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Kabaddi en Wikipedia (escrito por Ricardo Acua)

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Competicin de Kabaddi en los Juegos Asiticos de 2006 El Kabaddi (Kabbadi o Kabadi) es un antiguo juego del Sur de Asia, aunque es muy popular en el Sureste Asitico. Es el deporte nacional de Bangladesh, aunque se juega tambin en Japn, Corea y Canad.

Forma de jugarlo
Existen tres variantes del Kabaddi: Kabaddi, Circle Kabaddi y Beach Kabaddi. El KABADDI es deporte oficial de los Juegos Asiticos y es el Deporte Nacional de Bangladesh. Se juega por dos equipos de siete personas, en una cancha de 12,5 X 10 metros (aproximadamente la mitad de una cancha de bsquetbol). Cada equipo tiene cinco jugadores en la reserva. Se trata de dos tiempos de 20 minutos, con un intermedio de cinco, tras el cual los equipos cambian de lado. Los equipos se turnan enviando un "raider" al rea contraria, con el fin de "capturar" jugadores del rea contraria, antes de volver a la suya. Los miembros "capturados" deben salir fuera de la cancha. El atacante no debe respirar durante el ataque, demostrndolo cantando durante sin interrupciones. De ah viene el nombre del juego, ya que Kabaddi significa "canto " en India y Pakistn, hauu en Bangladesh, do-do en Nepal, guddo en Sri Lanka, chadoguddo en Malasia y techib en Indonesia. Usualmente, los grandes jugadores mantienen el canto ("kabaddi, kabaddi, kabaddi...") por lapsos superiores a los 40 segundos. Los jueces de Kabaddi poseen un singular y desarrollado sentido de la audicin, dado que la interrupcin del canto la equivocacin en la palabra, determina la eliminacin del "raider". Mientras esto sucede, los defensores no deben ser tocados (forman cadenas, tomndose de las manos para no chocarse entre ellos) y tratan de cercar al "raider". Este, para sumar puntos para su equipo, debe: 1) Intentar tocar algn rival sin salirse del rectngulo que est invadiendo, 2) Si logra tocar a algn

rival, debe volver a la lnea de donde parti (la lnea central) dado que recin al tocar dicha lnea, sumar puntos por cuantos jugadores haya tocado, los cuales quedarn afuera de juego momentneamente. 3) No debe cortar su canto (kabaddi, kabaddi, kabaddi...) dado que automticamente queda "out", otorgando 1 punto a los defensores. 4) Deber estar muy atento, dado que los defensores PODRAN DETENERLO EN CUALQUIER MOMENTO, para tratar de no dejarlo volver a la raya central. Cualquier tipo de contacto entre el "raider" y los defensores es considerado contacto: es decir, si alguien intenta detener al "raider" y ste forcejea (sin empleo de puos o patadas) y logra llegar a la lnea central cantando "kabaddi, kabaddi", el "raider" elimina al defensa o a los defensas que intentan detenerlo. Un jugador defensor pierde 1 punto por salirse del espacio de juego durante el ataque. Cada vez que un jugador sale de la cancha, el otro equipo gana un punto. Cuando el equipo defiende con xito y no deja retornar al "raider" a su mitad, la defensa se agrega 1 punto. Si todo un equipo es eliminado (se llama Lona) se agregan 2 puntos ms al equipo atacante y retornan los 7 defensores nuevamente al campo. Es muy comn ver que un equipo, cuando queda con 1 slo defensor, entrega el punto para que retornen sus compaeros que estaban afuera. El equipo con ms puntos al final del juego gana. Los equipos se dividen por edad. Existen siete oficiales que supervisan el juego: un rbitro, dos asistentes, dos jueces de lnea, una persona encargada del tiempo y uno encargado de llevar los puntos.

Historia del juego

El juego es muy antiguo ya que se han encontrado referencias a l desde hace ms de 4.000 aos. Existieron campeonatos nacionales en varios pases, pero no fue si no hasta 1994 cuando se estableci el campeonato en los Juegos de Asia de 1990 como exhibicin, y desde ah en adelante como deporte fijo, siendo ganado por cuatro veces consecutivas (Hiroshima 1994, Bangkok 1998, Pusan 2002) y Doha 2006)por la India. Particip como deporte de exhibicin en los Juegos Olmpicos de Berln de 1936. Actualmente la WKF (World Kabaddi Federation) rige los destinos del deporte. Jugadores de origen hind y bengal han distribuido el deporte por el mundo (Canad e Inglaterra cuentan con Ligas Profesionales de la versin Circle Kabaddi), siendo Argentina e Italia los dos nicos pases en implementar el Deporte a nivel escolar.

