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Cardinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101 200 1.000 10.000 100.000 1.000.000

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a/one hundred a/one hundred and one two hundred a/one thousand ten thousand a/one hundred thousand a/one million

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th 101st 200th 1.000th 10.000th 100.000th 1.000.000th

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth hundred and first two hundredth thousandth ten thousandth one hundred thousandth one millionth

Nmeros cardinales

1 - uno 2 - dos 3 - tres 4 - cuatro 5 - cinco 6 - seis 7 - siete 8 - ocho 9 - nueve 10 - diez 11 - once 12 - doce 13 - trece 14 - catorce 15 - quince 16 - diecisis 17 - diecisiete 18 - dieciocho 19 - diecinueve 20 - veinte 21 - veintiuno 22 - veintids 23 - veintitrs 30 - treinta 40 - cuarenta 50 - cincuenta 60 - sesenta 70 - setenta 80 - ochenta 90 - noventa 100 - cien* 101 - ciento uno

125 - ciento veinticinco 200 - doscientos 300 - trescientos 400 - cuatrocientos 500 - quinientos 600 - seiscientos 700 - setecientos 800 - ochocientos 900 - novecientos 1000 - mil 1.000.000 - un milln 10.000.000 - diez millones

Nmeros ordinales

1 - primero 2 - segundo 3 - tercero 4 - cuarto 5 - quinto 6 - sexto 7 - sptimo 8 - octavo 9 - noveno 10 - dcimo 11 - decimoprimero / undcimo 12 decimosegundo / duodcimo 13 - decimotercero 14 - decimocuarto 15 - decimoquinto

16 - decimosexto 17 - decimosptimo 18 - decimoctavo 19 - decimonoveno 20 - vigsimo 21 - vigsimo primero 22 - vigsimo segundo 23 - vigsimo tercero 30 - trigsimo 40 - cuadragsimo 50 - quincuagsimo 60 - sexagsimo 70 - septuagsimo 80 - octogsimo 90 - nonagsimo 100 - centsimo 101 - centsimo primero 200 - ducentsimo 300 - tricentsimo 400 cuadringentsimo 500- quingentsimo 600- sexcentsimo 700septingentsimo 800octingentsimo 900 noningentsimo 1000 - milsimo 1000000 millonsimo

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