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La Canne Royale 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction: Thesis How to use a Canne Royale A very old art

1. Introduction: 1. I 2. Legacy of my Uncle Marcel 3. Hum 1862 - Brussels 2. Thesis - CR = 1m. A true story - Larme du bourgeois The weapen of the citizen - Politics 3. How to use a Canne Royale Instructions of my Uncle Marcel Gear Equipment and making of your own Canne Royale How to use the treaty of Hum (1862) Advise to master and student The secret of the art Positions & Actions (Right Angle The greatings The guard The four images The blows Terminologie The four sides The volte Lessens: first serie of 4 and second serie of 4 The blow combinations LAssault & Jeu de Canne Royale (reconstruction of the rules).


A very old art -- Un art si ancien ..

Workshop LA CANNE ROYALE 1. Basis (Secret & Salut) + Principes (Coups, Parade & Riposte) 2. Les 4 faces 3. La volte

4. Lassaut (Reconstruction rglement Le jeu de la canne royale)

1. I


1958 TERNAT I studied at the university of Gent : Political sciences and European Law And I have a lot of fun to investigate with the DRAGON PRESERVATION SOCIETY in the old European sword techniques.


2. LEGACY UNCLE MARCEL (1914 1992)

1. Petie Larousse Illustr 1906 2. Fence mask 3. Floret 4. Canne Royale (from my uncle Marcel Reveyn) 5. HAT (Chapeau) Haut-de-forme Bruxelles (1914) (from my grandfather Jan Van derborght)

3. Eugne Hum and J. Renkin 1862 1. HUME & RENKIN BELGIUM BRUSSELS 1862
Trait et thorie de canne royale. Escrime. / Par Eugne Hum et J. Renkin.

Hum. Eugne., Renkin. J..

Date Keywords Repository Download Publisher Type Language Rights

1862 Canne. Sport.

Bibliothque nationale de France (France)

Impr. de M.-J. Poot. Bruxelles texte, monographie fre libre de droits

(Scientific Commons)

2. THESIS: CR = 1M => Belgium A true story

The Ancient Regime. The word canne is used to indicate a linear measure. In the ancient regime this linear measure changed from region to region, from city to city, just because the king had given privileges to the nobility, the clergy and the cities to determine their measurements themselves Thus the length of the canne differed from 1,25m to 1,78m and more. Abuse and deceit were common knowledge. The French Revolution. 1789 The French Revolution puts an end to the privileges of nobility and clergy and through the principal of equality they wished to put order in business and to change the society. One of the means to do this was to uniform all measuring systems who would then count for all people and all times. They determined in an objective way a measuring unit that could serve for all measuring systems. The meter became this unit; and the base of the decimal system. It was determined by the meridian which runs through Dunkirk and Barcelona of which they took 1/10 mlj part of of the meridian. Its the French law of 19 Frimaire An VIII 10 December 1799 which determined the meter at 3 foot, 11 lines 296 or 443,296 lines. Thus the thumb of the king divided by 12 = 1L. = 2,255 cm. Introduction of the metric system. At first they wanted to introduce this system on voluntary bases, by world expositions and the conference of the meter.

But there was a lot of resistance therefore the metric system was imposed by law. In Belgium in 1819 (United Kingdom of the Netherlands) and by the laws of 1832 and reactualisation in 1855. In France it was only as of 1837 by a royal ordinance. So Belgium was one of the first countries to use this metric system imposed by law. Important here was the form of government in Belgium. In 1830 Belgium became independent with a parliament and a king at the head of the country and with the most liberated constitution at that time. In their constitution they guaranteed: personnel freedom, freedom of press, freedom of union and freedom of religion. And the society was based on order of civil values. Politically seen its the parliament that votes the laws and the king and his ministers executed by Royal decree (Dcret Royale). This happened also with the meter. By Dcret Royale was determined that the old names could be applied to the new measuring system; So the PINT 0,50 l. Became the pint 0,33 l.

(Picture: Petit Larousse Illustr 1906) So the canne (collective noun for different measures) was used to determine the meter and to make clear this was a new measuring unit imposed by Dcret Royale they called it CANNE ROYALE Eventually they give this up in practice, but the name CR lived on in the common language CR = 1M My source is: 1. Dictionnaire universel des Poids et Mesures Anciens et Modernes Par Horace Doursther Bruxelles 1840 2. La Canne Royale of mij Uncle Marcel measured with meter.

