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55. The older of an internal node in a B+-tree index is the maximum number of children it can have.

Suppose that a child pointer takes 6 bytes, the search field value takes 14 bytes, and the block size is 512 bytes. What is the order of the internal node. a) 24 b) 25 c) 26 d) 27 Ans (c) 56. If we move or delete a record to which another record contains a pointer, then the pointer is called as a) pinned pointers b) dangling pointers c) point less pointer d) none Ans (b) 57. The employee salary showed not be greeter than Rs2000. This is a) Integrity constraint b) referential constraint c) over defined constrain d) feasible constraint Ans (a) 58. Which of the following schemes are used for ensuring atomicity? a) Log with deferred modification b) Log with immediate modification c) Shadow paging d) all of the above Ans (d) 59.The-employee information in a company is stored in the relation Employee (name, sex, salary, deptname) Consider the following SQL query Select deptname from employee where sex = M group by deptname having avg (salary) > (select avg salary from employee) It returns the names of departments in which a) The average salary is more then two average salary in the company b) The average salary of more employees is more than the average salary of all more employees in the company c) The average salary of male employees is more than the average salary of employees in the same department d) The average salary of male employees is more than the average salary in the company. Ans (d) 60. The concept of locking Can be used to solve the problem of a) last update b) uncommitted dependency c) inconsistent data d) all of the above Ans ( d) 61. Any binary relation in 3NF a) true b) false c) cant say d) None Ans (a) 62. Any binary relation in BCNF a) true b) false c) can not say d) None Ans (a) 63. If every non-key attribute is functionally dependent o primary key, then the relation will be in

a) first normal form c) third normal from

b) second normal from d) fourth normal form

Ans (c) 64. Every BCNF decomposition is a) dependency preserving b) not dependency preserving c) Needed be dependency preserving d) none Ans (c) 65. Normalization of a database is used to a) Eliminate redundancy b) improve efficiency c) improve efficiency d) minimize errors Ans ( a) 66. Net work model complicated by a) physical keys, but the relational model is faster because it uses logical keys b) logical keys, but the relational model is faster because it uses physical keys c) logical keys, but the relational model is slower because it uses physical keys d) physical keys, but the relational model is slower because it uses physical keys Ans (a) 67. Match the following (a) Secondary index 1. Functional dependency (b) non-procedural query language 2. B-tree (c) closure set of attributes 3. Domain calculus (d) natural-join 4. Relational algebraic expression a) a-2, b-3, c-1, d-4 b) a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1 c) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4 d) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3 Ans (a) 68. A compound key a) is made up of a several pieces of information b) uniquely identifies an item in a list c) is a combination of each unique key d) both a and b Ans (a) 69. Which of the following is correct a) Relational algebra is more procedural than relational calculus b) Relational algebra is some power as relational calculus c) Relational algebra has the same power as safe relational calculus d) None Ans (c) 70.The relation scheme student performance (name, course no, roll no, grade) has the following FDs name, courseno grade rollno, courseno grade rollno name The nearest normal from this relation satisfies a) 2NF b)3NF c) BCNF d) 4NF Ans (b)

71. Consider the relational student (name, sex, marks) Where the primary key is shown under limited, pertaining to students in a class that has at least one boy and one girl. What does the relational algebra expression procedure? (note: is the rename operator) name(rsex = female(student) -name (student n,x,m(student))(sex = female x = male marks m) a) names of girl students with the highest marks b) names of girl students with more marks than some boy student c) names of girl students with the marks not less than some boy student d) names of girl students with more marks than all the boy students Ans (d) 72. Find the highest normal form of the relation R (A, B, C, D) of the following FDs satisfied by the relation. F = {AB D, AC BD, B C} a) 2 NF b) 3 NF c) BCNF d) 4 NF Ans (b) 73. In relational schema, each tuple divided in to fields called a) Relation b) Domain c) Queries d) File Ans (b) 74. A Phone no is a database is an example of a) Record b) Field c) Sort d) File Ans (d) 75. The relational algebra expression equivalent to the following tuple calculus expression {t}t r (t[A] = 10 t[B] = 20) is a) (A=10 B = 20) (r) b) (A=10) (r) (B = 20) (r) c) (A=10) (r) - (B = 20) d) none Ans (c) Which of the following is correct a) An SQL query automatically eliminates duplication b) An SQL query will not work if there are no indexes on the relations c) SQL permits attributes name to be repeated in the same relation d) None Ans (d) 76. Let R(a, b, c) and s(d, e, f) be two relations in which d is the foreign key of s that refers to the primary key of R. Consider the following four operations R and S 1) Insert into R 2) insert into S 3) Delete from R 4) Delete from S Which of the following is true about the referential integrity constraint above: a) None of (1) (2) (3) (4) can cause its violation b) All of 1 and 4 can cause its violation c) Both 1 and 2 can cause its violation d) Both 2 and 3 can cause its violation Ans (d) 78) Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relation database design?

