay were the key protagonists of Condor, spreading dirty war throughout the region and beyond. For them, the ends justified the means; torture, extrajudicial executions, and abductions were considered legitimate if employed against "subversives." During the Cold War, tens of thousands of Latin American men, women, and children were tortured and murdered as a result of such methods, hundreds of them killed within the framework of (292 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Operation Condor." J. Patrice McSherry in the book "Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America"

"To Nixon and Kissinger, the threat of Chile [under Salvador Allende] had lain in its relatively democratic effort to radically transform its socioeconomic structure -- to free itself from the economic domination of the United States by nationalizing key industries, and by mobilizing poor and progressive groups." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights"

"It is common knowledge in the United States and throughout the world that the power ruling the "banana republics" of Central America is and has been the United Fruit Company - United Brands. It is no exaggeration to say that every coup that has taken place in the region was backed by the fruit company, which ran the nations of Central America mercilessly as slave-labor plantations. In 1932, a coup in El Salvador-with United Fruit sponsorship-exterminated 300,000 peasants who had risen up in revolt against the conditions in which they were forced to live. For forty years, the United Fruit Company stood behind the regime of Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua." DOPE, INC., Executive Intelligence Review, 1992

"Throughout history, Chiquita banana has had enormous sway and power over Central American nations. And we know that prior to the coup d'tat in Honduras, Chiquita was very unhappy about President Zelaya's minimum wage decrees, because they said that this would cut into their profits and make it more expensive for them to export bananas and pineapple. ... Throughout the twentieth century, Chiquita, formerly known as United Fruit, was associated with some of the most backward, retrograde political and economic forces in Central America and indeed outside of Central America in such countries as Colombia. And we know that United Fruit Company played a very prominent role in the coup d'tat against democratically elected President Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954. And that ushered in a very turbulent period in Guatemalan history, rampant human rights (293 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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abuses, genocide against the indigenous people of Guatemala." Nikolas Kozloff, 2009

"Most of the techniques of counterinsurgency, such as intelligence gathering, police work, [and] propaganda... have been turned against the civilian population [Latin America]. ... Many of the victims of this repression charge, with good reason, that the nation that led the fight against fascism in Europe has contributed to its resurrection in Latin America. That this could happen is due in large part to the United States' historically contemptuous attitude toward Latin America, which it has always looked upon as a purely business venture. Whereas the atrocities committed by Hitler and Mussolini outraged the American people, similar repression in Latin America elicits little more than a yawn." Penny Lernoux in her book "Cry of the People"



"Liberation theology denounces the systems, structures, and mechanisms that create a situation where the rich get richer at the expense of the poor, who get even poorer." theologian Leonardo Boff

"Liberation theology is a movement that sprang from late 20th-century Roman Catholicism and has found a particularly welcoming environment in Latin America. Liberation theology holds that the church must stand on the side of the impoverished and the downtrodden, and that it must, if necessary, support the overthrow of social (294 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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systems that contribute to their oppression."

"Liberation theologians are among the few who have dared to underline, from the left, the deficiencies of the liberal human rights movement. The most glaring of these deficiencies emerges from intimate acquaintance with the suffering of the poor in countries that are signatory to all modern human rights agreements. When children living in poverty die of measles, gastroenteritis, and malnutrition, and yet no party is judged guilty of a human rights violation, liberation theology finds fault with the entire notion of human rights as defined within liberal democracies. " Paul Farmer in his book "Pathologies of Power"

"President Jean Bertrand Aristide, the Roman Catholic priest who won Haiti's first democratic elections in 1991, was a leader of the Lavalas Family Movement. He preached liberation theology, which inspired revolution throughout Latin America." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Pope Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) [and his boss John Paul II] destroyed liberation theology which was the most vibrant and justice-oriented movement on the planet, after the civil rights movement, and they replaced the heroic bishops, like Oscar Romero of El Salvador, with Opus Dei bishops. They did this all over South America. Opus Dei is a fascist right-wing movement. ... South American liberation theologians realize that the Church as now constituted under Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) and the previous Pope [John Paul II] is impossible to deal with, because Opus Dei is now running so many of the dioceses in South America, and more and more, they are appointing Opus Dei bishops and cardinals in North America too." Matthew Fox , former Catholic priest, author of book "The Pope's War"

"After two centuries of foreign occupiers, dictators, generals, a self-appointed president (295 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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for life and the overthrow of more than 30 governments, Haitians finally had the chance in 1990 to elect the leader they wanted. The people chose Mr. [Jean-Bertrand] Aristide, a priest who had been expelled from his Roman Catholic order for his fiery orations of liberation theology. He was espousing change in Haiti, fundamental populist change. Right away, he was viewed as a threat by very powerful forces in Haiti. ... President Aristide promised not only to give voice to the poor in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, but also to raise the minimum wage and force businesses to pay taxes." Robert Maguire, a Haiti scholar

"The Vatican's secretive Opus Dei, often referred to as the "saintly Mafia" was behind the ascent of Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla to Pope John Paul II. The new Pope launched an Opus Dei/Vatican offensive to roll back Latin American liberation theology movements." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Liberation theology is a preferential option for the poor. The Gospel requires that we put the poor out front, and that we listen to them." a Latin American bishop

"We used to serve the Church, now we serve humanity". South American liberation theologians

"The CIA under [Ronald] Reagan worked very closely with the Vatican [Pope John Paull II and Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)] to destroy liberation theology." Matthew Fox , former Catholic priest, author of book "The Pope's War" (296 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." Abraham Lincoln

"Abraham Lincoln was faced with a financial crisis when he stepped into the Presidency in 1861. The country was suddenly in a civil war, and there was insufficient money to fund it. The British bankers, knowing they had him over a barrel, agreed to lend him money only at 24 to 36% interest, highly usurious rates that would have bankrupted the North. ... With a Treasury that was completely broke ... authorized the government to issue its own paper fiat money... popularly called "Greenbacks" because they were printed on the back with green ink [a feature the dollar retains today]. They were basically just receipts acknowledging work done or goods delivered, which could be traded in the community for an equivalent value of goods or services. The Greenbacks represented man-hours rather than borrowed gold... Over 400 million Greenback dollars were printed and used to pay soldiers and government employees, and to buy supplies for the war." Ellen Brown in her book "Web of Debt"

"President Abraham Lincoln used the powers of the Constitution to convince Congress to authorize the issue of interest-free Legal Tender Notes in the amount of $150 million ... backed by the Full Faith and Credit of the United States Government. Under Lincoln, the Legal Tender Notes were issued by the US Treasury. The Notes paid no interest but were to be used for "all debts public and private except duties on imports and interest on the public debt. They came to be nicknamed "Greenbacks" for their distinctive design and color. During the course of the Civil War, the volume of these government-authorized Greenbacks in circulation was increased to $450 million. ... The Greenbacks allowed Lincoln to finance war costs independent of London or New (297 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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York bankers who were demanding an exorbitantly high interest rate - as high as between 24% and even 36%. Lincoln's Greenbacks financed the war and avoided entangling the Union in large war debts to the private bankers, something that made him bitter enemies in London and New York banking circles. ... Evidence that has emerged about the assassination of Lincoln at the end of the Civil War all points to the hand of the House of Rothschild and London City bankers." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"If this mischievous financial policy [Lincoln's government-issued, interest-free Greenbacks], which has its origin in North America, shall become permanent, then the Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off all debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America." editorial in the London Times, explaining the Bank of England's attitude toward President Abraham Lincoln's Greenbacks, 1863

"Get Congress to pass a bill authorizing the printing of full legal tender treasury notes ... and pay your soldiers with them and go ahead and win the war with them also.... The people or anyone else will not have any choice in the matter, if you make them full legal tender. They will have the full sanction of the government and be just as good as any money; as Congress is given the express right by the Constitution. Colonel Dick Taylor to President Abraham Lincoln about how to finance the Civil War

"Because of the continuing need to fund the Union Army during the Civil War, President Lincoln allowed the National Bank Act to be passed by Congress. The new national banks would operate under a tax-free status, and have a monopoly to create the new form of money - bank notes. As a result, the entire U.S. money supply would be created out of debt by bankers buying U.S. government bonds, and issuing them for reserves for banks notes." from the documentary "The Money Masters" (298 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Abraham Lincoln, the martyred Emancipator of the Slaves, was assassinated through the machinations of a group representative of the International bankers who feared the United States President's national credit ambitions - and the plot was hatched in Toronto and Montreal. ... There was only one group in the world at that time who could finance anything they cared to attempt without regard to cost, and who had any reason to desire the death of Lincoln. They were the men opposed to his national currency program, and who had fought him throughout the whole of the Civil War on his policy of greenback currency. They were the men interested in the establishment of the Gold Standard money system and the right of the bankers to manage the currency and credit of every nation in the world. With Lincoln out of the way they were able to proceed with that plan, and did proceed with it in the United States. Within eight years after Lincoln's assassination, silver was demonetized, and the Gold Standard money system set up in the United States." Vancouver [Canada] Sun newspaper, May 4, 1934 - from the documentary "The Money Masters"

"The hard times which occurred after the Civil War could have been avoided if the Greenback legislation had continued as President Lincoln had intended. Instead, there were a series of money panics - what we call recessions - which put pressure on Congress to enact legislation to put the banking system under centralized control. Eventually the Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23, 1913." Theodore R. Thoren and Richard F. Warner in 'The Truth in Money Book' from the documentary "The Money Masters"

"When President Lincoln took office the National Debt amounted to $100,000,000 - and the Treasury was practically pout of funds. ... When the banks refused to loan the government money, except at extremely high rates of interest, Lincoln was faced with a financial disaster. To meet this impending crisis, a bill was sent to Congress which resulted in the Act of February 25, 1862, one of the landmarks in the history of American finance. Its main provision authorized the issuance of $150,000,000 legal-tender United States Notes. These later became known (299 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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as Lincoln Greenbacks. Two more issues of the same sum of these legal-tender notes, amounting to $300,000,000 were made on July 11, 1862 and on January 17, 1863 making a grand total of $450,000,000 in all! Lincoln had met the monetary crisis, to the sore displeasure of the bankers who never received a cent of interest or taxes on this United States money. The bankers were soon to get their revenge! ... The Times of London stated: 'If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.' ... Infuriated by Abraham Lincoln's courageous stand in favor of a constitutional money system [Lincoln Greenbacks], the infamous Hazard Circular was written by the Internationalists and distributed among American bankers. It stated: 'Slavery is likely to be abolished by war power. This, I and my European friends are in favor of, because slavery is but the owning of labor, and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan ... is that capital money lenders shall control labour by controlling wages. The great debt that Capitalists [the bankers] will see is made out of the war, must be used to control the value of money. To accomplish this, government bonds [with interest being paid to the bankers] must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the secretary of the treasury to make that recommendation. It will not allow Greenbacks, as they are called, to circulate as money for any length of time as we cannot control that. But we can control the bonds, and through them, the banking issues.' The campaign for the passage of the National Banking Act of 1863, which delegated to private corporation the all-powerful right to issue our money, was heavily financed by the International Bankers. It passed Congress and became law. The new Act gave the [private] banks the power to issue currency (paper money)." Des Griffin in his book "Fourth Reich of the Rich"


"Americans live in a matrix of lies. They seldom encounter a truthful statement. There is no evidence that Americans can any longer tell the difference between the truth and a lie. " Paul Craig Roberts (300 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Lies dominate every policy discussion, every political decision. The most successful people in America are liars... The endless lies have created a culture of delusion. The beliefs of many Americans, perhaps a majority, are comprised of lies. These beliefs have become emotional crutches, and Americans will fight to defend the lies that they believe. The inability of Americans to accept facts that are contrary to their beliefs is the reason the country is leaderless and will remain so. Unless scales fall from Americans' eyes, Americans are doomed." Paul Craig Roberts

"The incentive to speak the truth and the reward for doing so are very weak. And not just for a writer, but also for academics and experts who can make far more money by lying than by telling the truth... It is a very lucrative career to testify as an expert in civil lawsuits. It is part of America's romance with the lie that experts purchased by the opposing sides in a lawsuit battle it out as gladiators seeking the jury's thumbs-up." Paul Craig Roberts

"In Mein Kampf, Hitler explained the believability of the Big Lie as compared to the small lie: "In the simplicity of their minds, people more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have such impudence. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and continue to think that there may be some other explanation." Paul Craig Roberts

"By the time facts become clear, people are emotionally wedded to the beliefs planted by the propaganda and find it a wrenching experience to free themselves. It is more (301 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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comfortable, instead, to denounce the truth-tellers than the liars whom the truth-tellers expose." Paul Craig Roberts

MACHIAVELLI, NICCOLO (1469-1527) author of "THE PRINCE"

"Niccol Machiavelli was an Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance. He was for many years an official in the Florentine Republic, with responsibilities in diplomatic and military affairs. He was a founder of modern political science, and more specifically political ethics. He wrote his masterpiece "The Prince" after the Medici had recovered power and he no longer held a position of responsibility in Florence. His moral and ethical beliefs led to the creation of the word machiavellianism which has since been used to describe one of the three dark triad personalities in psychology." Wikipedia

"Men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"War cannot be avoided; it can only be postponed to the other's advantage." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"When a newly acquired State has been accustomed to live under its own laws and in freedom, there are three methods whereby it may be held. The first is to destroy it; the (302 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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second, to go and reside there in person; the third, to suffer it to live on under its own laws, subjecting it to a tribute, and entrusting its government to a few of the inhabitants who will keep the rest your friends. Such a Government, since it is the creature of the new Prince, will see that it cannot stand without his protection and support, and must therefore do all it can to maintain him; and a city accustomed to live in freedom, if it is to be preserved at all, is more easily controlled through its own citizens than in any other way." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"Whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature, whenever they may find occasion for it." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"Wisdom consists of knowing how to distinguish the nature of trouble, and in choosing the lesser evil." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"A wise man ought always to follow the paths beaten by great men, and to imitate those who have been supreme, so that if his ability does not equal theirs, at least it will savour of it." (303 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"He who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"The new ruler must determine all the injuries that he will need to inflict. He must inflict them once and for all." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"He who becomes a Prince through the favour of the people should always keep on good terms with them; which it is easy for him to do, since all they ask is not to be oppressed" Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"A prince should have no other aim or thought, nor take up any other thing for his study but war and it organization and discipline, for that is the only art that is necessary to one who commands." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince" "Men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, for everyone can see and few (304 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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can feel. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince" "Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince" "There is no other way of guarding oneself against flattery than by letting men understand that they will not offend you by speaking the truth; but when everyone can tell you the truth, you lose their respect." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"The prince must consider how to avoid those things which will make him hated or contemptible when neither their property nor honour is touched, the majority of men live content, and he has only to contend with the ambition of a few, whom he can curb with ease in many ways." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"The best fortress is to be found in the love of the people, for although you may have fortresses they will not save you if you are hated by the people." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince" (305 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"He who builds on the people, builds on the mud" Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires." Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

"He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command" Niccolo Machiavelli in 'The Prince"

Establishment Media
The global oligarchy controls all of the major media. In the United States, six global media corporations control 90% of what we see, hear and read. These media mega-corporations, as well as other international media corporations, are controlled by an AngloAmericanEuropean oligarchy of international bankers and dynastic families. GENERAL ELECTRIC (NBC) NEWS CORP (Fox News / Wall Street Journal) TIME WARNER (CNN) VIACOM DISNEY (ABC) CBS The global oligarchy controls major media around the world, including: NEW YORK TIMES WASHINGTON POST REUTERS (306 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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BBC (BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION) THE TIMES OF LONDON The global oligarchy controls many alternative and progressive news sources as well.

"The main [media] bias is in favor of the thieves who stole our country and economy, and own the mainstream media companies. The omnipresent mainstream media is the greatest weapon of oppression humanity has ever known." David DeGraw

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller - Council on Foreign Relations, June 1991

"The problem is not that a computer network [Internet] offers an alternative to the information aristocracy. The true crisis is that neither the news media nor the government has enough credibility to be accepted as either truthful or impartial on their own." military writer William M. Arkin

"One of the best kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of giant conglomerates, all belonging to the secret Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, NATO, the Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission, control the world's flow of information. They determine what we see on television, hear on the radio and read in newspapers, magazines, books, or on the Internet." (307 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

"Most newspapers are part of huge conglomerates, and the policy that comes down is that you don't rock any boats. You can't make the government upset because the value of the company is the broadcast licenses, and the government will not renew them, and we can't make our corporate owners mad because they will fire us, and we can't make the advertisers mad or they will pull their advertising. So the media can't say anything that will upset the power structure. And that's what had happened to the press." Paul Craig Roberts

"What [the press] do is they tell you lies; lies they already know you want to hear. Just as politicians look to polls to determine their policies, letting poorly-informed people lead them on important issues, the press can figure out what its readers or viewers believe, and make a hell of a living pandering to their egos and telling them that they're smart." Allan Uthman, 2007

"The main [media] bias is in favor of the thieves who stole our country and economy, and own the mainstream media companies. The omnipresent mainstream media is the greatest weapon of oppression humanity has ever known." David DeGraw

"The major news media that serve at the pleasure of a commercial oligarchy that pays them, and pays them handsomely, for their pretense of speaking truth to power... The prominent figures in our contemporary Washington press corps regard themselves as government functionaries, enabling and codependent." Lewis H. Lapham (308 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Selling fear to the American people has become a mainstay of the press and of both political parties in this country. Taking a "tough on crime" stance, particularly in a climate of perpetual fear created by the "war on drugs" and the "war on terrorism," is always a politically safe posture... By focusing on crime, attention is effectively directed away from more divisive issues on which a politician might have to take a stand that would cost them votes. Meanwhile, a fearful populace continues to surrender their civil rights and constitutional protections at an alarming rate, so that their government may protect them from the rampant criminality of the masses." David McGowan in his book "Derailing Democracy"

"The success of print and TV pundits is based on allying with a prominent point of view or interest group and serving it." Paul Craig Roberts

"The mainstream media is a conglomerate of collective corporate thought, designed to make you ignorant and unaware of the realities of the world, of the important issues, and to hide in the shadows the sacredly guarded truths of power. Our mainstream media - the large newspapers, radio and TV news stations - are dominated by billion dollar corporations, whose boards of directors reflect the 'who's who' of the corporate, political, and financial elite, with former government officials, industrialists, and bankers controlling the dispersal of information and the perspectives we are given." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"By far the most valuable ... associations, according to CIA officials have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc... Over the years, the [CBS] network provided cover for CIA employees, including at least one well-known foreign correspondent and several stringers... A high-level CIA official says that the New York Times provided cover for about ten CIA operatives between 1950 and 1966. ... [Joseph] Alsop is one of more than 400 American journalists who in the past twentyfive years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters. Journalists provided a full range of (309 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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clandestine services--from simple intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens with spies in Communist countries." journalist Carl Bernstein, Rolling Stone, 1977

"Americans want to have their beliefs vindicated more than they want the truth." Paul Craig Roberts

"By far the most valuable ... associations, according to CIA officials have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc... Over the years, the [CBS] network provided cover for CIA employees, including at least one well-known foreign correspondent and several stringers... A high-level CIA official says that the New York Times provided cover for about ten CIA operatives between 1950 and 1966. ... [Joseph] Alsop is one of more than 400 American journalists who in the past twentyfive years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters. Journalists provided a full range of clandestine services--from simple intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens with spies in Communist countries." journalist Carl Bernstein, Rolling Stone, 1977

"We hear about the occasions when there are differences between the mainstream media and the government. What we don't hear about are the 95 percent of occasions where the mainstream media faithfully propagate disinformation stories which are often planted by the CIA, sometimes planted abroad in newspapers that they may own or that are friendly to them." Michael Parenti, 1988

"The powers behind this New World Order system are those of the global banks and financial institutions, the military-industrial complex, the oil and energy giants, the biotech and pharmaceutical conglomerates and the powerful media and communications giants, which fabricate the news and overtly influence the course of (310 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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world events by blatantly distorting the facts." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"Mainstream journalists in the United States often function more like a fourth branch of government than a feisty fourth estate. If anything, the patterns of media bias that characterize sycophantic reporting in "peacetime" are amplified during a war or a national security crisis. Since the tragic events of September 11, the separation between press and state has dwindled nearly to the vanishing point." Martin A. Lee in his book "September 11 and the US War"

"Can anyone name a single daily newspaper in the United States that is unequivocally opposed to US foreign policy? Can anyone name a single television network in the United States that is unequivocally opposed to US foreign policy? Is there a single daily newspaper or TV network in the entire United States that has earned the label "opposition media"?" William Blum, 2007

"The factual arguments clearly establish the possibility of controlled demolition of the WTC buildings on September 11, 2001, yet, there is almost zero coverage in the corporate media in the US. This is top down corporate censorship pure and simple. Even if other scientists can be found to disagree with the study, the policy of ignoring the topic inside the corporate media is relatively absolute... Perhaps the mainstream science journalists left their critical thinking skills at home and gave the scientific method the day off. Or maybe the real conspiracy exists within the boardrooms of the corporate mainstream media." Peter Phillips, 2009

"They were astonished to find, after reading the newspapers and watching television, (311 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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that almost all the opinions on all the vital issues were the same. One Russian writer asked: In our country to get that result we have a dictatorship. We imprison people. We torture them. Here you have none of that. How do you do it? What's the secret?" a story about Russian writers touring the United States

"The main shortcoming of the establishment media lies in errors of omission, much more than errors of commission. It's not that they tell bald lies so much as it is that they leave out parts of stories or entire stories, or historical reminders, which if included might put the issue in a whole new light, in a way not compatible with their political biases." William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death"

"As news organizations are increasingly driven by a bottom-line mentality, the news we get becomes more and more sensational. What is the difference between Time and Newsweek? Between ABC, NBC, and CBS News? Between the Washington Post and the New York Times? For all practical purposes, none. The concentration of media power means that Americans increasingly get their information from a few sources who decide what is "news." Oliver Stone

"The Washington press corps has grown closer and closer to its sources. It's to the point where Brit Hume, the ABC correspondent at the White House, plays tennis with George Bush. Tom Friedman of the New York Times is very close with Jim Baker. You find these relationships are so close that reporters don't challenge the subjects of their stories, they just tell you what the government is saying. In other words, they've become stenographers for power and not journalists." David Barsamian in his book "Stenographers to Power"

"The limitations of professional journalism, the influence of owners, the linkages of (312 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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media institutions to the power structure of society, and the internalized presuppositions, have led to what can only be characterized as a palpable double standard in coverage of the U.S. role in the world. ... The U.S. news media, including our most respected newspapers like the New York Times, turn a blind eye to U.S. violations of core international law, having no qualms about playing up the violations of adversaries. It would be nearly impossible for the coverage to be more unprincipled." John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney in their book "Tragedy & Farce"

"The Wall Street Journal, probably the most widely read newspaper in the country, heavily favors the conservative side on any and all questions of public policy, and both the Washington Post and the New York Times fortify their op-ed pages with columnists who strongly defend the established order-William Safire and David Brooks in the Times; Charles Krauthammer, George Will, and Richard Harwood in the Post. The vast bulk of the nation's radio talk shows (commanding roughly 80 percent of the audience) reflect a reactionary bias, and so do all but one or two of the television talk shows that deal with political topics on PBS, CNN, and CNBC." Lewis Lapham in his book "Gag Rule"

"As the new corporations began taking over the press, something called "professional journalism" was invented. To attract big advertisers, the new corporate press had to appear respectable, pillars of the establishment-objective, impartial, balanced... in order to be professional, journalists had to ensure that news and opinion were dominated by official sources, and that has not changed. Go through the New York Times on any day, and check the sources of the main political stories-domestic and foreign-you'll find they're dominated by government and other established interests. That is the essence of professional journalism. " John Pilger, 2007

"Americans have become perfect subjects for George Orwell's Big Brother. They sit stupidly in front of the TV news or the New York Times or Washington Post and absorb the lies fed to them." (313 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Paul Craig Roberts, 2008

"Bilderberg is a powerful assembly of the world's leading financiers, industrialists and political operatives. It includes such internationalists as banker David Rockefeller, heads of state in Europe and high officials of the U.S. government, White House, Defense, State, Congress and others. ... High officials of The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Los Angeles Times and of all three major networks have attended Bilderberg many times, on the promise of secrecy, to report nothing and to not use the word "Bilderberg. Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary

"A problem that has been facing American mainstream journalism for a long time has mainly to do with access. They want to get their calls returned by the big guys at Goldman Sachs. So they develop a relationship in which the journalists themselves become insiders. Too often, consequently, they do little else than rewrite the press releases they are handed. This has cost America a lot. Mainstream journalists of The New York Times and elsewhere were complicit insiders both in the lead-up to the Iraq war and in the lead-up to the financial meltdown." Arianna Huffington, 2009

"What we have now is the Reagan-Bush press corp. It's the press corp that they helped create - that they created partly by purging those, or encouraging the purging of those who were not going along, but it was ultimately the editors and the news executives that did the purging... The people who succeeded and did well were those who didn't stand up, who didn't write the big stories, who looked the other way when history was happening in front of them, and went along either consciously or just by cowardice with the deception of the American people." Robert Parry, 1993

"The CIA developed covert relationships with about 50 American journalists or (314 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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employees of U.S. media organizations. According to one CIA operative, "You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." The agency arranged for the publication of books to be read in America, and for at least one of these works to be reviewed favorably in the New York Times." Peter Dale Scott in his book "The Road to 9/11"

"During its first fifty years of existence, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was almost never mentioned by any of the moguls of the mass media. When you realize that the membership of the CFR includes top executives from the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Knight Newspaper chain, NBC, CBS, Time, Life, Fortune, Business Week, US News and World Report, and many others, you can be sure that such anonymity is not accidental." Gary Allen

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR} control or own major newspapers, magazines, radio and television networks [and] the most powerful companies in the book publishing business. (The Associated Press, New York Times, Washington Post, and LA Times have their own wire services, which most mainstream news outlets use.) Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member

"The story of an attempted takeover of executive power in the United States [the plot to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt] was suppressed, not only by parties directly interested, but also by several institutions usually regarded as protectors of constitutional liberty and freedom of inquiry. Among the groups suppressing information were (1) the Congress of the United States, (2) the press, notably Time [magazine] and The New York Times, and (3) the White House itself. It is also notable that no academic inquiry has been conducted into what is surely one of the more ominous events in recent American history." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and FDR" (315 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"By far the most valuable ... associations, according to CIA officials have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc... Over the years, the [CBS] network provided cover for CIA employees, including at least one well-known foreign correspondent and several stringers... A high-level CIA official with a prodigious memory says that the New York Times provided cover for about ten CIA operatives between 1950 and 1966." journalist Carl Bernstein in a Rolling Stone article "The CIA and the Media", 1977

"The problem is not that a computer network [Internet] offers an alternative to the information aristocracy. The true crisis is that neither the news media nor the government has enough credibility to be accepted as either truthful or impartial on their own." military writer William M. Arkin "Americans are too broadly underinformed to digest nuggets of information that seem to contradict what they know of the world . Instead, news channels prefer to feed Americans a constant stream of simplified information, all of which fits what they already know. That way they don't have to devote more air time or newsprint space to explanations or further investigations. Politicians and the media have conspired to infantilize, to dumb down, the American public. At heart, politicians don't believe that Americans can handle complex truths, and the news media, especially television news, basically agrees." Tom Fenton, former CBS foreign correspondent

"The media are a pitiful lot. They don't give us any history, they don't give us any analysis, they don't tell us anything. They don't raise the most basic questions: Who has the most weapons of mass destruction in the world by far? Who has used weapons of mass destruction more than any other nation? Who has killed more people in this world with weapons of mass destruction than any other nation? The answer: the United States." Howard Zinn (316 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"What the press do is they tell you lies, lies they already know you want to hear. The press can figure out what its readers or viewers believe, and make a hell of a living pandering to their egos and telling them that they're smart. They lie and tell the audience they are right, and they never have to change your mind about anything. And the audience rewards them, lauding them and paying them money to keep hearing those sweet, self-serving lies." Allan Uthman

"Americans are too broadly underinformed to digest nuggets of information that seem to contradict what they know of the world . Instead, news channels prefer to feed Americans a constant stream of simplified information, all of which fits what they already know. That way they don't have to devote more air time or newsprint space to explanations or further investigations. Politicians and the media have conspired to infantilize, to dumb down, the American public. At heart, politicians don't believe that Americans can handle complex truths, and the news media, especially television news, basically agrees." Tom Fenton, former CBS foreign correspondent

"Pravda and Izvestia in the former Soviet Union would have been hard-pressed to surpass the American media in their subservience to the official agenda. They have abandoned the notion of objectivity or even the idea of providing a public space where problems are discussed and debated. It's a scandal that reveals the existence of a system of propaganda, not of serious media so essential in a democratic society." Edward Herman, professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania

"The American people have become some of the most nave and gullible folks in the world, because their press enables it, almost encourages it, with its undue and sycophantic deference to the government." Cenk Uygur, 2008 (317 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Those who have put out the people's eyes reproach them of their blindness." John Milton

"In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily pressThey found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers." Congressman Oscar Callaway (TX), Congressional Record of February 9, 1917

"Reporters will not report their own insights or contrary evaluations of the official 9/11 story, because to question the government story about 9/11 is to question the very foundations of our entire modern belief system regarding our government, our country, and our way of life. To be charged with questioning these foundations is far more serious than being labeled a disgruntled conspiracy nut or an anti-government traitor, or even being sidelined or marginalized within an academic, government-service, or literary career. To question the official 9/11 story is simply and fundamentally revolutionary." 9/11 and American Empire : Intellectuals Speak Out EDited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott

"If advertisers, and corporate sponsors generally, tend to support media which boost their message, and these media consequently tend to flourish relative to those not so supported, then we have one example of a tight system of control that does not at all require a conspiracy theory but simply the operation of market forces. For advertiser (318 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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control clearly extends to the detail of the contents and tone of media. " David Edwards in his book "Burning All Illusions"

"In the press, which is owned by rich men, the interests of the investing minority are always identified with those of the nation as a whole. Constantly repeated statements come to be accepted as truths. Innocent and ignorant, most newspaper readers are convinced that the private interests of the rich are really public interests and become indignant whenever these interests are menaced by a foreign power, intervening on behalf of its investing minority. The interest at stake are the interests of the few; but the public opinion which demands the protection of these interests is often a genuine expression of mass emotion. The many really feel and believe that the dividends of the few are worth fighting for." Aldous Huxley in his book "Ends and Means", 1937

The global oligarchy controls all of the major media. In the United States, six global media corporations control 90% of what we see, hear and read. These media mega-corporations, as well as other international media corporations, are controlled by an AngloAmericanEuropean oligarchy of international bankers and dynastic families. GENERAL ELECTRIC (NBC) NEWS CORP (Fox News / Wall Street Journal) TIME WARNER (CNN) VIACOM DISNEY (ABC) CBS The global oligarchy controls major media around the world, including: NEW YORK TIMES WASHINGTON POST REUTERS (319 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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ASSOCIATED PRESS BBC (BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION) THE TIMES OF LONDON And, most of the major print and broadcast corporations worldwide. The global oligarchy also controls the most influential alternative and progressive news sources.

"The news and truth are not the same thing." Walter Lippmann

"Even open-minded people will often find themselves unable to take seriously the likes of [Noam] Chomsky, [Edward] Herman, [Howard] Zinn and [Susan] George on first encountering their work; it just does not seem possible that we could be so mistaken in what we believe. The individual may assume that these writers must be somehow joking, wildly over-stating the case, paranoid, or have some sort of axe to grind. We may actually become angry with them for telling us these terrible things about our society and insist that this simply 'can't be true'. It takes real effort to keep reading, to resist the reassuring messages of the mass media and be prepared to consider the evidence again." David Edwards - Burning All Illusions

"You can't believe a word the American media says. If they say anything correct, it's just an accident." Paul Craig Roberts "Most Americans have no idea that what we are fed by the news media is nothing more than a portrayal of what powerful corporations want us to believe, that what happens to pass as education is as often as not mere propaganda, that what we learn in church (320 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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may have very little or nothing to do with the truth, that what our parents teach us may be nothing more than an accumulation of their own personal biases, no doubt a rather subtle modification of what they were taught by their parents. And through such a process, governments and nations around the world wield control as to what their citizens, believe, value, and do." Doug Soderstrom

"What most Americans believe to be 'Public Opinion' is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public." Ken Adachi

"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have." Richard Salant, former President of CBS News

"There is an Establishment history, an official history, which dominates history textbooks, trade publishing, the media and library shelves. The official line always assumes that events such as wars, revolutions, scandals, assassinations, are more or less random unconnected events. By definition events can never be the result of a conspiracy, they can never result from premeditated planned group action. ... Woe betide any book or author that falls outside the official guidelines. Foundation support is not there. Publishers get cold feet. Distribution is hit and miss, or nonexistent." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones"

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell (321 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"If the war lies were not all over the media, people would not learn them in the first place. If the corrections were heard over and over again, they would get through. If our communications system allowed the presentation of a variety of voices and viewpoints and feared promoting falsehoods more than it feared being insufficiently militaristic, we wouldn't need to investigate the widespread phenomenon of engaged citizens certain of their beliefs but completely deluded." David Swanson in his book "War Is A Lie"

"Perhaps the most basic reason Americans should read [Noam] Chomsky's work today, is simply to understand the real world in which they live, that which is obscured by their leaders and the U.S. mass media." Fred Branfman

"One of the best kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of giant conglomerates, all belonging to the secret Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, NATO, the Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission, control the world's flow of information. They determine what we see on television, hear on the radio and read in newspapers, magazines, books, or on the Internet." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

"We're speaking here of people who get virtually all their news from the shock-and-awe tabloid weeklies, AM-radio talk shows, and television news programs which, because of marketplace pressure, aim low in order to reach the widest possible audience, resulting in short programs with lots of commercials, weather, sports, and entertainment. These news sources don't necessarily have to explicitly state falsehoods to produce distorted views; they need only channel to their audience a continuous stream of statements from the government and conservative "experts" justifying the war as if they were neutral observers; ignore contrary views except when an expert is on hand to ridicule them and label them "conspiracy theories"; and never put it all together in a coherent enlightening manner. [There is a] constant drip-drip of one- sided information, from sources who can be described as stenographers for the powers-that-be." (322 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death"

"Perhaps the most basic reason Americans should read [Noam] Chomsky's work today, is simply to understand the real world in which they live, that which is obscured by their leaders and the U.S. mass media." Fred Branfman

"The involvement of the Rockefellers with the media has multiple implications. One is that the Rockefeller gang's plans for monopolistic World Government are never, but never, discussed in the machines of mass disinformation. The media decides what the issues will be in the country." Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications, whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."(He went on to explain:)'It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller at the 1991 meeting of the Bilderberg Group

"Journalists who participate in The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer are some of the bestknown political pundits in the United States, such as Paul Gigot, David Gergen, William Kristol and William Safire. All of them belong to the Bilderberg Group, the CFR or the Trilateral Commission." Daniel Estulin in is book "The Bilderberg Group" (323 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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MI6 (British Intelligence)

"So important did military spending and the military-industrial sector become during World War II and the Cold War that they have become fundamental to the U.S. economy, U.S. economic growth and above all U.S. technological development. Despite its often almost incredible wastefulness and corruption, this military spending has also been in some ways a kind of unacknowledged but rather successful state industrial development strategy in a country whose free market ideology meant that it could not formally adopt or admit to such a strategy." David Edwards - Burning All Illusions

"There's a very popular thing that the drill sergeants require us to say... the response to the question, "Soldiers, what makes the green grass grow?" and the response is "Blood, blood, blood, Drill Sergeant!" Kristopher Goldsmith, 2008

"I would only hope that anyone considering joining the military today ... realize that they have a higher calling than serving their country: to restore faith in our system of governance, before they make themselves ready to fight and kill and die in the United States of America, knowing that they may end up dying for a lie." Adam Kokesh, with the Marine Corps civil affairs unit, 2008

"If we had a draft - or merely the threat of a draft - we would not be in Iraq or (324 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Afghanistan. But we don't have a draft so it's safe for most of the nation to be mindless about waging war. Other people's children are going to the slaughter." Bob Herbert , New York Times, August 25, 2009

"in our lifetimes, the American military establishment has virtually become an autonomous system. It is today an entirely mercenary-voluntary-force increasingly separate from all but the transnational corporate interests it protects." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"


"The Military Commissions Act [2006] introduces the notion of enemy into criminal law. It gives the President of the United States the power to so designate not only his own citizens, but also any nationals of countries with which the USA is not at war. A person may be prosecuted as an "illegal enemy combatant" not on the basis of proof, but simply because they have been labelled as such by the executive of the United States. Integrated in the law, the charge no longer refers only to a state of emergency, like the Military Order of 2001, but becomes permanent. [The Military Commissions Act of 2009] no longer mentions 'illegal enemy combatants', but "hostile non-protected enemies". ... It no longer concerns only combatants, but also "persons who are engaged in conflict against the USA". The new definition also applies not only to people captured on or near a field of battle, but also to any individuals who act or even express solidarity with those opposing the US armed forces, or even simply the aggressive policies of the US governement. ...The National Defense Authorization Act signed by President Obama on the 31st December 2011 authorises the indefinite detention, without trial or indictment, of any US citizens designated as enemies by the executive. The individuals concerned are not only those who have been captured on the field of battle, but also those who have never left the United States or participated in any military action. The law concerns any person designated by the administration ... who takes part in hostile action against the United States", but also anyone who "substantially supports these organisations"." Jean-Claude Paye, (325 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Military Commissions Act of 2006: * Strips the right of detainees to habeas corpus (the traditional right of detainees to challenge their detention); * Gives the US President the power to detain indefinitely anyone-US or foreign nationals, from within the US, and from abroad-it deems to have provided material support to anti-US hostilities, and even use secret and coerced evidence (i.e. through use of torture) to try detainees who will be held in secret US military prisons; * Gives US officials immunity from prosecution for torturing detainees that were captured before the end of 2005 by US military and CIA." Anup Shah, 2006

"The Military Commissions Act of 2006 effectively suspended habeas corpus and freed up the executive branch to designate any American citizen an "enemy combatant" forfeiting all privileges accorded under the Bill of Rights." Christopher Ketcham, 2008

"The unitary presidency has been granted the authority to order kidnapping, detention, and torture abroad under the Military Commissions Act of 2006. This act authorizes extraordinary rendition, which inevitably means foreign detention and torture of anyone the President determines to be an unlawful combatant." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The corporate media has ignored the fact that habeas corpus can now be suspended for anyone by order of the President. With the approval of Congress, the Military Commissions Act (MCA) of 2006, signed by Bush on October 17, 2006, allows for the suspension of habeas corpus for US citizens and non-citizens alike." Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff, Project Censored. 2009 (326 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"I spent 33 years being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1916. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City [Bank] boys to collect revenue in. I helped in the rape of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. I had a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals, promotions .... I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate a racket in three cities. The Marines operated on three continents." retired General Smedley Butler, in a speech to an American Legion convention, 1931

"Military intervention to maintain the global status quo will become a constant feature of international relations, whether this is justified in terms of fighting drugs, fighting terrorism, containing "rogue states," opposing "Islamic fundamentalism," or containing China." Walden Bello, 2001

"So important did military spending and the military-industrial sector become during World War II and the Cold War that they have become fundamental to the U.S. economy, U.S. economic growth and above all U.S. technological development. Despite its often almost incredible wastefulness and corruption, this military spending has also been in some ways a kind of unacknowledged but rather successful state industrial development strategy in a country whose free market ideology meant that it could not formally adopt or admit to such a strategy." David Edwards - Burning All Illusions (327 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The need for major states as enemies stems partly from the fact that only the perceived presence of enemy states can justify military spending at the level which the industries concerned have come to demand." David Edwards - Burning All Illusions

"The money being spent on the [Iraq] war each week would be enough to wipe out illiteracy around the world and just a few days' funding would be enough to provide health insurance for US children who were not covered." economist Joseph Stiglitz

"The Department of Defense's planned expenditures for the fiscal year 2008 are larger than all other nations' military budgets combined. The supplementary budget to pay for the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not part of the official defence budget, is itself larger than the combined military budgets of Russia and China. Defence-related spending for fiscal 2008 will exceed $1 trillion for the first time in history. The US has become the largest single seller of arms and munitions to other nations on Earth. Leaving out President Bush's two on-going wars, defence spending has doubled since the mid-1990s. The defence budget for fiscal 2008 is the largest since the second world war." Chalmers Johnson, 2008

"The combined total budgets of states, of the forty-eight states projected to be in deficit for 2010, is $689 billion. And when you compare that to our nation's military budget for 2010 - it's $704 billion - it's striking that the total state budgets, forty-eight states, is less than our nation's military expenditures." Jo Comerford, executive director of the National Priorities Project, 2009

"We're 45 percent of world [military] spending. We spend more than the next fourteen countries combined." (328 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Jo Comerford, executive director of the National Priorities Project, 2009

" America is the largest debtor nation, and at the same time it is the world's creditor. "Creating money out of thin air", while at the same time imposing the U.S. dollar as a global currency constitutes the ultimate instrument of conquest and imperial domination. The U.S. monetary system is supported by the most powerful military power on earth. The dollar is backed by U.S. military might, which constitutes a means for displacing national currencies and imposing the U.S. dollar. In this regard, the Federal Reserve's overwhelming powers of money creation constitute an essential lever of an imperial monetary agenda. ... The Western banking system controls a worldwide electronic banking network. The control of money creation at a world level constitutes the ultimate instrument of economic and social domination. The creation of fiat money provides a command over the real economies of countries worldwide. The ultimate lever of the U.S.-NATO imperial design is to override and destroy national currencies." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Henry Ford

"Throughout the Third World, currency devaluations ordered by the IMF have triggered hyperinflation and the collapse of national monetary systems." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis" (329 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The real business [of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS)] gets done in "a sort of inner club made up of the half dozen or so powerful central bankers who find themselves more or less in the same monetary boat" - those from Germany, the United States, Switzerland, Italy, Japan and England... The prime value, which also seems to demarcate the inner club from the rest of the BIS members, is the firm belief that central banks should act independently of their home governments... A second and closely related belief of the inner club is that politicians should not be trusted to decide the fate of the international monetary system." Edward Jay Epstein, 1983

"In the United States, the "independent" banking system is known as the Federal Reserve System, a privately owned bank system interlocked with the Bilderbergers. In Europe, the independent banking system is run through the European Central Bank, whose monetary policies are put together by the leading members of the Bilderberg elite." Daniel Estulin in his book "The Bilderberg Group"

"To allow the bankers to erect a monetary system on gold [gold standard] is to subject the producer to the money-broker and measure deferred payments by a yardstick that lengthens or shortens from year to year. The only safe and rational currency is a national currency based on the national credit, sponsored by the state, flexible, and controlled in the interests of the people as a whole." Vernon Parrington summarized Greenbackers' position in the 1920s

