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Bilderberg Group & Vladimir Putin: From Russia With Love?

From Russia With Love?: Bilderberg Meetings participant Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (left) shares a toast with President of Russia Vladimir Putin after they un eiled a pla!uette with hand imprint of Peter the "reat during a tour of the #ermitage Museum in $msterdam% Netherlands on $pril &% '()*+ Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the 2013 Bilderber !eetin s held in "ertfordshire# $n land near London from %une &'(# 2013) Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands is a direct descendant of ,atherine the "reat and Peter the "reat+ (Photo- $.P Photo)

Former U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger &le#t' greets Russia(s Prime )inister Vladimir Putin &right' in )os!o*+ Russia on ,une -.+ /001. %issinger *as on a *or2ing visit to Russia. Henry Kissinger attended the 2008 Bilderberg Meetings held in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. from !ne"#8, 2008. &3FP4Gett" 5mages'

$lexey Miller (left)% ,hairman of the "a/prom Management ,ommittee% and Bilderber *rou+ member %orma ,llila -ri ht.# /hairman of the board of Ro0al 1ut/h 2hell# sign an agreement in $msterdam on $pril &% '()*+ President of Russia Vladimir Putin ('nd left) appears with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mar0 Rutte+ %orma ,llila and !ar3 Rutte attended the Bilderber !eetin s /onferen/e held in "ertfordshire# $n land -near London. from &'( %une 2013) (Photo- http-11www+ga/prom+com1press1news1'()*1april1article)23&421)

Robert 5udley (left)% ,hief 6xecuti e of BP% meets with Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin in Moscow% Russia in '())+ Robert 1udle0 attended the Bilderber !eetin s in 2012 and 2013) (Photo- $lexey 5ru/hinin1Ria No osti)

President of Russia Vladimir V+ Putin meets with British Petroleum officials in Moscow% Russia on 7uesday% 8eptember )&% '()'+ ,loc0wise from left% Vladmir V+ Putin9 Putin:s interpreter9 ,arl;#enric 8 anberg% chairman of the board of British Petroleum9 Robert 5udley% chief executi e officer of British Petroleum9 and <gor 8echin% chief of Russian oil company Rosneft+ 4arl'"enri/ 2vanber and Robert 1udle0 have attended the Bilderber !eetin s in the +ast) (R<$ No osti1Reuters)

<n this handout image pro ided by #ost Photo $gency% President of Russia Vladimir Putin (left) sha0es hands with Bilderberg Meetings participant ,hristine =agarde% Managing 5irector of the <nternational Monetary .und% at the "'( 8ummit in 8t+ Petersburg% Russia on 8eptember 2% '()*+ 4hristine La arde attended the 2013 Bilderber !eetin s that 5as held in "ertfordshire# $n land near London from %une &'(# 2013) (Photo- #andout1"etty <mages 6urope)

Prime Minister of <taly Mario Monti (left)% a longtime Bilderberg Meetings participant% greets President of Russia Vladimir Putin in Russia+ !ario !onti attended the 2013 Bilderber !eetin s held in "ertfordshire# $n land near London from %une &'(# 2013) ($P Photo1R<$;No osti% $lexei 5ru/hinin% Presidential Press 8er ice)

Prime Minister of <taly Mario Monti (right) greets Prime Minister of Russia 5imitri Med ede + !ario !onti attended the 2013 Bilderber !eetin s held in "ertfordshire# $n land near London from %une &'(# 2013) ($P Photo1R<$ No osti% $lexander $stafye % "o ernment Press 8er ice)

Prime Minister of "reat Britain 5a id ,ameron greets President of Russia Vladimir Putin at )( 5owning 8treet% the office of the Prime Minister% in =ondon on >une )4% '()*+ 6rime !inister of *reat Britain 1avid 4ameron attended the 2013 Bilderber !eetin s held in "ertfordshire# $n land near London from %une &'(# 2013) ("etty <mages)

Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin (left) meets with ,hancellor of $ustria ?erner .aymann in Vienna% $ustria in $pril '()(+ Werner Fa0mann attended the 2012 Bilderber !eetin s held in 4hantill0# 7ir inia# 8)2)9) from !a0 31# 2012 until %une 3# 2012) (Photo- http-11www+rferl+org1content1$ustria@8igns@An@7o@8outh@8tream1'('*B2'+html)

Bilderberg Meetings participant Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mar0 Rutte (left) chats with President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the 8t+ Petersburg <nternational 6conomic .orum on >une '(% '()*+ !ar3 Rutte attended the 2013 Bilderber !eetin s held in "ertfordshire# $n land near London from %une &'(# 2013) (Photo- RiC0so erheid)

Bilderberg Meetings participant .oreign Minister of 8weden ,arl Bildt (right) appears with .oreign Minister of Russia 8ergei =a ro at a press conference in Brussels% Belgium in '((3+

Bilderberg Meetings participant $nders .ogh Rasmussen (left)% 8ecretary "eneral of N$7A% greets Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin in Moscow% Russia on 5ecember )4% '((3+ (Photo- http-11www+nato+int1cps1en1natoli e1photos@4()D3+htm)

.oreign Minister of 7ur0ey $li Babacan (left) sha0es hands with .oreign Minister of Russia 8ergey =a ro in <stanbul% 7ur0ey on 8eptember '% '((&+ 9li Baba/an attended the 200: Bilderber !eetin s held in 4hantill0# 7ir inia# 8)2)9) near Washin ton# 1)4) from ;': %une 200:) 7he Russo;"eorgian ?ar was fought from D;)4 $ugust '((&9 Russia continues to occupy the "eorgian pro inces of 8outh Assetia and $b0ha/ia+

President of Russia Vladimir Putin (center) meets with 6uropean ,ouncil President #erman Van Rompuy (left) and 6uropean ,ommission President >ose Manuel Barroso (right) at the 6E;Russia summit in Brussels% Belgium on 7uesday% >anuary '&% '()B+ %ose !anuel Barroso attended the 2013 Bilderber !eetin s held at "ertfordshire# $n land near London from &' ( %une 2013) (Photo- .rancois =enoir1Reuters)

Prime )inister o# Russia Vladimir Putin re!eives 6homas 7. 8onilon &le#t'+ 9ational e!urit" 3dvisor to the President o# the United tates+ in )os!o*+ Russia on )a" :+ /0-/.

World Ban2 President ,ames Wol#ensohn &le#t' sha2es hands *ith Russia(s President Vladimir Putin during their meeting at the 9ovo;<garevo residen!e outside )os!o* on ,anuar" /0+ /00:. Putin a*arded Wol#ensohn *ith the Russian <rder o# Friendship. ames $olfensohn attended the 200% Bilderberg Meetings held in Stresa, &taly from '#( !ne 200%. &3le=e" Panov4563R;63 43FP4Gett" 5mages'

President o# Russia Vladimir Putin &!enter'+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission ,ose )anuel Barroso &right' and $erman Van Rompu" &le#t'+ President o# the 7uropean >oun!il+ attend a ne*s !on#eren!e as part o# the Russia;7U summit inside the %onstantinovs2" Pala!e at trelna in t. Petersburg+ Russia on ,une :+ /0-/. &Reuters'

World Ban2 President Robert ?oelli!2 sha2es hands *ith Russia@s Prime )inister Vladimir Putin &le#t' in )os!o* on ,une -A+ /001. )obert *oelli+, attended the 2008 Bilderberg Meetings in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. from "#8 !ne 2008. &Photo: 6he World Ban2'

U. . 6reasur" e!retar" $enr" Paulson &le#t' meets *ith Russia(s Prime )inister Vladimir Putin during his visit to )os!o* on ,une B0+ /001. Henry -a!lson attended the 2008 Bilderberg Meetings in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. from "#8 !ne 2008. &3FP4Gett" 5mages'

Bilderberg Group & >old War: Lega!" Photos

5a id Roc0efeller% founder of the 7rilateral ,ommission% and other members of the 7rilateral ,ommission isit 8o iet ,ommissar Mi0hail "orbache in Moscow% 8o iet Enion on >anuary )&% )3&3+ $ccording to the ,hinese calendar% )3&3 is 0nown as FGear of the 8na0eH+ 5a id Roc0efeller and #enry Iissinger attended the )3&& Bilderberg Meetings held in 7elfs;Buchen% $ustria from *;2 >une )3&&+ (8ource- http-11www+trilateral+org1download1doc1,ommemorating@)3&3+pdf)

8avid Ro!2e#eller &le#t'+ President o# >hase )anhattan Ban2+ and his daughter 9eva Ro!2e#eller &se!ond #rom le#t' greet oviet Premier 9i2ita %hrush!hev &right' at the %remlin in )os!o*+ oviet Union on ,ul" /C+ -CA:. .a/id )o+,efeller attended the Mar+h 01(% Bilderberg Meetings held in $illiamsb!rg, Virginia, U.S.A. &Photo: Memoirs b" 8avid Ro!2e#eller4Wide World Photos'

3meri!an !apitalist 8avid Ro!2e#eller &le#t'+ >hairman o# the board o# >hase )anhattan Ban2 in 9e* Dor2 >it"+ visits >hinese !ommunist >hou 7nlai &right'+ Foreign )inister o# >ommunist >hina+ in Pe2ing+ >ommunist >hina in -C.B. 8avid Ro!2e#eller established the 6rilateral >ommission in -C.B. 6he United tates maintained diplomati! relations *ith the Republi! o# >hina on 6ai*an &9ationalist >hina' in -C.B.

9ational e!urit" 3dvisor $enr" %issinger meets *ith >ommunist >hina(s !hairman )ao 6se;tung in Pe2ing+ >ommunist >hina during %issinger(s se!ret trip to >ommunist >hina in !ly 0120. 6he United tates o# 3meri!a maintained diplomati! relations *ith the Republi! o# >hina &under the leadership o# Generalissimo >hiang %ai;she2' in -C.-. Henry Kissinger attended the 0120 Bilderberg Meetings held in $oodsto+,, Vermont, U.S.A. from 2'#2" A3ril 0120.

$enr" %issinger &right'+ the U. . 9ational e!urit" 3dvisor+ and 9orth Vietnamese diplomat Le 8u! 6ho &le#t' are all smiles as the" sha2e hands #or the press upon leaving the 5nternational >on#eren!es >enter in Paris+ Fran!e on ,anuar" /B+ -C.B a#ter a three hour and #ort";#ive minute meeting on Vietnam pea!e agreement. 6he" are #lan2ed b" )inister Euan 6hu"+ !hie# o# 8RV delegation. &Bettmann4><RB5 '

oviet Foreign )inister 3ndrei Grom"2o+ e!retar" o# tate 8ean Rus2+ oviet Premier 9i2ita %hrush!hev+ and oviet 3mbassador to the U. . 3natol" 8obr"nin stand together during the signing o# the 9u!lear 6est Ban 6reat" in the oviet Union in -CAB. 8ean Rus2 attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &$ulton;8euts!h >olle!tion4><RB5 '

U. . President Ri!hard 9i=on &!enter' toasts *ith oviet >ommissar Leonid BreFhnev &right' and U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger at the %remlin in )os!o* on !ly ', 012% during the seven;da" summit !on#eren!e *ith the oviet >ommunist Part". )i+hard 4i5on resigned from offi+e as -resident of the United States on A!g!st 1, 012%. Henry Kissinger is a reg!lar Bilderberg Meetings 3arti+i3ant. &Bettmann4><RB5 '

$eads o# state sign the $elsin2i 3!!ords at the >on#eren!e on e!urit" and >ooperation in 7urope in $elsin2i+ Finland on 3ugust -+ -C.G. eated at the table #rom le#t to right: >han!ellor o# Federal Republi! o# German" &West German"' $elmut !hmidt+ >hairman o# the tate >oun!il o# the German 8emo!rati! Republi! &7ast German"' 7ri!h $one!2er+ President o# the United tates Gerald Ford+ and >han!ellor o# 3ustria Bruno %reis2". $elmut !hmidt+ Gerald Ford+ and Bruno %reis2" attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. Helm!t S+hmidt attended the 012% Bilderberg Meetings held in Mege/e, 6ran+e from 01#20 A3ril 012%. &Photo: German Federal 3r!hives4Bundesar!hiv'

8avid Ben;Gurion+ the Prime )inister o# 5srael+ visits Prin!e Bernhard o# the 9etherlands at a !astle in the 9etherlands in -CA-. Prin!e Bernhard *as the >hairman o# the Bilderberg )eetings #rom -CG: until -C.A. When as2ed about his 9aFi e=perien!e+ Prin!e Bernhard replied: HWe had a lot o# #un.I Prin!e Bernhard o# the 9etherlands *as the !o;#ounder o# the Bilderberg )eetings+ and he *as a 9aFi stormtrooper #or a short time be#ore World War 55. 9aFi *ar !riminal 3dol# 7i!hmann *as prose!uted in an 5sraeli !ourt in -CA- #or e=terminating ,e*s in !on!entration !amps during World War 55. 6his photo *as published in page A- o# the boo2 Days of David Ben Gurion+ a boo2 edited b" <had ?mora+ )orde!hai Bar2ai+ 9ahum Punda2+ and 5srael to!2mann &Grossman Publishers+ 9e* Dor2+ -CA.'.

9ational e!urit" 3dvisor ?bignie* BrFeFins2i &right' attended the -C.G Bilderberg )eetings held in >esme+ 6ur2e" #rom /G;/. 3pril -C.G. &Power and Principle b" ?bignie* BrFeFins2i'

8eput" U. . e!retar" o# tate ,ohn >. Whitehead &le#t' appears *ith oviet 3mbassador to the U. . 3natol" 8obr"nin in Februar" -C1A. ,ohn >. Whitehead is a member o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations and a #ormer Partner o# Goldman+ a!hs & >o. ,ohn >. Whitehead attended the Bilderberg )eetings in -C1G and -C1A. &Photo b" %arl !huma!her46ime & Li#e Pi!tures4Gett" 5mages'

$elmut !hmidt &right'+ the >han!ellor o# West German"+ revie*s the honor guard *ith Leonid BreFhnev &le#t'+ General e!retar" o# the oviet >ommunist Part" and President o# the U R+ a#ter his arrival in )os!o*+ oviet Union on ,une B0+ -C10. !hmidt *as on a t*o;da" visit in )os!o*. Helm!t S+hmidt attended the 0180 Bilderberg Meetings held in Aa+hen, $est 7ermany from 08#20 A3ril 0180. &J Riethausen4dpa4>orbis'

>ommunist >hina(s 8eput" Premier 8eng Eiaoping instru!ts West German"(s >han!ellor $elmut !hmidt in the use o# !hopsti!2s during a banKuet in BeiLing on <!tober /C+ -C.G. !hmidt *as the #irst !han!ellor o# the Federal Republi! o# German" to visit mainland >hina. !hmidt attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: J dpa4>orbis'

7ast German >ommissar 7ri!h $one!2er &!enter' and >han!ellor o# West German" $elmut %ohl &le#t' arrive in Bonn+ West German" on eptember .+ -C1.. Helm!t Kohl attended the 0188 Bilderberg Meetings held in 8elfs#B!+hen, A!stria from '#" !ne 0188. &Photo: http:44***.#o!us.de4#otos4.;september;-C1.;ddr;staats;und;partei!he#;eri!h;hone!2er;*ird;vonMmidM:C0A1..html'

RoFanne L. Ridg*a" &le#t'+ the U. . 3mbassador to 7ast German"+ greets 7ri!h $one!2er &!enter+ smiling'+ the >ommissar o# 7ast German"+ in LeipFig+ 7ast German" on )ar!h -0+ -C1G. RoFanne L. Ridg*a"+ a member o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations in 9e* Dor2 >it" sin!e -C10+ served as the U. . 3mbassador to 7ast German" #rom ,anuar" /A+ -C1B until ,ul" -B+ -C1G. )o9anne :. )idg;ay attended the 018" Bilderberg Meetings held in )ye Broo,, 4e; <or,, U.S.A. =lo+ated near 4e; <or, City and Stamford, Conne+ti+!t> from 00#02 May 018". &Photo: German Federal 3r!hives4Bundesar!hiv'

3 state portrait ta2en at the Ro"al Pala!e on )a" //+ -CGC sho*s Nueen ,uliana o# the 9etherlands &le#t' tal2ing *ith the hah o# 5ran &!enter' and Prin!e Bernhard o# the 9etherlands. &Bettmann4><RB5 '

Dugoslavia(s >ommunist President ,osip BroF 6ito &seated+ se!ond #rom right' appears *ith the ro"al #amil" o# the 9etherlands+ in!luding Bilderberg )eetings organiFer Prin!e Bernhard &seated+ le#t'+ Nueen ,uliana o# the 9etherlands &seated+ right'+ and then;Prin!ess Beatri= o# the 9etherlands &standing+ se!ond #rom right'.

"eorge ?+ Ball ('nd right)% >ohn >+ Mc,loy ('nd left% chairman of the ,ouncil on .oreign Relations)% and E+8+ $mbassador to <ran $rmin #+ Meyer meet with 8hah Mohammad Re/a Pahla i of <ran in 7ehran% <ran on Actober '3% )34D+ "eorge ?+ Ball attended the )34D Bilderberg Meetings conference held at ,ambridge% 6ngland from *) March; ' $pril )34D+ Ball and Mc,loy attended the )344 Bilderberg Meetings held at ?iesbaden% ?est "ermany (near .ran0furt) from ';B $pril )344+ (Photo- "eorge ?+ Ball Papers% 8eeley "+ Mudd Manuscript =ibrary at Princeton Eni ersity)

E+8+ 8ecretary of 8tate #enry Iissinger (left) appears with 8hah Mohammad Re/a Pahla i of <ran (right) in )3D2+ ($.P photo)

George W. Ball &le#t' meets *ith %ing $ussein o# ,ordan in -CA1. 7eorge $. Ball attended the 01(8 Bilderberg Meetings held in Mont 8remblant, Canada from 2(#28 A3ril 01(8. &Photo: George W. Ball Papers+ eele" G. )udd )anus!ript Librar" at Prin!eton Universit"'

Bulent 7!evit &!enter'+ Prime )inister o# 6ur2e"+ greets 5raK(s ruler addam $ussein &right' at an airport in an undated photo. B!lent ?+e/it attended the Bilderberg Meetings held in Cesme, 8!r,ey from 2"#22 A3ril 012".

George W. Ball &le#t' meets *ith %ing Faisal o# audi 3rabia in -CA1. &Photo: The Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs b" George W. Ball'

>hairman o# >hase )anhattan Ban2 8avid Ro!2e#eller invites %ing $ussein o# ,ordan &le#t' to ride on his >hase )anhattan Let. 6his photograph *as published in 8avid Ro!2e#eller(s autobiograph" Memoirs.