a) 2 NF b) 5 NF c) 4 NF d) 3 NF Ans (d) 79. Which of the following statements are true A relational database which is in 3 NF may still have undesirable database there may exit: a) Transitive functional dependencies b) Non-trivial functional dependencies involving prime attributes involving prime attributes on the right side c) Non-trivial functional dependencies involving prime attributes involving prime attributes on the left side d) None Ans (b) 80. For a database relation R (a, b, c, d) where the domains of a, b, c, d include only automatic values, only the following functional dependencies and those that can be intend from them hold: a c, b d a) 1 NF but not 2 NF b) 2 NF but not 3 NF c) 3 NF d) none Ans (a) 81. Given the following relation instance X Y Z 1 4 2 1 5 3 1 6 3 3 2 2 Which of the following FD are satisfied by the instance: a) xy z and z y b) yz x and y z c) yz x and x z d) none Ans (b) 82. Given relation r(w, x) and s(y, z) the result of select distinct w, x from r, s is guaranteed to be same as r, provided a) r has to be duplicates and s is non empty b) r and s have no duplicates c) s has no duplicates and r is non-empty d) r and s have the same number of tuples Ans (a) 83. Choose the most appropriate choice with respect to conceptual decision a) Conceptual design is a documentation technique. Once the relation scheme are defined one can draw E-R diagrams from the relation scheme for documentation b) Conceptual design data volume and processing frequencies to determine the site of data base c) Output any conceptual design is E-R diagram d) Conceptual design involves modeling the data requirements independent of the DBMS, operating system and the hardware Ans (d) 84. An area holding a group of records which are addressed joints is called as a) Block b) bucket c) extent d) data set

Ans (b) 85. student and courses enrolled is an example of a) one-to-many b) many-to-many c) one-to-one d) many-to-many Ans (d) 86. In airlines reservation system, the entities are date, flight number, place of departure, destination, type of plane and seats available. The primary key is a) flight number b) flight number + place of departure c) flight number + date d) flight number + destination Ans (c) 87. Which of the following statement are correct? a) The word virtual means that the item in question appears to exit to the programmer but is actually not b) Virtual data is handled by the paging concept c) Transparent data appears not to exit but in fact does exits d) all of the above Ans (d) 88. A data model is a collection of conceptual tools for describing a) data and data relation ships b) data semantics and consistence constraints c) data, data relation ship, data semantics and consistency constraints d) none Ans (c) 89. The declare statement in PL/I or DATA DIVISION in COBOL, are example of a) Schema description language b) sub- schema description language c) physical data description language d) data manipulation language Ans (c) 90. Choose the correct statement a) Procedural data manipulation language (DML) requires user to specify what data is needed and how to get it b) Procedural data manipulation language (DML) requires user to specify what data is needed with out specifying how to get it c) Non-Procedural data manipulation language (DML) requires user to specify what data is needed and how to get it d) b and c Ans (d) 91. Entity set TRANSACTION has the attributes transaction number, date, amount Entity set ACCOUNT has the attributes account number, customer name, and balance Identify the discriminator of the work entity a) Account number b) transaction number c) {account number, date} d) date Ans (b) 92. For the above question identify the primary key of the weak entity

a) Account number b) {account number, transaction number} c) {account number, date} d) name Ans (b) 92. If p and q are predicates and e is the relational algebra expression and then which of the following equation is valid? a) p ( p (e)) = p ( p (e)) b) p ( q (e)) = p q (e) c) q ( Ans (d) 94. Consider the following set FDs on the scheme (A, B, C) A BC, B C, A B, AB C The canonical cover for this set is a) A BC and B C b) A BC and AB C c) A BC and A B d) A B and B C Ans (a) 95. Assume that there is a set of FDs that satisfy a relation R (A, B, C), An instance of thus relation is shown bellow. Find the FDs that satisfied by R A B C 6 5 5 4 5 5 2 3 5 1 3 4 1 2 3 a) AB C, AC B b) A C, A B c) AB C, A B d) None Ans (a) 96. The SQL relation can contain null values and comparisons with null values are treated as unknown suppose all comparisons with a null value are treated as false which of the following pairs is nit equivalent: a) x=5 not (not (x=5)) b) x=5 x>4 and x<6 when x is integer c) x5 not (x=5) d) none Ans (c) 97. Let R (A, B, C, D, E, F) be a relation scheme with the following dependencies C E E A EC D A B Which of the following is key for R a) CD b) EC c) AE d) AC Ans (b) 98. Let R is a reliever of degree n. what is the maximum number of candidate keys R might process Let us assume m be the largest integer greater than or equal to n/2 a) n!/(m!(n-m)!) b) m!(n-m)!/(n!) c) n!/(n-m)! d) none

p (e)) = p q (e)

