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The Clojure Style Guide
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Thi s re posi t ory Thi s re posi t ory @@
-- Of f icer Alex J. Murphy / RoboCop
This Clojure st yle guide recommends best pract ices so t hat real-world Clojure programmers can writ e code t hat can be
maint ained by ot her real-world Clojure programmers. A st yle guide t hat ref lect s real-world usage get s used, and a st yle
guide t hat holds t o an ideal t hat has been reject ed by t he people it is supposed t o help risks not get t ing used at all no
mat t er how good it is.
The guide is separat ed int o several sect ions of relat ed rules. I've t ried t o add t he rat ionale behind t he rules (if it 's omit t ed
I've assumed t hat is pret t y obvious).
I didn't come up wit h all t he rules out of nowhere - t hey are most ly based on my ext ensive career as a prof essional
sof t ware engineer, f eedback and suggest ions f rom members of t he Clojure communit y, and various highly regarded
Clojure programming resources, such as "Clojure Programming" and "The Joy of Clojure".
The guide is st ill a work in progress - some sect ions are missing, ot hers are incomplet e, some rules are lacking examples,
some rules don't have examples t hat illust rat e t hem clearly enough. In due t ime t hese issues will be addressed - just keep
t hem in mind f or now.
You can generat e a PDF or an HTML copy of t his guide using Transmut er.
Source Code Layout & Organizat ion
Synt ax
Collect ions
Mut at ion
St rings
Except ions
Table of Contents
Comment s
Comment Annot at ions
Exist ent ial
Nearly everybody is convinced t hat every st yle but t heir own is ugly and unreadable. Leave out t he "but t heir own" and
t hey're probably right ...
-- Jerry Cof f in (on indent at ion)
Use t wo spaces per indent at ion level. No hard t abs.
;; good
(when something
;; bad - four spaces
(when something
Align vert ically f unct ion argument s.
;; good
(filter even?
(range 1 10))
;; bad
(filter even?
(range 1 10))
Source Code Layout & Organization
Align let bindings and map keywords.
;; good
(let [thing1 "some stuff"
thing2 "other stuff"]
{:thing1 thing1
:thing2 thing2})
;; bad
(let [thing1 "some stuff"
thing2 "other stuff"]
{:thing1 thing1
:thing2 thing2})
Opt ionally omit t he new line bet ween t he f unct ion name and argument vect or f or defn when t here is no docst ring.
;; good
(defn foo
(bar x))
;; good
(defn foo [x]
(bar x))
;; bad
(defn foo
[x] (bar x))
Opt ionally omit t he new line bet ween t he argument vect or and a short f unct ion body.
;; good
(defn foo [x]
(bar x))
;; good for a small function body
(defn foo [x] (bar x))
;; good for multi-arity functions
(defn foo
([x] (bar x))
([x y]
(if (predicate? x)
(bar x)
(baz x))))
;; bad
(defn foo
[x] (if (predicate? x)
(bar x)
(baz x)))
Indent each line of mult i-line docst rings.
;; good
(defn foo
"Hello there. This is
a multi-line docstring."
;; bad
(defn foo
"Hello there. This is
a multi-line docstring."
Use Unix-st yle line endings. (*BSD/Solaris/Linux/OSX users are covered by def ault , Windows users have t o be ext ra
caref ul.)
If you're using Git you might want t o add t he f ollowing conf igurat ion set t ing t o prot ect your project f rom Windows
line endings creeping in:
$ git config --global core.autocrlf true
If any t ext precedes an opening bracket ( ( , { and [ ) or f ollows a closing bracket ( ) , } and ] ), separat e t hat
t ext f rom t hat bracket wit h a space. Conversely, leave no space af t er an opening bracket and bef ore f ollowing t ext ,
or af t er preceding t ext and bef ore a closing bracket .