Ms detallado Reglas para jugar Kabaddi

El terreno deber ser nivelado y blando, preferiblemente hecho de tierra o csped. En caso de los hombres, ser de 12,50 m. x 10 m. de ancho, dividido con una lnea media en dos mitades. Cada una de ellas medir 6,25 m. x 10 m. de ancho. Algunos trminos para familiarizarse con el Kabaddi Lnea Media: divide el campo de juego en dos mitades iguales. Court: cada mitad es subdividida en dos, cada una de esas mitades se llama "court". Canto: el sonido contnuo y claro recitando la palabra "Kabaddi", siempre exhalando. Raider: el jugador quien entra en el court del oponente, cantando "Kabaddi" es conocido como "Raider" Anti-raider o "Anti": cada jugador del equipo en cuyo court se est desarrollando la accin. Perdiendo el canto: detener el contnuo y claro sonido de "Kabaddi" o respirar durante el canto es conocido como "perder el canto". Un canto debe ser iniciado y finalizado con la misma respiracin. Lucha: cuando el "raider" toca un "anti" o un "anti" toca un raider, la lucha comienza. El lado que gana el sorteo elije el court iniciar enviando un "raider". En la segunda mitad, el lado es cambiado y comienza con la misma cantidad de jugadores que habia comenzado en la primera mitad.

Un miembro del equipo atacante, llamado "Raider", realiza una "corrida" en la mitad del equipo oponente. Durante esta "corrida" el "Raider" debe contener la respiracin (no inhalar). Cuando la respiracin se corta, el debe retornar a su mitad. Para probar que la respiracin no se cort, debe repetir la palabra "Kabaddi, Kabaddi..." Para que una corrida vlida sea efectuada, el "Raider" debe cruzar la lnea divisoria de la mitad oponente. Si no lo hace, concede un punto al equipo defensor.

Durante la "corrida", el "Raider" debe intentar tocar la mayor cantidad de rivales posibles. Para esto puede usar cualquier parte de su cuerpo, aunque, obviamente sus manos y pies son lo ms utilizado. Habiendo tocado la mayor cantidad posible y an conteniendo la respiracin, debe retornar a su lado sin ser derribado al piso por el equipo defensor. Si l retorna a su lado con xito, todos los jugadores que toc dejan el campo de juego y el "Raider" anota un punto por cada jugador que toc.

El objetivo del equipo oponente es prevenir que el "Raider" llegue de vuelta a su lado. Si evitan la vuelta del corredor invasor, anotan un punto para la defensa. El "Raider" solamente tiene que pasar una mano o un pie sobre la lnea central para demostrar que ha cruzado. Si l est tomado o agarrado en el piso, pero con un par de dedos (ejemplo) toca la lnea, el ataque es vlido. Un jugador est "out" si cualquier parte de su cuerpo toca la tierra fuera de los lmites. Si el "anti" se encuentra fuera y sostiene al "raider", el "raider" no est out. Por el contrario, si el "anti" o varios "antis" estn fuera son declarados "out". Cuando solamente uno o dos jugadores de un equipo han sido retirados y el capitn del equipo los declara "out" en orden de hacer retornar su equipo completo, el oponente anotar tantos puntos como jugadores haba momentos antes de declararse "out", as como tambin dos puntos adicionales (Lona) Los jugadores quienes estn fuera son revividos en el mismo orden en el cual ellos fueron declarados out. En un match, cada equipo tiene doce jugadores, 7 de ellos estn en el campo al mismo tiempo y 5 permanecen en reserva. La duracin de un match es de dos mitades de 20 minutos cada una, en el caso de los hombres, con 5 minutos de intervalo central. Los courts son cambiados despus de cada intervalo.