Robert 8. )urph" &le#t'+ #ormer U. . 3mbassador to Belgium+ meets *ith Patri!e Lumumba &right'+ the inaugural Prime )inister o# >ongo &?aire'+ at the Leopoldville airport in Leopoldville+ >ongo &?aire' on ,une /C+ -CA0. Robert 8. )urph" *as a member o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. )obert .. M!r3hy attended the 01(0 Bilderberg Meetings held in B!rgensto+,, S;it9erland from 28#21 May 01(0. Patri!e Lumumba *as assassinated b" #iring sKuad in 7lisabethville+ %atanga &?aire' on ,anuar" -.+ -CA-. &3P Wirephoto'

United tates e!retar" o# tate >hristian $erter &right' meets *ith >ongo Premier Patri!e Lumumba &le#t' in Washington+ 8.>. on ,ul" /.+ -CA0. >hristian $erter *as a member o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group. &3P Wirephoto'

Bilderberg Lega!"+ Part -: 7uropean Union

,ose )anuel Barroso &right'+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ embra!es Vis!ount 7tienne 8avignon &le#t'+ President o# Friends o# 7urope+ during a meeting in Brussels+ Belgium on <!tober -B+ /0--. 6he name o# the meeting *as !alled H6he tate o# 7urope: Re;thin2ing the 7uropean ProLe!tI. &Photo: Fli!2r'

Prin!ess )athilde o# Belgium &le#t' and Prin!e Philippe o# Belgium &!enter' are a!!ompanied b" legendar" Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant 7tienne 8avignon &right' during their visit to the HLe ourire de BouddhaI e=hibition at the Palais des Beau=;3rts in Brussels+ Belgium on ,anuar" -B+ /00C. &Photo b" )ar2 Renders4Gett" 5mages'

Vis!ount 7tienne 8avignon &/nd le#t'+ President o# Friends o# 7urope+ appears *ith )ario )onti &/nd right'+ President o# Bo!!oni Universit" in )ilan+ during a meeting in Brussels+ Belgium on <!tober -B+ /0--. 6he name o# the meeting *as !alled H6he tate o# 7urope: Re;thin2ing the 7uropean ProLe!tI. &Photo: Fli!2r'

,ose )anuel Barroso+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission &le#t'+ Vis!ount 7tienne 8avignon+ President o# Friends o# 7urope &middle'+ and 8un!an L. 9iederauer+ >hie# 7=e!utive <##i!er and 8ire!tor o# 9D 7 7urone=t+ sit together during a meeting in Brussels+ Belgium on <!tober -B+ /0--. 6he name o# the meeting *as !alled H6he tate o# 7urope: Re;thin2ing the 7uropean ProLe!tI. &Photo: Fli!2r'

)ario )onti &le#t'+ the Prime )inister o# 5tal"+ greets ,ose )anuel Barroso &right'+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ in Brussels+ Belgium on Brussels+ Belgium on 9ovember //+ /0--. Both men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &3P Photo'

Le#t to right: )ario )onti+ Prime )inister o# 5tal" and 5talian President o# the !oun!il o# ministers+ ,ose# 3!2ermann o# the 8euts!he Ban2+ Robert B. ?oelli!2+ President o# the World Ban2+ #ormer German Finan!e )inister Peer teinbrue!2+ and George oros parti!ipates in a panel tal2 during da" / o# the :1th )uni!h e!urit" >on#eren!e at $otel Ba"eris!her $o# in )uni!h+ German" on Februar" :+ /0-/. 3ll #ive men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the pastO ever"one e=!ept #or oros attended the /0-- Bilderberg )eetings. &Gett" 5mages'

,hristine =agarde (left)% Managing 5irector of the <nternational Monetary .und% appears with the outgoing Prime Minister of <taly Mario Monti at the ?orld 6conomic .orum conference in 5a os% 8wit/erland on >anuary 'B% '()*+ (Photo- http-11www+ft+com1cms1s1(1Bfe(bf2e;42Bf;))e';&b(*;(()BBfeabB3a+htmlJslideB)

,hristine =agarde (left)% Managing 5irector of <nternational Monetary .und% appears with Mario 5raghi (right)% President of the 6uropean ,entral Ban0% in an undated photo+ (Photo- 6P$) http-11www+theguardian+com1business1'()*1Can1)B1euro/one;showing;signs;reco ery;imf

$erman Van Rompu" &le#t'+ President o# the 7uropean >oun!il+ listens as >hristine Lagarde &!enter'+ )anaging 8ire!tor o# the 5nternational )onetar" Fund &5)F' spea2s *ith ,ose )anuel Barroso &right'+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ ahead o# a *or2ing session on the se!ond da" o# the G/0 ummit in >annes+ Fran!e on 9ovember :+ /0--. World@s top e!onomi! leaders are attending the G/0 summit in >annes on 9ovember Brd and :th+ and are e=pe!ted to debate !urrent issues surrounding the global #inan!ial s"stem in the hope o# #ending o## a global re!ession and #inding an ans*er to the 7uroFone !risis. &Photo: Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

)ario )onti &le#t'+ the Prime )inister o# 5tal"+ sha2es hands *ith 3ngela )er2el &right'+ the >han!ellor o# German" in this undated photo. 3t !enter is )ario 8raghi+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2. 3ll three individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

Le#t to right: World 6rade <rganiFation &W6<' 8ire!tor;General Pas!al Lam"+ 5nternational Labour <rganiFation &5L<' 8ire!tor;General ,uan omavia+ 5nternational )onetar" Fund )anaging 8ire!tor >hristine Lagarde+ >han!ellor o# German" 3ngela )er2el+ $ead o# the <rganiFation #or 7!onomi! >ooperation and 8evelopment &<7>8' 3ngel Gurria and World Ban2 President Robert ?oelli!2 pose during a se!ond meeting on the re#orm o# the international monetar" s"stem at the >han!eller" in Berlin+ German" on <!tober A+ /0--. 6he group+ that also in!ludes 7uropean >entral Ban2 President ,ean;>laude 6ri!het and World Ban2 President Robert ?oelli!2+ met to dis!uss measures to !ounter the gro*ing 7uropean debt !risis. Lam"+ Lagarde+ )er2el+ and ?oelli!2 have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

)ario 8raghi &le#t'+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2 &7>B'+ spea2s *ith Pas!al Lam" &!enter'+ 8ire!tor;General o# the World 6rade <rganiFation &W6<' and $erman Van Rompu" &right'+ President o# the 7uropean >oun!il ahead o# a *or2ing session on the se!ond da" o# the G/0 ummit in >annes+ Fran!e on 9ovember :+ /0--. World@s top e!onomi! leaders are attending the G/0 summit in >annes on 9ovember Brd and :th+ and are e=pe!ted to debate !urrent issues surrounding the global #inan!ial s"stem in the hope o# #ending o## a global re!ession and #inding an ans*er to the 7uroFone !risis. 8ragi+ Lam"+ and Van Rompu" have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

Prime )inister o# Gree!e George Papandreou &le#t'+ President o# the 7uropean >oun!il $erman Van Rompu" &!enter'+ and President o# the 7uropean >ommission ,ose )anuel Barroso smile at the #inal press !on#eren!e during the )eeting o# 7uroFone $eads o# tate or Government held in Brussels+ Belgium on ,ul" /-+ /0--. 6he Gree2 government sought to a!hieve austerit" in /0-- in an attempt to redu!e its debtO ho*ever+ the Gree2 e!onom" !ontinued to #all into a deep re!ession. George Papandreou resigned as Prime )inister o# Gree!e on 9ovember --+ /0--O Papandreou !ontinues to serve as the President o# o!ialist 5nternational. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

Prime )inister o# Gree!e %ostas %aramanlis &le#t' greets 7uropean >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso in /00A. &Photo: 7uropean >ommunit"'

From le#t to right: )r ,ean;>laude 6R5>$76+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2+ >ommission President ,ose )anuel B3RR< <+ German >han!ellor 3ngela )7R%7L+ )r Georgios P3P398R7<U+ Gree2 Prime )inister o# Gree!e+ )r 9i!olas 3R%<?D+ Fren!h President+ )r $erman V39 R<)PUD+ President o# the 7uropean >oun!il appear #or a group photo in Brussels+ Belgium on Februar" --+ /0-0. $eads o# state o# the 7uropean Union met in Brussels to dis!uss the Gree2 debt !risis. 7ver"one e=!ept #or ar2oF" has attended the Bilderberg )eetings. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

Le#t to right: ,ean >laude 6ri!het+ Gree2 Finan!e )inister G. Papa2onstantinou+ ,ean;>laude ,un!2er+ and 7uropean >ommissioner <lli Rehn appear at a !on#eren!e in )a" /0-0. 7ver"one e=!ept #or ,un!2er has attended the Bilderberg )eetings. &Photo: 7uobserver'

7uropean po*erbro2ers meet at a summit in Brussels+ Belgium on eptember .+ /0-0. Le#t to right: 7uropean >ommissioner o# 7!onomi! and Finan!ial 3##airs <lli Rehn+ 7uropean >entral Ban2 President ,ean;>laude 6ri!het and Gree2 )inister o# Finan!e George Papa!onstantinou. 3ll three men attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: Gree2 )inistr" o# Finan!e <##i!e'

>han!ellor o# German" 3ngela )er2el &le#t' #lirts *ith 7uropean >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso in Brussels+ Belgium on ,une /B+ /00.. ,ose )anuel Barroso &le#t' and German"(s >han!ellor 3ngela )er2el attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings together. &3FP Photo'

Prime )inister o# Gree!e Giorgos Papandreou &right' re!eives an a*ard b" ,ose# 3!2ermann+ >7< 8euts!he Ban2+ during the Nuadriga a*ards !eremon" at the %onFerthaus on Gendarmenmar2t in Berlin+ German" on <!tober B+ /0-0. &Photo: 3ndreas RentF4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

8euts!he Ban2 >7< ,ose# 3!2ermann &le#t' !hats *ith Gree2 Prime )inister o# Gree!e Giorgos Papandreou during the Nuadriga a*ards at the %onFerthaus on Gendarmenmar2t in Berlin+ German" on <!tober B+ /0-0. 3!2ermann and Papandreou attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in -CCG and /00G. &Photo: 3ndreas RentF4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

7uropean >ommissioner 9eelie %roes &le#t' *ith 7uropean >ommissioner ,oaKuin 3lmunia attend a 7uropean Union !on#eren!e in Brussels+ Belgium on 9ovember -0+ /00C. %roes and 3lmunia attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00G+ /001+ /0-0+ /0--+ and /0-/. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

Giulio 6remonti+ 5talian )inister #or 7!onomi! 3##airs and Finan!e+ meets *ith 9eelie %roes+ )ember o# the 7uropean >ommission+ at a 7uropean Union !on#eren!e in Brussels+ Belgium on 9ovember -0+ /00C. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

Giulio 6remonti &le#t'+ 5talian )inister #or 7!onomi! 3##airs and Finan!e+ meets *ith ,oaKuPn 3lmunia+ )ember o# the 7uropean >ommission at a 7uropean Union !on#eren!e in Brussels+ Belgium on 9ovember -0+ /00C. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

Press !on#eren!e+ #rom le#t to right: 7uropean >ommissioner ,oaKuin 3lmunia+ 3nders Borg+ *edish )inister #or Finan!e and President o# the >oun!il+ and 7uropean >ommissioner LasFlo %ova!s appear a 7uropean Union !on#eren!e in Brussels+ Belgium on 9ovember -0+ /00C. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

Wol#gang !hauble+ German Federal )inister #or Finan!e+ >hristine Lagarde+ Fren!h )inister #or 7!onomi! 3##airs+ Finan!e and 7mplo"ment+ appear a 7uropean Union !on#eren!e in Brussels+ Belgium on 9ovember -0+ /00C. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

8ire!tor;General o# the World 6rade <rganiFation &W6<' Pas!al Lam" &le#t' and World Ban2 President Robert ?oelli!2 attend a meeting at the >han!eller" in Berlin+ German" on 3pril /1+ /0-0. German >han!ellor 3ngela )er2el met *ith international organiFations to dis!uss a solution #or the Gree!e debt !risis that is intensi#"ing pressure on poli!" ma2ers to *iden a bailout pa!2age be"ond Gree!e a#ter the Gree2 debt rating *as de!reased to @Lun2@ status. 9e*sma2ers report that the :G billion euros &QA0 billion' alread" pledged b" the 5nternational )onetar" Fund and 7uropean Union *ill be insu##i!ient to ta!2le Gree!e@s mounting debt !risis. &Photo: 3ndreas RentF4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2 ,ean >laude 6ri!het &le#t'+ 7uropean >ommissioner #or 7!onomi! and )onetar" 3##airs ,oaKuPn 3lmunia &!enter'+ and the President o# the 7uropean 5nvestment Ban2 Philippe )a"stadt &right' attend a 7><F5947UR<)78 )inisterial )eeting on eptember -G+ /00.. 6ri!het+ 3lmunia+ and )a"stadt have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: http:44***.eu/00..pt4U74v794)edia4Fotogra#ia4?guidRS.BBG>8CC:8;0-A0;:FF1;3--/;AA0F7B0C/8/>S.8'

From le#t to right: )r. ,oaKuin 3lmunia+ 7U >ommissioner #or 7!onomi! and )onetar" 3##airs+ )r. ,ean;>laude 6ri!het+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2 and )r. George 3logos2ou#is+ Gree2 )inister o# 7!onom" and Finan!e+ meet during a 7UR<GR<UP meeting in Brussels+ Belgium on ,ul" -0+ /00.. 3ll three men attended the ,une /001 Bilderberg )eetings that *as held in >hantill"+ Virginia+ U. .3.. &Photo: $elleni! Republi! )inistr" o# Finan!e'

From le#t to right: )r. ,oaKuin 3lmunia+ 7U >ommissioner #or 7!onomi! and )onetar" 3##airs+ )r. ,ean;>laude 6ri!het+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2 and )r. George 3logos2ou#is+ Gree2 )inister o# 7!onom" and Finan!e+ meet during a 7UR<GR<UP meeting in Brussels+ Belgium on ,ul" -0+ /00.. 3ll three men attended the ,une /001 Bilderberg )eetings that *as held in >hantill"+ Virginia+ U. .3.. &Photo: $elleni! Republi! )inistr" o# Finan!e'

6he Gree2 )inister o# 7!onom" and Finan!e George 3logos2ou#is &le#t' appears *th his 5talian !ounterpart 6ommaso Padoa; !hioppa &right' at the 7><F59 )eeting on ,ul" -/+ /00A. 3logos2ou#is and Padoa; !hioppa attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00G+ /00A+ /001+ and /00C. &Photo: $elleni! Republi! )inistr" o# Finan!e'

Gree2 )inister o# 7!onom" and Finan!e George 3logos2ou#is &right' *el!omes the 7uropean >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso &le#t' at the 3thens 3irport in 3thens+ Gree!e on eptember B+ /00.. 6he 7uropean >ommission President !ame to visit the areas a##li!ted b" the *ild#ires in Gree!e. 3logos2ou#is and Barroso attended the )a" /00G Bilderberg )eetings together that *as held in Rotta!h;7gern+ German". &Photo: $elleni! Republi! )inistr" o# Finan!e'

)ario 8raghi &le#t'+ Governor o# the Ban2 o# 5tal"+ ,ean;>laude 6ri!het &!enter'+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2+ and 5tal"(s Finan!e )inister 6ommaso Padoa; !hioppa &right' share a Lo2e during the G. summit in 7ssen+ German" on Februar" -0+ /00.. 8raghi+ 6ri!het+ and Padoa; !hioppa attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00-+ /00/+ /00:+ and /001. &Photo b" Ralph <rlo*s2i4Gett" 5mages'

Pas!al Lam" &le#t'+ the General 8ire!tor o# World 6rade <rganiFation+ greets Prime )inister o# 5tal" )ario )onti &right' at a press !on#eren!e in Rome+ 5tal" on eptember -/+ /0-/. -as+al :amy and Mario Monti attended the Bilderberg Meetings together in 2000, 200', 200", 2001, and 2000. &J 3L7 398R< 85 )7<4epa4>orbis'

7uropean >entral Ban2 President ,ean;>laude 6ri!het &le#t' !hats *ith 5)F )anaging 8ire!tor Rodriogo 8e Rato at the beginning o# the G/0 #inan!e ministers and !entral ban2 governors( meeting in Berlin+ German" on 9ovember /0+ /00:. 6ri!het and Rato attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings in Rotta!h;7gern+ German". &Photo b" ean Gallup4Gett" 5mages'

President o# the 7uropean >ommission Romano Prodi &le#t' listens to )ario )onti &right'+ 7U >ompetition >ommissioner+ at a meeting in trasbourg+ Fran!e on ,ul" B+ /00-. Romano Prodi and )ario )onti attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in -C1. and -CC0. &8amien )e"er43FP4Gett" 5mages'

7uropean Union 6rade >ommissioner Pas!al Lam" &le#t' tal2s to )ario )onti+ 7U >ompetition >ommissioner+ at a meeting in trasbourg+ Fran!e on ,ul" B+ /00-. &8amien )e"er43FP4Gett" 5mages'

German"(s >han!ellor 3ngela )er2el &right' sha2es hands *ith ,ose )anuel Barroso+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ at the Rei!hstag in Berlin on <!tober -G+ /00.. &Photo b" 3ndreas RentF4Gett" 5mages'

>han!ellor o# German" 3ngela )er2el &!enter' smiles as Prime )inister o# >anada tephen $arper &le#t' sha2es hands *ith 7U >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso at a summit in Berlin in ,une /00.. 3ll three individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

7uropean >entral Ban2 President ,ean;>laude 6ri!het &le#t' and the Governor o# the Ban2 o# 5srael tanle" Fis!her &right' parti!ipate during the !elebration o# the G0th anniversar" o# the Paris >lub in the ministr" o# Finan!es in Paris on ,une -:+ /00A. tanle" Fis!her and ,ean;>laude 6ri!het attended the -CCC Bilderberg )eetings together. &Pierre Verd"43FP4Gett" 5mages'

5srael(s Foreign )inister 6Fipi Livni &#ar right' stands *ith &le#t to right' 7uropean Union #oreign poli!" !hie# ,avier olana+ Fran!e(s Foreign )inister Bernard %ou!hner and *eden(s Foreign )inister >arl Bildt be#ore their meeting in ,erusalem on ,anuar" G+ /00C. olana+ %ou!hner+ and Bildt have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Reuters'

Belgium@s utilit" !orporate e=e!utive ueF Vi!e >hairman 7tienne 8avignon &le#t'+ Belgium@s 7nerg" )inister )ar! Ver*ilghen &!enter'+ and Belgium@s utilit" 7le!trabel@s >hie# 7=e!utive <##i!er ,ean;Pierre $ansen &right' greet ea!h other be#ore a meeting in Brussels on eptember :+ /00. to dis!uss the merger bet*een ueF and GaF de Fran!e. 7tienne 8avignon and ,ean;Pierre $ansen have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Reuters'

Prime )inister o# >anada tephen $arper &le#t' appears *ith )ar2 >arne"+ the Governor o# the Ban2 o# >anada &>anada(s !entral ban2' in an undated photo. tephen $arper and )ar2 >arne" have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

