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September 3rd, 2013 at 5:17pm

This may be one of my more important posts made since I started this channel to warn people of the NWOs covert aerosol operation now commonly known as ChemTrails. What the former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson called Death Dumps. As some of you may know by now - my former face-book channel was "terminated" without warning by FB last Friday morning. Everything written by me and posted over two years has disappeared destroying thousands of hours of work! I previously had 4300+subscribers who received my news feed and many re-posted my posts. In the period leading up to when my page was terminated I posted hundreds of articles on the NWO Syria false flag. The posts helped awaken many to the reality on the ground. My latest page was created immediately after my last page was terminated! The numbers of page likes should tell you that the truth cannot be stopped, people will continue to endeavor to seek the truth out now they know lame stream media has obsoleted itself for its die-hard aversion for speaking the TRUTH. It is true - The truth will set us all free! ###

The above links came my way this morning. What follows is my take on the back story leading up to this momentous announcement as best I can read it based on my years of research. As you know - Syria has nothing to do with a credible threat to America or is it a threat to any other nation. It is a threat to the US Cabal in DC (A Private for Profit foreign corporation created to rule OVER just the 10sq miles of the Dist. of Columbia - aka (UNITED STATES c.1871) because it has now exposed that US Inc's motives for war are and have always been a fraud. It has helped make the US Inc tyrannical agenda and its modus operandi absolutely transparent to every thinking man and woman on the planet! The same approach that the US Inc used with every other nation the UNITED STATES Inc. invaded and destroyed since the 2nd world war. What is going on now has every thing to do with the cabal desperately trying to distract you from what they have been doing all along - International Terrorism for the purpose of enslaving sovereign nations, stealing their wealth and placing their people under a Rothschild Central Bank and Crown ran legal system. At this time, Syria is one of the last sovereign nations on the planet that does not have a Rothschild central bank installed on it. Using the Crown / Central Bank system The PARASITESOCIOPATH self anointed class have made all the people of this planet as its debtors and installed a system designed to enslave the people of the planet and to harvest all of their/our commercial energy for the benefit of a few Psychotic parasite families. It is now clear that the Cabal desperately are trying to cause another global war which they hope will enable them to stop the people from realizing the future presented in the following message and learning about what happened on Dec 25th 2012. If they provoke another war it has the potential to destroy the planet while the Psychopaths retreat to their Deep Underground Military bases (Google DUMBS). Do note in the following video funds have been allocated for every nation and every man and woman on the planet to enable us all to reboot and shed of the De facto Slavery System. This news amounts to nothing short of exposing The end to the NWO and their more than 100+ years of crimes against humanity. This monumental news is the utter rejection of the NWO global harvesting system that you were subjected to without your knowledge not long after you were born. The truth is - nobody needs to be in want of basic needs and services any longer. The cabal has long known this. They have been squandering our inheritance for themselves and using the funds for Black projects and to wage war on us! Once you realize the truth then the parasites lose their power over humanity. They have squandered and horded the wealth of our planet for millennia keeping humanity under the spell of the Priest and a few corrupt rulers, a system in which the people are considered as chattel and slaves! The PRIEST class kept you and your forefathers uneducated to our true history and power so you would never know the truth about your true status, standing and capacity! They knew that your knowing of the truth would set you free and make them equal to all others - ending their reign! This information was known to JFK and he tried to reset the planet back then with the planetary elders and was killed by the Cabal for

attempting to do so! The elders of this planet, as trustees have waited for humanity to awaken so that they may bring unity back to the planet and enable us all to work toward a new golden age together. If you want to help us all transition to a New Earth then please help us all by doing what you can to make sure the video links and other information about this initiative are shared with as many people as possible. The OPPT team stepped back in to obscurity after achieving their goal of exposing the NWO and their scheme of fraud. They collapsed the cabals Commercial system using the Commercial systems own registry known as the UCC system. They defaulted the Global Oligarchy and turned the NWO pyramid upside down where the people are NOW Creditors over the Corporate system (our debtors) that had subjected us all to a life of bondage and servitude. A global system that was rapidly moving us all toward a One World Fascist Order - a global Police Planet. The OPPT gave the owners of substantial wealth an opportunity and the mechanism that they needed to put in to play their long intended plan to free humanity from the millennial old Oligarchy families that betrayed the elders forefathers long ago! The CVAC program allows for a reset of the planet and to slowly move toward a new paradigm and into a New Earth shaped on mutual respect, peace and co-operation and operating under Universal Common Law. If you like what is being exposed here please share! Peace, love and truth, CET

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