"The IMF, acting on behalf of Wall Street, calls the shots on the reform of national monetary systems. National currencies in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia are in large part controlled by Western financial institutions." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis" (330 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The Federal Reserve was a privately-owned and controlled central banking system like the Bank of England. In creating it, Congress had ceded its constitutional authority over the nation's monetary system to the private financiers." Richard C. Cook, 2007

"The U.S.-NATO military alliance supports the hegemony of both the U.S. dollar and the Euro. These two dominant global currency systems are intricately related. They are controlled and regulated by overlapping financial interests. The U.S.-Euro monetary arrangement and its imposition as a global currency system are protected by the Atlantic Alliance, which constitutes the military arm of the Western corporate establishment." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"Right after the Civil War there was considerable talk about reviving Lincoln's brief experiment with the Constitutional monetary system. Had not the European money-trust intervened, it would have no doubt become an established institution." W. Cleon Skousen from the documentary "The Money Masters"

"The First World War changed the status of the United States ... from that of a debtor nation to the world's greatest creditor nation, a role filled formerly by England. ... One major aim of the backers of the Federal Reserve - displacing London as world money market - had been achieved. The gold standard was still the basis of foreign exchange. The small group of international bankers - now led by New York banks - who owned the gold, controlled the monetary system of Western nations." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is where all of the world's central banks meet to analyze the global economy and determine what course of action they will take next to put more money in their pockets, since they control the amount of money in (331 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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circulation and how much interest they are going to charge governments and banks for borrowing from them. ... When you understand that the BIS pulls the strings of the world's monetary system, you then understand that they have the ability to create a financial boom or bust in a country. If that country is not doing what the money lenders want, then all they have to do is sell its currency." Joan Veon, 2003 "If the key to controlling a nation is to run its central bank, one can imagine the potential of a global central bank, able to dictate the world's credit and money supply. The roots for such a system were planted when the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank were formed at the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944. These UN agencies were both CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] creations." James Perloff

"Following the American Civil War, right up to the end of the 19th Century, the United States Treasury recognized silver as well as gold as monetary metal. The monetary system was, in effect, a bi-metallic system. Silver existed in abundance in the Western United States. However, the influential New York bank syndicate, headed in the 1890s by the House of Morgan, took the opposite position. They saw gold, especially in light of their close ties to leading London banks, as their best road to dominant power over the money supply of the United States. Supplies of monetary gold were controlled by a handful of New York banks and by the financial powers of the City of London - above all, by the banking group of Lord Rothschild. The New York bankers wanted no competition from silver. Their banking allies in the City of London, the heart of the world gold standard at the time, wanted America exclusively on a gold standard where their influence would be vastly greater. London's New York banking allies - J.P. Morgan, along with Rothschild's US banking agent, August Belmont, and others in New York finance - shrewdly used their London banking associates to control American credit markets to their own exclusive advantage and to the distinct disadvantage of the general American public." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"Economic policy quite deliberately serves the interests of the financial elites, who in (332 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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turn control the political process. Meaningful policies cannot be achieved without radically reforming the workings of the international banking system. What is required is an overhaul of the monetary system." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"Bank of International Settlements (BIS) regulations serve only the single purpose of strengthening the international private banking system, even at the peril of national economies. The IMF and the international banks regulated by the BIS are a team: the international banks lend recklessly to borrowers in emerging economies to create a foreign currency debt crisis, the IMF arrives as a carrier of monetary virus in the name of sound monetary policy, then the international banks come as vulture investors in the name of financial rescue to acquire national banks deemed capital inadequate and insolvent by the BIS." economist Henry CK Lui

"The global monetary system is tightly controlled and coordinated at the top by the leaders of the central banks who work for the world's richest people. ... Instrumental in control of economics by the rich has been the debt-based monetary system, where credit is treated as the monopoly of private financial interests who in turn control governments, intelligence services and military establishments. Politicians are bought and sold, elected or removed, or aven assassinated for this purpose. The global monetary system is tightly controlled and coordinated at the top by the leaders of the central banks who work for the world's richest people. ... Within the U.S., [monetary reform] proposals have ranged from complete takeover of the Federal Reserve System by the federal government to the replacement of fractional reserve banking and the debt-based monetary system by one where the government spends money directly into existence as was done through the 19th century U.S. Greenbacks. The Greenback system, which provided up to a third of the U.S. money supply through 1900, was highly successful. The bankers opposed it because it meant fewer loans and less profits." Andrew Gavin Marshall in his book "The Global Economic Crisis" (333 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Today the U.S. presides over a more or less fully closed global monetary system based on the dollar. In practice this means that those countries within the system must exchange real value in the form of natural resources like oil and gas, manufactured items and commodities with the U.S. cartel in exchange for dollars, which are no more than an accounting entry created out of thin air. ... The Federal Reserve is a privately held business owned by the very interests that it nominally regulates. Thus the control of federal credit and the U.S. monetary system and the rich flow of insider information that results from that control are veiled from public view and are privately controlled in secret." John Coleman in his book "Beyond The Conspiracy: Unmasking the Invisible World Government - The Committee of 300", 2007

"If Exxon pays Saudi Arabia $50 million, all that happens is that we debit Exxon and credit Saudi Arabia. The balance sheet of Citibank remains the same. And if they say they don't like American banks, they'll put it in Credit Suisse. All we do is charge Saudi Arabia and credit Credit Suisse. Our balance sheet remains the same. So when people run around waiting for the sky to fall there isn't any way that money can leave the system. It's a closed circuit." Citibank Chairman Walter Wriston

"New York and London... have become the world's two biggest laundries of criminal and drug money, and offshore tax havens. Not the Cayman Islands, not the Isle of Man or Jersey. The big laundering is right through the City of London and Wall Street." Martin Woods, bank money laundering investigator, Observer newspaper, 2011

"In Britain, the MI-6 drug money is laundered through the Bank of England, Barclays Bank and other household name companies. The drug money is passed from account to account until its origins are lost in a huge web of (334 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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transactions. The drug money comes out 'cleaner' but not totally clean. Diamonds are then bought with this money from the diamond business families like the Oppenheimers. These diamonds are then sold and the drug money is clean." James Casbolt, former MI-6 Agent

"A large share of the multibillion dollar revenues of narcotics are deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the large international banks together with their affiliates in the offshore banking havens launder large amounts of narco-dollars." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"Banks act as clearing houses and money launderers of billions of dollars derived from drug money. The main "big name banks" are: The Bank of England The Federal Reserve Banks Bank of International Settlements The World Bank The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank American Express American Express Bank Travelers checks are a convenient method of recycling drug dollars. Each of these banks is affiliated with and/or controls hundreds of thousands of large and small banks throughout the world." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300"

"The next time you see those lovely advertisements of Swiss ski slopes, beautiful watches, pristine mountains and cuckoo clocks - that is not what Switzerland is about. It is about multi-billion dollar money laundering which is carried out by major Swiss banking houses." John Coleman in his book "The Committee of 300" (335 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Vast quantities of gold are absorbed into the Asian drug trade - an inestimable percentage of the 400 to 600 tons of the metal that pass through the orient in a year, mainly through Hong Kong, and mainly through subsidiaries of the HongShang [HSBC]. The trade could not run without it and other precious, portable, untraceable substanceslike diamonds." "How the Drug Empire Works"

"Gold is so important to the entire drug trafficking business that the metal's price is pegged to the price of raw opium in the Golden Triangle highlands. The escalation of the gold price has been so steady that all the numbers regarding the size of the opium trade may be gross underestimates." "How the Drug Empire Works"

"The retail proceeds of the total drug traffic in the United States are partly recycled into the drug operation in the United States itself, with large "off-take" by each level of the crime machine. The net profits, in cash, are laundered through hotels, restaurants, gambling casinos, and sports events. ... After the cash is laundered through these nominally legitimate channels, it is transferred to offshore banking operations or their equivalent. Then, the funds take several trips around the world over the telex machines of offshore banks, passing through at least a half dozen, and usually more, different bank accounts and corporate fronts, from the Caymans to Liechtenstein, from Liechtenstein to the Bahamas, from the Bahamas to a "nonresident corporation" in Canada, from Canada to Panama, and so forth. At various points in the process, the funds will purchase diamonds, gold, paintings, or similar portable valuables. At a further point, the valuables will be translated back into cash, eliminating even the trace of a bank transfer. " "How the Drug Empire Works"

"Swiss banks are notorious depots for dirty money." (336 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is "How the Drug Empire Works"

"No government has ever touched the system which allowed [the drug trade to develop]. At best, a few accounts here and there have been seized. To this day, moneylaundering is not even a criminal offense in 8 out of the 15 industrial nations. In the United States, the center of the problem, government action, is a joke: No top management has ever been charged or prosecuted for criminal money-laundering activity." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"[It has been estimated that] 80 percent of the profits from drug trafficking ends up in the banks of the wealthy countries or their branches in the underdeveloped countries." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"Most of the dirty money arising from the U.S. drug trade and related illegal activities ends up in the Bahamas." "How the Drug Empire Works"

"Money laundering is simply everywhere. On the grand scale, it's endemic to banking. You have to bear in mind that when Lehman Brothers wasn't going to function anymore and the big banks weren't lending to one another, back at that terrible time, $352 billion of illegal money were then tacitly released upon the market, and that was about the only money people were lending to one another. So, money laundering is not some distant fantasy. It's actually how you handle the profits of extortion, tax evasion, criminal conspiracy and huge quantities of drug money, how you get that into the white sector. And what we are gradually learning from these little exposs that come to light is that there is almost no way of denying people, in the end, the profits of their crime, which is a tragedy. And it's also a frightful annoyance, because we pay vast sums of money across the way here to agencies that are supposed to stop money laundering. It doesn't (337 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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happen." John le Carre , 2010

"Hong Kong was set up by the British, literally from bare rock, as a center for the drug trade, and remains to this day purely British, and purely a center for the drug trade... Britain (and its China allies) run every phase of international drug traffic... Hong Kong and related Far East operations are the chokepoint in the entire traffic, where dirty money is a way of life." "How the Drug Empire Works"

"The large international banks that finance the drug trade, get it and launder it, using it to prop up their bankrupt international financial system." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"A competent war on drugs must begin with a war against the banking institutions and bankers who 'launder' Dope, Inc.'s ill-gotten gains...Shut down the drug moneylaundering by the major Anglo-American banks, and the dope cartel would choke to death on its own profits... Dope, Inc.'s vulnerable flank is the international network of banks and other financial institutions that 'launder' the cartel's $558 billion per year in gross revenue... Action by governments against the drug bankers could rapidly shut down Dope, Inc." DOPE, INC.: the international drug cartel, money-laundering, and state power, 1992

"Money laundering, according to IMF estimates for the 1990s, was between 590 billion and 1.5 trillion dollars a year, representing 2-5 percent of global GDP. The proceeds of the drug trade are deposited in the banking system. Drug money is laundered in the numerous offshore banking havens in Switzerland, Luxembourg, the British Channel Islands, the Cayman Islands and some 50 other locations around the (338 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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globe. It is here that criminal syndicates involved in the drug trade and the representatives of the world's largest commercial banks interact. Dirty money is deposited in these offshore havens, which are controlled by major Western banks and financial institutions. The latter, therefore, have a vested interest in maintaining and sustaining the drug trade. ... Once the money has been laundered, it can be recycled into bona fide investments not only in real estate, hotels, etc, but also in other areas such as the services economy and manufacturing. Dirty and covert money is also funneled into various financial instruments including speculative stock exchange transactions (derivatives), primary commodities, stocks and government bonds." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"If you wanted to control the nation's manufacturing, commerce, finance, transportation and natural resources, you would need only to control the apex, the power pinnacle, of an all-powerful socialist government. Then you would have a monopoly and could squeeze out all your competitors. If you wanted a national monopoly, you must control a national socialist government. If you want a worldwide monopoly, you must control a world socialist government. That is what the game is all about. "Communism" is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a movement created, manipulated and used by powerseeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world ... first by establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a "Great Merger," into an all-powerful world, socialist super-state." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"[The philosophy of Wall Street financiers was] anything but laissez-faire competition, which was the last system they envisaged. Socialism, communism, fascism or their variants were acceptable. The ideal for these financiers was "cooperation," forced if necessary. Individualism was out, and competition was immoral... compulsory cooperation was their golden road to a legal monopoly. Under the guise of public service, social objectives, and assorted do-goodism it is fundamentally "Let society go to work for Wall Street." (339 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and FDR"

"The rules of big business: Get a monopoly; let Society work for you. So long as we see all international revolutionaries and all international capitalists as implacable enemies of one another, then we miss a crucial point - a partnership between international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism is for their mutual benefit." Frederick C. Howe, in his book "Confessions of a Monopolist", 1906

"Capitalist competition naturally evolved into monopoly capitalism, as the winners of the free-market took over their competitors' businesses and machinery. The free market soon became the private property of the mega-corporations." Shamus Cooke

"John D. Rockefeller was a Machiavellian who boasted that he hated competition. Whenever he could, Rockefeller used the government to promote his own interests and to hinder his competitors. Monopoly capitalism is impossible unless you have a government with the power to strangle would-be competitors. The easiest way to control or eliminate competitors is not to best them in the marketplace, but to use the power of government to exclude them from the marketplace. If you wish to control commerce, banking, transportation, and natural resources on a national level, you must control! the federal government. If you and your clique wish to establish worldwide monopolies, you must control World Government." Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

"There is a partnership between international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism for their mutual benefit." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" (340 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"It is through the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) that the international bankers and the global intelligence community mingle. The bankers and the spooks share a common goal of keeping the world safe for global monopoly capitalism and often intelligence operatives are recruited from the banking houses where their loyalties to the banking elite have been thoroughly tested." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"[The Nazi state is] a dictatorship of monopoly capitalism. Its 'fascism' is that of business enterprise organized on a monopoly basis, and in full command of all the military, police, legal and propaganda power of the state." economist Robert Brady

"The Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Dukes, Astors, Dorrances, Reynoidses, Stilimans, Bakers, Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Dukes, Kleinwarts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Harkuesses and other super rich families generally get along quite well with Communists, who supposedly want to take away the wealth of these men and give it to the people. However, this is only double talk designed to bolster the superstructure of delusion that Communists are the enemies of all Capitalists. But Communists, like the super rich families, are not the enemies of monopoly capitalism: they are the foes of free enterprise." David Hill, a high ranking Mason, in his unpublished manuscript, he says this about the Illuminati

"The IMF and World Bank are the chief pushers of the whole scheme of structural adjustments that are designed to further open up the Third World economies for penetration and plunder by private monopoly corporations." Cebu Declaration, Philippine-Asia Jubilee Campaign Against the Debt, May 18, 1999, Cebu City, Philippines (341 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Masquerading as the advocate of human rights and liberal democracy, the global economic and political order being imposed in the name of globalization and free markets seeks to establish a virtual monopoly of multinational corporations that are destructive to people and the physical environment." Social Justice magazine, 2000

"Most dominant media firms exist because of government-granted and governmentenforced monopoly broadcasting licenses, telecommunication franchises, and rights to content (a.k.a. copyright). Competitive markets in the classic sense are rare." Robert W. McChesney in his book "The Problem of the Media"

"Without the monopoly concentration of mass media, there can be no modern propaganda. For propaganda to thrive, the media must remain concentrated, news agencies and services must be limited, the press must be under central command, and radio, film, and television monopolies must pervade." Nancy Snow

"There is only one way to make all wealth-producing activity dependent on corrupt privilege and beholden to corrupt power. That is to turn all wealth-producing activity into monopoly enterprise. And that is the reason we have a monopoly system today. It is the economy deliberately created by the party oligarchs in the interests of oligarchic power. ... It is just because monopoly is absolutely dependent on special privilege that the party oligarchs first created and today sustain monopoly, for all the wealth in the country that derives from monopoly wealth is privileged wealth, wealth allied to those who can dispense and protect special privilege." Walter Karp in his book "Indispensable Enemies" (342 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"Essential to controlling a government is the establishment of a central bank with a monopoly on the country's supply of money and credit." James Perloff in his book "The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline"

"Get a monopoly; let society work for you; and remember that the best of all business is politics, for a legislative grant, franchise, subsidy or tax exemption is worth more than a Kimberly or Comstock lode, since it does not require any labor, either mental or physical, for its exploitation." Frederick C Howe, in his book Confessions of a Monopolist, 1906

"{The goal of a cabal of global financiers linked to J.P. Morgan and Company was] nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. Each central bank... sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"J. P. Morgan, with the assistance and cooperation of a few of the interlocking corporations which reach all over the United States in their influence, controls every railroad in the United States. They control practically every public utility, they control literally thousands of corporations, they control all of the large insurance companies. Mr. President, we are gradually reaching a time, if we have not already reached that point, when the business of the country is controlled by men who can be named on the fingers of one hand, because those men control the money of the Nation, and that control is growing at a rapid rate." (343 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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US Senator Norris, in a speech, Congressional Record of November 30, 1941

"Because of its dominant position in Wall Street, the [J. P.] Morgan firm came also to dominate other Wall Street powers, such as Carnegie, Whitney, Vanderbilt, BrownHarriman, or Dillon-Reed. Close alliances were made with Rockefeller, Mellon, and Duke interests but not nearly so intimate ones with the great industrial powers like du Pont and Ford. [Because] ... of the great influence of this "Wall Street" alignment, an influence great enough to merit the name of the "American Establishment," this group could ... control the Federal government and, in consequence, had to adjust to a good many government actions ... [which they had secretly supported ]. The chief of these were in taxation law, beginning with the graduated income tax in 1913, but culminating, above all else, in the inheritance tax. These tax laws drove the great private fortunes dominated by Wall Street into tax-exempt foundations, which became a major link in the Establishment network between Wall Street, the Ivy League, and the Federal government." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"More than fifty years ago the [J. P.] Morgan firm decided to infiltrate the Left-wing political movements in the United States. This was relatively easy to do, since these groups were starved for funds and eager for a voice to reach the people. Wall Street supplied both. The purpose was not to destroy, dominate, or take over but was really threefold: (1) to keep informed about the thinking of Left-wing or liberal groups; (2) to provide them with a mouthpiece so that they could 'blow off steam,' and (3) to have a final veto on their publicity and possibly on their actions, if they ever went 'radical.' There was nothing really new about this decision, since other financiers had talked about and even attempted it earlier." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"President Theodore Roosevelt was a political steward of the J.P. Morgan interests which dominated Wall Street." (344 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in theri book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

"Sixty or more years ago, public life in the West was dominated by the influence of "Wall Street."... This group, which in the United States, was completely dominated by J. P. Morgan and Company from the 1880's to the 1930's was cosmopolitan, Anglophile, internationalist, Ivy League, eastern seaboard, high Episcopalian, and European-culture conscious. Their connection with the Ivy League colleges rested on the fact that the large endowments of these institutions required constant consultation with the financiers of Wall Street and was reflected in the fact that these endowments, even in 1930, were largely in bonds rather than in real estate or common stocks. As a consequence of these influences, as late as the 1930's, J. P. Morgan and his associates were the most significant figures in policy making at Harvard, Columbia, and to a lesser extent Yale, while the Whitneys were significant at Yale, and the Prudential Insurance Company dominated Princeton." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job." Phil Angel, Director of Corporate Communications for Monsanto

"Monsanto does now control the agricultural and trade policy of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and soon of Uruguay, and its power greatly exceeds that of the national governments. It's the company that decides what seeds and what chemical products will be used in those countries, what crops will be suppressed, and in the end what people will eat and at what price. The recalcitrant are taken to court, because the patents are the final link in the totalitarian chain." Toms Palau - a sociologist who specializes in agrarian questions, 2007 (345 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"[GMO] contamination benefits only multinational corporations like Monsanto. Once everything is contaminated, the company will be able to take control of the most widely grown grain in the world and collect royalties as in Argentina and Brazil." Aldo Gonzalez one of the leaders of the Union of Organizations of the Sierra Juarez of Oaxaca, 2006

"]Monsanto's] Roundup [herbicide] tends to make the earth sterile." Marie-Monique Robin in the book "The World According to Monsanto"

"[Monsanto] is seeking to control the food produced in the world. To do that, it has to get its hands on the seeds in the locations where they are used by farmers. First it appropriates the seeds, then the processing of grains, then the supermarkets, and in the end it controls the entire food chain. The seeds are the first link in the chain: whoever controls seeds controls the food supply and thereby controls mankind." Walter Pengue, an Argentine agronomist and one of the world's best known specialists on the impacts of transgenic soybeans

"Monsanto had assured the public that their Agent Orange, the defoliant used during the Vietnam War, was safe for humans. It wasn't. Thousands of veterans and tens of thousand of Vietnamese who suffered a wide range of maladies, including cancer, neurological disorders, and birth defects, blame Monsanto. Monsanto had also declared their electrical insulator poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as safe. They weren't. Outlawed in 1978, they have been linked to cancer and birth defects, and are considered a major environmental hazard." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"[In Vietnam] between 1962 and 1971, an estimated 20 million gallons of defoliants were sprayed on 8 million acres of forests and crops. More than three thousand villages were contaminated, and 60 percent of the defoliants used were agent Orange." (346 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Marie-Monique Robin in the book "The World According to Monsanto


MOSSAD (Israel)



"A lot of what we [National Endowment for Democracy (NED)] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA. In effect, the CIA has been laundering money through NED." Allen Weinstein, one of NED's original founders

"NGOs are Washington's means of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, such as funding and organizing "color revolutions" in Georgia and Ukraine. The National Endowment for Democracy [NED] is a principle funder of political opposition and protest groups in countries with governments to which Washington is opposed. Despite its original purpose, the National Endowment for Democracy has been converted into an agent for US hegemony." Paul Craig Roberts (347 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"In 1983 Congress created the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) ... The NED distributed grants to organizations headed by the Republican and Democratic parties, the AFL-CIO, the Chamber of Commerce, and various women's and youth organizations; the idea was for private institutions to help their counterparts abroad... These nongovernmental groups often worked in coordination with the State Department, the CIA, and local U.S. embassies." James Peck in is book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights"

"The National Endowment for Democracy, created 15 years ago to do in the open what the CIA has done surreptitiously for decades, spends $30 million a year to support things like political parties, labor unions, dissident movements and the news media in dozens of countries." journalist John M. Broder, New York Times, 1997

"At a time when the reputation of the CIA was tainted from its covert activities, Congress created the NED to overtly perform many of the same political functions such as funding political parties, labour unions, newspapers and other opposition groups. Although Congress enacted a law in 1984 prohibiting the NED from financing candidates for public office, the loopholes in the legislation provided an opportunity for NED to contribute to the building of the National Opposition Union (UNO), the main opposition party in Nicaragua." David Model in his book "Lying for Empire"

"The National Endowment for Democracy ... seemed to be present in every major US coup or regime change operation since the 1980s. Also prominent ... was the Open Society Foundation run by George Soros, and the Washington-based Freedom House which had been set up in the 1940s as a NATO propaganda organization." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance" (348 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The main IRI [International Republican Institute] project in Haiti involved the overthrow of the country's democratically elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. A former Roman Catholic priest, Aristide rose to power in the wake of the brutal Duvalier family dictatorship and was immensely popular with the poverty-stricken and oppressed masses of Haiti. Aristide was overthrown in 1991 (supposedly with the financial support from the outgoing elder Bush administration) but returned to power in 1994 with the help of the Clinton administration. Aristide was re-elected by a landslide vote in 2000 but once again ousted in a 2004 coup. In the years immediately preceding the most recent overthrow of President Aristide, the IRI sponsored several "political training" clinics for Haitian leaders in the Dominican Republic and Miami. Though the IRI claims to be an unbiased group that provides funding across the political spectrum, recent research has exposed the fact that the IRI leaders specifically chose virulently anti-Aristide Haitians, including members of the business elite and former military and paramilitary personnel to attend these clinics. The IRI also generously funded the anti-Aristide resistance efforts, the main benefactor of its practices being the Haitian opposition group known as the Democratic Convergence, a unified collection of the previously splintered anti-Aristide factions." Sarah Hamburger, 2008

"Documents clearly show knowledge of the detailed plans for the coup against Chvez, written by the CIA... financial and advisory agencies like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) financed all the groups, NGOs, trade unions, businesspeople, political parties and the media involved in the coup." Eva Golinger, 2008

"The U.S. Pentagon, working covertly through the USAID under the Department of State, had been diverting millions of dollars of USAID funds earmarked for 'gorilla conservation' in the Virunga National Park in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and using it instead to explore the vast oil and mineral riches located in the same area. ... When skeptics investigated, they found that USAID money officially paid to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International and Conservation lnternational, were being misused. (349 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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... The USAID was apparently covering up for the diversion of US taxpayer dollars from gorilla conservation to minerals exploration and providing arms to various organizations in Congo's Kivu. ... There was reason to believe that the USAID funds were being merely laundered via the conservation NGOs to create a massive arms buildup in the region." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"The Bush administration had interfered in Venezuela by providing opposition groups with considerable donations through the IRI [International Republican Institute]" Sarah Hamburger, 2008

"Through USAID and NED, and their "partner NGOs" and contractors, such as Freedom House, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, Pan-American Development Foundation and Development Alternatives, Inc., hundreds of political groups, parties and programs are presently being funded in Venezuela to promote regime change against the Chvez government." Eva Golinger

"The tragedy of Burma is that its population is being used as a human stage prop in a drama scripted in Washington by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the George Soros Open Society Institute, Freedom House and Gene Sharp's Albert Einstein Institution." F. William Engdahl

"National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was one of the few Western organizations, along with the Soros Foundation and some European foundations, to make grants in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and to work with local NGO's and independent media throughout the country. During the cold war, such internal intervention in a foreign country would have been labeled a CIA destabilization. In Washington newspeak, it was called, 'the fostering of democracy.' The result, for the living standard of Serbs, (350 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Kosovans, Bosnians, Croats and others, was disastrous." NED director Paul McCarthy, 1998 "The International Republican Institute [IRI] is affiliated with the Republican Party and funded, in part, by the nonprofit National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which Congress partially funds "to strengthen democratic institutions around the world through nongovernmental efforts." Nicole Lee, executive director of TransAfrica Forum, 2009

"Failing in its attempt to pressure Sudan to break its ties with China, Washington turned its human rights and other guns on Khartoum directly. They launched a massive campaign to save Darfur. ... Washington and its NGOs ... charge[ed] Khartoum with genocide, as a pretext for bringing UN/NATO troops into the oil fields of Darfur and southern Sudan. Oil, not human misery, was behind Washington's new interest in Darfur. ... US military objectives in Darfur - and the Horn of Africa more widely - were being served by US and NATO backing for African Union (AU) troops in Darfur." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"The International Republican Institute (IRI) and National Democratic Institute (NDI), both agencies created to filter funding from USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to political parties abroad in order to promote US agenda, not only funded those groups involved in the Honduran coup, but now are "observing" the elections." Eva Golinger, 2009

"The NED was a US Government-funded 'private' entity whose activities were designed to support US foreign policy objectives. The idea was to accomplish what the CIA had done during the Cold War, but under the cover of a seemingly innocent NGO." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance" (351 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"NED [National Endowment for Democracy] is involved all over the world in selectively supporting parties that are engaged in what amounts to regime change, making it something like a privatized though largely government-funded version of the old CIA. Most of the countries where it is active have left-wing governments or regimes that the US disapproves of. ... NED [National Endowment for Democracy] has had an impact in Eastern Europe, acting as a driving force behind many of the pastel hued revolutions that have rocked the region in the past ten years. When the Russians and others complain about outsiders interfering in the politics of their neighbors, they are frequently referring to NED. ... NED [National Endowment for Democracy] and its affiliates were active in Georgia's rose revolution, which helped bring to power the decidedly undemocratic Mikhail Saakashvili that almost led to a shooting war between the United States and Russia. Their hand was also evident in the orange revolution in the Ukraine, which also did little beyond dividing the country into pro-Western and pro-Russian camps. ... NED [National Endowment for Democracy] was involved in the "twitter revolution" demonstrations in Moldava that took place during the first week of April [2009]. Thousands of mostly student demonstrators filled the streets to protest against the Communist party victory in national elections, an election that the Communists were expected to win and in which there was no evident fraud. The students were out in numbers summoned by "twitters" over iPhones conveniently supplied by the US government. Philip Geraldi, 2009

"Unrest in Tibet in March 2010 and Xinjiang in July 2009 ... were the covert work of a USfinanced NGO called National Endowment for Democracy (NED)." F. William Engdahl, 2010

"The funding of political groups in Venezuela, and others throughout Latin America that promote US agenda, has increased since the April 2002 coup against President Chvez. Through two principal Department of State agencies, USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the US government has channeled more than $50 million to opposition groups in Venezuela since 2002. The USAID/NED budget to fund groups in Venezuela in 2010 is nearly $15 million, doubled from last year's $7 million. (352 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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This is a state policy of Washington, which the Obama Administration plans to amp up. They call it "democracy promotion", but it's really democracy subversion and destabilization... Through USAID and NED, and their "partner NGOs" and contractors, such as Freedom House, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, Pan-American Development Foundation and Development Alternatives, Inc., hundreds of political groups, parties and programs are presently being funded in Venezuela to promote regime change against the Chvez government." Eva Golinger interviewed by Mike Whitney, 2009

"The US State Department admits to supporting the activities of the NED [National Endowment for Democracy] in Myanmar. The NED is a US government-funded "private" entity whose activities are designed to support US foreign policy objectives, doing today what the CIA did during the Cold War... the NED funds [George] Soros' Open Society Institute in fostering regime change in Myanmar. " F. William Engdahl


"The National Security Agency is the eyes and ears of the U.S. intelligence community, including the Shadow Government. It intercepts nearly all international telephone calls, faxes, and emails that travel by satellite or microwave link over any part of their journey. The same goes for cell phone calls (NSA maintains satellites devoted to intercepting cell phone calls), radio transmissions, and other electronic communications that cross international borders. Domestic communications can be, and have been, monitored with equal ease. NSA has the most advanced computers in the world, and their text and speech recognition software scans all intercepted communications for key words and phrases; if they detect any of these, then the entire communication is analyzed. Email encryption and telephone scrambling offer no security. NSA can easily crack such encryption, and it is reported that using encryption only arouses NSA's interest. In fact, it is safest today to assume that any communication you make via electronic means-by phone, fax, the internet, radio, etc.- may be intercepted and analyzed by the NSA." Harry Helms (353 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The capability of the NSA (National Security Agency) any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There would be no place to hide... There would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know... I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology, operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return." Senator Frank Church (D-Idaho), investigating the National Security Agency, 1975

"The National Security Agency is largely civilians, and they're mostly the analysts and the people who design the sophisticated satellites and do a lot of the technical development work and break a lot of the codes and so forth. And the people on the front lines, the intercept operators, are almost all military, and some civilians who transition from the military into a private contractor." James Bamford in his book "The Shadow Factory"

"The NSA (National Security Agency), a U.S. spy agency with a budget four times that of the CIA, has the technology to record every word transmitted by telephone, fax, or email in any part of the world... The NSA's real mission is to maintain U.S. economic and political control over the planet, but national security and the struggle against terrorism are its formal covers." Eduardo Galeano

"The NSA (National Security Agency) has a greater potential for gathering information than any police state has ever had. The FBI can merely dream of putting an agent behind every mailbox; the NSA literally has the capacity to intercept all communications." (354 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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Morton H. Halperin, Jerry J. Berman & Robert L. Borosage in their book "The Lawless State"

"The National Security Agency is the eyes and ears of the U.S. intelligence community... It intercepts nearly all international telephone calls, faxes, and emails that travel by satellite or microwave link over any part of their journey. The same goes for cell phone calls (NSA maintains satellites devoted to intercepting cell phone calls), radio transmissions, and other electronic communications that cross international borders. Domestic communications can be, and have been, monitored with equal ease. NSA has the most advanced computers in the world, and their text and speech recognition software scans all intercepted communications for key words and phrases; if they detect any of these, then the entire communication is analyzed. Email encryption and telephone scrambling offer no security. NSA can easily crack such encryption, and it is reported that using encryption only arouses NSA's interest. In fact, it is safest today to assume that any communication you make via electronic means-by phone, fax, the internet, radio, etc.- may be intercepted and analyzed by the NSA." Harry Helms in his book "Inside the Shadow Government"

"NSA specializes in SIGINT, which is signals intelligence. And what that is is eavesdropping. And that's actually where the US gets most of its intelligence. It doesn't really get most of its intelligence from human spies, because they're fairly unreliable and they're very rare to find. But it gets most of its intelligence from eavesdropping on communications, whether it's telephone calls or email or faxes, computer transfers of information between computers, any kind of information like that, instant messages. It intercepts it. So NSA is the big ear. And the way it works is, it picks up communications from satellites, it taps undersea and underground fiber-optic cables, it gets information any way it can, and then some of the information is encrypted, and it's responsible for breaking those codes and then sending the information that it gets from these intercepts to other agencies." James Bamford in his book "The Shadow Factory"

NATIONAL SECURITY STATE (355 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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"The US. National Security State refers to the Executive Office of the White House, the National Security Council (NSC), National Security Administration, Central Intelligence Agency, Pentagon, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other such units that are engaged in surveillance, suppression, covert action, and forceful interventions abroad and at home." Michael Parenti in his book "Against Empire"

"In the 1960s, '70s, and early '80s, U.S.-backed armed forces carried out military coups throughout Latin America, moving to obliterate leftist forces and extirpate leftist ideas. The militaries installed a new form of rule - the national security state." J. Patrice McSherry in the book "Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America"

"Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry... But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. ... This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. ... In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." President Dwight Eisenhower's farewell speech, 1961

"The entire National Security doctrine centers on the existence of an "outside enemy", which is threatening the Homeland." Michel Chossudovsky, 2005

"Today, the United States spends more on military arms and other forms of "national (356 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:12]

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security" than the rest of the world combined. U.S. Ieaders preside over a global military apparatus of a magnitude never before seen in human history. In 1993 it included almost a half-million troops stationed at over 395 major military bases and hundreds of minor installations in thirty-five foreign countries, and a fleet larger in total tonnage and firepower than all the other navies of the world combined, consisting of missile cruisers, nuclear submarines, nuclear aircraft carriers, destroyers, and spy ships that sail every ocean and make port on every continent. U.S. bomber squadrons and longrange missiles can reach any target, carrying enough explosive force to destroy entire continents with an overkill capacity of more than 8,000 strategic nuclear weapons and 22,000 tactical ones." Michael Parenti in his book "Against Empire"

"The NSS [National Security State] is an instrument of class warfare, organized and designed to permit an elite, local and multinational, to operate without any constraint from democratic processes. This allows the bulk of the population to be treated as a mere cost of production." Edward S. Herman

"The greatest purveyor of terror in the world today is the United States national security state." Michael Parenti

"America cherishes her enemies. Without enemies, she is a nation without purpose and direction. The various components of the National Security State need enemies to justify their swollen budgets, to aggrandize their work, to protect their jobs, to give themselves a mission in the aftermath of the Soviet Union." William Blum in his book "Rogue State"

"After reading case after nauseating case of the atrocities committed in the name of (357 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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national security, and after recognizing the United States' involvement in the creation of military, police, and paramilitary agencies responsible for these horrors in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia-seventeen Latin-American countries in allone comes to the conclusion either that the Americans who helped to establish and run these military and police training programs were deranged or that they never considered the predictable results of their work-possibly didn't want to consider them." Penny Lernoux in her book "Cry of the People"

"Our leaders are cruel because only those willing to be inordinately cruel and remorseless can hold positions of leadership in the foreign policy establishment. ... People capable of expressing a full human measure of compassion and empathy toward faraway powerless strangers ... do not become president of the United States, or vice president, or secretary of state, or national security adviser or secretary of the treasury. Nor do they want to." William Blum in hsi book "Rogue State"

"Just as the United States trained Latin American military and police in methods of fighting against "populism" in their countries, by this means helping to produce a "favorable climate of investment" by bringing into power National Security States, so a large, well-trained, and ruthless police is needed in the home country as it pushes a right-wing agenda that is contrary to the interests of a vast majority." Edward Herman, 2004

"The terrorism that was committed in the country [El Salvador] was overwhelmingly governmental terrorism, committed by the Salvadoran army, the National Guard, and their death squads and affiliated agencies. They were responsible for 95 percent of the deaths, the guerrillas for only five percent. These were the same institutions that were the favorites of Washington - receiving its indoctrination and training and profiting from its largess. El Salvador received six billion dollars in aid from Washington in the period 1979 to 1992. This subsidy to the tiny country during the government repression and terrorism came to average out at $100,000 for each member of its armed forces. This subsidy allowed the government to pay for the terrorist activities committed by the security forces." (358 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Frederick H. Gareau in his book "State Terrorism and United States"

"Nesting within the executive is that most virulent purveyor of state power: the national security state, an informal configuration of military and intelligence agencies, of which the CIA is a key unit. The president operates effectively as head of the national security state as long as he stays within the parameters of its primary dedication which is the maximization of power on behalf of corporate interests and capitalist global hegemony." Michael Parenti in his book "Against Empire"

"As the imperial presidency has accrued power, surrounding the imperial presidency has come to be this group of institutions called the National Security State. The CIA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the other intelligence agencies. Now, these have grown since the end of World War Two into this mammoth enterprise." Andrew Bacevich, 2008


"Our strategy must now refocus on precluding the emergence of any future global competitor... Our first objective is to prevent the emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere. ... The United States must account sufficiently for the interests of the advanced industrial nations to discourage them from challenging our leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order... We must maintain the mechanisms for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role. Therefore it is of fundamental importance to preserve NATO as the primary channel for U.S. influence." US Defense Planning Guidance, 1994-99 (359 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"The U.S.-NATO-Israel axis constitutes the most powerful military alliance in world history. America's allies are the NATO member states, NATO associate member States and partners under the Istanbul Initiative (including Israel), the Mediterranean Dialogue, the Partnership for Peace, and various other bilateral agreements (New Zealand, Australia, Colombia, Mongolia, Singapore). All in all, the U.S.-NATO-Israel military axis includes more than fifty countries." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"You make yourself ridiculous by thinking you can do anything. The world is divided in two. There are the communists on that side and on this side the free world. The Russians and the Americans, no one else. What are we. Americans. Behind me there is the government, behind the government is NATO, behind NATO is the U.S. You can't fight us, we are Americans." inspector Basil Lambrou, speaking to prisoners before torturing them, during the US-supported Greek dictatorship in the 1960s

"The Clinton administration is revamping NATO and redefining its mission in order to make it an instrument of American world engagement as peacekeeper, peacemaker, and policeman." William Pfaff, 1999

"The U.S.-NATO destruction of Yugoslavia established a precedent for military attack, cloaked in the disguise of democracy and human rights, against any sovereign country that might have the temerity to stand up to the encroachment of TNCs." Social Justice magazine, 2000

"I didn't know the North Atlantic extended to Afghanistan. And the North Atlantic Treaty (360 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Organization (NATO) is being turned into the French Foreign Legion for the White House." Tony Benn, former member of British Partliament

"Israel is expected to eventually join the European Union. The E.U.'s enlargement is tied into the process of NATO expansion. Israel and the E.U. will both manage, from an economic and political standpoint, the western outer periphery of the "Arc of Instability" under the framework of a Mediterranean Union. The Mediterranean Union is tied to "energy security." It is a process towards the economic domination of the Mediterranean by the European Union.The balkanization of Lebanon and Syria serve the interests of Western energy corporations, amongst a host of other interests. The envisioned redrawn borders for the Middle East that are tied to the Mediterranean Union and the Project for the "New Middle East" are designed to secure energy corridors, "pacify" the region's population, and ultimately set the stage for the economic colonization of the new weaker states. Israeli security concerns through the Yinon Plan would be integrated into the equation, but only because of the regional security role Tel Aviv serves for the U.S. and the European Union. This process of dividing and economically absorbing is similar to the pattern imposed in the former Yugoslavia by the Franco-German entente and the Anglo-American alliance through the E.U. and NATO. Brute force is being used as the muscle behind neo-liberal economic policies. NATO is playing a major role in enforcing the establishment of the Mediterranean Union and the creation of the "New Middle East."" Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, 2008

"The wars in Yugoslavia throughout the 1990s served as a justification for the continued existence of NATO in the world, and to expand American imperial interests in Eastern Europe. ... The war [Yugoslavia]-1990s] created a raison d'tre for the continued existence of NATO in a post-Cold War world, as it desperately tried to justify its continued existence and desire for expansion." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 2009 (361 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"A close look at the map of Eurasia began to suggest what was at stake for Washington in Eurasia. The goal was not only the strategic encirclement of Russia through a series of NATO bases... All of this had the overarching goal of enabling NATO to control energy routes and networks between Russia and the EU." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"The U.S.-NATO military agenda serves to endorse a powerful business elite which relentlessly overshadows and undermines the functions of civilian government." Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"[The] North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and affilated and allied military blocs [are expandng] into and throughout Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Central and South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific, Africa, the so-called Greater Middle East and beyond. NATO is the first attempt in history to establish an aggressive global military formation, one which currently includes a third of the nations of the world either as members or partners, has members and partners on five continents and has conducted active operations on four, with the potential to expand its reach into the remaining two where it has not yet officially intruded itself." Rick Rozoff

"The main heroin supply routes from the NATO-dominated Afghanistan [are a] land heroin route through Turkey, Bulgaria, Kosovo or Bosnia, [and a] maritime heroin route via Mediterranean trade lines to the island of Corsica. ... How many tons of heroin were intercepted on merchant vessels in Mediterranean during more than ten years of the operation Active Endeavour? ... Not a single gram... In 2003-2009 155 merchant vessels were boarded and checked by NATO inspection teams. They did not find anything. ... Why is NATO is wasting stupendous resources on a purposeless operation [Operation Active Endeavor]? The answer is evident: both NATO's International Security (362 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Assistance Force (ISAF) and Active Endeavour are perfectly complying with their real mission: to ensure total control over production, transportation and distribution of illegal drugs.", April1 , 2012

"The drug activities of the US - and the US-led NATO - are tightly linked with the NATO expansion and the creation of US military bases in the protectorates established along the drug-trafficking and pipeline routes." by Elena Ponomareva


"THE FY13 NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act of 2013] codifies indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The NDAA's dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president - and all future presidents - to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield. ... Military detention of American citizens or others within the United States is unconstitutional and illegal, including under the NDAA. In addition, the breadth of the NDAA's detention authority violates international law because it is not limited to people captured in the context of an actual armed conflict as required by the laws of war." American Civil Liberities Union (ACLU)