*eden@s Prime )inister Fredri2 Rein#eldt &le#t' and Foreign )inister >arl Bildt give a ne*s !on#eren!e at the 7uropean >oun!il headKuarters at the end o# an 7U summit in Brussels on ,une /0+ /001. Both men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Reuters'

>arl Bildt &le#t'+ Foreign )inister o# *eden+ appears *ith 3nders Borg+ Finan!e )inister o# *eden+ in to!2holm+ *eden on ,une B+ /00C. >arl Bildt and 3nders Borg attended the /00. Bilderberg )eetings held in 5stanbul+ 6ur2e" #rom )a" B-+ /00. to ,une B+ /00.. &Photo: http:44***.#li!2r.!om4photos4rabulist4BGCBC.C0BC4'

*edish Foreign )inister >arl Bildt &!enter' tal2s to Fren!h Foreign )inister Bernard %ou!hner &right' and $ungarian bureau!rat %inga Gon!F &le#t' be#ore a General 3##airs >oun!il meeting at the 7uropean Union headKuarters in Lu=embourg >it" on ,une -A+ /001+ #our da"s a#ter the 5rish people voted against the Lisbon 6reat". >arl Bildt and Bernard %ou!hner have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &3FP4Gett" 5mages'

Fren!h Foreign )inister Bernard %ou!hner &R' gestures ne=t to his $ungarian !ounterpart %inga Gon!F &L' and *edish Foreign )inister >arl Bildt+ on ,une -A+ /001 be#ore a General 3##airs >oun!il meeting at 7U headKuarters in Lu=embourg. 7U #oreign ministers admitted on ,une -A that the" had no Kui!2;#i= solution a#ter 5rish voters plunged the blo! into !risis b" reLe!ting its re#orming Lisbon 6reat". 5rish voters+ the onl" ones in 7urope obliged to hold a re#erendum+ delivered a resounding TnoT to the 7uropean Union@s re#orm treat" b" GB.: per!ent to :A.A per!ent on ,une -/+ plunging the /.;member blo! into a ne* period o# institutional un!ertaint". &3FP4Gett" 5mages'

)iddle 7ast 7nvo" 6on" Blair &le#t' listens to 7uropean Union >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso at his o##i!e at the 7uropean Union >ommission headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on ,ul" //+ /001. &3P Photo b" Geert Vanden WiLngaert'

7uropean Union >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso stands ne=t to )iddle 7ast 7nvo" 6on" Blair &le#t' as the" tal2 to the press a#ter a meeting at the 7uropean Union >ommission headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on ,ul" //+ /001. 6on" Blair and ,ose )anuel Barroso have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &3P Photo b" Geert Vanden WiLngaert'

pain(s $igh Representative #or the >ommon Foreign and e!urit" Poli!"+ e!retar";General o# the >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union ,avier olana &le#t' !hats *ith *eden(s Foreign )inister >arl Bildt at a press !on#eren!e in to!2holm+ *eden on ,une /B+ /00C+ in order to prepare the 7uropean Union &7U' presiden!" b" *eden on ,ul" -+ /00C. &Gett" 5mages'

6he President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2 ,ean >laude 6ri!het &le#t' !hats *ith German"(s Finan!e )inister Wol#gang !hauble &right'+ Fran!e(s Finan!e )inister >hristine Lagarde &/nd right'+ and Finland(s Finan!e )inister ,"r2i %atainen at the start o# an 7urogroup meeting at the 7U >oun!il in Brussels+ Belgium on ,anuar" -1+ /0-0. 6ri!het+ Lagarde+ and %atainen attended the /00C Bilderberg )eetings in Vouliagmeni+ Gree!e in )a" /00C. 3ll #our individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings at least on!e. &3P Photo'

pain(s Prime )inister Felipe GonFaleF )arKueF &le#t' meets *ith >han!ellor o# West German" $elmut %ohl in -C1C. Felipe GonFaleF )arKueF attended the -C1C Bilderberg )eetings. $elmut %ohl attended the -C11 Bilderberg )eetings.

5tal"@s Prime )inister Romano Prodi meets *ith British Prime )inister 6on" Blair at Villa Pamphili in Rome+ 5tal" on ,une /+ /00A. Romano Prodi and 6on" Blair have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo b" Fran!o <riglia4Gett" 5mages'

ir ,ohn Bro*ne &le#t'+ Group >hie# 7=e!utive o# 6he British Petroleum >ompan"+ Lauran!e Fuller &!enter'+ >hairman and >7< o# 3mo!o >orporation+ and Peter utherland+ >hairman o# 6he British Petroleum >ompan"+ sha2e hands at a press !on#eren!e in London on 3ugust --+ -CC1+ a#ter British Petroleum and U. . oil !orporation 3mo!o announ!ed plans #or a QA. billion merger that *ill !reate Britain@s biggest !ompan"+ BP 3mo!o+ *ith its headKuarters in London. ir ,ohn Bro*ne and Peter 8. utherland have attended several Bilderberg )eetings together. &,ohnn" 7ggitt43FP4Gett" 5mages'

Peter 8. utherland &le#t'+ the >hairman o# Goldman a!hs 5nternational+ meets *ith Britain@s Prime )inister 6on" Blair in London on )ar!h //+ /00:. Peter 8. utherland and 6on" Blair attended the -CCB Bilderberg )eetings together. &Paul $a!2ett43FP4Gett" 5mages'

,ose )anuel Barroso &le#t' !hats *ith Prime )inister o# Gree!e %ostas %aramanlis in 8ublin+ 5reland on )a" -+ /00:. &Photo: 7uropean People(s Part"'

Prime )inister o# Gree!e %ostas %aramanlis &le#t' appears *ith >han!ellor o# German" 3ngela )er2el on 8e!ember -:+ /00A. &Photo: 7uropean People(s Part"'

>hairman o# the La#arge group Bertrand >ollomb &le#t'+ >hairman and >7< o# 9o2ia >orporation ,orma <llila &!enter'+ and President o# the 7uropean >ommission ,ose )anuel Barroso meet privatel" at the 7uropean Union headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on 8e!ember --+ /00A. Bertrand >ollomb+ ,orma <llila+ and ,ose )anuel Barroso attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00B and /00G. &,a!Kues >ollet43FP4Gett" 5mages'

7uropean Union President ,osU )anuel Barroso sha2es hands *ith 936< e!retar" General+ ,aap de $oop !he##er on 8e!ember /0+ /00:. Barroso and !he##er attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings together. ,aap de $oop !he##er served as 936< e!retar" General #rom ,anuar" G+ /00: to 3ugust -+ /00C. &936< Photo'

936< e!retar" General 3nders Fogh Rasmussen and the President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ ,ose )anuel Barroso at the 936< ummit in >hi!ago on )a" /-+ /0-/. &936< Photo'

President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ ,ose )anuel Barroso &le#t' *el!omes #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger prior to a meeting in Brussels+ Belgium on )a" :+ /00G. Both men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &6hierr" 6ronnel4>orbis'

Federal Reserve >hairman ir 3lan Greenspan &!enter' meets *ith 7uropean >entral Ban2 President ,ean;>laude 6ri!het &right' and Ban2 o# 7ngland Governor ir )erv"n 3llister %ing at the beginning o# the G/0 #inan!e ministers and !entral ban2 governors@ meeting in Berlin on 9ovember -C+ /00:. 3ll three men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings. &Photo b" ean Gallup4Gett" 5mages'

President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2 ,ean >laude 6ri!het &le#t' laughs *ith >han!ellor o# German" 3ngela )er2el during the !eremonial a!t o# the German Bundesban2 at the Palais am ?oo in Fran2#urt+ German" on eptember /0+ /00.. )er2el and 6ri!het attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings together. &Photo b" 3le=ander $eimann4Gett" 5mages'

Former $8 /ommissioner tells the media that Bilderber hel+ed /reate the $uro <
6E Abser er )4+(*+'((3 KMarch )4% '((3L $N5R6? R677M$N

=%ur0>s out> on future of $uro+e# $8 do0en sa0s

6EAB86RV6R 1 BRE886=8 ; 7he financial crisis is li0ely to create fundamental changes in the 6E+ But the bloc is still at an early stage of formulating its response% Belgian industrialist and former 6E commissioner 6tienne 5a ignon told 6Eobser er+ F<t:s clear that the world will not be the same after 8eptember '((&%H he said in an inter iew on )' March% referring to e ents last year such as the fall of =ehman Brothers ban0 in the E8% which first put in the public eye what has since become the global economic crisis+ 7he DD;year old Mr 5a ignon is ice;chairman of Belgian energy firm 8ue/;7ractebel and president of Brussels;based N"A .riends of 6urope+ <n the )34(s he wor0ed under 6E Mfounding father: Paul;#enri 8paa0 in the Belgian foreign ministry and in the )3&(s was 6E commissioner for industry+ $ meeting in >une in 6urope of the Bilderberg "roup ; an informal club of leading politicians% businessmen and thin0ers chaired by Mr 5a ignon ; could also Fimpro e understandingH on future action% in the same way it helped create the euro in the )33(s% he said+ F?hen we were ha ing debates on the euro% people Kat Bilderberg e entsL could explain why it was worth ta0ing ris0s and the others% for whom the formal policy was not to belie e in it% were not obliged not to listen and had to stand up and come up with real arguments+H <n the current Fgrey period%H Mr 5a ignon expects the )3 March 6E summit and the ' $pril "'( meeting in =ondon to generate goodwill for co;ordinated action% but not to come out with detailed agendas+ F7hese two meetings are going to be important because of what Kthe mediaL will say ; is it a lot of Caw;Caw and e erything will get worseN Ar maybe it:s the beginning of a realisation that the world will no longer be the same and we are going to do something about it+H 8ix months into the crisis% 6E go ernments are at the stage of studying technical measures such as greater ban0 regulation and gal anising political will for future change% Mr 5a ignon said+ But it will ta0e another 1: to 2? months before the full effe/ts of the /run/h be/ome /lear+ Future hori@ons Mr 5a ignon spo0e in fa our of international ban0 regulation and dismissed fears that the potential creation of eurobonds ; a go ernment bond guaranteed by all )4 euro/one countries ; would increase the cost of borrowing for the other )) 6E members+ FNational regulation of the financial sector has been a disaster+ <reland is a case+ <celand is a case%H he said+ F7he fact that you are ma0ing the euro countries healthier K ia eurobondsL is an element that ma0es the situation of the less healthy less difficult to sol e+H F7hat is totally unacceptable OGesterday% a .rench car producer was a .rench car producer+ $ "erman car producer was a "erman producer+ .iat was an <talian producer+ Now they ha e a .rench origin% a "erman origin% an <talian origin+ But they are 6uropean producers and we told them to be li0e this+H Mr 5a ignon predicted that deeper 6E integration as en isaged in the =isbon treaty will continue due to a FmaCority mo ementH that is Firresistible o er a period of time%H e en if an indi idual member state opts out+ $ second negati e referendum in <reland on =isbon Fwould put on the agenda the notion that if somebody says No% why do we ha e to care about themNH he said+

*odless and /onfused FPeople understand confusedly that there is a change Kin the airL%H he said+ FBut no go ernment will satisfy the reactions of the people+ 7hey ha e the greatest reticence and cynicism against anybody who holds responsibility+ F$gainst the business community because of the financial excesses+ $lso% the church has disappeared+ 7he popular reaction is also a conse!uence of the fact that a number of traditional references ha e disappeared+ People are loo0ing for what is the reference+H .ull article Related ?hat does Bilderberg meanN Bilder means builder+ 7he dominant minority and their guardian political experts (this is what Plato called them) consider themsel es to be builders of artificial societies1ci ili/ations outside of the natural tribe en ironment+ Berg as in iceberg (ice;mountain) meaning a mountain% a pyramid is an artificial mountain+ Bilderberg means builders of the mountain% but they are no sun 0ing Pharaohs+ 7he Bilderberg hotel was chosen for the first meeting+ <t was not a surprise they unimaginati ely chose the 6xcel centre for the '((3 "'( meeting which you can see here has a glass pyramid entrance with a capital , letter floating abo e it for the missing capstone not unli0e the pyramid on the bac0 of the dollar bill with the sun eye capstone floating abo e that+ 7hey ne er grow tired of using this% it must be their corporate logo li0e $A= or their religious symbol li0e a cross+ ,hristians use the cross as their symbol regardless of what others belie e and the elite use their own symbols whether you belie e in their religion or not% whether you ta0e conscience notice of their logos and FbrightH puns or not+ ?e all 0now the Na/is used the ancient sun symbol% the swasti0a+ 7hese people are undemocratically deciding the future and the public do not 0now their common ideologies% it:s not a laughing matter e en if their logos are+ ABhe 4onstitution is the /a+stone of a $uro+ean Federal 2tateC P "uy Verhofstadt% Belgian Prime Minister% .inancial 7imes% ') >une '((B ABhe +oolin of /oal and steel +rodu/tion should immediatel0 +rovide for the settin u+ of /ommon foundations for e/onomi/ develo+ment as a first ste+ in the federation of $uro+e)C P 8chumann 5eclaration% 3 May )32(% announcing the formation of the 6uropean ,oal and 8teel ,ommunity AFran/e 5as Dust ahead of all the other /ountries in votin No) Et 5ould ha++en in all !ember 2tates if the0 have a referendum) Bhere is a /leava e bet5een +eo+le and overnmentsFBhere 5ill be no Breat0 if 5e had a referendum in Fran/e# 5hi/h 5ould a ain be follo5ed b0 a referendum in the 8G)C P .rench President Nicolas 8ar0o/y% at meeting of M6P "roup leaders discussing the =isbon treaty% 6E Abser er% )B No ember '((D A6ubli/ o+inion 5ill be led to ado+t# 5ithout 3no5in it# the +ro+osals that 5e dare not +resent to them dire/tl0 F 9ll the earlier +ro+osals 5ill be in the ne5 text# but 5ill be hidden and dis uised in some 5a0)C P .ormer .rench President V+"iscard 5:6staing% =e Monde% )B >une '( Video- 6E ,alls .or MNew ?orld "o ernance: ( ideo) $rchitect of the 6uro bac0s EN global currency Q 7elegraph- 6uro trap closes to allow Mthe 6E do things it cannot do now: Q 80y News- "lobal "o ernance deal re!uires Mall continents: and Mall countries: to conform 8ource- http-11www+wiseupCournal+com1NpR&4(

Bilderberg Lega!"+ Part /: 936<

President ,ohn F. %enned" presents the )edal o# Freedom to e!retar" General o# the 9orth 3tlanti! 6reat" <rganiFation &936<' Paul;$enri paa2 inside the <val <##i!e o# the White $ouse in Washington+ 8.>. on Februar" /-+ -CA-. President %enned" and e!retar" General paa2 listen as tate 8epartment >hie# o# Proto!ol 3ngier Biddle 8u2e reads #rom a pie!e o# paper. Loo2ing on #rom le#t to right: )ilitar" 3ide to the President >hester V. >li#tonO U. . e!retar" o# tate 8ean Rus2O #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate 8ean 3!hesonO 3ssistant e!retar" o# 8e#ense #or 5nternational e!urit" 3##airs Paul 9itFe. -a!l#Henri S3aa,, .ean )!s,, .ean A+heson, and -a!l 4it9e ;ere members of the Bilderberg 7ro!3. &Photo: 3bbie Ro*e+ White $ouse Photographs+ ,ohn F. %enned" Presidential Librar" and )useum'

President ,ohn F. %enned" &le#t' meets *ith Foreign )inister o# the 9etherlands ,oseph Luns in the <val <##i!e o# the White $ouse in Washington+ 8.>. on 3pril -0+ -CA-. ose3h :!ns ;as a member of the Bilderberg 7ro!3. &Photo: Robert %nudsen+ White $ouse Photographs+ ,ohn F. %enned" Presidential Librar" and )useum+ Boston'

President ,ohn F. %enned" &le#t' meets *ith Foreign )inister o# the 9etherlands ,oseph Luns &!enter' and 3mbassador o# the 9etherlands 8r. ,an $erman van RoiLen &right' in the <val <##i!e o# the White $ouse+in Washington+ 8.>. on 3pril -0+ -CA-. ose3h :!ns and .r. an Herman /an )oi@en attended the Bilderberg Meetings in the 3ast. &Photo: 3bbie Ro*e+ White $ouse Photographs+ ,ohn F. %enned" Presidential Librar" and )useum+ Boston'

,oseph Luns+ se!retar";general o# the 9orth 3tlanti! 6reat" <rganiFation+ meets *ith U. . President Gerald Ford and U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger &lo*er right' at the White $ouse in Washington+ 8.>. on Februar" /:+ -C.G. 3ll three men attended the -CA: Bilderberg )eetings held in Williamsburg+ Virginia+ U. .3. #rom /0;// )ar!h -CA:. &Bettmann4><RB5 '

,ohn ,. )!>lo" &!enter' introdu!es >han!ellor o# West German" $elmut %ohl &right' to #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger &le#t' in 9e* Dor2 >it" on 9ovember -A+ -C1/. )!>lo"+ %ohl+ and %issinger attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Bettmann4><RB5 '

<ncoming N$7A 8ecretary "eneral >oseph =uns (left)% the .oreign Minister of the Netherlands% meets with outgoing N$7A 8ecretary "eneral Manlio Brosio in =isbon% Portugal on >une B% )3D)+ %ose+h Luns and !anlio Brosio attended the Bilderber !eetin s to ether in 1(&;# 1(&&# and 1(&H) ($P Photo)

Autgoing N$7A 8ecretary "eneral >oseph =uns (left) meets with incoming N$7A 8ecretary "eneral =ord ,arrington (right) after the N$7A ,ouncil appointed =ord ,arrington to succeed >oseph =uns as the 4th 8ecretary "eneral of N$7A on >une '2% )3&B+ >oseph =uns ser ed as 8ecretary "eneral of N$7A from Actober )% )3D) to >une '2% )3&B+ =ord ,arrington ser ed as 8ecretary "eneral of N$7A from >une '2% )3&B to >uly )% )3&&+ %ose+h Luns and Lord 4arrin ton attended the 1(:? Bilderber !eetin s held in 2altsDobaden# 25eden from 11'13 !a0 1(:?) (N$7A Photo)

United tates President 8*ight 8. 7isenho*er &!enter' appears *ith ,oseph Luns &le#t'+ Foreign )inister o# the 9etherlands+ and 936< e!retar" General Paul;$enri paa2 &right' in Washington+ 8.>.+ U. .3. on 3pril /+ -CGC. ,oseph Luns and Paul; $enri paa2 have attended several Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &3P Wirephoto' http:44***.eba".!om4itm4-CGC;,oseph;Luns; e!retar";General;o#;9ato;President;7isenho*er;Press;Photo;4-C0.0-0C:C.A

From le#t to right: ,ean )onnet+ e!retar" o# tate ,ohn Foster 8ulles+ 8ir2 pierenburg+ President 8*ight 8. 7isenho*er+ 8avid %.7. Bru!e+ FranF 7tFel+ and William Rand meet in Washington 8.>. #orm ,une B;.+ -CGB. ,ean )onnet attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

