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50]Define UNBOUND MOISTURE & BBOUND MOISTUREUNBOUND MOISTURE :It exerts an eqm vapor pressure equal to the vapor pressure of liquid and it is the one above the critical moisture content of thesolid. BBOUND MOISTURE: It exerts eqm vapor pressure less than the vapor pressure of liquid. This is the moisture present below the critical moisturecontent. ___________________________ ___________________________ _________

51]What is FREE MOISTURE? It is the moisture present over and above the equilibriummoisturecontent.(This free moisture can be removed by drying) ___________________________ ___________________________ __________ 52]What is CRITICAL MOISTURE CONTENT? In a rate of drying curve, the transition from constant rate tofalling rate takes place at the critical moisture content[Xc] ___________________________

___________________________ ________ 53]What is EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT? For a given material being dried under constant drying conditionsby a gas at a given temperature and humidity, the lowestmoisture content to which the material can be dried is called theequilibrium moisture content. This is therefore the moisturecontent of the material when at equilibrium with a given partialpressure of the vapor in the gas. ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________

54]What is FREE MOISTURE?ss Moisture over and above the equilibrium moisture , ( X - X* ) Is called the free moisture. Only the free moisture can beremoved by drying. ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________ 55]What are the factors affecting the rate of drying [Nc] atconstant rate?


If G is increased , Nc is more.Increasing the humidity

generally lowers the dryingrate.Increasing the gas temperature increases Nc.If heat conduction through the solid occurs, increasing the solidthickness lowers Nc. If non drying surfaces are heat insulatedor drying occurs from all sides, Nc is independent of solidthickness. ___________________________ ___________________________ ____________

56]What is the effect of porosity on the equilibrium moisturecontent?If the solid is porous X* is more. Inorganic solids which areinsoluble in liquid have very low X*57]When is spray drying used? This is used for solutions, slurries and pastes. They are sprayedas fine droplets into a stream of hot gas. Spray drying gives very rapiddrying and it is suitable for heat sensitive products.58]Discuss Unsaturated surface drying.During the initial part of the falling rate period the drying ratemay beProportional to the free moisture or drying rate versus X is

linear.Thedrying surface here may be partly dry and partly wet. Drying timebetween fixed moisture contents proportional to ts, solid thickness.59]What is the use of flights in a rotary drier? They lift the solid up and shower them down into a movingstream of air and thus exposes all the drying surface thoroughly to thedrying action.60]Explain [a] Drying by infra red radiation[b] Drying by dielectric heating[c] Drying by vaporization from ice or FREEZEDRYING[a] DRYING BY INFRA RED RADIATION :Used for drying of paint films on automobile bodies. Radiation issupplied by

infra red lamps and the work travels in a tunnel lined withthese lamps. Useful for drying of thin films.[b] DRYING BY DIELECTRIC HEATING: The material passes through a very high frequency {2 to 100} X10

Cycles ,electrostatic field used for polymerizing the bond betweenlayers of plywood.[c] DRYING BY VAPORIZATION FROM ICE OR FREEZE DRYINGVapor pressure of water on pure ice is 4.6 mm Hg . If a materialcontaining water is exposed to a vacuum less than this, it will freezeand water will

sublime from solid ice. Used for drying of biologicalproducts.61]What is case hardening in drying?When bound moisture is removed from a colloidal non poroussolid, the material shrinks the moisture in the outer layers is lesscompared to the interior parts. This can cause Checking, Cracking andWarping. The reduced surface moisture also leads to consequent dropin diffusion rate at the surface . In an extreme case this can lead to formation of an outer layer impervious to moisture. The interiormoisture than cannot be

removed. This is case hardening. This can beprevented by slow drying using air with a higher humidity.62]What is hold up in a Rotary drier? How is it related to theretention time?Hold up is defined as the fraction of drier volume occupied by thesolid at any instant. Retention time is the hold up divided by thevolumetric feed rate.63]What are the mechanisms in the falling rate of drying?(a)Unsaturated surface drying [See Q No.58](b)LIQUID DIFFUSION:For non porous solids diffusion of moisture from with incontrols, the drying rate is independent of gas velocity

andhumidity. Drying time between fixed moisture contents isproportional to ( = Solid thickness)(C)CAPILLARY MOVEMENT:For porous solids the moisture flows through thesolids through the capillaries by a mechanisminvolving surface tension.64]What is THROUGH CIRCULATION DRYING?Here the drying material is kept in a bed and the gas is passed ina bed and the gas is passed through the bed. As long as there is alayer in the bed which has unbound moisture, drying rate is constant.65]Compare Counter current &Co current adiabatic

drying.COUNTER CURRENT FLOWHottest gas is in contact with the driest solid. This gives rapiddrying of the bound moisture which is difficult to remove. How ever thesolid may be damaged because it is heated to a high temperature. Alsothe dried material will carry away a lot of sensible heat thus reducingthe thermal efficiency.In co current flow the wet solid is in contact with the hottest gas. The solid will be heated only to the WBT of the gas. Heat sensitivematerials can be dried in this manner. At the outlet the gas would havebeen cooled. This also permits greater control of the

moisture contentof the discharged solid.

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