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Head and Neck

1. Bones a. Foramen ovale & structures passing through it **** b. Mastoid process & muscles attached to it with nerve supply **** c. Structures passing in the groove behind mastoid process d. Groove for occipital artery e. Styloid process & muscles attached to it with nerve supply *** f. Pterion i. Artery related to it ii. Origin of the artery iii. Clinical importance: Extradural hematoma g. Hypoglossal canal & structures passing through it, then the nerve is supplying what organ? ** h. Jugular foramen & structures passing through it by each compartment ***** i. Alveolar process j. Hard palate and bones forming it k. Crista galli ** l. Cribriform plate & structures passing through it m. Groove for transverse sinus n. Site for attachment of falx cerebelli ** 2. Face a. Sensory nerve supply 3. Scalp ** a. Layers b. Dangerous layer 4. Digastric muscle***** a. Nerve supply of (anterior and posterior bellies) 5. Sternomastoid ****** a. Action b. Origin c. Nerve supply 6. Buccinator ** a. Origin b. Nerve supply 7. Infrahyoid muscles a. Nerve supply
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8. Stylopharyngeus muscle a. Nerve supply 9. Hyoglossus muscle a. Anterior relation b. Origin c. Insertion d. Nerve supply e. Action 10. Muscles of mastication *********** a. Origin b. Insertion c. Action d. Nerve supply e. Blood supply 11. Extraocular muscles 12. Tongue ** a. Nerve supply (motor and sensory) ************** b. Blood supply ** c. Extrinsic & intrinsic muscles ** 13. Parotid gland a. Opening of the duct *** b. Structure pierced by the duct c. Nerve supply *** d. Contents (in order) **** e. Blood supply 14. Submandibular gland **** a. Opening of the duct b. Nerve supply c. Relation d. Nerve related to gland 15. Thyroid gland ************* a. Blood supply (Arterial supply & venous drainage) b. Nerve supply c. Clinical important nerve related 16. Common carotid artery (CCA) ** a. Termination (where and what?) 17. Internal carotid artery (ICA) ** a. Branches 18. External carotid artery (ECA) ********** a. Branches 19. Carotid Sheath ** a. Contents
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20. Internal jugular vein ** a. Tributaries 21. Superior & inferior thyroid artery a. Origin 22. Subclavian artery a. Branches of the first part 23. Maxillary artery ** a. Branches 24. Facial artery a. Course b. Branches in neck c. Termination d. Anastomosis 25. Superficial temporal artery *** a. Origin b. Point with your finger c. Course 26. Pulsation of vessels in the face ** 27. Trigeminal nerve a. Muscles supplied 28. Mandibular nerve ********* a. Course b. Divisions c. Branches d. Muscles supplied by motor root of mandibular nerve 29. Lingual nerve ** a. Origin b. Distribution c. Branches 30. Facial nerve **** a. Nuclei (Deep origin) b. Branches c. Emerge from what foramen d. Buccal branch supplies what? e. Cervical branch supplies what? 31. Chorda tympani ** a. A branch of which cranial nerve? 32. Glossopharyngeal nerve a. From where it leaves the skull? b. Name other nerves leaving through the same foramen c. Forms what plexus 33. Pharyngeal plexus *** a. Supplies what?
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34. Accessory nerve ** a. Course (comes from what foramen, leaves from what foramen) 35. Hypoglossal nerve **** a. How does it exit from skull? b. What fiber(s) joins it when it leaves the hypoglossal canal? c. What does the fiber forms? d. What does it supply? 36. Ansa cervicalis *** a. Fibers from which segment forms it b. What does it supply? 37. Ansa subclavia 38. Laryngeal nerves 39. Cranial nerve 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th: ***** a. Supplying what structures? b. Which foramen each of them passing through 40. Cranial nerves that carry parasympathetic fibers: (Tips: Egypt won against Israel in 1973) a. 10 (Vagus) b. 9 (Glossopharyngeal) c. 7 (Facial) d. 3 (Oculomotor) 41. 3 Parasympathetic ganglia in head & neck a. Submandibular ganglion i. Root value b. Otic ganglion i. Root ii. Branch c. Ciliary d. Sphenopalatine 42. Larynx ** a. Nerve supply (sensory & motor) 43. Falx cerebri ** a. Content b. Attachment c. What lies in its free border? d. What lies in its upper border? e. What lies below the lower border? 44. Inferior saggital sinus? a. What is below it? b. Where does it end?

