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Problems 33

Pressure and Temperature


A gage pressure of 52.3 kPa is read on a gage. Find the absolute pressure if the elevation is: (a) AtseaNfivel (b) lOOOm (c) 5000 m\ (d) lOOOOm (c) 30 000 m A vacuum of 31 Icfa is measured in an airflow at solute pressure in: kPa (b) (c) (d) (e) 1.30 For a conkant-temperature a\rnosphere, the pressure asa function of elevaron is given by P(Z) = Pae *V?T, where g is graVty, R = 287 J/kg-K^ and Th the absolute temperature. Use this equatio\ and estmate theVressure at 4000 m assuming jat pn = 101 kPaVd T = 15C. What is the error? 1.31 Eslimate the pressur\and temperature\it an elevation o 22,560 ft using Table B.3-English)employ: (a) A linear interpolaron: / = fu + n(ft \/o)(b) A parabolic interpoiWion: / f(> (/i - /o) + (n/2) (A 1) (/,- 2/ + /0). 1.32 Estmate the temperature in C and F at 33,000 ft, an elevation al which many commercial airplanes fly. Use Table B.3-English.


An applied forc of 26.5 MN is distributed uniformly over a 152-cm2 rea; however, it acts at an angle oTS42 with respect to a normal vector (see Fig. P1.33\If it produces a comprcssive stress, calclate the rosulting pressure.

Fig. P\33
The forc o\an rea of 0.2 bm2 is due to a pressure of 120 kPa anci a shear stress o 20 Pa, as shown in Fig. P1.34. Calclate the magnitVle of the forc acting on the rea and the angle of rfce forc with respect to a norma\coordinate.

Fig. P1.34

Density and Specific Weight


Calclate the density and specific weight of water if 0.2 slug occupies 180 in 3 . Use Eq. 1.5.3 to determine the density and specific gravity of water at 70C. What is the error in the calculalion for density? Use Table B.l.



The specific weight of an unknown liquid is 12 400 N/m 3 . What mass of the liquid is contained in a volume of 500 cm3? Use: (a) The standard valu of gravity. (b) The minimum valu of gravity on the earth. (c) The mximum valu of gravity on the earth. A liquid with a specific gravity of 1.2 filis a volume. If the mass in the volume is 10 slug, what is the magnitude of the volume?

1.37 The specific gravity of mercury is usually taken as 13.6. What is the percent error in using a valu of 13.6 at 5C?



1.40 In combustin systems that burn hydrocarbon fuels, the carbn dioxide gas that is produced eventually escapes to the atmosphere thereby contributing to global warming. Calclate the density, specific weight, viscosity, and kinematic viscosity of carbn dioxide at a pressure of 200 kPa absolute and 90C.


In a single cylinder engine a pistn without rings is designed to slide freely inside the vertical cylinder. Lubrication between the pistn and cylinder is maintained by a thin oil film. Determine the velocity with which the 120-mm-diameter pistn will fall inside the 120.5-mm-diameter cylinder. The 350-g pistn is 10 cm long.The lubricanl is SAE 10W-30 oil at 60C.

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va de 1.2 lle:n el volumen ! volumen.

1.36 1.37 1.38

metro gira a superficie sstime la torca 400 rpm. tro gira a una erficie slida. e la torca re)0 rpm. iho de 1.0 cm - r2/r2t) m/s, e el esfuerzo 5 cm, y en la a 20C. girar el cono 000 rpm si el 4()C. Supon-



Demuestre que dplp = dV/V, como se supuso en la ecuacin 1.5.11. Calcule el cambio de volumen de 2 m3 de agua a 20C causado por una presin aplicada de 10 MPa. Dos ingenieros desean calcular la distancia de la orilla de un lago a la otra. Uno de ellos golpea una roca contra otra bajo el agua en un lado del lago y el otro sumerge su cabeza y escucha un tenue sonido 0.62 s despus, segn indica un cronmetro muy exacto. Calcule la distancia entre los dos ingenieros. Se aplica una presin a 20 L de agua, y se observa que el volumen disminuye a 18.7 L. Calcule la presin aplicada. Calcule la velocidad de propagacin de una onda de amplitud pequea a travs del agua a:


10C. 95C.

(b) 50C.



