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According to my opinion the candidate due to whom the problem has risen and has put the companyinto

this dilemma, should not be hired although the attractions in hiring seem beneficial for thecompany. Such as the increase in the revenues and the potential of getting their medicines patentthrough the contact of this person. Hiring of this person may also help in getting several new clientsdue to his fathers affiliation with the medical association. The probable benefits seem attractive but tolet go all the ethics in return of a probable increase in revenues, may outweigh the benefits of thedecision of hiring this candidate. The systems, culture and the implementation of the ethical behaviorhas been a very difficult task.

EXHIBIT 1 This exhibit shows us the market share of MSD in comparison with other companies in the industry. Till second quarter of 1996, the share of the company has shown a falling trend and fell from 4.8% to 4.4% from 1994 to 1996. Meanwhile, MSDs competitors like Novartis, Bristol and HMR have increased their market share rapidly in the same time period. EXHIBIT 2 This exhibit shows us the changes in the organizational structure made during Mosqueras time as MD. We can see that new departments have been added including Legal and Training & Development. Further, there is a shift from purely functional departmentalization to a hybrid of functional and product departmentalization through the formation of Business Units which involve employees from various functional groups. The new structure is designed to aid the transition to lower bureaucratic levels and higher delegation of authority. EXHIBIT 3 This exhibit shows the Mission and Values of the firm. The point most frequently stressed is related to the importance of an ethical culture which focuses on integrity. Emphasis is also laid upon professionalism, teamwork, respect, empathy and open-mindedness. EXHBIT 4 This exhibit shows us the sample questions from the companys newly developed 360-degree inventory for evaluation of managers. It is entirely in line with the values of the company. The virtues of an ethical system are conspicuously highlighted. The other core values are also incorporated. EXHIBIT 5 This exhibit shows the Performance Appraisal Process Values. The focus is on transparency and commitment to the philosophy of constant improvement. Respect and dignity are also considered key in the process in addition to support for Merit Increase and Reward System.

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