Fren!h politi!ian and Prime )inister 3ntoine Pina" greets General Lord 5sma" &le#t'+ the ne*l" appointed e!retar" General o# 936< in Paris on 3pril -C+ -CG/. 3ntoine Pina" attended the Bilderberg )eetings in -CG: and -CA:. &Photo b" %e"stone4Gett" 5mages'

Former 936< e!retar";General Paul;$enri paa2 &le#t'+ #ormer U. . 3mbassador to Peru 6heodore 3!hilles &!enter'+ and Paul )artin have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

e!retar" o# 8e#ense 8onald $. Rums#eld &le#t' shares a laugh *ith 936< e!retar" General ,aap de $oop !he##er &right' be#ore sitting do*n to a *or2ing lun!h in the Pentagon on ,une -+ /00G. e!retar" o# 8e#ense 8onald Rums#eld and 936< e!retar";General ,aap de $oop !he##er have attended Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &8epartment o# 8e#ense photo b" R.8. Ward'

936< e!retar" General ,aap de $oop !he##er listens as Ri!hard $olbroo2e &le#t' gesture *hile spea2ing during a panel @>an We till Win 5n 3#ghanistan@ during the Brussels Forum in Brussels on 3pril /1+ /00.. ,aap de $oop !he##er and Ri!hard $olbroo2e attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00G+ /001+ and /00C. &3P Photo b" Virginia )a"o'

936< e!retar" General ,avier olana *at!hes President Bill >linton sha2e hands *ith British Prime )inister 6on" Blair on 3pril /B+ -CCC. 3ll three men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

President Bill >linton &le#t' and 936< e!retar";General ,avier olana &right' listen as British Prime )inister 6on" Blair deliver a spee!h on 3pril /B+ -CCC. 3ll three men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

Le#t to right: 8onald Rums#eld & e!retar" o# 8e#ense'O >olin Po*ell & e!retar" o# tate'O 3mbassador R. 9i!holas Burns &Permanent Representative to 936< #or the U 3'O U. . President George W. BushO 936< e!retar" General+ ,aap de $oop !he##er meet privatel" on ,une /.+ /00:. Rums#eld+ Po*ell+ and ,aap de $oop !he##er have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

British Prime )inister 6on" Blair+ 8onald Rums#eld+ >olin Po*ell+ Gen. ,ames L. ,ones+ and R. 9i!holas Burns &sitting behind Po*ell' attend a 936< meeting on ,une /1+ /00:. Blair+ Rums#eld+ Po*ell+ and Gen. ,ones have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

U. . )arine >orps General ,ames L. ,ones &le#t'+ the upreme 3llied >ommander o# 7urope+ and 936< e!retar";General ,aap de $oop !he##er attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00G and /00C. &936< Photo'

$enr" %issinger &le#t' and #ormer 936< e!retar";General ,avier olana attended the Bilderberg )eetings together

936< e!retar" General Lord Robertson &le#t' tal2s to >arl Bildt+ U9 pe!ial 7nvo" #or the Bal2ans+ privatel" at the 936< headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on eptember -B+ /000. Lord Robertson and >arl Bildt have been to the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

8eput" e!retar" o# tate Robert ?oelli!2 &le#t' sha2es hands *ith 936< e!retar" General ,aap de $oop !he##er at the 936< headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on )ar!h 1+ /00A. ?oelli!2 and !he##er have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

936< e!retar";General ,avier olana &le#t' and >oun!il on Foreign Relations dire!tor Ri!hard $olbroo2e meet privatel" on <!tober -/+ -CC1. olana and $olbroo2e attend the -CC1 Bilderberg )eetings together. &Photo: J V39 P3RD 4><RB5 DG)3'

8eput" e!retar" o# 8e#ense Paul Wol#o*itF &right' and #ormer 8ut!h )inister o# Foreign 3##airs ,aap de $oop !he##er attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings together. Paul Wol#o*itF on!e des!ribed the Bilderberg )eetings as Ha valuable opportunit" to meet man" people and ma2e a!Kuaintan!es.I &Photo: U. . 8epartment o# 8e#ense'

>olin Po*ell+ Gen. ,ames L. ,ones+ and ,aap de $oop !he##er have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

e!retar" o# 8e#ense 8onald $. Rums#eld &le#t' and 936< e!retar" General Lord George Robertson &right' listen to a reporter@s Kuestion during a press !on#eren!e #ollo*ing their meeting at the Pentagon on ,une /0+ /00-. 8onald Rums#eld and Lord Robertson have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo b" $elene >. ti22el+ U. . 8epartment o# 8e#ense'

>olin Po*ell and Lord Robertson attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo4 tate 8epartment'

Paul Wol#o*itF and #ormer 936< e!retar" General Lord Robertson attended the -CC1 Bildererg )eetings together. &936< Photo'

9or*a"(s Prime )inster ,ens toltenberg &le#t' and 936< e!retar" General Lord Robertson attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

Former Prime )inister o# Portugal 3ntVnio Guterres and #ormer 936< e!retar" General Lord Robertson attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

British Prme )inister 6on" Blair and #ormer 936< e!retar" General Lord Robertson have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &6he man on the right is ,a!2 tra*+ British e!retar" o# tate #or Foreign and >ommon*ealth 3##airs.' &936< Photo'

7uropean Union $igh Representative ,avier olana &le#t' and #ormer 936< e!retar" General Lord Robertson attended the -CC1 Bilderberg )eetings together. &936< Photo'

Paul Wol#o*itF &le#t'+ 8eput" e!retar" o# 8e#ense+ and )arine >orps Gen. ,ames L. ,ones &right'+ upreme 3llied >ommander o# 7urope+ attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings together.

Former Prime )inister o# >anada ,ean >hretien &le#t' and #ormer 936< e!retar" General Lord Robertson have attended Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

Prime )inister o# >anada ,ean >hretien &le#t' tal2s to Prime )inister o# Great Britain 6on" Blair at a 936< meeting on 3pril /B+ -CCC. >hretien and Blair attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

936< e!retar" General Lord Robertson &le#t' and 3mbassador Wol#gang Petrits!h+ $igh Representative o# the 5nternational >ommunit" #or Bosnia and $erFegovina+ attend a press !on#eren!e upon arrival in Bosnia;$erFegovina on 3pril -1+ /00/. Both men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: 936< Photo'

936< e!retar" General 3nders Fogh Rasmussen &le#t' and >han!ellor o# German" 3ngela )er2el spea2 to the media #ollo*ing tal2s at the >han!eller" in Berlin+ German" on <!tober //+ /0-0. &Photo: ean Gallup4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

936< e!retar";General 3nders Fogh Rasmussen &le#t' appears *ith >arl Bildt+ )inister o# Foreign 3##airs o# *eden &!enter'+ and Guido Wester*elle+ )inister o# Foreign 3##airs o# German" &right'+ during a meeting o# 936< Foreign )inisters in Berlin+ German" on 3pril -:+ /0--. 3ll three men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &936< Photo'

Bilderberg Lega!"+ Part B: World Ban2 & 5nternational )onetar" Fund

5nternational )onetar" Fund )anaging 8ire!tor Rodrigo de Rato &le#t' embra!es outgoing World Ban2 President ,ames Wol#ensohn at the !on!lusion o# the 8evelopment >ommittee Press >on#eren!e at 5nternational )onetar" Fund $eadKuarters during the /00G World Ban245)F pring )eetings in Washington+ 8.>. on 3pril -.+ /00G. ,ames Wol#ensohn and Rodrigo de Rato attended the )a" /00G Bilderberg )eetings held in Rotta!h;7gern+ German". &Photo: 5nternational )onetar" Fund'

5nternational )onetar" Fund )anaging 8ire!tor Rodrigo de Rato &le#t' and World Ban2 President Paul Wol#o*itF &right' pose #or a photograph at the beginning o# a World Ban2 8evelopment >ommittee meeting+ as part o# the annual meetings o# the 5nternational )onetar" Fund and the World Ban2 in ingapore on eptember -1+ /00A. Rato and Wol#o*itF attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in -CC:+ /00G+ and /00..

From le#t to right: Federal Reserve >hairman 3lan Greenspan+ U. . 6reasur" e!retar" ,ohn no*+ &unidenti#ied'+ 7uropean >entral Ban2 President ,ean;>laude 6ri!het+ 5nternational )onetar" Fund )anaging 8ire!tor Rodrigo de Rato+ and World Ban2 President ,ames 8. Wol#ensohn appear at the beginning o# the G;. ministerial meeting on 3pril -A+ /00G in Washington+ 8.>. Greenspan+ 6ri!het+ Rodrigo de Rato+ and Wol#ensohn have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &3P Photo'

President o# the World Ban2 Robert B. ?oelli!2 listens to 5nternational )onetar" Fund )anaging 8ire!tor Rodrigo de Rato at the /00. World Ban245)F 3nnual )eetings on <!tober /-+ /00.. &Photo: 6he World Ban2'

Paul Wol#o*itF+ President o# 6he World Ban2 &le#t' !hats *ith )r. %emal 8ervis+ the 3dministrator o# United 9ations 8evelopment Programme. Both men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: 6he World Ban2'

& e!ond ro*+ le#t to right' 83V58 8<8G7+ Governor o# the Ban2 o# >anada+ U. . Federal Reserve Board >hairman B79 B7R939%7 &in /001'+ ,739;>L3U87 6R5>$76+ President o# the 7uropean >entral ban2+ >hristian 9o"er+ Governor o# the BanKue de Fran!e+ 3=el Weber+ President o# the 8euts!he Bundesban2+ R<8R5G< 87 R36<+ )anaging 8ire!tor o# the 5nternational monetar" Fund &5)F'+ 6oshihi2o Fu2ui+ Governor o# the Ban2 o# ,apan+ P3UL W<LF<W56?+ President o# the World Ban2+ )7RVD9 %59G+ Governor o# the Ban2 o# 7ngland+ and )3R5< 8R3G$5+ Governor o# the Ban2 o# 5tal". &First ro*+ le#t to right' ,ean;>laude ,un!2er+ President 7urogroup+ %oLi <mi+ )inister o# Finan!e o# ,apan+ $79RD P3UL <9 &in /001'+ U. . e!retar" o# 6reasur"+ German Finan!e )inister P77R 6759BRU7>%+ Fren!h Finan!e and 5ndustr" )inister 6hierr" Breton+ 5talian 7!onom" and Finan!e minister 6<))3 < P38<3; >$5<PP3+ British >han!ellor o# the 7=!heKuer G<R8<9 BR<W9+ and >anadian )inister o# Finan!e ,ames Flahert" pose #or the o##i!ial pi!ture o# the G. summit in 7ssen+ German" on Februar" -0+ /00.. 6he G. #inan!e ministers and !entral ban2 governors met to dis!uss the development o# global e!onom" in /00.. W>3P R Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipantsX &Photo b" Ralph <rlo*s2i4Gett" 5mages'

ir ,ames Wol#ensohn &le#t'+ President o# the World Ban2+ tal2s to 7uropean Union >ommission >hairman ,ose )anuel Barroso at the 7uropean Union headKuarters in Brussels on )ar!h B+ /00G. Wol#ensohn and Barroso attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00B and /00G. &Gerard >erles43FP4Gett" 5mages'

Le#t to right: ,ames Flahert" o# >anada+ >$R5 6597 L3G3R87 o# Fran!e+ R<8R5G< 87 R36< &)anaging 8ire!tor o# the 5nternational )onetar" Fund+ P77R 6759BRU7>% o# German"+ 83V58 8<8G7 o# >anada+ $79RD P3UL <9 ,R. o# the United tates+ >hristian 9o"er o# Fran!e+ 6<))3 < P38<3; >$5<PP3 o# 5tal"+ 3=el Weber o# German"+ B79 B7R939%7 o# the United tates+ Fu2ushiro 9u2aga o# ,apan+ )3R5< 8R3G$5 o# 5tal"+ 3listair 8arling o# the United %ingdom+ 6oshihi2o Fu2ui o# ,apan+ ,ean;>laude ,un!2er o# the 7urogroup+ )7RVD9 %59G o# the United %ingdom+ ,739;>L3U87 6R5>$76 o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2+ and World Ban2 President R<B7R6 ?<7LL5>% pose during the G. !lass photo at the U. . 6reasur" in Washington+ 8.>. on <!tober -C+ /00.. &Photo b" Brendan mialo*s2i4Gett" 5mages'

World Ban2 President Robert B. ?oelli!2 spea2s *ith Finland(s Finan!e )inister ,"r2i %atainen at the Government BanKuet $all in $elsin2i+ Finland on )a" /0+ /00C. Both Robert B. ?oelli!2 and ,"r2i %atainen attended the /00C Bilderberg )eetings in Vouliagmeni+ Gree!e that *as held #rom )a" -:+ /00C to )a" -.+ /00C. &Gett" 5mages'

7uropean Union &7U' #oreign poli!" !hie# ,avier olana &le#t' and World Ban2 President Paul Wol#o*itF head to a *or2ing lun!h at 7U headKuarters in Brussels on 9ovember -G+ /00A. ,avier olana and Paul Wol#o*itF have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &,a!Kues >ollet43FP4Gett" 5mages'

ir ,ames Wol#ensohn &le#t'+ President o# the World Ban2+ meets *ith Romano Prodi+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ in Brussels+ Belgium on )a" --+ /00:. ,ames Wol#ensohn *as in Brussels #or the annual Ban2 >on#eren!e on development e!onomi!s. ,ames Wol#ensohn and Romano Prodi attended the -CC0 Bilderberg )eetings together. &Photo b" )ar2 Renders4Gett" 5mages'

Bilderberg Lega!"+ Part :: 5nternational ummits

Le#t to right: 8A4< B:A&) &Prime )inister o# Great Britain'+ )AMA4A -)A.& &Prime )inister o# 5tal"'+ Vladimir Putin &President o# Russia'+ 9i!holas ar2oF" &President o# Fran!e'+ A47?:A M?)K?: &>han!ellor o# German"'+ George W. Bush &President o# the U. .'+ S8?-H?4 HA)-?) &Prime )inister o# >anada'+ hinFo 3be &Prime )inister o# ,apan'+ and AS? MA4U?: BA))ASA &President o# the 7uropean >ommission' appear on the do!2s o# $eiligendamm+ German" at the G;1 ummit on ,une .+ /00.. &G;1 ummit *ebsite' &CA-S B Bilderberg Meetings 3arti+i3ants'

&Le#t to right' 5talian Prime )inister )AMA4A -)A.&+ German >han!ellor A47?:A M?)K?:+ British Prime )inister 8A4< B:A&)+ Fren!h President ,a!Kues >hira!+ Russian President Vladimir Putin &host'+ U. . President George W. Bush+ ,apanese Prime )inister ,uni!hiro %oiFumi+ >anadian Prime )inister S8?-H?4 HA)-?)+ Finnish Prime )inister )atti 6aneli Vanhanen+ and 7uropean >ommission President AS? MA4U?: BA))ASA *ave to the !amera during the G;1 ummit at >onstantine Pala!e in t. Petersburg+ Russia on ,ul" -A+ /00A. &G;1 Photo' &CA-S B Bilderberg Meetings 3arti+i3ants'

German"@s >han!ellor 3ngela )er2el stands beside >anada(s Prime )inister tephen $arper at the G1 ummit in $eiligendamm+ German" on ,une .+ /00.. &Photo b" Peter )a!diarmid4Gett" 5mages'

$enr" %issinger+ Gerald Ford+ $elmut !hmidt+ and Gis!ard d(7staing have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

From le#t to right: R"utaro $ashimoto+ Prime )inister+ ,apanO ,ean >hretien+ Prime )inister+ >anadaO William ,. >linton+ President+ United tatesO ,a!Kues >hira!+ President o# the Republi!+ Fran!eO $elmut %ohl+ >han!ellor+ German"O ,ohn )aLor+ Prime )inister+ United %ingdomO Romano Prodi+ President+ 5tal"O ,a!Kues anter+ President+ 7uropean >ommission. 6his photo *as ta2en at a G. ummit in -CCA. >linton+ >hretien+ %ohl+ and Prodi have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &G. Photo'

$eads o# state attend at a G;1 )eeting in 8enver. From le#t to right: ,a!Kues 8elors+ Prime )inister o# Great Britain 6<9D BL35R+ Prime )inister o# ,apan R"utaro $ashimoto+ >han!ellor o# German" $7L)U6 %<$L+ President o# Russia Boris Deltsin+ President o# the United tates o# 3meri!a B5LL >L596<9+ President o# Fran!e ,a!Kues >hira!+ Prime )inister o# >anada ,739 >$R76579+ President o# 5tal" R<)39< PR<85+ and Prime )inister o# the 9etherlands W5) %<%. &>3P R Bilderberg )eetings Parti!ipants'

Finan!e )inisters o# the Group o# even &G.' leading industrial !ountries pose #or a group photo in the !ourt"ard o# Blair $ouse in Washington+ 8.>. on <!tober B+ -CC1. From le#t to right: Britain@s >han!ellor o# the 7=!heKuer G<R8<9 BR<W9+ German 8ire!tor General o# the Finan!e )inistr" %laus Regling+ Fren!h Finan!e )inister 8<)595NU7 6R3U ;%3$9+ 6reasur" e!retar" Robert Rubin+ 6reasur" )inister o# 5tal" >3RL< >53)P5+ ,apan(s Finan!e )inister %ii!hi )i"aFa*a+ and Finan!e )inister o# >anada P3UL )3R659. &>3P R Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipants' &6im loan43FP4Gett" 5mages'

Bilderberg Lega!"+ Part G: 7uropean;3meri!an Relations

Bara!2 <bama and the Bilderberg Group: From le#t to right: 7uropean >oun!il $igh Representative ,avier olana+ President Bara!2 <bama+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission ,ose )anuel Barroso and Prime )inister o# *eden Fredri2 Rein#eldt *al2 #rom the <val <##i!e to the >abinet Room at the White $ouse on 9ovember B+ /00C. 6he statesmen are in the U. . to parti!ipate in the U. .;7uropean Union ummit. olana+ Barroso+ and Rein#eldt have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Gett" 5mages'

U. . President Bara!2 <bama meets *ith 5tal"@s Prime )inister )ario )onti in the <val <##i!e o# the White $ouse in Washington+ 8.>. on Februar" C+ /0-/. &Reuters'

U. . President Bara!2 <bama &right' sha2es hands *ith *eden(s Foreign )inister >arl Bildt &!enter' as British Foreign e!retar" William $ague &le#t' loo2s on at the start o# the 5nternational e!urit" 3ssistan!e For!e meeting on 3#ghanistan during the /0-/ 936< ummit at the )!>ormi!2 Pla!e !onvention !enter in >hi!ago on )a" /-+ /0-/. &Gett" 5mages'

President Bara!2 <bama+ right+ than2s 936< e!retar" General 3nders Fogh Rasmussen at the opening o# the 936< ummit in >hi!ago+ )a" /0+ /0-/.