d) all of the above

Ans (a) 99. Given two R union compatible relation R1 (A, B) and R2 (C, D) what is the result of the operation R1 A= C AB = D R2? a) R1R2 b) R1 R2 c) R1 R2 d) R1 R2 Ans (d) 100.Suppose the adjacency relation of vertices in graph is represented in a table Adj (x, y) which of the following queries can not be expressed by a relational algebra expression of constant length? a) List of all vertices adjacent to a given vertex b) List of all vertices which have self loops c) List of all vertices which belong to cycle & less than three vertices d) List of all vertices reliable from a given vertex Ans (d) 101. Consider the relation R (A, B, C, D) where A is candidate key. With no information about the FDs in involved, can you determine its normal form a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (b) 102. Which of the following is/are file organization techniques. a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Hashed d) all of the above Ans (d) 103. The Record in file are stored in a sequence according to primary key values is called a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Hashed d) None Ans (a) 104. The records in a file are stored entities sequentially or non sequentially and an index is created that allows software to locate individual records. a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Hashed d) None Ans (b) 105. The address of each record of a file is determine by a mathematical algorithm known as a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Hashed d) None Ans (c) 106. Choose the in correct statements a) In net work model, data is represented by a collecting of records, and relation ship among data are represents by links b) In hierarchical model, the records are organized as a collection of arbitrary graphs c) In net work model, the records are organized as collection of trees d) b and c Ans (d) 107. Suppose the domain set of attributes consists of signed four digit numbers. What is the percentage of reduction in storage space of this attribute if it is stored as integer rather than in character form? a) 80% b) 20% c) 60% d) 40% Ans (c) 108. Which command allows adding data to on database file? a) CLEAR b) CREATE c) APPEND d)None

Ans (c) 109. Which of the following addressing modes permits relation with out any change whats over in the code? a) indirect addressing b) indexed addressing c) base register addressing d) PC relative addressing Ans (c) 110. Which of the following is not a relational database? a) FoxPro b) dbase IV c) RDBMS d) Reflex Ans (d)

111. Which of the following two files are used during the operation of DBMS a) Data dictionary and Transaction log b) Data dictionary and query language c) Query language and duplicates d) DML and query language Ans (a) 112. Schema can be used to a) create very different personalized views of the same dates b) present information in different formats c) hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the sub schem description d) all of the above Ans (d) 113. The maximum number of record movements required to move five files A (with 10 records), B (with 20 records), C (with 15 records), D (with 5 records), E (with 25 records) is a) 165 b) 90 c) 75 d) 65 Ans (d) 114. In the Index allocation scheme of blocks to a file, the maximum size of the file depends on a) The size of the blocks, and size of address of the blocks b) The number of blocks used for the index, and size of the blocks c) The size of blocks, the number of blocks used for the index, and size of the address of the block d) None Ans (b) 115. Data inconsistency and redundancy of data in database in hierarchical model handle by a) virtual records b) virtual fields c) imaginary files d) none Ans (a) 116. Data inconsistency and redundancy of database in the network model handled by a) virtual records b) virtual fields c) imaginary files d) none Ans (b) 117. A B+-tree index is to built an the name attribute of the relation STUDENT.Assume

that all student names are of length 8 bytes, disk block are of size 512 bytes, and index pointer of size 4 bytes Given this scenario, what would be the best choice of the degree (i.e. the number of pointers per node) of the B+ tree? a) 16 b) 42 c) 43 d) 44 Ans (a) 118. From the following instance of a relation schema R (A,B,C), we can conclude that

1 1 2 2 a) b) c) d)

1 1 3 3

1 0 2 2

A FD of B and B FD of C A FD of B and B does not FD of C B does not FD of C None

Ans (c) 119. Relation R is decomposed using a set of FDs, F and relation S is decomposed using another set of FD G. One decomposition is definitely BCNF, the author is definitely 3NF, but it is not known which is which. To make a guarantied identification, which one of the following tests should be used on the decomposition? (Assume that closure of F and G are available) a) dependency preservation b) natural join c) BCNF definition d) 3NF definition Ans (c) 120. Relation R with associated at of FDs F, is decomposed in to BCNF. The redundancy (arising out of FDs) in the resulting set of relation is a) zero b) more than zero but less than that of an equivalent 3NF decomposition c) Prepositional to be size of F+ d) Indeterminate Ans (a) 121. For a relation R = (L, M, N, O, P), the following dependencies hold M O, NO P, P L, L MN R is decomposed in to R1 (L, M, N, P) and R2 (M, O) Is the above decomposition a loss less-join decomposition? a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (a) 122. For the problem 121, is the decomposition dependency preserving? a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (a) 123. For the problem 121, what is the highest normal form that satisfies? a) 2NF b) 3NF c) 4NF d) NONE Ans (a) 124. Which of the following is type of DBMS software?

