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Mayor r Stuart A. Bikson B & Mayor Ma Pro-Te em Jeffrey T T. Cuthberts son Coun ncil Member rs: Cathy Dal aldin, Ben Giovanelli, G Kim Ki Russell, Steve Sage e & David Ze Zemens
400 Sixth S Street 1. Call to Or rder. 2. Roll Call. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Reading and considera ation of the minutes m of th he regular me eeting of Aug gust 26, 2013 3. 5. Approval of the Conse ent Agenda. A. Co onsideration of an Appl lication for B Block Partie es from Rich h Hastings o on Se eptember 14, 2013. B. Co onsideration of an Application for Sp pecial Event t from the R Rochester Are ea Jay ycees to hold d the Tunnel of Terror ev very Friday a and Saturday in October. C. Co onsideration of an Appli ication for Sp pecial Event t from The B Brooksie Wa ay to hold the Bro ooksie Way Half H Maratho on on Septem mber 29, 2013. D. Co onsideration of an Appli ication for Sp pecial Event t from The B Brooksie Wa ay to hold the Bro ooksie Way 5K 5 - Fire and d Ice Run on n January 26, 2014. onsideration of an Application for Sp pecial Event t from the PSD Board fo or E. Co the DDA Do owntown Tri ick-or-Treat and Hallow ween Costum me Parade o on October 19, 20 013. F. Co onsideration of an Applic cation for Sp pecial Event from the Ro ochester Mil lls for Oktoberfes st on Septem mber 26-29, 2 2013. 6. Public Comment. A. Re eceive a prese entation from m Fire Chief f Cieslik regar rding the Fir re Departmen nt Ca adet Program m and CERTS program. Septe ember 9, 201 13 7:00 pm m

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B. Miscellaneous M Public Comm ment. 7. Public He earings. 8. Legislative e Deliberatio on. A. Co onsideration of a Resolu ution design nating Septem mber 19, 20 013 Drive 4 Pledges Day encouraging e people to no ot text and dr rive. B. Co onsideration of a Res solution des signating Se eptember a as emergenc cy management month. m C. Co onsideration of a Resolut tion adopting g an updated Hazard Miti igation Plan. 9. Reports an nd Regular Business. B A. Co onfirmation of Bob Blo oomingdale as a regula ar Historical Commissio on member (form merly an altern nate member r) for a term expiring May y 31, 2016. B. Co onsideration of applicatio ons to the H Historic Dist trict Study C Committee fo or on ne open seat for a term ex xpiring May 3 31, 2015 (Cit ty Council ap ppointment). . C. Co onsideration of accepting g Dore McG Gowans resig gnation from m the Plannin ng Co ommission and a request applications to fill the o open seat be received b by October 1, 201 13. D. Co onsideration of a propose ed agreemen nt with Jorda an Developm ment Compan ny for the leasing of gas and oil o leasing righ hts on City p property. E. Co onsideration of a report and request t from the G Green City C Committee t to form a non-mo otorized tran nsportation c ommunity. F. Co onsideration of a report from f the City tys Finance D Director rega arding DDA As Ca ash Balance and a a request t to consider r two Budget t Amendmen nts. G. Co onsideration of a presen ntation from m the DDA regarding C City Council ls req quest for a report r regard ding the DDA As budget; p prioritization n of spending g; the Big Bright Light Show w long-term m funding pl lan; an upda ate of the ta ax inc crement fina ance plan. H. Co onsideration of a report regarding a request f for DTE to address Cit ty Co ouncil and attend a a Public Hearing g regarding its AMI Meter Opt-Ou ut pr rogram. I. Co onsideration of a report and a receipt o of minutes fro om the Ethic cs Board.

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J. Co onsideration of a reques st to schedulle a Special City Counci il meeting fo or Monday, M Septe ember 30, 20 013, 7:00 pm m, for a work kshop regard ding the wate er meter improve ement plan. 10 0. Receive a report from the Planning g Commissio on Liaison. 11. New Business for Refe erral and Mis scellaneous. 12 2. Adjourn.
N NOTE: Anyone planning to atten nd the meeting who w has need of special s assistance e under the Amer ricans with Disab bilities Act (ADA A) is asked to c contact the City Clerks Office at a 248-651-9061 forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. S Staff will be ple eased to make th he necessary a arrangements to provide p necessar ry reasonable acc commodations, including i auxiliar ry aids and servic ces, such as sign ners for the heari ing impaired a and audiotapes of f printed material ls being consider red at the meeting g.

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