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THE GRANNIES When people hear That Attitude Does make a difference 'Ja right' Is the disbelief of many

But I can tell you It most definitely does I have two Grannies Both in their mid 80's Only a few months apart in age Yet if you saw them You would think One was WAY older than the other The one will happily After the rains Take a big spade Clear the Mud from her doorway Using the wheelbarrow To dump the mud In holes the dogs have dug The other looks like death all warmed up She can barely get off the bed She cannot walk that far And doesn't do much Her memory is going Some will say You cannot compare these two old ladies That I love so much As the years take its tole In different ways on us It is true They have both suffered Many of the ailments of age Including Arthritis But it is safe to say As we know them so well So even if we exclude most of those factors The biggest difference between these two is this The one is happy all the time Always doing something Figuring ways around the challenges of life The other just sits

And mopes in a corner all day Crying 'Woe is me' So when things are all said and done By the end of our lives Which Granny would you like to be like?

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