a) Database manipulation language b) query language c) utilities d) all of the above Ans (d) 125. Which of the following is true of the DML a) it refers to data using physical address b) it can not interface with high level programming language c) it is used to define the physical characteristic of each record d) none Ans (d) 126. Consider a schema R(A, B, C, D) and FDs A B and C D. then the decomposition of R in to R1 (A, B) and R2 (C, D) is a) dependency preserving and loses less join b) loses less join but not dependency preserving c) dependency preserving but not loses less join d) not dependency preserving and not loses less join Ans (c) 127. Let r and s be two relations over the relating schemas r and s respectively, let A be an attribute in r. The relation algebra expression A=a (r s) Is always equal to ( r ( r a) ) b) r c) A=a ) s d)none A =a Ans (c) 128. R (A, B, C, D) is a relation, which of the following does not have a loose less join, dependency preserving BCNF decomposition a) A B, B CD b)A B, B C, C D c) AB C, C AD d) A BCD Ans (c) 129. Which of the following relational calculus expression is not safe? a) {t/R1 (t[A]= [A] sR2(t[a]=s[a])} b) {t/R1([A]= x => sR2(t[a]=s[a] s[A]= [A]))} c) {t/(tR1)} d) none Ans (c) 130. consider a relation geq which represents greater than or equal to, that is (x, y) geq only if y x create a table geq (lb integer not null ub integer not null primary key lb forign key ub reference geq on delete cascade) which of the following is possible if a tupple (x, y) is deleted? a) A tupple (z, w) with z > y is deleted b) A tupple (z, w) with z > x is deleted

c) A tupple (z, w) with w < x is deleted d) The deletion of (x, y) is promoted Ans (c) 131. Let R be a relation, Let x be any sub set of the attributes of R, and let A be any single attribute of R. and FD X A in R at least on of the following is true: 1. X contains A 2. X is super key 3. A is contained in the candidate key of R The above definition is for a) 2NF b) 3NF c) BCNF d) 4NF Ans (b) 132. R(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) satisfies the following FDs ABD E, AB G, B F, C J, CJ I, G H This is irreducible set? a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (b) 133. for the above problem 132, which of the following key is candidate key a) A b) AB c)ABCD d)ABH Ans (c) 134. Which of the following is not characteristic of a relational database model? a) tables b) tree like structure c) complex logical relation ship d) records Ans (b) 135. Which of the following is a database administration function a) Database design b) backing up the database c) performance monitor d) all of the above Ans (d) 136. To ensure integrity of data, database stored maintain the following properties a) Atomicity b) consistence & isolation c) Durability d) all of the above Ans (d) 137. Either all operations of transaction are reflected property in the database or none is called a) Atomicity b)consistency c) isolation d) Durability Ans (a) 138. After transaction complete successfully, change set has made to the database persists, even if there are system failure is called a) Atomicity b)consistency c) isolation d) Durability Ans (d) 139. Execution of a transaction in isolation preserves the consistency of the database is called a) Atomicity b) consistency c) isolation d) Durability Ans (b) 140. Which is responsible for ensuring Isolation property

a) Transaction- management component b) Recovery- management component c) Concurrency control component d) None Ans (c) 141.Whioch of the following is responsible for ensuring durability a) A Transaction-management component b) Recovery-management component c) Concurrency control component d) None Ans (b) 142. A transaction that completes its execution successfully is called a) committed b) Aborted c) Active d) failed

Ans (a) 143. A report form a) appears as the computer monitor during the data entry b) is used during report generation to format data c) a and b d) none 145. If the calculation is embedded in atom a) The result calculation is stored with the form b) The calculation is stored with the form c) a and b d) none Ans (b) 146. A multiple form file management system a) Lets you define different forms for a different operation b) Lets you create a look up form with an associated read only password to present access by un-authorized users c) a and b d) None Ans (b) 147. A logical schema a) is the entire database b) is a standard way of organizations information into a accessible part c) describe how data is actually stored on a disk d) None Ans (c) 148. Which command closes tent file which has been created using SET ALTERNATIVE < FILE NAME> Command. a) SET AKTERNATIVE OFF b) CLOSE DATABASE c) CLOSE ALTERNATIVE d) CLEAR ALL

Ans (c) 149. While defining a numeric field that can hold 3 digits the decimal point and 3 digits after the decimal point, the width would be given as a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 3 Ans (b) 150. One column in a table equivalent to a) a record in a DBASE b) a field in a DBASE c) a database d) a cell in Lotus 1-2-3 Ans(b) 151. These are the five records in a database Name Age Occupation Rama 27 Con Abdul 22 Eng Jebbiter 28 Doc Maya 32 Ser Dev 24 Mvs

Category A B C D E

There is an index file associated with this and it contains the values 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, which one of the fields is the index built from a) Age b) Name c)Occupation d) Category Ans (c) 152. Any binary relation is it 4NF is it true a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (b) 153. Any relation can be non-loss-decomposed into an equivalent collection of 4NF relation is it true? a) Yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (a) 154. Any 4NF is necessary BCNF is it correct a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (a) 155. Which one is not a traditional set operator defined an relational algebra a) union b) inter section c) difference d) join Ans (d) 156. The file organization technique, which provides fast direct access, is a) Inverted organization b) Regular organization c) multi list organization d) Hashed organization Ans (d) 157. Complete indexing is defined as an index existing for every distinct field combination in the indexed file. The number of indexes necessary provide complete indexing for a file defined on 4 fields a) 6 b) 16 c) 8 d) 10

