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Dedication Acknowledgements Preface, by Brendan Feeley Introduction, by Robert A. Koch Guide to Sanskrit Pronunciation v vii ix xi ixx

PART ONE CREATION, VEDIC COSMOLOGY AND JYOTIA Chapter 1 The Foundations of Spirituality in Jyotia
The Beginning of Creation 1 Nryaa as the Origin of Everything 1 Paramtm and Jvtm 3 Karmas of the Jvtm - Three Essential Categories of Desire 3 Akarma, or Naikarma Work Which Frees One from the Cycles of Births and Deaths; Astrological Perspectives on Different Types of Karma; Astrological Positions Emphasizing Karmas 6 Other Varga Charts and Karma 6 Quadruple Expansions of Nryaa for the Purpose of Material Creation: Vsudeva, Aniruddha, Pradyumna and Sakaraa 6 Avatras and Specific Functions 8 Davatra, or 10 Principle Pastime Incarnations (ll-avatras) 10 Vedic Theology and its Relevance to Jyotia 11 Classification of Devatas 11 Aau vasavah 8 Vasus: the First Principle of Jyotia; Dvdadity 12 Adityas: the Second Principle of Jyotia; Ekdaa-rudr 11 Rudras: the Third Principle of Jyotia; Indra and Prajpati the Fourth Principle of Jyotia 11-14 Summarizing the Links to Jyotia Phalita Jyotia; yur Jyotia 11-15 Sign Types, Naksatras, Karakas and Progressions 15 Sign Types (Cardinal, Dual, Fixed); Tattvas (Material Elements), Signs and Varnas (Vedic Social Order); Naksatras and Their Relation to Three Gunas and Brahm, Viu, and iva; Detailed Classification of Naksatras 15-17 Krakas 17 Naiskargika Krakas; Chara Krakas; Significance of the tmakraka; Seven and Eight Chara Kraka Systems; Differences Between Seven and Eight Chara Kraka Systems; Seven Chara Krakas; Sthira Karakas tma-saptama and tma-aama 17-22 Visnu, Brahma and Siva, and Dasa Progressions 23 Nryaa Dasa; Kendrdi Rasi Dasas; Lagna Kendrdi Rasi dasa;

Sudasa, or simply Rasi dasa; tmakraka Kendrdi Rasi dasa; Viu, Brahm, iva and Divisional charts 23-26

Chapter 2 Essential Interpretive Principles

The Importance of the Chara tmakraka 27 tmakraka Definition and Importance 28 Strengths of Planets Relative to the tmakraka 29 Dasa Periods of the tmakraka 29 Exaltation and Debilitation According to Jaimini 29 Other Considerations Concerning Exaltation or Debilitation of Planets 30 Distinctions of tmakraka Debilitation, etc. 30 Natural Malefics as tmakraka; The tmakraka in Debilitation; Cancellation of the tmakraka in Debilitation; The tmakraka under Affliction from Malefics; The Afflicted tmakrakas Expression; The tmakraka in Bhava-sandhi or Rasi-sandhi; The Retrogression (Vakra) or Combustion (Vikala) of the tmakraka Planet; Retrograde Planets in Exaltation or Debilitation; The Sun, Moon and lagna lord as tmakraka 30-36 Lessons of Planets as Chara tmkaraka 36 tmakraka in Navamsa Houses 38 Results of the tmakraka in the Astrological houses 38 The Importance of Karakamsa Lagna, Ia-devat and other Devatas 40 Rja-yogas with Reference to the tmakraka 42 Other Details of tmakraka Rja-yogas 44 Ia-devata and Other Devatas 44 Determination of the Ia-devata; Planets Indicating Specific Ia-devatas 44-45 Deities per Parara, Jaimini and Harihara 46-47 Common tmakraka and Ia-devat 48 Other Devatas: Dharma-devata, Plana-devata, Guru-devata 49 Drekkana is, and their Relation to the Bhrtkraka and the Guru 50 Types of Gurus: ik-guru, Dk-guru, tvicguru, Chetah-guru 50 Kula-devata, Grama and Sthana-devatas 50-53 Case Study: Vaiava Monk 53-57