Calcule la velocidad de propagacin de una onda de amplitud pequea a travs del agua a: (a) 40F. (b) 100F. (c) 200F. El cambio de volumen de un lquido con la temperatura est dado por \V = arY A 7*, donde a.; es el coeficiente de expansin trmica. Para agua a 40C, a r = 3.8 x 10"4 Kr 1 . Calcule el cambio de volumen de 1 m 3 de agua a 40C si AT = -20C. Qu cambio de presin se requerira para causar ese mismo cambio de volumen?

Tensin superficial

ido entre una que el estuerstante. S la \>, donde y se tura en la paidra el perfil ;gn la ecua0.001 N-s/m 2 , ando la ecuala viscosidad itaje de error.

Calcule la presin en las pequeas gotitas de 1 0 /am de dimetro que forman las mquinas aspersores. Suponga que las propiedades son las del agua a 15C. Calcule la presin para burbujas del mismo tamao. 1.43 Una corriente de agua a 10UC forma una pequea burbuja de 2 mm de dimetro. Calcule la presin dentro de la burbuja. 1.43E Una corriente de agua a 60F forma una pequea burbuja de 1/16 in de dimetro. Calcule la presin dentro de la burbuja. 1.44 Determine la altura a la que subir agua a 20C en un tubo vertical de 0.02 cm de dimetro si se une a la pared con un ngulo p de 30 respecto a la vertical. \ 1.45 El mercurio forma un ngulo de 130 (j8 en la figura 1.12) cuando est en contacto con vidrio limpio. A qu distancia bajar el mercurio en un tubo de vidrio vertical de 2 mm de dimetro? Use o-=0.5N/m. 1.45E El mercurio forma un ngulo de 130 (8 en la figura 1.12) cuando est en contacto con vidrio limpio. A qu distancia bajar el mercurio en un tubo de vidrio vertical de 0.8 in de dimetro? Use a = 0.032 Ib/ft.




Obtenga una expresin para la elevacin de un lquido entre dos placas paralelas separadas por una distancia t. Utilice un ngulo de contacto /3 y una tensin superficial (J. Escriba una expresin para el dimetro mximo d de una aguja de longitud L que puede flotar en un lquido con tensin superficial a. La densidad de la aguja es p. Una aguja de acero de 7 cm de largo y 4 mm de dimetro, podra flotar en agua a 15C? Utilice Obtenga una expresin para la fuerza vertical mxima F requerida para levantar lentamente un anillo de alambre delgado de dimetro D desde un lquido con tensin superficial tr. Dos placas planas se colocan como se muestra en la figura P1.50 con un ngulo pequeo a en un recipiente abierto que contiene un poco de lquido. Las placas son verticales y el lquido sube entre las placas. Obtenga una expresin para la ubicacin h(x) de la superficie del lquido suponiendo que /3 = 0.



Figura P1.50

Presin de vapor 1.51 Se transporta agua poi una tubera de modo que un vaco de 80 kPaven cierto>l^nto. Calcule la temperatunKmxima quXpuede tendel agua. Utilice X=92MPa. 1.52., Un grupo de exploradores desea cor NUid. On. ingeniero\hirvi agu-tersperatur^aue fue de^^J^. ' encontraron urnibro de mecr