Ans (a) 158. If R.A R.B and R.B R.C then a) R.A R.C b) R.C R.B c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 159. A ___________ is a program that serves as an interface between application programs and a set of coordinated and integrated physical file a) database management b) file system c) operated file system d) none Ans (a) 160. Which of the following is not logical database structure a) tree b) relational c) net work d) chain Ans (a) 161. Periodically adding, chaining and deleting file record is called a) updating b) upgrading c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 162. A race condition occurs when a) two concurrent activities interact to cause a processing error b) two users of the DBMS are interact with different files at the same time c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 163. B+-trees are preferred to binary trees in a database because a) Disk capacity are greater than memory capacity b) Disk access is much slower than memory access c) Disk data transfer rates are much slower than memory data transfer d) none Ans (b) 164. Given the relations employee (name, salary, dept no) and department ( dept no, dept name, address) Which of the following query can be expressed using the relational algebra operations (, , , , , -)? a) department address of the very employee b) Employee whose name is the same as their department name c) The sum of the employee salaries d) All employees of a given department Ans (c) 165. Given following relation instance X Y Z 1 4 2 1 5 3 1 6 3 3 2 2

Which of the following FDs are satisfy the instance a) xy z and z y b) yz x and y z c) yz x and x z d) xz y and y x Ans (b) 166. Consider the following FDs in a database: date of birth age name rollno roll no name course number course name course number instructor (rollno, name, date_of_birth, age) is a) 2NF but not 3NF b) 3 NF but not BCNF c) BCNF d) None Ans (a) 167. Consider the set of relations shown bellow and SQL query that follows students (roll no, name, date of birth) course ( course number, course name, instructor) grades (roll no, course number, grade) select distinct name from students, course, grads where student.rollno = grades.rollno and course instructor = korth and course. Course number = grades. Course number and grades grade = A Which of the following sets is computed by the above query a) names of students who have got an A grade in all courses taught by korth b) names of students who have got an A grade in all courses c) names of students who have got an A grade in at least one of the course taught by korth d) none Ans (c) 168. Consider three data items D1, D2, and D3 and the following execution schedule of transaction T1, T2, and T3. In the diagram R (D) and W (D) denotes the action reading and writing the data item D respectively T1 T2 R (D3) R (D2) W (D2) R (D2) R (D3) R (D1) W (D1) R (D1) R (D2) W (D2) T3

W (D1) a) The schedule is serializuble as T2; T3; T1 b) The schedule is serializuble as T2; T1; T3 c) The schedule is serializuble as T2; T3; T1 d) None Ans (c) 169. If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then a) Store space wasted b) Changing the data at one place will cause data in constancy c) It can be more easy accessed d) A and b Ans (d) 170. A top-down relation ship among the items in a database established by a a) hierarchical schema b) net work schema c) relational schema d) all Ans (a) 171. The management information system (MIS) structure with one main computer system is called a a) Hierarchical MIS structure b) distributed MIS structure c) Centralized MIS d)d centralized MIS Ans (c) 172. Fragmentation of the file system a) can always be presented b) occurs only if the file system is used improperly c) Can be temporarily removed by compaction d) is a characteristics of all file systems Ans (c) 173. File record keeping a) Should always be fixed b) should always be visible c) Depends upon the size of the file d) should be chosen to match the data character Ans (c) 174. Which type of file organization is supported by magnetic tape? a) random file b)contiguous sequential file c) indexed sequential file d) all of the above Ans (b) 175. As a record group of homogeneous elements, a stack is more like a (n): a) record b) set c) file d) array Ans (d) 176. Which one of the following is another name for record block? a) record group b) physical record c) logical record d) none Ans (b) 177. The activity of a file a) is a low performance of number of records that are added to deleted from a file

b) is a message of the percentage of entity records updated during a run c) refers to low closely the file fit into allocated space d) none Ans (a) 178. A file produced by a spreadsheet a) is generally stored on disk in an ASCII text format b) can be used by the DBMS c) a and b d) none Ans (a)

179. Information can be transferred between DBMS and a a) spread sheet program b) word process program c) graphics program d) all Ans (d) 180. An index operation a) stores a file using a single key b) stores a file using two keys c) establishes an index for a file d) b and c Ans (c) 181. Which of the following storage and retrieval methods would be well suited to your processing requirements if you only need to retrieve records one at a time and there is no fixed pattern to the requests for the data and records a) sequential b) direct c) indexed sequential d) indexed direct Ans (a) 182. Choose RDBMS, which supports full fledged client-server approach development a) dbase V b) ORACLE 7.1 c) FoxPro 2.1 d) ingress Ans (b) 182. If R(A, B, C, D, E, H) FDs are A BC, CD E, E C, D AEH, ABH , ABH BD, DH BC Is FDs BCD H impossible from given FDs? a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (a) 183. R (A, B, C, D, E, H) and FDs are A BC, CD E, E C, AH D What is the candidate key for the above relation? a) BH b) AH c) DE d) none Ans (b) 184. for the above problem 187, what are the prime attributes in the relation R a) A,H b) B,H c) C,E d) none Ans (a) 185. For the above problem 187, what are the non-prime attributes in the relation R a) B,C,D b) A,B,C c) B,C,D and E d) none

