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SIRIA - 16 de septiembre de 2013 After the genocide imposed for two years by the dog Bashar against the


Militiamen in Aleppo resist against dog Al Assad Homs OWN WITH THE PACT OF OBAMA, UN AND PUTIN WITH THE DOG AL ASSAD TO KEEP KILLING THE SYRIA REVOLUTION! What imperialism hides is what the treacherous leadership cover: The revolution in Maghreb and Middle East posed the question of the borders of the fascist Zionist state of Israel The threat of imperialist aggression to Syria today and the pact of Obama and Putin is to recover, from his guardian the dog Al Assad, the heavy weapon, weapons and chemical weapons so this one does not fell at the hands of the uprising masses and posed the question of the borders of the fascist Zionist state of Israel.

The bourgeoisie of Al Assad lost control to more than 300 factories in Duma, outside Damascus, at the hand of the resistance! The planes and army have concentrated all the weapons and even chemical weapons to slaughter the exploited ones. Full war to the capitalist and imperialism and its jackal the dog Bashar! The working class and the exploited ones must go over the counteroffensive: Lets succeed with the worker and poor people uprising in Damascus! International Worker Brigades to fight with the uprising working class of Syria! ENOUGH OF DESARMING THE MASSES! OUT WITH THE FSA GENERALS AND THE NURSA FRONT AND THEIR ROTTEN BOURGOISIE BUSINESS WITH THE MERCENARYS OF AL ASSAD!


The cynicism of imperialism and the counterrevolutionary forces of the world are limitless. Not only Al Assad has chemical weapons to massacre his people. The Zionist state has the largest arsenal of nuclear bombs and chemical weapons throughout Middle East. With one of the most damaging chemical weapons, such as white phosphorus, the counterrevolutionary forces of Zionism and supported by CIA under the control of Obama, in "Cast Lead" operation, they bombed and massacred Palestinian masses from Gaza in January 17, 2009. ----------

September 16, 2013 After the genocide imposed for two years by the dog Bashar against the Syrian revolution, on behalf of the imperialist power OBAMA, ITS SERVANT PUTIN, AND UN, BLESS BY THE POPE, SEEK TO CONSILIDATE A COUNTREREVOLUTIONARY VICTORY, The threat of imperialist aggression to Syria today and the pact of Obama and Putin is to recover, from his guardian the dog Al Assad, the heavy weapon, weapons and chemical weapons so this one does not fell 1

at the hands of the uprising masses and posed the question of the borders of the fascist Zionist state of Israel. An uprising in Damascus and the split of the Al Assads ranks army going with the masses with weapons before the FSA and the Nursa Front control them The cynicism of imperialism and the counterrevolutionary forces of the world are limitless. Not only Al Assad has chemical weapons to massacre his people. The Zionist state has the largest arsenal of nuclear bombs and chemical weapons throughout Middle East. With one of the most damaging chemical weapons, such as white phosphorus, the counterrevolutionary forces of Zionism and supported by CIA under the control of Obama, in "Cast Lead" operation, they bombed and massacred Palestinian masses from Gaza in January 17, 2009. OUT WITH THE IMPERIALIST POWER FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN, MAGHREB AND MIDDLE EAST! OUT THE MILITARY BASE OF TARTUS IN SYRIA, RUSSIA, THE GENOCIDES OF CHECHNYA AND THE CAUCASUS REPUBLIC! FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE ZIONIST FASCIST STATE OF ISRAEL! -While Al Assad keeps slaughtering, the imperialist pirates now seek to consolidate the Lebanon project of Syria under the control of UN and to impose a US protectorate government, as in Iraq, composed by all the bourgeoisie fractions that slaughter or expropriate the revolution, under the direct orders of imperialism. -For Obama, it is high time to change the dog Bashar. In order to stabilize and legitimize the counterrevolutionary victory and, before a mass insurrection can strike in Damascus, Al Assad is not enough for imperialism. -After the slaughter against the masses, and after they were placed in an defensive situation, with millions of refugees and the rebels areas are fenced, it is high time for imperialism with US cannons aiming to Syria, to impose a transition government, under the orders of Obama and UN. The bourgeoisie generals of FSA, the Nursa Front and Qatar government are subject to form this imperialist plan. The imperialist butcher claim that for them it is more dangerous the rebels and the slaughtered masses than the killer Al Assad, who is looking forward the Zionism frontiers and made the dirty work on behalf of the bourgeoisie and imperialism. Al Assad and Putin, genocide of the Chechnya masses and Russia, as lackey of imperialism, very quick they were under the orders of his chief Obama and the bandits cave of UN and gave heavy army and chemical weapons to Al Assad


