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has seemed

wise to us to

Over a period of time it begin planning for suitable housing for our family and a place to have our office and print shop. After con>
siderable study^ time and

prayer we

have settled on a

section of El Pasoj Texas where there is a heavy Mex

ican population. This en ables us to do a Spanish work in the place where we live as well as locate our print shop in an important place. We also have the advan tage of the American schools. .^After a period of time and after looking for appropriate housing it became evident that it would be best to build one building that would house the Office, Print Shop, and at the same time provide living quarters for the Morgan family. We have sel ected the type building pictured above as the most economical type that will provide the necessary space. The building will have a full basement that will house the office and print shop. Above will be a
one and one half story house for our family. It will be of cinder block up to the eves and wood frame covered with asbestas siding above.

We feel this

building is

desperately needed
visiting the

due to the "camping out"

system now used.

field in August of 1958 f^'RS. MAY


(Treasurer of the house fund) of

Union City, Ky.



have to do something about this housing situation."

Needless to say we

agree after having spent one year with 7 people in a building 22 feet by 15 feet. Aside from the size, the building is low and has no way to even lock a door. Flies, too, have keep us company by day and Mosquitos by night. We could work with much more ease, rest with greater peace and Just plain do a much better Job if this building could Just be built. We believe with our doing much of the work it can be com pleted for $7000.00 and we already have a retired carpenter who is inr terested in helping with the building. If you can send a contribution or a regular pledge toward this building you will help more than you can know to see this work progress. Send funds marked Morgan Home to MRS. MAY SCHRODER, UNION CITY, KY.

Since the
our efforts

beginning of
in the North

Central part of Mexico we have worked on the plan of using the native Mexican preacher to do the evang
elistic work* We have taken

young men and supported them that they might reach their people. We have done background work^aiding with the planning of the church program as well as doing much of the personal work. This has proven successful,
and has allowed us to be in

several places at one time.


We will continue this

manner of work in order that the Gospel

may extend farther and more rapidly. In September of 1958 we find the work being carried on in two sections of the city of Chihuahua, in NcMnbre de Dios, in Rancheria Juarez, in Ciudad Juarez, and in the area of our home in El Peso. We hope to see this grow to extend over a much wider area, but at present need to be able to adequately sustian these areas. In July of 1957 MISS ALICE WANTLAND of Decatur, 111. joined us to work in the office and help in Childrens work. Miss Wantland has as her office duties the maintaining of accurate records, preparing of much of our material for printing and the continual process of the mailing of materials to you at homey as well as the endless task of trying to keep your addresses in order. She at present teaches a group in our area as well as teaches a young man in Cuidad Juarez to teach the children in the new congregation

Recently the Christians have ask that we provide for the young people a school where they can be trained for a special
ized service. To aid in-

this need we have our plans

for our Bible School which will hold classes in our









here you

see the

.fl .

Hi :


regation will open its doors


where our



Bible Institute as YOU provide the funds as to feed the students.



During the year of 1956 ine

istian people came to us with an expressed desire to aid in the teaching

of the young people, but deplored the


| f

knowledge to do so. We, of course,

fact that they did not have sufficient


wanted their help and were thrilled with their interest, but could not say

we will order some literature from our

brotherhood publishing house. This was

the thing that brought us to decide to

begin preparing and printing Christian
material. We soon found that this was
a real task and if we were to effecti

vely do this we needed to begin looking around for some print ing equipment. We now look rather proudly

was about 10 years old and seei t has been a real

Ing him grow into manhood

and take hold In

thrill to have him come

this very important part of the work. He works at just whatever needs to be done, but spends most of his time in the task of preparing and printing of the literature. This work is of great importance and we ask you to remember it in your prayers as in
your giving.


arrived on the


field in

1952 and soon were deep in the task of taking CHRIST to our NEIGHBORS TO THE SOUTH. Beginning in the State of Chihuahua, where the New Testament Church was unknown, it has often been rather difficult and at times discouraging. God has blessed us
and we have thrilled as we have seen sinners become saints. It

has also thrilled


us as

we see young

people Join us in


YOU have inspired us

by your continued

we see the work expand and begin to suffer for lack of proper support, for this purpose we lay before you now our NEEDS that you may consider having a regular part in this Evangelistic effort. Can YOU begin now with a regular contribution to this work, even though it may seem small. One small amount given regularly will soon have more effect than one large amount sent

only once.

We have need of $175.00 in LIVING LINK support.


have need for $100.00 monthly to support the PRINT SHOP. We have need of $100,00 monthly to support the SCHOOL, And for NATIVE PREACHERS we need $50.00 each. Won't you earnestly con sider taking a part of this. $5.00, 10.00 or any part of this
total will take us on to VICTORY FOR CHRIST IN MEXICO.

To contact us use one of the following addressesi


Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Morgan 6245 Tampa Avenue El Paso, Texas

Eileen Ellington, Forwarding Agent 1107 Plum Street Marshall, Illinois

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