Chapter 3 Vedic Cosmology and the Astrological Houses

The First House and Okra Dh (Intelligence) and the Four yanas and Four Naksatra Padas Planets in the Lagna Life Span Pertaining to the Four yanas The Gyatr Mantra and the Three Material Worlds Sapta-loka and Sapta-tala Kla Hora and the Lords of Seven Planetary Systems The Seven Chakras and the Seven Lokas The Visible Universe 59 60 61 61 63 63 64 65 66

The Tenth House 67 Ten Avatras of Viu, Ten Categories of Transcendental Knowledge and Ten Directions 67 The Fourth House 68 The Four Vedas, Four Kendras, Four Yugas and Animal Symbolisms 70 The Seventh House 71 The Saptamsa (D-7 or 7th Harmonic Chart) and Goddess Sarasvat 72 The Seven Colors of the Soul 73 The Seven Mothers 74 Specific Planets and Sapta-rasas 75 Jyotir-lingas, Tithi and Disposition of the Mother and Father at the Time of Conception 76 Tithi and Bhukta Tithi Sphuta and Rasi (Tithi-based degree and sign) 77 Tithi and Jala Tattva 79 Life Purpose as Indicated by the BTS and BTR 81 The Maha-Mtyujaya Mantra 82 Jyotir-linga Mantras 82 Mantra and Its Alignment to the Astrological Houses 83 The Source of the Mantra; The Destination of the Mantra; Devata sthana, or Seat of the Deity 83-84 The oakari Mah Mantra (Hare Ka Mantra) 84 The fifth and Ninth Houses 85 Five Categories of Yogic Sdhana, Five Types of Moka and Five Types of Devotional Rasas 85 The Ninth House 86 Duhnas: 6th, 8th and 12th Houses 87 th The 8 House; Aga-yoga, and Eight-fold Yoga system 88 Pitfalls That the Yogi Must Avoid; Eight siddhis, or Yogic Perfections 91 The 12th House 93 Concluding Remarks House Emphasis in the Charts of Spiritualists 102

Chapter 4 Kla-Purua, Fourteen Divisions of the Universe and the Punya Chakra
The Kla-purua, Twelve Zodiacal Signs and Measurements of Time Time and the Process of My (Illusion) The Sun As a Measurement of Time and Illusion The Darkness of the Seven Talas The Effect of the Illusion The Kla-purua, Five Tattvas and the Immediate Previous Life Case Studies The Previous Life The Punya Chakra Guidelines for Studying the Punya Chakra a-ripus Six Kinds of Weaknesses and Sins Case Studies Punya Chakra and the Next Life ukrcrya, Venus and Rebirth 105 106 107 108 108 109 111 114 115 115 132

Chapter 5 Astrological Principles Continued

Arudha Padas: Purpose and Calculation Calculating Arudhas and the Satya Principle Dual Lordships of Scorpio and Aquarius Parallels and Contradictions Between Arudhas Arudhas and the Charts of Spiritualists Graha Arudhas Graha Di and Rasi Di (Aspects) Graha Di, Special Graha Di Rasi Di Argalas: Their Importance in Vedic Astrology Primary Argala, Secondary Argala Virodha Argala (Obstruction) Special Rules with regard to Ketu reverse Argalas Bandana-yoga Argala Exercise Important Yogas in the Charts of Spiritualists Parivraja-yoga, Tapasv-yoga, Other Yogas for Tapasya, Concessions in Kali-yuga; Sadhu-yoga Case Study r Chandrasekhara Other Yogas in the charts of Spiritualists Yogas Involving Kendras and Trikonas Dharma-karmadhipati Yoga; Lakm-yoga; Gouri-yoga; akha-yoga; Viu-yoga; iva-yoga; Hari, Hara and Brahm-yogas Yogas involving Jupiter and Venus Sarasvat-yoga; Bheri-yoga; Amsavatra-yoga; Kalanidhiyoga; Bharati-yoga Yogas Involving Duhnas: 6th, 8th and 12th Houses Harsha-yoga; Sarala-yoga; Vimala-yoga; Viparit-Rja-yoga; Vasumati-yoga Prijta-yoga or Kalpadruma-yoga Mah-purua yoga: Combinations for Greatness Other Yogas Involving Jupiter Gaja-kear-yoga; Guru-magala-yoga; Guru-cala-yoga; Guru-pa or Brahma-pa yoga; Sarpa-pa the serpents curse Yogas Involving Jupiter and the Nine Grahas Yogas Indicating Spiritual Intelligences Dhmantah-yoga Case Study Example of Dhmantah-yoga: Sridhara Mahrja rad-yoga, Drekkanas, and Drekkana is Case Study Example of rad-yoga: Sanjay Rath Yogas Showing Talent in Jyotia Case Study Example of Talent in Jyotia: r Achyuta Yogas Involving Rhu and Ketu 135 137 138 138 140 141 142 143-144 146 147 147 148 148 150 150 148 151-154 154-157 158 158-160 160 160-161 161 161-163 163 164 164 164-166 166 166 168 169-170 170-171 171-172 172 174-175 175