President Bara!2 <bama tal2s *ith+ #rom le#t+ ,osU )anuel Barroso+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ >han!ellor 3ngela )er2el o# German"+ Prime )inister )ario )onti o# 5tal"+ President FranYois $ollande o# Fran!e+ and $erman Van Rompu"+ President o# the 7uropean >oun!il+ on the Laurel >abin patio during the G1 ummit at >amp 8avid+ )d.+ )a" -C+ /0-/. )i2e Froman+ 8eput" 9 3 #or 5nternational and 7!onomi! 3##airs+ listens in the ba!2ground+ third #rom le#t. Barroso+ )er2el+ )onti+ and Van Rompu" have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &<##i!ial White $ouse Photo b" Pete ouFa'

936< e!retar" General 3nders Fogh Rasmussen and U. . President Bara!2 <bama *el!ome ,ose )anuel Barroso+ President o# the 7uropean >ommission+ at the 936< ummit in >hi!ago on )a" /0. /0-/. &936< Photo'

936< e!retar" General 3nders Fogh Rasmussen and U. . President Bara!2 <bama *el!ome the Prime )inister o# 5tal" )ario )onti at the 936< ummit in >hi!ago on )a" /0. /0-/. &936< Photo'

U. . 6reasur" e!retar" 6imoth" Geithner &le#t' sha2es hand *ith Prime )inister o# 5tal" )ario )onti a#ter their tal2s in )ilan+ 5tal" on 6hursda"+ 8e!ember 1+ /0--. Geithner(s visit to 7urope !omes on the eve o# a summit o# 7uropean leaders Frida" that !ould "ield a plan #or resolving the !risis. Geithner and )onti attended the Bilderberg )eetings together #rom /00: to /001. &Photo: Gett" 5mages'

Gree2 )inister o# Finan!e George Papa!onstantinou meets the United tates e!retar" o# the 6reasur" 6imoth" Geithner on <!tober C+ /0-0.

&Photo: Gree2 )inistr" o# Finan!e <##i!e'

e!retar" o# the 6reasur" 6imoth" Geithner &le#t' appears *ith <lli Rehn &right'+ 7uropean >ommissioner #or 7!onomi! and )onetar" 3##airs and the 7uro+ at a summit.

,ean >laude 6ri!het &le#t'+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2+ *al2s *ith 6imoth" Geithner &right'+ U. . e!retar" o# the 6reasur". 6ri!het and Geithner attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00:+ /00G+ /00.+ and /001. &Photo: ,oshua Roberts4Bloomberg'

U. . e!retar" o# tate $illar" >linton and 5tal"@s Prime )inister )ario )onti pose be#ore bilateral tal2s at the :1th >on#eren!e on e!urit" Poli!" in )uni!h+ German" on Februar" :+ /0-/. 6he e!urit" >on#eren!e *as a three;da" event bringing together top de#ense and diploma!" o##i!ials #rom around the *orld dis!ussing the *inding do*n o# the 936< engagement in 3#ghanistan and other looming !hallenges. )ario )onti is a regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant. &Reuters'

Former U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger appears *ith U. . e!retar" o# tate $illar" >linton at the U. . tate 8epartment in Washington+ 8.>.+ U. .3. &Photo: U. . tate 8epartment'

e!retar" o# tate $illar" >linton delivers remar2s a#ter meeting *ith Nuartet 7nvo" 6on" Blair in the 6reat" Room at the tate 8epartment in Washington+ 8.>. on Februar" :+ /00C. 6on" Blair has attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. & tate 8epartment photo b" )i!hael Gross'

Remar2s b" e!retar" o# tate $illar" >linton and Fren!h Foreign )inister Bernard %ou!hner &le#t' appear at a press !on#eren!e in the 6reat" Room at the tate 8epartment in Washington+ 8.>. on )a" --+ /00C. Bernard %ou!hner has attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. & tate 8epartment photo b" )i!hael Gross'

U. . e!retar" o# tate $illar" >linton is *el!omed b" 7uropean >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso &L' be#ore a meeting at the 7U >ommission@s headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on )ar!h G+ /00C. &Reuters'

936< e!retar" General ,aap de $oop !he##er &L' listens to U. . e!retar" o# tate $illar" >linton as the" pose #or a #amil" photo during a 936< #oreign ministers meeting at the 3llian!e headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on )ar!h G+ /00C. &Reuters'

e!retar" o# tate $illar" >linton appears *ith *eden(s Foreign )inister >arl Bildt in the 6reat" Room at the tate 8epartment in Washington+ 8.>. on )a" G+ /00C. >arl Bildt is a regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant. & tate 8epartment photo b" )i!hael Gross'

e!retar" o# tate $illar" >linton meets *ith ,avier olana+ e!retar" General o# the >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union and $igh Representative #or the >ommon Foreign and e!urit" Poli!"+ in Washington+ 8.>. on 3pril -G+ /00C. ,avier olana has attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. & tate 8epartment photo b" )i!hael Gross'

e!retar" o# tate $illar" Rodham >linton meets *ith German"(s >han!ellor 3ngela )er2el in Berlin+ German" on 9ovember C+ /00C. 3ngela )er2el attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings. &Photo: U. . tate 8epartment'

7U >ommissioner #or 7nlargement+ <lli Rehn &L'+ *eden(s Foreign )inister >arl Bildt &>' and U. . 8eput" e!retar" o# tate ,ames teinberg &R' addresses Lournalists during a press !on#eren!e at 7UF<R $eadKuarters in Butmir+ Bosnia+ near araLevo+ on <!tober C+ /00C. Rehn+ teinberg and Bildt attended a meeting *ith leaders o# all maLor politi!al parties in Bosnia and $erFegovina and presented the 7U and U @s ne*est strateg" #or Bosnia approa!hing 7uropean and 936< integration. 3 ne* meeting is s!heduled #or <!tober /0. 3ll three men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. Rehn and Bildt attended the B5lderberg )eetings together in 5stanbul+ 6ur2e" in ,une /00.. &Gett" 5mages'

Bernard %ou!hner &le#t'+ the Fren!h )inister o# Foreign and 7uropean 3##airs+ embra!es Ri!hard $olbroo2e+ #ormer U. . Representative to the United 9ations+ a#ter presenting him *ith the insignia o# the <##i!er o# the Legion o# $onor in 9e* Dor2 >it" on eptember /1+ /00.. Bernard %ou!hner and Ri!hard $olbroo2e attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings together. &3P Photo'

Bernard %ou!hner &le#t'+ the Fren!h )inister o# Foreign and 7uropean 3##airs+ 2isses Ri!hard $olbroo2e+ #ormer U. . Representative to the United 9ations+ a#ter presenting him *ith the insignia o# the <##i!er o# the Legion o# $onor in 9e* Dor2 >it" on eptember /1+ /00.. &3P Photo'

Ri!hard $olbroo2e &right' tal2s *ith >arl Bildt &!enter'+ the Foreign )inister o# *eden+ during the opening o# the Brussels Forum in Brussels on 3pril /.+ /00.. >arl Bildt and Ri!hard $olbroo2e have attended several Bilderberg )eetings together. &3P Photo b" Virginia )a"o'

9orman Pearlstine &le#t'+ President o# 3meri!an 3!adem" in Berlin and #ormer 7ditor;in;>hie# o# 6ime magaFine+ German >han!ellor 3ngela )er2el &!enter'+ and Ri!hard >. $olbroo2e &right'+ >hairman o# 3meri!an 3!adem" in Berlin and #ormer U. . 3mbassador to German"+ prepare #or a !eremon" !ommemorating the A0th anniversar" o# the )arshall Plan in Berlin on 9ovember -C+ /00.. 3ll three individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Reuters'

U. . President ,ohn F. %enned" &seated+ Brd le#t'+ Prime )inister o# Great Britain $arold )a!)illan+ and %enned"(s politi!al advisers pose #or a group portrait at the White $ouse in Washington+ 8.>. on )ar!h /-+ -CA-. 3mong the advisers standing in the ba!2ground in!lude: George W. Ball &#ar le#t'+ 3verell $arriman &: th le#t'+ U. . 3mbassador to Great Britain 8avid %.7. Bru!e &Gth le#t'+ 8ean G. 3!heson &.th le#t+ behind %enned"'+ e!retar" o# the 6reasur" >. 8ouglas 8illon &standing behind )a!)illan'+ e!retar" o# 8e#ense Robert )!9amara &.th right'+ George >. )!Ghee &Ath right'+ and 9ational e!urit" 3dvisor )!George Bund" &:th right'. 3dlai 7. tevenson ,r. is seated on the #ar le#tO U. . e!retar" o# tate 8ean Rus2 is seated se!ond #rom le#t. British Foreign e!retar" 3le! 8ouglas;$ome &Lord $ome' is seated se!ond #rom right. Ball+ $arriman+ Bru!e+ 3!heson+ 8illon+ )!9amara+ )!Ghee+ Bund"+ tevenson+ and Rus2 *ere members o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. Ball, A+heson, .illon, M+4amara, M+7hee, B!ndy, )!s,, and :ord Home ha/e attended the Bilderberg Meetings in the 3ast. &Photo: George W. Ball Papers+ eele" G. )udd )anus!ript Librar" at Prin!eton Universit"'

George W. Ball+ ,ohn ,. )!>lo"+ and ,ean )onnet attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. 6his photo appears in George W. Ball(s boo2 The Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs .

Under e!retar" o# tate George W. Ball visits >han!ellor o# West German" Lud*ig 7rhard in -CA:. George W. Ball and Lud*ig 7rhard attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. 6his photo appears in George W. Ball(s boo2 The Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs .

British Foreign e!retar" ir $arold )a!)illan &le#t'+ Fren!h Foreign e!retar" 3ntoine Pina" &!enter'+ and e!retar" o# tate ,ohn Foster 8ulles meet at the Geneva >on#eren!e on 9ovember B+ -CGG. 3ntoine Pina" attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo b" %e"stone4Gett" 5mages'

e!retar" o# 8e#ense Robert . )!9amara stands *ith <tto Grieg 6idemand &le#t'+ 9or*a"(s )inister o# 8e#ense+ during a #ull honors arrival !eremon" at the Pentagon on 3pril /-+ -CAA. <tto Grieg 6idemand *as a regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant. &Photo: U. . 8epartment o# 8e#ense'

e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger meets *ith enator $enr" ). ,a!2son on ,une /:+ -C.:. %issinger and ,a!2son attended the -CA: Bilderberg )eetings together.

Former Fren!h President Valer" Gis!ard d(7staing &le#t' and 8avid Ro!2e#eller attended the Bilderberg )eetings in /00B. &Photo: >oun!il on Foreign Relations 3nnual Report'

e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger meets *ith West German"(s >han!ellor $elmut !hmidt in )uni!h on ,ul" .+ -C.:. $enr" %issinger and $elmut !hmidt attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in -C10+ -C1B+ and -C1A.

9ational e!urit" 3dvisor ?bignie* BrFeFins2i &le#t' tal2s to West German"(s >han!ellor $elmut !hmidt during a meeting in Bonn on <!tober B+ -C.1. ?bignie* BrFeFins2i and $elmut !hmidt attended the -C.B Bilderberg )eetings together.

e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger and President Gerald Ford &!enter' meet *ith Fren!h President Valer" Gis!ard d(7staing &right' on the island o# )artiniKue in 8e!ember -C.:. %issinger+ Ford+ and d(7staing have attended the Bilderberg )eetings at least on!e.

3 lun!h brea2 at the $elsin2i summit in $elsin2i+ Finland on ,ul" B-+ -C.G. From le#t to right: British Prime )inister $arold Wilson+ President Gerald Ford+ Fren!h President Valer" Gis!ard d(7staing+ >han!ellor o# West German" $elmut !hmidt+ $ans;8ietri!h Gens!her+ ,ames >allaghan+ ,ean auvagnargues+ and $enr" %issinger. 7ver"one in that photo e=!ept #or Gens!her and auvagnargues has attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. 6his photo *as published in $enr" %issinger(s boo2 Years of Renewal: The oncludin! "olume of His Memoirs. &Lehti2uva <"4 aba Photo'

Former U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger !hats &le#t' *ith Giovanni 3gnelli+ the honorar" !hairman o# Fiat+ be#ore the -CC1 o!!er World >up Kuarter #inal mat!h bet*een Fran!e and 5tal" at the tade de Fran!e in aint;8enis+ Fran!e on ,ul" B+ -CC1. Giovanni 3gnelli and $enr" %issinger have attended the Bilderberg )eetings together on -C di##erent o!!asions+ in!luding the -CC1 Bilderberg )eetings that *as held in !otland in )a" -CC1. &Gerard ,ulien43FP4Gett" 5mages'

Le#t photo: Giovanni 3gnelli &le#t' and $enr" %issinger attend a part" in 6angier+ )oro!!o in 3ugust -C1C. &Photo: http:44***.ne*"or2so!ialdiar".!om4node4-C0011-4print' Right photo: $enr" %issinger &le#t' appears *ith Giovanni 3gnelli.

ir ,ames Wol#ensohn &le#t'+ )iddle 7ast Nuartet 7nvo" #or GaFa 8isengagement+ and ,avier olana+ 7uropean Union $igh Representative+ appear at the >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union in Brussels+ Belgium on ,une A+ /00G. Wol#ensohn and olana attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in -C1G+ -CC1+ /000+ /0-0+ and /0--. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

Federal Reserve >hairman ir 3lan Greenspan &!enter' and ir )erv"n 3llister %ing &right'+ Governor o# 6he Ban2 o# 7ngland+ pose *ith >han!ellor o# the 7=!heKuer Gordon Bro*n a#ter !olle!ting their honorar" do!torate degrees in the presen!e o# 6he 8u2e o# 7dinburgh on Februar" .+ /00G in 7dinburgh+ !otland. Greenspan+ %ing+ and Bro*n have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo b" >hristopher Furlong4Gett" 5mages'

&From le#t to right' )inister %arel 8e Gu!ht+ 3mbassador Fans van 8aele+ $enr" 3. %issinger+ ,ames Wol#ensohn+ Vis!ount 7tienne 8avignon+ )r. Patri!2 8aems+ )r. ,ean;Pierre Paulet+ and )r. Georges Ugeu= appear at a part". %issinger+ Wol#ensohn+ and 8avignon have attended over /0 Bilderberg )eetings together. &Belgian;3meri!an >hamber o# >ommer!e'

Le#t to right: Former German >han!ellor Gerhard !hroeder+ 3ustrian >han!ellor 3l#red Gusenbauer+ 3ustrian President $einF Fis!her+ #ormer 3ustrian >han!ellor FranF VranitF2" and #ormer World Ban2 President ,ames Wol#ensohn pose #or photographers be#ore !elebrating VranitF2"@s .0th birthda" at the histori! $o#burg Pala!e in Vienna on <!tober :+ /00.. Gusenbauer+ Fis!her+ VranitF2"+ and Wol#ensohn have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Reuters'

Le#t photo: Le#t to right: Gordon )!>read" &Britain'+ ,ohn ,. )!>lo" &U. .'+ ,ean )onnet &Fran!e'+ and 3rmand BUrard &Fran!e' meet privatel". ,ohn )!>lo" and ,ean )onnet attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. Right photo: U. . President Bill >linton &le#t' meets *ith Prime )inister o# 9etherlands Wim %o2. Bill >linton and Wim %o2 attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

7uropean Union Foreign Poli!" >hie# ,avier olana &R' *el!omes U. . pe!ial representative #or 3#ghanistan and Pa2istan Ri!hard $olbroo2e be#ore a meeting at the 7uropean >oun!il headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on ,ul" /1+ /00C. &Gett" 5mages'

,ean;>laude 6ri!het+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2+ spea2s *ith Paul Vol!2er at the spring /00C Ri!hard von WeiFsZ!2er 8istinguished Visitor. &Photo: $ans Glave' http:44***.ameri!ana!adem".de4home4distinguished;visitors

936< e!retar" General ,aap de $oop !he##er &right' appears *ith U. . 8eput" e!retar" o# tate ,ames teinberg during a 936<;Russia !oun!il on the Gree2 5onian island o# >or#u+ north*est o# 3thens+ on ,une /.+ /00C. ,aap de $oop !he##er and ,ames teinberg attended the /00C Bilderberg )eetings in Vouliagmeni+ Gree!e held #rom -:;-. )a" /00C. &Reuters'

*eden(s )inister o# Foreign 3##airs >arl Bildt &L' and U. . 8eput" e!retar" o# tate ,ames teinberg &R' address Lournalists during a press !on#eren!e at the 7UF<R $eadKuarters in Butmir+ near araLevo+ Bosnia on <!tober /-+ /00C. >arl Bildt and ,ames teinberg attended the /00C Bilderberg )eetings in Vouliagmeni+ Gree!e held #rom -:;-. )a" /00C. &Gett" 5mages'

U. . 8eput" e!retar" o# tate ,ames teinberg &L' spea2s *ith 7U Foreign Poli!" >hie# ,avier olana during an < >7 in#ormal ministerial meeting on the Gree2 5onian island o# >or#u on ,une /1+ /00C. &Gett" 5mages'

United tates 6reasur" e!retar" 6imoth" F. Geithner &le#t' and >han!ellor o# the 7=!heKuer George <sborne &right' attend a press !on#eren!e at -- 8o*ning treet in London on )a" /A+ /0-0. Geithner and <sborne attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00A+ /00.+ and /001. &Photo: WP3 Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

$enr" %issinger &le#t'+ #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate+ spea2s in a dialog *ith $elmut !hmidt &right'+ #ormer >han!ellor o# the Federal Republi! o# German"+ during 7urope@s largest ino;7uropean business !on#eren!e T$amburg ummit: >hina )eets 7uropeT in $amburg+ German" on 9ovember /C+ /0-/. 6he man seated in the middle is retired German ne*spaper editor 6heo ommer. Henry Kissinger, Helm!t S+hmidt, and 8heo Sommer attended the Bilderberg Meetings together in 0122, 0180, 018', and 018(. &Einhua4)a 9ing' http:44ne*s.=inhuanet.!om4english4photo4/0-/;--4B04!M-B/0-0GCGMG.htm

LaFarge >hairman and >7< Bertrand >ollomb &le#t'+ 8aimler>hr"sler >7< ,urgen !hrempp &!enter'+ and #ormer U. . 3mbassador to the United 9ations Ri!hard $olbroo2e stand together in Berlin+ German" on 3pril /-+ /00:. >ollomb+ !hrempp+ and $olbroo2e have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo b" ean Gallup4Gett" 5mages'

Parti!ipants and spe!ial guests appear at the )arshall )emorial >onvo!ation at $arvard Universit" in >ambridge+ )assa!husetts+ U. .3.+ near Boston+ on ,une G+ -C./. Front ro*+ le#t to rightO >. 8ouglas 8illon+ >han!ellor o# West German" Will" Brandt. ,ohn ,. )!>lo"+ $arvard Universit" President 8ere2 >. Bo2+ #ormer $arvard Universit" President ,ames B. >onant+ and >hase )anhattan Ban2 !hairman 8avid Ro!2e#eller. e!ond ro*+ le#t to right: West German politi!ian %urt Birrenba!h+ 3meri!an ban2er Gabriel $auge+ ,ames Per2ins+ )ilton %atF+ >arl %a"sen+ $arve" Broo2s &a dean at $arvard Universit"'+ and %arl )oers!h. <thers not identi#ied. 8illon+ )!>lo"+ >onant+ Ro!2e#eller+ $auge+ Per2ins+ %atF+ %a"sen+ and Broo2s *ere members o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. -rominent Bilderberg Meetings 3arti+i3ants standing in this 3hoto in+l!deC .a/id )o+,efeller, C. .o!glas .illon, ohn . M+Cloy, K!rt Birrenba+h, 7abriel Ha!ge, ames -er,ins, Milton Kat9, and Carl Kaysen. &Bettmann4><RB5 '

,ohn )!>lo" &le#t'+ #ormer >hairman o# the board o# >hase )anhattan Ban2+ meets *ith >han!ellor o# West German" $elmut !hmidt. &Photo: Men and Powers: A Political Retrospective b" $elmut !hmidt'

5n this photo provided b" the German Government Press <##i!e+ #ormer >han!ellor o# German" $elmut %ohl &#ar le#t' re!eives applause b" &le#t to right' #ormer U. . President Bill >linton+ >han!ellor o# German" 3ngela )er2el+ #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger+ and Robert ?oelli!2+ President o# the World Ban2+ during the $enr" 3. %issinger PriFe !eremon" at the 3meri!an 3!adem" in Berlin+ German" on )a" -A+ /0--. %issinger is a*arding %ohl the priFe in re!ognition o# %ohl@s !ontribution to German reuni#i!ation. 3ll #ive individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

6hen;Governor o# 3r2ansas Bill >linton attended the -CC- Bilderberg )eetings *ith Vernon 7. ,ordan ,r. &le#t' and ,ames Wol#ensohn &right'. >linton *as nominated as a presidential !andidate #or the 8emo!rati! Part" in -CC/ and *as ele!ted as President o# the United tates.

