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Science and Technology - Social http://neps365.wordpress.

com/2010/07/08/the-impact-of-science-and-technology-to-society/ Today, science has a profound effect on the way we live, largely through technologythe use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. The first automobile, dating from the 1880s, made use of many advances in physics and engineering, including reliable ways of generating high-voltage sparks, while the first computers emerged in the 1940s from simultaneous advances in electronics and mathematics. The rapid rise of modern science has created major social problems. Not only has science created profoundly affected mans material way of life it also offered an equally profound mental upheaval. As resulted from the changes it has effected in mans rational understanding of his environment and his attitude toward knowledge. Materials life has primarily felt the technological knowledge growing out of industrial application of scientific discoveries, techniques, and methods. At the same time, the increased awareness and the understanding of nature and the enlightened attitude toward knowledge have seriously impinged upon mans religious faith and outlook Transport, Communications etc. : Modern communities mean urbanization; they use rapid transportation, hi-speed communication facilities, the preservation and distribution of food, adequate sanitation, and the use of mechanical power. If calamity destroys the capital city of a certain country, community life becomes slower; transportation, food distribution, manufactured goods, professional services, and power distribution would be a remote possibility. Through technological application, science has become the material basis for civilization. Civilization becomes daily more complex through applications of science; and with that growing complexity there develops the weakness based on the fact that civilization would be seriously impaired by the destruction of only a few of its parts. Save Lives: Alongside these achievements, science has also brought about technology that helps save human life. The kidney dialysis machine enables many people to survive kidney diseases that would once have proved fatal, and artificial valves allow sufferers of coronary heart disease to return to active living. Biochemical research is responsible for the antibiotics and vaccinations that protect us from infectious diseases, and for a wide range of other drugs used to combat specific health problems. As a result, the majority of people on the planet now live longer and healthier lives than ever before. The advance of science and technology has led to the creation of new jobs in the pharmaceutical, medical, research and biotechnological fields. Creation of Jobs: Singapore: In 2000, Singapore declared biotechnology as the fourth pillar of its economy. Due to increased international competition, Singapore has gradually moved its emphasis from manufacturing technology to the biomedical sciences. In an effort to become an integrated biotechnology hub, Singapore has pumped in $2.3 billion in investments, grants and incentives. The government is also trying to create domestic talent. The Agency for Science, Technology and Research is offering $286 million in scholarships for students to pursue Ph.D.'s in biomedical sciences at home and abroad, in exchange for their promise to work in Singapore for up to eight years. Adapted from (Singapore Goes Biotech, New York Times, 2003) Internet Addiction (Social Isolation) Youth internet addiction has become a serious social problem. To curb and alleviate this problem, the Chinese authorities have called for tighter enforcement of the rules banning under-18s from internet cafes and for a rating system for games. Adapted from Chinas clinic for its Internet junkies ( Social Glue

Gone are the days of snail mail and expensive trunk calls. With Information Communication Technology (ICT), communication between individuals within a family, company, or country can be made with ease. When the Internet was first introduced, it was used to disseminate information within a company and between companies.

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