The murderous army of Al Assad 2

With worker committees with the factory occupation in Duma outside Damascus and the soldiers committees, it is necessary to organize the insurrection in the capital, so the head of the murder Al Assad, and supported by the capitalist and imperialism, rolls along!
The bourgeoisie of Al Assad has lost control in more than 300 factories in Duma, outside Damascus at the hands of the resistance. There are fought, and in the working class neighborhoods of Damascus, grueling battles. Planes and the army have concentrated all their arsenal and even chemical weapons to massacre the exploited. The FSA attempts to preserve the property of the capitalists in the free areas so the workers do not expropriate it definitely. it is necessary to prepare and organize the insurrection with the workers and soldiers councils of Damascus! The international working class must support their brothers in Syria, which are an example of how to fight for bread and ending the brutal exploitation of the capitalists! Obama's navy is near Syria because he is afraid of the revolutionary uprising of workers, who have self-organized in Damascus, along with the soldiers who go with the other side and resist bravely. Out with the traitors of the WSF, the Iranian ayatollahs, the Stalinists and their sidekicks, the renegades of Trotskyism, which support Assad to slaughter the workers of Syria! Death to the murderer Al Assad! War without quarter to the capitalists and imperialism that support him to starve and slaughter the Syrian working class!

Lets the insurrection triumph in Damascus! International worker Brigade to fight with the uprising working class of Syria! Enough of treason, isolation and fence the heroic Syrian working class, today in Damascus it is standing up, and it is slaughtered and tormented in the entire Syria and in concentration camps in the countries of the borders!

ENOUGH OF DESARMING THE MASSES! OUT WITH THE FSA GENERALS AND THE NURSA FRONT AND THEIR ROTTEN BOURGOISIE BUSNESS WITH THE MERCENARYS OF AL ASSAD! The bourgeois generals, under the command of the Saudi and Turkish bourgeoisie, are preparing themselves as jail keeper of the masses, in the free areas, to get into the imperialist protectorate government together with the murderous generals of Al Assad under the command of Obama and UN. The worker and popular rank of the resistance must highlight these generals, named their own chief in the battle field and coordinate with the worker committee and the people without housing. LETS THE MILLIONS OF REFUGEES COME BACK TO RECOVER OUR HOUSES AND EXPROPIATE THE RULERS WHO WITH AL ASSAD BLEED OUR PEOPLE! FOR COMMITTES OF THE ONES WITHOUT HOUSING AND DELEGATES OF THE REFUGEE CAMPS! LETS RECOVER THE GENERALIZE ARM FOR THE MASSES! In order to win the war against Al Assad, to defeat any attack of UN and US to Syria: IT IS NECESSARY TO EXPROPIATE WITHOUT PAYMENT ALL THE TRANSNATIONAL COMPANIES AND THE CAPITALIST WHICH PLUNDER SYRIA AND MADE BUSINESS WITH THIS WAR, OVER THE HUNGER AND DEATH TO THE PEOPLE! IT IS NECESSARY TO SET UP THE WORKER AND SOLDIER COUCNIL, IT IS NECESARY TO REORGANIZE THE COORDINATION COMMITTEES TO BREAK WITH THE CAPITALIST CHIEF WHO MAKE PROFIT WITH THE HUNGER OF THE WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES! In the North of Africa and Middle East a single revolution! The Syrian revolution will success with the insurrection in Damascus and the Palestine flag waving in Jerusalem and will come back to stand up with the head of Al Assad rolling off the desert as before with Khadafy It is necessary to break the siege to the Syrian revolution which left the free hands to imperialism and its agents to torment the masses OUT WITH THE WSF OF BOLIVARIAN AND MUSLIM BOURGOISIES, ALL LACKYS OF THE IMPERIALIST POWER! OUT WITH THE WSF, THE OBAMA LEFT, WITH THEIR SOCIAL IMPERIALIST PARTIES, STALISNIST LEFT OVERS AND THEIR LADDERS -THE RENEGADES OF TROSTSKYISM! They met in Tunisia last March to fence the Syrian revolution and let the zone free so Al Assad, the counterrevolutionary guards of the Iranian bourgeoisie and murder Putin, protected under the umbrella of Obama and Zionism, massacred the Syrian people. Since when do the Iranian republican guard and their partners Hezbollah, the servants of bandits cave called UN, fight in the borders of Sinai and Qsair if it is not approved by the counterrevolutionary fascist state of Israel and Obama? Enough posing as friends of the oppressed peoples of the world the biggest allies of imperialism! The Iranian theocracy, oppressor and starver of their own people, kneeling before Obama.