El lado que sum el mayor nmero de puntos al final del juego es declarado ganador. En caso de empate, dos perodos extra de 5 minutos cada uno se jugarn inmediatamente. El juego en el tiempo extra es continuado con el mismo nmero de jugadores como haban finalizado el tiempo normal de juego. HISTORIA del KABADDI >> HISTORIA MUNDIAL Kabaddi, tradicional juego/deporte de la India, no conoce fecha de invencin, pero se calcula que se juega desde hace 3.000 aos. Toda una tradicin, el Kabaddi reune en sus partidos profesionales a ms de 20.000 espectadores que disfrutan con esta mezcla de rugby y lucha que posee las ventajas de los deportes alternativos: el material de juego es escaso (no se necesita nada!) y las reglas simples y claras. Debut como Deporte Oficial en los Juegos Asiticos de 1995 y desde entonces es Deporte Oficial. La entidad rectora a nivel mundial es la World Kabaddi Federation, con sede en India y Argentina es Miembro desde 2004.

El Kabaddi se introduce en la Comisin de Deportes Alternativos de Argentina en 1997 y comienza una escalada entre los Deportes componentes que lo lleva en 7 aos a alcanzar el 2 puesto entre las preferencias de los Deportistas Alternativos. Actualmente se realiza un Campeonato Argentino Anual y en el verano, se realizan los Campeonatos de Menores masivos, dentro del Programa de Colonias de Vacaciones de la Secretara de Deporte.

KABADDI OFFICIAL RULES (English) MAINTENANCE OF THE KABADDI GROUND Maintenance of the Kabaddi ground should be a continuous process to keep it in good condition. This involves regular watering and light rolling. Watering is to be done with the help of a watering can or a hosepipe attached to a sprinkler for even watering. Direct pouring of water will tend to make the play field muddy. The ideal time to water the play field is one hour before practice. Fifteen minutes after watering, a scrapper is to be used to lightly scrap the surface. After the practice session, a wooden plank is to be used to level the surface, which gets disturbed during practice. After the leveling, a light roller is to be used followed by watering the surface. Efforts are to be made to keep the surface free of pebbles and other foreign material. Nets can be used for this purpose. In hot weather, watering may be done even during half time to maintain moisture. The upper layer can be renewed once in every two years.


MEASUREMENT CHART SL FIELD MEASUREMENTS [IN METERS] Side lines (AB, CD, EF & GH) End line (EH, FG) Lobby) AE, BF, CG, DH) Baulk line [from mid line] Mid-line [MN] Sitting block [2 meters Away form midline] MEN AND JUNIOR BOYS (Mtrs) 12.50 10 1 WOMEN, GIRLS AND SUB-JUNIOR BOYS (Mtrs.) 11 [length] 8 [width] 1

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

3.75 10 8x1

3 8 6x1

7. Court

Each half of the play-field divided by the mid-line. 4 meters 4 meters

8. Space surrounding the playfield DURATION OF THE MATCH [IN MINUTES]




The game of Kabaddi should be played under the following rules: 1. GROUND : The ground shall be level and soft. (MAINTENANCE OF THE KABADDI GROUND) o Men and Boys: 12.50 x 10 meters. Men players shall be below 80 kg of weight. Age of junior Boys shall be 19 years (last day of the year) and weight below 60 kg. o Women, Jr. Girls, Sub Jr. Boys & Sub Jr. Girls: I I x 8 meters. Age of Sub- Junior boys should be 16 years and below (Last day of the year) and below 51 kg weight. Age of Jr. Girls should be 17 years and below (last day of the year) 50 kg. Age of Sub.Jr.Girls should be 14 years and below (last day of the year) 45 kg.

(All the details of grounds shown in attached diagrams) The Baulk line shall be drawn through the entire width at a distance of 3.75 meters in case of Men and junior boys. Incase of Women, Jr. Girls, Sub Jr. Boys & sub Jr. girls at a distance of 3.00 meters through the entire width excluding the lobbies, from the midline parallel to it on either courts. NOTE: It is necessary to have 4 meters clear space outside the side and end lines. The sitting block shall be at a distance of 2 meters from the end lines. It shall be a rectangle of meter by 8nieters in case of Men & Jr. Boys and 1 meter by 6 meters in case of Women, Jr. Girls, and Sub Jr. Boys & Sub Jr. Girls. Whenever this is not possible, the Referee may decide about the marking of the clear space and sitting blocks. 2. PLAY FIELD : The play field means that portion of the ground which measures 12.50 meters by 8 meters (ABCD) for Men and Jr. Boys and II meters by 6 meters in case of women, Jr. Girls, Sub Jr. Boys and Sub Jr. Girls before struggle. 3. BOUNDARY : The lines on the four sides of the play field are known as the boundaries AB, BC, CD, DA. All the lines will be maximum of 5 cms width and from the part of the play field. 4. LOBBIES : Each of the strips on the sides of the play field measuring one meter in width is known as Lobby. When the lobbies, as per rule 4 under "Rules of Play" are included in the play field, the boundaries of the play-field are extended up to the four lines, which encloses the play-field including the lobbies. (EF, FG, GH, HE) 5. MID-LINE : The line that divides the play-field into two halves is known as