Ans (c) 185. Given a relation R with the FDs as the attributes of R and K is a candidate key, if X is a proper subset of K and if F X A, then A is said to be _________ on K a) fully dependent b) partially dependant c) a and b d) none Ans (b) 186. Given R (A, B, C, D) and F = { AB C, B D} What is the candidate key and what attribute that partially dependant on the key a) AB, D b) AC, D c) AD, B d) none Ans (a) 187. Given R (A, B, C, D, E) and FDs are F= {AB C, B D, C E} _________ is the candidate key and ___________ attribute is transitively dependent on the key a) AB, E b) CB, E c) DE,A d) none Ans (a) 188. A relation scheme is said to be in ___________ if the values in th domain of each attribute of the relation are atomic a) 1NF b) 2NF c) 3NF d) BCNF Ans (a) 189. Which normal from does not permit partial dependencies between non-prime attributes and the relation keys? a) 1NF b) 2NF c) 3NF d) BCNF Ans (c) 190. Consider a relation R (A,B,C) with the following FDs A B, A C, B C __________ is the key and _______ non-prime attributes dependents the key a) A,C b) B, A c) C, A d) none Ans (a) 191. Which of the following condition should satisfy for the efficient decomposition of database design a) losses less join decomposition b) dependency preserving decomposition c) a and b d)none Ans (c) 192. Let R (A, B, C) be a relation with FDs F = {A B}. now the relation is decomposed into two relations R1 (A, B) and R2 (A, C) is this decomposition into losses ,less a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (a) 193. Let R (A, B, C) be a relation with FDs F = {A B}. now the relation is decomposed into two relations R1 (A, B) and R2 (B, C) is this decomposition into losses ,less a) Yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (b) 194. problem 193, why the decomposition of R is lose a) The common attribute of R1 and R2 is not a key of R1 or R2 b) The common attribute of R1 and R2 is a key of R1 or R2 c) a and b

d) none Ans (a) 195. Let R (A, B, C, D) be a relation with FDs F = {A B, A C, C D}. Now the relation is decomposed into two relations R1 (A, B, C) FDs are F1 = {A B, A C} and R2 (C, D) FDs are F2 = {C D} which is the following is true a) dependence preserving but not lose less join b) dependence is not preserving but not lose less join satisfies c) both dependence preserving and lose less join d) none Ans (c)

196. Let R (A, B, C, D) be a relation with FDs F = {A B, A C, A D}. Now the relation is decomposed into two relations R1 (A, B, C) FDs are F1 = {A B, A C} and R2 (C, D) FDs are F2 = { } which is the following is true a) dependence preserving but not lose less join b) dependence is not preserving but not lose less join satisfies c) both dependence preserving and lose less join d) neither dependence preserving nor lose less join Ans (d) 197. Given relation R (A, B, C, D, E, F) with FDs A CE, B D, C ADE, BD F find the closure of BCD a) ABCDEF b) ABCD c) ABC d) none Ans (a) 198. What is the difference between char(n) and varchar2(n) data type a) Char is fixed length of character string and varchar2 is variable length of character string b) Char is variable length of character string and varchar2 is fixed length of character string c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 199. In the program you defined name of the students database as name char (100), name varchar2 (100). But the student name is 80. Which of the following statement is correct. a) Remaining size is padded with blanks in char but varchar there is no padding so there is no padding so there any memory wastage with varchar2 b) Remaining size is not padded with blanks in char so there is no memory wastage in char c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 200. Which of the following are relate to contents a) Primary key b) unique c) not null d) all of the above Ans (d)

201. An index record appears for every search key value in the file. This is called a) Dense index b) Sparse index c) Hash d) None Ans (a) 202. An index record appears for only some of search key values. This indexing is called a) dense index b) sparse index c) Hash d) none Ans (b) 203. Which of the following are the parameters in evaluating ordered indices and hash indices a) Dense index b) sparse index c) Hash d) none 204. In which of the following hashing over flow bucket are provided a) closed Hashing b) open Hashing c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 205. ___________ Hashing if the bucket for the record is already full then the record is placed in other bucket based some policy. a) Closed Hashing b) open Hashing c) a and b d) none Ans (b) 206. Which of the following is correct about skew a) Some buckets are assigned more records than others, So a bucket over flow will take place even through other buckets have Space b) Skew can occur due to multiple records have the same search key c) Skew can occur due to non-uniform distribution of search keys d) All of the above Ans (d) 207. what is the number of buckets N so that the probability of bucket over flow is reduced nr = total number of records fr = number of records that will fit in a bucket d = fudge factor nr fr n f ) (l + d) a) ( ) * (l + d ) b) ( c) r r d) None fr nr l +d 208. Consider Relation STUDENT_ADVISOR (Name, department, Advisor) with the FDs F = {name department, name advisor, advisor department} This relation decomposed into advisor_student (name, advisor), student_department (name,department) and advisor_department (advisor,department) this decomposition is lose less a) yes b) no c) can not say d) no Ans (a) 209. Which of the following is true? a) As the number of entries in the hash table increase, the number of collecting increases, the number of collecting increases b) Reusable program one effect c) a and b d) none Ans (a)

