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Why I am not an atheist

Atheists are quick to blame religion for the world's woes! But atheism has got a lot to answer for! Here are six reasons why I am not an atheist. 1. NO PEACE Atheists show disdain at Christianity, but the greatest acts of genocide in history were all committed by atheists:

Mao Tse-tung, China Up to 61,700,000 killed since 1949 (Guinness Book of Records) Lenin and Stalin, USSR 66,700,000 killed since 1917 (Guinness Book of Records) Hitler and the Nazis 5,800,000 Jews 54,800,000 killed in WW2 (Guinness Book of Records) (Hitler was an atheist: "Hitler poured scorn on the earnest efforts of those among his followers, like Himmler, who tried to re-establish pagan mythology and rites or, like Hess who resorted to astrology and reading the stars. In such matters he shared with Stalin the same materialistic outlook, based on the 19 century rationalists certainty that the progress of science would destroy all myths and had already proved Christian doctrine to be an absurdity" Hitler and Stalin, Alan Bullock, 1991) Pol Pot, Kampuchea (Cambodia) 3,000,000 killed between 1975-79 (third of population, 90% of the Christians) (Guinness Book of Records) Abortion - the Abortion Act was passed in 1967 and became effective the year after. It applies to England, Wales and Scotland, but not Northern Ireland. During the 30 years after the implementation of the act, the total number of abortions performed annually rose by nearly 700% such that some five million abortions were performed in Britain. During the last 15 years of that period, the annual total of abortions exceeded 170,000. In 1998 it was over 187,000-more than 510 a day - )

The Bible says: "There is no peace says the Lord to the wicked" (Isaiah 48:22). It says that the wicked " will be punished with everlasting destruction" (2 Thessalonians 1:9). But the good news is that Christ offers peace. Jesus "made peace through the blood of his cross" (Colossians 1:20). Speaking to those who acknowledged his lordship, Jesus said "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you." (John 14:27). One of the titles of Jesus was Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Wherever people have followed the teaching of Jesus Christ (don't confuse with established state religion) peace has been promoted. For example, Henri Dunant, who founded the Red Cross. 2. NO PURPOSE The atheist laughs at a person going to church, but the atheist can't explain where we have come from, what we are doing here, or where we are going. "Whence? What? Whither?" was painted in the 1890s, Tahiti, by Paul Gauguin. This painting illustrates the despair of the atheist. The atheist can only offer images of despair, alienation, cry out for help, for reality. For example, Francis Bacon, one of Britain's leading painters of the 20 century painted Head VI in the Tate Gallery. He said of this painting "man now realises that he is an accident, that he is a completely futile being ". A letter that appeared in the Face teenage magazine said: "I've worked since school and all I seem to be doing is running on the spot, chasing dreams that are constantly on the horizon. It seems ironic that my life, and the lives of the people around me, revolve around hedonism and looking good, but what else is there?" Chris, Portsmouth. The Bible says: "What is a man profited if he gains the whole world, yet loses his own soul" (Matthew 16:26). But Christ offers purpose. "All things were created through him and for him" (Colossians 1:16). Paul, the author of many of the new testament letters said "for to me to live is Christ, and to die

is gain" (Philippians 1:21). 3. NO PURITY The athiest hates moral restraint, and loves sin, so they say there is no 'right' and 'wrong' 'If you feel it - then it's right!' They name call anyone who believes in purity 'the nanny society'. But how is atheism promoted? Through the TV soaps. The anti-moral society proposed by atheism is so ugly and awful, it is presented through fiction.The entertainment industry brainwashes the public with a scene of nice, reasonable atheists, and narrow, miserable, hypocritical, bigoted christians! Adultery is presented as reasonable and inevitable; the best people are homosexual; ludicrous lies. (quoted from Peter Masters, Cruelties of Atheism). Look at the miserable failure of the human race. The Bible says: God is holy. "And God spoke all these words saying ..." (Exodus 20:1) "do you think you will escape the judgement of God?" (Romans 2:3) But Christ offers purity as a gift, not earnt . He designed us "that we should be holy" (Ephesians 1:4) 4. NO PARDON The atheist hates the pangs of conscience, so he tries to stop their conscience. They call sin 'freedom'. They say guilt was invented by the Victorians. The Bible says: Christ offers pardon through the payment made by Christ on the cross for sin two thousand years ago. Jesus said "Your sins are forgiven" (Luke 5:20). A Christian is someone who has owned up. Christ makes a person clean on the inside. "for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." (Jeremiah 31:34) 5. NO POWER

The atheist is proud, and self-sufficient, but they are often caught up in passion that make them a slave. They don't have the answers to freedom from drugs, homosexuality, violence, sexual immorality. Their answers are insufficient. Well, you say, even if I believed in the 10 commandments, I wouldn't be able to keep them! The atheist says you can't help it - its in the Genes. The atheist blames society - it's the environment therefore 'I couldn't change'. What a cruel system to deny people the right diagnosis of their condition, to deny pardon and to deny there is any hope of change! The Bible says: "whoever commits sin is a slave of sin ... but if the Son makes you free, you shall be free" (John 8:34). But Christ offers power "I anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation ... all things have become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17). When people repented and became Christians in the Belfast dockyards of the 1920s, they returned the goods they had stolen from the docks. So much was returned they had to build a new warehouse to store it all in! On the news a few years ago it was reported that a policemen, who had became a born again Christian, had voluntarily owned up to perjury and as a result was going to be jailed. Christ had changed his life. 6. NO PARADISE Atheists are the greatest gamblers in this street. Their entire outlook, lifestyle, policy depends upon the assumption that death is the end. But what if they are wrong? The Bible says: The Bible says "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." (Psalm 14:1). See also John 3:19-20 . Christ offers paradise. While dying on the Cross, Jesus Christ offered pardon and a place in heaven to the thief who was crucified with him, even though this was the same man that had earlier reviled him. Through his death and RESURRECTION Christ offers - Peace, Purpose, Purity, Pardon, Power, Paradise.

Further reading: 'The Cruelties of Atheism', Peter Masters, books by Francis Schaeffer(Amazon) Author: Alan Pibworth,, copyfree 2000 Taken from:

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