Kla-sarpa yoga and Kla-amta yoga; Conditions Which Break the Kla-sarpa yoga and Kla-amta yogas; Chayagraha Rja-yoga; Rja-yoga and Nca-bhanga Rja-yoga Rja-yogas and Their Fructification Viparit-yur yoga and Longevity; Natural Age of Planets The Sun and Moon ignite and Sustain Rja-yogas Case Studies on Rja-yogas Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan Case Study Tapasv-yoga: Hatha Yoga Instructor Case Study Parivraja-yoga: Catholic Nun Case Study Spiritualist: r Viujana Svm Other yogas Rja-sambandha yoga, Sarpa-yoga Answers to Argala Exercise Chart 5.2, Vaiava Monk Primary ubha-argalas; Secondary ubha-argalas; Interpretations

176-179 179 180 181 181-184 184-188 188-190 191-197 197-200

PART TWO DRIG DASA Chapter 6 Drig Dasa Principles, Calculation and Interpretation
Meaning and Principles of Drig Dasa 201 Jyotia and Drig Dasa 202 Drig Dasa: Method of Computation 203 Sequence of Dasas; Saturn and Ketu Alter the Sequence of the Dasas; Exception for Dual Signs Rising; Lengths of Dasas; Dual Rulerships for Scorpio and Aquarius; Rules for Comparing the Strengths of Saturn-Rhu and Mars-Ketu; Exaltation-Debilitation for Rhu and Ketu; Determination of Sub-periods; Saturn and Ketu Exceptions; Determining the Stronger of Signs-Houses (in Hierarchical Order); The Second Cycle of Dasas 203-207 Drig Dasa Guidelines for Interpretation 208 Meeting the Guru; Dk (Spiritual Initiation); Consecration into Priesthood; Timing of Yogic Siddhis, Mystical Experiences, Miracles, or Study of Jyotia; ik and Dk gurus, Jupiter and Sun Respectively; Additional points regarding Rhu and Ketu; Authorship, Death or Samdhi, Pilgrimage to Holy Places 208-211 The Varga Scheme: Five Cycles of Harmonics 211 The Drekkana (D-3) chart; Navamsa (D-9) or Dharmamsa; The Dasamsa Chart (D-10) or Svargamsa; the Vimsamsa (D-20) chart; Other considerations Regarding the Vimsamsa Chart; The Siddhamsa or Chaturvimsamsa (D-24) Chart; The Shastiamsa (D-60) Chart, Summary of Dharma in Varga Charts 211-215 The Heart of the devotee and the Six Orthodox Vedic Philosophies (a-darana) 216 Mms or Karma-Mms; Skhya; Nyaya; Vednta; Vaieika; Yoga; Paka Lagna and the Dharma of

