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Table of Contents

Introduction …...............................................................................................3

Mental Block #1: Fear.................................................................................6

Mental Block #2: Doubt..............................................................................8

Mental Block #3: Worry............................................................................10

Mental Block #4: Regret...........................................................................12

Mental Block #5: Procrastination.............................................................14

Mental Block #6: Perfectionism...............................................................16

Mental Block #7: Pride.............................................................................17

Taking the Next Step.................................................................................21

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Hi! I’m Russ Small, your Imagination Coach, and I want to ask you something:

Are you living your dreams? Is this the lifestyle that you imagined for yourself?

If you already get everything you want then you may want to read another report.
However, this report will be very valuable if you are like the majority of people
who are not living up to their potential and fulfilling their fantasies.

Are you using your imagination in a way that makes you feel great? Chances are
probably not, because by the evidence of all the pain and unnecessary suffering,
most people are clearly misusing their imagination.

To construct a positive new reality you must first find out what is stopping your
imagination from functioning at its full potential. A key question to ask yourself is:

What is blocking me from getting exactly what I want?

The answer to this question will help reveal how you are using, or misusing, your
imagination. Only when you are aware of how you are misusing it can you start to
appreciate the proper use of your imagination.

Once you begin to tap into the power of your imagination you can solve any
problem or achieve any goal. This report will help you identify the most common
mental illusions in your life that block you from peace, love, and happiness.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Everyday people are told to quit daydreaming, stop imagining, and told to pull
their head out of the clouds. Maybe that is why so many people believe they have
lost their imagination, but in truth, no one ever stops using theirs.

Your imagination cannot be turned off and is being used all the time in many
ways. Your imagination manages the thoughts and emotions in your mind. It is
the gateway for all your choices, and the gatekeeper for your future decisions.

Where your imagination goes, the energy of your feelings flows, and life's
experience follows.

Your imagination creates the reality you experience. Playwright George Bernard
Shaw wrote, "Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you
desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will."

Imagination is creation. A vision held steadily in the imagination, with willpower

and emotion, must inevitably come to manifest. Every man-made invention that
has even been built was first an idea conceptualized in the mind's eye.

Imagination is the cause and your life is the effect.

Your experience always begins with your imagination. For example, you picture
how you will look in your clothes before trying them on. You imagine your path to
work or school. You visualize a tasty meal you are looking forward to eating.

Believe it or not, you and the entire sum of your experiences are all a by-product
of your imagination. Has it occurred to you that you could ask for more? More
than what you've imagined possible so far?

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

If you are unsuccessful it is because of your imagination. Perhaps you lack belief
that you can achieve success. If you cannot spend the time visualizing your own
success, then who do you expect should do this crucial step for you?

If you are successful it is because of your imagination. You believe that you can
create your success. After all, why else would you be given the skill of visualizing
your dreams and fantasies? If you can conceive it you can achieve it.

One of the greatest human tendencies is the temptation to settle for far too
little, or less than we deserve.

You are about to learn The 7 Imagination Misuses, the major mental blocks that
are lethal to the imagination and prevent people from living the life they want.

Over our years we accept ideas and beliefs both consciously and subconsciously.
Some of these belief-systems end up acting as barriers that block our success. We
must learn to re-program these negative mental blocks at all costs.

Imagine attracting all the happiness, bliss, joy and success your heart desires.
Imagine living with purpose, having financial freedom, getting off the emotional
roller coaster, and controlling your behavior once and for all.

Are you ready to break-free from the imagination blocks and limiting belief-
systems that are holding your life hostage?

If you can imagine it possible, then you can make it possible.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Fear is an imagination misuse. Fear is the biggest and most common misuse of
our imagination. Fear is a natural enemy of the imagination because it can rob
people of their motivation, cause them to give up hope, and steal their dreams.

Fear is not a good way to use the imagination because it can also cause you to
second guess yourself, delay inspired action until things feel “better”, and often
poisons your imagination by predicting unrealistic failure.

When you come up with a good idea, fear usually finds a way to creep into the
crevices of your confidence. When your imagination builds up excitement, fear
attempts to squash it before any creative action or solution develops.

People whose lives are overcome with fear are often too scared to take any type
of action. Fear is the number one cause of failure because it stops people from
starting. Fear also stops people from re-trying after experiencing a failure.

Failure is never permanent unless you give up.

Give into fear and your life will be the same or worse than it is now. To beat fear
you must challenge yourself daily to see that living with, or without it, is a
decision. If you have a choice, why not choose to have less fear and be fearless?

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Once you courageously decide to take fear out of the equation, your imagination
is free to create and to help you fulfill your dreams. You can take a huge step
towards facing your fears with the following exercise.