P R O P I E D A D E S UH 1 O r t JNDXMF.NTOS DE MElCANlfA DK FLUIDOS lela esauna i-,.... e 2Q-N at nivel del mar denota ste una fuerza o la masa d e l a h a r i isa y el ' peso ~ "" de ~^ la ia harina h a r i n a en una un localidad t.ll El peso de una bolsa de harina es d idad dinmica si l.JU Un gas a 20C y 0.2 MP abs [ene un volumen de 40 L > una constante de gas A1 = 2 1 0 . N / k g . K . Determnese la densidad y masa del gas. 1.31 Cul es el peso especfico del aire a 60 psia y 90"F? 1.32 Cul es la densidad del vapor de agua a 0.4 MPa abs y 15 J C en unidades de! Si? 1.33 Un gas con peso molecular 28 tiene un volumen de 4.0ft 3 y una presin y t e m p e r a t u r a de 2000 Ib/ t't 2 abs y (K) Cl R, respectivamente. Cual es el v o l u m e n \ peso especficos' 1 1.34. Un kilogramo de hidrgeno est confinado en un volumen de 150 L a -40C. Cul es la presin'.' 1.35 Exprsese el mdulo elstico a la compresin en trminos del cambio en densidad en lugar de! cambio en v o l u m e n . 1.36 Para un mdulo elstico a la comprensin con valor constante cmo vara la densidad de un lquido con la presin? 1.37 Cul es ei mdulo elstico a la comprensin de un liquido que tiene un aumento en densidad de 0.02'o para un aumento de presin de 1000 lb/ft 2 ? y para un aumento de presin, de 60 kPa? 1.38 Para un valor de K = 2.2 GPa para el mdulo elsiico a la comprensin del agua qu presin se requiere para reducir su v o l u m e n un 0.5%? 1.39 Un recipieme de acero se expande l ff /o en volumen cuando a presin en su interior se aumenta en 10 000 psi. A presin estndar, 14.7 psia contiene 1000 lb ir de agua; p = 62.4 lb w IV'. Para K - 300 000 psi, cuando esl lleno t ,cuntas libras masa debern agregarse para aumentar la presin a 10 000 psi? !.III P r c . n t e m a l . 1 5 . Figura 1 1.40 ..Cu! es el mdulo elstico a la compresin isotrmico para aire a 0.4 MPa abs? 1.41 (,A que presin puede esperarse ia cavitacin en la enlrada de una bomba que maneja agua a 20C? 1.16 Un volante de peso 600 N liene un radio de giro de 300 m m . Cuando gira a 600 rpm su velocidad se reduce 1 rpnv min debido a la viscosidad del fluido entre la camisa y el eje. La longitud de la camisa es :iO mm; el dimetro del eje es 20 mm; y el espacio libre es 0.05 mm. Determnese la viscosidad del fluido. 1.17 Un cilindro de 1 in de dimetro y de 12 in de largo cae, debido a su propio peso, a una velocidad uni-- -<- iiimArr " ' - '- "*'* !\c ricino, de 1.42 (,Cu! es la presin dentro de una gota de agua ce 0.002 in de dimetro a 6H'T si la presin fuera de la goui es la presin atmosfrica eslndar de 14.7 psi? > 1.43 Un pequeo chorro circular de mercurio de 0.1 mm de dimetro sale de una abertura. Cul es la diferencia en presin entre el interior y el exterior del chorro cuando est a 20C? 1.44 Determnese la elevacin capilar para agua desalada a 104F en un tubo de vidrio circular de 1/4 in de dimetro. 1.45 ( ,Qu dimetro de tubo de vidrio se requiere si los efectos capilares sobre el agua en el interior no deben exceder 0.5 mm? 1.46 Usando los dalos proporcionados en la figura 1.6, estmese la elevacin capilar de! agua de grifo entre dos placas de vidrio con espacio libre de 0.20 in. \
U U'.1UU!J

5 = 0.85. 1.13 U n estuerzo i_uuim. Je 4 din/cor causa una deformacin angular de 1 rad/s a un fluido newio1.13 Un esfuerz .Cui es la viscosidad en eemipoises? 1.14 Una placa situada a 0.5 ni ni de una placa fija se inuexe a 0.25 n: s > requiere una fuer/a por unidad de rea de 1 Pa ( N - nr) para mantener esta velocidad. Determnese, la \iscosidad fluida de la sustancia
emre Uu dos placas en unidades del SI. 1.15 Determnese la vicosida de! fluida entre el eje y -a camisa en la figura 1.10.