;; good
(foo (bar baz) quux)
;; bad
(foo(bar baz)quux)
(foo ( bar baz ) quux)
Don't use commas bet ween t he element s of sequent ial collect ion lit erals.
;; good
[1 2 3]
(1 2 3)
;; bad
[1, 2, 3]
(1, 2, 3)
Consider enhancing t he readabilit y of map lit erals via judicious use of commas and line breaks.
;; good
{:name "Bruce Wayne" :alter-ego "Batman"}
;; good and arguably a bit more readable
{:name "Bruce Wayne"
:alter-ego "Batman"}
;; good and arguably more compact
{:name "Bruce Wayne", :alter-ego "Batman"}
Place all t railing parent heses on a single line.
;; good
(when something
;; bad
(when something
Use empt y lines bet ween t op-level f orms.
;; good
(def x ...)
(defn foo ...)
;; bad
(def x ...)
(defn foo ...)
An except ion t o t he rule is t he grouping of relat ed def s t oget her.
;; good
(def min-rows 10)
(def max-rows 20)
(def min-cols 15)
(def max-cols 30)
Do not place blank lines in t he middle of a f unct ion or macro def init ion. An except ion can be made t o indicat e grouping
of pairwise const ruct s as f ound in e.g. let and cond .
Where f easible, avoid making lines longer t han 80 charact ers.
Avoid t railing whit espace.
Use one f ile per namespace.
St art every namespace wit h a comprehensive ns f orm, comprised of import s, require s, refer s and use s.
(ns examples.ns
(:refer-clojure :exclude [next replace remove])
(:require (clojure [string :as string]
[set :as set])
[ :as sh])
(:use (clojure zip xml))
(:import java.util.Date
(java.util.concurrent Executors
Avoid single-segment namespaces.
;; good
(ns example.ns)
;; bad
(ns example)
Avoid t he use of overly long namespaces(i.e. wit h more t han 5 segment s).
Avoid f unct ions longer t han 10 LOC (lines of code). Ideally, most f unct ions will be short er t han 5 LOC.
Avoid paramet er list s wit h more t han t hree or f our posit ional paramet ers.
Avoid t he use of namespace-manipulat ing f unct ions like require and refer . They are ent irely unnecessary out side
of a REPL environment .
Use declare t o enable f orward ref erences.
Pref er higher-order f unct ions like map t o loop/recur .
Pref er f unct ion pre and post condit ions t o checks inside a f unct ion's body.
;; good
(defn foo [x]
{:pre [(pos? x)]}
(bar x))
;; bad
(defn foo [x]
(if (pos? x)
(bar x)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException "x must be a positive number!")))
Don't def ine vars inside f unct ions.
;; very bad
(defn foo []
(def x 5)
Don't shadow clojure.core names wit h local bindings.
;; bad - you're forced to used clojure.core/map fully qualified inside
(defn foo [map]
Use seq as a t erminat ing condit ion t o t est whet her a sequence is empt y (t his t echnique is somet imes called nil
;; good
(defn print-seq [s]
(when (seq s)
(prn (first s))
(recur (rest s))))
;; bad
(defn print-seq [s]
(when-not (empty? s)
(prn (first s))
(recur (rest s))))
Use when inst ead of (if ... (do ...) .
;; good
(when pred
;; bad
(if pred
Use if-let inst ead of let + if .
;; good
(if-let [result (foo x)]
(something-with result)
;; bad
(let [result (foo x)]
(if result
(something-with result)
Use when-let inst ead of let + when .
;; good
(when-let [result (foo x)]
(do-something-with result)
(do-something-more-with result))
;; bad
(let [result (foo x)]
(when result
(do-something-with result)
(do-something-more-with result)))
Use if-not inst ead of (if (not ...) ...) .
;; good
(if-not (pred)
;; bad
(if (not pred)
Use when-not inst ead of (when (not ...) ...) .
;; good
(when-not pred
;; bad
(when (not pred)
Use when-not inst ead of (if-not ... (do ...) .