210. R (A, B, C, D) where A is candidate key. Where there is no information about the FDs available, can you determine its normal form a) yes b) no c) can not say d) none Ans (b) 211. Which of the following is false a) variable length records can not be used in direct data sets b) Fragmentation refers to the process where by parts of the file get list c) The disk allocation map shows which file are currently active d) all of the above Ans (d) 212. Which of the following is true a) A key is used to uniquely identify an item in a list b) List can be ascending or in descending order c) Look up easier if a list is sorted d) All of the above Ans (d) 213. What is false about the record type? a) Two different tempests can be used to decompose a record into different fields b) Variant records can be expressed by the case clause c) The with clause is absolutely necessary for record processing d) None Ans (c) 214. If holds, then holds and holds this result is a) Decomposition rule b) Augmentation rule c) Transitive rule d) none Ans (a) 215. Employee table: Create table EMP ( Empno number (4) not null, Ename varchar2 (30) not null, Job varchar2 (10), Mgr number (4), Hiredate date, Sal number (7,2) Dept no number (2)); Project Table: Create table for project (pno number (3) Pname varchar2 (60) unique, Pmgr number (4), Persons number (5), Budget number (8, 2), Pstart date, Pend date); What is the meaning of this SQL query? Delete from project where pend < sysdate a) delete all projects that have been finished before the actual date (sysdate)

b) delete all projects that have been finished after the sysdate c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 215. Use data in 214, What is the meaning of the following SQL query? Select ename, deptno, dname, from emp e, dept d and e.dept no = d. deptno, and job=salesman a) for each salesman, his name, number and the neme of the departmnt where he is working b) for each salesman number and name of the department where he is working c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 216. Use data in 214, Find for each project, retrieve its name, the name of the manager, and name of the department where the manager is working a) Select ename, dname, pname from emp e, dept d, project p where e.empno = e.deptno b) Select ename, dname from emp e where empno = mgr c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 217. Use data in 214, What is the meaning of the following SQL query? Select, from emp e1, emp e2 where e1.mgr = e2.empno a) names of all employees with the names of their managers b) names of all managers c) names of all employees d) none Ans (a) 218. Use data in 214, find SQL query list the names and salary of employees of the department 20 who are leading a project that started before December 31, 1990. a) select ename, sal from emp where empno in (select pmgr from project where pstart < 31-DEC-90) and deptno = 20; b) select sal from emp where empno all (select pmgr from project when pstart < 31DEC-90) or deeeptno = 20; c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 219. Use data in 214, What is the meaning of the following SQL query? Select *from emp where deptno in (select deptno from where loc = boston); a) list all employees who are working in a department locate in boston

b) count the employees in all department c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 220. Use data in 214, What is the meaning of the following SQL query? Select * from emp where sal >= (select sal from emp where dept = 30) deptno = 30) and deptno = 10; a) Retrieve all employees who are working in department 10 and earn at least as much as any (i.e. at least one) employee working in department 30 b) retrieve all employees working at department 30 and 10 c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 221. In which of the following normal forms the multi valid dependency concept will come a) 1NF b) 2NF c) 3NF d) 4NF Ans (d) 222. Project join normal form is also called as a) 3NF b) 4NF c) 5NF d) none Ans (c) 223. A file manipulation command that extracts some of the records from a file called a) select b) project c) join d) none Ans (a) 224. Which of the following is true for a network structure a) It allows one-to-one relation ship b) It allows many-to-many relation ship c) It allows physical relation of data d) None Ans (b) 225. A query is a) a miniature program that tells the DBMS what to do b) expressed using a query language c) a and b d) none Ans (c) 226. Which of the following is true a) Hashed file is example of physical structure b) Hashing allows a record location to be determined quickly c) Query language are not limited by a fixed set of relation ship among data items d) All of the above Ans (d) 227. Which of the following is false a) A DBMS and record management system both allows simulation occur to multiple file b) A logical schema describes how data is stored on a disk

