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Converting forms module from version 6 to 10g can be done with
Mouliforms in a couple of steps. The procedure is the following:
conversion then compilation in order to detect errors that subsist
after processing.

Moulllorms works ln baLch mode whlch means Lhe modules Lo be converLed should be
flrsL moved Lo a Lemporary folder.

lor example, Lhe followlng screenshoL shows Lhe folder
C:\mlgraLlon_moullforms_orlglnal whlch conLalns a number of forms modules. 1hose
are Lhe modules Lo be converLed.

1he mosL lmporLanL lnformaLlon here ls Lhe fo|der path. 1hls ls Lhe worklng dlrecLory
LhaL we need Lo use ln Moulllorms.


lease noLe LhaL ln Lhe currenL verslon of Moulllorms, Lhe desLlnaLlon folder and
Lhe source folder are Lhe same. 1he forms module are converLed and saved ln
Lhe same folder. ?ou should always keep an orlglnal copy of Lhe modules.

Work|ng w|th Mou||Iorms
1he maln panel of Moulllorms ls made of Lhe followlng lLems:

Menu bar LhaL allows access Lo Lhe dlfferenL funcLlonallLles of Moullforms.
A Loolbar LhaL allows access Lo Lhe maln funcLlonallLles of Moullforms.
A fleld LhaL lndlcaLes Lhe worklng dlrecLory. 1haL ls Lhe folder LhaL holds Lhe
modules Lo be converLed or processed wlLh Moullforms.
A dlrecLory selecLor on Lhe rlghL. lL shows Lhe maln avallable dlrecLorles.
A cenLer panel whlch lndlcaLes Lhe flles LhaL are currenLly processed. 1hls vlew
can change accordlng Lo Lhe Lool belng used wlLhln Moulllorms
A Labbed panel aL Lhe boLLom whlch glves lndlcaLlons on Lhe dlfferenL processlng
sLeps and modlflcaLlons performed on each of Lhe flles ln Lhe worklng dlrecLory.


ln order Lo use Lhe converslon Lool wlLhln Moulllorms, we need Lo follow Lhe procedure
descrlbed ln sLeps 1-6.

Preliminary step: SeL Lhe opLlons

ln order Lo handle old lorms module LhaL have a wlndow wlLh Lhe name toot_wloJow,
you wlll have Lo check Lhe koot_wloJow checkbox and provlde a new name. ln Lhe
above screenshoL, Lhe new name ls feoette_ptloclpol.

lf you wanL Lo have Lhe modules complled afLer Lhey were converLed, you wlll need Lo
check Lhe complle modules checkbox.

SomeLlmes, mosL of Lhe form modules have a sLandard llbrary aLLached Lo Lhem and Lhls
one has been updaLed Lo 10g. Slnce lL has a new name, we can provlde Lhe new
modules wlLh Lhe new llbrary and aL Lhe same Llme remove Lhe old one. lor example, ln
Lhe above screenshoL, Lhe old llbrary name ls lOkM_8l8. 1he llbrary ls deLached
whenever lL ls found and aL Lhe same Llme, Lhe new llbrary pteveo ls aLLached Lo Lhe

Step 1: SelecL Lhe worklng dlrecLory

As shown ln Lhe precedlng screen, cllck on Lhe llle menu, Lhen on Lhe SelecL Lhe work
dlrecLory menu lLem.

8y defaulL, Lhe flle selecLlon dlalog wlll polnL Lo Lhe currenL user's documenLs folder. ln
Lhls case, lL ls showlng: C:\uocumenLs and SeLLlngs\hafed\Mes documenLs.


?ou wlll have Lo selecL Lhe worklng dlrecLory LhaL you selecLed for your pro[ecL. ln our
case, we named LhaL folder: C:\mlgraLlon_moullforms and all Lhe forms modules were
moved Lhere.

Step 2: ConnecL Lo Lhe Cracle lnsLance

ln mosL cases, you wlll need Lo connecL Lo Lhe Cracle lnsLance. 1haL ls Lhe same your
forms module needs Lo connecL Lo. Whlle Moulllorms can converL Lhe modules wlLhouL
any connecLlon, we use Lhls sLep ln order Lo valldaLe LhaL Lhe module was properly

Module converslon ls done lndependenLly of any lnsLance connecLlon and you
can choose noL Lo complle Lhe modules afLer converslon. 1hls opLlon can be seL
ln Lhe opLlons menu wlLhln Moulllorms.

ln order Lo connecL Lo Lhe lnsLance, you can elLher selecL Lhe connecLlon menu from Lhe
menu bar

or cllck on Lhe connecLlon buLLon on Lhe Loolbar.

1he connecLlon dlalog wlll allow you Lo lnpuL Lhe parameLers for your lnsLance.


Cnce you are connecLed, a message wlll conflrm Lhe connecLlon. CLherwlse, an error
message wlll noLlfy you lL ls lmposslble Lo connecL.

Step 3: SLarLlng Lhe converslon
We can sLarL Lhe modules converslon elLher by cllcklng on Lhe converslon buLLon ln Lhe

or selecLlng lL from Lhe menu lLself as shown below.