;; good
(when-not pred
;; bad
(if-not pred
Use not= inst ead of (not (= ...)) .
;; good
(not= foo bar)
;; bad
(not (= foo bar))
Pref er % over %1 in f unct ion lit erals wit h only one paramet er.
Pref er % over %1 in f unct ion lit erals wit h only one paramet er.
;; good
#(Math/round %)
;; bad
#(Math/round %1)
Pref er %1 over % in f unct ion lit erals wit h more t han one paramet er.
;; good
#(Math/pow %1 %2)
;; bad
#(Math/pow % %2)
Don't wrap f unct ions in anonymous f unct ions when you don't need t o.
;; good
(filter even? (range 1 10))
;; bad
(filter #(even? %) (range 1 10))
Don't use f unct ion lit erals if t he f unct ion body will consist of more t han one f orm.
;; good
(fn [x]
(println x)
(* x 2))
;; bad (you need an explicit do form)
#(do (println %)
(* % 2))
Favor t he use of complement versus t he use of an anonymous f unct ion.
;; good
(filter (complement some-pred?) coll)
;; bad
(filter #(not (some-pred? %)) coll)
This rule should obviously be ignored if t he complement ing predicat e exist s in t he f orm of a separat e f unct ion (e.g.
even? and odd? ).
Leverage comp when it would yield simpler code.
;; Assuming `(:require [clojure.string :as str])`...
;; good
(map #(str/capitalize (str/trim %)) ["top " " test "])
;; better
(map (comp str/capitalize str/trim) ["top " " test "])
Leverage partial when it would yield simpler code.
;; good
(map #(+ 5 %) (range 1 10))
;; (arguably) better
(map (partial + 5) (range 1 10))
Pref er t he use of t he t hreading macros -> (t hread-f irst ) and ->> (t hread-last ) t o heavy f orm nest ing.
;; good
(-> [1 2 3]
(conj 4)
;; not as good
(prn (conj (reverse [1 2 3])
;; good
(->> (range 1 10)
(filter even?)
(map (partial * 2)))
;; not as good
(map (partial * 2)
(filter even? (range 1 10)))
Pref er .. t o -> when chaining met hod calls in Java int erop.
;; good
(-> (System/getProperties) (.get ""))
;; better
(.. System getProperties (get ""))
Use :else as t he cat ch-all t est expression in cond and condp .
;; good
(< n 0) "negative"
(> n 0) "positive"
:else "zero"))
;; bad
(< n 0) "negative"
(> n 0) "positive"
true "zero"))
Pref er condp inst ead of cond when t he predicat e & expression don't change.
;; good
(= x 10) :ten
(= x 20) :twenty
(= x 30) :forty
:else :dunno)
;; much better
(condp = x
10 :ten
20 :twenty
30 :forty
Pref er case inst ead of cond or condp when t est expressions are compile-t ime const ant s.
;; good
(= x 10) :ten
(= x 20) :twenty
(= x 30) :forty
:else :dunno)
;; better
(condp = x
10 :ten
20 :twenty
30 :forty
;; best
(case x
10 :ten
20 :twenty
30 :forty
Use short f orms in cond and relat ed. If not possible give visual hint s f or t he pairwise grouping wit h comment s or
empt y lines.
;; good
(test1) (action1)
(test2) (action2)
:else (default-action))
;; ok-ish
;; test case 1
(-> 'which-spans
(-> 'which-spans
(which-also-spans 'multiple
Use a set as a predicat e when appropriat e.
;; good
(remove #{0} [0 1 2 3 4 5])
;; bad
(remove #(= % 0) [0 1 2 3 4 5])
;; good
(count (filter #{\a \e \i \o \u} "mary had a little lamb"))
;; bad
(count (filter #(or (= % \a)
(= % \e)
(= % \i)
(= % \o)
(= % \u))
"mary had a little lamb"))
Use (inc x) & (dec x) inst ead of (+ x 1) and (- x 1) .
