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A. Location and Time of the Research

The location of the research is at SMP Negeri 1 Batangtoru. The school is located in Jl. Merdeka Barat Desa Napa Kecamatan Batangtoru. Which is headmaster by Mukaddis Harahap, S.Pd., and the teachers of English are Hartini Harahap, S.Pd., Suryani, S.Pd., Rina Yanti, S.Pd., and Pahrum Siregar, S.Pd. The reason of the writer chooses this school as the location for the research because the data for the research are available in the school. The research conducted for three months, November 2012 until January 2013.

B. Method of the Research

Method is a way used to achieve the intended purpose. Method of the research is necessary needed in conducting a research. According to Suharsimi Arikunto, Metode penelitian adalah cara-cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data.48 It means that research method is a way that can be used by writer to collect data. According to Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Metode penelitian adalah rangkaian cara atau kegiatan pelaksanaan penelitian yang didasari oleh asumiasumsi dasar, pandangan-pandangan filosofis dan ideologis pertanyaan dan isuisu yang dihadapi.49 It means that method is a series of way or the

4 4

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Suharsimi Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010), p. 100. Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2010), p. 52.



implementation of research activities are based on basic assumptions, philosophical and ideological, questions and issues faced. Suharsimi Arikunto states that there are 4 kinds of research method, namely: 1. Descriptive method is the research that aims to explain and find a picture of these two variables and see the relationship between the two variables. 2. Evaluation method is the research activities carried out in order to determine the wise of first considering the values and benefits of a program. 3. Historical method, it means that the research construction in past with systematically and objective with collecting and evaluating the prove to get conclusion. 4. Experimental method is the research to determine if there is a result of an imposed on the subject searchingly.50 In this research the writer uses experimental method as a way to get the data from all the sample. L.R. Gay Geofrey E. Mills and Peter Airasian say, Experimental method is the only type of the research that can be hypothesis to establish cause-effect relations.51 From the quotations above, the writer uses experimental method, the writer teaches reading comprehension of procedure text to experimental group by
5 5 0 1

Suharsimi Arikunto, op.cit., p. 234-247. L.R.Gay, Geofrey E. Mills, and Peter Airasian, Educational Research Competences for Analysis an Applications, (New York: Pearson, 2009), p. 240.


using contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and teaches reading comprehension of procedure text to control group by group investigation (GI) method. Then Suharsimi Arikunto option about control group pre-test and post-test as follows:
E K 01 03 X X 02 04

Where : E : Experimental group

K :

Control group

01 : Pre-test experimental group 02 : Post-test experimental group 03 : Pre-test control group 04 : Post-test control group From that pattern, it is very clear that the difference between experimental group and control group with the steps, post-test experimental group by pre-test experimental group or (02-01) and compare with the post-test control group by pre test control group (04-03) because they have the same ability. So, the writer assumes that experimental method is suitable to research contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and group investigation (GI) methods in reading comprehension of procedure text.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population
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Suharsimi Arikunto, op.cit., p. 86.


One of the important thing in research is a population. Population is the big part of the research, because from the population the writer can find the object that will be researched. According to Donald Ary, Population is defined as all members of any well defined class of people, events or object. 53 Husaini Usman says, population is all the good result of a calculation and measurement, both quantitative or qualitative rather than specific characteristics of a group of subject that a complete and clear . 54 An other opinion by Andi supangat, populasi is set of object that will be used as research material ( a review ) with characteristics similar charachteristics.55 According to Anas Sudijono, Populasi adalah kumpulan dari seluruh elemen yang menjadi objek penelitian tanpa pengecualian.56 It means thet population is a collection all of elements of the research object without expection. From the opinions of the experts above, the writer concludes that population is the object or subject that will be used as research material and have a good characteristics. In this research, the population is all of the students at the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Batangtoru which consist of 6 classes. So, total population is 225 students. The number of the tenth grade students can be considered in the table below:

Table 3 The Number of Population The Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Batangtoru
5 3

Donald Ary , Introduce to Research in Education, (Canada: Thomson Wadsworth, 2006), p.

5 55

Husaini usman ,pengantar statistik (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara 2008),.p181 Andi Supangat, Statistik Dalam Kajian Deskriptif, Infoers, dan Nonparametrik, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2008), p.3. 6 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta; Rajawali Pers, 2010), p. 28.


No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Class VIII-1 VIII-2 VIII-3 VIII-4 VIII-5 VIII-6 Total

Male 12 12 10 17 10 12 73

Female 28 25 27 18 28 26 152

Total 40 37 37 35 38 38 225

2. Sample
Sample is the sub group taken from a population. According to Donald Ary, Sample is a portion of a population with the research. 57 L.R. Gay Geofrey E. Mills and Peter Airasian say, Sample is a group of individuals, items, or events that represents the characteristics of the larger group from which the sample is drawn.58 Suharsimi Arikunto says that there are some techniques in taking sampling, they will be explained below: 1. Random sampling, it is used by the writer where the sample which taken from the population that has one characteristic. 2. Cluster sampling, it is used by writer if in the population there are groups that has each characteristic. 3. Stratified sampling, it is used by writer if in population there is a subject group and between on group with other seen a class of strata.
5 5 7 8

Donald Ary, op.cit., p. 167. L.R.Gay,Geofrey E. Mills and Peter Airasian, op.cit., p. 124.