WSF, the center of traitors of the world proletariat, want to show the Russian bourgeoisie (who sold out USSR to City Bank, Morgan Bank and its gas and oil to German BASF) as anti-imperialist. This is an infamy and a lie. They also want to show dog Bashar, the highest privateer of state companies of Syria in favor of imperialism, as anti-imperialist. This is nothing a deception and dust in the eyes of the world working class to fence the Syrian revolution.

Aleppo destroyed by the bombing of Al Assad

From Brigade Len Sedov, from the revolutionary militias of Libya and the Collective for 4th International, we want to tell the world workers: this is the proof of what we state!: Putin and Al Assad immediately put themselves under the commands (as they have done so far) of their Chief Commander, Obama. And, we state that if imperialism attacks Syria is to guard Al Assads heavy weaponry, so it doesnt fall in hands of the revolutionary masses of Syria because it would be in our hands, the ones who fight against dog Al Assad and for the destruction of the Zionist State of Israel. The imperialist bombs will fall on the resistance, because all Al Assads generals are safe. This happened in Libya, where the masses suffered the hardest military blows in hands of NATO. We witnessed this in the combats of Misarrata and Brega that wanted us to prevent reaching Tripoli to defeat Kaddafy, imperialisms lackey. This is why; in order to defeat imperialism and any intervention in Syria we must settle counts with Al Assad in Damascus. In the WSF also gathered the wastes of Stalinism and socialdemocracy. They were the main support of native bourgeoisies that, negotiation here and there the small slice of the profits plundered by imperialism to the oppressed peoples, are the killers and jailers of their own people. But also in the WSF gather, to the left of this treacherous left, the renegades of Trotskyism who legitimize this holy alliance of native bourgeoisies, Stalinists and social-imperialists commanded by Obama. The left of the left of the WSF covers and legitimizes the counterrevolutionary forces that support Al Assad and Obamas sinister plan to strangle the revolution of Maghreb and Middle East. They support Castro brothers who support Al Assad, while they attack Cuban working class with hundreds of thousands lay-offs, 18 dollars wages, restitution of heritage rights and selling out the conquers of Cuban revolution (such as Health and Education), to the Latin American bourgeoisies. This means, selling Cuba to imperialism. In this world upside down reformism shows as anti-imperialist Chavez, Maduro and brothers Castro who, a year ago said that their candidate in USA and to whom they called the US working class, black and against war movements to vote for Obama who wants to invade Syria The curtain is up and the actors faces are clear now, they are Obamas servants and lairs who deceive the masses to fence the Syrian revolution. The left of the left of WSF covers up the Bolivarian who, like Morales and Maduro, oppress fiercely the workers and sell out their countries to TNCs. They cover up those who, together with Castro brothers, sold out the Colombian resistance to the most lackey government of US imperialism, i.e. Santos in Colombia. In this country there are 5 US military bases from where they control the business of the imperialist companies in Central and Latin America. The left of the left of WSF that covers up the fact that Hezbollah looks after, with UN, the borders to the Zionist state of Israel, from Lebanon, where the president has become partner of the big telecommunications TNCs based on Wall Street and London, together with the lackeys of the Maronite bourgeoisie.

The left of the left covers up those the murderous Iranian Ayatollahs. They guarantee and support US protectorate in Iraq. No one can deny, because this would mean lie and deceive the masses, that Chiite bourgeoisie watched the backs of the ordered retreatment of US imperialist troops from Iraq. Like this oppressive bourgeoisie did with their own people when