Use (pos? x) , (neg? x) & (zero? x) inst ead of (> x 0) , (< x 0) & (= x 0) .
Use t he sugared Java int erop f orms.
;;; object creation
;; good
(java.util.ArrayList. 100)
;; bad
(new java.util.ArrayList 100)
;;; static method invocation
;; good
(Math/pow 2 10)
;; bad
(. Math pow 2 10)
;;; instance method invocation
;; good
(.substring "hello" 1 3)
;; bad
(. "hello" substring 1 3)
;;; static field access
;; good
;; bad
(. Integer MAX_VALUE)
;;; instance field access
;; good
(.someField some-object)
;; bad
(. some-object some-field)
Use t he compact met adat a not at ion f or met adat a t hat cont ains only slot s whose keys are keywords and whose value
is boolean true .
;; good
(def ^:private a 5)
;; bad
(def ^{:private true} a 5)
Denot e privat e part s of your code.
;; good
(defn- private-fun [] ...)
(def ^:private private-var ...)
;; bad
(defn private-fun [] ...) ; not private at all
(defn ^:private private-fun [] ...) ; overly verbose
(def private-var ...) ; not private at all
Be caref ul regarding what exact ly do you at t ach met adat a t o.
;; we attach the metadata to the var referenced by `a`
(def ^:private a {})
(meta a) ;=> nil
(meta #'a) ;=> {:private true}
;; we attach the metadata to the empty hash-map value
(def a ^:private {})
(meta a) ;=> {:private true}
(meta #'a) ;=> nil
The only real dif f icult ies in programming are cache invalidat ion and naming t hings.
-- Phil Karlt on
When naming namespaces f avor t he f ollowing t wo schemas:
Use lisp-case in composit e namespace segment s(e.g. bruce.project-euler )
Use lisp-case f or f unct ion and variable names.
;; good
(def some-var ...)
(defn some-fun ...)
;; bad
(def someVar ...)
(defn somefun ...)
(def some_fun ...)
Use CamelCase f or prot ocols, records, st ruct s, and t ypes. (Keep acronyms like HTTP, RFC, XML uppercase.)
The names of predicat e met hods (met hods t hat ret urn a boolean value) should end in a quest ion mark. (i.e. even? ).
;; good
(defn palindrome? ...)
;; bad
(defn palindrome-p ...) ; Common Lisp style
(defn is-palindrome ...) ; Java style
The names of f unct ions/macros t hat are not saf e in STM t ransact ions should end wit h an exclamat ion mark. (i.e.
reset! )
Use -> inst ead of to in t he names of conversion f unct ions.
;; good
(defn f->c ...)
;; not so good
(defn f-to-c ...)
Use *earmuffs* f or t hings int ended f or rebinding (ie. are dynamic).
;; good
(def ^:dynamic *a* 10)
;; bad
(def ^:dynamic a 10)
Don't use a special not at ion f or const ant s; everyt hing is assumed a const ant unless specif ied ot herwise.
Use _ f or dest ruct uring t arget s and f ormal argument s names whose value will be ignored by t he code at hand.
;; good
(let [[a b _ c] [1 2 3 4]]
(println a b c))
(dotimes [_ 3]
(println "Hello!"))
;; bad
(let [[a b c d] [1 2 3 4]]
(println a b d))
(dotimes [i 3]
(println "Hello!"))
Follow clojure.core 's example f or idiomat ic names like pred and coll .
in f unct ions:
f , g , h - f unct ion input
n - int eger input usually a size
index - int eger index
x , y - numbers
s - st ring input
coll - a collect ion
pred - a predicat e closure
& more - variadic input
in macros:
expr - an expression
body - a macro body
binding - a macro binding vect or
It is bet t er t o have 100 f unct ions operat e on one dat a st ruct ure t han t o have 10 f unct ions operat e on 10 dat a
st ruct ures.