"Section 1021 of the NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act of 2013] allows for the 'indefinite detention of American citizens without due process at the discretion of the President.' Section 1021 has been challenged as a violation of constitutional principles and the United States Bill of Rights. The indefinite detention clause has been broadly denounced nationally and internationally." (363 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) contains highly controversial provisions that empower the Armed Forces to engage in civilian law enforcement and to selectively suspend due process and habeas corpus, as well as other rights guaranteed by the 5th and 6th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, for terror suspects apprehended on U.S. soil... For the first time since the Internal Security Act of 1950 and the dark days of the McCarthy era that followed, our government has codified the power of indefinite detention into law. This pernicious law poses one of the greatest threats to civil liberties in our nation's history. Under Section 1021 of the NDAA, foreign nationals who are alleged to have committed or merely "suspected" of sympathizing with or providing any level of support to groups the U.S. designates as terrorist organization or an affiliate or associated force may be imprisoned without charge or trial "until the end of hostilities." The law affirms the executive branch's authority granted under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) and broadens the definition and scope of "covered persons." But because the "war on terror" is a war on a tactic, not on a state, it has no parameters or timetable. Consequently, this law can be used by authorities to detain forever anyone the government considers a threat to national security and stability potentially even demonstrators and protesters exercising their First Amendment rights." Brian Troutman

"National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA) gives authority to the president to order the military to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without official charge or trial on the mere suspicion of being a terrorist or linked to a terrorist organization." Jenn Morrill

"The dangers in the NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act ] are its alarmingly vague, undefined criteria for who can be indefinitely detained by the US government without trial. It is now no longer limited to members of al Qaeda or the Taliban, but anyone accused of "substantially supporting" such groups or "associated forces." How closely associated? And what constitutes "substantial" support? What if it was discovered that someone who committed a terrorist act was once involved with a charity? Or supported a political candidate? Are all donors of that charity or supporters of that candidate now suspect, and subject to indefinite detainment? Is that charity now an associated force? (364 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Congressman Ron Paul

"At the turn of the millennium, the neocon faction was searching for new opportunities for conflict and violence. When those opportunities arrived, the neocons rejoiced and rushed into their favorite enterprise of sending other people's children into useless wars." Corey Robin, assistant professor of political science at Brooklyn College in the City University of New York

"I think the level of casualties is secondary. All the great scholars who have studied American character have come to the conclusion that we are a warlike people and that we love war. What we hate is not casualties but losing." Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute, 2003

"If we come to Baghdad, Damascus and Tehran as liberators, we can expect overwhelming popular support." Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute, 2003

"Support the overthrow of the terrorist mullahs of Iran. End the terrorist regime of Syria. Regard Saudi Arabia and France not as friends but as rivals-maybe enemies. Withdraw support from the United Nations if it does not reform. Tighten immigration at home. Radically reorganize the CIA and FBI. Squeeze China and blockade North Korea to press that member of the axis of evil to abandon its nuclear program. Abandon the illusion that a Palestinian state will contribute in any important way to U.S. security." David Frum and Richard Perle in their book "An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror" (365 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business." neoconservative Michael Ledeen

"This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq, then we take a look around and see how things stand. This is entirely the wrong way to go about it... If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war . . . our children will sing great songs about us years from now." neoconservative Richard Perle

"Empirical studies reveal that authoritarians are frequently enemies of freedom, antidemocratic, anti-equality, highly prejudiced, mean-spirited, power hungry, Machiavellian, and amoral. They are also often conservatives without conscience. The factor that makes rightwingers faster than most people to attack others, and that seems to keep them living in an "attack mode," is their remarkable self-righteousness. They are so sure they are not only right, but holy and pure, that they are bursting with indignation and a desire to smite down their enemies." John Dean in his book "Conservatives Without Conscience"

market fundamentalism, privatization, austerity, structural adjustment

"Neo-liberal globalization has failed to deliver on all fronts of economic life - growth, equality and stability. Despite this, we are constantly told how neo-liberal globalization has brought unprecedented benefits. ... Growth failure has been particularly noticeable in Latin America and Africa, where (366 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]


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neo-liberal programmes were implemented more thoroughly than in Asia. In the 1960s and the 1970s, per capita income in Latin America was growing at 3.1% per year, slightly faster than the developing country average... Since the 1980s, however, when the continent embraced neo-liberalism, Latin America has been growing at less than one-third of the rate of the 1960s-1970s. ... As for Africa, its per capita income grew relatively slowly even in the 1960s and the 1970s (1-2% a year). But since the 1980s, the region has seen a fall in living standards. This record is a damning indictment of the neoliberal orthodoxy, because most of the African economies have been practically run by the IMF and the World Bank over the past quarter of a century. ... As a result of neo-liberal policies, income inequality has increased in most countries ... but growth has actually slowed down significantly." Ha-Joon Chang in his book "Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

"The U.S. presides over a reconstituted Empire, made possible by its controlling presence in world production and finance, its vast military power, its leading role in the spread of information technology, and its capacity to disseminate the neoliberal "American model" with its emphasis on privatization, deregulation, technology, and consumerism. Using that awesome leverage, the U.S. reasserts its dominion over weaker (i.e., virtually all) nations, over international structures, and of course over nature as it pursues its mania for growth and profits." Carl Boggs in the book "Masters of War"

"The newly "installed" Macapagal Arroyo quickly instituted a neo-liberal program of privatizations, drastic cuts for public education and public hospitals, and onerous value-added taxes that impacted the poor and lower middle-class. By 2005 the Philippine total external and internal debt ballooned to over $100 billion dollars and yearly debt servicing exceeded 30 percent of the budget. Even 8 million overseas Filipino workers (including a significant section of the educated professionals) sending home $12.5 billion of remittances in 2005 could not begin to cover debt servicing. The Philippines bears the dubious distinction of being the only country in Asia to have seen a drop in per capita GDP during and since the heady years of the "Asian Tiger" boom." (367 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya in an araticle "Philippines: The Killing Fields of Asia"

"The state is being taken over by the banks, the state is being privatized." Michel Chossudovsky

"The new privatization movement is an explicit effort to turn public resources, services, and functions - for centuries operated by governments - over to corporations. ... The new privatization would redistribute not only wealth but public authority as well. The powers to educate, jail, rehabilitate, heal, care for the poor, and manage nature itself are all being turned over to corporations. And as these functions are sold off, government itself is transformed, if not dismantled, into a creature of private enterprise." Charles Derber in his book "Corporation Nation"

"The erosion of water rights is now a global phenomenon. Since the early 1990s, ambitious, World Bank-driven privatization programs have emerged in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Malaysia, and Nigeria. The Bank has also introduced privatization of water systems in India. In Chile, it has imposed a loan condition to guarantee a 33 percent profit margin to [a] French company." Vandana Shiva in her book "Water Wars"

"Privatization has made matters so much worse that in many countries today privatization is jokingly referred to as "briberization'." Joseph Stiglitz in his book "Globalization and Discontents"

"Just about every part of the neoliberal package is anti-democratic. The big pressure of the last 10 years or so is about privatization of services. What are services? Well, (368 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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services are anything that human beings could be interested in. Education, health, water, whatever. Well, if you privatize services, that is, put them in the hands of totalitarian institutions that are unaccountable to the public, then you can have a democracy and it won't have any decisions to make. Because they've all been taken out of its hands." Noam Chomsky

"We are in the process of seeing the corporatization of our highways, the corporatization of our water systems, and still people on our side use the word "privatization." They use the word "white-collar crime," instead of using the word "corporate crime." They use the word "private sector" instead of "corporate sector."" Ralph Nader, 2007

"The only thing left that hasn't already been privatized and outsourced is -- and this is pre-Bush administration -- is the army, is the police, are the fire departments. And these core state functions are really seen as the last great privatization free-for-all. It's already entered healthcare. It's already entered water. It's already entered electricity, the media. So this is the last frontier." Naomi Klein author of the book "Shock Doctrine" , 2007

"Colonialism left a mixed legacy in the developing world... In some regions, such as Africa, the exploitation - the extraction of natural resources and the rape of the environment was obvious. Elsewhere it was more subtle. In many parts of the world, global institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank came to be seen as instruments of post-colonial control. These institutions pushed market fundamentalism ("neoliberalism," it was often called), a notion idealized by Americans as "free and unfettered markets." They pressed for financial-sector deregulation, privatization, and trade liberalization. The World Bank and the I.M.F. said they were doing all this for the benefit of the developing world. They were backed up by teams of free-market economists, many from that cathedral of free-market economics, the University of Chicago. In the end, the programs of "the Chicago boys" didn't bring the promised results. Incomes stagnated. Where there was growth, the wealth went to those at the top... (369 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Not surprisingly, people in developing countries became less and less convinced that Western help was motivated by altruism. They suspected that the free-market rhetoric-"the Washington consensus," as it is known in shorthand - was just a cover for the old commercial interests. Suspicions were reinforced by the West's own hypocrisy. Europe and America didn't open up their own markets to the agricultural produce of the Third World, which was often all these poor countries had to offer. They forced developing countries to eliminate subsidies aimed at creating new industries, even as they provided massive subsidies to their own farmers. Free-market ideology turned out to be an excuse for new forms of exploitation. "Privatization" meant that foreigners could buy mines and oil fields in developing countries at low prices. It meant they could reap large profits from monopolies and quasi-monopolies, such as in telecommunications. "Liberalization" meant that they could get high returns on their loans - and when loans went bad, the I.M.F. forced the socialization of the losses, meaning that the screws were put on entire populations to pay the banks back. It meant, too, that foreign firms could wipe out nascent industries, suppressing the development of entrepreneurial talent. While capital flowed freely, labor did not." Joseph E. Stiglitz, 2009

"Neoliberal measures were enacted a generation ago-after the long post-World War Two boom and the onset of crisis in the 1970s-to restore capitalist profitability. Those policies involved something called supply-side economics, which included tax cuts for the rich, economic deregulation and privatization, cuts in social welfare, union-busting, and wage-cutting. These policies led to a tremendous buildup of debt. Monetarism subsumed fiscal policy, and cheap credit came to be seen as the solution to economic downturns. These policies have now produced an economic disaster-first for working people, but now for the capitalist system itself." Joel Geier, 2008

"The entire thirty-year history of he Chicago School experiment has been one of mass corruption and corporatist collusion between security states and large corporations, from Chile's piranhas, to Argentina's crony privatizations, to Russia's oligarchs, to Enron's energy shell game, to Iraq's "free fraud zone." The point of shock therapy is to open up a window for enormous profits to be made very quickly - not despite the lawlessness but precisely because of it." (370 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Naomi Klein in her book "The Shock Doctrine:The Rise of Disaster Capitalism"


"We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller's statement to the United Nations Business Council, 1994

"The World Order program for the future, as drawn up by the foundations, is as follows : Small wars from 1985 to 1990. Global war from 1990-2000. The gradual annihilation of the populations of the United States, Canada and Western Europe. The reduction of world population from the present 4.85 billion to 1 billion, the number it had attained in 1800, solving the disastrous pollution of air and water and the exhaustion of natural resources." Eustace Mullins, "The World Order", 1985

"The global financial elite of the Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations are making the plans [for a one world government]. The real name of the game is 1984. We will have systematic population reduction, forced sterilization or anything else which the planners deem necessary to establish absolute control in their humanitarian utopia. But to enforce these plans, you must have an all-powerful world government. You can't do this if individual nations have sovereignty. And before you can facilitate the Great Merger, you must first centralize control within each nation, destroy the local police and remove the guns from the hands of the citizenry. You must replace our once free Constitutional Republic with an all-powerful central government." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"Ever since the days of Henry Ford, the Economic Elite have needed a thriving US middle class to increase growth and profits, but now, in the global economy, they view the US middle class as obsolete. They increasingly look globally for profits and they (371 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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would rather pay cheap labor in countries like China and India." David DeGraw

"All countries are basically social arrangements, accommodations to changing circumstances. No matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary. Through the ages, there has been an overall trend toward larger units claiming sovereignty and, paradoxically, a gradual diminution of how much true sovereignty any one country actually has... Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority." Strobe Talbott, Deputy Secretary of State in the Clinton administration

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." Congressman Lawrence] P. McDonald, 1976 [He was killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by Soviets]

"The New World Order is a world that has supranational authority to regulate the world commerce and industry.; an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a World Development Fund that would make funds available to free and Communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order." former German Chancellor Willy Brandt

"The present world order serves the needs of the United States an its allies, which constructed it." (372 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Robert Kagan, 1997

"The Rockefellers learned nearly a century ago that there are two standard ways for one of their companies to absorb another corporation. If the firm to be acquired is much smaller, a "takeover" is the simplest procedure. But if the competitor is more your equal, a "merger" must be arranged. ... Recognizing this political fact of life the master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger- among nations. But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world. Only a fascist-socialist dictatorship would have the power to accomplish such a "redistribution." Notice that the plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up. You may be assured, however, that the Rockefellers and their allies are not talking about reducing their own quality of life. It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order. The Rockefeller game plan is to use population, energy, food, and financial controls as a method of people control which will lead, steadily and deliberately, into the Great Merger." Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

"Under the New World Order, the demarcation between "organized capital" and "organized crime" is blurred. The restructuring of global trade and finance tends to favor the concurrent "globalization" of the criminal economy, which is intricately tied into the corporate establishment. In turn, the state apparatus is criminalized." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism" (373 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations." Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book "Technotronic Era"

"Some dilution or leveling off of the sovereignty system as it prevails in the world today must take place to the immediate disadvantage of those nations which now possess the preponderance of power... The establishment of a common money... would deprive our government of exclusive control over a national money... The United States must be prepared to make sacrifices afterward in setting up a world politico-economic order which would level off inequalities of economic opportunity with respect to nations." John Foster Dulles, 1939

"A threat confronts liberal democracy. More directly linked to the impact of technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society. Zbigniew Brzezinski in his 1970 book "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era"

"We are fast moving towards a totalitarian system in which the institutions of war, police repression and economic policy interface with one another... The corporate media is an instrument of this totalitarian system." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism" (374 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"The [global financial] elites who wish to set up their world dictatorship recognize their main enemy to be the great middle class of the United States, which, being made up of individuals who have acquired a little education, property, and independence, will fight strenuously to keep them. The strategy of the elites is to squeeze the middle class to death by creating or exacerbating the major problems facing the society, including class warfare, crime, education, moral decay, etc., and then creating in response spurious governmental programs to "cure" the problems that they just created." W. Cleon Skousen in his book "The Naked Capitalist", 1970 - a review of Carroll Quigley's 1966 book "Tragedy and Hope" "In the US, Canada and Great Britain, and also in most countries of the European Union, the legal fabric of society has been overhauled. Based on the repeal of the Rule of Law, the foundations of an authoritarian state apparatus have emerged with little or no organized opposition from the mainstay of civil society." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities." Zbigniew Brzezinski in his 1970 book "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era"

"The World Trade Organization is the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund." A description of the WTO in a full-page ad in the New York Times

"The name of the game is the creation of world banks, regional currencies, multinational trusts, giant foundations, land expropriations, and massive transfers of natural resources - the cartelization of the world's natural resources - which will ultimately evolve into transfers of national sovereignty." (375 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Larry Abraham with Franklin Sanders in their book "The Greening: The Environmentalists' Drive for Global Power"

"The rules of big business: Get a monopoly; let Society work for you. So long as we see all international revolutionaries and all international capitalists as implacable enemies of one another, then we miss a crucial point....a partnership between international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism is for their mutual benefit." Frederick C. Howe, in his book "Confessions of a Monopolis", 1906

"Behind the veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be found the same powerful people and organizations such as the Open Society Institute of George Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of well known NGO's such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Crisis Group, etc., as well as more obscure entities. With the help of these various groups it is possible not only to shape but to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to further aims which are, in short, the control of the world, its natural resources and the furtherance of the uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made in America." Gilles d'Aymery, 2001

"The middle class is targeted for elimination because most of the world has no middle class, and to fully integrate and internationalize a middle class, this would require industrialization and development in places such as Africa, and certain places in Asia and Latin America, and would represent a massive threat to the Superclass, as it would be a valve through which much of their wealth and power would escape them. Their goal is not to lose their wealth and power to a transnational middle class, but rather to extinguish the notion of a middle class, and transnationalize a lower, uneducated, labor oriented class, through which they will secure ultimate wealth and power." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research (376 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"The standard of living of the average American has to decline .... I don't think you can escape that." former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, 1979

"Whatever remaining wealth the middle class holds is in the process of being eliminated [by the economic crisis] and as the crisis progresses, the middle classes of the world will suffer, while a great percentage of lower classes of the world, poverty-stricken even prior to the crisis, will suffer the greatest, most probably leading to a massive reduction in population levels, particularly in the "underdeveloped" or "Third World" states." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"The Western military and security apparatus endorses and supports dominant economic and financial interests - i.e. the build-up, as well as the exercise, of military might enforces "free trade... NATO coordinates its military operations with the World Bank and the IMF's policy interventions, and vice versa. Consistently, the security and defense bodies of the Western military alliance, together with the various civilian governmental and intergovernmental bureaucracies (e.g. IMF, World Bank, WTO) share a common understanding, ideological consensus and commitment to the New World Order." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order"

"The British Empire was built by colonizing other countries, seizing their natural resources, and shipping them to England to feed the British industrialists' factories. In the wake of the "red coats" invasions, local cultures were often trampled and replaced by a "more progressive" British way of life. The Wall Street-dominated NWO Empire is being built by colonizing other countries with foreign loans or investments. When the fish is firmly on the hook, the NWO financial terrorists pull the plug, leaving the unsuspecting victim high and dry. And begging to be rescued. In comes the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Its bailout recipes privatization, trade liberalization and other austerity reforms - amount to seizing the (377 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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target countries' natural and other resources, and turning them over to the NWO elites just as surely as the British Empire did by using cruder methods." Bob Djurdjevic writing in the paleoconservative journal Chronicles, 1998

"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a New World Order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfil the promise and vision of the UN's founders." President George H. Bush, 1990

"The warfare being waged by the members of the World Order against the peoples and institutions of every nation has now reached the point of critical mass. Their determination to gradually weaken and destroy all the institutions of all societies, governments, and religions, in order to wreak their will on the helpless peoples of the world, is meeting more and more opposition. At the same time, because of the common goals and close interlocking of its principal agents, the foundations, the members of the World Order incur increasing danger of being recognized and exposed. The parasite must maintain his disguise, if he is to carry out his mission." Eustace Mullins, "The World Order", 1985

"All the New World Order is, is powerful offshore corporations and banks that combine forces to bring in tyranny on a society-wide basis. All the New World Order is, is private corporations paying off your government to sign treaties with them, granting them government power to create monopolies and cartels, to control the free market and society." Alex Jones, 2010

NEW YORK TIMES (378 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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(Washington Post, Wall Street Journal)

"[I] never saw a foreign intervention that the [New York] Times did not support, never saw a fare increase or a rent increase or a utility rate increase that it did not endorse, never saw it take the side of labor in a strike or lockout, or advocate a raise for underpaid workers. And don't let me get started on universal health care and Social Security. So why do people think the Times is liberal?" veteran New York Times reporter John Hess

"The New York Times is the house organ of the Establishment. It is committed, both editorially and in its presentation of the news, to the interests of an Establishment: continuity, security and legitimacy. Therefore they generally support business and finance, the American version of empire, the government and the president, until, and unless, some excess is so egregious that it poses a threat to continuity, security or legitimacy." Larry Beinhart

"The CIA's most important print media asset has been the New York Times, which provided press credentials and cover for more than a dozen CIA operatives during the Cold War." Martin A. Lee and Norman Solomon in their book "Unreliable Sources"

"The New York Times has been a British intelligence mouthpiece in the U.S. since the time that MI6 boss, Sir William Stephenson, occupied the RCA building in New York (1940)." John Coleman in his book "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"

"More than any other publications, the Washington Post and the New York Times exert (379 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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tremendous impact on American political life. Every day these newspapers contain more comprehensive coverage than any other U.S. media. While enjoying reputations for hard-hitting journalism, both papers are integral to the prevailing political power structure." Martin A. Lee and Norman Solomon in their book "Unreliable Sources"

"The limitations of professional journalism, the influence of owners, the linkages of media institutions to the power structure of society, and the internalized presuppositions, have led to what can only be characterized as a palpable double standard in coverage of the U.S. role in the world. ... The U.S. news media, including our most respected newspapers like the New York Times, turn a blind eye to U.S. violations of core international law, having no qualms about playing up the violations of adversaries. It would be nearly impossible for the coverage to be more unprincipled." John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney in their book "Tragedy & Farce"

"[The] New York Times} should be called 'American Officials Say'. Then you can just scrap all the reporting and have the Pentagon talking directly." Robert Fisk, 2006

"The Washington Post is the court circular. What has the emperor done today?" Gore Vidal, 2006

"New York Times columnist Tom Friedman parrots the propaganda of Big Money, using his column to legitimize some of the worst, most working-class-persecuting policies this country has seen in the last century... Friedman's perspective comes from the bubble he lives in ... he feels totally at ease shilling for Big Money and attacking workers because from the comfortable confines of the Washington suburbs he lives in and the elite cocktail parties he attends, what Friedman says seems mainstream to him." (380 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Dave Sirota, 2006

"The New York Times is the closest thing in the country to an official ministry of information and propaganda that's leading the way for all the others. It functions to serve the interests of wealth and power." Noam Chomsky

"The New York Times owes its long-term success, economic and otherwise, to being close to the government, to being sort of the semiofficial government newspaper and giving the administration line to the public fairly unfiltered." Rick Macarthur, 2007

"The New York Times' primary mission is to be the lead instrument of state propaganda making it the closest thing we have in the country to an official ministry of information and propaganda. The New York Times always plays the lead media role keeping the world safe for wealth and power." Stephen Lendman,, 2007

"Go through the New York Times on any day, and check the sources of the main political stories-domestic and foreign - you'll find they're dominated by government and other established interests." John Pilger, 2007

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. (381 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years." David Rockefeller to the Council on Foreign Relations. June 1991

"William Kristol and Thomas Friedman, have been rewarded for their treachery to America by the New York Times, which pays these men, who have never been right about anything, to pontificate from columns on its pages." Paul Craig Roberts, 2008

"Americans had to turn to the "alternative" media to gain any real perspective on the War Party's outrageously obvious lies about Iraq, which were being repeated on the front page of the New York Times and taken as gospel truth by the arbiters of the conventional wisdom." Justin Raimondo, 2008

"It is a fact that most editors and newsmen on the staffs of Life, Look, Time, Newsweek, etc., and most editors, reporters, and commentators at NBC, CBS, and ABC take their news and editorial cues from the New York Times. Technically, it is a great newspaper; but it reports much of the news in conformity with its editorial policies." Alice Widener, columnist for Barron's

"A problem that has been facing American mainstream journalism for a long time has mainly to do with access. They want to get their calls returned by the big guys at Goldman Sachs. So they develop a relationship in which the journalists themselves become insiders. Too often, consequently, they do little else than rewrite the press releases they are handed. This has cost America a lot. Mainstream journalists of The New York Times and elsewhere were complicit insiders both in the lead-up to the Iraq war and in the lead-up to the financial meltdown." (382 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Arianna Huffington, 2009

"Thomas Friedman ... utilized his position as a columnist for the most influential newspaper in the United States [New York Times] to promote baseless claims that Iraq constituted a threat to the United States and to legitimize military attacks against that country. He functioned as a dishonest and cynical propagandist for war, and bears no small degree of moral responsibility for the carnage that has followed the invasion of March 2003." David North, 2005

"Even at its best The New York Times never really breaks the mold by bringing in someone who rejects the entire American imperial and interventionist enterprise." Philip Giraldi, 2009

"The New York Times and the Washington Post are decidedly sliding into the neocon camp, where the likes of the Wall Street Journal have long resided. For the Post, this may already be an old story, given its enthusiastic cheerleading for the Iraq War. The Times, however, was a somewhat different story. ... That is now changing as the [New York] Times - behind executive editor Bill Keller and editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal - tosses aside all pretense of objectivity in the cause of seeking "regime change" in Iran, today's top priority for the neoconservatives. ... Not only in the New York Times opinion section but in its news columns ... Iran's alleged interest in acquiring a nuclear weapon is trumpeted incessantly (despite its denial of such a desire), while rogue nuclear states in the region (such as Israel, Pakistan and India) are given a pass." Robert Parry, 2010

"The New York Times is a war-mongering newspaper because its government is an aggressive imperial power that makes war on a continuing basis and the Times is an (383 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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establishment institution that reliably follows the party line brought forth when the warfare state moves into action. ... Between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2009, the New York Times had 276 articles featuring Iran's nuclear program, 3 on Israel's, a 92-1 ratio of attention. The intensity has been maintained, and the "threat" has been featured both in the editorial page and news articles. The leopard doesn't change its spots, and the New York Times continues its long-standing role as a war-monger." Edward Herman, 2010

"The CIA developed covert relationships with about 50 American journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations. According to one CIA operative, "You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." The agency arranged for the publication of books to be read in America, and for at least one of these works to be reviewed favorably in the New York Times." Peter Dale Scott in his book "The Road to 9/11"

"The story of an attempted takeover of executive power in the United States [the plot to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt] was suppressed, not only by parties directly interested, but also by several institutions usually regarded as protectors of constitutional liberty and freedom of inquiry. Among the groups suppressing information were ... the press, notably Time [magazine] and The New York Times... It is also notable that no academic inquiry has been conducted into what is surely one of the more ominous events in recent American history." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and FDR"

"The neoconservative press functions as propaganda ministry for hegemonic American empire, and the "liberal" New York Times serves the same master... Conservatives rant about the "liberal media" as if it were a vast subversive force, but they owe their beloved wars and coverups of the Bush regimes' crimes to the New York Times." Paul Craig Roberts, 2010 (384 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"By far the most valuable ... associations, according to CIA officials have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc... Over the years, the [CBS] network provided cover for CIA employees, including at least one well-known foreign correspondent and several stringers... A high-level CIA official with a prodigious memory says that the New York Times provided cover for about ten CIA operatives between 1950 and 1966." journalist Carl Bernstein in a Rolling Stone article "The CIA and the Media", 1977

"The CIA's relationship to the US media is amply documented. The New York Times continues to entertain a close relationship not only with US intelligence, but also with the Pentagon and more recently with the Department of Homeland Security." Michel Chossudovsky, 2010


"NGOs are Washington's means of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, such as funding and organizing "color revolutions" in Georgia and Ukraine. The National Endowment for Democracy is a principle funder of political opposition and protest groups in countries with governments to which Washington is opposed. Despite its original purpose, the National Endowment for Democracy has been converted into an agent for US hegemony." Paul Craig Roberts

"In every country, embassies are used for spying. So, it would be dumb for a country to put its real intelligence-gathering officers inside an embassy or consulate or attach', because that is the first place a hosting nation is going to look for spies. So, the number one place the United States and other countries place their intelligence-gathering officers and informants is NGOs. In Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and elsewhere in the world, United States' NGOs - over 90% of them - are operations bases for the CIA." Sibel Edmonds (385 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"In 2000, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, several specific organizations were key players: the National Endowment for Democracy and two of its offshoots, the International Republican Institute, tied to the Republican party, and the National Democratic Institute, tied to the Democrats. While claiming to be private Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), they were, in fact, financed by the US Congress and State Department. Armed with millions in US taxpayer dollars, they were moved into place to create a synthetic movement for 'non-violent change'." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order"

"In 1988, Washington had sent in advisers to Yugoslavia from a curious, private, nonprofit organization with the high-sounding name, the National Endowment for Democracy, or NED as it was known in Washington circles. That 'private' organization began handing out generous doses of dollars in every corner of Yugoslavia, financing opposition groups, buying up hungry young journalists with dreams of a new life, and financing trade union opposition, pro-IMF opposition economists such as the G-17, and human rights NGOs." William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order"

"National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was one of the few Western organizations, along with the Soros Foundation and some European foundations, to make grants in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and to work with local NGO's and independent media throughout the country. During the cold war, such internal intervention in a foreign country would have been labeled a CIA destabilization. In Washington newspeak, it was called, 'the fostering of democracy.' The result, for the living standard of Serbs, Kosovans, Bosnians, Croats and others, was disastrous." NED director Paul McCarthy, 1998

"The US ambassadors to Latin American countries ... have practical experience in destabilizing and subverting political regimes unfriendly to the US , launching propaganda campaigns, and creating fifth columns in the form of various NGOs." (386 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Russian analyst Nil Nikandrov

"NGOs worldwide have total turnover in excess of $1 trillion a year, making them a force to be reckoned with... NGOs might evolve into among the most influential institutions of the twenty-first century." David Rothkopf in his book "Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making"

"NGOs are like a fig leaf that Western governments hide behind when they don't have or want - a diplomatic or political solution," one NGO coworker told me. "In any conflict, any crisis, who goes in first? Aid organizations of course, so the West can say 'look, we're doing something,' even if they don't really want to solve the real problems in the end." Jenny Williams, worked with NGOs in Africa - emailed John Perkins in September 2006

"The [human rights] movement's deep uneasiness with all forms of radical and revolutionary social change was already evident in 1961, when the newly founded Amnesty international pronounced that no prisoners who advocated violence could be considered prisoners of conscience: thus no revolutionaries-not Nelson Mandela in South Africa, nor even the Berrigan brothers (who had destroyed draft-board records) in the United States." James Peck in his book "Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"The U.S. Pentagon, working covertly through the USAID under the Department of State, had been diverting millions of dollars of USAID funds earmarked for 'gorilla conservation' in the Virunga National Park in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and using it instead to explore the vast oil and mineral riches located in the same area. ... When skeptics investigated, they found that USAID money officially paid to the Dian (387 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Fossey Gorilla Fund International and Conservation lnternational, were being misused. ... The USAID was apparently covering up for the diversion of US taxpayer dollars from gorilla conservation to minerals exploration and providing arms to various organizations in Congo's Kivu. ... There was reason to believe that the USAID funds were being merely laundered via the conservation NGOs to create a massive arms buildup in the region." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"The International Planned Parenthood Federation was founded in London, in the offices of the British Eugenics Society. ... The Birth Control League had long trumpeted the need for eugenical births -- fewer births for parents with "inferior" bloodines... The Birth Control League ... chang[ed] its name to Planned Parenthood." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

"Haiti is called "the Republic of NGOs," with over 10,000 operating (according to World Bank estimates) for its nine million people, the highest per capita presence worldwide in all sectors of activity and society, many with sizable budgets. Yet their numbers beg the question. With that abundant firepower, why is Haiti the poorest country in the hemisphere, one of the poorest in the world." Stephen Lendman, 2010

"Human Rights Watch (HRW), and its close ally, the British Foreign Office's Amnesty International, have established themselves as a tightly coordinated international hit squad against nations which oppose free trade and globalization; they package their attacks as campaigns against "human rights" violations." Executive Intelligence Review, April 1997

"Human-rights interventionism became a consensus among the 'foreign policy elite' (388 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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even before September 11, 2001. Human Rights Watch (HRW) itself is part of that elite, which includes government departments, foundations, NGO's and academics. It is certainly not an association of 'concerned private citizens'. HRW board members include present and past government employees, and overlapping directorates link it to the major foreign policy lobbies in the US." Paul Treanor

"Failing in its attempt to pressure Sudan to break its ties with China, Washington turned its human rights and other guns on Khartoum directly. They launched a massive campaign to save Darfur. ... Washington and its NGOs ... charge[ed] Khartoum with genocide, as a pretext for bringing UN/NATO troops into the oil fields of Darfur and southern Sudan. Oil, not human misery, was behind Washington's new interest in Darfur. ... US military objectives in Darfur - and the Horn of Africa more widely - were being served by US and NATO backing for African Union (AU) troops in Darfur." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"We should be wary of the role of international NGOs. While many NGOs are trying to address the crisis, the U.S. and other governments are funneling aid to them in order to undermine Haitians' democratic right to self-determination. The international NGOs are unaccountable to either the Haitian state or Haitian population. So the aid funneled through them further weakens what little hold Haitians have on their own society." Ashley Smith

"[Human Rights Watch] HRW has been an important contributor to human rights violations in the former Yugoslavia. HRW helped stir up passions in the demonization process from 1992 onward and actively and proudly contributed to preparing the ground for NATO's 'supreme international crime' in March 1999." Edward S. Herman, David Peterson and George Szamuely, 2007 (389 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"In most cases the NGOs are not even membership organizations but a self appointed elite which, under the pretence of being "resource people" for popular movements, in fact, competes with and undermines them. In this sense, NGOs undermine democracy by taking social programs and public debate out of the hands of the local people and their elected natural leaders and creating dependence on non-elected overseas officials and their anointed local officials." James Petras, 2001

"Through slick Madison Avenue marketing techniques and careful study of genuine protest movements, the US Government had perfected techniques for 'democratically' getting rid of any opponent, while convincing the world they were brought down by spontaneous outbursts for freedom. The Serbian Otpor! revolution had been founded, guided and financed covertly by the US Government via select NGOs." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"CARE in Haiti was a perversion of American charitable ideals with its false claims to be aiding the 'poorest of the poor' when what it was really doing was throwing exquisite banquets at plush hotels while carrying out US political policy in the interest of international venture capitalists and industrialists." Timothy Schwartz in his book "Travesty in Haiti"

"Behind the veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be found the same powerful people and organizations such as the Open Society Institute of George Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of well known NGO's such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Crisis Group, etc., as well as more obscure entities. With the help of these various groups it is possible not only to shape but to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to further aims which are, in short, the control of the world, its natural resources and the furtherance of the uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made in America." (390 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Gilles d'Aymery

"US policy towards China's economic emergence across Asia, Africa and beyond, incorporated unexpected weapons of war - 'Human Rights' and 'Democracy.' Atypical as weapons of warfare, 'Democracy' and 'Human Rights' were a 21st Century version of the 1840 Opium Wars. ... The main US targets in the new 'Opium War' against China, euphemistically termed 'promotion of democracy,' were China's vital sources of raw materials. Specifically, the US targeted Myanmar, Sudan, and China itself - through the Dalai Lama organizations in Tibet and the Falun Gong 'religious' sect inside China. To accomplish their goal, the US clandestine intelligence services turned to an arsenal of NGOs they had carefully built up, using the battle cry of 'human rights violations' and weakening of 'democracy.' ... Countries to be targeted were singled out and repeatedly charged - typically in a massive international media assault led by CNN and BBC - as violators of 'human rights... It was a controlled game in which US agencies, from the State Department to the intelligence community, worked behind the facade of a handful of extremely influential, allegedly 'neutral' and nonpartisan' NGOs... from the National Endowment for Democracy to Human Rights Watch and the Open Society Institutes. F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"You can't talk about disaster capitalism and then donate to the big NGOs. If you donate to the Red Cross, for instance, some help will go to Haiti. At the same time, you are also donating to a system which is not designed to empower Haitians. So if you are progressive, if you want democracy in Haiti, and if you have some faith in the Haitian people, you should be looking for the groups most closely related to, and working with, the grassroots organizations." Robert Roth a teacher and long-time Haiti solidarity activist, co-founded Haiti Action Committee in 1992

"Right wing [American] ideologues and shell NGOs based out of Washington played a critical role in the coup [in Honduras in 2009 ... and are hell bent on stopping the growing populist movements throughout Latin America from gaining more influence and power." (391 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Bill Quigley and Laura Raymond

"The nuclear weapons' industry, which includes the production of nuclear devices as well as the missile delivery systems, etc., is controlled by a handful of defense contractors with Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and Boeing in the lead." Michel Chossudovsky

"The Bush administration, in a secret policy review... [had] ordered the Pentagon to draft contingency plans for the use of nuclear weapons against at least seven countries, naming not only Russia and the "axis of evil" Iraq, Iran, and North Korea but also China, Libya and Syria." William Arkin, 2002

"Under the banner of nuclear non-proliferation, the US [Obama] Administration's objective is to gain a monopoly over the stocks as well as the production of nuclear materials worldwide." Michel Chossudovsky, 2012

"The US has supplied some 480 nuclear bombs to five non-nuclear NATO countries including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey, and to one nuclear country, the United Kingdom. ... Turkey, which is a partner of the US-led coalition against Iran (along with Israel), possesses some 90 thermonuclear bunker buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. ... Germany remains the most heavily nuclearized country with three nuclear bases, and may store as many as 150 bunker buster bombs... While Germany is not officially a nuclear power, it produces nuclear warheads for the French Navy. It stockpiles nuclear warheads and it (392 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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has the capabilities of delivering nuclear weapons." Michel Chossudovsky, 2012

"Washington is forcing Russia and China to spend resources on military preparedness that the countries could better use in economic development and in protecting the environment. It is my belief that Washington's drive for world hegemony is driving the world toward nuclear war." Paul Craig Roberts

"Rich individuals and their families have as much as $32 trillion of hidden financial assets in offshore tax havens." Tax Justice Network, UK [based on a 2012 study of data from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations]

"Offshore banking as a whole is under the thumb of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy. The British pre-eminence makes the world picture of offshore banking and dirty money more comprehensible. If the world offshore banking sector appears to run as a single operation under British monarchy control, that is because the same group of people who run it also run the opium traffic whose proceeds this banking sector was created to handle." "How the Drug Empire Works"

"With very few exceptions, offshore banking as a whole is under the thumb of the British oligarchy." from the book "DOPE, INC." - Executive Intelligence Review, 1992 (393 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Large amounts of money transit through the banking system, from the banks to the hedge funds, to offshore banking havens and back to the banks." Michel Chossudovsky

"A study entitled "Crime and Secrecy: The Use of Offshore Banks and Companies," issued by the Permanent Investigations Subcommittee of the Senate in 1983 after two years of investigations. The investigators estimated the illegal economy of the United States at up to 10% of reported Gross National Product, or over $300 billion. The study reported that London is the leading center worldwide for the concealment of funds ... that two-fifths of all foreign banking activities conducted out of Switzerland are performed with other offshore centers." from the book "DOPE, INC." - Executive Intelligence Review, 1992

"Merrill Lynch, conservatively estimates the wealth of private individuals managed through private banking accounts in offshore tax havens at $ 3.3 trillion. The IMF puts the offshore assets of corporations and individuals at $ 5.5 trillion, a sum equivalent to 25 percent of total world income. The largely ill-gotten loot of Third World elites in numbered accounts was estimated in the 1990s at $ 600 billion, with one third of that held in Switzerland." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order"

"Under U.S. law, banks must report all cash deposits of $10,000 or more. Traffickers have turned to high cash-turnover businesses - such as hotels, casinos, restaurants, and sports events-to launder their money. Since banks don't have to report deposits made by these businesses, drug profits are simply mixed in with legal cash flows. Cash is also frequently shipped out of the United States. Often planes which fly cocaine into the U.S., fly back loaded with $20, $50, and $100 bills. The bills can then either be deposited directly in offshore banking centers - where no questions are asked - or in remote bank branches in the drug-producing countries. These funds are then wiretransferred out to the offshore banks, into secret accounts where there is no government supervision." (394 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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from the book "DOPE, INC." - Executive Intelligence Review, 1992

"Offshore banking [1960s] marked a sea change in New York banking practice that would explode in importance during the next three decades and beyond. Chase Manhattan, Citibank and other major US money center banks were to launder hundreds of billions of dollars of illicit hot money, no questions asked, whether the funds originated from US-friendly dictators like the Philippines' Ferdinand Marcos, Iran's Shah Reza Pahlavi, Mexico's Ral Salinas de Gortari, or Jurez drug cartel money being transferred to Uruguay and Argentina, or from countless other controversial and politically sensitive transactions." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"The global banking cartel, centered at the IMF, World Bank and Federal Reserve, have paid off politicians and dictators the world over [Including Washington]. In country after country, they have looted national economies at the expense of local populations, consolidating wealth in unprecedented fashion - the top economic one-tenth of one percent is currently holding over $40 trillion in investible wealth, not counting an equally significant amount of wealth hidden in offshore accounts." David DeGraw, 2011

"A large share of the multibillion dollar revenues of narcotics are deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the large international banks together with their affiliates in the offshore banking havens launder large amounts of narco-dollars." Michel Chossudovsky in the book "The Global Economic Crisis"

"More than half of world trade passes, at least on paper, through tax havens. Over half of all banking assets and a third of foreign direct investment by multinational corporations, are routed offshore.' Some 85 per cent of international banking and bond issuance takes place in the so-called Euromarket, a stateless offshore zone. The IMF estimated in 2010 that the balance sheets of small island financial centres alone added (395 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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up to $18 trillion - a sum equivalent to about a third of the world's GDP. And that, it said, was probably an underestimate. The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported in 2008 that 83 of the USA's biggest 100 corporations had subsidiaries in tax havens... The Tax Justice Network discovered that ninety-nine of Europe's hundred largest companies used offshore subsidiaries. In each country, the largest user by far was a bank." Nicholas Shaxson in his book "Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World"

"The emergence of the US as an offshore jurisdiction in its own right attracted vast financial flows into the country boosting bankers' power even further. The old alliance between Wall Street and the City of London, which had collapsed after the Great Depression and the Second World War, had been resurrected." Nicholas Shaxson in his book "Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World"

"After 1971, a White House policy was initiated, under the effective control of Henry Kissinger, to control the economies of the nations and to reduce their populations, rather than to facilitate technology transfer and industrial growth. The strategy was to force the price of the cartelized world oil up by about a factor of four, recover the Arab oil receipts back into the British and American central banks, and lend them to the Third World to acquire control over those countries. To this end, the Bilderberg group, containing the world's top financial and political insiders, met privately in Saltsjoebaden, Sweden in May 1973 to discuss how the coming flood of oil dollars was to be handled. ... The great bulk of the petro-dollars were repatriated in purchasing U.S. government debt and in deposit accounts in Chase Manhattan, Citibank, et al. From there they were loaned to the Third World, which could not otherwise buy the fuel they needed to survive, whence many of those countries became enslaved to the bankers, and forced to follow their edicts on how to run their countries. (396 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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F William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War" reviewed in the book "How The World Really Works" by Alan Jones

"Since the Bush-Cheney Administration took office in January 2001, controlling the major oil and natural gas fields of the world had been the primary, though undeclared, priority of US foreign policy... Not only the invasion of Iraq, but also the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan, had nothing to do with 'democracy,' and everything to do with pipeline control across Central Asia and the militarization of the Middle East." F. William Engdahl

"The dollar's current strength is supported by the requirement of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), secured originally by a secret agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia, that all OPEC oil sales be denominated in dollars." Peter Dale Scott in his book "The Road to 9/11"

"Everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil." Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, 2008

"We must never make it appear as if we went into Iraq for its oil." Republican Arizona Senator Jon Kyl