LA CANNE EST, EN QUELQUE SORTE, LARME DU BOURGEOIS, COMME LE FER EST CELLE DU SOLDAT (Hum 1862) The canne is in some ways the weapon of a citizen, like the sword is that of a soldier. (Hum 1862)
(Picture: Petit Larousse Illustr 1906) This sentence describes very well the power of the citizen in Belgium after the independence of 1830. Belgium became a parliament monarchy after separating of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.A king as head of state and a parliament that was chosen, and the most liberated constitution of the moment. Freedom of union, Freedom of press, Freedom of religion, Personnel freedom, became constitutional freedoms who could be extorted these freedoms could be applied for all inhabitants, foreigners, fugitives who where prosecuted in their own country, included.

Nous nous sommes rendus dans les principales salles de Paris et de Bruxelles ou nous avons eu lhonneur de tirer avec les meilleurs maitres (Hum 1862) They have practised with the bests fencers in Paris and Brussels.
This is to describe that there are narrow ties between Brussels and Paris; also in the world of fencing. We have also found that the French masters were well known in Belgium. In the CORBLE COLLECTION catalogue of old fencing books, that is archived at the University of Leuven we find:

1. Louis Le Boucher (1849 Theory to learn to draw the canne in 25 lessons.) 2. Larribeau (1856 new theory of the game with the canne.) 3. Joseph Charlemont (1906 The Canne)

These are the pioneers of the French boxing and the canne. (Picture: Petit Larousse 1906)

Did you know Joseph Charlemont had to leave France in 1871 because he participated or sympathised with the rebellion of the Commune de Paris. And where did he run to? >>>>>>Brussels He opened a fencing school in Brussels in 1875 (La socit libre de Bruxelles) where he educated fencing, boxing and gymnasts. Many students of the University of Brussels where a member of his school. He became very popular as a famous boxer and fencer in Belgium. Finally he was granted pardon so he could return to France and became the father of savate and canne Franaise.

en notre qualit de membres brevetes de plusieurs socits descrime (HUME 1862) They have licenses of different schools.
By the documentation of The museum of fencing in Brussels we found that, in that time, you could obtain the brevets of Prvost and Maitre for mastering the four disciplines: La Canne, Le baton, Le fleuret et Le sabre; in the fencing schools of Mechelen, Leuven and Brussels.

Dans les leons, nous faisons renouveler les exercices chaque face. Nous entendons, par l, les quatre murailles de la salle : (HUME 1862) The four directions to practice.
We have also found that around 1890, the military school of the cavalry in Bruges was given instruction to groups of +/- 25 men in handling the canne royale along the principles of the four sides. Such as was done in the military school in France. Lcole de Joinville (1852) where the method of the four sides was introduced.) (Interview: Luc De Fraeye about his grand-grandfather)

In Manire de sy comporter ne faire preuve de manqu dducation (HUME 1862) How to behave, be wel educated.
In the period 1830 to 1930 education in Belgium has played a significant role in spreading and understanding of the weapon of the citizen. The reason was the introduction of the metric system and learning the citizens values to the youth. In all lessons the use of the meter as a base of the metric system had to be applied, in mathematics, history, geography but also in physical training.

(Pictures: source internet) In this way the exercises became obligated. And they trained by following the principles of the fencing schools and the 4 directions. Later the principals of this teachings where published: Cource complte Canne Royale by F.Cloosen, gymnastics teacher 1891 (Namen). They even exercised on music. Jules Lemoine Gymnastics and lessons of canne royale 1892

After the turn of the century these exercises took place under the name of Swedish Gymnastics, although in my opinion they had little to do with this, except for the exercises of the canne royale who could correct you physically and psychologically. This was in the book of Hum 1862 in the passage about how to behave as a student.

