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Hacker Chapters Active & Passive Verbs Shifts To Be Or Not To Be


vs. Passive verbs

These distract or confuse readers Point of view Verb tense Mood or voice Indirect to direct questions/quotations

First person emphasizes writer Good for informal letters and writing based on personal experience Second person emphasizes reader Good for giving advice or explaining how to do something Third person emphasizes subject Best for formal academic and professional writing

Our class practiced rescuing a victim trapped in a wrecked car. We learned to dismantle the car with the essential tools. You were graded on your speed and your skill in freeing the victim. Our class practiced rescuing a victim trapped in a wrecked car. We learned to dismantle the car with the essential tools. You were graded on your speed and your skill in freeing the victim.

Consistent verb tenses clearly establish time of the actions being described There was no way I could fight the current and win. Just as I was losing hope, a stranger jumps off a passing boat and swims toward me. There was no way I could fight the current and win. Just as I was losing hope, a stranger jumped off a passing boat and swam toward me. There was no way I could fight the current and win. Just as I was losing hope, a stranger jumped off a passing boat and swam toward me.

When writing about literature or research, use present tense (especially fiction) The study discussed information about whether the United States should police the world. The study discusses information about whether the United States should police the world. The study discusses information about whether the United States should police the world.

Three moods in English Indicative is used for facts, opinions, questions Imperative is used for orders or advice Subjunctive is used to express wishes or conditions contrary to fact The counselor advised us to spread out our core requirements over two or three semesters. Also, pay attention to pre-requisites for elective courses. The counselor advised us to spread out our core requirements over two or three semester. She also suggested that we pay attention to prerequisites for elective courses.

Each student completes a self-assessment. The self-assessment is then given to the teacher and a copy is exchanged with a classmate. Each student completes a self-assessment, gives it to the teacher, and exchanges a copy with a classmate.

Indirect question: We asked whether we could visit Miriam. Direct question: Can we visit Miriam? I wonder whether Karla knew of the theft and, if so, whether she reported it to the police. I wonder whether Karla knew of the theft and, if so, did she report it to the police? I wonder whether Karla knew of the theft and, if so, whether she reported it to the police.

The patient said she had been experiencing heart palpitations and please run as many tests as possible to find out whats wrong. The patient said she had been experiencing heart palpitations and asked me to run as many tests as possible to find out what was wrong. The patient said she had been experiencing heart palpitations and asked me to run as many tests as possible to find out what was wrong.

1. Everyone should protect yourself from the sun, especially on the first day of extensive exposure. Everyone...yourself You...yourself Everyonehimself or herself Peoplethemselves 2. Our neighbors told us that the island was being evacuated because of the coming storm. Also, take the northern route to the mainland. Also, take They also suggested that we take...

3. Rescue workers put water on her face and lifted her head gently onto a pillow. Finally, she opens her eyes. opens opened 4. In my first tai chi class, the instructor asked if I had ever done yoga stretches and did I have good balance? did I have good balance? if I had good balance.

5. The artist has often been seen as a threat to society, especially when they refuse to conform to conventional standards of taste. artist...they artists...they

That criminal needs apprehended! The dog wants walked. The child wants held. His ex-girlfriend needs institutionalized..

What do all of these sentences have in common?


drop to be between the

words Like Need Want And a past participle

That criminal needs to be apprehended! The dog wants to be walked. The child to be wants held. His ex-girlfriend needs to be institutionalized. What do all of these sentences have in common?

Summary Rough Drafts

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