)is!ellaneous Photographs o# Bilderberg )eetings Parti!ipants

Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant ,ean;>laude 6ri!het &!enter'+ President o# 7uropean >entral Ban2+ addresses the 7!onomi! >lub o# 9e* Dor2 at a lun!heon in 9e* Dor2 >it" on <!tober -/+ /0-0. Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant William ,. )!8onough+ #ormer President o# the Federal Reserve Ban2 o# 9e* Dor2+ is seated in the #ront ro* on the #ar right. &Photo: 7!onomi! >lub o# 9e* Dor2'

Le#t to right: 8avid Ro!2e#eller+ >FR >hairman 7meritus Peter G. Peterson+ >FR Board >o;>hairman >arla 3. $ills+ >FR President Ri!hard 9. $aass+ and >FR Board >o;>hairman Robert 7. Rubin attend the dedi!ation o# >FR(s Washington+ 8.>. building. 3ll #ive individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: >oun!il on Foreign Relations /0-0 3nnual Report'

Nueen 7liFabeth 55 o# Great Britain greets e!retar" o# tate #or Business Peter )andelson during the tate <pening o# Parliament in London on 9ovember -1+ /00C. Nueen 7liFabeth 55 unveiled the Government@s legislative programme in a spee!h delivered #rom the 6hrone in 6he $ouse o# Lords. 6his ne* session o# Parliament *ill onl" last until the general ele!tion *hi!h has to be !alled b" ,une B+ /0-0. Peter )andelson attended the /00C Bilderberg )eetings in Vouliagmeni+ Gree!e+ near 3thens+ in )a" /00C. &Photo: Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

Nueen 7liFabeth 55 o# Great Britain sits ne=t to Lord >han!ellor %en >lar2e &se!ond #rom right' in London on 8e!ember .+ /0-as she o##i!iall" opens the Rolls Building+ the latest addition to the Ro"al >ourts o# ,usti!e. &Photo: WP3 Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

Nueen 7liFabeth 55 o# Great Britain &/nd le#t' appears *ith ir 7ri! 8ra2e &le#t'+ the !hairman o# British Petroleum+ on 9ovember B+ -C.G. ir 7ri! 8ra2e attended the Bilderberg )eetings in -C.0 and -C.B.

)ember o# Parliament %enneth >lar2e &le#t' and Peter )andelson spea2 at the British >hamber o# >ommer!e annual !on#eren!e in )ar!h /0-0. %enneth >lar2e and Peter )andelson are regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipants. &Photo: <li !ar##4Gett" 5mages'

Former President Bill >linton &L' sha2es hands *ith Nueen o#ia o# pain &R' as >olombia(s President 3lvaro Uribe loo2s on during the 5V 5nternational >ongress o# the panish Language in >artagena+ >olombia on )ar!h /A+ /00.. Bill >linton and Nueen o#ia o# pain attended the ,une -CC- Bilderberg )eetings in Baden;Baden+ German". &3FP4Gett" 5mages'

5talian automobile !hie# and F536 !hairman Giovanni 3gnelli meets %ing ,uan >arlos o# pain and Nueen o#ia o# pain at the banKuet at the Nuirinal Pala!e in Rome+ 5tal" on eptember /1+ -CC1. Giovanni 3gnelli and Nueen o#ia o# pain have attended man" Bilderberg )eetings together. &P5??<L5 3LB7R6<4><RB5 DG)3'

United tates President George W. Bush+ Laura Bush+ and #ormer United tates President George $.W. Bush *el!ome %ing ,uan >arlos o# pain and Nueen o#ia o# pain to the Bush Ran!h in >ra*#ord+ 6e=as on 9ovember /:+ /00:. Nueen o#ia o# pain has attended several Bilderberg )eetings. &White $ouse photo'

%ing ,uan >arlos o# pain+ Nueen o#ia o# pain+ German"@s >han!ellor 3ngela )er2el and 3ustria@s President $einF Fis!her &L;R' pose be#ore the 7uro /001 #inal so!!er mat!h bet*een German" and pain at 7rnst $appel stadium in Vienna on ,une /C+ /001. 3ll #our individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Reuters'

>onservative part" leader 8avid >ameron &le#t' appears *ith hado* >han!ellor George <sborne &!enter' as he introdu!es %enneth >lar2e &right' to his e!onomi! team at Port!ullis $ouse in London on ,anuar" -C+ /00C. %enneth >lar2e returned to the >onservative #ront ben!h to assume the role o# hado* Business e!retar". George <sborne and %enneth >lar2e are regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipants. &Photo b" <li !ar##4Gett" 5mages'

Lord oames &le#t'+ the Leader o# the $ouse o# Lords+ appears at a press !on#eren!e in London *ith Lord >arrington+ the e!retar" o# tate #or Foreign and >ommon*ealth 3##airs o# Great Britain+ on 8e!ember .+ -C.C+ shortl" a#ter Lord oames *as appointed Governor o# ?imbab*e Rhodesia & outhern Rhodesia'. Lord oames and Lord >arrington+ *ho later served as e!retar" General o# 936<+ attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &J Bettmann4><RB5 '

8avid >ameron &le#t'+ Prime )inister o# Great Britain+ sha2es hands *ith )ario )onti+ Prime )inister o# 5tal"+ during a bilateral meeting at an 7uropean Union summit in Brussels+ Belgium on 8e!ember 1+ /0--. Both men attended the /0-B Bilderberg )eetings held in Wat#ord &$ert#ordshire'+ 7ngland+ near London+ #rom ,une A;C+ /0-B. &3P Photo4 ebastian Pirlet+ Pool'

Google !hie# e=e!utive 7ri! !hmidt &le#t' appears *ith Pa"Pal !o;#ounder Peter 6hiel at a !on#eren!e. 7ri! !hmidt and Peter 6hiel attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in /00.+ /001+ /00C+ /0--+ and /0-B. &Photo: )ashable4 "dne" )orning $erald>

,orma <llila &right'+ >hairman o# Ro"al 8ut!h hell+ spea2s *hile Robert 8udle" &le#t'+ >7< o# British Petroleum &BP'+ listens during the se!ond da" o# the t. Gallen "mposium+ a plat#orm #or dialogue on 2e" issues in management+ the entrepreneurial environment and the inter#a!es bet*een business+ politi!s and !ivil so!iet"+ at the Universit" o# t. Gallen+ *itFerland on )a" -B+ /0--. <llila and 8udle" attended the /0-/ Bilderberg )eetings in >hantill"+ Virginia+ U. .3. #rom )a" B-;,une B+ /0-/.[ &Photo: 7P347995< L739?3'

Le#t to right: >han!ellor o# the 7=!heKuer George <sborne+ )u2esh 3mbani+ >hairman and )anaging 8ire!tor o# Relian!e 5ndustries+ Robert 8udle"+ >7< o# BP+ and >arl;$enri! vanberg+ >hairman o# BP+ during a signing !eremon" at -- 8o*ning treet+ Februar" /-+ /0--+ in London+ 7ngland. 6he deal *ill see BP ta2e a B0 per!ent sta2e in oil and gas #ields o*ned b" Relian!e 5ndustries+ a#ter signing a ../ billion U dollar &\:.G billion' deal *ith one o# the !ountr"@s biggest !ompanies. <sborne+ 8udle"+ and vanberg have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: WP3 Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

British Petroleum >hairman >arl;$enri! vanberg &L'+ >hie# 7=e!utive 6on" $a"*ard &/L' and )anaging 8ire!tor Robert 8udle" &/R' leave the West Wing o# the White $ouse ,une -A+ /0-0 in Washington+ 8>. British Petroleum >hairman >arl;$enri! vanberg+ >hie# 7=e!utive 6on" $a"*ard+ 3meri!a President Lamar )!%a" and )anaging 8ire!tor Robert 8udle" met *ith President Bara!2 <bama and administration o##i!ials to dis!uss the oil spill !aused b" the sin2ing o# the 8eep*ater $oriFon drilling plat#orm in the Gul# o# )e=i!o+ *hi!h *as run b" British Petroleum. vanberg and 8udle" have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: Brendan mialo*s2i4Gett" 5mages 9orth 3meri!a'

U. . President Bara!2 <bama &/nd R' meets *ith &le#t to right' British Petroleum &BP' >7< 6on" $a"*ard+ BP >hairman >arl;$enri! vanberg+ BP General >ounsel Rupert Bond"+ BP )anaging 8ire!tor Robert 8udle"+ enior 3dvisor Valerie ,arrett+ Labor e!retar" $ilda olis+ 3ttorne" General 7ri! $older+ U. . Vi!e President ,oe Biden and $omeland e!urit" e!retar" ,anet 9apolitano in the White $ouse ,une -A+ /0-0 in Washington+ 8>. 3!!ording to reports+ BP has agreed to put /0 billion dollars into an es!ro* a!!ount #or reimbursing. vanberg and 8udle" have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: 6he White $ouse4Gett" 5mages 9orth 3meri!a'

U. . President Bara!2 <bama &le#t' laughs as he spea2s *ith Pas!al Lam"+ 8ire!tor;General o# the World 6rade <rganiFation &W6<'+ ahead o# a *or2ing session on the se!ond da" o# the G/0 ummit in >annes+ Fran!e on 9ovember :+ /0--. World@s top e!onomi! leaders are attending the G/0 summit in >annes on 9ovember Brd and :th+ and are e=pe!ted to debate !urrent issues surrounding the global #inan!ial s"stem in the hope o# #ending o## a global re!ession and #inding an ans*er to the 7uroFone !risis. Pas!al Lam" attended the Bilderberg )eetings in /0-- and /0-/. &Photo: Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

,ames Wol#ensohn &le#t'+ #ormer President o# the World Ban2+ and German Foreign )inister Guido Wester*elle &right' a*arded the inaugural )oses )endelssohn 3*ard #or >riti!al 6hin2ing to #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" 3. %issinger during the annual Leo Bae!2 5nstitute Gala 3*ard 8iner at the Waldor#;3storia $otel in 9e* Dor2 >it" on 8e!ember -/+ /0--. 3ll three men attended the /00. Bilderberg )eetings in 5stanbul+ 6ur2e" #rom B- )a";B ,une /00.. &Photo: http:44***.lbi.org4/0--4-/4inaugural;moses;mendelssohn;a*ard;#or;!riti!al;thin2ing;a*arded;henr";2issinger4'

Former German Foreign )inister4Vi!e >han!ellor ,os!h2a Fis!her &right' holds up the Leo Bae!2 )edal that *as presented to him b" Gala >o;>hairman ,ames 8. Wol#ensohn &!enter' and #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate+ $enr" 3. %issinger during a !eremon" in 9e* Dor2 >it"+ U 3+ on 9ovember -C+ /00C. 3ll three men attended the /001 Bilderberg )eetings in >hantill"+ Virginia+ U. .3. in ,une /001. &J pi!ture;allian!e4dpa' http:44***.german".in#o4Vertretung4usa4en4MMpr4G%s497WD4/00C4--4-CMMLeoBe!2.html

Le#t to right: 8avid Ro!2e#eller+ Peter G. Peterson+ )arie ,osee %ravis+ and Ri!hard alomon. 8avid Ro!2e#eller+ Peter G. Peterson+ and )arie ,osee %ravis have attended Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

Le#t to right: 8avid Ro!2e#eller ,r.+ 8avid Ro!2e#eller+ and Peter G. Peterson have attended Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

)organ tanle" Vi!e >hairman 8avid W. $elenia2 &!enter' listens as Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant )ario )onti &right'+ 7uropean >ommissioner #or >ompetition+ spea2s to LaFard Freres >hairman and >7< Bru!e Wasserstein at the $arold Pratt $ouse in 9e* Dor2 >5t". Bru!e Wasserstein and 8avid W. $elenia2 are &or *ere' members o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. 6his photo appears in the /00: >oun!il on Foreign Relations 3nnual Report.

Le#t photo: Umberto 3gnelli &le#t' and his older brother Giovanni 3gnelli &right' have attended the Bilderberg )eetings together on several o!!asions. Right photo: Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipants >oun!il on Foreign Relations President Ri!hard 9. $aass &le#t' and >oun!il on Foreign Relations $onorar" >hairman 8avid Ro!2e#eller smile #or the !amera. &Photo: >oun!il on Foreign Relations'

Le#t: 7tienne 8avignon appears at one o# the Bilderberg )eetings. &Photo b" 8aniel 7stulin' Right: >olin Po*ell and Renato Ruggiero+ 5talian )inister o# Foreign 3##airs+ have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

Gen. >olin Po*ell and George tephanopoulos attended the -CC. Bilderberg )eetings together. 8avid Gergen &hiding in the ba!2ground' attended the -CC- Bilderberg )eetings.

7vel"n de Roths!hild &le#t' and his *i#e L"nn Forester de Roths!hild attended the -CC1 Bilderberg )eetings that *as held in !otland in )a" -CC1.

$enr" R. %ravis and his *i#e )arie;,osee %ravis &le#t' have attended the Bilderberg )eetings together.

)arie;,osee %ravis and #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger have attended the Bilderberg )eetings together.

8avid Ro!2e#eller &le#t' and ir ,ames 8. Wol#ensohn+ #ormer President o# the World Ban2+ have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: >oun!il on Foreign Relations 3nnual Report'

3mbassador Fran2 G. Wisner 55 &le#t'+ #ormer Federal Reserve !hairman Paul 3. Vol!2er &!enter'+ and #ormer Goldman a!hs partner ,ohn >. Whitehead pose #or a group portrait. Fran2 G. Wisner *as appointed the ne* >hairman o# 5nternational $ouse+ an organiFation in 9e* Dor2 >it". 3ll three men are members o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. 3ll three men attended the -C1A Bilderberg )eetings held at Gleneagles+ !otland+ Great Britain #rom /G;/. 3pril -C1A.

Le#t: $enr" %issinger+ Gerald Ford+ and ,ohn )!>lo" attended the -CA: Bilderberg )eetings together. Right: )!George Bund" and his brother William Bund" have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

Former Under U. . e!retar" o# tate George W. Ball &le#t' and #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate 8ean Rus2 attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in -CG. and -CAC. &Photo: L"ndon B. ,ohnson Presidential Librar"'

Ri!hard $olbroo2e &le#t' and Ri!hard Perle attended the Bilderberg )eetings together #rom /00: to /00C. &Photo: >oun!il on Foreign Relaitons &>FR' 3nnual Report'

enator $. ,ohn $einF 555 &le#t'+ enator Llo"d ). Bentsen ,r. &!enter'+ and enator ,ohn $. >ha#ee appear at a press !on#eren!e in Februar" -C1.. 3ll three men *ere members o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. enator $. ,ohn $einF 555 attended the Bilderberg )eetings in -C.1. Llo"d ). Bentsen ,r. and ,ohn $. >ha#ee have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo b" >"nthia ,ohnson46ime Li#e Pi!tures4Gett" 5mages'

President Bill >linton &!enter'+ )i!roso#t Founder Bill Gates &le#t'+ and World Ban2 President ,ames 8. Wol#ensohn listen to Kuestions during the >on#eren!e on the 9e* 7!onom" in the 7ast Room o# the White $ouse on 3pril G+ /000. Bill >linton and ,ames Wol#ensohn attended the -CC- Bilderberg )eetings. Bill Gates( *i#e )elinda Gates attended the /00: Bilderberg )eetings in tresa+ 5tal". &Photo b" )ar2 Wilson'

Paul Vol!2er &le#t'+ tanle" Fis!her &!enter+ red tie'+ and William ,. )!8onough &right' have attended several Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

President o# the World Ban2 ,ames Wol#ensohn &le#t' and >olin Po*ell+ #ormer >hairman o# the ,oint >hie#s o# ta##+ attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in -CCA.

Winston Lord+ ,. tapleton Ro"+ 5rina Fas2ianos+ and ,oseph . 9"e ,r. meet at the $arold Pratt $ouse. Lord+ Ro"+ and 9"e have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &>FR 3nnual Report'

. Le#t: 3lan Greenspan and his *i#e 3ndrea )it!hell attended the /00/ Bilderberg )eetings together. Right: 8avid Ro!2e#eller and Robert ?oelli!2 attended the Bilderberg )eetings together in -CC-+ /00B+ /00A+ and /001.

Le#t: $enr" R. %ravis &le#t' and $enr" %issinger have attended the Bilderberg )eetings together. Right: George oros and 8avid Ro!2e#eller have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

Le#t: Vernon ,ordan and ,ames 3. ,ohnson have attended the Bilderberg )eetings together. Right: 8avid Ro!2e#eller &le#t'+ >anada(s Prime )inister ,ean >hretien &!enter'+ and ,ohn >. Whitehead attended the -CCA Bilderberg )eetings in 6oronto+ >anada.