"The United States handled the quadrupling of oil prices in the 1970s by arranging, by means of secret agreements with the Saudis, to recycle petrodollars back into the U.S. economy. The first of these deals assured a special and ongoing Saudi stake in the health of the U.S. dollar; the second secured continuing Saudi support for the pricing of all OPEC oil in dollars. (397 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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These two deals assured that the U.S. economy would not be impoverished by OPEC oil price hikes. The heaviest burdens would be borne instead by the economies of less developed countries." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"One of the verboten topics is oil. Do you notice how it is almost never mentioned in the press as a real reason we went into Iraq. When is the last time you heard any major media outlet talking about it? Was there ever a magazine cover that asked -- Was it About the Oil? Can you imagine Wolf Blitzer asking this question of a government official? ... Do Americans realize that the rest of the world, is absolutely convinced we went in for the oil? Cenk Uygur, 2008

"We had virtually no economic options with Iraq, because the country floats on a sea of oil." Paul Wolfowitz, 2008

"Only in an America dumbed down by constant propaganda about our innate moral superiority will anyone any longer believe that we didn't invade Iraq for the oil." Robert Scheer, 2008

"In Colombia, we are fighting a war (supposedly on drugs but in fact financed in part by drugs) with a drug proxy - the corrupt Colombian army and its even more corrupt paramilitary auxiliaries. In 2001 Colombian government sources estimated that 40 percent of Colombian cocaine exports were controlled by rightwing paramilitary warlords and their trafficking allies. Meanwhile the amount controlled by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the target of the U.S. "war on drugs," was estimated by the Colombian government to be 2.5 percent." (398 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"The United States is not interested in the oil in that region from Iraq. That's just utter nonsense." Donald Rumsfeld, US. Secretary of Defense, interview with Al Jazeera TV, February 25, 2003

"We're there in Iraq because that part of the world controls the world supply of oil, and whoever controls the supply of oil would have a stranglehold on the American economy and indeed on the world economy." Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, 1990

"Regardless of whether we say so publicly, we will go to war, because Saddam sits at the center of a region with more than 60 percent of all the world's oil reserves." Anthony H. Cordesman, senior analyst at Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies

"After U.S. troops captured Baghdad in April 2003, they were ordered to protect the Oil Ministry even as looters ransacked priceless antiquities from Iraq's national museums and stole explosives from unguarded military arsenals." Jason Leopold, Global Research, 2009

"The US-led war in the broader Middle East Central Asian region consists in gaining control over more than sixty percent of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas. The Anglo-American oil giants also seek to gain control over oil and gas pipeline routes out of the region. Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, the United (399 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Arab Emirates, Qatar, Yemen, Libya, Nigeria, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, possess between 66.2 and 75.9 percent of total oil reserves." Michel Chossudovsky, 2012

"Right after World War II ... the United States moved to dominate a global system for the production and distribution of oil. Starting with the Truman Doctrine in 1946, U.S. geostrategic thinking was oil based. What began as a strategy for containment of the Soviet Union has become more and more nakedly a determination to control the oil resources of the world. This pursuit has progressively deformed the domestic U.S. economy, rendering it more and more unbalanced and dependent on heavy military expenditures in remote and ungovernable areas-most recently Afghanistan." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"Washington and the New York banks had exchanged their flawed postwar Bretton Woods gold exchange system for a new, highly unstable petroleum-based dollar exchange system, which, unlike the gold exchange system, they reckoned they could control. Henry Kissinger and the financial establishment of London and New York had in effect replaced the old gold exchange standard of the postwar world with their own 'petrodollar standard.'" William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"The American habit of training, arming, and financing its drug-trafficking allies in order to help secure oil resources abroad has been a major factor in the huge increase in global illicit drug trafficking since World War II." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"The oil market is now cornered by five major companies - Exxon-Mobil, Chevron-Texaco, British Petroleum-Amoco-Arco, Royal Dutch Shell and Conoco-Phillips - which control over 60 percent of refinery output. ... The operating strategy ... is to force independent refiners out of business, (400 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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tighten gasoline supplies, and then jack up the price. Finally, when the profit skyrockets, take ads in newspapers to claim that the profit is reasonable." Ravi Batra in his book "The New Golden Age", 2007

"Drug networks are important factors in the politics of every continent. The United States returns repeatedly to the posture of fighting wars in areas of petroleum reserves with the aid of drug-trafficking allies - drug proxies - with which it has a penchant to become involved." Peter Dale Scott in his book "Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina"


"The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations. But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world. The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order." Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File" "The future of the global political economy is one of increasing moves toward a global system of governance, or a world government, with a world central bank and global currency. ... What we are witnessing is the creation of a New World Order, composed of a totalitarian global government structure. (401 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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... The very concept of a global currency and global central bank is authoritarian in its very nature, as it removes any vestiges of oversight and accountability away from the people of the world, toward a small, increasingly interconnected group of international elites." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"With the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federate-Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents." David Ben-Gurion

"Through the Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations its ideology is constant: That the best way to fight Communism is by a One World Socialist state governed by "experts" like themselves. The result has been policies which favor the growth of the superstate, gradual surrender of United States sovereignty to the United Nations and a steady retreat in the face of Communist aggression." Kermit Roosevelt, 1961

"Every step the United States takes toward political and economic entanglements with the rest of the world is a step toward realization of the end objective of Communism: creating a one-world socialist political and economic system in which we will be one of the subjugated provinces. ... If the world government included the despotic, oligarchic, militaristic, feudalistic, and primitive systems of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, it would necessarily become the bloodiest and most oppressive tyranny the world has ever known." Dan Smoot in his book "The Invisible Government" (402 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald, 1976 (he was killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by Soviets)

"If you wish to establish national monopolies, you must control national governments. If you wish to establish international monopolies or cartels, you must control a world government." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"A purpose of the Bretton Woods system is to create a world government ruled by the banking elites, using the United Nations as the core of a political structure and the IMF as the world central bank. ... The [global banking] elites understand that they will never be able to consolidate and hold their power by means of a gradualist program unless and until they are able to make the IMF the sole issuer of the world's only important currency [the dollar]." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" "Regionalization is in keeping with the tri-lateral plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of 'one world government'. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept." Zbigniew Brzezinski

"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging," and the manner in which they would accomplish that was through the United Nations." (403 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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David Funderburk, a former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, 1991

"A radical alternative scheme for the next century [would be] the creation of a common currency for all the industrial democracies, with a common monetary policy and a joint Bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy ... How can independent states accomplish that? They need to turn over the determination of monetary policy to a supranational body." Richard Cooper, Harvard professor and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member, in Foreign Affairs, 1984

"The world is ... prepared to march towards a world government. The supra national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller at the June 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent." James Warburg, son of Council on Foreign Relations founder Paul Warburg

"The organized intellectual powers of the West - the principle think tanks and banking interests - have sought to create a perfect global system of governance, one in which power does not sway from nation to nation, or West to East, but rather that power is centralized globally... it is through crises - economic, political, and social - that this process of global governance can be rapidly accelerated." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 2011

"The big question is why hasn't government and the Fed tried to solve the economic (404 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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situation [in the United States]? The answer is they have no intention of doing so, because they want the public on their knees economically and financially so they can impose World Government." Bob Chapman, 2011

"The network of world financiers are not pro-Communist. Their motivation is profit and power. They are now working to bring both Russia and the United States into a world government which they expect to control. War and threats of war are tools to prod the masses toward the acceptance of that goal. It is essential, therefore, that the United States and the industrialized nations of world have credible enemies." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island", 1994

"The entities who now control the wealth and power will accumulate even more wealth and power. A new global reserve currency will emerge and a global central bank will be the global governing authority where the heads of state report to a group of central bankers and their anonymous shareholders who control the money, power and politicians on a global scale." Craig Harris, 2008

"The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. The capitalists owned everything in the world, and everyone else was their slave. They owned all the land, all the houses, all the factories, and all the money. If anyone disobeyed them they could throw him into prison, or they could take his job away and starve him to death." George Orwell in his book "1984"

government created and run by psychopaths (405 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]


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"Pathocracy is a system of government wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"

"During the past fifty years, psychopaths have gained almost absolute control of all the branches of government." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes", 1998

"CIvilization, as we know it, is largely the creation of psychopaths. All civilizations, our own included, have been built on slavery and mass murder. Psychopaths have played a disproportionate role in the development of civilization, because they are hard-wired to lie, kill, cheat, steal, torture, manipulate, and generally inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse, in order to establish their own sense of security through domination." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"

"Our society is ever more soulless because the people who lead it and who set the example are soulless - they literally have no conscience." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"

"The problem of psychopathy in politics remains steadfastly ignored. Political scientists refuse to look at psychopathy, and psychopathy experts refuse to look at politics. The results of such blindness are evident in history - and the present - for anyone to see. Genocides, dictatorships, state-sanctioned torture, "war without end", political (406 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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assassinations, death squads, corruption, blackmail, spying on civilians, "state secrets", illegal "espionage", and on and on." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"

"The political psychopath, in a position of the utmost prestige, power, and influence, has the potential to rule - and ruin - empires. His influence reaches every level of society and his decisions have the potential to affect billions." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"

"A normal person's actions and reactions, his ideas and moral criteria, all too often strike abnormal individuals as abnormal. For if a person with some psychological deviations considers himself normal, which is of course significantly easier if he possesses authority, then he would consider a normal person different and therefore abnormal. ... Any person rebelling internally against a governmental system shall easily be designated by the representatives of said government as "mentally abnormal", someone who should submit to psychiatric treatment. A scientifically and morally degenerate psychiatrist becomes a tool easily used for this purpose." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"

"Experts have made it increasingly clear that psychopaths can occupy prominent positions in all professions: law, business, medicine, psychology, academia, military, entertainment, law enforcement, even - and perhaps especially - politics." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes" (407 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"In his book "Political Ponerology", Andrej Lobaczewski explains that clinical psychopaths enjoy advantages even in non-violent competitions to climb the ranks of social hierarchies. Because they can lie without remorse (and without the telltale physiological stress that is measured by lie detector tests), psychopaths can always say whatever is necessary to get what they want... All hierarchies inevitably become topheavy with psychopaths. Since psychopaths have no limitations on what they can or will do to get to the top, the ones in charge are generally pathological. It is not power that corrupts, it is that corrupt individuals seek power." Clinton Callahan in his book "Beware the Psychopath, My Son"

"Psychopaths, like anyone else, are born with different basic likes and dislikes and desires, which is why some of them are petty thieves or rapists and others are doctors and presidents." Martha Stout, author of the book "The Sociopath Next Door", 2005

"If violent offenders are psychopathic, they are able to assault, rape, and murder without concern for legal, moral, or social consequences. This allows them to do what they want, whenever they want. Ironically, these same traits exist in men and women who are drawn to high-profile and powerful positions in society including political officeholders." Jim Kouri

"Some of the character traits exhibited by serial killers or criminals may be observed in many within the political arena. They share the traits of psychopaths who are not sensitive to altruistic appeals, such as sympathy for their victims or remorse or guilt over their crimes. They possess the personality traits of lying, narcissism, selfishness, and vanity. These are the people to whom we have entrusted our fate." Jim Kouri

"The US presidency demands sociopathic behavior, because the decisions that have to (408 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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be made once in power, harm tens-of-thousands, even millions of people around the world." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"The top people in the foreign policy establishment, like Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright, are sociopaths. If you have empathy, compassion and common decency, you wouldn't rise to the top of the foreign policy establishment (think tanks, foundations, government, academia). It is not logical to expect these people to engage in a foreign policy that doesn't result in suffering, war and atrocities." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"American leaders are perhaps not so much immoral as they are amoral. It's not that they take pleasure in causing so much death and suffering. It's that they just don't care ... the same that could be said about a sociopath. As long as the death and suffering advance the agenda of the empire, as long as the right people and the right corporations gain wealth and power and privilege and prestige, as long as the death and suffering aren't happening to them or people close to them ... then they just don't care about it happening to other people, including the American soldiers whom they throw into wars and who come home-the ones who make it back alive-with Agent Orange or Gulf War Syndrome eating away at their bodies. American leaders would not be in the positions they hold if they were bothered by such things." William Blum in his book "Killing Hope"

"The leaders of the empire, the imperial mafia - George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, et al.and their scribes as well, are as fanatic and as fundamentalist as Osama bin Laden." William Blum in his book "Killing Hope"

"Our leaders are cruel because only those willing to be inordinately cruel and (409 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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remorseless can hold positions of leadership in the foreign policy establishment. People capable of expressing a full human measure of compassion and empathy toward faraway powerless strangers do not become president of the United States, or vice president, or secretary of state, or national security adviser." William Blum in his book "Killing Hope"

"Many politicians share the traits of psychopaths who are not sensitive to altruistic appeals, such as sympathy for their victims or remorse or guilt over their crimes. They possess the personality traits of lying, narcissism, selfishness, and vanity. These are the people to whom we have entrusted our fate. Is it any wonder that America is failing at home and world-wide?" John Kozy

"Psychopaths seek positions of power and influence, and politics offers publicity, prestige, and other perks. It also provides positions of ultimate authority over military, industry, and entire populations. In a world where psychopaths are understandably viewed as morally repulsive, often finding themselves at home in the criminal world, politics offers an opportunity to create a new world, to be free from the ridiculous (in their minds) moral and legal rules of society." Harrison Koehli

"While political psychopaths are instrumental in the rise of totalitarian political groups, they play an equally important role in apparently democratic governments." Harrison Koehl

"Most [psychopathic] serial killers and many professional politicians must mimic what they believe are appropriate responses to situations they face such as sadness, empathy, sympathy, and other human responses to outside stimuli. ... If violent offenders are psychopathic, they are able to assault, rape, and murder without concern for legal, moral, or social consequences. This allows them to do what they want, (410 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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whenever they want. Ironically, these same traits exist in men and women who are drawn to high-profile and powerful positions in society including political officeholders." Jim Kouri

"The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 [Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism] significantly weakened restrictions on law enforcement agencies' gathering of intelligence within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury's authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act's expanded law enforcement powers can be applied. On May 26, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011, a four-year extension of three key provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act: roving wiretaps, searches of business records (the "library records provision"), and conducting surveillance of "lone wolves" - individuals suspected of terrorist-related activities not linked to terrorist groups." Wikipedia


"The USA/PATRIOT Act vastly strengthened the powers of the police over civil society... Every clause of this law violated the U.S. Constitution. The USA/PATRIOT Act, like its totalitarian counterparts, has a vague, loose definition of "terrorism" that allows it to repress any dissident organization and protest activity." James Petras

"The PATRIOT Act violates at least six of the ten original amendments known as the Bill of Rights - the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments - and (411 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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possibly the Thirteenth and Fourteenth as well." John Whitehead, founder of the Rutherford Institute

"The PATRIOT Act wipes out the rights I enjoyed." Daniel Ellsberg - released the Pentagon Papers (which revealed top-secret Pentagon study about the Vietnam War), 1971

"The PATRIOT Act creates a number of new crimes. One of the most threatening to dissent and those who oppose government policies is the crime of "domestic terrorism"." Michel Chossudovsky

"The PATRIOT Act allows the government to spy on Internet surfing by Americans, including to collect the terms they enter into search engines such as Google. The person spied on does not have to be the target of the investigation, and the government is not obligated to report to the court or tell the person involved what it has done." Chalmers Johnson

"Upon passage of PATRIOT Act II, which contains the amendment to overturn posse comitatus, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) will be re-militarized, which will give the agency military police powers." Al Martin

"America's PATRIOT Act violates five of the ten cherished amendments of the Bill of Rights: freedom of speech and assembly, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, due process, prompt public trial, and protection from cruel and unusual (412 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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punishment." Parag Khanna

"In the PATRIOT Act, Congress has created a tool of punishment to shut us up, if Americans don't get the message. We can be silenced through secret accusations. The government has no burden to show evidence that a crime has been committed. They don't have to show evidence to a grand jury. They don't have to show proof to a Judge. The FBI and Prosecutors have no burden to confess afterwards that a defendant had a legitimate alibi for the alleged wrongdoing. American citizens can be detained indefinitely without trial. They can lock us up on military bases and deny us access to our attorneys." Susan Lindauer

"In theory, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 adopted in the wake of the US civil war, prevents the military from intervening in civilian police and judicial functions. This law has been central to the functioning of constitutional government. While the Posse Comitatus Act is still on the books, in practice the legislation is no longer effective in preventing the militarization of civilian institutions. Both the legislation inherited from the Clinton administration and the post-9/11 PATRIOT Acts I and II have blurred the line between military and civilian roles. They allow the military to intervene in judicial and law enforcement activities even in the absence of an emergency situation. " Michel Chossudovsky

"The PATRIOT Act, which became effective on the October 26 2001, authorised indefinite detention without indictment for foreigners suspected of having links to terrorist organisations." Jean-Claude Paye "The Bush/Cheney regime rammed through the PATRIOT Act, which assaulted the US Constitution and took away US civil liberties. The Bush regime established that the president did not have to obey statutory US law, such as the Foreign Intelligence (413 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Surveillance Act which requires a court warrant for spying on US citizens... Bush asserted and established by assertion, the power to negate Constitutional protections, such as habeas corpus, and confine US citizens to indefinite detainment without any evidence or court proceedings." Paul Craig Roberts

"America's state religion: patriotism, a phenomenon which has convinced many of the citizenry that "treason" is morally worse than murder or rape." William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death"

"Patriotism has got to be more than hanging out a flag and then sitting on your ass watching jets bomb Afghanistan." Ruth Coniff

"Patriotism in its simplest, clearest, and most indubitable meaning is nothing but an instrument for the attainment of the government's ambitious and mercenary aims, and a renunciation of human dignity, common sense, and conscience by the governed, and a slavish submission to those who hold power. That is what is really preached wherever patriotism is championed. Patriotism is slavery." Leo Tolstoy

"Today in the United States millions find it easier to chant "USA, USA, USA" than to accept facts that indicate the need for change." Paul Craig Roberts (414 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Thomas Paine was the most famous political thinker of his day, his books in the late eighteenth century selling more copies than the Bible, but after the Americans had won their War of Independence, his notions of democracy were deemed unsuitable to the work of dividing up the spoils. The proprietors of their newfound estate claimed the privilege of apportioning its freedoms, and they remembered that Paine opposed the holding of slaves and the denial to women of the same sort of rights awarded to men. A man too much given to plain speaking, on too familiar terms with the lower orders of society, and therefore not to be trusted. ... In 1794, Paine fell from grace as an American patriot as a consequence of his publishing The Age of Reason, the pamphlet in which he ridiculed the authority of an established church... When he died in poverty in 1809, he was buried, as unceremoniously as a dog in a ditch, in unhallowed ground on his farm in New Rochelle." Lewis H. Lapham

"The framework of inherent evil in our enemies is accepted to such a high degree that war and military threats against those enemies often engender a sense of pride, patriotism, and righteousness. Their regular denunciation relegates vast populations to potential collateral damage, a class of subhumans which can be destroyed at will by the most advanced military on the planet in the name of freedom and democracy. Countries are leveled to 'defend the peace' and 'protect human rights'. The ultimate double standard, one that justifies the death of others but from which we are immune, is highly entrenched. Its internalization is a triumph of indoctrination and propaganda in the service of wealth and power." Michael Leung, 2007

"Patriotism and nationalism are enemies of the truth." Robert Fearn in his book "Amoral America"

"The Japanese pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor were being patriotic. The German (415 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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people who supported Hitler and his conquests were being patriotic, fighting for the Fatherland. All the Latin American military dictators who overthrew democraticallyelected governments and routinely tortured people were being patriotic -- saving their beloved country from "communism"." author William Blum

"The US spends almost half of all the military spending in the entire world, equal to virtually all the other countries combined. More than half of the weapons sold in the world are sold by the United States. The US has more than 700 military bases scattered across dozens of countries. The US is the world's leading trainer of paramilitaries. The US has a series of courses, from interrogators to generals, that have graduated military people guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity in dozens upon dozens of countries. The US has a series of covert paramilitary forces of its own that get almost no attention... This is the military machine." journalist Allan Nairn, 2010

"Over time, a commitment to both guns and butter has proven an unstable configuration. Military industries crowd out the civilian economy and lead to severe economic weaknesses." Chalmers Johnson

"The Pentagon's penchant for military toys makes an ambitious, aggressive foreign policy essential. Without enemies and conflicts, real or potential, there is no reason to spend money." Gabriel Kolko, 2007

"Although I'm not loyal to any country or government, I am loyal to certain principles, like political and social justice, economic democracy, human rights. ... If your heart and mind tell you clearly that the bombing of impoverished, hungry, (416 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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innocent peasants is a terrible thing to do and will not make the American people any more secure, you should protest it in any way you can and don't be worried about being called unpatriotic." William Blum, 2009

"[The Pentagon's] five-year campaign plan includes a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, L Somalia and Sudan." General Wesley Clark

"The Pentagon sets its own agenda in collaboration with its transnational corporate masters. Gone is the older notion that the military is only one of several means that a democratic government uses to implement its policies. As their size and prominence grow, the armed forces of any empire tend to overshadow and displace other instruments of foreign policy. Militarism rules abroad and sets the tone at home." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The need for human drudgery, and therefore to a great extent for human inequality, had disappeared... But it was also clear that an all-round increase in wealth threatened the destruction of a hierarchical society. In a world in which everyone worked short hours, had enough to eat, the most obvious and perhaps the most important form of inequality would already have disappeared. If it once became general, wealth would confer no distinction... But in practice such a society could not long remain stable. For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance. ... The problem was how to keep the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed. (417 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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And in practice the only way of achieving this was by continuous warfare." Winston Smith in George Orwell's book "1984"

"'Military Keynesianism' is the determination to maintain a permanent war economy and to treat military output as an ordinary economic product, even though it makes no contribution to either production or consumption." Chalmers Johnson, 2008

"A new insanity has been unleashed upon the world. An unlimited war that our leaders counsel could go on indefinitely. A war against enemies in the "shadowy networks," which means we will never know when the shadowy enemy is vanquished. This is quite possibly the policymakers' shot at the final, and permanent, militarization of U.S. society." Robert Jensen in his book "Citizens of Empire"

"The primary aim of modem warfare ... is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living. [The "machine" is society's technical and industrial capacity to produce goods.] ... An all-around increase in wealth threatened the destruction ... of a hierarchical society. In a world in which everyone worked short hours, had enough to eat, lived in a house with a bathroom and a refrigerator, and possessed a motorcar or even an airplane, the most obvious and perhaps the most important form of inequality would already have disappeared. If it once became general, wealth would confer no distinction .... Such a society could not long remain stable. For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance. ... The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking into the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent." (418 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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George Orwell in his book "1984"

"Four sorrows, it seems to me, are certain to be visited on the United States. Their cumulative effect guarantees that the U.S. will cease to resemble the country outlined in the Constitution of 1787. First, there will be a state of perpetual war, leading to more terrorism against Americans wherever they may be and a spreading reliance on nuclear weapons among smaller nations as they try to ward off the imperial juggernaut. Second is a loss of democracy and Constitutional rights as the presidency eclipses Congress and is itself transformed from a co-equal 'executive branch' of government into a military junta. Third is the replacement of truth by propaganda, disinformation, and the glorification of war, power, and the military legions. Lastly, there is bankruptcy, as the United States pours its economic resources into ever more grandiose military projects and shortchanges the education, health, and safety of its citizens." Chalmers Johnson in his book "Sorrows of Empire"

"There is a special breed of international financiers whose success typically is built upon certain character traits. Those include cold objectivity, immunity to patriotism, and indifference to the human condition. That profile is the basis for proposing a theoretical strategy, called the Rothschild Formula, which motivates such men to propel governments into war for the profits they yield... As long as the mechanism of central banking exists, it will be to such men an irresistible temptation to convert debt into perpetual war and war into perpetual debt." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

"In a closed society, one party or despot has control over the instruments of mass communication and the power to enforce its will. Something very similar, however, can happen in a democratic society under specific conditions that are recognizable only in hindsight, although Orwell recognized one of the most important, namely, when a government wages a "perpetual war" that keeps people terrified, focused in their hatred against external and internal enemies, and "patriotic" in the Orwellian sense." Drew Westen in the book "What Orwell Didn't Know" (419 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"How does continuous war act to keep the Lows "stupefied by poverty" and thereby assure the maintenance of the social structure? The goal of the wars is to enable the economy to be kept going for the benefit of the High, its military, and its bureaucracy and control personnel (the Thought Police, etc.), but at the same time to assure that any excess production capacity is prevented from producing consumer goods for the lower classes. That excess capacity is instead directed to producing excess military goods which will ' ultimately rust away or be destroyed in warfare; that is, the excess capacity is deliberately wasted in order to turn it away from the production of goods which would result in added leisure or well-being for the lower classes. Those classes are instead continually forced into group activities expressing hatred toward the current enemy (any enemy) and dependency upon and love toward their benevolent rulers for protecting them from that enemy. They are thereby led to accept the consumer shortages, the poverty, and the other privations to which they are subjected. Their economic status is kept at the subsistence level, forcing their priorities to be focused on simply acquiring basic food, clothing, and shelter. They are thus denied either the time or the inclination to question the fairness or permanence of their societal condition, or to otherwise evolve into a threat to the established hierarchy." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"What better economic stimulus than a foreign policy of perpetual war?" Justin Raimondo, 2009

"In 1957 President Dwight Eisenhower commissioned a panel of scientists to study the issue of overpopulation. The scientists put forth "Alternatives" advocating both the release of deadly viruses and perpetual warfare as means to decrease world population." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"When war becomes literally continuous, it also ceases to be dangerous. When war is continuous there is no such thing as military necessity. Technical progress can cease and the most palpable facts can be denied or (420 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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disregarded." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"The Pilgrims Society is an aristocratic Anglo-American club. The primary purpose of this club is to form an unofficial alliance with the United States and to vastly increase the powers of the British empire. ... The Pilgrims Society has fused together the business centers of New York and London, together with a large portion of the political centers of both nations. Ninety percent of the American members are top-level bankers and businessmen from New York city. ... Pilgrims Society presidents of the New York Federal Reserve Bank cover the period from 1914 to 1979. Pilgrims Society chairmen of the New York Federal Reserve cover almost the entire period from the 1920s up to 1990. ... The Pilgrims Society represents that old dream of Cecil Rhodes to create a worldwide English-speaking free-trade zone, with the dominant position for the Anglo-Saxon race. Rhodes had also been speculating about a network of secret societies that had to absorb the wealth of the world. ... The Pilgrims Society is one of the most important privately funded institutions of the globalist movement." Joel van der Reijden, 2005

"The Pilgrims were founded in London July 24, 1902, four months after the death of Cecil Rhodes who had outlined an ideology of a secret society to work towards eventual British rule of all the world, and who had made particular provisions in his will designed to bring the United States among the countries "possessed by Great Britain"." E. C. Knuth in his book "The Empire of the "City" - The Secret History of British Financial Power"

"In 1897, a group of top British and American intellectuals and money monopolists met to plot ways to implement Cecil Rhodes' plan for a merging of British and American (421 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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interests, in preparation for the final thrust towards the achievement of their ultimate goal - a One World Government. The result of their deliberations came on July 24, 1907, with the creation in London of an ultra-secret organization known as the Pilgrim Society. The basic purpose of the Pilgrim Society was to promote unity between the United States and Britain, to maneuver the United States into a position of dependence upon the Crown." "Descent Into Slavery" a book by Des Griffin

"At the turn of 20th century a number of influential persons were interested in bringing the establishments of the United States and Great Britain closer together... The idea arose to form a new, elitist society with branches in both London and New York. This became the Pilgrims Society. ... The Pilgrims Society predates the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs - two closely-linked think tanks - by almost 20 years, and therefore easily connects J. P. Morgan, Sr, Andrew Carnegie, and Jacob Schiff to the same Anglo-American network." "The Pilgrims Society : A study of the Anglo-American Establishment" an article by Jol van der Reijden

"Those who own the country ought to govern it." John Jay, US Supreme Court Justice, 1789 to 1795 "A 2005 report from Citigroup coined the term "plutonomy," to describe countries "where economic growth is powered by and largely consumed by the wealthy few," and specifically identified the U.K., Canada, Australia, and the United States as four plutonomies." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"In the late '60s and early '70s, it was still possible to associate the word "public" with (422 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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the common good - public square, public school, public health and so on. And "private" tended to connote selfish greed. Now, the meanings have been reversed. Public is now a synonym for slum, incompetence, corruption and so forth, and private is the source of all things bright and beautiful - private school, private stream, private plane and so on. And so the impulse has been toward plutocracy, and it's celebrated in all of our news media." Lewis Lapham, 2005

"Following a major economic Depression beginning in 1873 ... powerful American industrial and banking families grouped around J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller concentrated the wealth and control of American industry into their own hands. ... The Morgan and Rockefeller interests deployed fraud, deceit, violence, and bribery and they deliberately manipulated financial panics. Each financial panic, brought about through their calculated control of financial markets and banking credit, allowed them and their closest allies to consolidate ever more power into fewer and fewer hands. It was this concentration of financial power within an elite few wealthy families that created an American plutocracy or, more accurately, an American oligarchy." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"The nation's top 1% of households own more than half the nation's stocks [and] they also control more than $16 trillion in wealth - more than the bottom 90%." from a Federal Reserve report in 2005

"The media, owned by the wealthy, speaking for the plutocracy, has the dual role of anaesthetizing the public to prevent serious consideration or debate of such staggering human issues as world hunger, AIDS, regional civil wars, environmental destruction, and social anarchy, and emotionalizing the people for aggression, all without a serious military threat in sight." former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark in his book "The Fire This Time: US War Crimes In The Gulf" (423 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Plutocracy is abhorrent to a republic; it is more despotic than monarchy, more heartless than aristocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It preys upon the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in the hour of its calamity." William Jennings Bryan in a 1906 speech

"The government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp. It was this semi-occult power which pushed the mass of the American people into the cauldron of World War I." British military historian Major General J.F.C. Fuller, l941

"The inert masses are mentally and spiritually ill equipped to deal with reality; so they block it out of their minds - aided, of course, by the corporate media and the propaganda apparatus of the government, itself. This is why fantasy is freely substituted for reality; plutocracy is mistaken for democracy, and the majority of the people do not know the difference." Charles Sullivan, 2008

"US society today is neither a tyranny nor a democracy; it is organized from top to bottom according to the principle of oligarchy or plutocracy." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"We're not a democracy. It's a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we're a plutocracy, a government by the wealthy." former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark (424 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"By the end of the 1890's [J.P.] Morgan and [John D.] Rockefeller had become the giants of an increasingly powerful Money Trust controlling American industry and government policy. There was little room for the actual practice of democracy in their world. Power was the commodity of their trade. It was the creation of an American aristocracy of blood and money, every bit as elite and exclusive as the titled nobility of Britain, Germany or France - despite the Constitutional ban on titled nobility in America. It was an oligarchy, a plutocracy in every sense of the word - rule by the wealthiest in their self-interest. Some 60 families - names like Rockefeller, Morgan, Dodge, Mellon, Pratt, Harkness, Whitney, Duke, Harriman, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, DuPont, Guggenheim, Astor, Lehman, Warburg, Taft, Huntington, Baruch and Rosenwald formed a close network of plutocratic wealth that manipulated, bribed, and bullied its way to control the destiny of the United States. At the dawn of the 20th Century, some sixty ultra-rich families, through dynastic intermarriage and corporate, interconnected shareholdings, had gained control of American industry and banking institutions." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"Many people don't understand our country's problem of concentration of income and wealth because they don't see it. People just don't understand how much wealth there is at the top now. The wealth at the top is so extreme that it is beyond most people's ability to comprehend." Dave Johnson, 2011

"What keeps most Americans from being shocked by the shredding of the Bill of Rights is that they have yet to feel the consequences, either personally or through someone close to them. It would appear, however, that they only have to wait." William Blum in his book "Rogue State" (425 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"One of the characteristics of tyranny is the monitoring and surveillance of citizens. Done primarily as a means of control, this has existed in every authoritarian state, not to mention totalitarian dictatorship, which seeks total control of the population. The defense is almost always based on national security grounds." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The last twenty years of global "free market" economy have destroyed, through poverty and social destitution, the lives of millions of people. Rather than addressing an impending social catastrophe, Western governments, which serve the interests of the economic elites, have installed a "Big Brother" police state, with a mandate to confront and repress all forms of opposition and social dissent." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"The Defense Authorization Act of 2007 has laid the foundation for martial law, since it empowers the president to order' National Guard troops from one state to any other to respond to what the president sees as a national emergency ... the occurrence of another "terrorist act" could provide the government with the excuse it needs." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes

"Pathocracy is a system of government wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people. " Polish psychologist Dr. Andrej M. Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology"

POLITICAL PONEROLOGY (426 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Years ago the publication of the book "Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes" in the US, was killed by Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinski in a very cunning way. What was his motivation, I may only guess. Was it his own private strategy, or did he act as an insider of the 'great system' as he surely is? How many billions of dollars and how many human lives the lack of this science has cost the world." Polish psychologist Dr. Andrej M. Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology"

"In his book Political Ponerology, Andrej Lobaczewski explains that clinical psychopaths enjoy advantages even in non-violent competitions to climb the ranks of social hierarchies. Because they can lie without remorse (and without the telltale physiological stress that is measured by lie detector tests), psychopaths can always say whatever is necessary to get what they want... all hierarchies inevitably become topheavy with psychopaths. Since psychopaths have no limitations on what they can or will do to get to the top, the ones in charge are generally pathological. It is not power that corrupts, it is that corrupt individuals seek power." Clinton Callahan

"The question is not how to get good people to rule; the question is how to stop the powerful from doing as much damage as they can to us." Karl Popper


"Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This (427 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. comedian George Carlin

"The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The political oligarchy favors presidential candidates who are willing to have their options pre-determined by servants of the financial oligarchy from the Washington establishment." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"To [J. P.] Morgan, all political parties were simply organizations to be used, and the firm always was careful to keep a foot in all camps. Morgan himself, Dwight Morrow, and other partners were allied with the Republicans; Russell C. Leffingwell was allied with the Democrats. Grayson Murphy was allied with the extreme Right; and Thomas W. Lamont was allied with the Left." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope" (428 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Our system of electing politicians to office is rotten and corrupted to its core, because organized money has long since replaced organized people as the author of our politics. And most of it comes from rich people and corporations, who now own our political process-lock, stock, and pork barrel." David Donnelly, Janice Fine, Ellen Miller in their book "Money and Politics"

"The balance of power between politics and commerce has shifted radically, leaving politicians increasingly subordinate to the colossal economic power of big business. Unleashed by the Thatcher-Reagan axis, and accelerated by the end of the Cold War, corporations are taking on the responsibilities of government. And as business has extended its role, it has actually come to define the public realm. The political state has become the corporate state." Noreena Hertz in her book "The Silent Takeover"

"Money and politics are intricately linked in American politics; this point applies to honest and dishonest politicians alike. The corruption of politics that results is rooted in the structure of campaign finance." Daniel Hellinger and Dennis Judd in their book "Democracy Facade"

"Ruling classes rule the economy, are at the top of the social structure and establish the parameters and rules within which the politicians operate. More often than not few actually engage directly in congressional politics, preferring to build economic empires while channeling money toward candidates prepared to do their bidding." James Petras, 2007

"Democracy has become a racket when it comes to money and politics and the media. Most of that money goes to the consultants, the advertisers, the people who make the (429 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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ads. Then it goes to the people who broadcast the ads. And one of the reasons you don't get a lot of coverage on the local television stations today of local politics -- it's abominable -- is because they want that money from the advertising. I mean, this is contempt. It's contempt of democracy. It's contempt of our freedoms. And the collusion between broadcasters and politicians who raise all this money to support the broadcast industry to pay for the advertising is a corrupting power. We cannot rightly claim to have a functioning democracy as long as money is sovereign the way it is." Bill Moyers, 2007

"American politics are deeply contradictory of course, but anti-intellectualism is the common strain. This includes a deep suspicion of anything that isn't simple, fundamental, traditional, down-to-earth and "American" in the ideological sense, and can be exploited easily by demagogues and cynical politicians of the right. The key word is "freedom", which includes the freedom to own and use firearms, the freedom to trade and use the marketplace without restraint even if it means serious injury to health and decency, the freedom above all to make America's will rule all over the earth." Edward Said

"Politicians are always maneuvering for the next election. They are obsolete as fundamental problem-solvers." R. Buckminster Fuller

"Psychopaths do well in politics. They are ideally suited to the ruthless, competitive, self-promoting and manipulative power games that dominate party politics. No wonder so many people intuitively distrust politicians and don't bother to vote. Evasiveness, outright lies and dissimulation are the norm in politics. Like a chameleon's ability to change colour, they are a politician's survival camouflage." Stuart Hertzog. 2004

"The highest ideal of many members of the ruling class is to create a private paradise of (430 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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wealth, and they have no qualms if that goal can be achieved by buying career politicians in Congress. These people know the market value of "our two party-system," but they have never known the value of democracy. Plainly, it serves the interests of a small but immensely wealthy minority if we, the people, leave politics to politicians except on election days." Scott Tucker, 2009

"Henry Kissinger produced, in April 1974, the classified National Security Council Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), directed to Washington high officialdom, defining a program aimed at population reduction in Third World countries possessing needed raw materials, since growing populations with aspirations for a better standard of living give rise to high prices for such materials. Kissinger named 13 target countries for population control, including Brazil, India, Egypt, Mexico, Ethiopia, Columbia, and others. [In the 1970s] most of the Third World, including the bulk of South America, Africa, and the Asian underbelly, unable to afford the oil they needed, found not only their industrial development stopped, but even food purchases curtailed, and starvation threatening. Far from living standards continuing the growth begun during the 50's and 60's, many of these countries were being pushed back to a condition of bare subsistence." F William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"In 1969 the Senate Church Committee discovered that the US Defense Department (DOD) had requested a budget of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars for a program to speed development of new viruses which target and destroy the human immune system... Out of this research came the AIDS virus which was targeted at "undesirable elements" of the population. The first AIDS viruses were administered through a massive smallpox vaccine campaign in central and southern Africa by the World Health Organization in 1977. A year later ads appeared in major US newspapers soliciting "promiscuous gay male volunteers" to take part in a Hepatitis B vaccine study. The program targeted male homosexuals age 20-40 in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco. It was administered by the US Centers for Disease Control which, under its (431 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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earlier incarnation as the US Public Health Department in Atlanta, oversaw the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on African American males." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The World Order program for the future ... [includes] the gradual annihilation of the populations of the United States, Canada and Western Europe. The reduction of world population from the present 4.85 billion to 1 billion, the number it had attained in 1800, solving the disastrous pollution of air and water and the exhaustion of natural resources." Eustace Mullins, "The World Order", 1985

"The US and UK governments' relentless backing for the global spread of genetically modified seeds was in fact the implementation of a decades long policy of the Rockefeller Foundation since the 1930's, when it funded Nazi eugenics research... As some of these circles saw it, war as a means of population reduction was costly and not that efficient. ... The Rockefeller Foundation, working with John D. Rockefeller Ill's Population Council, the World Bank, the UN Development Program and the Ford Foundation, and others, had been working with the WHO (World Health Organization) for 20 years to develop an anti-fertility vaccine using tetanus, as well as with other vaccines." F. William Engdahl in his book "Seeds of Destuction"

"Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed 'unfit,' preserving only those who conformed to a Nordic stereotype. ... Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune... The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz. The most commonly suggested method of eugenicide in America was a 'lethal chamber' or public locally operated gas chambers. Eugenic breeders believed American society was not ready to implement an organized lethal solution. But many mental institutions and doctors practiced improvised medical lethality and passive euthanasia on their (432 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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own." Edwin Black, 2003

"It is necessary that the United States cut its population by two-thirds within the next 50 years." Howard T. Odum a marine biologist at the University of Florida and a member of the Club of Rome, 1980

"Population reduction and genetically engineered crops were clearly part of [a] broad strategy: the drastic reduction of the world's population. It was in fact a sophisticated form of what the Pentagon termed biological warfare, promulgated under the name of "solving the world hunger problem." F. William Engdahl

"The Birth Control League had long trumpeted the need for eugenical births -- fewer births for parents with "inferior" bloodines... The Birth Control League ... chang[ed] its name to Planned Parenthood." Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkinin their book "George Bush : The Unauthorized Biography"

"There is a single theme behind all our work; we must reduce population levels. Either they do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut... Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it... The professionals aren't interested in reducing population for humanitarian reasons... Civil wars are somewhat drawn-out ways to reduce population. The quickest way to reduce population is through famine like in Africa. We go into a country and say, here is your goddamn development plan. Throw it out the window. Start looking at your population ...if you don't ...then you'll have an El Salvador or an Iran, or worse, a Cambodia. ... To accomplish what the State Department deems adequate population control, the (433 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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civil war (in El Salvador run by CIA) would have to be greatly expanded. You have to pull all the males into fighting and kill significant numbers of fertile, child-bearing age females. You are killing a small number of males and not enough fertile females to do the job ...If the war went on 30-40 years, you might accomplish something." United States' Latin American Office of Population Affairs (OPA) case officer Thomas Ferguson

"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has, and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1817-1895

"Power is not a means, it is an end. One does establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of (434 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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power is power." George Orwell, 1984

"Those who hunger for power are psychopathic bastards. The ... bishops, newspaper editors, college presidents, politicians, heads of state, business titans and generals. Those who revel in the ability to manipulate and destroy are demented and deformed individuals. These severely diminished and stunted human beings shower themselves, courtesy of elaborate public relations campaigns and an obsequious press, with encomiums of piety, patriotism, devoted public service, honor, courage and vision, not to mention a lot of money. They are at best mediocrities and usually venal." Chris Hedges, Truthdig, 2012

"Anyone who wants to rule men first tries to humiliate them, to trick them out of their rights and their capacity for resistance, until they are as powerless before him as animals. He uses them like animals and, even if he does not tell them so, in himself he always knows quite clearly that they mean just as little to him; when he speaks to his intimates he will call them sheep or cattle. His ultimate aim is to incorporate them into himself and to suck the substance out of them. What remains of them afterwards does not matter to him. The worse he has treated them, the more he despises them. When they are no more use at all, he disposes of them as he does excrement, simply seeing to it that they do not poison the air of his house." Elias Canetti in "Crowds and Power"

"All systems of power have one main concern - to protect and expand their power." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"The question is not how to get good people to rule; the question is how to stop the powerful from doing as much damage as they can to us." (435 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Karl Popper

"[John] Ruskin contended that criminals should be regarded by their society as any other manufactured product. They are products, which we turn out. We will need fewer prisons, he said, if we seek a system that will develop honest men rather than one which regards criminality as inevitable and thus focuses on punishing its criminal products." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"There are almost as many young black men in prison as in college. ... Even though black men make up only six percent of the U.S. population, half of all the men behind bars are black." Martin A. Lee and Norman Solomon in their book "Unreliable Sources"

"For the first time in U.S. history, more than one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison, according to a new report documenting America's rank as the world's No. 1 incarcerator. The report says 2,319,258 Americans were in jail or prison at the start of 2008 one out of every 99.1 adults. Whether per capita or in raw numbers, it's more than any other nation." David Crary, 2008

