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Code of civil procedure

Both actions have resulted in the restitution of the property or rights to property of the debtor. Also, in both, is a creditor who rises against the act of the debtor, who believes his or her rights or interests, in both cases the act is destroyed, and finally there is identity of results. How to follow exercise the protective action before credit detailed: As set out in the Civil Procedure Code of Venezuela, the route to practice procedures regarding actions is attempting Ordinary Procedure. It is important to know and understand what are the proper procedures for filing an, as connoisseurs of Law, one of our duties is to know to whom, when, how they will stand one of the aforementioned actions. According to the Royal Academy, the word scrisoare de garantie bancara is: the effect of strengthening the provisions or the thing that ensures and protects against any risk or need. The pledge is a contract under which the debtor gives his creditor a security chattel loan, which must be repaid to the termination of the obligation. The civil pledge to its constitution does not require any formality, however, if the property has pawned a value exceeding two thousand bolivars will require that the parties enter into a written contract. Garment business contracts must be in writing. Modalities of the garment: - Civil: It guarantees civil when current obligations. - Trading: guaranteed obligations is when people engaged professionally to trade ( traders). Special Features of the garment: - In the document containing the garment should detail the obligations to which it is accessed and the encumbered asset, as well as the date of establishment and maturity. - The pledge is indivisible. - THE pledge cannot appropriate the thing received in pledge or dispose of it, although they have been prescribed, but when the time has come to be entitled to sell legally. - The creditor is responsible for the loss or deterioration of the garment occurrence for their negligence.

- The debtor must repay the creditor the necessary expenses that this has made for the conservation of the garment. - The debtor may demand the return of the garment, but after having paid your loan for whose safety has been given the earnest, interest and costs. - If the same debtor has contracted other debts with the same creditor, after consummation of the garment, and this doubt is to be called before you have paid in full two credits, though there is no provision to affect the garment payment of the second debt.

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