they starving masses upraised in Iraq in 2009, as the masses of Egypt and Tunisia did in 2011. Teachers, textile workers and all the exploited people who rebelled in 2009 was oppressed and massacred, like Al Assad does today in Syria. This isnt unusual. Ayatollahs are the ones who shot all the leaders of the worker and soldier councils, shoras, who defeated sha Reza Pahlevi in the Iranian revolution in the 80s.
The left of left act as they dont know anything. They want that the masses of Middle East, Maghreb and world working class dont realize that the state of Israel lost its gun power, its capacity of direct and military intervention attacking Syria, the masses from Egypt or the region. This would mean as throwing liters of fuel to set the revolution in fire again. This is why, this left of left dont call to face the peace, two states agreements between Al Fatah and Zionism, which are used to Obama to slave the Palestine masses and dress Zionism as democratic, while it strength itself by colonizing the lands that havent been occupied yet in the stolen Palestine and preparing to intervene with the first bomb of the US cannons that start settling the victory of counterrevolution in Syria. Enough with slandering and shoot in the back to the tormented masses of Syria! The ones who, together with the left of left of WSF, support dog Bashar are the scabs of Stalinism who sold out the Greek, Spanish and European masses (together with the socialimperialist parties), who ended up tied to the worst capitalist exploitation. Other currents to the left of the left, who call themselves friends of the revolution in Syria, like French NPA, LIT or WIT, support, openly and without many subterfuges, the Generals of ESL, to whom they recognize as leaders of the resistance and not as what they are really are: the ones who sell out and the jailers. These generals that they support are the ones in charge of disarming us in the freed zones and pact with Al Assad bourgeoisie to do business and, when we go back to the refugee camps to our homes, they steal our belongings so we dont go back. ESL and the Generals of the Islamic Front, manipulate their heroic militant basses in a war of siege against Al Assad troops, with whom they only want to bargain the war plunder, with the dogs Generals or with bourgeois that they protect from the masses hate. This pro Syrian revolution front wanted, in the WSF in Tunisia, convince the executioners of the Syrian revolution that it was progressive. Come on! Why dont they come to convince and give a speech of democratic revolution to the Generals of Al Assad so they dont kill us and to the ESLs, so they dont disarm us? We have reach a point where it is more than clear that the classes civil war can only be won as insurrection in Damascus, by expropriating the bourgeoisie in the free zones and arming the entire people, from the refugee camps in the borders to the battle front, against the Al Assads Generals. We cant conquer and defend democracy against the assassin Al Assad but with the method of proletarian revolution. This left of left have left this fight in hands of the ESL Generals, who are commanded by Turkey and Paris. Without a proletarian and revolutionary leadership of the civil war, revolution wont stand up again never again. Because their democratic Generals are the ones who, with Front Al Nusra, are preparing the pact of surrender pact of the Syrian masses. This is variation of the left of left of WSF, supporting their republican Generals who are under the military and politic discipline of Qatar and are a bump in the road, who prevented the world working class to intervene decisively in the Syrian revolution, when all bourgeois leadership from the region and the world did it. Thus, left of left, some of them supporting Al Assad and others ESL, join the tips of the rope that strangles the Syrian revolution. Neither Al Assad nor Obama are invincible. The great revolutions of Maghreb and Middle East havent been able yet of unfolding all their potential because they were fenced, betrayed, sold out from within, kneel to the feet of their democratic executioners and because their combat was desynchronized with the fight of the working class of Europe, USA and the Pacific. THE FENCE TO THE REVOLUTION OF WORKERS AND EXPLOITED PEOPLE OF SYRIA MUST BE BROKEN! THAT IS THE WAY TO DEFEAT KILLER BASHAR AND THE IMPERIALIST THREAT! Yesterday, imperialism focused their forces in Greece to prevent the beginning of revolution and all over Europe. With the genocide in Syria, imperialist bourgeoisie try, not only recreate a chain of counterrevolution to smash the revolutionary uprisings of the masses from Syria to Bahrain, from Egypt to Tunisia and Libya but also try to teach a lesson to the world working class so exploited people never stand up again fighting for bread. THIS IS WHY, THE WORKING CLASS OF IMPERIALIST POWERS HAVE A DOUBLE TASK: - Paralyze and defeat war machinery of its own imperialist bourgeoisie: The main enemy is at home! 5