Intelligence; The Heart of the Spiritualist; Notes on Buddhism 216-221 Drig Dasa in Varga Charts 222 Links and Comparisons to Nryaa and Vimsamsa Nryaa dasas and Drig Dasa 222 Compression of Dasas 223 Rasi Dasas Guidelines for Judgment 224 Vantage Points from which to Judge Dasas; Deha and Jiva Rasis; Importance of the Paka and Bhoga rasis; Planets in the 7th form the Dasa Rasi; Relationship of Planets (Natal and Transit) and Signs to the Dasa Rasi; Relationship Between Argala and Rasi Di of Planets to the Dasa Rasi; Argala of the Dasa Sign to the Arudha Lagna; Arudha of Houses Relative to the Dasa Rasi; Bdhaka Planets; Pic Bdhaka 224-228 Transits and Aakavarga 228 Chart Illustrating Drig Dasa Vaiava Monk 229 Step One Calculating the Drig Dasas; Dasas Formulas, Considerations and Exceptions; 1st and 2nd Cycles of Dasas; Sub-period Calculations; Pre-Disposition toward Spirituality; Specific Yogas; tmakraka and Ia-devata; Argala of the Ia-devata; Interpretations of Dasas Respective to Significant Spiritual Events; Events and Corresponding Drig Dasas 229-244

Chapter 7 Mystics, Stigmatists and Saints Case Studies

Case Study #1 The Stigmata Phenomenon and Saint Padre Pio Case Study #2 Therese Neumann Catholic Nun and Stigmatist Case Study #3 Lucia Dos Santos and the Fatima Miracle Case Study #4 Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet 246-258 258-269 269-279 279-292

Chapter 8 Vaiava Saints Case Studies

Case Study #5 Srila Puri Mahrja 293-312 Case Study #6 Srila Sridhara Mahrja 312-329 Case Study #7 r rmad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svm Prabhupda 329-355

Chapter 9 Horoscopes of Avatras r Ka and r Caitanya Mahprabhu

Avatras and Their purpose of Descending Potential Problems in the Horoscopes of Avatras Charts of Avatras Classical References to Avatras and Astrological Criteria Applying in Their Charts; Other Combinations That May apply in the Charts of Avatras 357-358 358 358 358-360

The Klacakra and Astrological Signs Representing the Various Yugas; Yugas, Avatras, and Yuga-dharma Avatra r Ka Caitanya Mahprabhu Purpose of r Caitanyas Appearance and Ll; Three Segments of r Caitanyas Lifetime; Noteworthy Historical Facts, Astrological Symptoms of an Avatra; Combinations for Vaiavism; Combinations for the Attainment of Complete Knowledge; Combinations for Avatras; Drig Dasas for r Caitanya Mahprabhu Avatra Bhagavn r Ka Hierarchy of Avatras and Their Purpose of Descent; Matters that Cannot be Explained; Matters that can be Explained; Complete Strength, Complete Beauty and Charm; Possessor of Mystic Perfections (Siddhis); Possessor of Full Knowledge; Unlimited Fame; Combinations for Avatras Applying in r Kas Chart; Common Planet as Ia-devata and tmakraka; Navamsa Charts of r Ka and r Caitanya Mahprabhu Summary of Similarities Between the Navamsa Charts of r Ka and r Caitanya Mahprabhu

360-365 365

366-374 374-376

376-383 383-384

2.1: Vaiava Monk 3.1: Srila Rmnujcrya (attainment of moka) 3.2: Female (advanced spiritualist, humanitarian, and Bhakti-yogi) 3.3: Jayananda Dasa (Ambassador of Rathayatra in America) 4.1: Lucia Dos Santos (past life among gods and goddesses) 4.2: John Allen Muhammad (repetition of human birth on earth) 4.3: Edgar Cayce (descendant from the realm of sages and saints) 4.4: Male Monk (ascension from the lower regions) 4.5: Mahtm Gandhi Punya Chakra 4.6: Indira Gandhi Punya Chakra 4.7: Rajiv Gandhi Punya Chakra 4.8: The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Punya Chakra 4.9: Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta Punya Chakra 4.10: Vivekananda Svami Punya Chakra 4.11: Hansadutta dasa Apamtyu Punya Chakra (return from death) 4.12: Jayananda Dasa Punya Chakra 4.13: Srila Prabhupda Punya Chakra 4.14: Paramahansa Yogananda Natal Chart 5.1: Former US Vice President Al Gore Arudha Principles 5.2: Argala Exercise Vaiava Monk 5.3: r Chandrasekhara Parivraja-yoga and Tavasv-yoga 5.4: Srila Sridhara Mahrja An Example of Dhmantah-yoga 5.5: Sanjay Rath Example of rad-yoga 5.6: r Achyuta One of the Greatest Jyotia of All Time 5.7: Former US President Bill Clinton Rja-yogas 53 94 97 99 111 112 113 114 118 119 121 122 124 125 127 129 130 133 142 150 154 169 171 174 181