The industrialization gave cause to the existence of working class groups who mostly lived in miserable conditions and had no political rights. The fear for revolution put the citizens (=upper class) on to deal with this problem. Since 1864 three political visions originated in Belgium which ended in three political parties: The Liberals 1864, The Catholics 1884, The Socialists 1885. They each had a different idea: How to preserve the citizens values like equal rights and freedoms and offer a solution to the call for a voice for the working man and improve their conditions of life. Each party tried to pull them over to their side by uniting them in a labour circles, of their ideological view. In the writings and pictures of these circles we find the canne as a symbol and as a weapen. 1. The liberals. They united the working class in the so called Laurent circles where through Education and organization of activities like: theatre, travelling, music and gymnastics, they tried to give the working man moral principles so they could function in the civil society. Those who earned these civic virtues could become leaders of the movement and participation in society. In a speech for a jubilee in 1880 of the circle Happiness in Work we find a direct Hint to the use of the canne: The only regular activity which happened were the exercises with the little stick (Canne Royale) under supervision of mister Jan Leemans. We had acquired these cannes for free in a little alder wood (elzenhout aune) in Baarle with authorization from Sir De Pestel, headmaster at Drongen. Het eenige regelmatige wat er geschiedde was de gezamelijke oefeningen met den kleine stok (Canne Royale) onder de leiding van den heer Jan Leemans. We hadden ons die stokken kosteloos aangeschaft in een boschje van elzenhout te Baarle met de

toestemming van de heer De Pestel, hoofdonderwijzer te Drongen. (Source: Liberal archive) Co-partnership means the right to vote, among the liberals there was a battle going, do we grant everybody the right to vote (point of view by Progresses) or only to those who can read and write (point of view by Doctrinisms). Civil exchange of ideas with canne royale with the mayor of Brussels: Charles Buls 1891.

2. The Catholics. They had a paternalistic and guardian vision on the problem, they organized the workers In the so called anti socialist labour guilds. These are not to compare with the equally named medieval guilds but their purpose was to form a miniature catholic society for the members. They were based on faith, family and property and the good catholic was taken care of from birth till death. The leadership stayed in the hands of the notable: The vicar, the notary, the doctor and the gentleman-farmer. In a conversation with the daughter of the Unionistische mayor and gentleman-farmer of Wambeek we learn that the use of THE ROEDE was seen by these notables as a sign of power, and they didnt neglect to punish the servant when the job wasnt done by satisfaction. The main activity of these unions was the organization of Passion plays (1938 Antwerp Sport palace) (Picture: source internet)

3. The socialists. The socialist unions emerged from the so called radicals and progressists citizens and the workers circles (The founders of Belgian labour Party), those citizens and workers had a strong opinion about Equality and Freedom and this must be applied to everybody. This vision is found back in the battle for obtaining the general singular right to vote: 1man 1vote and to improve work- and living conditions for the working class. The use of the canne is found in pictures and writings of this battle.

A drawing of the complete strike (1897) shows the symbolism clearly man, woman and child are carrying a canne royale as a sign of equality. The next picture shows also that inside these unions they were forming groups who secured the safety and course of the strikes and demonstrations. They were named: The red guards. Demonstrations and total strike (1906 Brussels) The canne royale was also a good protection against the charges of the police. We can close this period with a quote we found in the work about Minister Joseph Wauters at his funeral (1929) It is the defender of the humble that the anonymous crowd comes to salute in equal death. The walls are covered with red and gold: the flags of the unions of workers of Brussels. Among them, standing tall the red guard of the social

providence (Prevoience Social) holding up their canne as a sign of protection and honour. Cest le dfenseur des heumbles que lanonyme foule vient saluer dans la mort galitaire. Les murs sont tapisss de rouge et dor : ce sont les drapeaux des organisations ouvrires de Bruxelles et de ses faubourgs. Autour deux, droits, figs comme des statues, les gardes rouges de la prvoyance sociale dressent leurs cannes comme une vote de protection et dhonneur.

Conclusion; From that moment on the canne royale as a symbol and also as a practical weapon has disappeared. The fashion changed and in the schools gymnastics was replaced by ball sports. The canne royale the meter had become so evident, that it was forgotten as a symbol and was replaced in fencing schools by electronics; the collective memory of many generations had been erased. Y have been so lucky, in my family the tradition lived on, my uncle instructed me in the techniques of the canne royale I want all of you to be a part of this, so the canne royale wont be forgotten.

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