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The following is not a list of ALL the irregular verb in English.

Rather it is a list of SOME of the MOST IMPORTANT irregular verbs in English. A word of warning about the translation. As you well know, especially in English, there are few, if any, real translations. Even when translating the literal versus the figurative meaning of the words, you must be careful. A good example would be the verb to ring. In English, we use the to ring for large and small bells, for the doorbell, for the ear and for the telephone. Spanish does not. Repicar is the verb used for large bells, sonar for the small one, llamar is for the door, zumbar is when your ears ring while sonar is when the telephone does. Of course, when the meaning of the verb is figurative, the translation can be very tricky. For example, the verb to ride is English is not only literally but also figuratively. When you ride a person it does not mean the same thing as to ride horse. To ride a person is to dominate, oppress or tyrannize. To ride a horse is translated as montar a caballo but to ride a person is tiranizar, dominar or ser demasiado severo.

Carrala Ficklin-McClain

to verb

simple past form past participle

to arise

arose arisen

to awake

awoke awoke/ awoken

to backbite

backbit backbitten

to backslide

backslid backslid

to be

was/were been

to bear

bore bore

to beat
(ganar, golpear)

beat beaten

to become
(llegar a ser, ponerse, quedarse, hacerse, convertirse)

became become

to begin
(comenzar, empezar)

began begun

to bend
(agachar, incliner, doblar, torcer, encorvar)

bent bent

to bet

bet bet

to bind
(atar, liar)

bound bound

to bite
(morder, picar, hacerse sentir)

bit bitten

to bleed
(sangrar, desangrar, explotar despiadadamente)

bled bled

to blow
(soplar, llevar)

blew blown

to break
(romper, incumplir, partir, vencer)

broke broken

to breed
(criar, procrear, engendrar, producer, reproducirse)

bred bred

to bring
(llevar, traer, producer, provar, entablar)

brought brought

to browbeat

browbeat browbeaten

to build
(construer, edificar, hacer)

built built

to burn
(quemar, incendiarse, arder de o en)

burnt burnt

to burst
(reventar, deshacerse, estallar, partirse)

burst burst

to buy
(comprar, sobornar, creer, tragar)

bought bought



to catch
( agarrar, recoger, sorprender, tomar, contagiarse, llegar a oir)

caught caught

to choose
(seleccionar, escoger, optar por, elegir entre)

chose chosen

to cling
(pegarse a, adherirse a, aferrarse a, abrazarse a, seguir fiel)

clung clung

to come
(venire, pasar, llegar a)

came come

to cost
( costar, valer)

cost cost

**to creep
(arrastrarse, moverse muy despacio por el suelo)

crept crept

to cut
(cortar, cortarse)

cut cut

to deal
( comerciar, cerrar un trato, dar, descargar, destruir de un golpe)

dealt dealt

to dig
( excavar, cultivar, extraer, hincar en)

dug dug

to do
(hacer, guisar, obrar)

did done

to draw
(dibujar, trazar, arrastrar, sacar, atraer, moverse a un lado, empatar, entablar)

drew drawn

to drink
(beber, tomar)

drank drunk

to drive
( manejar, empujar, guiar, conducer, golpear con fuerza, llevar en coche, forzar)

drove driven

to eat
(comer, consumer, devorar)

ate eaten

to fall
(caer, caerse, rendirse, disminuir, descender)

fell fallen

to feed
(alimentar, dar de comer, cebar)

fed fed

to feel
(sentirse, tener (calor/cansado) )

felt felt

to fight
( luchar, pelear, combatir, batirse)

fought fought

to fly
( volar, hacer volar, transporter, huir)

flew flown

to fling
( lanzar, tirar, arrojar)

flung flung

to forbear
(contenerse, tener paciencia, abstenerse)

forbore forborne

to forbid

forbade forbidden

to forego
( pasarse, renunciar a, privarse de)

forewent foregone

to foreswear
(abjurer de, renunciar a)

foreswore foresworn

to foretell
(predecir, pronosticar)

foretold foretold

to forget
(olvidar, olivdarse, pasarse)

forgot forgot / forgotten

to freeze
(helar, congelar, qudar helado de)

froze frozen

to get
(conseguir, obtenir, adquirir, encontrar, ganar, detener, agarrar, trasladar, buscar, dar en)

got got / gotten

to give
(conceder, otorgar, dar, entregar, prestar, pagar)

