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Under separate cover, the Press Release regarding ObamaCare was provided; albeit intuitive from the perspective

of those who signed-off on it, this Petition constitutes a trail-blazing template for what can be achieved nationally [that even Guzzardiafter some coaxingdubbed a Tremendous Achievement]. It does not, however, constitute an endpoint, inasmuch as the potent forces behind its authorship [which, astute readers will note, completely rewrote the draft that this physician had initially circulated] have only announcedby this actionthat the GOP must honor and manifest its Conservative Base. Indeed, if the anti-Obama theme of these blast e-mails [generated over the summer] have any chronic import, it is to have channeled the effort to redo the intramural autopsy performed after the 2012-POTUS defeat into a more focused [and far less establishment-oriented] set of principles. Consider the status of Sarah Palin, who is attacked predictably from the left [tell-alaskadont-send-sarah-palin-to senate] and the right [Kristol On Palin: I Dont Think She Has a Future]; meanwhile, Sarah PALIN commented ON a SENATE RUN: 'NEVER SAY NEVER.' This explains why After 100-plus years, Dems catch GOP in Delco, why the grand-oldparty-is about-to go-boom, and why Jim Ryun claimed Mitch McConnell's dinosaur GOP can't fix DC; it also explains the longevity of the Republican Assemblies, which claim the status as being the true Republicans within the Republican Party. Yet, pessimists are not permitted admission to this debate, for [facetiously, playing-on an opposite claim] rush limbaugh revealed what many democrats are privately telling him of the Ds travail. Driven to exasperation, some have asked the Dear GOP to Give Me a Reason to Stay when such as Petition as has been generated herein is answered by an announcement that the to hold-2014-democrats-accountable; the GOP hierarchy cannot deny that its nearly impossible to wean Americans from entitlements, and yet they will be more than eager to play-politics with the future of the United States. Although the-new-york-timesasked-how-did-corporate-america-lose-control-of-the-republican-party, the base notes revelation that Early big winners of ObamaCare [investors, lawyers, consultants, tech experts] are not exclusively Ds; this may explain why Jennifer Stefano [presumably channeling Americans for Prosperity] has argued against defunding without having offered a cogent alternative [presumably a member of the-meatloafcaucus]. Hearing Bill-clinton-sell-obamacare by calling-for-bipartisan-efforts-to-fix-problems-with-theunpopular-law may prompt the GOP to claim sorry-mr-clinton, obamacare is-beyond-repair, but the base views such exclamations as just as ineffective politically as are self-serving complaints from unions [e.g., AFL-CIO President Trumka: Employers Cut Workers to 29 Hours to Avoid ObamaCare]. Consider why the base feels played, for it is fed limited-info intended to disarm it from full-throttle action [e.g., insiders-saying-speaker-boehners-done-after-2014 and even rand-paul claiming boehner-speakership-in-jeopardy-over-immigration-reform]; here, achievement [e.g., the 2010 electoral sweep, the fact that TEA PARTY GRIT SAVED NATION HALF-TRILLION IN NEW DEBT] is ignored and, instead, its heroes are primaried [bentivolio-gets-a-primary-challenger]. This is why it issues a call-to-action, provoked by observing when-mccain-and-flake-hold-another-staged-town-hall-farce, and this is why some choose to abandon the GOP and, thereby, risk swinging elections to Ds [e.g., Libertarians Dividing the GOP, and Libertarian with Little Money Could Spoil Cuccinelli Campaign]. Thus, they can only groan when Sebelius describes the federal government as our-federal-family [ignoring, of course, the classic biological, nuclear-family].