Le#t photo: ir ,ames 8. Wol#ensohn &le#t'+ President o# 6he World Ban2+ and Vernon ,ordan arrive at the United 9ations 3mbassadors 8inner at the 5mperial Ballroom o# the heraton $otel in 9e* Dor2 >it" on <!tober /A+ /000. ,ames Wol#ensohn and Vernon ,ordan have attended the Bilderberg )eetings together. &Photo b" ,ason Fenes4><RB5 DG)3' Right photo: 5tal"(s Prime )inister Romano Prodi &le#t' sha2es hands *ith 3ustria(s >han!ellor Wol#gang !huessel on ,une -B+ /00A. Romano Prodi and Wol#gang !huessel have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: $opi;)edia4Georges !hneider'

3ntonio Guterres &le#t'+ #ormer Prime )inister o# Portugal+ and United 9ations e!retar";General %o#i 3nnan appear at a press !on#eren!e on ,une /.+ /00G. %o#i 3nnan appointed 3ntonio Guterres as the ne* United 9ations $igh >ommissioner #or Re#ugees &U9$>R'. 3ntonio Guterres attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &U9 Photo b" 7van !hneider'

$enr" %issinger and Paul 9itFe have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past.

>hristian $erter &le#t'+ 8ean Rus2 &!enter'+ and 8ean 3!heson attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. 3ll three men served as e!retar" o# tate+ and all three men *ere members o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. 6his photo *as published in 8ean Rus2(s autobiograph" As # $aw #t. &UP5 Photo'

)artin Feldstein &le#t' and 3lan Greenspan attended the /00/ Bilderberg )eetings in >hantill"+ Virginia. &Photo: >oun!il on Foreign Relations 3nnual Report'

United tates enators $enr" ). ,a!2son &le#t'+ ,a!ob ,avits &/ nd le#t'+ and 3braham Ribi!o## &/nd right' tal2 to President Gerald Ford at the White $ouse. 7ver"one in that photo e=!ept #or Ribi!o## attended the -CA: Bilderberg )eetings in Williamsburg+ Virgnia in )ar!h -CA:.

Fo= 9e*s #ounder Rupert )urdo!h &le#t' and World Ban2 President ,ames 8. Wol#ensohn smile #or the !amera at an 3meri!an;3ustralian 3sso!iation event on ,une B0+ -CC1. Rupert )urdo!h and ,ames Wol#ensohn attended the -C11 Bilderberg )eetings together. &Photo b" Ron Galella+ Ltd.4Wire5mage'

8emo!rati! Part" presidential !ontenders &le#t to right' 9e* )e=i!o Governor Bill Ri!hardson+ enator $illar" >linton #ormer U. . enator ,ohn 7d*ards+ and enator Bara!2 <bama pose #or photographs a#ter a televised debate at aint 3nselm >ollege in )an!hester+ 9e* $ampshire on ,anuar" G+ /001. Bill Ri!hardson and ,ohn 7d*ards have attended Bilderberg )eetings in the past. enator $illar" Rodham >linton and enator Bara!2 <bama *ere reportedl" meeting *ith enator 8ianne Feinstein+ a past Bilderberg parti!ipant+ and other Bilderberg parti!ipants near >hantill"+ Virginia on ,une G+ /001. &Gett" 5mages'

8enmar2(s )inister #or >limate and 7nerg" >onnie $edegaard &le#t' meets *ith #ormer U. . President Bill >linton at the >linton Global 5nitiative in 9e* Dor2 >it" on eptember /-+ /00C. >onnie $edegaard+ the !urrent 7uropean >ommissioner #or >limate 3!tion+ attended the /00G Bilderberg )eetings in Rotta!h;7gern+ German"+ near )uni!h+ in )a" /00G.

>onnie $edegaard+ the !urrent 7uropean >ommissioner #or >limate 3!tion+ sha2es hand *ith #ormer president o# oviet Union )i2hael Gorba!hev at the Ath World Water Forum on )ar!h -/+ /0-/. &Photo: 7uropean >ommission'

Peter Voser &le#t+ !hie# #inan!ial o##i!er o# Ro"al 8ut!h hell'+ ,eroen van der Veer &!enter+ !hie# e=e!utive o# Ro"al 8ut!h hell'+ and ,orma <llila &right+ !hairman o# Ro"al 8ut!h hell' attend a Ro"al 8ut!h hell annual meeting. 3ll three men have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &<la# %raa243gen!e Fran!e;Presse4Gett" 5mages'

6he Portuguese delegation attends a 7uropean >oun!il and 5ntergovernmental >on#eren!e in Brussels+ Belgium on <!tober -A+ /00B. From le#t to right: )aria )anuela Ferreira Leite+ )inister o# Finan!e o# PortugalO )r ,osU )anuel 8urao Barroso+ Prime )inister o# PortugalO and 6eresa Patri!io Gouveia+ )inister #or Foreign 3##airs o# Portugal. 3ll three individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

7uropean >ommissioners attend a 7uropean >oun!il and 5ntergovernmental >on#eren!e in Brussels+ Belgium on <!tober -A+ /00B. From le#t to right: 7uropean >ommissioner >hris Patten+ 7uropean >ommission President Romano Prodi+ and 7uropean >ommissioner Pedro olbes. 3ll three individuals have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: 6he >oun!il o# the 7uropean Union'

6he #inal ele!tion debate *as held in *eden on eptember -.+ /0-0. From le#t to right+ part" leaders G]ran $Zgglund &>hristian 8emo!rats'+ Lars <hl" &Le#t Part"'+ ,an BL]r2lund &Liberal People@s Part"'+ )ona ahlin & o!ial 8emo!rats'+ Fredri2 Rein#eldt &)oderate Part"'+ )aria Wetterstrand &Green Part"'+ and )aud <lo#sson &>entre Part"'. 3mong the !andidates that attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past in!lude: ,an BL]r2lund =2001 in 7ree+e>+ )ona ahlin =011( in 8oronto, Canada>+ Fredri2 Rein#eldt =200( in Atta;a, Canada>+ and )aud <lo#sson =2008 in Chantilly, Virginia>

Le#t to right: ir ,ames Wol#ensohn &#ormer President o# the World Ban2'+ Prin!e 3lbert 55 o# )ona!o+ 7nri!o Braggiotti+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial pose #or a group portrait in )ona!o on eptember -/+ /0--. 7ver"one e=!ept #or Prin!e 3lbert 55 o# )ona!o have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo: http:44***.pod!astLournal.net4Le;)onde;en;/0G0MaC:C0.html'

Bilderberg elder statesman 7tienne 8avignon appears *ith 8idier Re"nders &le#t'+ the !urrent Foreign )inister o# Belgium &/0--; present' and #ormer Finan!e )inister o# Belgium &-CCC;/0--'.

Bilderberg elder statesman 7tienne 8avignon &right' appears *ith Gu" Verho#stadt &le#t'+ #ormer Prime )inister o# Belgium &-CCC;/001'+ and ,a!Kues 8elors+ #ounding President o# 9otre 7urope.

8eput" U. . e!retar" o# 8e#ense Paul Wol#o*itF &!enter' visits the 3bu Ghraib prison in 5raK on unda"+ ,ul" /0+ /00B. &Reuters4><RB5 '

8eput" U. . e!retar" o# 8e#ense Paul Wol#o*itF &!enter' is es!orted b" 3rm" Gen. 8avid $. Petraeus &right'+ >ommander o# U. . 3rm" -0-st 3irborne 8ivision+ as the" *al2 through the streets o# Mos!l, &raD on !ly 20, 200'. &raDi di+tator Saddam H!sseinEs t;o sons Uday H!ssein and F!say H!ssein died in a firefight in Mos!l, &raD on !ly 22, 200'. Paul Wol#o*itF and Gen. 8avid $. Petraeus are members o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. -a!l $olfo;it9 attended the 200' Bilderberg Meetings held in Versailles, 6ran+e from 0"#08 May 200'. &3P Photo4U. . 8epartment o# 8e#ense'

5nternational ban2er 8avid Ro!2e#eller &le#t' attends the /00: Bilderberg )eetings in tresa+ 5tal" in ,une /00:.

%ing ,uan >arlos 5 o# pain &le#t' and Nueen o#ia o# pain &right' pose *ith United 9ations e!retar" General %o#i 3nnan on the sidelines o# the /00G World ummit at the A0th session o# the United 9ations General 3ssembl" in 9e* Dor2 >it" on eptember -:+ /00G. F!een Sofia of S3ain attended the 200" Bilderberg Meetings held in )otta+h#?gern, 7ermany from May "#8, 200". & tan $onda43FP4Gett" 5mages'

Former U. . 3mbassador to the United 9ations Ri!hard >. $olbroo2e &le#t' sha2es hands *ith United 9ations e!retar" General %o#i 3nnan a#ter a #orum o# Wall treet *or2ers on World 358 8a"+ in 9e* Dor2 >it" on 8e!ember -+ /00:. Holbroo,e attended the 200% Bilderberg Meetings held in Stresa, &taly in !ne 200%. &J >$5P 73 64Reuters4>orbis'

United 9ations e!retar";General %o#i 3nnan &le#t'+ e!retar" o# tate >ondoleeFFa Ri!e &!enter'+ and ,ames Wol#ensohn meet privatel" to dis!uss politi!al issues !on!erning the )iddle 7ast on ,une /B+ /00G. ames $olfensohn attended the 200" Bilderberg Meetings held in )otta+h#?gern, 7ermany from May "#8, 200". &7s2inder 8ebebe+ U9 Photo'

United 9ations e!retar" General %urt Waldheim meets #or lun!h *ith #oreign leaders attending the General assembl" !on#eren!e on disarmament in 9e* Dor2 >it" on )a" /A+ -C.1. Le#t to right are West German >han!ellor $elmut !hmidt+ >anadian Prime )inister Pierre 6rudeau+ Waldheim+ and 5reland Prime )inister ,a!2 L"n!h. $elmudt !hmidt attended theh -C.. Bilderberg )eetings held in 6orKua"+ 7ngland. Pierre 6rudeau attended several Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Bettmann4><RB5 '

3mbassador Ri!hard $olbroo2e &le#t' listens as United 9ations e!retar";General Ban %i;)oon spea2s during a Global Business >oalition #orum on $5V4358 + 6uber!ulosis and )alaria at the United 9ations headKuarters in 9e* Dor2 >it" on !ne 0', 2002. )i+hard Holbroo,e attended the 2002 Bilderberg Meetings held in &stanb!l, 8!r,ey from '0 MayG' !ne 2002. &Photo b" tephen >hernin4Gett" 5mages #or GB>'

9or*egian politi!ian Gro $arlem Brundtland &le#t'+ later Prime )inister o# 9or*a"+ appears *ith Prime )inister o# *eden <lo# Palme at a politi!al !on#eren!e in >openhagen+ 8enmar2 in earl" -C1A. Brundtland and Palme have attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &J Fran!is 8ean4>orbis'

Le#t photo: <liver 6ambo &le#t'+ leader o# the 3#ri!an 9ational >ongress &39>'+ meets *ith Prime )inister o# *eden <lo# Palme+ a Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant+ in to!2holm+ *eden in the earl" -C10s. &Photo: Peter Berggren4 >39P5E' Right photo: Under U. . e!retar" o# tate George W. Ball &le#t' visits 3ntonio de <liveira alaFar+ the Prime )inister o# Portugal+ in eptember -CAB. alaFar *as the Prime )inister o# Portugal #rom ,ul" G+ -CB/ until eptember /G+ -CA1. Portugal maintained its 3#ri!an !olonies o# 3ngola and )oFambiKue during the -CA0s. &Photo: The Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs b" George W. Ball'

West German"(s >han!ellor $elmut !hmidt &right' and his *i#e &se!ond #rom le#t' are re!eived in audien!e b" 7mperor $irohito o# ,apan &le#t' and 7mpress 9aga2o o# ,apan at the 5mperial Pala!e in 6o2"o+ ,apan on <!tober -/+ -C.1. Helm!t S+hmidt attended the 0122 Bilderberg Meetings in 8orD!ay, ?ngland. &J Bettmann4><RB5 '

7uropean >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso &le#t' *el!omes outh %orea@s spe!ial envo" Par2 Geun;h"e+ the daughter o# outh %orea(s #ormer President General Par2 >hung;hee+ be#ore their meeting at the 7uropean >ommission headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on eptember B+ /00C. ,ose )anuel Barroso has attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Reuters'

5n this handout #rom the ,ordanian Ro"al Pala!e+ %ing 3bdullah 55 o# ,ordan &right' *al2s *ith ,ames Wol#ensohn+ pe!ial 7nvo" o# the )iddle 7ast Kuartet &Russia+ 7U+ U and U9' to assist 5srael(s disengagement plan+ prior to their meeting in 3Kaba+ ,ordan on 3ugust .+ /00G. ,ames Wol#ensohn is a member o# the Bilderberg Group. &Photo b" ,ordanian Ro"al Pala!e via Gett" 5mages'

%ing 3bdullah o# audi 3rabia &le#t' *el!omes World Ban2 President Robert ?oelli!2 at the Ro"al Pala!e in Ri"adh+ audi 3rabia on 3pril B0+ /001. Robert ?oelli!2 is a member o# the Bilderberg Group. &Reuters'

Prime Minister of "reat Britain Margaret 7hatcher (center) appears with other ministers at her first ,onser ati e Party conference as leader at Blac0pool% 6ngland in )3D3+ $t left is 8ecretary of 8tate for 5efence .rancis Pym9 at right is .oreign 8ecretary =ord ,arrington+ Lord 4arrin ton attended the 1(H: Bilderber !eetin s held at 6rin/eton# Ne5 %erse0# 8)2)9) from 21'23 9+ril 1(H:) ($P Photo)

Newspaper baron =ord ,onrad Blac0 (center) is being introduced to the #ouse of =ords in Actober '(() by =ady 7hatcher (left)% former Prime Minister of "reat Britain% and =ord ,arrington (right)% former 8ecretary "eneral of N$7A+ =ord ,onrad Blac0 owned 7he 8un;7imes (,hicago)% 7he 8un (New Gor0 ,ity)% 7he 5aily 7elegraph (=ondon)% 7he >erusalem Post (<srael)% and #ollinger <nternational (,anada)+ (Photo- "ary =ee1.rom F?rong ?ay- 7he .all of ,onrad Blac0H) http-11www+nytimes+com1'((21()1('1boo0s1re iew1('BERRAE"+htmlN@rR(

Nelson Mandela% former President of 8outh $frica% sha0es hands with 5a id Roc0efeller (left) after a press conference during which Mandela discussed his brea0fast meeting with business leaders in Roc0efeller ,enter in New Gor0 ,ity on 8eptember+)&% '(((+ (Photo- http-11www+forbes+com1profile1da id;roc0efeller;sr1gallery1)')

>ewish ban0er "eorge 8oros sha0es hands with Nelson Mandela in ,ape 7own% 8outh $frica on $pril )% )33B+ "eorge 8oros is a member of the ,ouncil on .oreign Relations in New Gor0 ,ity and a member of the Bilderberg "roup+ ("R6" M$R<NAV<,#1,ARB<8 8G"M$)

.ormer E+8+ 8ecretary of 8tate #enry Iissinger (left)% $frican National ,ongress ($N,) president Nelson Mandela (center)% and former British .oreign 8ecretary and former N$7A 8ecretary "eneral =ord ,arrington are shown in >ohannesburg% 8outh $frica on ?ednesday% $pril )*% )33B+ ,arrington and Iissinger are in 8outh $frica to try to end the bloody dispute between the $N, and the Sulu <n0atha .reedom Party% which was opposed to the upcoming all;race general elections+ "enr0 Gissin er and Lord 4arrin ton attended the 1((? Bilderber !eetin s that 5as held in "elsin3i# Finland from %une 2';# 1((?) ($P Photo1>ohn Par0in)

=eft photo- Richard #olbroo0e (right) appears with Nelson Mandela% the former President of 8outh $frica+ Right photo- .ormer President of 8outh $frica Nelson Mandela (left) chats with >ames ?olfensohn% President of the ?orld Ban0% during a conference for the report of the ?orld ,ommission on 5ams in =ondon% on No ember )4% '(((+ >ames ?olfensohn is a member of the ,ouncil on .oreign Relations in New Gor0 ,ity and a member of the Bilderberg "roup+ ($drian 5ennis1$.P1"etty <mages)

Nelson Mandela (*rd left) and his wife "raca Machel ('nd left) appear with Queen 8ofia of 8pain (left)% Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands ('nd right)% and Iing >uan ,arlos of 8pain (right)+ Queen 8ofia of 8pain% Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands% and Iing >uan ,arlos of 8pain ha e attended the Bilderberg Meetings in the past+

Bishop $bel Mu/orewa (left)% Prime Minister of Simbabwe Rhodesia% and British .oreign 8ecretary =ord ,arrington (right) sign the =ancaster #ouse $greement in =ondon on 5ecember ')% )3D3+ Lord 4arrin ton attended the 1(H: Bilderber !eetin s held at 6rin/eton# Ne5 %erse0# 8)2)9) from 21'23 9+ril 1(H:)

Former U. . e!retar" o# state $enr" %issinger &le#t' tal2s *ith Vi2tor Dush!hen2o+ U2raine@s opposition leader and top presidential !andidate+ during %issinger@s visit to %iev+ U2raine on <!tober //+ /00:. &3natoli" )edF"243FP4Gett" 5mages'

Former 9ational e!urit" 3dvisor ?bignie* BrFeFins2i &right' and #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate )adeleine 3lbright &!enter' visit President o# U2raine Vi2tor Dush!hen2o &le#t' in 8e!ember /00G. ?bignie* BrFeFins2i has attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photo:!hive.html'

E0rainian politician $rseniy Gatsenyu0 (left) appears with $merican >ewish financier "eorge 8oros in '((3+ "eorge 8oros is a member of the ,ouncil on .oreign Relations in New Gor0 ,ity and a member of the Bilderberg "roup% a pri ate 6uropean organi/ation+ (Photo- http-11old+pinchu0fund+org1en1media1photo;gallery1'((313&D+html)

Prime Minister of "reat Britain 5a id ,ameron (left)% who attended the Bilderberg Meetings in #ertfordshire% 6ngland near =ondon in >une '()*% appears with $rseniy Gatsenyu0 (right)% the Prime Minister of E0raine% during the signing of the political pro isions of the $ssociation $greement with E0raine at the 6uropean Enion head!uarters in Brussels% Belgium on March ')% '()B + 1avid 4ameron attended the 2013 Bilderber !eetin s held in "ertfordshire# $n land near London from %une &'(# 2013) (Reuters)

Prime Minister of E0raine $rseniy Gatsenyu0 (left) and N$7A 8ecretary "eneral $nders .ogh Rasmussen attend a press conference at the N$7A head!uarters in Brussels% Belgium on March 4% '()B+ $nders .ogh Rasmussen has attended the Bilderberg Meetings conferences in the past+ (Tinhua1"ong Bing)