"With five percent of the world's population, the US has 24 percent of the world's prisoners." Oxfam-commissioned "The Measure of America" report, 2008 (436 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Just as slavery had economic and political functions, so do prisons. People who are perceived as economic liabilities have been turned into a major economic asset. The young male of color who is worth less than nothing in this current economy suddenly generates between 30 and 60 thousand dollars a year in the "justice" system. It is not accidental that the technological revolution has been accompanied by the largest explosion of prison building in the history of the world. Control units, supermax prisons, and maxi-maxi prisons are the latest form of this growth. The politics of the criminal justice system - the politics of the police, the politics of the courts, the politics of the prison, and the politics of the death penalty - is a manifestation of racism and classism." Bonnie Kerness, 1998

"If prolonged isolation is - as research and experience have confirmed for decades - so objectively horrifying, so intrinsically cruel, how did we end up with a prison system that may subject more of our own citizens to it than any other country in history has? ... The wide-scale use of isolation in prison, almost exclusively, a phenomenon of the past twenty years. In 1890, the United States Supreme Court came close to declaring the punishment to be unconstitutional ... America now holds at least twenty-five thousand inmates in isolation in supermax prisons. An additional fifty to eighty thousand are kept in restrictive segregation units, many of them in isolation, too. ... In much the same way that a previous generation of Americans countenanced legalized segregation, ours has countenanced legalized torture. And there is no clearer manifestation of this than our routine use of solitary confinement - on our own people, in our own communities, in a supermax prison." Atul Gawande, 2009

"More than fifty years ago the [J.P.] Morgan firm decided to infiltrate the Left-wing political movements in the United States. This was relatively easy to do, since these groups were starved for funds and eager for a voice to reach the people. Wall Street supplied both. The purpose was not to destroy ... or take over but was really threefold: (437 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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(1) to keep informed about the thinking of Left-wing or liberal groups; (2) to provide them with a mouthpiece so that they could "blow off steam," and (3) to have a final veto on their publicity and possibly on their actions, if they ever went "radical". Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The 'alternative media' was largely dependent upon philanthropic foundations for support, such as the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, among many others. While more critical and infused with a better analysis than can be observed in the mainstream corporate press, the 'alternative' was still controlled by the same interests, as the boards of foundations - which are themselves institutions of concentrated wealth and power - represented elite industrialists, academics, and bankers. They function, essentially, as 'controlled opposition': allowing dissent up to a point, primarily focused on criticizing policies and effects, seeking to promote reforms and alterations to the existing system in order to make it more "fair." The discourse, however, still lacked a needed element: radical analysis of information, pushing not for reform, but systemic change, or, in a word: revolution." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"The original purpose for establishing [The New Republic magazine] was to provide an outlet for the progressive Left and to guide it quietly in an Anglophile direction. " Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"To convey the illusion of democracy [in America], "the globalizers" must "fabricate dissent"... they must create and finance their own political opposition. In order to appear legitimate, they must actively encourage the type of "criticism" which does not challenge "their right to rule" This libertarian "counter-discourse" - which serves to disarm a genuine mass movement against war and globalization - constitutes part of the foundations of this evolving totalitarian system. Leaders of trade union confederations and mainstream NGOs, together with selected "academics" and critics, are invited to participate in policy formulation together with bankers, corporate executives and politicians. The ploy is to selectively handpick civil society leaders "whom we can trust" and (438 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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integrate them into a "dialogue' The idea is to cut them off from their rank and file, make them feel that they are "global citizens" acting on behalf of their fellow citizens, but make them act in a way which serves the interests of the corporate establishment: ... Once the fundamental premise that the US Administration is committed to curbing international terrorism is accepted, these leftist intellectuals and civil society critics are invited to express their "reservations" regarding America's conduct of the war, the impacts on civilians or their humanitarian concerns regarding the derogation of the Rule of Law. In this ritual, the main justification for waging the war, which is a complete falsehood, is never questioned despite documented evidence that the "war on terrorism" is a fabrication. ... While the "globalizers" are subjected to "constructive criticism", their legitimate right to rule remains unchallenged. What this "left accommodation" and "civil society mingling" does is to reinforce the [control] the military-intelligence elites and the corporate establishment, while weakening the real protest movement. More importantly, "left accommodation" splits up the protest movement. It divides the anti-war movement from the antiglobalization movement. It prevents the development of a broader movement against the American Empire. The large trade unions and the mainstream non-governmental organizations, by failing to denounce the falsehoods behind the "war on terrorism' have contributed unwittingly to the failure of a real opposition movement being mounted against the New World Order." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "America's War on Terrorism"

"The "Left," as I would define it, encompasses those individuals, organizations, and governments that oppose the privileged interests of wealthy propertied classes, while advocating egalitarian redistributive policies and a common development beneficial to the general populace. The Right too is involved in redistributive politics, but the distribution goes the other way, in an upward direction. Rightist governments and groups, including fascist ones, are dedicated to using the land, labor, markets, and natural resources of countries as so much fodder for the enrichment of the owning and investing classes. In almost every country including our own, rightist groups, parties, or governments pursue tax and spending programs, wage and investment practices, methods of police and military control, and deregulation and privatization policies that primarily benefit those who receive the bulk of their income from investments and property, at the expense of those who live off wages, salaries, fees, and pensions. That is what defines and distinguishes the Right from the Left." Michael Parenti in his book "The Terrorism Trap" (439 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Since the anticommunism hysteria in the years following the Second World War, a bipartisan consensus has existed on foreign policy. Meaningful political discourse has been almost absent about foreign policy issues. So many foreign policy decisions have been placed beyond public scrutiny, that almost all of what passes as official information about foreign policy is manufactured by government agencies for its propaganda effect." Daniel Hellinger and Dennis R. Judd Brooks in their book "The Democratic Facade"

"Propaganda is to a democracy what violence is to a dictatorship." William Blum in his book "Rogue State"

"According to the propaganda model, the media will tend to emphasize and ignore news according to its appropriateness for state and above all corporate ends. Thus, for example, human rights offences committed by clients of the United States supporting US corporate aims will tend to be downplayed or overlooked, while offences by states deemed to be unsupportive or enemies-of US corporate interests will tend to be vigorously emphasized. In Manufacturing Consent, Chomsky and Herman argue that elite state managers are essentially drawn from - and/or controlled by - the same pool of managers controlling the major corporations and, for this reason, state interests are often indistinguishabie from corporate interests." David Edwards in his book "Burning All Illusions"

"Political intelligence might be defined as the ability to see through the bullshit which every society, past, present and future, feeds its citizens from birth on to assure the continuance of the prevailing ideology." (440 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death"

"If war aims are stated, which seem to be concerned solely with Anglo-American imperialism, they will offer little to people in the rest of the world ... Such aims would also strengthen the most reactionary elements in the United States and the British Empire. The interests of other peoples should be stressed, not only those of Europe, but also of Asia, Africa and Latin America. This would have a better propaganda effect." Council on Foreign Relations document from 1941

"Polls conducted in June (2003) showed that 42% of Americans believed that Iraq had a direct involvement in what happened ( on 11 September, most of them being certain that Iraqis were 7 among the 19 hijackers; 55% believed that Saddam Hussein had close ties to al Qaeda; 34% were convinced that weapons of mass destruction had recently been found in Iraq (7% were not ) sure); 24% believed that Iraq had used chemical or biological weapons against American forces in the war (14% were unsure)." William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death"

"We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth." Sydney Schanberg

"We're speaking here of people who get virtually all their news from the shock-and-awe tabloid weeklies, AM-radio talk shows, and television news programs which, because of marketplace pressure, aim low in order to reach the widest possible audience, resulting in short programs with lots of commercials, weather, sports, and entertainment. These news sources don't necessarily have to explicitly state falsehoods to produce distorted views; they need only channel to their audience a continuous stream of statements from the government and conservative "experts" justifying the war as if they were neutral observers; ignore contrary views except when an expert is on hand to ridicule them and label them "conspiracy theories"; and never put it all together in a coherent (441 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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enlightening manner. [There is a] constant drip-drip of one- sided information, from sources who can be described as stenographers for the powers-that-be." William Blum in his book "Freeing the World to Death"

"Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it. Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded "anti-American," "anti-semite" or "conspiracy theorist." Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government. Truth is an inconvenience for prosecutors who want convictions, not the discovery of innocence or guilt. Truth is inconvenient for ideologues." Paul Craig Roberts, 2010

"The United States has committed itself to reshaping the Middle East, so the region will no longer be a hotbed of terrorism, extremism, anti-Americanism, and weapons of mass destruction .... The first two battles of this new era are now over. The battles of Afghanistan and Iraq have been won decisively and honorably." William Kristol, The Weekly Standard, April 28, 2003 "Most Americans have no idea that what we are fed by the news media (televised and paper-print news) is nothing more than a portrayal of what powerful corporations (those who pay the salaries of those who run mass media) want us to believe, that what happens to pass as education is as often as not mere propaganda (e.g. that Americans are the good guys and their enemies are, without exception, always the bad guys), that what we learn in church may have very little or nothing to do with the truth, that what our parents teach us may be nothing more than an accumulation of their own personal biases no doubt a rather subtle modification of what they were taught by their parents. And through such a process, governments and nations around the world wield control as to what their citizens, believe, value, and do." Doug Soderstrom, 2005 (442 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"if the US uses force it's because we are the United States of America; we are the indispensable nation. We see further and stand taller than other nations." Madeline Albright, Secretary of State under Bill Clinton

"The most powerful component of any fear and disinformation campaign rests with the CIA, which secretly subsidizes authors, journalists and media critics, through a web of private foundations and CIA-sponsored front organizations. ... Disinformation is routinely "planted" by CIA operatives in the newsroom of major dailies, magazines and TV channels. Outside public relations firms are often used to create "fake stories"." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"Selling fear to the American people has become a mainstay of the press and of both political parties in this country. Taking a "tough on crime" stance, particularly in a climate of perpetual fear created by the "war on drugs" and the "war on terrorism," is always a politically safe posture... By focusing on crime, attention is effectively directed away from more divisive issues on which a politician might have to take a stand that would cost them votes. Meanwhile, a fearful populace continues to surrender their civil rights and constitutional protections at an alarming rate, so that their government may protect them from the rampant criminality of the masses." David McGowan in his book "Derailing Democracy"

"Once the core assumptions of a disinformation campaign have been embedded in the news chain, both the printed press and network TV establish their own self-sustaining routine of fabricating the news." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism"

"Media disinformation largely serves the interests of a handful of global banks and institutional speculators which use their command over financial and commodity (443 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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markets to amass vast amounts of money wealth." F. WIlliam Engdahl

"There's the story from the Cold War about a group of Russian writers touring the United States. They were astonished to find, after reading the newspapers and watching television, that almost all the opinions on all the vital issues were the same. One Russian writer asked: In our country to get that result we have a dictatorship. We imprison people. We torture them. Here you have none of that. How do you do it? What's the secret?" a story about Russian writers touring the United States


"In a country in which much of human culture has been rendered into machines for the manufacture of money, psychopaths are the ideal leaders. They are very focused. They are outcome oriented. They are frequently charming, and usually very bright and able. They can lay off thousands of people, or deny people health care, or have them waterboarded, and it does not disturb their sleep. They can be impressively confident. Psychopaths can be dynamic leaders of enterprises, but are handicapped by their lack of feelings for relationships. Since they don't care how their actions affect people, they can rise to great height in enterprises dealing with power and money. They can manufacture bombs or run hospitals. Whatever the undertaking, it is all the same to them. It's just business." David Schwartz

"In a hierarchical society in which competition is created instead of cooperation, sociopathic behavior is encouraged. The higher up in the system one goes, the more depraved and sociopathic one becomes." Andrew Gavin Marshall (444 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"CEOs of most of the world's largest corporations daily make decisions that destroy the lives of many other human beings. Only about 1 to 3 percent of us are sociopaths people who don't have normal human feelings and can easily go to sleep at night after having done horrific things. And of that 1 percent of sociopaths, there's probably only a fraction of a percent with a college education. And of that tiny fraction, there's an even tinier fraction that understands how business works, particularly within any specific industry. Thus there is such a shortage of people who can run modern monopolistic, destructive corporations that stockholders have to pay millions to get them to work. And being sociopaths, they gladly take the money without any thought to its social consequences." Thom Hartmann

"Psychopaths get what they want by violating social norms and expectations without guilt or regret while their intelligence and social skills enable them to construct a facade of normalcy. Doesn't that describe the way that politics and many politicians operate? Psychopaths do well in politics. They are ideally suited to the ruthless, competitive, selfpromoting and manipulative power games that dominate party politics. No wonder so many people intuitively distrust politicians and don't bother to vote. Evasiveness, outright lies and dissimulation are the norm in politics. Like a chameleon's ability to change colour, they are a politician's survival camouflage." Stuart Hertzog

"In a world of psychopaths, those who are not genetic psychopaths, are induced to behave like psychopaths simply to survive. When the rules are set up to make a society "adaptive" to psychopathy, it makes psychopaths of everyone." Laura Knight-Jadczyk

"We live in a society where a person is more likely to become part of the hierarchy if they engage in sociopathic behavior, if they step on others, if they cheat, if they manipulate, steal, even kill." (445 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Andrew Gavin Marshall

"If you're very bright, know how to dress well, have the gift of the gab, you're raised in an affluent family background, then, you don't go in the bank and rob it, you get in the bank and become a director." Robert Hare, in his book "Psychopath: Theory and Research", 1970

"Today, there are seemingly no bounds conceivable to what the already astonishingly wealthy will do in order to further magnify their holdings. No suffering of the struggling middle class let alone impoverished brown people inconveniently sitting on top of desirable resources somewhere abroad represents the slightest impediment to a greed which long ago ceased to have any passing relationship with utility. We are simply talking here about sociopaths people who cannot fathom a reason to alter their predatory behavior under any circumstances, even when the lives of millions are at stake, and even when another pile of millions of dollars in their investment portfolio does nothing to improve their condition because they are already so rich to begin with." David Michael Green

"Imagine - if you can - not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken. And pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to you, except as a burden others seem to accept without question, like gullible fools. Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless. You are not held back from any of your desires by guilt or shame, and you are never confronted by others for your cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so bizarre, so completely outside of their personal experience, that they seldom even guess at your condition. In other words, you are completely free of internal restraints, and your unhampered (446 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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liberty to do just as you please, with no pangs of conscience, is conveniently invisible to the world. You can do anything at all, and still your strange advantage over the majority of people, who are kept in line by their consciences will most likely remain undiscovered." Martha Stout, author of the book "The Sociopath Next Door", 2005

"Psychopaths naturally gravitate toward positions of power." Mark M. Rich in his book "The Hidden Evil"

"The very traits sought by corporations and other powerful entities are the traits we have been conditioned to see as ideal... conning and manipulative become "persuasive" and "influential"; coldhearted behavior and lack of remorse become "action oriented" and the "ability to make hard decisions"; fearless and impulsive become "courageous" and "high-energy"; lack of emotions becomes "strong" and "controls emotions"." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"

"As coworkers, and especially as bosses, psychopaths are domineering, intimidating, frightening, and dangerous. Quick to take credit for others' work and to hire and fire employees on a whim, they tolerate only praise, are extremely short-sighted, and genuinely lack the insight that makes a good leader." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes" "Military institutions are tailor-made for psychopathic killers. The 5% or so of human males who feel no remorse about killing their fellow human beings make the best soldiers. And the 95% who are extremely reluctant to kill make terrible soldiers - unless they are brainwashed with highly sophisticated modern techniques that turn them into functional psychopaths." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes" (447 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"Psychopaths learn to recognize each other in a crowd as early as childhood, and they develop an awareness of the existence of other individuals similar to them. They also become conscious of being different from the world of those other people surrounding them. They view us from a certain distance. They become experts in our weaknesses and sometimes effect heartless experiments. The suffering and injustice they cause inspire no guilt within them, since such reactions from others are simply a result of their being different and apply only to "those other people"." Andrzej Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes"

(1910-1977) historian, wrote "Tragedy and Hope" the seminal book on the international financial oligarchy "The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim - nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. Each central bank... sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world. ... The American branch of this 'English Establishment exerted much of its influence through five American newspapers (the New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, the Christian Science Monitor, the Washington Post, and the Boston Evening Transcript." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"


"During the past two centuries when the peoples of the world were gradually winning their political freedom from the dynastic monarchies, the major banking families of (448 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Europe and America were actually reversing the trend by setting up new dynasties of political control through the formation of international financial combines. These banking dynasties had learned that all governments must have sources of revenue from which to borrow in times of emergency. They had also learned that by providing such funds from their own private resources, they could make both kings and democratic leaders tremendously subservient to their will." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of investment bankers (also called "international" or "merchant" bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks. This dominance of investment bankers was based on their control over the flows of credit and investment funds in their own countries and throughout the world. They could dominate the financial and industrial systems of their own countries by their influence over the flow of current funds through bank loans, the discount rate, and the re-discounting of commercial debts; they could dominate governments by their control over current government loans and the play of the international exchanges. Almost all of this power was exercised by the personal influence and prestige of men who had demonstrated their ability in the past to bring off successful financial coupes to keep their word, to remain cool in a crisis, and to share their winning opportunities with their associates. In this system the Rothschilds had been preeminent during much of the nineteenth century, but, at the end of that century, they were being replaced by J. P. Morgan whose central office was in New York, although it was always operated as if it were in London." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"[John Ruskin became Professor of Fine Arts at Oxford University in 1870] Ruskin wrote to the Oxford undergraduates as members of the privileged, ruling class. He told them they were the possessors of a magnificent tradition of education, beauty, rule of law, freedom, decency, and self-discipline but that this tradition could not be saved, and did not deserve to be saved, unless it could be extended to the lower classes of England itself and to the non-English masses throughout the world. If this precious tradition were not extended to these two great majorities, the minority of upper-class Englishmen (449 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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would ultimately be submerged by these majorities and the tradition lost. To prevent this, the tradition must be extended to the masses and to the empire. ... Ruskin's message had a sensational impact. His inaugural lecture was copied out in longhand by one undergraduate, Cecil Rhodes, who kept it with him for thirty years. [Cecil] Rhodes (1853-1902) feverishly exploited the diamond and gold fields of South Africa, rose to be prime minister of the Cape Colony (1890-96), contributed money to political parties, controlled parliamentary seats both in England and South Africa. Rhodes inspired devoted support for his goals in South Africa and in England. With financial support from Lord Rothschild and Alfred Beit, he was able to monopolize the gold mines of South Africa as De Beers Consolidated Mines and to build up a great gold mining enterprise as Consolidated Goldfields. In the middle of the 1890s Rhodes had a personal income of at least a million pounds sterling (then about five million dollars) which he spent so freely for his mysterious purposes that he was usually overdrawn on his account. These purposes centered on his desire to federate the English-speaking people and to bring all the habitable portions of the world under their control. For this purpose, Rhodes left part of his great fortune to found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford in order to spread the English ruling class tradition throughout the Englishspeaking world as Ruskin had wanted." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The efforts of financiers to separate ownership from control were aided by the great capital demands of modern industry. Such demands for capital made necessary the corporation form of business organization. This inevitably brings together the capital owned by a large number of persons to create an enterprise controlled by a small number of persons. The financiers did all they could to make the former number as large as possible and the latter number as small as possible. The result of this was that larger and larger aggregates of wealth fell into the control of smaller and smaller groups of men." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Under the Reagan administration, senior officials in the State Department had used the (450 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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proceeds of illicit narcotics trade to finance the supply of weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras." Michel Chossudovsky, 2005

"President Reagan ... was the butcher of my people, a pathological killer. But in the United States, they are accustomed not to recognize their killers." former UN General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto from NIcaragua

"By the end of [Ronald] Reagan's second term the propaganda mills were spending $100 million a year on the manufacture and sale of their product - tort reform, school vouchers, less government, lower taxes, elimination of the labor unions, bigger military budgets, higher interest rates, reduced environmental regulation, privatization of social security, downsized Medicaid and Medicare, more prisons, better surveillance, stricter law enforcement." Lewis H. Lapham in his book "Pretensions to Empire"

"Ronald Reagan, by the time he was elected president, could articulate few political ideas beyond his disdain for communism, taxes, and big government. But it was the very simplicity of those beliefs that made him the perfect pitchman." William Kleinknecht in his book "The Man Who Sold the World:Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America"

"Ronald Reagan managed to legitimize a discourse of selfishness and insensitivity that has had profound social consequences." Michael Lerner in his book "The Politics of Meaning" (451 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"The president of the Screen Actors Guild, a Democrat named Ronald Reagan, cooperated [with the House Un-American Activities Committee] by providing the committee with the names of "security risks" in Hollywood." Daniel Hellinger and Dennis R. Judd in their book "The Democratic Facade"

"Ronald Reagan must be the nicest president who ever destroyed a union, tried to cut school lunch milk rations from six to four ounces, and compelled families in need of public help to first dispose of household goods in excess of $1,000...If there is an authoritarian regime in the American future, Ronald Reagan is tailored to the image of a friendly fascist." economist Robert Lekachman

"It took Ronald Reagan only a few short years to reverse decades of efforts by reformers to bring honesty and accountability to the federal government... The rightwing ideologues and former corporate executives who larded the top layers of government in the Reagan years made a mockery of his promises to reduce government waste while preserving programs for the "truly needy." They were not wired to think in terms of democracy and the common well-being of Americans. Like their patron, they worshipped at the altar of self-interest. They had grown used to rationalizing their greed as the sacred ground of free-market economics. In their view, men like themselves had built this country with their relentless acquisitiveness, and they saw no reason to change their ways once they were appointed to public office. They would simply use government as an extension of their business interests. Their mind-numbing disregard for the people of this country is well documented, although it seems to have disappeared from the public discourse and it is inexplicably never mentioned as part of Reagan's legacy." William Kleinknecht in his book "The Man Who Sold the World:Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America"

"Ronald Reagan enjoyed the most generous treatment by the press of any President in the postwar era." (452 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Michael Deaver, aide to Ronald Reagan

"As President, Ronald Reagan acted on the work habits of a lifetime: he regarded his daily schedule as being something like a shooting script in which characters came and went, scenes were rehearsed and acted out, and the plot was advanced one day at a time, and not always in sequence. The Chief of Staff was a sort of producer, making certain that the star had what he needed to do his best; the staff was like the crew, invisible behind the lights, watching the performance their behind-the scenes efforts had made possible.... Reagan's performance was almost always flawless. If he was scheduled to receive a visitor at ten o'clock, he would finish whatever else he was doing at 9:58, clear off his desk, clear his mind of whatever had gone before, and prepare himself for the next scene." Donald Regan, Ronald Reagan's Secretary of the Treasury, 1988

"First under Nixon and then, with utter mastery, under Ronald Reagan, Republicans adroitly changed their spots. Deliberately, as part of a well-executed strategy, they made themselves the party of the fears and resentments, though not of the social and economic well-being, of middle- and working-class white Southerners. They became what earlier the Dixiecrats and Democrats had been, the party of white supremacy." TD Allman in his book "Rogue State"

"Ronald Reagan .. was most definitely a global empire builder, a servant of the corporatocracy... He would cater to the men who shuttled back and forth from corporate CEO offices to bank boards and into the halls of government. He would serve the men who appeared to serve him but who in fact ran the government - men like Vice President George H. W. Bush, Secretary of State George Shultz, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, Richard Cheney, Richard Helms, and Robert McNamara. He would advocate what those men wanted: an America that controlled the world and all its resources, a world that answered to the commands of that America, a U.S. military that would enforce the rules as they were written by America, and an international trade and banking system that supported America as CEO of the global empire." John Perkins in his book "Confessions of Economic Hit Man" (453 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"As the supposedly anti-tax president, [Ronald] Reagan in fact increased taxes for a greater number of people (in peace time) than any other president in U.S. history. And he increased taxes not once, but twice (in 1982 and 1983). In a demonstration of class power, he drastically reduced taxes for the 20 percent of the population with the highest incomes, while raising taxes for the majority of the population." Vincent Navarro, 2006

"Ronald Reagan's team created a faux reality for the American public. Civil wars in Central America between impoverished peasants and wealthy oligarchs became EastWest showdowns. U.S.-backed insurgents in Nicaragua, Angola and Afghanistan were transformed from corrupt, brutal thugs into noble "freedom-fighters."" Robert Parry, 2009

"Under Ronald Reagan, USAID and the World Bank set up very explicit programs, explicitly designed to destroy Haitian agriculture. They didn't cover it up. They gave an argument that Haiti shouldn't have an agricultural system, it should have assembly plants; women working to stitch baseballs in miserable conditions." Noam Chomsky, 2010

"Ronald Reagan's constant attacks on the inefficiency of government, a rallying cry taken up by legions of conservative politicians across the country, became a selffulfilling prophecy. The more money that was taken away from government programs, the more ineffective they became, and the more ineffective they became, the more ridiculous government bureaucrats came to be seen in the public eye. Gradually government, and the broader realm of public service, has come to seem disreputable, disdained by the best and brightest college students planning their careers. And the image of government has been dragged down even further by the behavior of politicians, who, imbued with the same exaltation of self-interest that is the essence of Reaganism, increasingly treat public office as a vehicle for their own enrichment." William Kleinknecht in his book "The Man Who Sold the World:Ronald Reagan and the (454 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Betrayal of Main Street America"

"Ronald Reagan's new Morning in America brought with it in the early 1980s the second coming of a gilded age more swinish than the first, and as the country continues to divide ever more obviously into a nation of the rich and a nation of the poor, the fictions of unity and democratic intent lose their capacity to command belief." Lewis H. Lapham

color revolutions
"Behind the veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be found the same powerful people and organizations such as the Open Society Institute of George Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of well known NGO's such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Crisis Group, etc., as well as more obscure entities. With the help of these various groups it is possible not only to shape but to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to further aims which are, in short, the control of the world, its natural resources and the furtherance of the uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made in America." Gilles d'Aymery, 2001

"In the year 2000, a strange new political phenomenon emerged' Belgrade, the capital of Serbia in the former Yugoslavia... On the surface, it seemed to be a spontaneous and genuine political 'movement.' In reality, it was the product of techniques that had been under study and development in the US for decades. ... In Belgrade several specific organizations were key players: the National Endowment for Democracy and two of its offshoots, the International Republican Institute, tied to the Republican party, and the National Democratic Institute, tied to the Democrats. While claiming to be private Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), they were, in fact, financed by the US Congress and State Department. Armed with millions in US taxpayer dollars, they were moved into place to create a synthetic movement for 'non-violent (455 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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change." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"Through slick Madison Avenue marketing techniques and careful study of genuine protest movements, the US Government had perfected techniques for 'democratically' getting rid of any opponent, while convincing the world they were brought down by spontaneous outbursts for freedom. The Serbian Otpor! revolution had been founded, guided and financed covertly by the US Government via select NGOs." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"The U.S. has long been involved in supporting 'freedom movements' throughout this region [Central Asia] that have been attempting to replace Russian influence with U.S. corporate control. The CIA, National Endowment for Democracy and Freedom House have been key funders and supporters of placing politicians in power throughout Central Asia that would play ball with 'our side'. None of this is about the good guys versus the bad guys. It is power bloc politics. Big money is at stake. Both parties share a bi-partisan history and agenda of advancing corporate interests in this part of the world." Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power,, 2008

REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN (published in 1967)

"Without war, no government has ever been able to obtain acquiescence in its 'legitimacy,' or right to rule its society... Obviously, if the war system were to be discarded, new political machinery would be needed at once to serve this vital subfunction. Until it is developed, the continuance of the war system must be assured, if for no other reason, among others, than to preserve whatever quality and degree of poverty a society requires as an incentive, as well as to maintain the stability of its internal organization of power." (456 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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from the book "Report from Iron Mountain"

"Whether the substitute [to war] is ritual in nature or functionally substantive, unless it provides a believable life-and-death threat it will not serve the socially organizing function of war." from the book "Report from Iron Mountain"

"Economic surrogates for war must meet two principal criteria. They must be "wasteful," in the common sense of the word, and they must operate outside the normal supply-demand system. A corollary that should be obvious is that the magnitude of the waste must be sufficient to meet the needs of a particular society. An economy as advanced and complex as our own requires the planned average annual destruction of not less than 10 percent of gross national product." from the book "Report from Iron Mountain"

"It may be that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution." from the book "Report from Iron Mountain"

"However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration.... It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented, rather than developed from (457 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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unknown conditions." from the book "Report from Iron Mountain"

"Substitute institutions ... have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. ... a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies. ... a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model. b) A modern, sophisticated form of slavery... ... a) Intensified environmental pollution. b) New religions or combination mythologies. c) Socially oriented blood games. d) Combination forms. ... A comprehensive program of applied eugenics." from the book "Report from Iron Mountain"

"However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies ... may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found, of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration... It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented, rather than developed from unknown conditions." from the book "Report from Iron Mountain"

"The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable government; it supplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority. It has enabled societies to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has ensured the subordination of the citizen to the state." "Report from Iron Mountain", reviewed by Alan Jones in his book "How The World Really Works"

"[The Report from Iron Mountain] was commissioned and executed, not by ivory tower (458 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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dreamers and theoreticians, but by people who are in charge. It is the brainchild of the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations]. Furthermore, it should be obvious that the stratagems outlined in the report are already being implemented. All one has to do is hold the report in one hand and the daily newspaper in the other to realize that every major trend in American life is conforming to the recommendations of the report. So many things that otherwise are incomprehensible suddenly become perfectly clear: foreign aid, wasteful spending, the destruction of American industry, a job corps, gun control, a national police force, the apparent demise of Soviet power, a UN army, disarmament, a world bank, a world money, the surrender of national independence through treaties, and the ecology hysteria. The Report From Iron Mountain has already created our present. It is now shaping our future." G. Edward Griffin's in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" reviewing the book "The Report from Iron Mountain"

"A possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political processes, of slavery.... It is entirely possible that the development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world at peace. As a practical matter, conversion of the code of military discipline to a euphemized form of enslavement would entail surprisingly little revision; the logical first step would be the adoption of some form of "universal" military service." Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

"The US dollar is the world's main reserve currency. While less privileged nations are periodically constrained by shortages of foreign exchange, the USA can borrow in its own currency - it can print money to acquire real resources, and live beyond its means for a long time. ... The ability to pay foreign debts in its own currency - which it can print - helped America fight and pay for the Vietnam war; it helped President George W. Bush cut taxes and rack up huge deficits. And when the time comes one day to pay for the mess, you can shift a lot of the burden of adjustment onto other states. Countries use dollars for their reserves because dollar markets are large and liquid, and the dollar is trusted to be relatively stable. Oil is priced in dollars. People trade in (459 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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dollars... Today two-thirds of the world's official foreign exchange reserve are held in dollars. Dollars make the world go round." Nicholas Shaxson in his book "Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World"

"Prior to the Vietnam War the world operated under the Bretton Woods monetary system, a post-World War II arrangement that pegged all currencies to the dollar and made only the dollar convertible to gold, thereby ensuring the dollar's reserve currency status. During the 1950s, the system seemed invulnerable as U.S. gold reserves exceeded foreign liabilities by threefold. By 1970, however, as the U.S. inflated its money supply to fund the Southeast Asian conflict, the monetary position of the U.S. reversed, with foreign liabilities exceeding gold reserves fivefold. When France demanded gold for dollars at the statutory rate of $35/oz., President Nixon shut the gold window for good. As a result, currencies went from a fixed to a floating (and pegged) rate system in 1973." Ann Berg, 2008

"The US is bankrupt. However, the US dollar remains the world reserve currency. This means that the US can print money to pay its bills. As long as the world accepts the dollar as world reserve currency, the US will be able to continue its wars." Paul Craig Roberts

"Not only are China and Japan the two largest holders of U.S. dollar reserves, but for the first time in history, the world's main reserve currency belongs to a debtor nation and one indebted to its rivals." Parag Khanna in the book "The Second World"

"When the world went off the gold standard, a reserve currency had to be provided by some large-currency country to service global trade. But leaving its currency out there for international purposes meant that the country would have to continually buy more (460 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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than it sold, running large deficits until it eventually went broke. The U.S. has fueled the world economy for the last 50 years, but now it is going broke. The U.S. can settle its debts and get its own house in order, but that would cause world trade to contract. A substitute global reserve currency is needed to fuel the global economy while the U.S. solves its debt problems, and that new currency is to be the IMF's SDRs (Special Drawing Rights)." economist Robert Triffin in the 1960s

"The US dollar is the world's reserve currency. It comprises the reserves of foreign central banks... The day the dollar loses its reserve currency role, the US government cannot pay its bills in its own currency. The result will be a dramatic reduction in US living standards." Paul Craig Roberts, 2008

"Recent signs from the Council on Foreign Relations are that the U.S. will accept that the dollar can no longer reign supreme as the world's sole reserve currency and that it must give way to the Euro and the Chinese Yuan in sharing this role." Richard C. Cook, 2008

"In the second decade of the 21st century, America's Zionist wars against Islam will expand. America's wars in behalf of Israel's territorial expansion will complete the bankruptcy of America. The Treasury's bonds to finance the US government's enormous deficits will lack for buyers. Therefore, the bonds will be monetized by the Federal Reserve. The result will be rising rates of inflation. The inflation will destroy the dollar as world reserve currency, and the US will no longer be able to pay for its imports. Shortages will appear, including food and gasoline, and "Superpower America" will find itself pressed to the wall as a third world country unable to pay its debts." Paul Craig Roberts, 2009 (461 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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"So long as the US dollar remains the reserve currency of trade and in central bank reserves worldwide, then the United States essentially can export its inflation to the rest of the world. In effect, the dollar surplus lands have no choice with their surplus dollars, but to buy U.S. Treasury debt - to finance America's wars around the world. Those are in a sense being financed by the dollar accumulations in the central banks of Asia and elsewhere around the world." F. William Engdahl, 2011

"When a global currency is introduced, only then do I expect a sort of collapse of the US dollar versus this global currency. In this way, the world can carry on while the former global reserve currency called the US dollar will be free to depreciate to a level where solvency is regained and the now unpayable US debt is inflated away to the point where it can be repaid in depreciated dollars. US citizens will experience a continued decay as the US becomes to resemble more and more, a third world country." Craig Harris, 2008

"The Greenback may be the premier world reserve currency now, but that can and likely will change very quickly over the next couple years. The Dollar is a device that has outlived its usefulness as far as global bankers are concerned. The IMF has on several occasions made it clear that they eventually intend for the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) to replace the Dollar as the world reserve currency, and they have openly admitted that it will one day be established as a global currency." Giordano Bruno, 2010

"The Rhodes Scholarships, established by the terms of Cecil Rhodes' seventh will, are known to everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. And what does not seem to be known to anyone is that this secret society was created by Rhodes and principal trustee, Lord Miler, and continues to exist to this day. (462 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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... In this secret society Rhodes was to be leader ... and others were listed as potential members of a "Circle of Initiates;" while there was to be an outer circle known as the Association of Helpers" (later organized by Miler as the Round Table organization)." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Why should we not join a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire, for the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire." Cecil Rhodes' "Confession of Faith" attached to his will "In 1888 Cecil Rhodes made his third will leaving everything to Lord Nathan Mayer Rothschild, with an accompanying letter setting up a 'secret society'. The central part of the 'secret society' was established by March, 1891, using Rhodes' money. The organization - The Round Table - worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of British government, influencing foreign policy." Frank Aydelotte in his book "American Rhodes Scholarships" "The Rhodes Scholarships, established by the terms of Cecil Rhodes' seventh will, are known to everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire... Funding of this organization later came from groups associated with J.P. Morgan, and the Rockefeller and Whitney families." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"[In 1901, Cecil Rhodes chose Alfred Milner as his successor within a secret society of which the purpose was] the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor, and enterprise... [with] the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire, the consolidation of the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial Representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire, and finally the foundation of so (463 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best interests of humanity." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"


"In 2000, J.P. Morgan merged with Chase Manhattan, leading to the integration of J.P. Morgan, Chase, Chemical and Manufacturers Hanover into a single financial entity. Bear Stearns was acquired in 2008 by J.P. Morgan Chase following its collapse. This banking empire controlled by the Rockefeller family has assets of more than 1.6 trillion dollars." Michel Chossudovsky

"Some believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." David Rockefeller in his autobiography "Memoirs"

"In the 1960's economist Peter Dooley identified fifteen major financial groups in the US. The Rockefeller/Morgan group dwarfed the other fourteen. It controlled five of six of the mega-banks [Bank of America was controlled by the Rothschilds]" Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The Rockefeller Foundation, working with John D. Rockefeller Ill's Population Council, the World Bank, the UN Development Program and the Ford Foundation, and others had been working with the WHO [World Health Organization] for 20 years to develop an antifertility vaccine using tetanus as well as with other vaccines." (464 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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F. William Engdahl

"The entire Rockefeller empire was financed by the Rothschilds." Eustice Mullins in his book "World Order"

"The Rockefellers and Rothschilds have been partners ever since the 1880s." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order, 2010

"David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital ... Private citizen David Rockefeller is accorded privileges of a head of state ... He is untouched by customs or passport offices and hardly pauses for traffic lights." journalist Bill Moyers in a TV documentary "The Secret Government", 1980

"John D. Rockefeller was a Machiavellian who boasted that he hated competition. Whenever he could, Rockefeller used the government to promote his own interests and to hinder his competitors. Monopoly capitalism is impossible unless you have a government with the power to strangle would-be competitors. The easiest way to control or eliminate competitors is not to best them in the marketplace, but to use the power of government to exclude them from the marketplace. If you wish to control commerce, banking, transportation, and natural resources on a national level, you must control! the federal government. If you and your clique wish to establish worldwide monopolies, you must control World Government." Gary Allen in his book "The Rockefeller File"

"Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings (465 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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deemed 'unfit,' preserving only those who conformed to a Nordic stereotype. ... Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune... The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz." Edwin Black, 2003


"Today the Rothschild's control a far-flung financial empire, which includes majority stakes in most world central banks. The Edmond de Rothschild clan owns the Banque Privee SA in Lugano, Switzerland and the Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. They are founding members of the exclusive $10 trillion Club of the Isles - which controls corporate giants Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Barclays, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, BHP Billiton and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. Also they own most of the gold in the world as well as the London Gold Exchange, which sets the price of gold every day. It is said the family owns over half the wealth of the planet-estimated by Credit Suisse to be $231 trillion-and is controlled by Evelyn Rothschild, the current head of the family." Pete Papaherakles,, Feb. 10, 2012

"The House of Rothschild financed the Prussian War, the Crimean War and the British attempt to seize the Suez Canal from the French. Nathan Rothschild made a huge financial bet on Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, while also funding the Duke of Wellington's peninsular campaign against Napoleon. Both the Mexican War and the (466 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

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Civil War were gold mines for the family." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Near the end of the 19th century, the Rothschild bank, was the biggest concentration of financial capital in the world." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"The Rothschild family combined with the Dutch House of Orange to found Bank of Amsterdam in the early 1600's as the world's first central bank. In 1694 British King William III teamed up with the Rothschild's to launch the Bank of England."
Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"The Rothschild Formula is to 'propel governments into war for the profits they yield'." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

"The Rothschild's sit at the apex of the Eight Families banking cartel. The family accumulated its vast wealth issuing war bonds to Black Nobility for centuries, including the British Windsors, the French Bourbons, the German von Thurn und Taxis, the Italian Savoys and the Austrian and Spanish Hapsburgs." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"In the early 19th century, the House of Rothschild controlled a fortune estimated to be well over $300,000,000, a phenomenal sum around that time." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning: A History of the New World (467 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:13]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is


"The Rothschild's and the Warburgs are main stockholders of the German Bundesbank. The Rothschilds' control Japan's biggest banking house Nomura Securities." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"It is believed that the Rothschilds hold 53% of the stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order, 2010

"The Rothschild's exert political control through the secretive Business Roundtable, which they created in 1909 with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and South African industrialist Cecil Rhodes." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Perhaps the largest repository for Rothschild wealth today is Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG - a secretive Swiss-based bank holding company. By the late 1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire were Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain. Evelyn was chairman of the Economist and a director at DeBeers and IBM UK." Dean Henderson, The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild, Global Research, June 2011


"At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system [the (468 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

Round Table Groups] had to be greatly extended... established, in England and each dominion, a front organization to the existing Round Table Group. This front organization, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for J. P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"It is one of the least understood realities of modem history that many of America's most prominent political and financial figures - then as now - have been willing to sacrifice the best interests of the United States in order to further their goal of creating a one-world government. The strategy has remained unchanged since the formation of Cecil Rhodes' society and its offspring, the Round Table Groups. It is to merge the English-speaking nations into a single political entity, while at the same time creating similar groupings for other geopolitical regions. After this is accomplished, all of these groupings are to be amalgamated into a global government, the so-called Parliament of Man." G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" "[The Milner Group, the secret society formed by Cecil Rhodes ... founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it.] There were groups founded in many countries representing the same interests of the secret Milner Group, and they came to be known as the Round Table Groups, preeminent among them were the Royal Institute of international Affairs (Chatham House), the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, and parallel groups in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The vanguard of this quest for Anglo-Saxon unity was a secret society, The Round Table. It had been founded in 1891 by Cecil Rhodes, the conquistador of the mineral riches of Southern Africa, and the journalist, William T. Stead. Both had been pupils of the Oxford professor John Ruskin." (469 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

political scientist, Kees van der Piyl, University of Amsterdam

"The power and influence of the [Cecil] Rhodes-[Alfred] Milner group [Round Table] in British Imperial Affairs and in foreign policy since 1889, although not widely recognized, can hardly be exaggerated... this group dominated The Times [of London newspaper] from 1890 to 1912 and has controlled it completely since 1912 (except for the years 19191922)." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"As World War II approached, the Round Table Group was influential in seeing that Hitler was not stopped in Austria, the Rhineland, or Sudetenland - and thereby was largely responsible for precipitating the holocaust. A second world war would greatly enhance the opportunity for establishment of World Government. The financing for Adolph Hitler's rise to power was handled through the Warburg-controlled Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam and later by the J. Henry Schroeder Bank with branches in Frankfurt, London and New York. Chief legal counsel to the J. Henry Schroeder Bank was the firm of Sullivan and Cromwell whose senior partners included John Foster and Allen Dulles." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"There grew up in the twentieth century a power structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university life, the press, and the practice of foreign policy. In England the center was the Round Table Group, while in the United States it was J. P. Morgan and Company or its local ranches in Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner and an elite circle of Empire strategists founded a secret society in 1910 whose purpose was to revitalize a flagging British imperial spirit. (470 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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The society, many of whose members were graduates of All Souls College at Oxford University, would secretly steer the strategic policies of the British Empire up until the end of the Second World War. They called their group the Round Table. a reference to King Arthur's medieval table surrounded by his select knights." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the communists act. In fact, this network which we may identify as The Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Beginning approximately in the early 1890s, a group of British elites, primarily from the privileged colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, formed what was to become the most influential policy network in Britain over the next half century and more. The group denied its existence as a formal group, but its footprints can be found around the establishment of a new journal of empire, the Round Table, founded in 1910. The group argued that a more subtle and efficient system of global empire was required to extend the effective hegemony of Anglo-Saxon culture over the next century. ... In place of the costly military occupation of the colonies of the British Empire, they argued for a more repressive tolerance, calling for the creation of a British 'Commonwealth of Nations.' Members nations were to be given the illusion of independence, enabling Britain to reduce the high costs of farflung armies of occupation from India to Egypt, and now across Africa and the Middle East as well. The term 'informal empire' was sometimes used to describe the shift. ... The idea of a Jewish-dominated Palestine, beholden to England for its tenuous survival, surrounded by a balkanized of squabbling Arab states, formed part of this group's [British Round Table Group] concept of a new British Empire. ... The Round Table group's grand design was to link England's vast colonial possessions, from the gold and diamond mines of Cecil Rhodes and (471 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Rothschild's Consolidated Gold Fields in South Africa, north to Egypt and the vital shipping route through the Suez Canal, and on through Mesopotamia, Kuwait and Persia into India in the East. ... The great power able to control this vast reach would control the world's most valuable strategic raw materials, from gold, basis of the international gold standard for world trade, to petroleum, in 1919 emerging as the energy source of the modern industrial era." William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"The Round Table group of Lord Milner had been the catalyst for the propaganda drive to go to a war against Germany before 1914. By the late 1930s, the Round Table that propagandized for a war against the German Reich, also beat the drums for accepting a German remilitarization of the Rhineland. Using their house organ, the London Times, and their own magazine, The Round Table, the same group called for non-intervention into the Spanish Civil War when Germany backed Franco's forces with arms and logistical support." F. William Engdahl in his book "Gods of Money"