-- Alan J. Perlis
Avoid t he use of list s f or generic dat a st orage (unless a list is exact ly what you need).
Pref er t he use of keywords f or hash keys.
;; good
{:name "Bruce" :age 30}
;; bad
{"name" "Bruce" "age" 30}
Pref er t he use of t he lit eral collect ion synt ax where applicable. However, when def ining set s, only use lit eral synt ax
when t he values are compile-t ime const ant s.
;; good
[1 2 3]
#{1 2 3}
(hash-set (func1) (func2)) ; values determined at runtime
;; bad
(vector 1 2 3)
(hash-set 1 2 3)
#{(func1) (func2)} ; will throw runtime exception if (func1) = (func2)
Avoid accessing collect ion members by index whenever possible.
Pref er t he use of keywords as f unct ions f or ret rieving values f rom maps, where applicable.
(def m {:name "Bruce" :age 30})
;; good
(:name m)
;; more verbose than necessary
(get m :name)
;; bad - susceptible to NullPointerException
(m :name)
Leverage t he f act t hat most collect ions are f unct ions of t heir element s.
;; good
(filter #{\a \e \o \i \u} "this is a test")
;; bad - too ugly to share
Leverage t he f act t hat keywords can be used as f unct ions of a collect ion.
((juxt :a :b) {:a "ala" :b "bala"})
Avoid t he use of t ransient collect ions, except f or perf ormance-crit ical port ions of t he code.
Avoid t he use of Java collect ions.
Avoid t he use of Java arrays, except f or int erop scenarios and perf ormance-crit ical code dealing heavily wit h primit ive
t ypes.
Consider wrapping all I/O calls wit h t he io! macro t o avoid nast y surprises if you accident ally end up calling such
code in a t ransact ion.
Avoid t he use of ref-set whenever possible.
(def r (ref 0))
;; good
(dosync (alter r + 5))
;; bad
(dosync (ref-set r 5))
Try t o keep t he size of t ransact ions (t he amount of work encapsulat ed in t hem) as small as possible.
Avoid having bot h short - and long-running t ransact ions int eract ing wit h t he same Ref .
Use send only f or act ions t hat are CPU bound and don't block on I/O or ot her t hreads.
Use send-off f or act ions t hat might block, sleep, or ot herwise t ie up t he t hread.
Avoid at om updat es inside STM t ransact ions.
Try t o use swap! rat her t han reset! , where possible.
(def a (atom 0))
;; good
(swap! a + 5)
;; not as good
(reset! a 5)
Pref er st ring manipulat ion f unct ions f rom clojure.string over Java int erop or rolling your own.
;; good
(clojure.string/upper-case "bruce")
;; bad
(.toUpperCase "bruce")
Reuse exist ing except ion t ypes. Idiomat ic Clojure code, when it does t hrow an except ion, t hrows an except ion of a
st andard t ype (e.g. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException , java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException ,
java.lang.IllegalStateException , ).
Favor with-open over finally .
Don't writ e a macro if a f unct ion will do.
Creat e an example of a macro usage f irst and t he macro af t erwards.
Break complicat ed macros int o smaller f unct ions whenever possible.
A macro should usually just provide synt act ic sugar and t he core of t he macro should be a plain f unct ion. Doing so will
improve composabilit y.
Pref er synt ax-quot ed f orms over building list s manually.
Good code is it s own best document at ion. As you're about t o add a comment , ask yourself , "How can I improve t he
code so t hat t his comment isn't needed?" Improve t he code and t hen document it t o make it even clearer.
-- St eve McConnell
Endeavor t o make your code as self -document ing as possible.
Writ e heading comment s wit h at least f our semicolons.
Writ e t op-level comment s wit h t hree semicolons.
Writ e comment s on a part icular f ragment of code bef ore t hat f ragment and aligned wit h it , using t wo semicolons.