the Mid-line (MN) 6. COURT : Each half of the play-field divided by the mid-line is known as the Court. 7. BAULK LINE : Each of the lines in court parallel to the mid-line is known as the Baulk Line. The distance of the baulk line from the mid-line shall be 3.75 meters in case of Men and Junior Boys, 3.00 meters in case of women Junior Girls, Sub Junior Boys, and Sub-Junior Girls. 8. CANT : The repeated, without break, at a stretch, and clear sounding chant, of the approved word " KABADDI" within the course of one respiration shall be called a Cant. 9. RAIDER : One who enters in the court of the opponent with the cant is known as a Raider. The Raider must begin his cant before he touches the opponent's court. 10. ANTI-RAIDER oR ANTI : Every player of the party, in whose court the raid is being made, shall be called an Anti-Raider or Anti. 11. LOOSING THE CANT : To stop the repeated and clear sounding chant of the word "KABADDI" or take in a breath during a cant is known as loosing the cant. A cant must be started and continued within one and the same respiration. 12. TO PUT ON ANTI : If a raider touches an anti without breach of the rules of play or if any part of the body of an anti touches any part of the body of the raider and then the raider reaches his court with the cant, the anti is said to be put out. 13. TO HOLD A RAIDER : If the antis or anti hold without breach of rules of play, keep the raider in their court, and do not allow him to reach his court until he looses his cant, it is known as holding the raider. 14. TO REACH COURT SAFELY : If the raider touches his court with any part of his body without breach of rules with cant, he is said to have reached his court safely and turn of raid is over. 15. TOUCH : If the raider touches the anti or antis by any part of his body or even with the clothing, shoes or any other outfit, it is called touch. 16. STRUGGLE : When the anti or antis comes in contact with the raider, it is called struggle. After touch or struggle, the play field includes the lobby. 17. RAID : When the raider enters the court of opponent, with cant, it is known as a raid. 18. SUCCESSFUL RAID : When the raider crosses the baulk line of the defending team at least once during the course of a raid, and reaches his court with cant, it is known as a Successful Raid. (11) Baulk line is said to be completely crossed when any part of the body of the raider makes contact with the ground between the baulk line and the end

line of the opponent's court and no part of the body of the raider is in contact with the ground between the mid-line and the baulk line. 19. PURSUIT : When a raider rushes into the opponent's court with cant and without breach of rules, with a view to put out, by chasing the returning raider, it is known as pursuit. 20. BONUS LINE : The line parallel to Baulk line towards the end line is known as Bonus line. The distance of the Bonus line shall be one meter from the baulk line. NOTE : When the raider comes in contact with the ground between the end line and Bonus line and leaves the contact of ground between the mid line and Bonus line, it is known as crossing the "Bonus line".

RULES OF PLAY 1. The side that wins the toss shall have the choice of either the court or the raid and the loosing side of the toss shall have the choice of the remaining option. In the second half, the court shall be changed and the side, which had not opted for the first raid choice, shall send their raider first. The game in the second half shall continue with the same number of players, as it was at the end of the first half. 2. A player shall be out if any part of his body touches the ground outside the boundary but during the struggle a player shall not be out if any part of his body touches the ground outside the boundary by keeping contact of the playfield. The portion of contact must be in side the boundary. 3. If any player goes out of the boundary during the course of play, he shall be out. The UMPIRE OR REFEREE shall try to take out such a player at once. The umpire or Referee shall declare such player OUT by shouting his number. No whistle shall be blown as the raid may continue. 4. If an anti or antis who have gone out of bounds (as per rule 3) and hold a raider, the raider shall be declared NOT OUT. The anti or antis who have gone out of bounds only will be declared 'out'. 5. When the struggle begins, the playfield includes the lobbies. After the struggle is over, the players involved in the struggle may use the lobbies to enter their respective courts. (This rule will only be applicable in antis courts). 6. A raider shall keep the cant with "KABADDI" as the word for chanting. If he is not keeping the cant with KABADDI, he shall be ordered back and warned by the umpire or referee and the opponents be given chance to raid. Under such circumstances, the raider shall not be pursued. 7. A raider must start his cant before he touches the opponent's court. If he starts the cant late, he shall be ordered back and the team shall be warned by the Umpire or Referee and opponent be given chance to raid. Under such case of