Take a blank sheet of paper and write down a list of all your life goals. Write down
the dreams you want to accomplish, the things you want, the people you want to
meet, and the lifestyle you want to live. Spare no detail, the more info the better!

On another blank piece of paper make a list of anything that is stopping you from
your important life goals. What are the fears, risks, and excuses you have in
relation to your desires? Try to be as specific as possible and list everything.

Now that you have lists of your highest aspirations and your biggest fears, the
most important part comes. How do these two lists compare and relate to one
another? Which list is more important to you? How do you know?

How do your fears sabotage your success? What has not facing your fears held
you back from doing, being, or having? How long will you allow fear to keep you
playing small and distracted from your destiny?

What type of person do you have to become to be completely successful and

achieve your dreams?

Take time this week to do this exercise and see what insights you can learn. The
more you know means the less you will fear the unknown. The less fear that exists
in your life means the more personal power for creating a positive new reality.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Doubt is an imagination misuse. Doubt makes you feel uncertain and can
completely destroy your confidence. Doubt can also dry out the fountain of your
creativity. A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on what is important.

“Our doubts are traitors” - Shakespeare

Doubt may seem “logical” but you end up playing small instead of standing tall. It
might seem logical to lack confidence in something that you’ve never done, but in
reality you should be confident knowing no one ever starts out with experience.

Doubt who you feel you have to, but never doubt yourself. Despite popular
practice, doubting yourself does not make you more confident. To raise your
confidence you must learn to act in spite of your doubts.

The longer you take to act the more fear and doubts will likely arise. If you don't
act in spite of your doubts you might end up paralyzed in fear. Over-analyzing the
situation and taking no action is called “analysis paralysis”.

Another imagination misuse related to doubt is assuming.

Assuming has us drawing false inferences and coming to conclusions that simply
aren’t true. Accepting untruths as facts jeopardizes our chance of success. When
we base our reality heavily upon on assumptions we set ourself up for failure.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

What are your assumptions in life costing you? It is not who you are that holds
you back, but who you think that you are not. It is not what you know that keeps
you unsuccessful, but what you know that isn't actually so.

An example of an assumption is that time is worth what you pay for it. It arrives at
no cost so many assume it has no value. In truth time is the only wealth we are
given, but we assume it is worthless because it appears free and everlasting.

Train your imagination every day to push past your doubt and challenge your
assumptions. Everyday your job is to recognize doubt and uncover false
assumptions before they shut down your creativity.

Take a moment and list the top ten things that you would love to have in your
life. Now beside each desire write two or three ways you could accomplish that
goal if you had no doubts and possessed unstoppable self-confidence.

Look at the list you have created. Is there anything on the list that is absolutely
impossible for you to be, do, or have? What steps can you begin taking today that
will move you closer towards your goals and dreams. Get excited. Feel inspired.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Worry is misuse of the imagination. When we worry about the future we lose the
power of the moment. You may be misusing your imagination with worry if you
say yes to any of the following questions:

Do you over-think things too much? Do you have troubles sleeping at night? Do
you suffer from a lack of confidence? Do you constantly try to figure out the
“worse-case” scenario? Do you live in fear of some expected or imagined future?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you probably worry too
much. People believe that worrying serves a purpose, but it is simply not
necessary. No one has ever solved a problem as a direct result of worrying.

Worrying can affect different types of people in different ways. Worrying tends to
fall into one of three categories: Rumination, Obsession, and Compulsion. All
three types of worry prevent inner-peace and steal our precious energy.

• Rumination

Rumination involves constantly thinking about past or future situations over and
over. Recall a time you faced a conflict or a stressful situation that you replayed in
your mind again and again even once it was over.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

You might have found yourself imagining different ways you could have handled
the situation, or what you would do differently if it happened again. This type of
worry is rumination.

• Obsession

Obsession involves being emotional about past or future situations. We obsess

when we continually react to our thoughts about a situation. Spending time
agonizing over what might happen causes us to fall into obsessive patterns.

As you can imagine, using your imagination to obsess over what terrible things
could go wrong is not the most productive way to spend your time. Obsession is
usually driven by fear of some unrealistic consequence.

• Compulsion
Compulsion involves being compelled to react to past or future situations.
Compulsion takes over the imagination and doesn't allow the mind to remain
satisfied or be still.

You may recognize compulsive worriers by their imagination-driven dialogue. “Do

you need me to make you some food? Are you sure you are full enough? Why
don’t you just eat this snack? If you get hungry, be sure to let me know.”

If you are worried about something the best action is to do something about it.
Your job is to transform your worry into concern. A worried person looks out for
problems and a concerned person looks out for solutions.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Another imagination misuse is regret. Regret places our focus in the past, on
things we can no longer change. You may be familiar with regret if you have used
any of the following phrases:

“Why didn’t I....?”