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45. Cavernous sinus ***** a. Content b. Boundaries c. Relation d. Communication

1. Short gastric ** a. Origin 2. Splenic artery ** a. Origin b. Branches 3. Coeliac trunk ** a. Origin b. Branches 4. Abdominal aorta a. Origin ** b. End ** c. Branches (paired & single) ************ 5. Superior mesenteric artery a. Origin 6. Inferior vena cava **** a. Tributaries 7. Portal vein ******* a. Definition b. Tributaries c. Site of formation d. Formation e. Beginning 8. Splenic vein 9. Porto-caval (porto-systemic) anastamoses ** a. Sites b. Veins forming it 10. Stomach a. Blood supply & where it comes ******************* b. Nerve supply c. Stomach bed ** 11. Pancreas ******** a. Relation of the back of the head of pancreas b. Relation of the back of the neck of pancreas c. Parts d. Arterial supply
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12. Kidney *********** a. Posterior relation b. Anterior relation 13. Spleen a. Diaphragmatic surface 14. Gall bladder ** a. Surface anatomy of its fundus 15. Ureter **** a. Origin b. Course c. End d. Blood supply e. Length f. Constriction 16. What do you know about cisterna chyli? 17. Anterior abdominal muscle 18. Rectus sheath ********** a. Content 19. Inguinal canal **** 20. Deep inguinal ring a. Boundaries 21. Lesser sac a. Anterior boundary 22. Mc Burneys point 23. Foregut, midgut & hindgut ****** a. Develop to what? b. Artery supply (beginning of each artery) c. Extend from & to d. Junctions between: i. Fore/midgut ii. Mid/hindgut

1. Rectum ***************** a. Blood supply & its origin b. Posterior relation c. Peritoneal covering 2. Anal canal ** a. Blood supply b. External anal sphincter

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3. Urinary bladder a. Blood supply ******* b. Posterior relation of base of urinary bladder between male & female *********** 4. Vagina a. Arterial supply ** i. What is its special characteristics 5. Fallopian tube ** a. Parts b. Arterial supply 6. Uterus a. Ligament ** b. Position *** 7. Broad ligaments ** a. Parts 8. Levator ani a. Origin *********** b. Insertion *** c. Nerve supply ***** d. Blood supply 9. Internal iliac artery a. Branches ************ 10. Inferior mesenteric artery a. Branches 11. Superior & inferior vesical arteries a. Origin 12. Ovarian artery ** a. Origin 13. Ovarian vein a. Where it drains ** 14. Deep & superficial perineal pouches ***** a. Boundaries b. Contents c. It is closed or opened? d. Structures piercing it 15. Deep & superficial perineal fossa 16. Superior perineal membrane 17. Ischiorectal fossa *** a. Boundaries 18. Length of urethra in male & female 19. Lumbar plexus 20. Muscles of pelvic wall
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1. Third ventricle a. Inferior relation b. Roof c. Walls **


2. Interpeduncular fossa a. Contents 3. Motor area a. Where b. What c. Extended till where 4. Blood supply of middle motor area
Grey Matter of Cerebrum

5. Grey matter of the cerebral hemisphere ** a. Maybe nuclei e.g. caudate, lenticular 6. Internal capsule **** b. Parts c. Main arterial supply 7. What is the cavity of the temporal lobe? a. Inferior horn of lat ventricle i. Relation above it 8. What are the functions of the temporal lobe? a. Auditory area b. Auditory sssociation srea c. Centre for smell 9. Basal ganglia 10. Caudate nucleus 11. Temporal lobe a. Function 12. Area 41 & 42 a. Site b. Function 13. Motor area 4 ** a. Site b. Function 14. Brocas area a. Site b. Function

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White Matter

15. White matter of the cerebral hemisphere ****** a. Type - Projection fibers Association fibers Commissural fibers b. Fibers 16. Corpus callosum ******** a. Parts b. Type of fibers c. Blood supply d. Function e. Content f. Explain what kind of fibers it has ii. Rostrum - connects the frontal lobes iii. Genu - forceps minor iv. Splenium - forceps major v. Body tapetum g. It connects what?
Blood Vessels

17. Arterial supply of cerebrum ** 18. Circle of Willis ***** a. Origin of the arteries 19. Blood supply of lateral surface of hemisphere *** 20. Branches of basilar artery 21. Origin of anterior & posterior cerebral arteries
Fourth Ventricle

22. Forth ventricle a. Content 23. Facial colliculus b. Site


24. Lateral leminiscus a. Definition b. Function 25. Medial lemniscus a. Definition b. Function 26. Spinal lemniscus a. Definition b. Function
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27. All leminisci a. Details b. What type of fibers do they carry? c. Where do they end? d. Which lemniscus ends in PVMNT?

28. Spinal cord a. Where it ends b. Coverings 29. Meninges 30. Blood supply of cerebellum 31. If there is cutting of one side of trigeminal nerve, what will happen?

1. Pharyngeal arch *** a. Styloid process from which arch? b. Glossopharyngeal nerve supplies which arch?

General Questions
1. What is your opinion about our department?

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