Writ e margin comment s wit h one semicolon.
Always have at least one space bet ween t he semicolon and t he t ext t hat f ollows it .
;;;; Frob Grovel
;;; This section of code has some important implications:
;;; 1. Foo.
;;; 2. Bar.
;;; 3. Baz.
(defn fnord [zarquon]
;; If zob, then veeblefitz.
(quux zot
mumble ; Zibblefrotz.
Comment s longer t han a word begin wit h a capit al let t er and use punct uat ion. Separat e sent ences wit h one space.
Avoid superf luous comment s.
;; bad
(inc counter) ; increments counter by one
Keep exist ing comment s up-t o-dat e. An out dat ed comment is worse t han no comment at all.
Pref er t he use of t he #_ reader macro over a regular comment when you need t o comment out a part icular f orm.
;; good
(+ foo #_(bar x) delta)
;; bad
(+ foo
;; (bar x)
Good code is like a good joke - it needs no explanat ion.
-- Russ Olsen
Avoid writ ing comment s t o explain bad code. Ref act or t he code t o make it self -explanat ory. ("Do, or do not . There is
no t ry." --Yoda)
Annot at ions should usually be writ t en on t he line immediat ely above t he relevant code.
The annot at ion keyword is f ollowed by a colon and a space, t hen a not e describing t he problem.
If mult iple lines are required t o describe t he problem, subsequent lines should be indent ed as much as t he f irst one.
Tag t he annot at ion wit h your init ials and a dat e so it s relevance can be easily verif ied.
(defn some-fun
;; FIXME: This has crashed occasionally since v1.2.3. It may
;; be related to the BarBazUtil upgrade. (xz 13-1-31)
In cases where t he problem is so obvious t hat any document at ion would be redundant , annot at ions may be lef t at t he
end of t he of f ending line wit h no not e. This usage should be t he except ion and not t he rule.
(defn bar
(sleep 100)) ; OPTIMIZE
Use TODO t o not e missing f eat ures or f unct ionalit y t hat should be added at a lat er dat e.
Use FIXME t o not e broken code t hat needs t o be f ixed.
Comment Annotations
Use OPTIMIZE t o not e slow or inef f icient code t hat may cause perf ormance problems.
Use HACK t o not e "code smells" where quest ionable coding pract ices were used and should be ref act ored away.
Use REVIEW t o not e anyt hing t hat should be looked at t o conf irm it is working as int ended. For example:
REVIEW: Are we sure this is how the client does X currently?
Use ot her cust om annot at ion keywords if it f eels appropriat e, but be sure t o document t hem in your project 's README
or similar.
Code in a f unct ional way, avoiding mut at ion when t hat makes sense.
Be consist ent . In an ideal world, be consist ent wit h t hese guidelines.
Use common sense.
There are some t ools creat ed by t he Clojure communit y t hat might aid you in your endeavor t o writ e idiomat ic Clojure
Slamhound is a t ool t hat will aut omat ically generat e proper ns declarat ions f rom your exist ing code.
kibit is a st at ic code analyzer f or Clojure which uses core.logic t o search f or pat t erns of code f or which t here might
exist a more idiomat ic f unct ion or macro.
Not hing writ t en in t his guide is set in st one. It 's my desire t o work t oget her wit h everyone int erest ed in Clojure coding st yle,
so t hat we could ult imat ely creat e a resource t hat will be benef icial t o t he ent ire Clojure communit y.
Feel f ree t o open t icket s or send pull request s wit h improvement s. Thanks in advance f or your help!
This work is licensed under a Creat ive Commons At t ribut ion 3.0 Unport ed License
A communit y-driven st yle guide is of lit t le use t o a communit y t hat doesn't know about it s exist ence. Tweet about t he
guide, share it wit h your f riends and colleagues. Every comment , suggest ion or opinion we get makes t he guide just a lit t le
bit bet t er. And we want t o have t he best possible guide, don't we?
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