"Lord Alfred Milner, wealthy English man and front man for the Rothschilds, served as paymaster for the international bankers during the Bolshevik Revolution. Milner later headed secret society known as The Round Table which was dedicated to establishing a world government whereby a clique of super-rich financiers would control the world under the guise of Socialism. The American subsidiary of this conspiracy is called the Council on Foreign Relations and was started by, and is still controlled by international bankers." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" "In 1888 [Cecil] Rhodes made his third will leaving everything to Lord Rothschild, with an accompanying letter to form a 'secret society', which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. The central part of the secret society was established by March, 1891, using Rhodes' money. The organization [The Round Table] was run for Rothschild by Lord Alfred Milner. The Round Table worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of British government, influencing foreign policy." Frank Aydelotte in his book "American Rhodes Scholarships" (472 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"One of the most important secret societies is called the Round Table. It is based in Britain with branches across the world, and it is the Round Table that orchestrates the network of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the Royal Institute of International Affairs." "Tales from the Time Loop" an article by David Icke "The Round Table Groups were semi-secret discussion and lobbying groups. The original purpose of these groups was to seek to federate the English-speaking world along lines laid down by Cecil Rhodes and William T. Stead, and the money for the organizational work came originally from the Rhodes Trust. Since 1925 there have been substantial contributions from wealthy individuals and from foundations and firms associated with the international banking fraternity, especially the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and other organizations associated with J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families, and the associates of Lazard Brothers and of Morgan, Grenfell, and Company." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope" "The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now implementing open world dictatorship." Dr. Johannes Koeppi, former German Defense Ministry official and adviser to NATO

"There is a transnational ruling class, a "Superclass", that agrees on establishing a world government. The middle class is targeted for elimination, because most of the world has no middle class, and to fully integrate and internationalize a middle class, would require industrialization and development in Africa, and certain places in Asia and Latin America. The goal of the Superclass is not to lose their wealth and power to a transnational middle class, but rather to extinguish the notion of a middle class, and transnationalize a lower, uneducated, labor oriented class, through which they will secure ultimate wealth and power. (473 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

The global economic crisis serves these ends, as whatever remaining wealth the middle class holds is in the process of being eliminated, and as the crisis progresses, the middle classes of the world will suffer, while a great percentage of lower classes of the world, poverty-stricken even prior to the crisis, will suffer the greatest, most probably leading to a massive reduction in population levels, particularly in the "underdeveloped" or "Third World" states." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 'The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century'

"A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors. The Party is not concerned with perpetuating its blood but with perpetuating itself. Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"The total result of the manipulation of society by the Establishment elite has been four major wars in sixty years, a crippling national debt, abandonment of the Constitution, suppression of freedom and opportunity, and creation of a vast credibility gulf between the man in the street and Washington, D.C. While the transparent device of two major parties trumpeting artificial differences, circus-like conventions, and the clich of "bipartisan foreign policy" no longer carries credibility, and the financial elite itself recognizes that its policies lack public acceptance, it is obviously prepared to go it alone without even nominal public support." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"

"The question is not how to get good people to rule; the question is how to stop the powerful from doing as much damage as they can to us." Karl Popper

"Those [in the United States] who finally rule take their signals and commands not from (474 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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the electorate as a body but from a small group of men (plus a few women). This group will be called the establishment. It exists even though that existence is stoutly denied. It is one of the secrets of the American social order. A second secret is the fact that the existence of the establishment, the ruling class, is not supposed to be discussed .... A third secret is implicit in what has been said - that there is really only one political party of any consequence in the United States, one that has been called the 'Property Party.' The Republicans and the Democrats are in fact two branches of the same (secret) party." Professor Arthur S. Miller in his book "The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change"

"A Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC) has emerged, and this TCC is a global ruling class. It is a ruling class because it controls the levers of an emergent transnational state apparatus and of global decision making. This class has no borders, and is composed of the technocratic, media, corporate, banking, social and political elite of the world." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"All societies we know of are governed by the selfish interests of the ruling class or classes." Plato

"We must be deeply suspicious of the ruling elite of the United States, which is of course also an oligarchy, but an oligarchy which operates behind the mask of democratic institutions and formal democracy." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"The only recognizable basis for moral and political authority, in the eyes of the elite, is the attainment of material success and power. It does not matter how it is gotten." Chris Hedges (475 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952

"In every society a minority always dominated. The question was how to do it. If the minority affronted the majority, it lost influence. If discretely exercised... the minority influence could be effective and desirable." US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles

"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn't work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country." David Degraw in his book "Revolution or World War III"

"The highest ideal of many members of the ruling class is to create a private paradise of wealth, and they have no qualms if that goal can be achieved by buying career politicians in Congress. These people know the market value of "our two party-system," but they have never known the value of democracy. Plainly, it serves the interests of a small but immensely wealthy minority if we, the people, leave politics to politicians except on election days." Scott Tucker, 2009 (476 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Side by side with the international politics of each State; there exists certain obscure organizations. ... The men who take part in these councils are not professional politicians or brilliantly dressed ambassadors, but certain unknown men, high financiers who are superior to the vain ephemeral politicians who imagine that they govern the world." Dr. Gerard Encause in his work "Mysteria", 1914

"We can only theorize on the manner in which Moscow is controlled from New York, London and Paris. Undoubtedly much of the control is economic, but certainly the international bankers have an enforcer arm within Russia to keep the Soviet leaders in line."
Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

'There are no political parties in the US that are funded by foreign interests. No such thing would be permitted. It would be regarded as high treason. What is surprising is that the Russian government permitted for 20 years its political opposition to be funded by Washington and still permits that today as long as the opposition registers as an American agent. The ability of Washington to fund the Russian government's political opposition and also protest groups, allows Washington free access to destabilize Russia." Paul Craig Roberts

"[By 1927 Stalin emerged as the new strongman in Russia. Stalin's plan required that the country be industrialized at breakneck speed, whatever the waste and hardships, and must emphasize heavy industry and armaments rather than rising standards of living. This meant that the goods produced by the peasants must be taken from them, by political duress, without any economic return, and that the ultimate in authoritarian terror must be used to prevent the peasants from reducing their level of production to their own consumptive needs, as they had done in the period 1921-1923. This meant that the first step towards the industrialization of Russia required that the peasantry be (477 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

broken by terror and be reorganized from a capitalistic basis of private farms to a socialistic system of collective farms." It was deemed necessary to "crush all kinds of ... resistance to the Bolshevik State, independent thought, and public discontent. These must be crushed by terror so that the whole of Russia could be formed into a monolithic structure of disciplined proletariat who would obey their leaders with such unquestioning obedience. [Under the communists, Russia became a "despotic police state] resting on espionage and terror, in which there was a profound gulf in ideology and manner of living between the rulers and the ruled. [Because of its peculiar and unique structure, the communist apparatus would be] based on intrigue and violence and would inevitably bring to the top the most decisive, most merciless, most unprincipled and most violent of its members." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"By 1998, more than 80 percent of Russian farms had gone bankrupt, and roughly seventy thousand state factories had closed, creating an epidemic of unemployment. In 1989, before shock therapy, 2 million people in the Russian Federation were living in poverty, on less than $4 a day. By the time the shock therapists had administered their "bitter medicine" in the mid-nineties, 74 million Russians were living below the poverty line, according to the World Bank. That means that Russia's "economic reforms" can claim credit for the impoverishment of 72 million people in only eight years. By 1996, 25 percent of Russians - almost 37 million people-lived in poverty described as "desperate."" Naomi Klein in her book "The Shock Doctrine"

"While securing corporate control over extensive oil reserves and pipeline routes along the Eurasian corridor on behalf of the AngloAmerican oil giants, Washington's ultimate objective is to eventually destabilize and then colonize both China and Russia. This means the takeover of their national financial systems and the control over monetary policy, leading eventually to the imposition of the US dollar as the national currency." Michel Chossudovsky in his book " America's War on Terrorism" (478 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"International bankers arranged the Bolshevik coup in Russia in 1917, and then supported the regime thereafter, both for the profit involved and, presumably, to build up a "credible enemy."" G. Edward Griffin in his book "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

"One barrier to mature understanding of recent history is the notion that all capitalists are the bitter and unswerving enemies of all Marxists and Socialists. This erroneous idea originated with Karl Marx and was undoubtedly useful to his purposes. In fact, the idea is nonsense. There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists - to their mutual benefit." Antony Sutton in his book "Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution"

"Rather than being regarded as a U.S. "partner," Russia was on the list of potential "regime change" targets. These included aggressive U.S. encirclement of Russia with new military bases on Russia's borders, encouragement of "regime change" in Georgia and the Ukraine, and the expansion of NATO into the Baltic states and Eastern Europe, in violation of a pledge to Gorbachev to refrain from any such threatening actions at the time the Soviet Union agreed to allow East Germany to join the West." Edward S. Herman, 2008

"President Reagan reached agreements with Gorbachov, and they were good agreements, and the Russians banked on them, and they've been betrayed by every subsequent American administration. We did everything we said we wouldn't do - we brought NATO to their borders, we're putting missile systems in former parts of the Soviet Union, we're interfering in elections in former republics of the Soviet Union, including Georgia, where we managed to install a puppet government." Paul Craig Roberts, , 2008

"The NATO encirclement of Russia, the Color Revolutions across Eurasia, and the war (479 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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in Iraq, were all aspects of one and the same American geopolitical strategy: a grand strategy to de-construct Russia once and for all as a potential rival to a sole US Superpower hegemony." F. William Engdahl in his book "Full Spectrum Dominance"

"It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies such as irrigation works (denying them) to the civilian population or to the adverse Party ... for any motive." Protocol 1, Additional to the Geneva Convention of 1977

"When strong governments wish to impose their will on weaker regimes, they often resort to sanctions." Brian Cloughley, 2010

"Because economic sanctions result in shortages of food and medical supplies, their most severe consequences are often felt by the persons who are least culpable and most vulnerable." Dr. Michle Barry in "Annals of Internal Medicine"

"The immediate consequence of eight years of sanctions [U.S.-backed UN Security Council Resolution 687 established sanctions [which were begun in 1990] against the Iraqi people[ after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1991] has been a dramatic fall in living standards, the collapse of the infrastructure, and a serious decline in the availability of public services." Brian Cloughley, 2010 (480 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"The death of some 5-6,000 children a month [under the U.S.-backed UN Security Council-established sanctions which were begun in 1990] is mostly due to contaminated water, lack of medicines and malnutrition. The US and UK governments' delayed clearance of equipment and materials is responsible for this tragedy, not Baghdad." Dennis Halliday, head of the UN's humanitarian program in Iraq

"Prior to 1990, 95 percent of urban households in Iraq had access to potable water, as did three quarters of rural households. Soon after the Persian Gulf War, there were widespread outbreaks of cholera and typhoid-diseases that had been largely eradicated in Iraq-as well as massive increases in child and infant dysentery, and skyrocketing child and infant mortality rates. By 1996 all sewage-treatment plants had broken down." Joy Gordon, Harpers, 2002

"The United States handled the quadrupling of oil prices in the 1970s by arranging, by means of secret agreements with the Saudis, to recycle petrodollars back into the U.S. economy. The first of these deals assured a special and ongoing Saudi stake in the health of the U.S. dollar; the second secured continuing Saudi support for the pricing of all OPEC oil in dollars. These two deals assured that the U.S. economy would not be impoverished by OPEC oil price hikes." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"We worked out a deal whereby the House of Saud would reinvest petrodollars in U.S. treasury securities. ... Part of the agreement also was for Saudi Arabia to maintain the price of oil at a level acceptable to us and we would agree to keep the House of Saud in power." (481 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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John Perkins, 2005

"The United States balances its payments by secret agreements with Saudi Arabia to recycle petrodollars to the United States and to ensure that OPEC sales all over the world are denominated in U.S. dollars. These arrangements to ease pressure on the U.S. currency have helped, as an inevitable consequence, to create debt crises all over the Third World." Peter Dale Scott in his book "Drugs, Oil, and War"

"The price of oil suddenly quadrupled in 1974. That highly suspicious rise occurred soon after an oil deal was engineered by U.S. interests with the royal family of Saudia Arabia, the largest oil producer in OPEC (the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries). The deal was evidently brokered by U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. It involved an agreement by OPEC to sell oil only for dollars in return for a secret U.S. agreement to arm Saudi Arabia and keep the House of Saud in power. The U.S. dollar, which had formerly been backed by gold, was now "backed" by oil." Ellen Brown in her book "Web of Debt"

"The dollar's current strength is supported by the requirement of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), secured originally by a secret agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia, that all OPEC oil sales be denominated in dollars." Peter Dale Scott in his book "The Road to 9/11"

"The Saudi royal family, and especially the brand of religion that it believed in, the Wahabi faith, represented a tiny number of people in Saudi Arabia. So they used the strength they gained first from their deals with the British Empire and subsequently with the United States in order to preserve their stranglehold over their own people and to impose this particular religion on the people in Saudi Arabia, who really didn't share it." (482 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Tariq Ali interviewed by Oliver Stone, 2011

"With 261 billion barrels of crude oil lying beneath its soil, Saudi Arabia remains the lynchpin in the international oil grab presided over by the Four Horsemen [Shell, Chevron. British Petroleum, Exxon]. ... ARAMCO [Arabian American Oil Company] now controls over one-quarter of the world's crude oil reserves. ... As of 1990 ARAMCO produced over 8 million barrels of crude oil a day, ensuring the Saudi role as "swing producer". During the 1991 Gulf War ARAMCO underwent another expansion and now cranks out an unprecedented 10 million barrels a day." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"A poll of 500 scientists working in either government or recently privatized research institutes in the UK revealed that 30 percent had been asked to change their research conclusions by their sponsoring customer." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003 "With less research money available from public sources, more and more scientists in the U.S. and Europe are dependent on corporate sponsors, and hence, corporate acceptance of their research and results. Among Britain's top research universities, for example, dependence on private funds often amounts to 80 to 90 percent of the total research budget." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"A study of major research centers in the field of engineering found that 35 percent would allow corporate sponsors to delete information from papers prior to publication." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003 (483 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Research in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that studies of cancer drugs funded by non-profit groups were eight times more likely to reach unfavorable conclusions as the studies funded by the pharmaceutical companies." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003



America's Secret Establishment

"There is a group within the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) which belongs to a secret society, which more or less controls the CFR. ... These members are in 'The Order' [Yale University's Skull and Bones]. Their membership in The Order can be proven. Their meetings can be proven. Their objectives are plainly unconstitutional. And this Order has existed for 150 years in the United States." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones", 1983


... The British secret society, known as "The Group" was founded at Oxford University, much as "The Order" [Skull and Bones] was founded at Yale University. ... The Group's objective is recorded in Cecil Rhodes' will: "The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise ... and the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire. ... Both The Group and The Order are unwilling or unable to bring about a global society (484 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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by voluntary means, so they opted for coercion. To do this they have created wars and revolutions, they have ransacked public treasuries, they have oppressed, they have pillaged, they have lied - even to their own countrymen. ... The activities of The Order are directed towards changing our society, changing the world, to bring about a New World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones", 1983

"We can trace the foundation of three secret societies - the most influential three secret societies that we know about - to universities. "The Illuminati" was founded at University of Ingolstadt. "The Group" was founded at All Souls College, Oxford University in England, and "The Order" [Skull and Bones] was founded at Yale University in the United States." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones", 1983

"'The Order' in the United States, 'The Group' in England, the 'Illuminati' in Germany, and the 'Politburo' in Russia - for these elitists the State is supreme and a selfappointed elite running the State acts indeed as God on earth." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones", 1983

"Communist China will be a "superpower" built by American technology and skill. It is presumably the intention of The Order [Skull and Bones] to place this power in a conflict mode with the Soviet Union." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones", 1983 (485 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"The left-right political spectrum to [is used] to neutralize unwelcome facts and ideas or just condition citizens to think along certain lines. The "left" leaning segment of the press in the US can always be relied upon to automatically assault ideas and information from the "right" and vice versa. In fact, media outlets have been artificially set up just for this purpose: both Nation and New Republic on the "left" were financed by Willard Straight, using Payne Whitney (The Order) funds. On the "right" National Review published by William Buckley (The Order) runs a perpetual deficit, presumably made up by Buckley. Neither the independent right nor the independent left sees the trap. They are so busy firing at each other; they've mostly forgotten to look behind the scenes. And The Order smugly claims control of the 'moderate" center." Antony Sutton in his book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones", 1983



"George Soros is not only one of the world's leading megaspeculators; throughout his entire life he has served as an "errand boy" for the Anglo-American monetarist establishment, running looting operations against the nations of Eastern Europe, as well as attacks against the sovereignty of nations. ... Through his Open Society Foundations, George Soros positioned himself, long before communism fell, as the man who, on behalf of Anglo-American banking interests and the IMF, tried to put into place the mechanism for the economic and political "transition" to occur in the Eastern European countries. Soros became a staunch advocate of the policy of "shock therapy," which was approved by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her close associate George HW Bush, after the Berlin Wall had fallen." Executive Intelligence Review, April 1997 (486 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"George Soros is merely the visible face of a vast network of private financial interests, controlled by the leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe." William Engdahl , Executive Intelligence Review, 1997

"The Club of the Isles provides capital for George Soros' Quantum Fund NV - which made substantial financial gains in 1998-99 following the collapse of currencies of Thailand, Indonesia and Russia. Soros was a major shareholder at George W. Bush's Harken Energy. The Club of Isles is led by the Rothschilds and includes Queen Elizabeth II and other wealthy European aristocrats and Nobility." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"George Soros is part of a circle which includes Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv, the indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive; Shaul Eisenberg, the secretive Israeli arms and commodities dealer; and "Dirty Rafi" Eytan - both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad, and to the family of Jacob Lord Rothschild. Understandably, Soros and the Rothschild interests prefer to keep their connection hidden far from public view, so as to obscure the powerful friends Soros can claim in the City of London, the British Foreign Office, Israel, and the U.S. financial establishment." William Engdahl, 2007

"In 1992, George Soros and his giant hedge fund Quantum Group backed by Citibank and other powerful institutional speculators, used derivatives to collapse the currencies of Great Britain and Italy in a single day. The European Monetary System was taken down with them." Ellen Hodgson Brown in her book "Web of Debt" "The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the George Soros Open Society Institute, Freedom House and Gene Sharp's Albert Einstein Institution, a US intelligence asset [are] used to spark "non-violent" regime change around the world on behalf of the US strategic agenda." (487 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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William Engdahl, 2007

"Mikhail Saakashvili a 36-year-old U.S.-educated lawyer, took over the presidency of Georgia in a rose revolution [2004]. The latter was supported by Washington and the Soros Foundation." William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"The US State Department admits to supporting the activities of the NED [National Endowment for Democracy] in Myanmar. The NED is a US government-funded "private" entity whose activities are designed to support US foreign policy objectives, doing today what the CIA did during the Cold War... the NED funds [George] Soros' Open Society Institute in fostering regime change in Myanmar. " F. William Engdahl

"When we get to the level of spectacular international terrorism of the type represented by 9/11, it is clear that only skilled professionals have the physical ability to produce the effects observed. ... Expert professionals are the well-trained, well-equipped operatives who really do have the technical, physical, and mental ability to bring about the terrorist acts which the public sees. They are the ice-cold technocrats of death who were able to direct the aircraft into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The expert professionals are the persons who can accomplish the amazing feats which the media attribute to the pathetic patsies. Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"Far from being the terrorists of the world, the Islamic peoples have been its victims, principally the victims of U.S. fundamentalism, whose power, in all its forms-military, (488 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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strategic, and economic - is the greatest source of terrorism on Earth.... People are neither still nor stupid. They see their independence compromised, their resources and land and the lives of their children taken away, and their accusing fingers increasingly point north: to the great enclaves of plunder and privilege. Inevitably, terror breeds terror and more fanaticism. But how patient the oppressed have been. Their distant voices of rage are now heard; the daily horrors in faraway brutalized places have at last come home." John Pilger, in his book "Hidden Agendas"

"While "wanton destruction of towns, cities and villages" is a war crime of long standing, the bombing of cities from airplanes goes not only unpunished but virtually unaccused. Air bombardment is state terrorism, the terrorism of the rich. It has burned up and blasted apart more innocents in the past six decades than have all the anti-state terrorists who ever lived. Something has benumbed our consciousness against this reality. In the United States we would not consider for the presidency a man who had once thrown a bomb into a crowded restaurant, but we are happy to elect a man who once dropped bombs from airplanes that destroyed not only restaurants but the buildings that contained them and the neighborhoods that surrounded them." C. Douglas Lummis, political scientist

"September 11 had a terrible shock effect on the millions of Americans who get all their news from the corporate media and who were secure in the belief that everyone in the world secretly wants to be an American. They believed that America was universally loved and admired because the United States was more prosperous, nobler, and more generous than other countries. Very few Americans know about victims of US terrorism abroad. Relatively few are aware that whole societies have been shattered by US bombings or US monetary and trade policies. ... What changed on September 11 was people's perception of themselves and of America's place in the world. Many felt shocked, smaller, not respected, less secure, less powerful, and confused. Some even wondered if there were things that they had not been told. ... Almost all of America know next to nothing about how US supported terrorists have taken millions of lives in scores of other countries. The media have little to say about those acts of terrorism, and so the general public knows relatively little about them." Michael Parenti in his book "The Terrorism Trap" (489 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Large-scale terrorism of the 9/11 type is generally conducted, not so much by identifiable institutions, but rather by a network or faction of like-minded plotters which cuts across the institutions. It is not the visible, elected government which plots terrorism, but rather the parallel, invisible, or secret government, and that secret government is hidden inside the public and elected one. The essence of this phenomenon is a private network which has ensconced its operatives in decisive, influential positions, from which entire bureaucracies can be controlled, manipulated, or paralyzed. ... The secret, private network at the higher levels of the US government which was behind 9/11 has been around for some time. ... It is an aggressive, imperialistic, murderous network, restlessly seeking to preserve itself through conflict and confrontation. Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"The State is a soulless machine. It can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence." Mahatma Gandhi

"America has clearly emerged as the greatest purveyor of state terrorism on the planet. If there is any doubt one only has to consider, amongst others, the incidents of American intervention in Guatemala, Iran, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba (ongoing for 43 years), Chile, Uruguay, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and, most recently, Venezuela." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The record of US international violence just in the last decade is greater than anything that any socialist nation has ever perpetrated in its entire history. US forces or proxy mercenary forces wreaked massive death and destruction upon Iraq, Mozambique, Angola, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, East Timor, Libya, and other countries. In (490 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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the span of a few months, President Clinton bombed four countries: Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq repeatedly, and Yugoslavia massively. At the same time, the US national security state was involved in proxy wars in Angola, Mexico (Chiapas), Colombia, East Timor, and various other places. And US forces occupied Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan, and were deployed across the globe at some 300 major overseas bases- all in the name of peace, democracy, national security, counterterrorism, and humanitarianism." Michael Parenti, 2002

"Every socialist experiment of any significance in the twentieth century-without exception-has either been crushed, overthrown, or invaded, or corrupted, perverted, subverted, or destabilized, or otherwise had life made impossible for it, by the United States. Not one socialist government or movement-from the Russian Revolution to the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, from Communist China to the EMLN in [El] Salvador-not one was permitted to rise or fall solely on its own merits; not one was left secure enough to drop its guard against the all-powerful enemy abroad and freely and fully relax control at home." William Blum in the book "Masters of War"

"The vast majority of international terrorism conducted on a spectacular scale is indeed state-sponsored terrorism." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"US leaders have been the greatest purveyors of terrorism throughout the world." Michael Parenti in his book "The Terrorism Trap"

"The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund began to tie loans to (491 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"structural adjustment" programs, which channeled more of the debtor country's financial and productive resources toward debt repayment. ... Structural adjustments were originally imposed on an ad hoc basis upon individual nations when it appeared that they could not keep up with existing debt payments. By 1985, fifteen debtor nations had been subjected to SAPs, and by 1991, a quarter of the World Bank's total lending was tied to structural adjustment in 54 nations. As more of the "debtor" nations' dwindling resources went to debt service, new loans were simply used to repay previous loans, and the total debt of the low income nations more than quadrupled from $100 to $473 billion between 1980 and 1992. World Bank and IMF "reforms" continued, and by the mid-1990s, more than a hundred countries and 80 percent of the world's population had been "structurally adjusted." The average developing nation's debt payments were a third of its gross national product. ... When no more money or exports can be squeezed from the poor, selling state-owned companies to Northern corporations becomes an option... Once again, a handful of multinational corporations are the beneficiaries. Structural adjustment proved to be such a useful tool for leveraging corporate power that it was time to make it a permanent part of the global economy, and that is just what the international trade treaties of the 1990s have done - codified the elements of structural adjustment into international law." George Draffan in his book "The Elite Consensus"

"The IMF and World Bank are the chief pushers of the whole scheme of structural adjustments that are designed to further open up the Third World economies for penetration and plunder by private monopoly corporations. We call for the abrogation of all loan agreements that provide for structural adjustment, public assumption of private debts and the further exposure of the Third World economies to plunder by private multinational giants." Cebu Declaration, Philippine-Asia Jubilee Campaign Against the Debt, May 18, 1999, Cebu City, Philippines

"The debt is used as a justification to maintain neoliberal policies, including what are known as structural adjustment programs, as institutional mechanisms to perpetuate a state of dependence. Bail-out programs by creditors, with the support of the (492 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have only served to ensure the continuity for mechanisms to keep countries deep in debt." Tegucigalpa Declaration, Latin American and Caribbean Jubilee 2000 Platform, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, January 27, 1999

"By the 1980s, U.S. policymakers were rejecting the view that a more prosperous, economically independent Third World would serve the interests of U.S. capitalism. And once there no longer was a competing socialist world to which Third World leaders might threaten to turn, the United States felt freer than ever to undo any kind of autonomous development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. One rollback weapon is the debt. In order to meet payments and receive new credits from the US-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), Third World governments have had to agree to merciless "structural adjustment programs," including reductions in social programs, cuts in wages, the elimination of import controls, the removal of restrictions on foreign investments, the privatization of state enterprises, and the elimination of domestic food production in favor of high profit export crops." Michael Parenti

"Structural adjustment imposed by the World Bank and IMF have brought disaster to the working poor of as many as 100 countries, forced to open their markets to a flood of cheap imports while the rich refuse to abandon their subsidies, quotas and high tariffs. The result is brutal suppression of wages and living standards and elimination of social programs." Noam Chomsky in his book "Year 501"

"The IMF imposes strict conditions on debtor nations that force them to concentrate on producing cheap exports in order to increase foreign reserves needed to pay interest on their debt. These structural adjustment programs include currency devaluation, reduced wages, cutbacks to social programs, and reliance on the market system. All of these programs benefit creditor nations such as the United States at the expense of the debtor nations." David Model in his book "Lying for Empire" (493 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Beginning in the late 1970s, the World Bank and IMF mandated a shift away from industrialization toward economies based solely on the export of raw materials and agricultural products. Loans were now to be used as leverage to impose what were called Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)-programs that mandated slashing social spending, eliminating price subsidies and trade tariffs, and privatizing governmentowned industries and services-all in order to pay down foreign debt." Lena Weinstein

"The United States is now the world's largest debtor nation, yet has avoided the pain of "structural adjustments" imposed on other debtor economies. US interest-rate and tax reductions in the face of exploding trade and budget deficits are seen as the height of hypocrisy in view of the austerity programs that Washington forces on other countries via the IMF and other Washington vehicles. The United States tells debtor economies to sell off their public utilities and natural resources, raise their interest rates and increase taxes while gutting their social safety nets to squeeze out money to pay creditors." economist Michael Hudson

"During the 1970s and 1980s, the U.S. used the dictatorship of Baby Doc Duvalier to impose what the International Monetary Fund calls a "structural adjustment program." Haitians called it "the plan of death." Duvalier opened up the Haitian economy to heavily subsidized U.S. agricultural exports, especially rice, which undermined the ability of Haitian peasants to compete on the market." Ashley Smith

"When the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund lend money to debtor countries, the money comes with strings attached. These strings come in the form of policy prescriptions called 'structural adjustment policies.' These policies require debtor governments to open their economies to penetration by foreign corporations, allowing access to the country's workers and environment at bargain basement prices. (494 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Structural adjustment policies mean across-the-board privatization of public utilities and publicly owned industries. They mean the slashing of government budgets, leading to cutbacks in spending on health care and education. And, as their imposition in country after country in Latin America, Africa, and Asia has shown, they lead to deeper inequality and environmental destruction." Global Exchange

"Fiscal austerity [structural adjustment] will imply massive cuts in social spending, which will do to the developed world what they did to the 'developing' world: health, education and social services will be cut, with public employees in those and other sectors fired, creating a massive new wave of unemployed people. Simultaneously, taxes will be dramatically increased, particularly on the middle and lower classes, which would then be more impoverished than ever before." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"Since the 1980s, it is mainly the Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) of the World Bank and the IMF that act as the enforcers of neoliberalism. These programs are levied against the countries of the South which can be extorted due to their debts. Meanwhile, numerous military interventions and wars help to take possession of the assets that still remain, secure resources, install neoliberalism as the global economic politics, crush resistance movements, and facilitate the lucrative business of reconstruction." Claudia von Werlhof


"The [government's] view is, they [US soldiers fighting in Iraq] signed a contract to serve for three years. The fact that they get blown up after one month means they haven't fulfilled their contract... They have to pay back the money. ... [US soldiers] check out helmets and other equipment... then they lose their helmet in an explosion... they're shipped out, they're disabled, they're in concussion. Somebody in the military will send them a bill for their helmet." (495 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Joseph Stiglitz, 2008

"There was the GAO study on about hundreds of veterans being chased around the country for small amounts of money that they allegedly owe, mostly related to pieces of equipment that they lost during serious injuries." Linda Bilmes, 2008

"We were told that in a crowded area, if one person shoots at you, kill everybody." former U.S. specialist Darrell Anderson, about U.S. policy in Iraq

"I went down to the market where all the women shop. I pulled out my machete and I begin to chop. I went down to the park where all the children play. I pulled out my machine gun and I begin to spray." US Army basic training marching chant in Iraq

"There is a very deep and emotional commitment among a significant group of workingclass voters to the belief that "supporting the troops" and "being patriotic" requires adopting a wartime attitude of unquestioning support for military leaders and a refusal to oppose or criticize any war-related policies or actions." Andrew Levison

"Society would be dominated by an elite ... which would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. (496 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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... The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieve/review by the authorities." Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era", 1970

"The two greatest visions of a future dystopia were George Orwell's "1984" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World." The debate, between those who watched our descent towards corporate totalitarianism, was who was right. Would we be, as Orwell wrote, dominated by a repressive surveillance and security state that used crude and violent forms of control? Or would we be, as Huxley envisioned, entranced by entertainment and spectacle, captivated by technology and seduced by profligate consumption to embrace our own oppression? It turns out Orwell and Huxley were both right. Huxley saw the first stage of our enslavement. Orwell saw the second." Chris Hedges, 2010

"The goal of the corporate state is to create a total control society - one in which the government is able to track the movements of people in real time and control who does what, when and where. In exchange, the government promises to provide security and convenience, the two highly manipulative, siren-song catchwords of our modern age." John W. Whitehead, 2010

"We are going to have a war on terror which you can never win, and so you can always keep taking people's liberties away. The media is going to convince everybody that the war on terror is real. The ultimate goal is to get everybody in the world chipped with an RFID chip, and have all money be on the chips, and if anyone wants to protest what we do, we turn off the chip." Nicholas Rockefeller to producer Aaron Russo - eleven months before the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks (497 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Whether for good or bad, surveillance machines are going to get smarter. They're already starting to recognise people's faces in the street, and systems that spot abnormal behavior will not be far behind... Once connected to such intelligent systems, closed-circuit television (CCTV) will shift from being a mainly passive device for gathering evidence after a crime, to a tool for crime prevention...[The system works by detecting any behaviors that deviate from the 'normal' range of human behavior:] the computer recognises them as pattems. If anyone deviates from these patterns, the system sounds the alarm... it spots any abnormal behavior." New Scientist, December 11, 1999

"We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government." US Supreme Court Justice William O.Douglas

"In a future America, enhanced retinal recognition could be married to omnipresent security cameras as a part of the increasingly routine monitoring of public space. Military surveillance equipment, tempered to a technological cutting edge in counterinsurgency wars, might also one day be married to the swelling domestic databases of the NSA and FBI, sweeping the fiber-optic cables beneath our cities for any sign of subversion. And in the skies above, loitering aircraft and cruising drones could be checking our borders and peering down on American life." Prof. Alfred W. McCoy, 2009

"One of the first booms for the homeland security industry was surveillance cameras, 4.2 million of which have been installed in Britain, one for every fourteen people, and 30 million in the U.S.." Naomi Klein in her book "The Shock Doctrine" "There's going to be an event. We are going to go into Afghanistan. We are going to go (498 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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into Iraq... We are going to have a war on terror which you can never win, and so you can always keep taking people's liberties away ... The media is going to conviince everybody that the war on terror is real... The ultimate goal is to get everybody in the world chipped with an RFID chip, and have all money be on the chips, and if anyone wants to protest what we do, we turn off the chip." Nicholas Rockefeller to Aaron Russo, producer of the film 'America:Freedom to Fascism', eleven months before the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, 2001

"FEMA became, under President Ronald Reagan, the agency responsible for preserving and refining the 'Garden Plot' strategies for surveillance and detention of domestic protest." Peter Dale Scott in his book "The Road to 9/11"

"While U.S. combat forces prepare to draw-down in Iraq, military intelligence units are coming home to apply their combat-tempered surveillance skills to our expanding homeland security state, while preparing to counter any future domestic civil disturbances here." Prof. Alfred W. McCoy, 2009

British-born economist and historian (1925-2002) who exposed in his books the corporate and financial elite's global agenda of monopoly capitalism as well as their economic and political support for both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia


quotations from the book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" by Antony C. Sutton, 1974 (499 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Monopoly capitalists are the bitter enemies of laissez-faire entrepreneurs; and, given the weaknesses of socialist central planning, the totalitarian socialist state is a perfect captive market for monopoly capitalists, if an alliance can be made with the socialist powerbrokers." * "Before World War I, the financial and business structure of the United States was dominated by two conglomerates: Standard Oil, or the Rockefeller enterprise, and the Morgan complex of industries-finance and transportation companies. Rockefeller and Morgan trust alliances dominated not only Wall Street but, through interlocking directorships, almost the entire economic fabric of the United States." * "The major money powers of the west enlarged their monopoly ambitions and broadened horizons on a global scale. The gigantic Russian market was to be converted into a captive market and a technical colony to be exploited by a few high-powered American financiers and the corporations under their control." * "A syndicate of international financiers ... wanted markets that could be exploited monopolistically without fear of competition from Russians, Germans, or anyone else including American businessmen outside the charmed circle. This closed group was apolitical and amoral. In 1917, it had a single-minded objective - a captive market in Russia, all presented under, and intellectually protected by, the shelter of a league [League of Nations] to enforce the peace." * "The technique, used by the monopolists to gouge society, was set forth in the early twentieth century by Frederick C. Howe 'Confessions of a Monopolist'. First, says Howe, politics is a necessary part of business. To control industries it is necessary to control Congress and the regulators and thus make society go to work for you, the monopolist. So, according to Howe, the two principles of a successful monopolist are, "First, let Society work for you; and second, make a business of politics. "These, wrote Howe, are the basic "rules of big business."" * (500 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"The Russian governments refusal to allow the deal between the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and other major oil monopolies to divide up the world's oil reserves, may well have spurred discontent among these powerful interests. If Russia refused to allow them to control all the oil and have a right to all oil, did this mean that Russia was planning on building a domestic oil industry? If this were the case, it could pose a threat to all the entrenched economic and financial interests, particularly those of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, as Russia's significant oil reserves and resources would allow it to possibly even surpass the United States in industrialization." * "During the civil war in Russia between the Reds and the Whites, while Wall Street financiers were aiding the Bolsheviks quietly, they also began to finance Aleksandr Kolchak (of the Whites) with millions of dollars, in order to ensure that whoever emerged victorious in the war, Wall Street would win."


quotations form the book "Wall Street and FDR" by Antony C. Sutton, 1976
"John D. Rockefeller and his 19th century fellow-capitalists were convinced of one absolute truth: that no great monetary wealth could be accumulated under the impartial rules of a competitive laissez faire society. The only sure road to the acquisition of massive wealth was monopoly: drive out your competitors, reduce competition, eliminate laissez-faire, and above all get state protection for your industry through compliant politicians and government regulation. This last avenue yields a legal monopoly, and a legal monopoly always leads to wealth." * "Corporate socialism is a system where those few who hold the legal monopolies of financial and industrial control profit at the expense of all others in society." * "The philosophy of Wall Street financiers was anything but laissez-faire competition, which was the last system they envisaged. Socialism, communism, fascism or their (501 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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variants were acceptable. The ideal for these financiers was "cooperation," forced if necessary. Individualism was out, and competition was immoral... compulsory cooperation was their golden road to a legal monopoly." * "In the writing of Bernard Baruch is seen the basic objectives of Karl Marx writing in The Communist Manifesto. What is different between the two systems are the names of the elitist few running the operation known as state planning; the vanguard of the proletariat in Karl Marx is replaced by the vanguard of big business in Bernard Baruch." * "The story of an attempted takeover of executive power in the United States [the plot to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt] was suppressed, not only by parties directly interested, but also by several institutions usually regarded as protectors of constitutional liberty and freedom of inquiry. Among the groups suppressing information were (1) the Congress of the United States, (2) the press, notably Time magazine and The New York Times, and (3) the White House itself. It is also notable that no academic inquiry has been conducted into what is surely one of the more ominous events in recent American history." * "Franklin D. Roosevelt privately believed that the U.S. government was owned by a financial elite." * "Corporate socialism is the political way of running an economy that is more attractive to big business because it avoids the rigors and the imposed efficiency of a market system... through business control or influence in regulatory agencies and the police power of the state, the political system is an effective way to gain a monopoly, and a legal monopoly always leads to wealth." * "The objective of [the financial elite] is monopoly acquisition of wealth - corporate socialism. It thrives on the political process, and it would fade away if it were exposed to the activity of a free market."