give given

to go
( ir, viajar, andar, irse, salir, partir, caber, hundirse, ceder)

went gone

to grind
(moler, rechinar, oprimir, picar)

ground ground

to grow
(crecer, cultivar, llegar a)

grew grown

to hang
(suspender, manir, incliner, ornar, decorar, ahorcar)

hung hung

to have
(tener, llevar, tomar, permitir, haber)

had had

to hear
(oir, sentir)

heard heard

to hide
(esconder, ocultar, encubrir, disimular)

hid hidden

to hit
(golpear, pegar, llegar a, alcanzar, dar en, chocar con)

hit hit

to hold
(tener, agarrar, mantener, retener, guarder, contener, celebrar)

held held

to hurt
(herir, lastimar, doler, ofender)

hurt hurt

to keep
(cumplir, observer, mantener, guarder, retener, seguir, continuar)

kept kept

to kneel
(hincarse de rodillas, estar de rodillas, ponerse de rodillas)

knelt knelt

to know
(saber, conocer, reconocer)

knew known

to lay
(colocar, poner, abatir, dejar, apostar)

laid laid

to lead
(guiar,conducer, llevar, dirigir, encabezar, inducer, ser el jefe, producir)

led led

to leap
(brincar, saltar)

leapt leapt

to lean
(incliner, inclinarse, apoyarse en algo, amenzar a uno)

leant leant

to learn
(aprender, saber, enterarse, averiguar)

learnt learnt

to leave
(dejar, olvidar, sobrar, abandoner, marcharse, salir)

left left

to lend
(prestar, dar, dejar)

lent lent

to let
(permitir, dejar, scar, alquilar)

let let

to lie
(acostarse, estar acostado, tenderse, estar tendido, estar, encontrarse)

lay lain

to lose
(perder, quedarse, dejar atrs, deshacerse de, extraviarse)

lost lost

to light
(alumbrar, iluminate, encenderse)

lit lit

to make
(hacer, construer, confeccionar, formar, ganar, hacer la fortuna, pintar, representar, alcanzar, obligarse)

made made

(poder, ser possible, tener permiso para)


to mean
(pretender, intentar, querer decir, destinar para, suponer)

meant meant

to meet
(encontrarse, hallar, hacer ir a recibir, ir a buscar, frente a, pagar, cubrir (gastos), verse, batirse (lucha) )

met met

to pay
(pagar, ser provechoso, render bien)

paid paid

to prove
(demonstrar, comprobar, resultar, probar su valor)

proved proved/ proven

to put
(poner, colcar, inverter, expresar, redactor, calculor, estimar, acostar, atravesar)

put put

to quit
(dejar, marcharse, retirarse, abandonar, renunciar)

quit quit

to read
(leer, decifrar, interpreter, estudiar, cursar, consultar, decir, indicar)

read read

to rid
(eliminar, librarse de, desembarazarse de, deshacerse de, hacer desparecer)

rid ridden

to ride
(montar, cabalgar, ir, pasearse, viajar, dominar, tiranizar)

rode ridden

to ring
(resonar con, sonar, repicar, sonar, campanillear, llamar, zumbar)

rang rung

to rise
( levantarse, ponerse en pie, salir, elevarse, elevarse)

rose risen

to run
(corer, cazar, llevar, transporter, dirigir, regir, administrar, pasar, publicar, imprimir, huir, funcionar, seguir, fluir, ir)

ran run

to say
(decir, confesar, admitir)

said said

to see
(ver, entender, compender, procurer, imaginar)

saw seen

to seek
(buscar, registrar, procurer, pretender, solicitar)

sought sought

to sell
(vender, hacer aceptar, comunicar, traicionar, decepcionar )

sold sold

to send
(mandar, enviar, lanzar, arrojar)

sent sent

to set
(poner, colocar, arreglar, ajustar, fijar, dar (an example) )

set set

to sew

sewed sewn

to shake
(sacudir, hacer temblar, estrechar, agitar, inquietar)

shook shaken

to shear
(esquilar, trasquilar, tundir)

sheared shorn

to shed
(despojarse de, deshacerse de, quitarse, desprenderse de)

shed shed

to shine
(brillar, relucir, resplandecer, sacar brillo a, pulir, distinguirse, lucirse)

shone shone

to shoot
(disparar, tirar, matar o herir con arma de fuego, fusilar, rodar, filmar, meter, echar, lanzar)

