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NET Practice assignments

1. Define a console-program to create an array of integers. Initialize the array

and assign the values in array. Define a method to pass the array and
modify array elements. Display array elements by using for-each loop
2. Define a console application to display all the arguments passed to
command line while running the application. The user can pass any
number of arguments that should be displayed. Use length property of
array and for-next loop. If there are no arguments in command line display
message ‘No Arguments’
3. Create a console application to display different messages depending on
the command line argument value. Use Select-case statements.(similar to
switch block)
4. Define a console application with a class ‘Employee’ with variables as
emp_id (int), name (String) and Grade (double).Define five different
constructors for this class to initialize the variable values. Define Finalize
method to display the Grade value. Define a for loop in Main for 4
iterations and inside for loop create Employee object. After the for loop call
Garbage Collector.
5. Create a class library and define class ‘User’. In User class define the
public, protected and Friend functions. Create a console application and
add a reference to this library and call the user methods by creating the
object. Which are the functions allowed to call here?
6. Create a console application to demonstrate the different styles of
message boxes by calling MsgBox functions with different parameters and
icons as well. Check and display the result of MsgBox on the screen for
each MagBox (i.e. which MsgBox button user has clicked.yes|no|Cancel)
7. Define a console application project to display the different formatting
styles used in display methods(i.e. Console.writeLine())
8. Create a console application with a class ‘Account’ having variables as id
(int) and name (String).Add property ‘account-no’ which can be set and
get. Add a ‘ReadOnly’ property ‘IntRate’ and ‘WriteOnly’ property
‘Password’ for this class. Add a shared property ‘Branch’ with set/get
methods. In main method create objects of ‘Account’ and test these
properties and print the results on the screen.
9. Define a class library with three namespaces as ‘admin’, ‘HR’,’Sales’.Add
three classes as ‘User’,’ Manager’ and ‘Executive’ in these namespaces
respectively. Define different protected and Friend methods in these
classes and test their access outside library in a console application.
10. Define a class library having class ‘Mould’ with instance variables as
protected color (string), and ‘public price (int).Add a shared variable size
(int) has private access. Add public methods to change the size, to get the
price and read the color. In console application define a subclass ‘Statue’
deriving from ‘Mould’ and having overridden method for getting the price
and color. Add a shadowing method for reading/setting the size of statue
objects. Define a main method and test all these combinations.
11. Create a console application. Add class ‘Account’ having variables as
num (integer) name (String), bal (double), ac_code (byte).define four
different constructors to initialize these variables. Define a class ‘User’
deriving from ‘account class. In user class add variables as group_no (int)
and mail_id (string).Define three constructors for User class and within
them call different parameterized constructors of Account. Can we call
these base class constructors as second or last statement in User
constructors? Define another class ‘’Admin’. Can the User class derive
from both ‘account’ and ‘Admin’ classes? How to make Class Admin such
that No class can derive from it?.How to make Account class such that
some methods will not be allowed to override ?
12. Define a interface ‘Human’ with methods as walk’ and ‘speak’. Define a
class ‘User’ implementing ‘Human’. Define a work() method in User class.
Add a class ‘Person’ also implementing Human. Add a method ‘Behave’ in
Person class. In Main method create objects of Person and User and
assign them to ‘Human’ type and call Human methods. Can the work and
Behave methods be called through Human types? Can we create the
interface objects by calling interface Constructors ? Justify your answer.
13. Define an interface ‘WorldBank’ having methods as ‘setHousingLoans’ and
‘GrantRuralAid(String countryName).Define interface ‘RBI’ inheriting
WorldBank’.Define a class ‘SBI’ implementing RBI.In main method crate
SBI objects and assign them to WorldBank’ and RBI types and call their
respective methods.
14. Define a interface ‘User’ and ‘Employee’. Add methods ‘work(int hours)
and get Salary() in Employeee.Add methods checkMail and
celebrateVacation in User. Define a class Person implementing both these
interfaces and add a method MakeFood in Person .In main method create
single object of Person and use it to represent User and Employee types
at a time and call respective methods. Can User type call Employee
methods and Employee type call User methods? Can User and Employee
call the MakeFood method of Person ?
15. Define an abstract class ‘Bank’ having abstract methods as
‘CreateAccount’ ‘depositAmount’ and ‘withDrawAmount’.Add method
definitions for ‘CalculateInterest’ and ‘SetIntereset’ as Non-
Overridable.Define two classes ‘BharatiBank’ and ‘RupeeBank’ to derive
from bank class.In main ,method create objects of BharatiBank’ and
RupeeBank’ to represent Bank type and call their respective methods.
Can Bank type call the derived classes own methods that re not defined in
bank ?


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