***** (502 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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quotations from the book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" by Antony C. Sutton, 1976
"It is in the pecuniary interests of the international bankers to centralize political power and this centralization can best be achieved within a collectivist society, such as socialist Russia, national socialist Germany, or a Fabian socialist United States. There can be no full understanding and appreciation of twentieth-century American politics and foreign policy without the realization that this financial elite effectively monopolizes Washington policy." * "In foreign affairs the Council on Foreign Relations, superficially an innocent forum for academics, businessmen, and politicians, contains within its shell, perhaps unknown to many of its members, a power center that unilaterally determines U.S. foreign policy. The major objective of this submerged - and obviously subversive - foreign policy is the acquisition of markets and economic power (profits, if you will), for a small group of giant multi-nationals under the virtual control of a few banking investment houses and controlling families." * "We find persistent recurrence of the same names: Owen Young, Gerard Swope, Hjalmar Schacht, Bernard Baruch, etc.; the same international banks: J. P. Morgan, Guaranty Trust, Chase Bank. This group of international bankers backed the Bolshevik Revolution and subsequently profited from the establishment of a Soviet Russia. This group backed Roosevelt and profited from New Deal socialism. This group also backed Hitler and certainly profited from German armament in the 1930s." * "The total result of the manipulation of society by the Establishment elite has been four major wars in sixty years, a crippling national debt, abandonment of the Constitution, suppression of freedom and opportunity, and creation of a vast credibility gulf between the man in the street and Washington, D.C. While the transparent device of two major parties trumpeting artificial differences, circus-like conventions, and the clich of "bipartisan foreign policy" no longer carries credibility, and the financial elite itself recognizes that its policies lack public acceptance, it is obviously prepared to go it alone without even nominal public support." (503 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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* "Paul Warburg's revolutionary plan to get American Society to go to work for Wall Street was astonishingly simple. Even today, academic theoreticians cover their blackboards with meaningless equations, and the general public struggles in bewildered confusion with inflation and the coming credit collapse, while the quite simple explanation of the problem goes undiscussed and almost entirely uncomprehended - the Federal Reserve System is a legal private monopoly of the money supply operated for the benefit of the few under the guise of protecting and promoting the public interest." * "Both fascist and communist systems are based on naked, unfettered political power and individual coercion. Both systems require monopoly control of society. While monopoly control of industries was once the objective of J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller, by the late nineteenth century the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood that the most efficient way to gain an unchallenged monopoly was to 'go political' and make society go to work for the monopolists," and that, "the totalitarian socialist state is a perfect captive market for monopoly capitalists, if an alliance can be made with the socialist powerbrokers. ... Russia, then [early 20th century] and now, constituted the greatest potential competitive threat to American industrial and financial supremacy... The gigantic Russian market was to be converted into a captive market and a technical colony to be exploited by a few high-powered American financiers and the corporations under their control." * "Wars are started (and stopped) with no shred of coherent explanation. Political words have never matched political deeds. The reason is because the center of political power has been elsewhere than with elected and presumably responsive representatives in Washington, and this power elite has its own objectives, which are inconsistent with those of the public at large." * "I. G. Farben and Standard Oil of New Jersey suppressed development of the synthetic rubber industry in the United States, to the advantage of the German Wehrmacht and to the disadvantage of the United States in World War II." * (504 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"General Electric was prominent in financing Hitler, it profited handsomely from war production - and yet it managed to evade bombing in World War lI." * "Henry Ford and Edsel Ford respectively contributed money to Hitler and profited from German wartime production. Standard Oil of New Jersey, General Electric, General Motors, and I.T.T ... made financial or technical contributions which comprise prima facie evidence of "participating in planning or carrying out Nazi enterprises." * * The financing for Hitler and his S. S. street thugs came in part from affiliates or subsidiaries of U.S. firms, including Henry Ford in 1922, payments by I. G. Farben and General Electric in 1933, followed by the Standard Oil of New Jersey and I.T.T. subsidiary payments to Heinrich Himmler up to 1944." * * U.S. multi-nationals under the control of Wall Street profited handsomely from Hitler's military construction program in the 1930s and at least until 1942."


quotations from the book "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" by Antony Sutton, 1983
"There is an Establishment history, an official history, which dominates history textbooks, trade publishing, the media and library shelves. The official line always assumes that events such as wars, revolutions, scandals, assassinations, are more or less random unconnected events. By definition events can never be the result of a conspiracy, they can never result from premeditated planned group action. ... Woe betide any book or author that falls outside the official guidelines. Foundation support is not there. Publishers get cold feet. Distribution is hit and miss, or nonexistent." * (505 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Without controlled conflict this New World Order will not come about... The International bankers backed the Nazis, the Soviet Union, North Korea, North Vietnam against the United States. The "conflict" built profits while pushing the world ever closer to One World Government. The process continues today." * "The so-called establishment in the U.S. uses "managed conflict." The practice of "managing" crises to bring about a favorable outcome - favorable to the elite." * "The manipulation of "left" and "right on the domestic front is duplicated in the international field where "left" and "right" political structures are artificially constructed and collapsed in the drive for a one-world synthesis. * "College textbooks present war and revolution as more or less accidental results of conflicting forces. The decay of political negotiation into physical conflict comes about, according to these books, after valiant efforts to avoid war. Unfortunately, this is nonsense. War is always a deliberate creative act by individuals." * "Western textbooks have gigantic gaps. For example, after World War II the Tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals were careful to censor any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler. By the same token, Western textbooks on Soviet economic development omit any description of the economic and financial aid given to the 1917 Revolution and subsequent economic development by Western firms and banks." * "Revolution is always recorded as a spontaneous event by the politically or economically deprived against an autocratic state. Never in Western textbooks will you find the evidence that revolutions need finance and the source of the finance in many cases traces back to Wall Street." * (506 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"It can be argued that our Western history is every bit as distorted, censored, and largely useless as that of Hitler's Germany or the Soviet Union or Communist China. No Western foundation will award grants to investigate such topics, few Western academics can "survive" by researching such theses and certainly no major publisher will easily accept manuscripts reflecting such arguments." * "There is a largely unrecorded history and it tells a story quite different than our sanitized textbooks. It tells a story of the deliberate creation of war, the knowing finance of revolution to change governments, and the use of conflict to create a New World Order." * "Corporations - even large corporations - are dominated by banks and trust companies, and in turn these banks and trust companies are dominated by The Order [Skull and Bones] and its allies." * "The intellectual world is locked into a phony verbal battle between "left" and "right," whereas the real struggle is the battle between individual freedom and the encroaching power of the absolute State. ... In the West the choice is basically between a controlled "left-oriented" information and a controlled "right-oriented" information. The conflict between the two controlled groups keeps an apparent informational conflict alive. Unwelcome facts that fall into neither camp are conveniently forgotten. Books that fall into neither camp can be effectively neutralized because they will incur the wrath of both "right" and "left". In brief, any publication which points up the fallacy of the Left-Right dichotomy is ignored... and citizens keep trooping down to the polling booths in the belief they have a 'choice"." * The Bush family [was] involved with the early development of the Soviet Union, then with financing the Nazis.

***** (507 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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quotations from the book "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy" by Antony Sutton, 1995
"The world bankers have been building an international money machine: an international Federal Reserve System with power to control the worlds financial and economic system." * "The Congress handed over all monetary powers to the Fed [Federal Reserve] in 1913. The Fed is a private bank, owned by banks, and pays dividends on its shares owned only by banks. The Fed is a private Bankers Bank." * "The Fed has a legal monopoly of money granted by Congress in 1913 proceedings that were unconstitutional and fraudulent." * "The Congress has never investigated the Fed and is highly unlikely to do so. No one sees Fed accounts; they are not audited. No balance sheets are issued. No one, but no one, ever criticizes the Fed and survives." * "Academicians are interested in protecting the Fed monopoly. An academic book criticizing the Fed will never find a publisher and the economist author would probably find tenure denied."

"Powerful elite circles of the United States ... backed the introduction of genetically modified seeds into the world food chain as a strategic priority. That elite included not only the Rockefeller and Ford foundations and most other foundations tied to the large private family fortunes of the wealthiest American families. It also included the US State Department, the National Security Council, the US Department of Agriculture, as well as (508 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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the leading policy circles of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, along with agencies of the United Nations including WHO and FAO." F. William Engdahl

"The World Health Organization, the World Bank, the UN environmental department, the UN Population Fund, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are closing in on all of humanity with mass-scale vaccination programmes and genetically engineered food." Jurriaan Maessen, 2012

"By 1956 the Ford Foundation had spent more than one billion dollars in contributions to 'education' and had thereby become a well-nigh all-encompassing influence over hundreds of colleges and universities." Rene Wormser in the book "Foundations: Their Power and Influence"

"The organization of tax-exempt fortunes of international financiers into foundations [was] to be used for educational, scientific, and other public purposes... [The inheritance tax] drove the great private fortunes dominated by Wall Street into taxexempt foundations, which became a major link in the Establishment network between Wall Street, the Ivy League, and the federal government... The foundations managed to acquire control over the primary Ivy League colleges, including Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton." Carroll Quigley, historian and Georgetown University professor, in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"The World Health Organization, the World Bank, the UN environmental department, the UN Population Fund, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are closing in on all of humanity with mass-scale vaccination programmes and genetically engineered food." Jurriaan Maessen - "Vaccination Campaigns Part Of Population Reduction (509 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Policy", 2012

"Foundations use their funds to subvert and control American education." Rene Wormser in the book "Foundations: Their Power and Influence"

"War is terrorism, magnified a hundred times." Howard Zinn, 2001

"A terrorist is someone who has a bomb but doesn't have an air force." William Blum in his book "Rogue State"

"Terrorism in the modern era is the means by which oligarchies wage secret wars against the people which it would be politically impossible to wage openly. Oligarchy, in turn, always has one and the same political program: the purpose and program of oligarchy is to perpetuate oligarchy." Webster Griffin Tarpley in his book "9/11 Synthetic Terror - made in the USA"

"Just like every US president before him, just like those who ran other great powers, Barack Obama became a murderer and a terrorist, because the US has a machine that spans the globe, that has the capacity to kill, and Obama has kept it set on kill. He could have flipped the switch and turned it off. The President has that power, but he chose not to do so." journalist Allan Nairn, 2010 (510 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Terrorism has replaced Communism as the rationale for the militarization of the country, for military adventures abroad, and for the suppression of civil liberties at home. It serves the same purpose, serving to create hysteria." Howard Zinn in his book "Terrorism and War"

"What occurred in Oklahoma City was no different than what Americans rain on the heads of others all the time ... The bombing of the Murrah building was not personal, no more than when Air Force, Army, Navy or Marine personnel bomb or launch cruise missiles against government installations and their personnel. ... Many foreign nations and peoples hate Americans for the very reasons most Americans loathe me. Think about that." Timothy McVeigh, Gulf War veteran who bombed a government building in Oklahoma City in 1995 - in a letter to Rita Cosby, Fox News Correspondent, April 27 2001

"There are many terrorist states in the world, but the United States is unusual in that it is officially committed to international terrorism." Noam Chomsky

"If they do it it's terrorism, if we do it, it's fighting for freedom." Anthony Quainton, the U.S. ambassador to Nicaragua, 1984

"[Terrorism is] the unlawful use of force or violence committed by a group or individual, who has some connection to a foreign power or whose activities transcend national boundaries, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." (511 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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FBI definition of terrorism


"Right-wing think tanks producing an incessant flow of market-oriented studies were established in the 1970s. Among them are the Heritage Foundation, the American Economic Institute for Public Policy Research, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), (512 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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the Georgetown Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Business Roundtable. ... These think tanks virtually created the new conservative movement of the 1970s. ... The actual agenda of these corporate-funded think tanks is to (a) decrease government regulation of big business, (b) decrease taxes for corporations and for the rich, (c) destroy the unions, and (d) increase profits." Helen Caldicott in her book "If You Love This Planet"

"Conservative funding finances right-wing think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and the Cato Institute, which provide easy jobs for conservatives who produce the sound bites and op-eds to fill up the mainstream news stories and editorial pages. Although many progressive think tanks exist (including the Economic Policy Institute, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and the World Policy Institute), media professionals don't like to use them. ... Conservative think tanks usually have more money than progressive ones, because the right is willing to serve wealthy corporate interests. Conservative pundits are often quite willing to sell their services. As intellectuals for hire, the right offers journalists mouthpieces for corporate America with the veneer of neutrality provided under the guise of a think tank." John K. Wilson in his book "How the Left Can Win Arguments and Influence People"

"A comprehensive Nexis search for the twenty-five largest think tanks in U.S. news media for 2002 showed that explicitly conservative think tanks accounted for nearly half of the 25,000 think-tank citations in the news, whereas progressive think tanks accounted for only 12 percent... The pro-business Right understood that changing media was a crucial part of bringing right-wing ideas into prominence and their politicians into power." Robert W. McChesney in his book "The Problem of the Media"

"The proliferation of movement conservative think tanks since the 1970s means that it's possible for a movement intellectual to make quite a good living by espousing certain (513 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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positions. There's a price to be paid - you're expected to be an apparatchik, not an independent thinker - but many consider it a good deal." Paul Krugman in his book "Conscience of a Liberal"

"The organized intellectual powers of the West -- namely, the principle think tanks and banking interests -- have sought to create a perfect global system of governance, one in which power does not sway from nation to nation, or West to East, but rather that power is centralized globally... it is through crises -- economic, political, and social -- that this process of global governance can be rapidly accelerated." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"Journalists have recused themselves from ranking the legitimacy of "experts," so corporate and political front groups with lofty names have the same opportunity to inject themselves into public debate as research institutions that still cling to oldfashioned standards of evidence and accuracy. These "think tanks" manufacture debate. That's what they do: Their aim is to create the illusion of controversy, even when the facts are indisputable, because they know how enslaved contemporary journalism is by the tyranny of false equivalence. What's more, the louder you are, the more outrageous your claim, the less civil your discourse, the farther you stand from common ground, the more welcome you will be as a guest and a source. It is not necessary to be right; to make the sale, it is only necessary to get attention." Martin Kaplan in the book "What Orwell Didn't Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics" "Corporations and corporate foundations fund think tanks which formulate policies which will be favorable to business. Corporate attorneys draft legislation which will make those policies the law of the land. Corporate political action committees pay for the election campaigns of the politicians who ensure that such legislation becomes law, and lobbyists make sure the politicians stay bought. Corporate executives are appointed to lead the regulatory agencies which enforce (or dismantle) the laws that aren't favorable to business. National and multilateral trade and development agencies design and subsidize an international trading system dominated by the largest corporations. Governments and banks use public monies to subsidize and insure corporate investment." (514 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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George Draffan in his book "The Elite Consensus"

"Wall Street, multinational corporations, international banks and wealthy people have formed elite groups to serve as vehicles for their interests. These include Think Tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and others, which are interlocked with the Tax-exempt Foundations and the Federal Reserve." Antony Sutton

"In 2000, the think tank and war lobby Project for a New American Century (PNAC) proposed a massive augmentation in US military power. In laying out this program, PNAC'S leadership recognized that the costly implementation of its far-reaching proposals to confirm, extend, and consolidate the coercive machinery of US global dominance would depend on a massive transformation in public opinion - through something akin to the surprise attacks on Pearl Harbor in 1941." Anthony J. Hall in his book "Earth into Property"

"The major think tanks of the nation, specifically the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) ... are the policy-makers of the American Empire. Think tanks bring together elites from most power sectors of society - the military, political, corporate, banking, intelligence, academia, media, etc. - and they discuss, debate and ultimately produce strategy blueprints and recommendations for American foreign policy. Individuals from these think tanks move in and out of the policy-making circles, creating a revolving door between the policy-planners and those that implement them. The think tanks, in this context, are essentially the intellectual engines of the American Empire." Andrew Gavin Marshall, 2011

THIRD WORLD (515 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"By the 1980s, U.S. policymakers were rejecting the view that a more prosperous, economically independent Third World would work to the interests of U.S. capitalism. Instead, they sought to subordinate the economies of Third Word nations by rolling back development programs and weakening the political efficacy of their governments. The goal has been to create a world free for maximizing profits irrespective of the human and environmental costs. One rollback weapon is the debt. Third World governments are burdened with huge debts and desperately strapped for funds. In order to meet payments and receive new credits from the U.S.dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), these governments have had to agree to heartless "structural adjustments;" including reductions in social programs, cuts in wages, the elimination of import controls, the removal of restrictions on foreign investments, and the privatization of state enterprises." Michael Parenti in his book "Dirty Truths"

"By early 2000, the process of global financial deregulation was in many regards a fait accompli. Wall Street routinely invaded country after country. The domestic banking system was put on the auction block and reorganized under the surveillance of external creditors. National financial institutions were systematically destabilized and driven out of business; mass unemployment and poverty are the invariable results." Michel Chossudovsky

"The whole third world is indebted to the banks. And it really is the financial power clique that keeps countries poor. Why does poverty continue? Because it has a purpose." financial expert Jean-Pierre van Rossem

"The youth of the Third World will no longer tolerate living in circumstances that give them no hope for the future. From the young boys I met in the demobilization camps in Sierra Leone to the suicide bombers of Palestine and Chechnya, to the young terrorists who fly planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we can no longer afford to ignore them. We have to take concrete steps to remove the causes of their rage, or we have to be prepared to suffer the consequences." (516 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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former Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire who commanaded the UN peacekeping force in Rwanda in 1993-1994

"The TRIPS [Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights] agreement was designed by multinational corporations to seize the genetic resources of the planet, chiefly in Third World countries, which have the greatest biodiversity." Marie-Monique Robin in the book "The World According to Monsanto", 2008

"We [economic hit men] ... will identify a third world country that has resources our corporations covet, such as oil, and then we arrange a huge loan to that country from the World Bank or one of its sister organizations. The money never actually goes to the country. It goes instead to US corporations, who build big infrastructure projects -power grids, industrial parks, harbors, highways -- things that benefit a few very rich people but do not reach the poor at all. The poor aren't connected to the power grids. They don't have the skills to get jobs in industrial parks. But they and the whole country are left holding this huge debt, and it's such a big debt that the country can't possibly repay it. So at some point in time, we economic hit men go back to the country and say, Sell your oil real cheap to our oil companies. When we fail, which doesn't happen too often - then the jackals step in and either overthrow the governments or assassinate the leaders. If the jackals also fail, then and only then does the military go in." John Perkins in his book "The Secret History of the American Empire"

"Every time weaker nations have attempted to reallocate their resources and undertake land reform to feed starving populations, powerful interests emanating from the rich world and its multilateral bodies have thwarted their efforts." Susan George

"Is anyone in the U.S. innocent? Although those at the very pinnacle of the economic pyramid gain the most, millions of us depend - either directly or indirectly - on the exploitation of the LDCs [Less-Developed Countris] for our livelihoods. The resources (517 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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and cheap labor that feed nearly all our businesses come from places like Indonesia, and very little ever makes its way back. The loans of foreign aid ensure that today's children and their grandchildren will be held hostage. They will have to allow our corporations to ravage their natural resources and will have to forego education, health, and other social services merely to pay us back. The fact that our own companies already received most this money to build the power plants, airports, and industrial parks does not factor into this formula. Does the excuse that most Americans are unaware of this constitute innocence? Uninformed and intentionally misinformed, yes but innocent?" John Perkins in his book "Confessions of Economic Hit Man"

"The real motivation behind US military interventions during the cold war was not Soviet deterrence but the crushing of popular, indigenous nationalist movements for independence, and the establishment of US control over strategic regions." Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed in his book "Behind the War on Terror"

"In the half century since the Korean War the United States has been involved in four major wars in the Third World: in Vietnam (1961-1975), in the Persian Gulf (1990-1991), in Colombia (1991-present), and in Afghanistan (2001-2002).' All four wars were fought in or near significant oil-producing areas. All four involved reliance on proxies who were also major international drug traffickers. The American habit of training, arming, and financing its drug-trafficking allies in order to help secure oil resources abroad has been a major factor in the huge increase in global illicit drug trafficking since World War II." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"What has taken place since the early 1980s has been a wealth transfer from the capitalstarved Third World, primarily into the financing of deficits in the United States, and to a lesser degree Britain. During the 1980s, the combined nations of the developing sector transferred a total of $400 billion into the United States alone. This allowed the Reagan administration to finance the largest peacetime deficits in world history, while falsely claiming credit for 'the world's longest peacetime recovery.' With high U.S. interest rates, a rising dollar, and the security of American government (518 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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backing, fully 43 per cent of the record high U.S. budget deficits during the 1980s were 'financed' by this de facto looting of capital from the debtor countries of the oncedeveloping sector. As with the Anglo-American bankers in the post-First World War Versailles reparations debt process, the debt was merely a vehicle to establish de facto economic control over entire sovereign countries." William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"Third World elites dread socialism the way the rest of us might dread poverty and hunger. So, when push comes to shove, the wealthy classes of Third World countries, with a great deal of help from the corporate-militarypolitical elites in our country, will use fascism to preserve capitalism while claiming they are saving democracy from communism." Michael Parenti in his book " Dirty Truths"

"Third world debt has grown to more than $2.5 trillion, and the cost of servicing it - over $375 billion per year as of 2004- is more than all third world spending on health and education, and twenty times what developing countries receive annually in foreign aid. Over half the people in the world survive on less than two dollars per day, which is roughly the same amount they received in the early 1970s. Meanwhile, the top 1 percent of third world households accounts for 70 to 90 percent of all private financial wealth and real estate ownership in their country; the actual percentage depends on the specific country." John Perkins in his book "Confessions of Economic Hit Man"

"Globalization is a kind of intellectual sedative that lulls and distracts its Third World victims while rich countries cripple them, ensuring that they will never be able to challenge the imperial powers." Chalmers Johnson

"After 1971, a White House policy was initiated, under the effective control of Henry (519 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Kissinger, to control the economies of the nations and to reduce their populations, rather than to facilitate technology transfer and industrial growth. The strategy was to force the price of the cartelized world oil up by about a factor of four, recover the Arab oil receipts back into the British and American central banks, and lend them to the Third World to acquire control over those countries. ... The great bulk of the petro-dollars were repatriated in purchasing U.S. government debt and in deposit accounts in Chase Manhattan, Citibank, et al. From there they were loaned to the Third World, which could not otherwise buy the fuel they needed to survive, whence many of those countries became enslaved to the bankers, and forced to follow their edicts on how to run their countries." F William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"With the Mossadegh overthrow in Iran, the United States served notice that it was not a country to be trusted, not the defender of democracy we portrayed ourselves to be, and that our aim was not to help the Third World. We simply wanted to control resources." John Perkins in his book "The Secret History of the American Empire"

"In what became known as the Third World, approximately 80 per cent of mankind lived on the flanks of superpower rivalry, supplying raw materials for the processing economies of the First and Second Worlds, and striving to become market extensions of the market economies of the First World. Third world politicians at that time had a different view about their international role, however. They regarded political independence as merely one essential step in the path of growth and development. They sought generalized technological advance, which should be coterminous with diversification of agriculture and the insertion of such infrastructure as would lead to the industrialization, and thereby closing of the huge gaps that separated the different worlds. Led by Britain and France, the economic theorists of the First World determined that the export receipts of the Third World should decide the pace and quality of development and, when these fell below expectations, resort should be had to the Bretton Woods system whose machinery had been set up in the late 1940s. Above all, this meant the requirement of the stamp-of-approval of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and submission to the barbarous conditionalities which were the underpinning of IMF intervention. ... The United Nations was chosen as the arena where it was hoped that a new era of global cooperation would emerge. These hopes were never realized. One by one, the (520 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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outstanding advocates of Third World development were removed from the seats of domestic power, and their solidarity was defeated in detail by the age-old principle of 'divide and conquer.' Export receipts and import prices were manipulated to create enormous gaps in balances of payments, and Third World countries were told that they must get the seal of approval of the IMF before any government or private institution would advance further loans. The IMF insisted on austere programs based on currency devaluations which increased misery in the Third World, was directly responsible for the spread of disease and was also successful in encouraging drug cultivation, as those unfortunate countries sought the chimera of a quick cash crop as a panacea for their fiscal difficulties." Frederick Wills, Guyana's minister of foreign affairs, about the Group of NonAligned Nations meeting in Sri Lanka in 1976


"The United States has overthrown governments in Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Nicaragua, Honduras, Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Chile, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan, and Iraq, not to mention the Congo (1960); Ecuador (1961 & 1963); Brazil (1961 & 1964); the Dominican Republic (1961 & 1963); Greece (1965 & 1967); Bolivia (1964 & 1971); El Salvador (1961); Guyana (1964); Indonesia (1965); Ghana (1966); and of course Haiti (1991 and 2004). We've replaced democracy with dictatorship, dictatorship with chaos, and local rule with US. domination and occupation."
David Swanson in his book "War Is A Lie"

"From 1945 to 2003, the United States attempted to overthrow more than 40 foreign governments, and to crush more than 30 populist-nationalist movements fighting against intolerable regimes. In the process, the US bombed some 25 countries, caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair." William Blum in his book "Killing Hope"

"The United States has attacked, directly or indirectly, some 44 countries throughout (521 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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the world since August 1945, a number of them many times. The avowed objective of these military interventions has been to effect "regime change". The cloaks of "human rights" and of "democracy" were invariably evoked to justify what were unilateral and illegal acts." Professor Eric Waddell, Global Research, 2007

"Directing and encouraging ethnic cleansing, playing one nationality off of another, bombing civilian infrastructure and murdering civilians [in Yugoslavia in the 1990s] these acts engaged in by the U.S. and its NATO allies took place under the pleasant halo of 'humanitarian intervention.'" Paul D'Amato, Dissident Voice, 2008

"The greatest myth concerning American foreign policies is the deeply-held belief that no matter what the United States does abroad, no matter how bad it may look, no matter what horror may result, the American government means well. American leaders may make mistakes, they may blunder, they may even on the odd occasion cause more harm than good, but they do mean well. Their intentions are always honorable. Of that Americans are certain. They genuinely wonder why the rest of the world can't see how kind and generous and self-sacrificing America has been." author William Blum

"The United States has attacked, directly or indirectly, some 44 countries throughout the world since August 1945, a number of them many times. The avowed objective of these military interventions has been to effect "regime change". The cloaks of "human rights" and of "democracy" were invariably evoked to justify what were unilateral and illegal acts." Professor Eric Waddell, The United States' Global Military Crusade (1945- ), Global Research, February 2007

"In the last decades of the twentieth century, self-interest, sovereignty and taking care (522 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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of number one became the primary criteria for any serious provision of support or resources to the globe's trouble spots. If the country in question is of any possible strategic value to the world powers, then it seems that everything from covert operations to the outright use of overwhelming force is fair game. If it is not, indifference is the order of the day." former Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire who commanaded the UN peacekeping force in Rwanda in 1993-1994

"Do American leaders really believe the utterances that emanate from their mouths? When the words "god" and "prayer" are regularly invoked in their talks, while American Hellfire missiles are sent screaming into a city center or a village marketplace teeming with life ...when they carry on endlessly about democracy and freedom, while American soldiers are smashing down doors, dragging off the men, humiliating the women, traumatizing the children... when they proclaim the liberation of a people and the bringing forth of a better life, while vast quantities of American depleted uranium are exploding into a fine vapor which will poison the air, the soil, the blood, and the genes forever." William Blum in is book "Freeing the World to Death"

"The United States had invaded small Caribbean and Central American countries on numerous occasions throughout the 20th century. Indeed, before the onset of Franklin Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy in the 1930s, Washington routinely overthrew regimes it disliked." Ted Galen Carpenter, 2010

"There appears to be something about launching bombs or missiles from afar onto cities and people that appeals to American military and political leaders. In part it has to do with a conscious desire to not risk American lives in ground combat. And in part, perhaps not entirely conscious, it has to do with not wishing to look upon the gory remains of the victims, allowing American GIs and TV viewers at home to cling to their warm fuzzy feelings about themselves and their government." William Blum in his book "Rogue State" (523 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"A Pentagon memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off with Iran." General Wesley Clark, Democracy Now, March 2, 2007

"We are not hated because we practice democracy, value freedom, or uphold human rights. We are hated because our government denies these things to people in Third World countries whose resources are coveted by our multinational corporations. That hatred we have sown has come back to haunt us in the form of terrorism and in the future, nuclear terrorism." Robert Bowman, Vietnam Veteran

"The CIA orchestrated coup[s] in Guatemala in 1954 and the military occupations of the Dominican Republic in 1965 and Grenada in 1983... Whatever other motives may have been involved, the Cold War provided the indispensable justification for intervention. And for all the rhetoric about democracy and human rights that U.S. presidents employed during the struggle against communism, there was no indication that Washington would later revert to the practice of coercing Latin American countries merely, in Woodrow Wilson's infamous words, to teach those societies "to elect good men."" Ted Galen Carpenter, 2010

"Since World War Two the United States has attempted to overthrow more than fifty foreign governments, it has dropped bombs on the people of around thirty countries, has attempted to assassinate some sixty foreign leaders, helped to suppress dozens of populist or nationalist movements, has tortured many thousands, and seriously and illegally intervened in one way or another in virtually every country on the planet, in the process of which the U.S. has caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair." (524 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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author William Blum, in a speech at the University of Vermont, November 2, 2007

"Corporations want to move in and grab hold of everything, be it education, health, medical care, water supplies, electrical utilities, whatever else. Privatize, privatize, deregulate ... That's their goal, the thirdworldization of America." Michael Parenti, 2002

"Since the 1980s, a large share of the labor force in the United States has been driven out of high pay unionized jobs into low pay minimum wage jobs. Thirdworldization of Western cities is, in many respects, comparable to that of the Third World." Michel Chossudovsky in his book "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order"

"The middle classes will vanish and poverty will reign supreme, while the rich become immeasurably richer and more powerful. Naturally, people will rise up, take to the streets, protest, demonstrate, riot, even rebel and revolt. As sure as the people will resist, the state will repress with police, the military and the 'Homeland Security State' apparatus of surveillance and control. Make no mistake: this is the 'Thirdworldization' of the West: the 'Post-Industrial Revolution.'" Andrew Gavin Marshall, 2010

"The United States has a balance sheet that's starting to look more and more like a thirdworld country." Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York, 2008 (525 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

"The US is 34th in infant mortality-with a level comparable to Croatia, Estonia, Poland and Cuba. US school children perform significantly below their counterparts in countries like Canada, France, Germany and Japan, and 14 percent of the population, some 40 million people, lack basic literacy and number skills. Of the world's 30 richest nations, which comprise the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United States has the highest proportion of children living in poverty, 15 percent, and the most people in prison, both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of the whole population. ... In overall life expectancy, the United States ranks an astonishing 42nd, behind not only Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and all the countries of Western Europe, but also Israel, Greece, Singapore, Costa Rica and South Korea. The US spends twice as much money per capita on health care as any of these countries, but its citizens live shorter lives. With five percent of the world's population, the US has 24 percent of the world's prisoners." Oxfam-commissioned "The Measure of America" report, 2008 "Just as our banks and corporations have plundered the Third World with rapacious delight over the past three decades, now they will be able to do the same to the populations of the rich nations themselves. The state will transform, as it did in the 'Third World', into a typically totalitarian institution which is responsible for protecting the super-rich and controlling, oppressing, or, in extreme cases of resistance, eliminating the 'problem populations' (i.e., the people)." Andrew Gavin Marshall

"America is devolving into a third-world nation. And if we do not immediately halt our elite's rapacious looting of the public treasury we will be left with trillions in debts, which can never be repaid, and widespread human misery which we will be helpless to ameliorate. Our anemic democracy will be replaced with a robust national police state. The elite will withdraw into heavily guarded gated communities where they will have access to security, goods and services that cannot be afforded by the rest of us. Tens of millions of people, brutally controlled, will live in perpetual poverty. This is the inevitable result of unchecked corporate capitalism. The stimulus and bailout plans are not about saving us. They are about saving them. We can resist, which means street protests, disruptions of the system and demonstrations, or become serfs." (526 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Chris Hedges, 2009

"Crisis has pushed the U.S. toward Third World policies with alarming swiftness... Citizens seem as disaffected and resigned as their Third World brethren, only occasionally roused from reality TV by their favorite pundit peddling the outrage du jour." Ximena Ortiz, 2009

"There is a heavy price being paid for making military power the nation's top priority. With more than half of U.S. government discretionary spending going to feed the Pentagon, we should not be surprised that it is no longer considered feasible to use public resources to feed the hungry, heal the sick, or house the homeless." Lawrence Wittner, 2010

"In the second decade of the 21st century, America's Zionist wars against Islam will expand. America's wars in behalf of Israel's territorial expansion will complete the bankruptcy of America. The Treasury's bonds to finance the US government's enormous deficits will lack for buyers. Therefore, the bonds will be monetized by the Federal Reserve. The result will be rising rates of inflation. The inflation will destroy the dollar as world reserve currency, and the US will no longer be able to pay for its imports. Shortages will appear, including food and gasoline, and "Superpower America" will find itself pressed to the wall as a third world country unable to pay its debts." Paul Craig Roberts, 2009

"When a global currency is introduced, only then do I expect a sort of collapse of the US dollar versus this global currency. In this way, the world can carry on while the former global reserve currency called the US dollar will be free to depreciate to a level where solvency is regained and the now unpayable US debt is inflated away to the point where it can be repaid in depreciated dollars. US citizens will experience a continued decay as the US becomes to resemble more and more, a third world country." (527 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Craig Harris, 2008

"To be considered torture, techniques must produce lasting psychological damage or suffering "equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death." John Yoo, Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel of the US. Department of Justice, and Robert Delahunty, Justice Department Counsel, memorandum offering a newly flexible legal definition of torture, January 9, 2002

"We must all be prepared to torture. Having established that, we can then begin to work together to codify rules of interrogation for the very unpleasant but very real cases in which we are morally permitted - indeed morally compelled - to do terrible things." Charles Krauthammer, The Weekly Standard, December 5, 2005

"Waterboarding is something of which every American should be proud." Deroy Murdock, Hoover Institution, 2007

"The United States does not transport, and has not transported, detainees from one country to another for the purpose of interrogation using torture." Condoleezza Rice, U. S. Secretary of State, December 5, 2005

"The Christian in me says it's wrong, but the corrections officer in me says, "I love to make a grown man piss himself"" (528 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Specialist Charles Graner, Abu Ghraib prison guard, 2004

"No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture." 1984 "Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment," which was approved by 145 nations, including the United States in 1988

There are more than 60,000 transnational corporations in the world. More than fifty of the largest one-hundred economies in the world are corporations. Transnational corporations hold ninety percent of all technology and product patents worldwide. Transnational corporations are involved in 70 percent of world trade.

(based on a 2011 Swiss study of 43,000 multinational companies) The top 737 of these super-corporations or "super-entities" control 80% of the world economy. The top 147 super-corporations or "super-entities" control 40% of the global economy through direct and indirect ownership or controlling interest. Hundreds of companies that own the stocks and bonds of each other - they collectively own themselves. Hence, it becomes nearly impossible to trace the roots of ownership and control. From their relative obscurity, they wield enormous control of national and global economies. These companies have also emerged larger and more powerful after the 2008 economic meltdown. (529 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is


Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is


"In the absence of a coherent alternative, the transnational corporations carry on inexorably. Increasingly flagless and stateless, they weave global webs of production, commerce, culture and finance virtually unopposed. They expand, invest and grow, concentrating ever more wealth in a limited number of hands. They work in coalition to influence local, national and international institutions and laws. And together with the governments of their home countries in Europe, North America and Japan, as well as international institutions such as the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and increasingly, the United Nations, they are molding an international system in which they can trade and invest even more freely - a world where they are less and less accountable to the cultures, communities and nationstates in which they operate. Underpinning this effort is not the historical inevitability of an evolving, enlightened civilization, but rather the unavoidable reality of the overriding corporate purpose: the maximization of profits." Sierra Club

"There seems to be nothing to prevent the transnational corporations taking possession of the planet and subjecting humanity to the dictatorship of capital." Christian la Brie, Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris)

"The quantum leap in the ability of transnational corporations to relocate their facilities around the world in effect makes all workers, communities and countries competitors for these corporations' favor. The consequence is a "race to the bottom" in which wages and social conditions tend to fall to the level of the most desperate." Jeremy Brecher (531 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Structural adjustments work wonderfully for the transnational corporations by depressing wages, intensifying the level of exploitation, and boosting profit rates. They also leave the economies and peoples of these various countries measurably worse off." Michael Parenti

"In the last quarter of the 20th century, the transnational corporations became the principal designers and controllers of the economy. ...Transnational corporations and their offshoots now conduct two-thirds of the world's trade, and they decide worldwide where, what, how and for whom their products shall be produced. Many are richer - and more powerful - than nation states." NoNonsense guide to International Development

"Global or transnational corporations do not recognize any national or local interest or obligation." David Korten

"The real motives behind most of U.S foreign policy as measured by the kinds of countries U.S. Ieaders support and the kinds of countries or political movements they try to destroy is to keep the world safe for the Fortune 500. To make sure that the transnational corporations and international global finance capital continues to control the land, labor, resources, and markets of most of the world, and ultimately, all of the world on terms that are extremely favorable to them. The goal is to destroy, to obliterate, to thwart any social movement or national leader who is trying for an alternative way of using the land, the labor, the natural resources, the markets, the capital of his or her country." Michael Parenti (532 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"U.S. foreign policy is largely directed towards serving the transnational corporations." James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer in their book "Globalization Unmasked"

"This world is not run by The Presidents or The Prime Ministers, it is run by the global corporations and the banks. For it is these entities that control the money supply and it is these entities that decide which country lives or falls." The Daily Bell, 2012

"Trilateralists are members of a private, though not secret, international organization put together by the wealthy banker, David Rockefeller, to stimulate the Establishment dialogue between Western Europe, Japan and the United States. But here is the unsettling thing about the Trilateral Commission. The President-elect [Carter] is a member. So is the Vice President-elect Walter F. Mondale. So are the new Secretaries of State, Defense and Treasury: Cyrus R. Vance, Harold Brown and W. Michael Blumenthal. So is Zibigniew Brzezinski, who is a former Trilateral director and Carter's national security adviser, also a bunch of others who will make foreign policy for America in the next four years." Washington Post, January 16, 1977

"What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved .... As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future." Senator Barry Goldwater in his book 'With No Apologies'

"Jimmy Carter is not the President of the United States. The Trilateral Commission is the President of the United States; I represent the Trilateral Commission." (533 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Henry Kissinger to the Prime Minister of Canada

"The Trilateralists have taken charge of foreign policy-making in the Carter Administration, and already the immense power they wield is sparking some controversy. Active or former members of the Trilateral Commission now head every key agency involved in mapping U.S. strategy for dealing with the rest of the world." U.S. News and World Report

"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future." Barry M. Goldwater from his memoirs "With No Apologies"

"The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now implementing open world dictatorship... They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens." Dr. Johannes Koeppi, former German Defense Ministry official and adviser to NATO - from Dean Henderson's book "Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf"

"The Trilateral Commission admitted in their own publications that they intend to merge the U.S. and other NATO countries into a single world government controlled by the big corporations." Mark M. Rich in his book "The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite's Covert War Against the Civilian Population" (534 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"The five veto powers and permanent members of the Security Council - the so called victors of the Second World War. The old boys club of 1945. The five States that have corrupted the UN Charter. And corrupted the work of the UN. Applying doublestandards, and disregard for law - they have made the organisation primarily serve their best interests rather than serve its mandate. I refer to the five most dangerous Member States that together manufacture and sell some 85% of military arms, including nuclear weapons, and so called weapons of mass destruction. This is the UN of the arms dealers - the most disreputable and yet profitable business on earth. And tragically and quite bizarrely - these arms dealers are the same Member States that the UN Charter entrusts with maintaining Peace and Security around the world! I trust you see the disconnect? The incompatibility? - the mind boggling reality of nuclear powers and weapons salesmen being responsible for peaceful co-existence?! It's madness!" Denis Halliday, Global Research Public Lecture, Montreal, Canada, December 1, 2009

"The next step is the Great Merger of all nations of the world into a dictatorial world government. This was the main reason behind the push to bring Red China into the United Nations. If you want to control the natural resources, transportation, commerce and banking for the whole world, you must put everybody under the same roof." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"The United Nations is a dictatorship from which nothing good comes, because they find a million ways to prevent anything from happening. ... Within the Security Council, there are five countries that have veto power. But without a doubt, the most influential country in the United Nations is the United States. And it's really amazing the most warmongering country in the history of mankind is put there in charge to make sure that there is peace. ... The United Nations Charter tells you how you can proceed to reform it. They say you have to call a general conference and how you have to call it and the approval that you (535 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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have to have from the Security Council. But at the end, when all is said and done, when you have decided what reforms you want to make, they have a veto power over it. So it's a farce. It's a fraud. ... The United Nations is beyond reform. It's beyond patchwork. It's the most important organization in the world to help save the human species and Mother Earth, but it has to be reinvented." former UN General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto

"That the policy of genocide in Iraq was initiated and legitimized through the United Nations is an instructive indication of the extent to which the UN has become a tool of Western, and particularly Anglo-American power." Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed in his book "Behind the War on Terror"

"The UN Security Council is now regarded as a captive [by most of the UN membership], where the North secures decisions by economic intimidation, abuses the peaceful-redress procedures inscribed in the charter and authorizes a kind of vigilantism against countries of the North's own choosing." Erskine Childers, former adviser to the UN Secretary General

"The UN's Agenda 21 proposes a global regime that will monitor, oversee, and strictly regulate our planet's oceans, lakes, streams, rivers, aquifers, sea beds, coastlands, wetlands, forests, jungles, grasslands, farmland, deserts, tundra, and mountains. It even has a whole section on regulating and "protecting" the atmosphere. It proposes plans for cities, towns, suburbs, villages, and rural areas. It envisions a global scheme for healthcare, education, nutrition, agriculture, labor, production, and consumption - in short, everything; there is nothing on, in, over, or under the Earth that doesn't fall within the purview of some part of Agenda 21." William Jasper in a report entitled "Your Hometown & the United Nations' Agenda 21", February 10, 2012 (536 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"What the Bilderberg group intends is a global army at the disposal of the United Nations, which is to become the world government to which all nations will be subservient. ... A UN army must be able to act immediately, anywhere in the world, without the delay involved in each country making its own decision whether to participate, based on parochial considerations?" Henry Kissinger at a Bilderberg meeting, Spotlight Reprint, August 1991

"Not only does MONUC [United Nations Observers Mission for Congo] make it possible for western mining companies to loot Congo, but MONUC contingents have also participated in illegal minerals plunder from DRC [Democratic Republic of Congo]." Keith Harmon Snow, 2009

"Universities are an integral part of the establishment. Universities are big businesses, and growing revenues from government grants, legislative appropriations, and corporate contracts are key. Noble purposes still play a role but rarely dominate when they conflict with more money." 9/11 and American Empire : Intellectuals Speak Out Edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott

"By and large, in the schools and universities people believe they're telling the truth. The way that works, with rare exceptions, is that you cannot make it through these institutions unless you've accepted the indoctrination. You're kind of weeded out along the way. Independent thinking is encouraged in the sciences but discouraged in these areas, and if people do it they're weeded out as radical or there's something wrong with them." Noam Chomsky in the book "Stenographers to Power by David Barsamian" (537 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"In the United States now you can't work in biology if you don't accept funding from biotechnology firms. There was a time when science and the university loudly proclaimed their independence from governmental, military, and industrial institutions. That's over, not only because scientists depend on industry to survive, but because they themselves are part of industry... we're living in a totalitarian world, ruled by the interests of multinational corporations who recognize their responsibility only to their shareholders." Ignacio Chapela one of the authors of the "Nature Study"

"The representatives of corporate America sit on the Boards of Regents, and Boards of Trustees that rule our universities and colleges. Corporate America owns the major media. They control the economy. They control the job market, the technology, interest rates, financial institutions. They have tremendous influence over Congress." Michael Parenti, 2002

"With less research money available from public sources, more and more scientists in the U.S. and Europe are dependent on corporate sponsors, and hence, corporate acceptance of their research and results. Among Britain's top research universities, for example, dependence on private funds often amounts to 80 to 90 percent of the total research budget." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception". 2003

"It is not by accident that our schools and colleges, our universities and foundations, even the churches, are the instruments of big business. It is no accident that the press is now a branch of big business too." Harold Laski, British political scientist

"Research in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that studies of (538 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is

cancer drugs funded by non-profit groups were eight times more likely to reach unfavorable conclusions as the studies funded by the pharmaceutical companies." Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003

"Why don't elite economists ever want to reduce payroll, gasoline and sales taxes? Why do they always want to cut income and corporate taxes? Why do some Ivy League experts always want to slash tax rates on capital gains and dividends? Why is their theory silent about the beneficial effects of cuts for low-income people? The reason is simple: these other rate cuts won't offer much benefit to the rich, so well-paid economists working for the affluent see no investment and growth benefits from such reductions. If the experts urged consideration of tax cuts for the middle and lower classes, their colleges would likely starve for donations from the CEOs." Ravi Batra in his book "The New Golden Age", 2007

"Scientific experts cannot be expected to be independent and reliable advisors in safety issues considering the increasing dependence of science on financial support from the industry." Jaan Suurkla, M.D., in an editorial for PSRAST (Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology)

"In the U.S., corporate donations [to scientific research] rose from $850 million in 1985 to $4.25 billion in less than ten years. According to the Atlantic Monthly, "increasingly the money comes with strings attached .... In higher education today corporations not only sponsor a growing amount of research - they frequently dictate the terms under which it is conducted."" Jeffrey M. Smith in his book "Seeds of Deception", 2003