late start of the cant the opponent shall not be declared OUT, even if the raider touches the anti or antis. 8. After a raider reaches his court or is put out in the opponent's court, the opponent team shall send their raider within five seconds. Thus, alternately, each side shall send their raider until the end of the play. 9. If a raider, who is caught by an anti or antis, escapes from their attempt to hold him and reaches his court safely, be shall not be pursued. NOTE: If a raider merely touches the anti or antis and reaches back to his court safely, he may be pursued. 10. When a side sends more than one raider at a time a warning shall be given by the Umpire or Referee. In spite of warning, if continues to do so, The Umpire or Referee shall declare all the raiders OUT except the first one and that raider shall be asked to go back and declare the turn of raiding is over. 11. When a raider is held, the antis shall not try deliberately to stifle his cant by shutting his mouth, using violent tackling leading to injuries, any type of scissoring or use of unfair means. If such incident happens, the Umpire or Referee shall declare NOT OUT. (For punishments, see Rule No.3 & 4 of "OFFICIALS") 12. No anti shall willfully push or pull the raider out of the boundary by any part of his (anti's) body, nor any raider shall willfully push or pull an anti or antis out of the boundary. If the raider or anti is pushed or pulled outside the boundary, the umpire or Referee shall declare such player as NOT OUT, and the anti or the raider who pushes or pulls the opponents outside the boundary shall be declared OUT. 13. As long as a raider does not reaches his court no anti or antis shall touch the ground of the raider's court beyond the midline with any part of his body. If he does so, he shall be OUT. 14. If an anti or antis who are out, having violated rule No. 14, holds a raider or have violated the said rule while holding or helping to hold the raider, the raider shall be declared NOT OUT and the anti or anti's who touches the raider's court shall be declared OUT. 15. If a raider goes out of turn, the Umpire or Referee shall order him to go back and warn the team. Even after the warning, if the team does so, a TECHNICAL POINT shall be awarded to the opponent team. 16. When a team manages to put out the entire team is out and no one from the opponents team is entitled to be revived, they shall score a 'LONA' and two points for LONA shall be awarded in addition to the points scored by putting out individual players. The play continues and all the players who are out shall enter their courts within ten seconds. Otherwise the Umpire or Referee shall award one point to the opponents and thereafter, if the team does not enter the court, the Referee shall warn the team to enter in their court, if the team fails to enter within one minute, the team shall be scratched from the match, and the match shall be awarded to the opponents.

17. If a raider is warned in any way instructed by one of his own side, the Umpire or Referee should award one TECHNICAL POINT to the opponents. 18. A raider or an anti is not to be held by any part of his body deliberately other than his limbs or trunk. The one who violates the rule first shall be declared OUT. If the raider is held deliberately other than his limbs or trunk, the Umpire or Referee shalI declare such raider NOT OUT. Note:If a raider is caught intentionally by his clothes or hair, the raider shall be declared NOT OUT and the anti or antis who have violated the rule number 19 shall be declared OUT. 19. When only one or two players of the team are left during the game, and the Captain of the team declares them OUT in order to bring in the full team, the opponents shall score as many points as there were players just before the declaration by the Captain as well as two points for LONA. 20. A player or players who are OUT shall be REVIVED in the same order in which they were OUT when one or more opponents are OUT.

RULES OF MATCHES 1. Each side shall consist of 12 players. Seven players -shall take the ground at a time and the remaining five players shall be substitute. If any player/s is suspended or disqualified from the match, there will be no substitution allowed for that particular player. In such a case, the team shall play with reduced number of players. 2. The duration of the time of a match shall be two halves of 20 minutes in case of Men & Junior Boys and 15 minutes in case of Women, Junior Girls and SubJunior Boys &Girls. with a five minute rest in between. The court shall be changed after interval. NOTE : The last raid of each half of the match shall be allowed to be completed even after the completion of the scheduled time as mentioned above. 3. Each side shall score one point for every opponent OUT or PUT OUT. The side that scores a LONA shall score two extra points for the Iona. 4. The side that scores the highest number of points at the end of the game shall be declared the winner. 5. If there is a tie in knock out matches, the match shall be decided on the following basis. o Both the teams shall field seven players in the court.