^3 ...~


tica para el intimo V.niu- de temperatura? l.2l> U n fluido tiene una viscosidad de 6 cP y una densidad de 50 Ib^/'/l-'. Determnese su 4 S;. Cul es *u viscosii mtica en unidades USC y en stcVes. 1.21 Un Huido tiene densidad relativa de 0.33 y una viscosidad cinemtica de superficial plana se desliza hacia abajo sobre un plano incliii .invades USCcon y SI'' 1.22 Un cuerpo peso de 20 tb con rea superficial plana se imcm t^..^ desliza "--- ,-;.ntirirK je i P y velocidad del - j- ",, forma un ngulo de 30" con la hoiizonuil. Para viscosidad de i P y velocidad ngulo lubricado que orma u udo de la pelcula ubncanti , ie 3 f,/s, el espesot ,es de la gasolina a -sidad S IVT. n siokes a 8 , ; ; Cul e' l R = I54/M la velocidad anemuca del benceno .dades del SI, comeiu 1.14 Determnese K de los gases en un ;.25 Calclese vi -por slug de un;a sustanabra masa v pies cubico :t!co en pies cbicos poi 1. ..Culesei . densidad relauv o.-f" ,en especifico y peso < l densidad relativa (W adeselSI,culessu( - Cul ; ia relacin enii .94g.'cm 3 . h n u n i i i densidad de una s i cspcc drada de l por 2 en el piano ' : un rea cua> . o ; umen es;)ecific. y i.f> es son la presin y ixpresacia por F = 4i - 3! a l ) u l i e s l u e r z o c o r t a i vte. ..Cules .10 Una fuerza e: : na en una compon ase esia un 3j 9k. * Reptans e los lculos para t

1.47 Un mtodo para determinar la tensin superficial de un liquido es encontrar la fuerza que se necesita para retirar un anillo de alambre de platino colocado inicialmeme sobre la superficie {Fig. 1.11). Estmese la fuerza necesaria para quitar un anillo de 20 mm de dimetro de la superficie del agua a 20'^.


Figura 1.11 Problema 1.47

1.48 Calclese la elevacin capilar h en el tubo de la figura 1.12 en trminos de 9, o, -, > /.

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217E The anNj'sis of a pffimeller that oprales in water at 70"F shows that the\pressure arshe tips of the propeller drops to 0.1 psia al high sp^eds. Deterrhjne if ihere is a danger of cavilalion lor this propekjer. 2-18 A pump is used toNfransport wster lo a higher reservoir. If the waler 25C, determine the lowest pressure lhat\:an exist in Ihe ptNpR without\avitation. oergy and Specific Heats 2-fyC What is the difference between the macroscopic and : forms olu^nergy?

2-33 Water at 15"C and 1 atm pressure is heated lo 100C at constant pressure. Using coefficient of volume expansin data, delermine the change in the density of water.
Answer: 38.7 kg/rrr

2-34 Saturated refrigeran!- 134a liquid al 10C is cooled lo 0C al conslant pressure. Using coefficient of volume expansin data, determine Ihe change in Ihe densily of Ihe refrigeranl. 2-35 A water tank is complelely filled with liquid waler al 20C. The lank material is such thal il can withstand tensin caused by a volume expansin of 2 percenl. Determine Ihe mximum lemperalure rise allowed withoul jeopardizing safely. 2-36 Repeal Prob. 2-35 for a volume expansin of 1 percent for water. 2-37 The densily of seawaler al a free surface where the pressure is 98 kPa is approximalely 1030 kg/m1. Taking Ihe bulk modulus of elaslicity of seawater to be 2.34 X 109 N/m 2 and expressing variation of pressure with depth ; as dP = pg di determine Ihe densily and pressure at a depth of 2500 m. Disregard the effect of temperature. Viscosity 2-38C Whal is viscosity? Whal is the cause of il n liquids and in gases? Do liquids or gases have higher dynamic viscosities? 2-39C fluid? What is a Newtonian fluid? Is waler a Newtonian

2-2C VVhat is tolal anergy? Idenlify Ihe differenl forms of energy ihat conslilute theXtotal energy. 2-21C LisVthe forms of energy that contribute to the internal energy of\system. 2-22C How arV heat, internis, energy, and thermal energy related to each oth 2-23C Whal is floN^ energy? Do^uids at rest possess any flow energy? 2-24C How do the enVgies of a flovXing fluid and a fluid at rest compare? ame tne specific forms of energy associaled wilh each case. 2-25C Using average specihc heats, expIaV how interna! energy changes of ideal gases ard incompressinje subsiances can be determined. 2-26C Using average specific heate, eVplain how\enthalpy changes of ideal gases and incompressiblp substance can be determined. Coefficient of Compressibility 227C What does the coefficient of Compressibility of a fluid represent? How does it differ from isothermal Compressibility? 2-28C What does the coefficient of volume expansin of a fluid represen!? How does il differ from Ihe coefficienl of compressibilily? 2-29C Can Ihe coefficient of Compressibility of a fluid be negalive? How about the coefficient of volume expansin? 230 It is observed that the densily of an ideal gas decreases by 10 percent when compressed isothermally from 10 atm to 11 atm. Determine ihe percent decrease in densily of the gas if it is compressed isothermally from 100 atm to 101 atm. 2-31 Using ihe defmition of the coefficienl of volume expansin and the expression /3,deal ga = \/T, show that ihe percenl increase n Ihe specific volume of an ideal gas during isobaric expansin is equal lo the percent increase in absolute temperatura. 232 Water at I atm pressure is compressed lo 800 atm pressure isothermally. Determine the increase in the density of water. Take the isothermal Compressibility of water to be 4.80 x lO-'atirr 1 .