Beyond the Media Matrix - breaking through the matrix of the corporate media to reveal the world as it really is



"The Rockefeller Foundation, working with John D. Rockefeller Ill's Population Council, the World Bank, the UN Development Program and the Ford Foundation, and others had been working with the WHO [World Health Organization] for 20 years to develop an antifertility vaccine using tetanus as well as with other vaccines." F. William Engdahl

"The World Health Organization, the World Bank, the UN environmental department, the UN Population Fund, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are closing in on all of humanity with mass-scale vaccination programmes and genetically engineered food." Jurriaan Maessen, 2012

"You couldn't even construct a study that shows Thimerosal is safe. It's just too damn toxic. If you inject Thimerosal into an animal, its brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one culd inject it into an infant without coausing damage. ...The biological case against Thimerosal is so dramatically overwhelming anymore that only a very foolish or a very dishonest person with the credentials to understand this research would say that Thimerosal wan't most likely the cause of autism. Boyd Haley, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, 2006

"There is no question that HIV was introduced into the U.S. male homosexual population via the gay hepatitis B vaccine experiment that took place between 1978 and 1981... Not surprisingly, the government has refused to release data on the number of AIDS deaths that have occured in the large group of gay men who initially volunteered (540 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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for the vaccine experiment." Alan Cantwell, MD

"Removing thimerosal from vaccines could entail financial losses of inventory if current vaccine inventory is wasted. It could harm one or more manufacturers and may then decrease the number of suppliers. The evidence justifying this kind of abrupt policy change [immediate removal of mercury from all vaccines] does not appear to exist, and it could entail financial losses for all existing stocks of vaccines that contain thimerosal." Dr. Roger Bernier from the CDC

"Manufacturers of vaccines and thimerosal have never conducted adequate testing on the safety of thimerosal. The FDA has never required manufacturers to conduct adequate safety testing on thimerosal and ethylmercury compounds. ... At the same time that the incidence of autism was growing, the number of childhood vaccines containing thimerosal was growing, increasing the amount of ethylmercury to which infants were exposed threefold. ... A growing number of scientists and researchers believe that a relationship between the increase in neurodevelopmental disorders of autism and the increased use of thimerosal in vaccines is plausible and deserves more scrutiny. ... The CDC's failure to state a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines in 2000 and again 2001 was an abdication of their responsibility. ... Thimerosal should be removed from these vaccines. No amount of mercury is appropriate in any childhood vaccine." Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the House's Committee on Government Reform, May 2003

"Thimserosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to his known neurotoxin. Our public health (541 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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agencies' failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry." Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the House's Committee on Government Reform, May 2003

"The financial health of the industry should never have been a factor in this decision [thimerosal removal]. The financial health of vaccine manufacturers certainly should never have been more important to the Federal health officials than the health and well being of the nation's children. The CDC has a responsibility to protect the health of the American public. If there were any doubts about the neurological effects of ethylmercury in vaccines on children-and there were substantial doubts-the prevailing consideration should have been how best to protect children from potential harm. However, it appears that protecting the industry's profits took precedent over protecting children from mercury damage." Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the House's Committee on Government Reform, May 2003

The Pope/The Papacy

"The Vatican is the world's largest owner of equities." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"


"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars." Avro Manhattan in his book "Vatican Billions" (542 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"They're [Vatican] really out to get Aristide and to align themselves with Haiti's traditional powers-the army and the bourgeoisie." Western diplomat told National Catholic Reporter, 1992

"In 1982 Reagan met with Pope John Paul II... At the meeting the two agreed to launch a clandestine program to tear Eastern Europe away from the Soviets. Poland, the Pope's country of origin, would be the key. Catholic priests, the AFL-CIO, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Vatican Bank and CIA would all be deployed." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to borrow money... The Rothschilds over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican's wealth. " Fritz Springmaier in his book "Bloodlines of the illuminati"

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century." Avro Manhattan in his book "The Vatican Billions"

"During a war you will never see the Vatican, City of London or Switzerland get attacked. On the grand chessboard these are considered neutral ground because it is where all the money flows. Without money to fund war, there is no war." - "Bank of England, City of London and The Queen" (543 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations... The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others." Avro Manhattan in his book "The Vatican Billions"

"I want that place [Vietnam] bombed to smithereens. If we draw the sword, we're going to bomb those bastards all over the place. Let it fly, let it fly." President Richard Nixon, 1972

"The peasants watched as we supported a ruthless dictatorship in South Vietnam which aligned itself with extortionist landlords and executed its political opponents. The peasants watched as we poisoned their water, bombed and machine-gunned their huts, annihilated their crops, and sent them wandering into the towns, where thousands of homeless children roamed the streets like animals, begging for food and selling their mothers and sisters to American soldiers. ... We have destroyed their land... We have corrupted their women and children and killed their men. What liberators." Martin Luther King, 1967

"What the United States is doing in Vietnam is the most significant example of philanthropy extended by one people to another that we have witnessed in our times ... primitive peoples with savagery in their hearts have to be helped to understand the true basis of a civilized existence." David Lawrence, editor of U.S. News and World Report 1966 (544 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"What happened [to Vietnamese society] was largely the result of the war. It destroyed the old, traditional government and customs and practices. The war came close, politically if not physically, to bombing them back to the Stone Age." Senator William Fulbright

"Does one American in 1,000 or in 100,000, realize that, whereas the Germans dropped 80,000 tons of bombs on Britain in more than five years of war ... under Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon we have dropped a total of 7 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos- vastly more than we and the British let loose on Germany and Japan together in World War II? It was done in the name of "a just peace," of course. Has not Nixon said it dozens of times, his face on the TV screen frozen in unctuousness, as he sent his troops to invade a new country - Cambodia, Laos - or as he ordered his bombers to resume unloading tens of thousands of tons of more lethal bombs on a country which had no Air Force with which to defend itself?" William Shirer

"[In Vietnam] between 1962 and 1971, an estimated 20 million gallons of defoliants were sprayed on 8 million acres of forests and crops. More than three thousand villages were contaminated, and 60 percent of the defoliants used were agent Orange." Marie-Monique Robin in the book "The World According to Monsanto

"In excess of 1,300,000 [Vietnamese] people were killed ... and many others were maimed for life." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"By 1970, Vietnamese babies were being born without eyes, with deformed hearts and (545 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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stumps instead of legs. Six pounds of toxic chemicals per head of population were dumped on the people of Vietnam." William F. Pepper in his book "An Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King"

"The upper spheres of Wall Street overshadow the real economy. The accumulation of large amounts of money wealth by a handful of Wall Street conglomerates and their associated hedge funds is reinvested in the acquisition of real assets. Paper wealth is transformed into the ownership and control of real productive assets, including industry, services, natural resources and infrastructure." Andrew Gavin Marshall, Global Research

"New York and London... have become the world's two biggest laundries of criminal and drug money, and offshore tax havens. Not the Cayman Islands, not the Isle of Man or Jersey. The big laundering is right through the City of London and Wall Street." Martin Woods, bank money laundering investigator, Observer newspaper, 2011

"I spent thirty-three years in the Marines, most of my time being a hlgh class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism." General Smedley Butler, former US Marine Corps Commandant, 1935

"No news broadcast is complete without a summary of the day's events on Wall Street. Yet only two percent of the public owns half of the country's individual stock and bond holdings." Martin A. Lee and Norman Solomon in their book "Unreliable Sources" (546 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street." populist orator Mary Elizabeth Lease of Kansas, late 1800s

"Because of its dominant position in Wall Street, the [J. P.] Morgan firm came also to dominate other Wall Street powers, such as Carnegie, Whitney, Vanderbilt, BrownHarriman, or Dillon-Reed. Close alliances were made with Rockefeller, Mellon, and Duke interests but not nearly so intimate ones with the great industrial powers like du Pont and Ford. [Because] ... of the great influence of this "Wall Street" alignment, an influence great enough to merit the name of the "American Establishment," this group could ... control the Federal government and, in consequence, had to adjust to a good many government actions ... [which they had secretly supported ]. The chief of these were in taxation law, beginning with the graduated income tax in 1913, but culminating, above all else, in the inheritance tax. These tax laws drove the great private fortunes dominated by Wall Street into tax-exempt foundations, which became a major link in the Establishment network between Wall Street, the Ivy League, and the Federal government." Carroll Quigley in his book "Tragedy and Hope"

"Plummeting stock prices [in 1929] ruined small investors, but not the top "insiders" on Wall Street. Paul Warburg had issued a tip in March of 1929 that the Crash was coming. Before it did, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Joseph P. Kennedy, and other money barons got out of the market. ... Early withdrawal from the market not only preserved the fortunes of these men: it also enabled them to return later and buy up whole companies for a song. Shares that once sold for a dollar now cost a nickel. Joseph P. Kennedy's worth reportedly grew from $4 million in 1929 to $100 million in 1935." James Perloff in his book "The Shadows of Power"

"WaIl Street financed the German cartels in the mid-1920s which in turn proceeded to bring Hitler to power. (547 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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The financing for Hitler and his S. S. street thugs came in part from affiliates or subsidiaries of U.S. firms, including Henry Ford in 1922, payments by I. G. Farben and General Electric in 1933, followed by the Standard Oil of New Jersey and I.T.T. subsidiary payments to Heinrich Himmler up to 1944. U.S. multi-nationals under the control of Wall Street profited handsomely from Hitler's military construction program in the 1930s and at least until 1942. International bankers used political influence in the U. S. to cover up their wartime collaboration." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler"

"What the [Wall Street] bailout does is it takes troubled financial instruments off the balance sheet of the banks and puts them on the balance sheet of the taxpayer at the US Treasury. So it's a bailout of the financial institutions whose recklessness caused the problem. The money is essentially being poured into the coffers of Washington's financial donor base." Paul Craig Roberts, 2008

"During a period of a few years beginning around 2007, several thousand employees of stock brokers, banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, credit-rating agencies, and other financial institutions, mainly in New York, had great fun getting obscenely rich while creating and playing with pieces of paper known by names like derivatives, collateralized debt obligations, index funds, credit default swaps, structured investment vehicles, subprime mortgages, and other exotic terms. The result has been a severe depression, seriously hurting hundreds of millions of lives in the United States and abroad. No employee of any of these companies has seen the inside of a prison cell for playing such games with our happiness. For more than half a century members of the United States foreign policy and military establishments have compiled a record of war crimes and crimes against humanity that the infamous beasts and butchers of history could only envy. Not a single one of these American officials has come any closer to a proper judgment than going to see the movie "Judgment at Nuremberg"." author Wiliam Blum (548 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"[The philosophy of Wall Street financiers was] anything but laissez-faire competition, which was the last system they envisaged. Socialism, communism, fascism or their variants were acceptable. The ideal for these financiers was "cooperation," forced if necessary. Individualism was out, and competition was immoral... compulsory cooperation was their golden road to a legal monopoly. Under the guise of public service, social objectives, and assorted do-goodism it is fundamentally "Let society go to work for Wall Street." Antony C. Sutton in his book "Wall Street and FDR"

"There is nothing puzzling about America's gratuitously aggressive foreign policy. What an aggressive foreign policy accomplishes by slow degrees, a state of war accomplishes in a trice. Overnight [war] kills reform, overnight it transforms insurgents into traitors and the Republic into an imperiled realm. Overnight it strangles free politics, distracts and overawes the citizenry. Overnight it blasts public hope." Walter Karp

"Without war, no government has ever been able to obtain acquiescence in its 'legitimacy,' or right to rule its society... Obviously, if the war system were to be discarded, new political machinery would be needed at once to serve this vital subfunction. Until it is developed, the continuance of the war system must be assured, if for no other reason, among others, than to preserve whatever quality and degree of poverty a society requires as an incentive, as well as to maintain the stability of its internal organization of power." Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

"The primary aim of modern warfare is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living... the essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor. The two aims ... are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility (549 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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of independent thought." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.... No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." James Madison, 1795 "War is inextricably linked to the impoverishment of people at home and around the world. Militarization and the economic crisis are intimately related. The provision of essential goods and services to meet basic human needs has been replaced by a profitdriven "killing machine" in support of America's "Global War on Terror". The poor are made to fight the poor. Yet war enriches the upper class, which controls industry, the military, oil and banking. In a war economy, death is good for business, poverty is good for society, and power is good for politics. Western nations, particularly the United States, spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year to murder innocent people in faraway impoverished nations." Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall

"Since the keystone of the international banking empires has been government bonds it has been in the interest of these international bankers to encourage government debt. The higher the debt the more the interest. Nothing drives government deeply into debt like a war; and it has not been an uncommon practice among international bankers to finance both sides of the bloodiest military conflicts." Gary Allen in his book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

"War is largely a matter of money. Bankers lend money to foreign countries and when they cannot repay, the President sends Marines to get it. I know-I've been in eleven of these expeditions." (550 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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General Smedley Butler, former US Marine Corps Commandant, 1935

[The trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, at a 1911 meeting] raised a question. And they discussed the question and the question was specific, 'Is there any means known to man more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?' And they discussed this and at the end of a year they came to the conclusion that there was no more effective means to that end known to man. So, they raised question number two, and the question was, 'How do we involve the United States in a war? Norman Dodd, the Research Director of the 1954 House of Representatives' Special Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations (the Reece Committee)

"Whether the substitute [to war] is ritual in nature or functionally substantive, unless it provides a believable life-and-death threat it will not serve the socially organizing function of war." Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader." Plato

"The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace supported U.S. entry into the war [WWI], not for any patriotic purpose, but so that the war would provide an excuse for, if not necessitate, Andrew Carnegie's goal of British-American regional government." William H Mcllhany II, commenting on the minutes from the 1911 trustees meeting of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (551 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labour. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent. Even when weapons of war are not actually destroyed, their manufacture is still a convenient way of expending labour power without producing anything that can be consumed. ... War accomplishes the necessary destruction, but accomplishes it in a psychologically acceptable way. In principle it would be quite simple to waste the surplus labour of the world by building temples and pyramids, by digging holes and filling them up again, or even by producing vast quantities of goods and then setting fire to them. But this would provide only the economic and not the emotional basis for a hierarchical society." George Orwell in his book "1984"

"The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose--especially their lives." Eugene Debs , Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918

"Of the nearly trillion dollars the U.S. invests in war and war-related activities, nothing goes to peace. No money, no effort, no thought. The very idea that there might be peaceful alternatives to endless war is so discredited that it's left to utopians, bleeding hearts, and feathered doves." Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch, 2009 "Economic surrogates for war must meet two principal criteria. They must be "wasteful," in the common sense of the word, and they must operate outside the normal supply-demand system. A corollary that should be obvious is that the magnitude of the waste must be sufficient to meet the needs of a particular society. An economy as advanced and complex as our own requires the planned average annual destruction of not less than 10 percent of gross national product." (552 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Report from Iron Mountain, 1967

"The primary aim of modern warfare is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living." Winston Smith in George Orwell's book "1984"

"Is a young man bound to serve his country in war? In addition to his legal duty there is perhaps also a moral duty, but it is very obscure. What is called his country is only its government and that government consists merely of professional politicians, a parasitical and anti-social class of men. They never sacrifice themselves for their country. They make all wars, but very few of them ever die in one. If it is the duty of a young man to serve his country under all circumstances then it is equally the duty of an enemy young man to serve his. Thus we come to a moral contradiction and absurdity so obvious that even clergymen and editorial writers sometimes notice it." H.L. Mencken

"Two classes benefit by war-the militarists and the moneylenders... the cause of militarism is never patriotism, it is usually commercialism. The warmongers urging military preparedness in America are Wall Street bankers .... I am opposed to war in every sense of the word." Henry Ford, 1915

"["Report from Iron Mountain" says that] the prime political function of warfare is to preserve poverty in the society as an aid to maintaining the elite class in control." Report from Iron Mountain, 1967 reviewed by Alan Jones in his book "How The World Really Works" (553 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"As long as the greatest honor one can aspire to is to be shipped off and killed in somebody's war, there will be war. ... War will exist until the distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige as the warrior does today." David Swanson in his book "War Is A Lie"

"A good soldier is a blind, heartless, soulless, murderous machine. He is not a man. His is not a brute, for brutes kill only in self defense. All that is human in him, all that is divine in him, all that constitutes the man has been sworn away when he took the enlistment roll. His mind, his conscience, aye, his very soul, are in the keeping of his officer. No man can fall lower than a soldier-it is a depth beneath which we cannot go." Jack London

"War means blind obedience, unthinking stupidity, brutish callousness, wanton destruction, and irresponsible murder." Alexander Berkman

"The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable government; it supplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority. It has enabled societies to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has ensured the subordination of the citizen to the state." Report from Iron Mountain, 1967 reviewed by Alan Jones in his book "How The World Really Works"

"Presidents Clinton and Bush Jr. avoided the Vietnam War, Clinton through educational privilege, Bush through being the son of his father. President Obama never went to war. Vice Presidents Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney, and Joe Biden, like Clinton and Bush Jr., dodged the draft." (554 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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David Swanson in his book "War Is A Lie"

"The preparation for war is useful to the holders of centralized political power. When things go badly at home, when popular discontent becomes inconveniently articulate, it is always possible, in a world where war-making remains an almost sacred habit, to shift the people's attention away from domestic to foreign and military affairs. A flood of xenophobic or imperialistic propaganda is released by the government-controlled instruments of persuasion, a "strong policy" is adopted toward some foreign power, an appeal for "national unity" (in other words, unquestioning obedience to the ruling oligarchy) is launched, and at once it becomes unpatriotic for anybody to voice even the most justifiable complaints against mismanagement or oppression. It is difficult to see how any highly centralized government could afford to dispense with militarism and the threat of foreign war." Aldous Huxley in his book " Science, Liberty and Peace", 1946

"To initiate a war of aggression ... is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole. ... The very essence of the Charter is that individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience imposed by the individual state. He who violates the laws of war cannot obtain immunity while acting in pursuance of the authority of the state if the state in authorizing action moves outside its competence under international law," International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany - 1946

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged." Noam Chomsky (555 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"After years of disclosures by government investigations, media accounts and reports from human rights organizations, there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes, the only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account." Major General Antonio Taguba led the investigation into prisoner abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison

"The people of Fallujah, Iraq are experiencing higher rates of cancer, leukemia, infant mortality, and sexual mutations than those recorded among survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the years after those Japanese cities were incinerated by US atomic bomb strikes in 1945. ... In September 2009, Fallujah General Hospital had 170 newborn babies, 24 percent of whom were dead within the first seven days, a staggering 75 percent of the dead babies were classified as deformed. ... The US military's decision to heavily deploy depleted uranium was a wanton act of brutality, poisoning an entire generation of children not yet born in 2004." Tom Eley, Information Clearinghouse, 2010

"Henry Kissinger was largely responsible for bombing to death 600,000 peasants in Cambodia in 1969-73. John Pilger, 2009

"People in the US, no more or less so than in other countries, don't want to look with clear eyes upon the transgressions or crimes that their own countrymen have perpetrated on others. There is a denial movement in virtually every country whose people have undertaken eliminationist assaults." Daniel Jonah Goldhagen (556 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Washington puts foreign leaders on trial for war crimes, while committing war crimes every day." Paul Craig Roberts

"A group of soldiers in 1968 went into a village [[Mai Lai in Vietnam]. They had been in Vietnam for three months and lost about 10% of their people, maybe 10 or 15 to accidents, killings and bombings, and they thought they would meet the enemy. There were 550 women, children and old men, and they executed them all. It took a day. They stopped in the middle and they had lunch." Seymour Hersh, 2005

"If Bradley Manning had committed war crimes in Iraq instead of exposing them, he would be a free man today." author William Blum

"In the end, as in the beginning, Nixon and Kissinger remained blind to the human costs of their actions - a further price of power. The dead and maimed in Vietnam and Cambodia - as in Chile, Bangladesh, Biafra, and the Middle East - seemed not to count as the President and his national security adviser battled the Soviet Union, their misconceptions, their political enemies, and each other." Seymour Hersh in his book "Price of Power"

"Our most deadly enemies are not in caves and compounds abroad but in the corporate boardrooms and governmental offices where decisions are made that consign millions to death and misery-not deliberately, but as the collateral damage of the lust for profit and power." Howard Zinn, 2002 (557 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"The Bush Administration clearly knew that the laws of war were supposed to apply to prisoners apprehended by the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq, but they found every legal loophole to find ways it didn't apply to the US side... It's clear to me these actions came down from the very top. Denying prisoners of war humane treatment is the greatest breach of the Geneva Convention. It's a war crime." Claire Tixeire, a human rights attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, 2008

"The war on drugs has nothing at all to do with drugs. It is part of an all-out war on the American people by a government interested only in control." Gore Vidal in his book "The Decline and Fall of the American Empire"

"While the US issues certifications to judge countries on their ability to stop drug traffic, Big Oil produces 90% of the chemicals needed to process cocaine and heroin, which CIA surrogates grow, process and distribute." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf"

"A competent war on drugs must begin with a war against the banking institutions and bankers who 'launder' Dope, Inc.'s ill-gotten gains...Shut down the drug moneylaundering by the major Anglo-American banks, and the dope cartel would choke to death on its own profits... Dope, Inc.'s vulnerable flank is the international network of banks and other financial institutions that 'launder' the cartel's $558 billion per year in gross revenue... Action by governments against the drug bankers could rapidly shut down Dope, Inc.." DOPE, INC., Executive Intelligence Review, 1992 (558 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"The world order doesn't allow for any frontal attack aimed at destroying narcotrafficking because that business, which moves $400 billion annually, is far too important for the leading nations of world power to eliminate. The US punishes those countries which don't do enough to fight against drugs, whereas their CIA boys have built paradises of corruption throughout the world with the drug profits." Ecuadorian Presidential Candidate Manuel Salgado

"In October 2001 a UN report confirmed that the Taliban had successfully eliminated the year's opium production in Afghanistan, which in recent years had supplied 90 percent of Europe's heroin... Following the defeat of the Taliban, farmers began replanting wheat fields with opium poppy." Peter Dale Scott, 2003

"Washington's "war on drugs" is directed towards increasing U.S. power in Latin America. The use of drug money laundered through U.S. banks finances Washington's trade imbalances, while the drug war increases Washington's general influence over economic policy, allowing U.S.-based TNCs to buy Latin American public enterprises at scandalously low prices and to penetrate markets." James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer in their book "Globalization Unmasked"

"The so-called "War on Drugs" is a cruel joke. Its official purpose is, at best, to reduce the drug trade by 50% over a 10-year period. In practice, this means Washington is picking and choosing which drug mafias will survive and flourish, and which will be driven out of business... Throughout, the financial controllers of Dope, Inc. are protected from all prosecution." DOPE, INC., Executive Intelligence Review, 1992 (559 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"In Colombia, we are fighting a war with a drug proxy - the corrupt Colombian army and its even more corrupt paramilitary auxiliaries. In 2001 Colombian government sources estimated that 40 percent of Colombian cocaine exports were controlled by rightwing paramilitary warlords and their trafficking allies. Meanwhile the amount controlled by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the target of the U.S. "war on drugs," was estimated by the Colombian government to be 2.5 percent." Peter Dale Scott in his book "Drugs, Oil, and War"

"The "war on terrorism" purports to defend the American Homeland and protect the "civilized world". It is upheld as a "war of religion", a "clash of civilizations", when in fact the main objective of this war is to secure control and corporate ownership over the region's extensive oil wealth [Middle East], while also imposing under the helm of the IMF and the World Bank, the privatization of state enterprises and the transfer of the countries' economic assets into the hands of foreign capital." Michel Chossudovsky

"We are going to have a war on terror which you can never win, and so you can always keep taking people's liberties away. The media is going to convince everybody that the war on terror is real. The ultimate goal is to get everybody in the world chipped with an RFID chip, and have all money be on the chips, and if anyone wants to protest what we do, we turn off the chip." Nicholas Rockefeller to producer Aaron Russo - eleven months before the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks

"Support the overthrow of the terrorist mullahs of Iran. End the terrorist regime of Syria. Regard Saudi Arabia and France not as friends but as rivals-maybe enemies. Withdraw support from the United Nations if it does not reform. Tighten immigration at home. Radically reorganize the CIA and FBI. Squeeze China and blockade North Korea to press that member of the axis of evil to abandon its nuclear program. Abandon the illusion that a Palestinian state will contribute in any important way to U.S. security." (560 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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David Frum and Richard Perle in their book "An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror"

"The Geneva Convention does not apply to the war on terrorism." John Yoo, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, June 11, 2004

"Terrorism has become a sort of screen created since the end of the Cold War by policymakers in Washington ... It is fabricated to keep the population afraid and insecure, and to justify what the United States wishes to do globally." Edward Said, 2001

"To sustain "the War on Terrorism" agenda, fabricated realities funneled on a day to day basis into the news chain, must become indelible truths which form part of a broad political and media consensus. In this regard, the corporate media is an instrument of this evolving totalitarian system." Michel Chossudovsky, 2005

"The war on terror as seen by Washington and a complaisant US media is the ultimate money and power machine, requiring a huge military and intelligence commitment that is endless and not confined to any part of the world. As terror has no capital city or national identity the war against it cannot end through capture and surrender. As it is a secret war, it can be waged using unconventional methods, without regard for the deaths of civilians who are seen as "sheltering" the terrorists, guaranteeing that the blood of the innocent will produce new generations raised hating America. The bleeding will continue forever and everywhere as long as there are terrorists, justifying government intrusion into the lives of the citizens at home and huge and unsustainable budgets to wage the war worldwide. It is George Orwell's dark vision of 1984 turned into reality. Tyranny and bankruptcy will be the war on terror's legacy." Philip Giraldi, 2009 (561 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"How do you win a 'war' against a tool that, like war itself, is a method of carrying on politics by other means? A 'war on terrorism' is a war without an end in sight, without an exit strategy, with enemies specified not by their aims but by their tactics. Relying principally on military means is like trying to eliminate a cloud of mosquitoes with a machine gun.... It brings to mind Big Brother's... war in Orwell's 1984. A war on terrorism is a permanent engagement against an always-available tool." Ronald Spiers, a retired diplomat

"There is no war on terrorism. If there was, the Royal Marines and the SAS would be storming the beaches of Florida, where more CIA-funded terrorists, ex-Latin American dictators and torturers, are given refuge than anywhere on earth." John Pilger, 2001

"Homeland Security has announced that it is no longer focused on terrorists, but on domestic extremists, and that's war protesters, radical enviromentalists and people that disagree with the government." Paul Craig Roberts


"The media are a pitiful lot. They don't give us any history, they don't give us any analysis, they don't tell us anything. They don't raise the most basic questions: Who has the most weapons of mass destruction in the world by far? Who has used weapons of mass destruction more than any other nation? Who has killed more people in this world with weapons of mass destruction than any other nation? The answer: the United States." Howard Zinn (562 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"We have found the weapon of mass destruction in Iraq. It is oil. As long as the oil companies control our government, Americans will continue to pay with our lives, our fortunes and our honor." Rep. Dennis Kucinich, 2008

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." Vice President Dick Cheney, 2002

"Saddam's regime has amassed large clandestine stocks of biological weapons, including anthrax and botulism toxin and possibly smallpox. His regime has amassed large clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons, including VX and sarin and mustard gas." Donald H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, September 18, 2002

"We have first-hand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails. Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between one hundred and five hundred tons of chemical weapons agents ... . [Saddam] remains determined to acquire nuclear weapons .... What I want to bring [to] your attention today is the much more sinister nexus between Iraq and the Al Qaeda terrorist network. Ladies and gentlemen, these are not assertions. These are facts, corroborated by many sources, some of them sources of the intelligence services of other countries." Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State, UN Security Council, February 5, 2003

"We know that he has the infrastructure, nuclear scientists to make a nuclear weapon. And we know that when the inspectors assessed this after the Gulf War, he was far far (563 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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closer to a crude nuclear device than anybody thought, maybe six months from a crude nuclear device. There will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush, September 8, 2002

"We know [Saddam has] been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons, and we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." Vice President Dick Cheney, March 16, 2003

"Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent. That is enough agent to fill 16,000 battlefield rockets. Even the low end of 100 tons of agent would enable Saddam Hussein to cause mass casualties across more than 100 square miles of territory, an area nearly five times the size of Manhattan." Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State, UN Security Council, February 5, 2003

"I don't know anybody that I can think of who has contended that the Iraqis had nuclear weapons." Donald Rumsfeld, U. S. Secretary of Defense, June 24, 2003

"As far as I'm concerned, we do not need to find any weapons of mass destruction to justify this war. Mr. Bush doesn't owe the world any explanation for missing chemical weapons." Thomas Friedman, The New York Times, 2003 (564 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"I'm not concerned about weapons of mass destruction. I didn't come [to Iraq] in a search for weapons of mass destruction." Paul Wolfowitz, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, July 22, 2003




"The WHO (World Health Organization) is an international organization that serves military, political and industrial interests." Austrian journalist Jane Brgermeister, 2009

"The Rockefeller Foundation, working with John D. Rockefeller Ill's Population Council, the World Bank, the UN Development Program and the Ford Foundation, and others had been working with the WHO [World Health Organization] for 20 years to develop an antifertility vaccine using tetanus as well as with other vaccines." F. William Engdahl in his book "Seeds of Destruction"

"The World Health Organization, the World Bank, the UN environmental department, the UN Population Fund, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are closing in on all of humanity with mass-scale vaccination programmes and genetically engineered food." Jurriaan Maessen - "Vaccination Campaigns Part Of Population Reduction Policy", 2012 (565 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"There was a vaccination program for smallpox in Africa by the WHO. Some researchers believe that the Smallpox vaccination program in 1972 was used to introduce the [AIDS] virus into the population. On May 11, 1987, the London Times ran an article called "Smallpox Vaccine 'Triggered AIDS Virus'," written by Science Editor Pearce Wright, who linked the mass vaccination program of the World Health Organization in the 1970's to the outbreak of AIDS, because Central Africa was the focus of the program, and it has become the most affected area in the world." David Allen Rivera in his book "Final Warning"

"If we look closely, we realise that health for all, according to the World Health Organization means medicalization and vaccinations for all. That is to say sickness for all." Guylaine Lanctot,, MD



"The bombing war [Yugoslavia 1999] violates and shreds the basic provisions of the United Nations Charter and other conventions and treaties; the attack on Yugoslavia constitutes the most brazen international aggression since the Nazis attacked Poland... The United States has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok." William Rockler, former prosecutor of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal

"Yugoslavia was the only country in Eastern Europe that would not dismantle its welfare state and public sector economy. It was the only one that did not beg for entry into NATO. It was - and what's left of it, still is - charting an independent course not in (566 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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keeping with the New World Order." Michael Parenti, 2001

"The decision to destroy Yugoslavia as a country and carve it up into a number of small proxy states was taken by the Reagan administration in the early 1980s. National Security Decision Directive (NSDD 133) entitled "US Policy towards Yugoslavia." set the foreign policy framework for the destabilization of Yugoslavia's model of market socialism and the establishment of a US sphere of influence in Southeastern Europe. ... A series of covert intelligence operations were implemented... These covert operations were combined with the destabilization of the Yugoslav economy. The application of strong economic medicine under the helm of the IMF and the World Bank ultimately led to the destruction of Yugoslavia's industrial base, the demise of the workers' cooperative and the dramatic impoverishment of its population." Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 2008

"The Socialist Federation of Yugoslavia developed from an impoverished, underdeveloped, feuding region into a stable country with an industrial base, full literacy and health care for the whole population. ... In 1991 ... Washington encouraged, financed and armed right-wing separatist movements in the Croatian, Slovenian and Bosnian republics of the Yugoslav Federation. In violation of international agreements Germany and the U.S. gave quick recognition to these secessionist movements and approved the creation of several capitalist ministates. ... Washington initiated a wild propaganda campaign claiming that Serbia was carrying out a campaign of massive genocide against the Albanian majority in Kosovo. The Western media was full of stories of mass graves and brutal rapes. U.S./NATO officials under the Clinton administration issued an outrageous ultimatum that Serbia immediately accept military occupation and surrender all sovereignty or face NATO bombardment of its cities, towns and infrastructure. When, at a negotiation session in Rambouillet, France, the Serbian Parliament voted to refuse NATO's demands, the bombing began. In 78 days the Pentagon dropped 35,000 cluster bombs, used thousands of rounds of radioactive depleted-uranium rounds, along with bunker busters and cruise missiles. The bombing destroyed more than 480 schools, 33 hospitals, numerous health clinics, 60 bridges, along with industrial, chemical and heating plants, and the electrical grid." (567 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Sara Flounders, 2008

"The motive behind the intervention was not NATO's new found humanitarianism but a desire to put Yugoslavia-along with every other country-under the suzerainty of free market globalization." Michael Parenti in his book "Masters of War"

"When Kosovo proclaimed its "independence" in February [2008] , the Western media hailed the provocative dismemberment of Serbia, a move that completed the destruction of Yugoslavia by the United States, the European Union and NATO, as an exemplary means to bring "peace and stability" to the region. If by "peace" one means impunity for rampaging crime syndicates or by "stability," the freedom of action with no questions asked by U.S. and NATO military and intelligence agencies, not to mention economic looting on a grand scale by freewheeling multinational corporations, then Kosovo has it all! From its inception, the breakaway Serb province [of Kosovo] has served as a militarized outpost for Western capitalist powers intent on spreading their tentacles East, encircling Russia and penetrating the former spheres of influence of the ex-Soviet Union. As a template for contemporary CIA destabilization operations in Georgia and Ukraine, prospective EU members and NATO "partners," Kosovo should serve as a warning for those foolish enough to believe American clichs about "freedom" or the dubious benefits of "globalization." Tom Burghardt, 2008

"In November 1990, under pressure from the Bush administration, the U.S. Congress passed the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act. The new U. S. law provided that any part of Yugoslavia failing to declare independence from Yugoslavia within six months of the act would lose all U.S. financial support. The law demanded separate elections, supervised by the U.S. State Department, in each of the six Yugoslav republics. It also stipulated that any aid go directly to each republic, and not to the central Yugoslav government in Belgrade. In short, the Bush administration demanded the selfdissolution of the Yugoslav Federation. They were deliberately lighting the fuse to an explosive new series of Balkan wars. Using groups such as the Soros Foundation and NED, Washington financial support (568 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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was channeled into often extreme nationalist or former fascist organizations that would guarantee a dismemberment of Yugoslavia...The stage was set for a gruesome series of regional ethnic wars which would last a decade and result in the deaths of more than 200,000 people." William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War"

"Yugoslavia (FRY) remained the only nation in the region that would not voluntarily discard what remained of its socialism and install an unalloyed free-market system... It also proudly had no interest in joining NATO. The US goal has been to transform the FRY into a Third World region, a cluster of weak right-wing principalities." Michael Parenti

"The fate of Kosovo had already been carefully laid out prior to the signing of the 1995 Dayton agreement. NATO had entered an unwholesome 'marriage of convenience' with the mafia. "Freedom Fighters" were put in place. The narcotics trade enabled Washington and Bonn to finance the Kosovo conflict with the ultimate objective of destabilizing the Belgrade [Yugoslavia] government and fully recolonizing the Balkans. ... The application of strong 'economic' medicine' under the guidance of the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions [International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and World Trade Organizaton (WTO)] had contributed to wrecking Albania's banking system and precipitating the collapse of Albania's economy. The resulting chaos enabled American and European transnationals to carefully position themselves. Several western oil companies including Occidental, Shell and British Petroleum had their eyes riveted on Albania's abundant and unexplored oil deposits. Western investors were also gawking Albania's extensive reserves of chrome, copper, gold nickel and platinum." Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa in an article on the Kosovo war

"Following the War [World War I] Britain and France carved up the Middle East... Britain obtaining protectorate status over Palestine (Israel) and the important oil-producing (569 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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areas, especially Iraq. Their protectorate over Palestine set the stage for their planned later creation in that area of a Jewish homeland, which intent was proclaimed to British Zionists in a letter from Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Walter Lord Rothschild, representing the English Federation of Zionists. The letter became known as the Balfour Declaration, which was not implemented until after World War 2. The British intent was to project their control into the oil laden Middle East by creating a Jewish-dominated Palestine, beholden to Britain for survival, and surrounded by a pack of squabbling, balkanized Arab states." F William Engdahl in his book "A Century of War" reviewed in the book "How The World Really Works" by Alan Jones

"Sir Edmond Rothschild began his personal campaign to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine in order to create a release valve for Jewish migrs to promote them emigrating to Palestine, and out of Western Europe. As the pre-eminent Zionist in Britain, Sir Edmond Rothschild 's proposal for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine served major economic interests of the Rothschilds and of the British Empire, in that several years prior, Rothschild bought the Suez Canal for the British, and it was the primary transport route for Russian oil. Palestine, thus, would be a vital landmass as a protectorate for British and Rothschild imperialeconomic interests." Patricia Goldstone in her book "Aaronsohn's Maps"

"The purpose of Zionism is to help colonize the Middle East, subvert Islam, and control the oil fields. For this reason Israel continues to receive blank checks. This is why the founding of Israel took precedence over the welfare of the Jewish people. People complain that Israel controls the U.S.. But, Israel is just an instrument of the central bankers who control both." Henry Makow

"Israel's policy -- in the last 60 years -- stems from a racist hegemonic ideology called Zionism, shielded by endless layers of righteous fury. Despite the predictable accusation of anti-Semitism ... it is time to associate in the public mind the Zionist ideology with the by now familiar historical landmarks of the land: the ethnic cleansing (570 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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of 1948, the oppression of the Palestinians in Israel during the days of the military rule, the brutal occupation of the West Bank and now the massacre of Gaza." Ilan Pappe, 2009

"Political Zionism is an agency of Big Business. It is being used by Jewish and Christian financiers in the United States and Great Britain, to make Jews believe that Palestine will be ruled by a descendant of King David who will ultimately rule the world. What delusion! It will lead to war between Arabs and Jews and eventually to war between Muslims and non-Muslims. That will be the turning point of history." Henry H. Klein, 1947

"In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine... Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They liked European life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews." Barry Chamish

"In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour penned a letter to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed support for a Jewish homeland on Palestiniancontrolled lands in the Middle East. The Balfour Declaration justified Lord Rothschild's purchase of the land for the postWWII establishment of Israel. Israel was to serve as a Jewish homeland and a lynchpin in Rothschild control over the world's oil supply. Baron Edmond de Rothschild built the first oil pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to bring British Petroleum Iranian oil to Israel. He founded Israeli General Bank and Paz Oil. He is considered by many the father of modern Israel." Dean Henderson in his book "Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf" (571 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides." Joseph Burg, The Toronto Star,1988

"On April 5, 1917 the British government announced that it was sending Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour, the Foreign Secretary, to the United States, to notify the American bankers that the British government was prepared to officially endorse their plans for political Zionism provided they would bring America into the war (WWI) on the side of the Allies. America came into the war." William Guy Carr in his book "Pawns in the Game", 1958

"I just received from Herbert Samuel a memorandum headed The Future of Palestine ... He thinks we might plant in this territory about three or four million European Jews." Herbert Asquith, Prime Minister of England, wrote in his diary - January 28th, 1915

"Major Lionel de Rothschild, of the League for British Jews, informs me that his organization is in agreement with the American Jewish Committee ... The Balfour Declaration, with its acceptance by the Powers, is an act of the highest diplomacy. Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan : It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon." Louis Marshall, legal representative of Kuhn-Loeb & Co. wrote to his friend Max Senior, September 26th, 1917

"I do believe that it might be feasible to secure the good-will of America, Great Britain and France towards the promotion of a large influx, and settlement of our people in Palestine ... further it might be possible to obtain from the Powers the formal assurance (572 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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to our people that they shall obtain autonomy in Palestine as soon as their numbers become large enough to justify this." Jacob Schiff of Kuhn-Loeb & Co. wrote a letter dealing with the Zionist question, September (1917)

"After World War II, Jews rose to preeminence in the United States. According to Lipset and Raab [Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab, Jews arid the New American Scene (Cambridge: 1995)], per capita Jewish income is almost double that of non-Jews; sixteen of the forty wealthiest Americans are Jews; 40 percent of American Nobel Prize winners in science and economics are Jewish, as are 20 percent of professors at major universities; and 40 percent partners in the leading law firms in New York and Washington." Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab in Norman G. Finkelstein's book "The Holocaust Industry"

"I favor partition of the country because when we become a strong power after the establishment of the state, we will abolish partition and spread throughout all of Palestine." Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, 1938

"A partial Jewish state is not the end, bur only the beginning. The establishment of such a Jewish state will serve as a means in our historical effort to redeem the country in its entirety.... We shall organize a modern defense force... and then I am certain that we will not be prevented from settling in other parts of the country, either by mutual agreement with our Arab neighbors or by some other means.... We will expel the Arabs and take their place... with the force at our disposal." Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, in a 1937 letter to his son

"The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as a war." (573 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, in a 1937 letter to his son

"We should prepare to go on the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, 1948

"I am for compulsory transfer [of Palestinians]; I do not see anything immoral in it." Israeli Prime MInister David Ben-Gurion, June 1938

"If we will receive in time the arms we have already purchased, and maybe even receive some of that promised to us by the UN, we will be able not only to defend [ourselves] but also to inflict death blows on the Syrians in their own country - and take over Palestine as a whole." Israeli Prime MInister David Ben-Gurion, 1948, in a letter to Moshe Sharett the Jewish state's foreign minister designate

"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural. We have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to me, but what does it matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it is true, but two thousand years ago, and what is it to them? There have been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, and Auschwitz but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country." Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to Nahum Goldman, President of the World Zionist Organization, 1956 (574 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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"We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinian refugees] never do return." Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948

"The Cold war will be a thing of the past. Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligentsia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, increasing influence of the workers and the farmers, and the rising political importance of men of science, may transform the United States into a welfare state with a planned economy. Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states, having a Socialist and democratic regime. With the exception of the USSR, as a federated Eurasian state, all other countries will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations will build a shrine to the Prophets to serve the federated union on all continents, as prophesied by Isaiah. Higher education will be the right of every person in the world. A pill to prevent pregnancy would slow down the explosive natural increase in China and India." Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, 1962

THIRD WORLD TRAVELER (575 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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THIRD WORLD TRAVELER is an archive of articles and book excerpts that seek to tell the truth about American democracy, media, and foreign policy, and about the impact of the actions of the United States government, transnational corporations, global trade and financial institutions, and the corporate media, on democracy, social and economic justice, human rights, and war and peace, in the Third World, and in the developed world.


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WHO RULES THE WORLD? (576 of 578) [30/08/2013 21:16:14]

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Roman Emperor Caligula Throughout history, psychopaths, sociopaths and character-disordered individuals have ruled societies. And, they rule ours.

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