Cnce Lhe converslon ls sLarLed, dlfferenL lnformaLlon are ouLpuLLed on Lhe lnLerface ln
Lhe cenLer panel.

lor example, Lhe followlng screenshoL shows Lhe module name, Lhe lasL Llme Lhls
module was modlfled, Lhe number of changes made by Moulllorms and Lhe currenL
sLaLus of Lhe module. lf you selecLed Lhe compllaLlon opLlon as well, Lhe sLaLus aL Lhe
end wlll be Ck, error or Lrror, check manually.

uurlng Lhe converslon, lL ls llkely LhaL you wlll be presenLed wlLh dlalogs slmllar Lo Lhe
followlng. 1hose are malnly for Lrlggers LhaL are no longer used wlLhln lorms 10g. ln Lhls
example, Lhe code ls shown for a WPLn-MCuSL-Ln1L8 Lrlgger.

8efore requesLlng deleLlon, you wlll have Lo make sure LhaL Lhe code has been Laken
care of by elLher movlng lL Lo anoLher Lrlgger or evaluaLlng why lL was Lhere ln Lhe flrsL

Cn Lhe boLLom, you wlll see 3 Labs. Lach wlll hold some lnformaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe

1ab: sLeps
1he lnformaLlon dlsplayed ln Lhls Lab ls Lhe followlng:

Converslon sLarL,
Cpenlng and savlng a module
Module CompllaLlon
Lnd of converslon

lease noLe LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon dlsplayed here wlll cover all Lhe modules presenL ln Lhe
worklng dlrecLory. Any error whlle openlng or savlng a module wlll also be shown here.

1ab: rocesslng

Cn Lhls panel, all Lhe lnformaLlon perLalnlng Lo Lhe converslon ls dlsplayed here. 1hls wlll
lnclude all Lhe changes LhaL wlll be made Lo Lhe modules whlle belng mlgraLed Lo 10g.

lease noLe LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon dlsplayed here wlll cover all Lhe modules presenL ln Lhe
worklng dlrecLory.

1ab: rocesslng deLalls
1hls Lab llsLs all Lhe modlflcaLlons done on a speclflc module. ?ou wlll need Lo cllck on a
flle on Lhe cenLer panel ln order Lo see Lhe deLalls llsLed ln Lhls panel.

Step 4: Modules compllaLlon

lf we choose Lo leL Moulllorms complle Lhe modules afLer converslon (Lhls opLlon ls
avallable ln Lhe opLlons menu), Lhe lasL sLep wlll lnvolve Lhe compllaLlon of all Lhe
modules presenL ln Lhe worklng dlrecLory.
1wo ouLcomes are posslble. lf Lhe module can be complled under 10g, a message
Ck"wlll be dlsplayed ln Lhe cenLer panel on Lhe module descrlpLlon llne. ld Lhe module
can noL be complled, le message LhaL ls dlsplayed ls noL complled" wlLh Lhe cell
background ln 8ed. 1hls wlll allow Lo see Lhe modules LhaL mlghL have Lo be checked

Cnce Lhe compllaLlon ls performed, or [usL Lhe converslon dependlng on Lhe opLlons
LhaL were selecLed, an alerL ls dlsplayed wlLh Lhe maln sLaLlsLlcs.

Step 5: Checklng Lhe resulLs

Cnce Lhe converslon ls done, lL ls lmporLanL Lo check wheLher Lhere were modules LhaL
were noL successfully complled.

ln Lhls case, Moulllorms allows you Lo geL some debugglng lnformaLlon. lor each
module LhaL had compllaLlon lssues, a flle wlLh Lhe same name buL wlLh Lhe exLenslon
err ls generaLed ln Lhe worklng dlrecLory.

1he followlng screen shows Lhe error flle ame_brls_1.err correspondlng Lo Lhe module


1he error flles are by defaulL saved ln Lhe worklng dlrecLory.

?ou need Lo lnspecL Lhe conLenL of Lhe err flle. ln Lhls case, Lhe conLenL of Lhls flle shows
LhaL Lhe error ls ln Lhe WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE Lrlgger. lrom Lhere, you wlll have Lo open
Lhe forms module and check Lhe code.

Lxample : ConLenL of ame_brls_1.err
Compiling procedure LIRE_DIVISION...
No compilation errors.

Compiling procedure LIRE_SERVICE...
No compilation errors.

Compiling procedure RAPPORT...
No compilation errors.

No compilation errors.

Compiling KEY-COMMIT trigger on form...
No compilation errors.

Compiling WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger on form...
Compilation error on WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger on form:
PL/SQL ERROR 0 at line 3, column 1
Statement ignored

Compiling WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger on ANNEE item in B1P1 data block...
No compilation errors.

Compiling WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger on DIVISION item in B1P1 data block...
No compilation errors.

Compiling WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger on SERVICE item in B1P1 data block...
No compilation errors.

Compilation errors have occurred.

Step 6: Converslon reporL

lf you need Lo documenL Lhe resulL of Lhls converslon, you can ouLpuL a reporL wlLh Lhe
maln resulLs. SelecL llle menu and Lhen Lhe opLlon rlnL.


lrom Lhere, you can selecL dlfferenL formaLs for Lhe ouLpuL such as Lxcel, pdf, eLc.

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