c) all DBMS use the same logical schema d) all of the above Ans (d) 228. Which of the following is false of a traditional approach to information processing. a) There is common sharing of data among the various applications b) It is file oriented c) Program are dependent on the file d) It is inflexible Ans (a) 229. The RDBMS environment has all of the following components expect a) users b) separate files c) database d) database environment Ans (b) 230. In order to use a record management system a) you need to under stand the low level details of how information is stored b) you need to under stand the model the record management system uses c) a and b d) none Ans (b) 231. The allocation map a) It is used to store program data b) specifies which blocks are used by which files c) Is updated by the application program d) none Ans (b) 232. Use data in 214, List all departments that have no employee a) select * from dept where not exits (select * from emp where deptno = dept.deptno) b) select * from dept where exits (select * from emp where deptno = dept.deptno) c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 233. Use data in 214, List all employees who are not working in department 30 and who earn more than all employees working at department 30 a) select * from emp where sal > all (select sal from emp where deptno = 30) and dept 30 b) select * from emp where sal < all (select sal from emp where deptno = 30) and dept > 30 c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 234. Use data in 214, List of all employees maximum and minimum salaries of each department a) select deptno, min(sal), max (sal) from emp group by deptno

b) select deptno max (sal), min (sal) from emp c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 235. Use data in 214, List of all employees maximum and minimum salaries of clerks each department having more than three clerks a) select deptno, min(sal), max (sal) from emp where job = clerk having count (*) >3 b) select deptno, min(sal), max (sal) from emp where job = clerk having count (*) > 3 group by deptno c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 236. Use data in 214, write SQL query that finds all those employees who are working in the same department as their manager a) select * from emp e1 where deptno in (select deptno from emp where empno = e1.mgr) b) select * from emp e1 where deptno in (select deptno from emp where empno = mgr) c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 237. Use data in 214, The meaning of the SQL query Create view dept 20 as select ename, job, sal, anulsal from emp where deptno = 20; a) it is a view contains the name, job title, and annual salary of employees working in department 20 b) it is a view contains the names of the employees department 20 c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 238. The basic concept of PL/SQL is a) record b) field c) block d) none Ans(c) 239. A feature of PL/SQL which offers a mechanism a) increases the expressiveness of SQL b) process query results in a tuple-oriented way c) develop modular database application program d) all of the above Ans (d) 240. Which of the following is correct a) B-tree are for storing data on disk and B+ trees are for main memory b) Range queries are faster on B+ trees c) B-trees are for primary indexes and B+ trees are for secondary indexes

d) The height of B+ is independent of the number of records Ans (b) 241. For a schedule given bellow, which of the following is correct 1 Read A 2 Read B 3 Write A 4 Read A 5 Write A 6 Write B 7 Read B 8 Write B a) This schedule is Serializable and can occur in a scheme using 2 PL protocol b) This schedule is Serializable but can not occur in a scheme using 2 PL protocol c) This schedule is not Serialisable but can occur in a scheme using 2 PL protocol d) This schedule is not Serialisable but can not occur in a scheme using 2 PL protocol Ans (d) 242. Consider the schema R = ( S, T, U, V) and dependencies S T, T U, U V, V S Let R = (R1 and R2) be a decomposition such that R1 R2 = The decomposition is a) not in 2NF b) in 2NF but not in 3NF c) in 3NF but not in 2NF d) both 2NF and 3NF Ans (a) 243. Which of the following true a) A network schema is more flexible than hierarchical schema b) The network schema restricts the structure to one-to-many relation ship between owners and members c) The table is the fundamental unit of information in a hierarchical DBMS d) None Ans (a) 244. Which of the following is false a) Report generators can only print lists in column as from b) To operate record management software, it is important to understand exactly where the information is store c) All fields in a record must be the save type d) All the above Ans (d) 245. Branch-schema (B-name, assets, B-city) Customer-schema (c-name, street, c-city) Deposit-schema ( b-name, account-number, c-name, balance) Borrow-schema (b-name, loan-number, c-name, amount) Client-schema (c-name, banker-name)

Using relation algebra, the query that finds customers, who have a balance of over 1000 is (balance>100 (deposit )) a) b) c name (balance >1000 (deposit )) c) a and b d) none Ans (a) 246. Let R = (A, B, C, D, E, F) be relation scheme with the following FDs C F, E A, EC D, A B which of the following is key for R a) CD b) EC c) AE d) AC Ans (b) In the graph based protocols, ________ type of locks applied to tree protocol a) shared b) exclusive c) both d) none Ans (b) 248. a) b) c) d) Ans (a) 249. In relational algebra, the result of the natural join operation is remove duplicates automatically does not remove duplicates automatically cant say none 247.
c name

For the above problem 246 which of the following tupple relational calculus finds all customers who have loan amount more than 1200 a) {t(c-name)/t barrow t[amount] > 1200} b) {t(c-name) barrow t[amount] > 1200} c) {t/ s barrow (t [c-name] = s [c-name]) s[amount] > 1200)) d) none Ans (c) 250. For the above problem 246 which of the following Domain relational calculus finds all customers who have a loan amount of over 1200? a) { <c>/b,l,a (<b,l,c,a> a > 1200)} b) { <c>/b,l,a (<b,l,c,a> a > 1200)} c) a and b d) none Ans (b)

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