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Dear students, Best wishes to you ALL.

Target Date Activity Interim Report 21-22 June, 2013 (Mon Wed) Interim Presentation Faculty Guide Panel of evaluators consisting of Faculty Guide and Company Guide Evaluator Weightage (%) 10 15

Please find the enclosed word document, in which, the interim evaluation schedule and guidelines are given.

have to prepare the interim report as per the details given, with your own effort, which reflects your performance and learning in the SIP till the date of the submission of the report. The report should be original which is prepared with your own efforts and should be organised in a professional way. Interim report has to be submitted by 20-06-2013. You should be ready with a well structured PPT. You are expected to be well prepared to give a presentation. Please rehearsal the presentation, so that you can give an excellent presentation and you can answer the questions at the end of the presentation. Presentations will be conducted at Haailand on 21st or 22nd of June 2013.

For further details, please refer the SIP 2013 guideline given to you. Thank you and wish you all the best.


INTERIM EVALUATION The student may refer to the following guidelines for writing the Executive Training Interim Report. Report 1. Objective: State the objectives of the Executive Training and explain clearly the specific tasks set by the Company. 2. Target/Tasks: The target/tasks of the training should be stated and also be

clearly measurable. The specific dates as to when these targets/tasks would be completed/achieved should also be mentioned. 3. Strategy: An outline of how the Intern is undergoing the Executive Training in terms of the various activities and plans employed (or designed) to achieve the set targets should be specified. 4. Achievements: The achievements vis--vis the targets and tasks of the job assigned should be clearly mentioned. 5. Mid-course Correction: It is a review of the targets/tasks assigned by the organization and any upward or downward revision thereof. The reason for the revision may be detailed. 6. Limitation: The constraints in achieving the targets/tasks should be highlighted in this section. The Intern should outline any specific problems or hurdles encountered. They should explain any significant obstacle that they might have encountered if it calls for a change in plan. They should also outline the changed plan. 7. Conclusion: The Intern should draw together the main issues discussed in the main sections and identify any implications of the work that he/she has described. The Intern should also describe how tasks and targets could have been better achieved, or the performance be improved upon. Presentation A presentation on the progress achieved till date should be made by the Intern to an audience consisting of the Company Guide and the Faculty Guide. The objective is to provide an opportunity to get insights into the performance and consider them before finalization of the report. This would also help the Interns to involve themselves actively in the operational review and make it more meaningful to the host company. Presentation at the Interim Evaluation would be of 15-30 minutes duration. It carries 15% weightage in the aggregate. 20.2 Parameters for Evaluation SIP will be evaluated on Executive Training. The parameters for evaluation of interim report and interim presentation: SIP Proposal: (i) Problem formulation, (ii) Quality of Report, (iii) Planning efficiency & Implementation, (iv) Use of multiple resources for project enrichment and (v) Compliance to guidelines. Interim Report: (i) On-The-Job Achievement of targets, (ii) Strategies applied, (iii) Application of Management tools, (iv) Reliability and (v) Conduct. Interim Presentation: (i) Quality of Presentation, (ii) Content, (iii) Communication skills, (iv) Achievements/ Recommendations and (v) Handling Question Answer Session.

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