Consider lwo idenlical small glass balls dropped into two identical containers, one filled wilh waler and the olher with oil. Which ball will reach Ihe bottom of the container first? Why? 2-41C How does the dynamic viscosity of (a) liquids and (b) gases vary with temperature? 2-42C How does the kinematic viscosity of (a) liquids and (b) gases vary with temperature? 6^43} A 50-cm x 30-cm X 20-cm block weighing 150 N is tcTCe moved at a constant velocity of 0.8 m/s on an inclincd surface with a friction coefficient of 0.27. (a) Determine the forc F that needs to be applied in the horizontal dircction. (b) If a 0.4-mm-lhick oil film wilh a dynamic viscosily of 0.012 Pa s is applied between the block and inclined surface, determine the percent reduction in the required forc.

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2-44 Consider the flow ot' a fluid with viscosity / thruugh a circular pipe. The velocity profile in the pipe is given as u(r) = um.M(\ r"IR"), where t<mas is the mximum flow velocity, which occurs at the centerline; r is the radial distance from the centerline; and u(r) is the flow velocity at any position /-. Develop a relation for the drag forc exerted on the pipe wall by the fluid in the flow direction per unit length of the pipe.

at 2C (i = 0.1 Pa s), as shown in Fig. P2-46. If the thickness of the oil film on all sides is 1.2 mm, determine the power required to maintain this motion. Also determine the reduction in the required power input when the oil temperature rises to 80C (/ = 0.0078 Pa s). 247 The clutch system shown in Fig. P247 is used to transmit torque through a 3-mm-thick oil film with fj. = 0.38 N s/m2 between two identical 30-cm-diameter disks. When the driving shaft roales at a speed of 1450 rpm, the driven shaft is observed to rotate at 1398 rpm. Assuming a linear velocity profile for the oil film, determine the transmitted lorque.

FIGURE P2-44 (2-45) A thin 20-cm X 20-cm flat pate is pulled at 1 m/s Rorrzontally through a 3.6-mm-thick oil layer sandwiched between two places, one stationary and the other moving at a constant velociCy of 0.3 m/s, as shown in Fig. P2^t5. The dynamic viscosity of oil is 0.027 Pa s. Assuming the velocily in each oil layer to vary linearly, (a) plot the velocity profile and fmd the localion where the oil velocity is zero and (b) determine the forc that needs to be applied on the pate lo maintain this motion.
Fixcd wall
/i ( = 1 mm V= 1 m/s

FIGURE P2-47 Usin^EES (or other) the effect oKoil film thickness on the torcju transVmtced. bst the film trH^ness vary from 0.1 mm to lTmm. Plot your res*ljs, and stateyour conclusions. 2-49 The viscosity of soine fluids changes when a strong electric field is applied on them. This phenomenon is known as the electrorheological (ER) effect, and fluids that exhibit such behavior are known as ER fluids. The Bingham plstic model for shear stress, which s expressed as T = -ry + yAduldy) is widely used to describe ER fluid behavior because of its simplicity. One of the most promising applications of ER fluids is the ER clutch. A typical multidisk ER clutch consists of several equally spaced sieel disks of inner radius / and outer radius R2, N o them atlached to the input shaft. The gap h between the parallel disks is filled with a viscous fluid, (o) Find a relationship for the torque generated by ihe clutch when the output shaft is stationary

h-, - 2.6 mm


Vi, = 0.3 m/s


Moving wall

FIGURE 246 A l'rustum-shaped body is rotaling al a constant angular speed of 200 rad/s in a container filled with SAE 10W oil