shot shot

to show
(mostrar, ensear, poner, proyectar, indicar, arrojar, manifestar, demostrar, revelerz)

showed shown/ showed

to shrink
(encoger, reducir, disminuir, retroceder antes, retirarse ante)

shrank shrunk

to sing
( cantar, trinar (bird), silbar (water in a kettle), desafinar )

sang sung

to sink
(hundir, echar, destruir, excavar, perforar, suprimir, olvidar)

sank sunk

to sit
( sentar, montar, celebrar session)

sat sat

to slay
( asesinar, matar)

slew slain

to sleep
( dormir)

slept slept

to slide
(correr, pasar, deslizar, resbalar)

slid slid

to sling
( lanzar, tirar, arrojar)

slung slung

to slit
(hender, rajar, cortar)

slit slit

to smell
(oler, tiene mal oler)

smelt smelt

to sneak
( afanar, birlar, ir a hurtadillas, entrar o largarse a hurtadillas)

sneaked/ snuck sneaked

to sow
( sembrar de, esparcir)

sowed sown

to speak
(decir, hablar)

spoke spoken

to spell
(escribir, deletrear, anunciar, significar )

spelt spelt

to spend
(gastar, pasar, dedicar a, inverter en, agotar, consumir)

spent spent

to spill
(derramar, verter, hacer caer)

spilt/spilled spilt/spilled

to spin
( hilar, girar, dar una vuelta)

spun spun

to split
( partir, hender, rajar, divider, repartir)

split split

to spoil
(echar a perder, arruniar, invalidar, mimar, consentir)

spoilt spoilt

to spread
(extender, tender, desplegar, desparramar, untar, arrellanarse)

spread spread

to spring
( saltar, brincar, levanter, barotar, nacer)

sprang/ sprung sprung

to stand
( poner o estar de pie, aguantar, soportar, mantenerse firme, medir, estar situado)

stood stood

to steal
( robar, hurtar)

stole stolen

to stick
( meter, poner, pegar, clavar, hincar, picar, adherirse, atascarse, pararse, permanecer)

stuck stuck

to sting
( picar, punzar, escocer)

stung stung

to stink
( apestar, hacer oler mal )

stunk stunk

to stride
( andar a trances o a pasos largos )

strode stridden

to strike
( golpear, pegar, acuar, frotar, dar o topar con, chocar contra, descubrir, declarer la huelga, sacar el promedio, atacar, dar la hora )

struck struck

to string
( encordar )

strung strung

to strive
( esforzarse, luchar, afanarse)

strove/ strived striven

to swear
( jurar, prestar, decir tacos, blasfemar, soltar palabrotas)

swore sworn

to sweep
( barrer, rastrear, llevarse )

swept swept

to swell
( hinchar, inflar, aumentar, crecer)

swelled swollen

to swim
( nadar, dar vueltas)

swam swum

to swing
( balancear, hacer oscilar, columpiar, determiner, influir )

swung swung

to take
( tomar, agarrar, robar, ganar, ocupar )

took taken

to teach
( ensear)

taught taught

to tear
( romper, rasgar, desgarrar, hacer, hacer pedazos, lanzarse, precipitarse)

tore torn

to tell
( decir, informar, contar)

told told

to think
( pensar, creer, opinar, imaginar, esperar, considerar)

thought thought

to thrive
( prosperar, crecer, desarrollarse bien, florecer )

thrived/ throve thriven

to throw
( echar, triar, arrojar, proyectar, confundir, desconcertar)

threw thrown

to thrust
( empujar, introducer, clavar, hincar en, arrollar, rechazar)

thrust thrust

to tread
( abrir, pisar, batir, poner el pie)

trod trodden

to try
(intenar, probar, tartar, hacer una tentative, afligir, hacer sufrir)

tried tried

to understand
( entender, comprender, sobreentender)

understood understood

to wake
( despertarse, despertar, velar )

waked/ woke waked

to wear
( traer puesto, llevar, usar, gastar, durar )

wore worn

to weave
( trenzar, entretejer, tramar, udir, tejer)

wove woven

to weep
( llorar, derramar)

wept wept

to win
( ganar, lograr, conseguir, alcanzar )

won won

to wind
( enroller, envolver, dar vueltas, serpentear)

wound wound

to wring
( retorcer, escurrir, torcer, apenar )

wrung wrung

to write
( escribir, redactor, ser escritor )

wrote written

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