The working class of imperialist countries have proved, by far, that is willing to admit new counterrevolutionary adventures by the imperialist powers against the oppressed people of the world. They are in Iraq, Afghanistan or Mali, and they have tied those countries with double and triple chains to imperialism, and they have oppressor and counterrevolutionary governments ever more fierce than those, on behalf of democracy, imperialism went to overthrow. Every counterrevolutionary adventure of imperialist powers and every support they give to their agents of native bourgeoisies, meant higher attacks and loosing conquers to the working class of the central countries. Because a people that helps oppressing other people will never release itself. -But this time this isnt enough. Obama made a pact, while keeps his cannons pointing Syria, so Putin and Al Assad keep massacring the masses. They have Sunni bourgeoisie and Turkey, commanding their generals, to disarm the masses in the territories where Al Assad was defeated. All forces of imperialism and world bourgeoisie concentrated, playing different roles, but with a single aim: smash the road to proletarian revolution. So many counterrevolutionary forces of the world exploiters concentrated deserves a concentration of forces of the world working class in Syria! This is why, the working class from the imperialist countries, has also the obligation of facing until the end the war imperialist machinery to help the Syrian masses, so they smash Al Assad and his genocide. THE WORKING CLASS FROM THE IMPERIALIST COUNTRIES, TOGETHER WITH THE WORLD WORKING CLASS, MUST STOP THE IMPERIALIST WAR MACHINERY! WE MUST SET UP THE INTERNATIONAL WORKING CLASS ORGANIZATIONS TO SEND MEDS AND FOOD AND TO ORGANIZE INTERNATIONAL BRIGADES TO FIGHT AGAINST DOG BASHAR! Imperialisms counterrevolutionary forces and the cave of bandits of UN, who are preparing to attack and blackmail the Syrian nation, want to impose the exploiters order which was questioned by the revolutions of Maghreb and Middle East. US, FRENCH AND UN TROOPS ARE A NEW GUN IN THE HEAD OF THE SLAUGHTERED MASSES OF SYRIA TO IMPOSE A GOVERNMENT OF US PROTECTORATE, GUARDIAN BY IMPERIALISM TO STABILIZE THE COUNTERREVOLUTIONARY VICTORIES THAT AL ASSAD GOT WITH THE MASSACRE OUT WITH IMPERIALIST AND UN TROOPS FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA, MAGHREB AND MIDDLE EAST! FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL! Down with the murderous military board of Egypt! Down with the LNC, full of Kadaffist, from Libya! Lets defend the Libyan militias! For the unity of the heroic oil strike of the workers of Brega and Zawia with the movement of revolutionary militias of Libya! For a government of katibahs and worker councils! Out with the oppressor government of Enadhla in Tunisia! Out with Yankees from Iraq and Afghanistan! Out with French imperialist troops of Mali and imperialist troops from the entire Africa! For imperialism and world bourgeoisie the real enemy isnt Al Assad, but the rebel masses DOWN WITH THE COUNTERREVOLUTIONARY PACT OF OBAMA, PUTIN AND AL ASSAD TO LIBANIZE SYRIA, TO KEEP MASSACRING THE MASSES AND LOOK AFTER THE BORDERS TO THE ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL! DOWN WITH THE REGIME AND PRO-IMPERIALIST GOVERNMENT OF BUTCHER AND KILLER AL ASSAD! FOR A GOVERNMENT OF WORKER AND SOLDIER COMMITTEES! LETS SET UP THE COORDINATION COMMITTEE! WORKER AND POPULAR COURTS TO JUDGE AND PUNISH ALL THE KILLERS AND GENOCIDE OF THE PEOPLE! FREEDOM NOW TO THE POLITICAL PRISONERS WHO LED THE HEROIC COMBATS OF THE MASSES IN 2011! THEY WERE TAKEN TO THE BARRACKS AND THE REGIMENTS OF AL ASSAD TO BE MASSACRED BY THE IMPERIALIST BOMBS! OUT WITH THE FAKE GOVERNMENT OF QATAR AND SAUDI BOURGEOISIE! OUT WITH THE BOURGEOIS GENERALS OF ESL AND FRONT AL NUSRA WHO ARE PREPARING A GOVERNMENT OF TRANSITION WITH THE MURDEROUS OFFICIALS OF AL ASSAD! Enough with WSF supporting oppressor and murderous governments of Maghreb and Middle East Out from worker organizations the left of Obama! Lets defeat collaborationist leaderships of world working organizations that, submitting them to the bourgeoisie, fence the Syrian revolution! In order to win the war to Al Assad and smash imperialism in the entire region working and socialist revolution must triumph. For the Socialist United States of Maghreb and Middle East!

In the fire of war, revolution and counterrevolution, IV International will have to stand up. It is time to take steps forward to set up revolutionary, combat parties, so socialist revolution of Maghreb and Middle East triumphs and becomes the bastion of world socialist revolution! For an international conferences of all working organizations that call themselves defenders of the Syrian revolution to centralize international actions in common to break the fence imposed to the revolution. From Syria, Brigade Leon Sedov Movement of Revolutionary Militias of Libya Collective for 4th International

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