“How did I not see that coming?”
“I never should have….”
“I should have….”
“If only I had just….”
“Everything would be better if….”

We think about past situations in our head and then fuel them with negative
emotions. Since there is nothing that can be done in regards to a solution, the
only feelings that can be generated are those of guilt, anger, and shame.

We experience negative emotions when we expect that things should have

happened in a different way. Changing the past is impossible. If you cannot
change something then there is no point on dwelling negatively about it.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

If your reality was meant to be any different than it is now it already would be so.
It is up to you to accept your reality. Yesterday is no longer under the jurisdiction
of your control. You can't change, erase, or take back a single action.

It's useless to allow regrets of the past to influence the power of now. The only
time that we have control over is the present. Use your imagination to solve the
problems of now instead of wasting your time and energy with regret.

How much more power would you have if you could celebrate your smallest
successes and even your biggest failures?

One way you can begin to work through regret is with forgiveness. The more you
practice forgiveness the faster you will see failure as a necessary part of success.
Find a way to forgive yourself and others. Everything happens for a reason.

Strive to do your best and always find lessons from your experiences. A failure is
only negative when you neglect to see any lessons. Always find a way to grow,
even from mistakes. This is the attitude of a true success seeker.

Another way to keep the feeling of regret in check is to write down a list of all
your strengths, proudest moments, and accomplishments. Refer to it often and
remember that you learned and grew from all your experiences.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Procrastination is misuse of the imagination. Procrastination is a thief of progress.
Whether you put off planning your business strategy, a family vacation, or dealing
with an issue, procrastination keeps you from your desired results.

People procrastinate when they hold a negative perception towards a project or

problem. Procrastination occurs when we don't know what we want, when we
don’t know how to get it, or we don't believe we have what it takes.

The number one reason why people don’t get what they want in life is that they
don’t know exactly what it is that they want. When you don't know what you
want it is very difficult to get started.

We will experience procrastination when we are unsure of our vision or are

unclear of what we want. Having an unclear vision is not the only reason for
procrastinating, it can also happen when we have figured out what we want.

For example, people procrastinate due to choice overload. This results from
having too many options. The mind can easily get overwhelmed if presented too
many choices. Confusion is a tough mental place to make any decision.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

The last reason why people procrastinate is because of a lack of confidence.
These people know what they want, they have weighed out their options, but are
paralyzed with fear of failure. They just don't believe in themselves.

Procrastination is the birthplace of low self-esteem and the breeding ground for
problems. The hardest state to perform in is one that you don't feel good about
yourself. Lack of confidence is a destiny stealer.

When a goal stretches the limits of our imagination we often get scared. When
we are afraid we procrastinate. The problem is when we hold back for too long
we risk losing sight of our dreams. Simple soon becomes unsurmountable.

A simple change in your imagination can help correct procrastination before it's
too late. Instead of dwelling on particular negatives of a project or problem, train
yourself to focus on the positive rewards of taking action.

You can continually focus on the positives and rewards by constantly reminding
yourself why you are doing this to begin with. Record your process and your
progress. Reward yourself for taking action and reaching progress milestones.

One way to beat procrastination is to break the task up into realistic and
manageable pieces. Celebrate even the small steps. Inspired step-by-step action
can quickly eliminate procrastination from your imagination and vocabulary.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Perfectionism is a misuse of the imagination. When we feel the need to be perfect
and do things perfectly it kills our imagination. Perfectionist dreams and goals are
stolen because the desire to be perfect prevents them from taking any action.

Perfectionist spend their time only on things that serve to make them look or feel
good. Perfectionist procrastinate taking actions that could help them accomplish
their goals. If this pattern sounds familiar then you probably are a perfectionist.

Perfectionist place unrealistic expectations on themselves and others.

Perfectionists wait for conditions to be perfect and avoid taking action until they
feel comfortable, which usually means waiting for more information.

This is a problem because no one ever has 100% of the information. People end
up waiting for the ideal situation before getting started which gets no one
anywhere. The world needs people to live their dreams and express themselves.

“You don’t have to get things perfect, you just have to get things progressing”.

You can overcome the perfectionism that plagues you by adopting that adage.
Don’t expect to be perfect, but expect to do something that moves you forward
every day. Progress is what leads to success. Build your successes day-by-day.

Rome wasn't built in one day so take baby steps and ensure daily growth. Inch-by-
inch your life will be a cinch, but yard-by-yard it's bound to become hard. Adopt
an attitude of celebrating even the smallest goals and milestones.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Pride is an imagination misuse. People are most often prideful in an attempt to
avoid perceived harassment, or embarrassment. This result usually backfires and
the person ends up creating even a bigger scene.

Pride can keep us avoiding our dreams, shirking our responsibilities, and ignoring
our better judgment. When we are too proud we don't stand up when we should
or retry when we could. This type of pride is negative and unhealthy.