Each team shall be given five raids by different raiders to raid alternately. Both the teams shall play the game on the Baulk Line. The Baulk Line shall be treated, as Baulk Line cum Bonus Line and all

o o

the Bonus Line rules shall be followed.


If the raider succeeds to cross the Baulk Line cum Bonus Line, the raider will get one point. After crossing the baulk line cum bonus line, if the raider puts out one or more antis, lie will get number of points scored in addition to the point earned by crossing the baulk line cum bonus line. The out or revival rule shall not be applicable, only point scored will be counted. Both the teams should give the names of five different raiders with their chest number in the order of merit to the Referee. Substitution of players shall not be allowed from the fielded seven players. NOTE: In case of injury / temporary suspension / debarring of player, the team shall play with the reduced number of players. Such listed players shall also loose his chance to raid and-the opponent team shall be awarded one point for that particular raid. The team, which had sent their raider at the beginning of the match, shall be allowed to send their raider first. There shall be no toss again. Even after five raids, if there is a tie, the game shall be decided as per the sudden death rule.

SUDDEN DEATH RULE A chance shall be given to each side to send their raider alternately. The side, which scores the leading point first, shall be declared as winner of the match. The sudden death rule shall continuously be followed until any side scores leading point. 6. In the league system, the side that wins, will score two league points while the looser will score zero points. In case of tie, both the sides will score one league point each. If there is a tie in the league points scored, the winner and runner of the pool will be decided on the basis of out come of for and against points scored by the teams. The score of the team, which scores less than 25% of league points shall not be taken into consideration for deciding the tie. The winner and runner of the pool shall be decided by using the following formula. The order of classification is as follows: o The tie shall be decided, based on highest score difference in the for and against points.

If there is a tie after using formula (a), the highest total points scored shall be considered. Loosing points shall not be taken into consideration. If there is a tie even after using formula (b), the result of the match played between the tie breaking teams, shall be considered for deciding the tie.

If there is a tie even after using formula (c), the winner and runner shall be decided, based on a toss.

NOTE: If a team gives walk over or concedes the match, such a team shall be scratched from the tournament. The points scored or lost in the league matches by such teams shall not be considered for deciding the tie. The same procedure shall be applicable in case of debarred teams. 7. If. owing to failure of light, heavy rains or any such circumstances, a match could not be completed, such a match shall be re-played. In case of temporary suspension of the match, such a match shall be continued. NOTE: The period of temporary suspension shall not exceed 20 minutes. The temporary suspension may be owing to failure of lights, heavy rains, interruption by outsiders, re-marking of the ground or any such circumstances, which the referee feels calls for temporary suspension of the match. During temporary suspension, the players shall not leave their respective courts without the permission of the referee. If a side violates this rule, a bad point shall be awarded to the opponent team. 8. Each team shall be allowed to take two "TIME OUT" of 30 seconds in each half. Such time out may be called by the captain/coach of the team with the permission of the referee. o During time out, the team shall not leave the ground. In case of any violation by the player/s, or coach, a technical point shall be awarded to the opponent team.

OFFICIAL TIME OUT: In the event of any injury to a player, only the referee shall call such time out. Such period of time out should not exceed more than 2 minutes.

9. Five reserve players can be substituted with the permission of the referee during time out period only. Substituted players can be re-substituted. (This rule is not applicable on out players. Team should play without suspended/debarred players. Point/s shall be counted as pei the rules of bonus point and Iona. 10. A side shall start the match with seven players only. 11. If a match is re-played, the players need not be the same again. 12. Doping by players or officials shall not be allowed. Nails of the players must be closely clipped. The T-Shirts or Banians of the players must be distinctly numbered. The numbers should measure at least four inches in front and six inches at the back. The dress of the players should be T-Shirt or banian and shorts with a protective jangla or langot (supporter) inside. Application of oil or any soft substance to the body or limbs shall not be allowed. No metal shall be worn. Canvas tennis shoes with plain rubber sole and socks may be used if and when necessary. 13. No player shall instruct in the course of play except the captain or the leader

who may speak to his players in his court only.


