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If you have been diagnosed with
hypertension, every beat of your heart has
become like the ticking of a time bomb; it
can go off at anytime! When hypertension
leads to an explosion it often manifests as a
stroke which is literally an explosion of blood
vessels in the brain. If the preceding seem
scary, consider these grim but true facts as
provided by the American Heart Association:

High blood pressure (hypertension)

killed 46,765 Americans in 2001. It was
listed as a primary or contributing cause
of death in about 251,000 U.S. deaths in
As many as 50 million Americans age 6
and older have high blood pressure.
One in five Americans (and one in four
adults) has high blood pressure.
Of those people with high blood
pressure, 30 percent don't know they
have it.
Of all people with high blood pressure,
11 percent aren't on therapy (special
diet or drugs), 25 percent are on
inadequate therapy, and 34 percent are
on adequate therapy.
The cause of 90–95 percent of the
cases of high blood pressure isn't
known; however, high blood pressure is
easily detected and usually controllable.
High blood pressure affects more than
40 percent of African Americans (in
other words, blacks).

The purpose of this report is to reveal the

actual cause of hypertension based on
sound scientific understanding of principles
and thus disprove the second to the last
point above. It will also show you the
limitations of using drugs to treat
hypertension with the attendant side effects
and why the natural way is best. Until you
know the actual cause of a problem, you
can only manage it, you cannot solve it
permanently. With this report you will get a
peek into the background cause of
hypertension. With that known, a more
permanent solution can be proffered. For
example, the cause of malaria fever is a
protozoan called plasmodium. So to cure
malaria you either introduce an agent to kill
the invading microorganism or you
strengthen the body's defenses or immune
system to eliminate the invader. In the same
way, if we know what is the actual cause of
hypertension, we can come up with better
solutions than one that requires your taking
drugs for the rest of your life.


Simply put, hypertension is caused by
excess energy in the body's energy
system. This excess energy is in turn
caused by stress. So what is Stress? Stress
is the body's fight/flight response. The
purpose of the stress response is to
increase energy levels to enable you
combat an assailant or to run for your
life. If you respond in any of the two ways
your energy level returns to normal. On the
other hand, if there is a constant or
perpetual activation of the stress response
without any concrete or directed action, the
excess energy produced ends up being
stored. A build up of this excess “stress
energy” is what results in excess energy in
the body's energy system and causes
ailments like hypertension, diabetes, ulcer,
glaucoma etc. In fact, hypertension is
probably one of the mildest manifestations
of this excess energy, being that no organ
as yet has been damaged. By the time it
manifests as stroke, diabetes, ulcer, kidney
failure etc. you are beginning to have some
form of organ or system damage. You can
consider this excess energy like high
voltage from PHCN. The body runs on bio-
electricity generated mostly by the brain.
Excess bio-electricity will have effects on the
body's system as high voltage erroneously
called high current will have on our
electronic and electrical equipments at

To illustrate further, when you take a lot of

fatty foods without doing anything to burn
excess calories, the fat gets stored and
eventually leads to obesity. In the same
manner, when you keep generating excess
energy with unmanaged stress responses
without actually using that energy in a
definite way, it eventually gets accumulated
as excess energy which often manifests as
hypertension and other stress related
disorders. I believe the illustration is clear.

The existence of this energy system with its

energy meridians, has been known by the
Chinese for close to 5000 years and is the
basis for acupuncture, kinesthesiology and
acupressure, however western medicine
which we inherited from our colonial masters
is ignorant of this energy system. So the
existence of this energy system is very real
and that is the reason western medicine or
orthodox medicine concludes that
hypertension is incurable and that the
cause is unknown. Now you know better,
don't you?


It should be understood that the body
secretes certain hormones as part of the
fight/flight response aka stress. When the
body increases the blood pressure in
response to the excess energy and
hormones circulating around it is because
the increase in blood pressure is the best
way to get sufficient blood and thus nutrients
and oxygen to the various organs and
extremities as well as removing waste
materials. In short, there are good reasons
why the blood pressure is increased. It is a
survival mechanism. The ideal way to
handle the increased blood pressure is to
address the real cause not the symptoms.
So when you attempt to decrease the blood
pressure artificially with drugs you are
actually interfering with a survival
mechanism. This is the reason for some of
the side effects experienced while taking
antihypertensive drugs. This is also the
reason why sometimes the dosage of the
drug has to be increased over a period of
time and why the blood pressure returns to
high levels once you stop the drug(s). You
will need to take these drugs for life if you go
about it from the symptomatic angle without
addressing the actual cause. It is similar to
taking drugs for only headache even though
the headache is a symptom of malaria fever,
it could very well be fatal. The following are
the common side effects associated with
antihypertensive drugs:

• leg cramps
• fatigue
• attacks of gout
• insomnia
• cold hands and feet
• depression
• a slow heartbeat
• symptoms of asthma
• impotence
• skin rashes
• loss of taste
• a chronic dry hacking cough
• (rare instances) kidney damage
• occasional dizziness
• heart palpitations (your heart flutters
• swollen ankles
• constipation
• headache
• drowsiness or sluggishness
• dryness of the mouth
• fever
• anemia
• a stuffy nose
• diarrhea
• heartburn
• possible nightmares
• swelling around the eyes
• aches and pains in the joints
• fluid retention (marked weight gain)
• excessive hair growth
Simply put, treating the symptoms without
addressing the cause is counterproductive.
Its like a mouse on a treadmill, a lot of
motion but going no where. If you want to
be free of the treadmill of
antihypertensive drugs and their side
effects as listed above read on.


With the above information, how do you go
about 'curing' hypertension? Simple, get rid
of the excess energy or tension safely
and prevent further build up of excess
energy. If you can accomplish the above,
you have just 'cured' hypertension.

Every effect has a cause. Hypertension is

an effect so there must be a cause. Nothing
just happens. Even in physics we were
taught that “action and reaction are equal
but opposite” put differently “for every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction”. So,
if you know the action resulting in the
reaction of hypertension you know what to
do to reverse it. Change the action and the
reaction changes. Therefore have it in mind
that there is no such thing as an incurable
disease, that will be against natural law.
According to the principles of life no disease
is incurable. Once you have knowledge of
the action leading to the reaction (disease)
you have the secret to reversing the
process. Every disease is a form of change.
There is no change without an explanation
based on natural laws. Until you understand
the principle(s) behind the change you are
powerless to reverse it or enhance it
depending on if the change is undesirable or
desirable. Once you understand the
principle(s) behind the change then you can
make adjustments until you get what you
want in form of a desirable change.

Your Opportunity
So based on the above explanations I have
developed a method to control your blood
pressure naturally. If you will like to have
more information on my method of natural
blood pressure control that will eliminate
the need to take drugs for the rest of
your life and deliver you from their side
effects as well as give you better control
over stress based on the latest information
from psychoneuroimmunology and quantum
physics send an email to the following
address with subject “Tell Me More”. Include
your name and GSM number. I will assume
the email you use to send the request is
your email address: or call this number:
08020639658 and I will let you know how
you can be in possession of this all
important information manual that can
change your life forever and deliver you
from the use of drugs with their side
effects, help defuse the time bomb called
hypertension and transform your heart beat
from the ticking of a bomb to the rhythm
of life.

Report is presented by:

Pharm. Eyitayo Adenuga (SC).

No. 8 Algiers Street,
Wuse Zone 5, Abuja,

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