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Statement #1 Topic Sentence Grabber Statem ent Major concepts / Supporting Ideas This is a statem ent focussing on the topic. It piques your readers interest. Identify the three m ajor concepts / supporting ideas that you will use for proof. List them in the order they appear in the paragraph. Also em ploy transitional w ords that point to the next set of sentences. The topic sentence is generally one sentence but can be two if required. Begin this sentence with transitional words that connect it back to the previous sentence(s). Explain your first supporting idea so that the reader knows you know. Cite your proof from the text(s) to support your idea. Make sure that the proof m atches the idea. Add a statem ent to suggest your agreem ent / disagreem ent with the view in m ind of supporting your thesis. Link your supporting idea to the next supporting idea with transitional words . 1 st supporting idea statem ent should about five sentences in length. Begin this sentence with transitional words that connect it back to the previous sentence(s). Explain your second supporting idea so that the reader knows you know. Cite your proof from the text(s) to support your idea. Make sure that the proof m atches the idea. Add a statem ent to suggest your agreem ent / disagreem ent with the view in m ind of supporting your thesis. Link your supporting idea to the next supporting idea with transitional words . 2 nd supporting idea statem ent should about five sentences in length. Begin this sentence with transitional words that connect it back to the previous sentence(s). Explain your third supporting idea so that the reader knows you know. Cite your proof from the text(s) to support your idea. Make sure that the proof m atches the idea. Add a statem ent to suggest your agreem ent / disagreem ent with the view in m ind of supporting your thesis. Link your supporting idea to the next supporting idea with transitional words . 3 rd supporting idea statem ent should about five sentences in length. This is a statem ent focussing on the topic and identifies the three m ajor / concepts, supporting ideas in the order they appear in the paragraph. If this is a stand alone paragraph then this sentence sum m arizes the paragraph and contains a thoughtful statem ent for the reader. If this paragraph is a part of an essay (and not the conclusion) then instead of a thoughtful statem ent, transitional words are used to point the reader to the next paragraph. The concluding sentence is generally one sentence but can be two if required.
Roger Blake, 2004. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission

General Length Statement #2 1 st Supporting Idea Sentence(s) Link Statem ent

Explanation Proof


Transition General Length Statement #3 2 nd Supporting Idea Sentence(s) Link Statem ent

Explanation Proof


Transition General Length Statement #4 3 rd Supporting Idea Sentence(s) Link Statem ent

Explanation Proof


Transition General Length Statement #5 Conclusion Sentence Link Statem ent

Sum m ary

General Length

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