Negative pride can surface at any time and around any emotional situation. The
five most common examples of unhealthy pride that show up every day are:
Blaming, Gaming, Shading, Faking and Denying.

• Blaming

Blaming occurs when we assign sole responsibility of an action to something or

someone. Blaming anything or anyone other than one self is a misuse of the
imagination. As long as you were there you were partly responsible. You are a co-
creator in the dance we call life; and it always takes at least two to tango.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

• Gaming

Gaming is ignoring, resisting and avoiding any efforts that could potentially help a
problem. Gamers are subconsciously addicted to stealing other peoples power,
mostly their loved ones. Gamers are self-centered and they subconsciously enjoy
the drama. Long-term gaming can lead to serious mental disorders.

• Shading

Shading is dark deeds and shady acts. Lying, refusing to cooperate, engaging in
delaying tactics, or refusing to acknowledge that a condition exists despite
overwhelming evidence. For example, shading might occur when someone in a
trusted position abuses their power and can't come to truth with their actions.

• Faking

Another way that pride can surface in our lives is faking. Faking is when a person
uses deception in order to get their way. The goal is to cause acceptance of what
is false, and it is usually done by trickery or misrepresentation. A couple common
examples are faking a resume and pretending to be a different age.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

• Denying

Denying is refusing to indulge in pleasures and restraining to gratify the self.

Being too proud to take a holiday, failing to properly recognize achievements, and
neglecting health are common denials. Denying yourself things that you desire
and deserve serves no one in the long run.

The universe is abundant and denying it is a misuse of the imagination.

Pride will keep you focused on your failures, prevent you from learning, and steal
your dreams. People perceive failure and criticism often in a negative way.
However, the only way to become an ace performer is to practice failing.

Learning takes place from the experiences you have and the mistakes that you
make. When there is a problem start searching for the next step needed to solve
it. Be a person who can correct any mistake made and grow from any failure.

To overcome pride you must admit when you are wrong and listen to other points
of view. You don't have to agree, just understand where they are coming from. It
is OK if you agree to disagree on something. There are no winners or losers.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

The only people who lose out are those who are not able to experience the rich
satisfying fullness that comes along with living the life of their dreams.

Life is meant to be experienced in frequent states of joy.

Pride can be positive when it comes in the form of being proud. You can feel
positive pride about an accomplishment, an attitude, or even an ancestor. If it
makes you feel good, preferably great, then this type of pride is healthy.

Find the valuable lesson in every experience and event. Always be part of the
solution and learn to appreciate failure as a means to grow past your pride. If you
can do this you will develop a habit you can certainly be proud of.

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

Congratulations, You are Now Aware of The 7 Imagination Misuses!

Awareness is the first and most important step in the process of change. It is
impossible to solve a problem that you are not aware of. Your awareness of these
7 mental blocks is your first line of defense against imagination misuse.

When making changes it is suggested to address only one imagination misuse at a

time. Trying to tackle too many mental blocks will only cause more headaches.
Life is best lived in moderation, this is especially true for any big life changes.

Breaking through mental blocks isn't an easy feat. Chances are you have been
living with these conditioned programs for most of your life. If it was so easy to
identify and correct your imagination misuse you would have already done it.

The most important thing to remember is always be loving with yourself while
working on personal development. We often find our greatest teachers from our
biggest failures. Remember with dedication and commitment anything is possible.

The more you stretch your imagination and use it, the more quickly and easily
your goals and dreams will manifest. Are you willing to commit time to practicing
daily for the ability to experience anything your heart desires?

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

If you want to truly change unwanted behavior the first thing you must do is ask:

“What determines an emotional state and behavior?”

Until you can answer that question definitively your chance of any long-term is
slim to none. After all, how are you going to fix something when you don't even
know how it works? Guessing will only lead to more failure and frustration.

What you need to know is what is holding you back. Isn't it also important to
know how you can move forward, and what exactly it is that will move you
forward? When you master your motivation you take full control of your life.

Each person has at least one programmed illusion that makes them think that the
possible is impossible. It is up to you to recognize, access and change any aspects
of your programming that no longer serve your needs.

You were born with the ability to create your life and live your dreams. However,
the lifestyle you actually live will depend on how well you know the rules of your
inner game, and how well you use that knowledge to your advantage.

The good news is your current behavior can be unlearned, but that is only going
to happen as a result of your commitment. Perhaps now is the right time for you
to explore the benefits of coaching a little more closely?

Are you even coachable? Believe it or not, not everybody is coachable. Take the
following quiz to find out:

Contact Russ with any feedback, testimonials or questions at: (403) 668-4616 or

Your Imagination Coach Imagine :: Inspire :: Ignite ::

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