BONUS LINE should be drawn at a distance of one meter from the baulk line, towards the end lines. One point shall be awarded to the raider when he completely crosses the bonus line before the struggle. If the raider is caught after crossing the bonus line, he will be declared OUT and the opponent team shall be awarded one point. One point will also be awarded to the raider for having crossed the bonus line first. The bonus line will be applicable when there are minimum six players in the court. The bonus point shall be awarded by the referee/ umpire after completion of raid by pointing thumb upwards towards the side that scores. There shall be no revival for bonus point. The bonus point shall be marked as a triangle in the running score If the raider, after crossing the bonus line reaches home safely, touching one or more antis, he will be awarded one bonus point in addition to the number of antis put out. If the team plays with reduced number of players due to injury/debarred/ temporary suspension, such, player/s shall be counted for bonus point.

OFFICIALS 1. The officials shall be one referee, two umpires, one scorer and two assistant scorers only. 2. The decision of the Umpires on the field shall be final generally, but in special circumstances, the referee may give his decision in the best interest of the game and if there is disagreement between the two umpires only. 3. Gross violation of sportsmanship: The Referee/Umpire shall have the power to warn, declare point against or to disqualify from the match any player or team committing any of the following or other gross violation of sportsmanship: o Persistently addressing the official in regard to the decision.
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Make derogatory remarks about or to the officials. Act derogatorily to the officials or action leading to influence their decision. Make personnel or derogatory remark about or to opponents. Point out finger by the raider or anti for demanding decision of the umpire.

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4. Fouls: - The Referee / Umpire shall have the power to warn, declare point against or to disqualify from the match any player or team committing any of the following or other fouls: o A player shall not attempt to stifle a raiders cant by shutting his mouth or throttling- or by any other way.
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Violent tackling leading to injuries to the body. A team which takes more than 5 seconds to send their raider. To hold the raider with the help of scissors operated by legs. No coaching from outside should be given by the coaches or players. Coach only be allowed inside the arena during the course of the game. He will sit by the side of the substitutes in line with the scorer in a low benchmark for it.

5. A Referee/ Umpire has a right to warn/temporary suspend / suspension from the match /debar from the tournament to a player / players coach by using the following cards: o GREEN CARD : Warning o YELLOW CARD : Temporary suspension for two minutes o RED CARD : Suspension from the match If two green cards are shown to a player/team/official, then the next card to be used shall be an yellow card. If two yellow cards are shown to a player/team/official, then the next card to be used shall directly be a red card. If two red cards are shown to a player/official, then the concerned player/official shall be debarred from the Tournament/ Championship. 6. Duties of the Referee o Check up with help of the umpires before commencement of the match whether rule 14 of the rules of matches has been strictly observed by all the participants.

Announcing the score of each side before the last 5 minutes declared, at the half time and at the end of the match and declare the winning team. Supervise in general, the conduct of the whole match. Keep the time and shall start & close the game by whistle. Announce the substitution and replacement of players. Synchronize the watch with the scorer before the commencement of the match. Time of the referee watch will be the official time. Announce the time of each mintite of the last five minutes of the

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second half. 7. Duties of Umpires: - After the game has been started by the referee, the umpires shall conduct the match and give-,decisions according to the rules of play and matches till the game is completed by the whistle of the referee. 8. Duties of the Scorer: o Fill the score sheet, announce the score with the permission of the Referee at the end of the each half, and result at the end of the match.

All the points scored by any player of the team will be scored in running score on their respective side on the score sheet vertically (/) Points scored for Lona should be scratched horizontally .

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Time out by Any team be indicated by " T " against the team concerned (T) Keep and note the timing in the score sheet at the beginning and at the end of each half & during time out period in the game. First leading point awarded shall be shown in the running score by square

Technical points awarded by the referee / umpire shall be shown encircled in the running score ( O ) Bonus point shall be shown in the score sheet by triangle

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Record the name of the team winning the toss at the time of the commencement of the match. Complete the score sheet and get it duly signed by the referee and umpires.

9. Duties of Assistant Scorer : They shall keep record of those who are out in their order of being out. They shall see that the reserve players are seated in a place indicated and players who are out are seated in a block reserved for them outside the end lines. They shall keep the record of the players who are revived. They shall help the Umpires in their duties. They shall point out to the referee if any player goes out of bounds at the end line.

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