5.8: Former US President Ronald Reagan Rja-yogas 5.9: Hatha-yoga Instructor Tapasv-yoga 5.10: Catholic Nun Parivraja-yoga 5.11: r Viujana Svm 6.1: Vaiava Monk (D-1 and D-20) 7.1: Saint Padre Pio D-1, D-9 and D-20 7.2: Therese Neumann D-1 and D-9 7.3: Lucia Dos Santos D-1, D-9 and D-20 7.4: Edgar Cayce D-1 and D-9 8.1: Srila Puri Mahrja D-1, D-9 and D-20 8.2: Srila Puri Mahrja Punya Chakra 8.3: Srila Sridhara Mahrja D-1, D-9 and D-20 8.4: Lord r Rmacandra D-1 8.5: Srila Prabhupda D-1, D-9 and D-20 9.1: r Caitanya D-1 and D-9 9.2: r Ka D-1 and D-9

183 184 188 191 229 246 259 270 279 294 310 313 320 330 365 375

1.1: Deities of Creation, Three Gunas and Manifestations 1.2: Gross and Subtle Elements, Senses, Deity, and Rulers 1.3: 10 Planetary Deities, Controller, Devata, Avatra 1.4: Tattva, Signs, Varna, Deity 1.5: Naksatra Groups, Gunas, Ganam, Deity 1.6: Naksatra Number, Name, Lord, Guna, Ganam, Type 1.7: Chara Krakas Numbers, Names, Definitions, Rules 1.8: Sthira Krakas 2.1: Planets and Ruling Deities 2.2: Planets, Viu Avatras and Mantras 2.3: Drekkanas and is 2.4: is and Gunas 3.1: Chakras, Lokas and Ruling Deities 3.2: Four Yugas, Kendras and Vedas 3.3: Saptamsa and Rasas 3.4: Jyotir-linga Mantras 3.5: Steps of the Yogic Ladder, Prakti, and Planetary Symbolisms 4.1: Lokas and Talas in the Kla-purua 4.2: Five Tattvas and Divisions of the Kla-purua 4.3: a-ripus and Planetary Significators 5.1: Tattva and Mah-purua yogas 5.2: Signs, Drekkanas and is 5.3: is, Status and Gunas 5.4: Planets, Ages and Duration of Dasa Periods 6.1: Drig Mah Dasa Calculations for Vaiava Monk 6.2: Vaiava Monk Drig Dasa Sub-periods (Antaradasas) 6.3: Life Events and Drig dasa/Antaradasas for Vaiava Monk 7.1: Drig Mah Dasas Saint Padre Pio 7.2: Events and Associated Drig Dasas: Saint Padre Pio 7 8 10 15 16 17 19 23 46 47 50 50 65 71 76 83 91 106 109 115 164 171 171 180 234 236 239 250 251

7.3: Drig Mah Dasas Therese Neumann 7.4: Life Events and Drig Dasas for Therese Neumann 7.5: Drig Mah Dasas Lucia Dos Santos 7.6: Events and Drig Dasas for Lucia dos Santos 7.7: Events and Drig Dasas for Edgar Cayce 8.1: Srila Puri Mahrja Life Events, Drig Dasas, and Transits 8.2: Srila Sridhara Mahrja Drig Mah Dasas 8.3: Sridhara Mahrja Life Events, Drig Dasas, and Transits 8.4: Srila Prabhupda Life Events and Drig Dasas 8.5: Srila Prabhupda Drig Maha Dasas 9.1: The Klacakra Schematic Tables 9.2: Yugas, Astrological Signs and Metals 9.3: Yugas, Avatras, and Yuga-dharma 9.4: Event Dates, Drig Dasas r Caitanya

264 264 274 274 286 304 321 323 347 347 361 363 365 371

4.1: Internal and External Lokas and Talas 6.1: a-darana The Six Orthodox Vedic Philosophies 9.1: Aadala Padma (Eight-petal Lotus) The Basis of The Klacakra 109 216 362 385 387


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