4. Purposive sampling, sampling technique that used by writer if the writer has the certain consideration in taking her/his sampling. 5. Area sampling, taking the sampling member by considering the representative from the geographic area. 6. Double sampling, taking sampling by writer with number two times more from the number of sampling that will be researched. 7. Proportional sampling, the writer takes the representative from each group in population and the number is suitable with the number of subject member in each group.59 Based on the quotation above, sample of the research is got by cluster sampling. Suharsimi Arikunto says. Sampel kelompok ( cluster sampling ) yaitu teknik yang dilakukan dengan cara mengambil salah satu kelompok atau kelas dari beberapa kelompok dalam populasi.60 It means that cluster sampling is a technique that is done by taking one group or class of some group in the population. The writer concludes the technique used in this research is taken cluster sampling. So the class of sample are class VIII2 which amount 37 students and VIII3 which amount 37 students. So, the total of sample are 74 students.

D. Instrument of the Research

Instrument is something used in formulating an action in scientific action. Suharsimi Arikunto says, Instrumen penelitian adalah alat bagi peneliti dalam
5 60

Suharsimi Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2009), p. 100-101. Ibid, p. 104


mengumpulkan data.61 It means that instrument of the research is tool of facility which is used by the writer in collecting data. So that process becomes easier and complete and systematic. Related to the theoretical description in chapter II, the writer uses contextual teaching and learning (CTL) Method and Group Investigation (GI) method as (X) veriabels and teaching reading comprehension of procedure text as (Y) veriabels. Contextual teaching and learning method is provides opportunities for students to learn knowledge and skills in meaningful context such as the home, the community and the workplace.The indicators of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) are : 1) Contructivism, 2) Inquiry, 3) Questioning. Group investigation method is students from interest groups within which to plan and implement and investigation and synthesizes that findings into a group presentation for the class. The steps of Group Investigation Method are : 1) Selection of topic, 2) Planning for cooperation, 3) Implementation. Procedure text is purposed to give a way about steps methods, ways to do something. Reading comprehension of procedure text is scores achieved by students abilities besed on respondent answer to the indicators

1) Definition of procedure text 2) The social function of procedure text 3) The generic structure of procedure text
6 1

Suharsimi Arikunto, op.cit., p. 90.


4) Lexicogrammatical features of procedure text. By knowing indicators of variable it can be measured by using test. And based on the indicators, the writer give the test for the students and there are 20 items test for variable Y to make the indicators of reading comprehension of procedure text. The writer formulates in the following table. Table 4 The Indicators of Reading Comprehension of Procedure Text No 1 2 3 4 Indicators The definition of procedure text The social function of procedure text Items Number 1 2, 10 Total Number 1 2 11 6 20 Score 5 10 55 30 100

The generic structure of 3, procedure text 4,5,6,7,11.12,13,16,17,18 The lexicogrammatical feature of procedure text Total 8,9,14,15,19,20

From the indicators above, the writer gives 20 items to questions written test to the students so they can analyze the context. The question were answered by multiple choice. Finally, the result of the test is hoped able to measured the students ability through CTL and Group Investigation methods.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

In taking the data a research choose suitable technique. Collecting data is an activity to collect the source from phenomenon that has purpose to get the


result. Without technique collecting data, the research can not find the data based on standard data that has is decided. According to Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata states that there are some kinds of research method, they are: interview, test, questionnaire, observation.62 Interview is a dialogue that is done by interview to get the information. Test is used to measuring the skill, knowledge, capability or talent of someone or groups. Questionnaire is used to get the information with the indirect questions. Observation is the activity with paying attention to something to get the data or information. So, in collecting the data this research, the writer uses objective test as instrument which is used to measure the capability of the students in reading comprehension of procedure text. To collect the data the writer uses procedures as follows: 1) dividing the sample in to two groups, VIII2 and VIII3 where the writer uses cluster sampling, 2) the writer teach the students about procedure text where in teaching VIII 2 uses contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and VIII3 uses group investigation methods and 3) giving objective test to both group where it is used to find out the student response and their achievement in reading procedure text by using contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and group investigation methods. Below the writer describes the treatment activities of the research as follows: Table 5 The Total Treatment Activities Meetings
6 2



VIII3 Group Investigation

Nana Syaoidh Sukmadinata, op.cit., p. 216.



How to make a cup of tea How to make ice cream How to make a kite

Teacher gives the matter, students thinking about it ad share, the last teacher summarizes and closing

Teacher asked the students to form a group, teacher gives the matter, students thinking about it, formulate goals and share, last teacher concludes and closing

F. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer used criteria of value as Muhibbin Syah said: Table 6 Criteria of Value63 No 1 2 3 4 5 Interval 80-100 70-79 60-69 50-59 0-49 Interpretation Very good Good Enough Bad Fail

To analyze the data, the writer prepare a test that will be perform by students after that all the data has been collected is analyzed by using statistic. To analyze the data this research the writer uses t-test formula as Anas Sudjionos opinion, the formula can be seen as follows:

6 3

M1 M 2 SE M1 M 2


Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi Pendidikan dengan Pendekatan Baru, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2010), p. 153. 4 Anas Sudjiono, op.cit., p. 314.


Where: to = Test of observation M1 = Mean of experimental group M2 = Mean of control group SE M = Standard Error Mean of sample of experimental group SE M 2 = Standard Error Mean of sample of control group

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