Those who want to work within the party to win the battle for the heart of the GOP nod approvingly when Joe Wilson Accuses BHO Of Pushing a Syria Strike To Distract From Benghazi and ObamaCare; cheer when tennessee tea partiers say theyre going rino hunting and us sen lamar alexander is their target; and encourage Tea Partiers who have Hit Lindsey Graham for Reluctance to Defund ObamaCare [n.b., LEE BRIGHT: GRAHAM 'A PINATA' ON VULNERABLE ISSUES]; the South Carolina race is perceived as a test-case which parallels a national trend towards contested primary elections that will attract the passion of Establishment GOPers [cross-posted at RedState and at The Madison Project]. In the interim, as jack lew keeps claiming BHO will negotiate-over-government-funding [but, alas, not the debt limit], house-conservatives prep-fiscal-fights and look ahead [Tea Party vs. GOP Battle Shaping Up for 2016]. * Into this volatile intramural environment steps the fervent effort to defund ObamaCare; although the Ds claim the Rs threaten to provoke a government shutdown, the Rs want to shut-down-ObamaCare, but not government. Surprisingly, this message has not been heard by other in-the-know Republicans, ignorance that is manifest when it is claimed efforts to defund ObamaCare could yield a governmentshutdown [per tom-coburn, who should know better]. Sadly, it seems documentation [e.g., ObamacareIncreases-Tax-Rates-12-Times-More-Than-Romneycare] resonates insufficiently, even after portrayed both in prose and in posters [e.g., all two-dozen ObamaCare Fact posters are available for review]. Consider how hollow-sounding are the typical press-releases claiming a congressman has brought home the bacon [e.g., Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R., Bucks), surrounded by SEPTA officials, announced Wednesday a $10 million federal grant to add a third track to a commuter-rail and freight corridor in southeastern Bucks County] or has composed an op-ed critical of BHO [e.g., rep-gerlach-assails-president-obama-in-op-ed]. On the other hand, consider how much more satisfying it is when opposition to BHOs misadventure is announced [e.g., fitzpatrick-claims critical-questions-remain-unanswered-on syria], particularly as Tea Party Groups Nationwide Unite Against American Attack on Syria. Confronted with the specter of a lawless POTUS influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood, and a White House planning to spend another $12m promoting ObamaCare, many of those who are most aware of these trends are manifesting pure-angst. This is why the propitious arrival of Heritage Action has been so well-received; for example, in Dallas, when Ted Cruz handled having been interrupted twice by hecklers with tact, grace and wit, the reaction was electric. This is why Heritage Actions last of nine health care town hall meetings in Wilmington, Delaware attracted a SRO-crowd, as Rafael Cruz [Texas pastor and father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)] and Heritage Foundation Pres. Jim DeMint continued their efforts to defund the health care law. This is why heritage action claims sen-coburn-is fighting-a-straw-man, as it views the over-reaction to its advent as mischaracterized [stirring-the-base-and-alienating-erstwhile allies]; quotations from competing-egos are particularly entertaining [as is revelation of the vacuous ObamaCare plan propounded by Boehner], recognizing how the authors liberal-bias subtly emerges via a segue into imbalanced negativity [citing unnamed critics] and how the Rs would be blamed for any purported government shutdown, to wit: Representatives of the advocacy arm are traveling the country in an attempt to pressure lawmakers to vote against funding the government in the new fiscal year unless the bill also halts spending for ObamaCare. Top GOP aides believe the proposal has little chance of success and is likely to backfire.

Boehner has promoted a different strategy aimed at challenging House Democrats to take a stand on controversial parts of the health-care law in a series of votes. Meanwhile, liberal groups have played up the possibility that GOP hostility to ObamaCare could shut down the government: Americans United for Change followed Heritage Action on its tour last month, staging counter-events highlighting the laws benefits. Animated by awareness of the dangers of ObamaCare, the base is thrilled that BREITBART NEWS IS TO BROADCAST DC 'EXEMPT AMERICA' RALLY on the 10th; it is determined to starve the beast because of acute awareness of BHOs lawlessness [e.g., obama-rebrands-immigration-job-to-avoid-congressionalchopping-block]. The base isnt humorless when, for example, it recognizes rather unique polling data [Poll: Majority Of Americans Approve Of Sending Congress To Syria] or when it promotes a hilarious lecture on 9/3/2013 by Congressman Jim Traficant on the Department of Agriculture [presented by the Harrisburg Liberty Alliance]; levity often provides a refreshing respite. Ultimately, the base is simply eager to apply [overseas] reagans-rules-for-military-action and [domestically] Lawrence Reeds iteration of Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy, lest America [and its economic system] collapse; it views the upcoming conflicts [with establishment-Rs and statist-Ds] with trepidation, but with steely resolve.

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