SAE lOWoil

h = 1.2 mm

Input shaft Piales mounted | | pKS moumed on shcl| on input shan r t t

Variable magnclic field



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and (b) calclate the torque for an ER clutch with N = 11 for , = 50 mm, K2 = 200 mm, and h = 2400 rpm if the fluid is SAE 10 with n'= 0.1 Pa s, iy = 2.5 kPa, and / = 1.2 mm. /Ifiswer- (>) 2060 N m 2-50 The viscosity of some luids, called magnetorheological (MR) fluids, changes when a magnetic field is applied. Such fluids involve micron-sized magnetizable particles suspended in an appropriate carrier liquid, and are suitable for use in controllable hydraulic clutches. See Fig. P2^t9. The MR fluids can have much higher viscosities than the ER fluids, and they often exhibit shear-thinning behavior in which the viscosity of the fluid decreases as Ihe applied shear forc increases. This behavior is also known as pscudoplastic behavior, and can be successfully represented by Herschel-Bulkley constitutive model expressed as T = r v + K(diildy)'". Here T is the shear stress applied, T is the yield stress, K is the consistency ndex, and m is the power ndex. For a Herschel-Bulkley fluid with TV. = 900 Pa, K = 58 Pa s'", and m = 0.82, (a) find a relationship for Ihe torque transmitted by an MR clutch for N piales attached to the input shafl when the inpul shafl is rotating at an angular speed of <a while the output shaft is stationary and (b) calclate the lorque iransmitted by such a clutch with N = 11 plates for R, = 50 mm, R2 = 200 mm, n = 2400 rpm, and h = 1.2 mm. 2-51 The viscosily of a fluid is to be measured by a viscomeler constructed of two 75-cm-long concentric cylinders. The outer diameter of Ihe inner cylinder is 15 cm, and the gap between the two cylinders is 0,12 cm. The inner cylinder is rotaled al 200 rpm, and the torque is measured to be 0.8 N m. Determine the viscosity of the fluid.
200 rpm

laminar flow is given by u(r) = uauK(\ r2//?2), where R is Ihe radius of the pipe, r is the radial distance from the center of ihe pipe, and u^^ is Ihe mximum flow velocily, which occurs al the cenler. Obtain (a) a relation for Ihe drag forc applied by Ihe fluid on a section of the pipe of length L and (b) the valu of Ihe drag forc for water flow at 20C with K = 0.08 m, L = 15 m, uam = 3 m/s, and ^ = 0.0010 kg/m s.

FIGURE P2-53 2-54 Repeat Prob. 2-53 for milx = 5 m/s. 0.942 N Surface Tensin and Capillary Effect 255C What is surface lension? Whal is it caused by? Why is Ihe surface tensin also called surface energy? 2-56C Consider a soap bubble. Is the pressure inside the bubble higher or lower than Ihe pressure outside? 2-57C What is the capillary effect? Whal is it caused by? How is it affected by Ihe contad angle? 2-58C A small-diameter tube is inserted inlo a liquid whose contad angle is 110. Will the level of liquid in the tube rise or drop? Explain. 2-59C tubes? Is the capillary rise greater in small- or large-diameler Answer: (b)

O.I2cm Fluid

2-60K A 0.03-in-diameter glass tube is inserted into kerosene al 68F. The contad angle of kerosene with a glass surface is 26. Determine the capillary rise of kerosene in the tube. Answer: 0.65 in
-0.03 in

, Stationary

FIGURE P2-51 252K The viscosity of a fluid is to be measured by a viscometer conslructed of two 3-ft-long concentric cylinders. The inner diameter of Ihe ouler cylinder is 6 in, and the gap between the two cylinders is 0.05 in. The outer cylinder is rolated at 250 rpm, and the torque is measured to be 1.2 Ibf ft. Determine Ihe viscosily of Ihe fluid. Answer: 0.000648 Ib s/ft 2 2-53 In regions far from Ihe entrance, fluid llow through a circular pipe is one-dimensional, and Ihe velocity profile for


FIGURE P2-60E 2-61 A 1.9-mm-diameter tube is inserted into an unknown liquid whose density is 960 kg/m3, and it is observed that the liquid rises 5 mm n the tube, making a contad angle of 15. Determine the surface tensin of the liquid.

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