Victor Gushchen0o (left)% President of E0raine% meets with >ames ?olfensohn% 8enior $d isor to ,itigroup and former president of the ?orld Ban0% on .ebruary D% '((4+ Victor Gushchen0o ser ed as the President of E0raine from >anuary '*% '((2 until .ebruary '2% '()(% Prime Minister of E0raine from 5ecember ''% )333 until May '3% '(()% and "o ernor of the National Ban0 of E0raine from )33* until )333+ (Photo- http-11www+president+go +ua1en1news1'*BD+html)

7el!o 9. van %le##ens &)inister o# Foreign 3##airs o# the 9etherlands+ -CBC;-C:A' is seen standing on the #ar le#t in this undated photograph ta2en during World War 55. ?el+o 4. /an Kleffens attended the Bilderberg Meetings se/eral times. eated in the #ront are British Prime )inister Winston >hur!hill &seated le#t' and 3meri!an President Fran2lin 8elano Roosevelt &seated right'. tanding+ third #rom right &smiling'+ is 6.V. oong+ Foreign )inister o# 9ationalist >hina. &Photo: http:44#ineartameri!a.!om4#eatured4*orld;*ar;ii;seated;#rom;le#t;british;everett.html'

3n 3nglo;3meri!an meeting is held aboard %$$ &illiams'ur! in ,anuar" -CG/. eated #rom le#t to right: British Foreign )inister 3nthon" 7den+ Prime )inister o# Great Britain Winston >hur!hill+ U. . President $arr" 6ruman+ U. . e!retar" o# tate 8ean G. 3!heson+ U. . e!retar" o# the 6reasur" ,ohn W. n"der+ and U. . e!retar" o# 8e#ense Robert 3. Lovett. tanding #rom le#t to right: U. . 3mbassador to Great Britain Walter . Gi##ord+ U. . 3rm" Gen. <mar 9. Bradle" &>hairman o# the ,oint >hie#s o# ta##'+ British 3mbassador to the United tates ir <liver Fran2s+ Lord >her*ell &British Pa"master General'+ Lord 5sma" &British e!retar" o# tate #or >ommon*ealth Relations'+ and 3verell $arriman &)utual e!urit" 3dministrator'. 3!heson+ Gi##ord+ Lovett+ and $arriman *ere members o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. .ean 7. A+heson, Sir Ali/er 6ran,s, and :ord &smay ;ere members of the Bilderberg 7ro!3. &Photo: $arr" . 6ruman Presidential Librar"'

Bilderberg 7ro!3 ;ith 6oreign .i+tators, 8errorists, and Strongmen

8avid Ro!2e#eller &!enter' sha2es hands *ith >uba(s longtime despot Fidel >astro &right' in an undated photo. &Wall" )!9amee4><RB5 '

%ing ,uan >arlos &le#t'+ Nueen o#ia o# pain &right'+ "ria(s President Bashar al;3ssad &/ nd le#t'+ and his *i#e 3sma al;3ssad attends the Gala 8inner held in honor o# President Bashar al;3ssad and his *i#e at the ?arFuela Pala!e in )adrid+ pain on ,une -+ /00:. Nueen o#ia o# pain has attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &>arlos 3lvareF4Gett" 5mages'

Queen 8ofia of 8pain (left)% =ibya:s ruler Muammar "addafi (center)% and Iing >uan ,arlos of 8pain prepare to welcome guests before a luncheon party at the Royal Palace in Madrid% 8pain on 5ecember )&% '((D+ Queen 2ofia of 2+ain attended the 200H Bilderber !eetin s in Estanbul# Bur3e0) (Reuters)

Nueen o#ia o# pain &le#t'+ 5srael(s President himon Peres &!enter'+ and %ing ,uan >arlos o# pain smile be#ore an o##i!ial lun!h meeting at the Ro"al Pala!e in )adrid+ pain on Februar" //+ /0--. Peres said on Februar" // the anti;government protests s*eeping the 3rab *orld that have toppled the leaders o# 6unisia and 7g"pt are an @opportunit" #or pea!e@ in the )iddle 7ast. F!een Sofia of S3ain is a reg!lar Bilderberg Meetings 3arti+i3ant. &Gett" 5mages'

Ri!hard $olbroo2e &le#t'+ the U. . Representative to the United 9ations+ !hats *ith >ongo(s strongman Laurent 8esire %abila during a signature o# the tatus o# For!es 3greement & <F3' in %inshasa+ >ongo &?aire' on )a" :+ /000. )i+hard Holbroo,e attended the 0111 Bilderberg Meetings held in Sintra, -ort!gal in !ne 0111. &R<B7R6 P36R5>%4><RB5 DG)3'

Paul Wol#o*itF &le#t'+ President o# the World Ban2+ meets *ith ,oseph %abila &right'+ President o# >ongo &?aire'+ on )ar!h C+ /00.. -a!l $olfo;it9 attended the 2002 Bilderberg Meetings held in &stanb!l, 8!r,ey in !ne 2002. >ongo &#ormerl" ?aire' is #amous #or its minerals &i.e. gold+ diamond+ !opper+ !obalt'. &Photo: J Flavien 9FaFi4World Ban2'

President o# Dugoslavia W erbiaX lobodan )ilosevi! &le#t' is greeted b" U. . 3ssistant e!retar" o# tate Ri!hard $olbroo2e a#ter arriving at Wright;Patterson 3ir For!e Base near 8a"ton+ <hio+ on <!tober B-+ -CCG. )i+hard Holbroo,e attended the 011" Bilderberg Meetings held in B!rgensto+,, S;it9erland from 8#00 !ne 011". &Gett" 5mages'

*edish envo" >arl Bildt &le#t'+ a regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant+ meets *ith President o# Dugoslavia W erbiaX lobodan )ilosevi!.

President lobodan )ilosevi! o# the Federal Republi! o# Dugoslavia+ President 3liLa 5Fetbegovi! o# the Republi! o# Bosnia and $erFegovina+ and President FranLo 6udLman o# the Republi! o# >roatia sign the 8a"ton Pea!e 3!!ords at Wright;Patterson 3ir For!e Base near 8a"ton+ <hio+ U. .3. on 9ovember /-+ -CCGO S;edish en/oy Carl Bildt, a reg!lar Bilderberg Meetings 3arti+i3ant, is seated third from right. 6he Bal2an Pro=imit" Pea!e 6al2s *ere !ondu!ted at Wright;Patterson 3ir For!e Base 9ov. -;/-+ -CCG. 6he tal2s ended the !on#li!t arising #rom the brea2up o# the Republi! o# Dugoslavia. 6he 8a"ton 3!!ords paved the *a" #or the signing o# the #inal HGeneral Frame*or2 3greement #or Pea!e in Bosnia and $erFegovinaI at the 7l"see Pala!e in Paris on 8e!ember -:+ -CCG. 6he General Frame*or2 3greement #or Pea!e in Bosnia and $erFegovina+ in#ormall" 2no*n as the 8a"ton Pea!e 3!!ords+ is a pea!e agreement that *as !on!luded at Wright;Patterson 3ir For!e Base near 8a"ton+ <hio+ U. .3. on 9ovember /-+ -CCG and #ormall" signed in Paris+ Fran!e on 8e!ember -:+ -CCG. 6he 8a"ton Pea!e 3!!ords ended the Bosnian War &-CC/;-CCG'. &Photo: U. . 3ir For!e'

Le#t photo: 7uropean >ommission president ,ose )anuel Barroso &le#t' greets Lib"a(s strongman )uammar Gadda#i. Right photo: Lib"a(s strongman )uammar Gadda#i &le#t' meets *ith Pas!al Lam"+ 8ire!tor;General o# World 6rade <rganiFation.

#ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger &L' and >ommunist >hina(s President $u ,intao &R' and spea2 to ea!h other *ith the help o# a translator during a lun!heon in !elebration o# >ommunist >hina@s tate Visit at the U. . 8epartment o# tate in Washington+ 8.>. on ,anuar" -C+ /0--. Henry Kissinger attended the 2000 Bilderberg Meetings in St. Morit9, S;it9erland from 1#02 !ne 2000. &Gett" 5mages'

,ommunist ,hina:s President Ti >inping meets with former E+8+ 8ecretary of 8tate #enry Iissinger% a member of the Bilderberg "roup and the 7rilateral ,ommission% at the "reat #all of the People in BeiCing% ,ommunist ,hina on $pril 'B% '()*+ #enry Iissinger is a regular Bilderberg Meetings participant+ (Photo- http-11www+fmprc+go +cn1eng1/xxx1t)(*2&(B+shtml)

>ommunist >hina(s Premier Wen ,iabao &le#t' a!!ompanies 5tal"(s Prime )inister )ario )onti &right' to vie* an honor guard during a *el!oming !eremon" at the Great $all o# the People in BeiLing+ >ommunist >hina on )ar!h B-+ /0-/. )onti paid an o##i!ial visit to >hina #rom )ar!h B0 to 3pril /. )ario )onti is a regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant. &Feng Li4Gett" 5mages'

U. . 9ational 7!onomi! >oun!il >hairman La*ren!e ummers &le#t' sha2es hands *ith President o# >ommunist >hina $u ,intao &!enter' at the Great $all o# the People in BeiLing+ >ommunist >hina on eptember 1+ /0-0. :a;ren+e S!mmers attended the 2000 Bilderberg Meetings held in Sitges, S3ain from '#( !ne 2000. &Feng Li4Gett" 5mages 3siaPa!'

Former U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger &le#t' meets *ith 5srael(s President himon Peres in ,erusalem+ 5srael on )a" -/+ /001. %issinger *as in 5srael as part o# !elebrations o# the A0th anniversar" o# the #ounding o# the modern tate o# 5srael. Henry Kissinger attended the 2008 Bilderberg Meetings held in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. from !ne "#8, 2008. &Gett" 5mages4GP<'

$enr" %issinger tal2s to Prime )inister 3riel haron at the 5sraeli >onsul General(s home in 9e* Dor2 >it" on ,une /G+ /00-. 3riel haron *as a member o# the Li2ud Part". $enr" %issinger attended the /00- Bilderberg )eetings held in tenungsund+ *eden #rom /:;/. )a" /00-. &Photo: 3vi <ha"on+ GP<'

$enr" %issinger visits 5srael(s Prime )inister DitFha2 hamir in 9e* Dor2 >it" on 8e!ember -0+ -CC0. Henry Kissinger attended the 0110 Bilderberg Meetings held in 7len Co/e, 4e; <or,, USA from 00#0' May 0110. &Photo: 5sraeli 6svi2a+ GP<'

$enr" %issinger embra!es 5srael(s Prime )inister )ena!hem Begin in Washington 8.>. on ,ul" /0+ -C... )ena!hem Begin *as a member o# the Li2ud Part" and a member o# the 5rgun ?vai Leumi &5?L'. Henry Kissinger attended the 0122 Bilderberg Meetings held in 8orD!ay, ?ngland from 22#2% A3ril 0122. &Photo: ,aa!ov aar+ GP<'

$enr" %issinger greets 5srael(s Prime )inister BenLamin 9etan"ahu in ,erusalem on ,anuar" -0+ -CCC. BenLamin 9etan"ahu is a member o# the Li2ud Part". Henry Kissinger attended the 0118 Bilderberg Meetings held in Ayrshire, S+otland from May 0%#02, 0118. &Photo: 3vi <ha"on45srael Government Press <##i!e &GP<''

First 8eput" )anaging 8ire!tor o# the 5nternational )onetar" Fund &5)F' tanle" Fis!her &le#t' prepares to sha2e hands *ith 3rab terrorist Dasser 3ra#at during a press !on#eren!e in the lobb" o# the 5)F building in Washington+ 8.>. on ,anuar" /-+ /000. Stanley 6is+her attended the 0111 Bilderberg Meetings held in Sintra, -ort!gal from !ne '#(, 0111. &Paul ,. Ri!hards43FP4Gett" 5mages'

3rab terrorist Dasser 3ra#at &right' spea2s at a press !on#eren!e *ith World Ban2 President ,ames Wol#ensohn &le#t' a#ter a signing !eremon" at the World Ban2 in Washington+ 8.>.+ U. .3. on )a" -+ -CCA. 6he World Ban2 approved a Q/0 million !redit loan to help HalleviateI the e!onomi! !risis in GaFa and the West Ban2 territories o# HPalestineI. ames $olfensohn attended the 011( Bilderberg Meetings held in 8oronto, Canada from May '0, 011( to !ne 2, 011(. &,o"!e 9alt!ha"an43FP4Gett" 5mages'

3rab terrorist Dasser 3ra#at visits 7uropean >ommission President Romano Prodi &le#t'+ a Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant+ on 9ovember G+ /00-. &Photo: 7uropean >ommission'

Bilderberg Group member 8avid Ro!2e#eller+ #ormer >hairman and >7< o# >hase )anhattan Ban2 in 9e* Dor2 >it"+ sha2es hands *ith 3rab terrorist Dasser 3ra#at.

Le#t to right: 3rab terrorist Dasser 3ra#at &le#t'+ World Ban2 President ,ames Wol#ensohn &!enter'+ and 5sraeli politi!ian himon Peres &right' greet one another on ,anuar" /0+ -CC1. ames $olfensohn attended the 0118 Bilderberg Meetings held in Ayrshire, S+otland from May 0%#02, 0118. &,a!Kues Langevin4><RB5 DG)3'

,ames Wol#ensohn &le#t'+ outgoing President o# the World Ban2+ sha2es hands *ith 5srael(s Prime )inister 3riel haron at the start o# their meeting in haron@s o##i!e in ,erusalem+ 5srael on )a" /+ /00G. ,ames Wol#ensohn is a member o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations. ames $olfensohn attended the 200" Bilderberg Meetings held in )otta+h#?gern, 7ermany from May "#8, 200". &Photo b" )oshe )ilner4GP< via Gett" 5mages'

5srael@s President himon Peres &le#t' holds a Loint ne*s !on#eren!e *ith 7uropean >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso at the 7> headKuarters in Brussels+ Belgium on )ar!h .+ /0-B. &Reuters4Dves $erman'

Prime )inister o# 5tal" )ario )onti &right' greets 5srael@s President himon Peres during an e!onomi! summit at Villa d@7ste $otel in >ernobbio+ 5tal" &near La2e >omo' on unda"+ ept. C+ /0-/. )ario )onti is a regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipant.

Foreign )inister o# 5srael 6Fipi Livni &le#t' appears *ith Foreign )inister o# *eden >arl Bildt in an undated photo.

>ongratulator" spirits prevail among 7uropean and 5sraeli po*er elites on ,anuar" G+ /00C as the" pose #or a photograph at the ,erusalem o##i!e o# 6Fipi Livni+ one o# three !andidates #or 5sraeli Prime )inister in the up!oing Februar" -0 ele!tions. &Photo+ #rom right to le#t+ 7uropean >ommissioner #or 7=ternal Relations Benita Ferrero Waldner+ >Fe!h Foreign )inister %arel !h*arFenberg+ 5srael(s Foreign )inister 6Fipi Livni+ *eden(s Foreign )inister >arl Bildt+ Fren!h Foreign )inister Bernard %ou!hner+ and 7U Foreign poli!" !hie# ,avier olana'. S+h;ar9enberg, Bildt, Ko!+hner, and Solana ha/e attended the Bilderberg Meetings in the 3ast. &Photo: http:44!anar"papers.*ordpress.!om4/00C40-40G4the;!hildren;o#;palestine;a;photo;essa";on;israels;*ar;!rimes;in;gaFa4'

Mario Monti (left)% the Prime Minister of <taly% and BenCamin Netanyahu (right)% the Prime Minister of <srael% sha0e hands after signing a Coint declaration in >erusalem% <srael on Actober '2% '()'+ 7he two leaders were expected to discuss regional issues such as 8yria% a stalling <sraeli;Palestinian peace process% the difficult relations with 7ehran and renewed tensions with 6gypt+ Mario Monti is a longtime member of the Bilderberg "roup and the 7rilateral ,ommission+ (Photo- Pool1"etty <mages 6urope)

Golda )eir &le#t'+ the Foreign )inister o# 5srael+ meets *ith #ormer Fren!h Premier Gu" )ollet &!enter' in -CGC. Gu" )ollet attended the Bilderberg )eetings in the past. &Photograph: FritF >ohen+ 5srael Government Press <##i!e' http:44israelsdo!uments.blogspot.!om4/0-B40.4happ";#ourth;o#;Lul";and;please;give;us.html

)ario )onti &le#t'+ the Prime )inister o# 5tal"+ and BenLamin 9etan"ahu &right'+ the Prime )inister o# 5srael+ sign a Loint de!laration in ,erusalem+ 5srael on <!tober /G+ /0-/. &Photo: Pool4Gett" 5mages 7urope'

Former U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger &le#t'+ #ormer Prime )inister o# Great Britain 6on" Blair &!enter'+ and 5srael(s President himon Peres sit #or a !hat at the President@s >on#eren!e in ,erusalem+ 5srael on !ne 01, 2002. Henry Kissinger attended the 2002 Bilderberg Meetings held in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. from '0 May#' !ne 2002.

>arl Bildt &le#t'+ Foreign )inister o# *eden+ meets *ith 5raK(s Prime )inister 9ouri al;)ali2i in Baghdad+ 5raK on Februar" /B+ /0-0. Carl Bildt attended the Bilderberg Meetings in 2001 and 2000. &3P Photo'

World Ban2 President ,ames 8. Wol#ensohn &le#t' spea2s to members o# the interim 5raKi Governing >oun!il in Baghdad+ 5raK on ,ul" B0+ /00B. From le#t to right: ,ames Wol#ensohn+ United 9ations spe!ial envo" ergio Veira de )ello+ 5raKi 9ational >ongress leader 3hmed >halabi+ hiite !oun!il member 32ila $ashemi+ tribal !hie# !oun!il member 3bdul %arim al;)ohammada*i+ )ohsen 3bdul;$amid+ se!retar"; general o# the 5raKi )uslim Brotherhood+ 5raKi hiite 3"atollah )ohammed Bahrhul Uloom. ,ames Wol#ensohn and 3hmad >halabi attended the /00A Bilderberg )eetings held in <tta*a+ >anada #rom 1;-- ,une /00A. &%arim ahib43FP4Gett" 5mages'

U. . e!retar" o# tate >ondoleeFFa Ri!e &right' greets #ormer President o# Lebanon 3min Gema"el &le#t' in Beirut+ Lebanon on ,une -A+ /001. e!retar" o# tate >ondoleeFFa Ri!e made a surprise visit to Lebanon on !ne 0(, 2008 to bolster Lebanon@s ne* president as rival politi!al leaders still struggle to #orm a ne* government. Condolee99a )i+e attended the 2008 Bilderberg Meetings in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. from "#8 !ne 2008. &3FP4Gett" 5mages'

U. . e!retar" o# tate >ondoleeFFa Ri!e &le#t' visits Lib"a(s ruler )uammar Gadha#i in 6ripoli+ Lib"a on eptember G+ /001. Condolee99a )i+e attended the 2008 Bilderberg Meetings in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. from "#8 !ne 2008. &3FP4Gett" 5mages'

=eft to right- .uel Minister of E0raine 6duard 8ta its0y% President of E0raine Vi0tor Ganu0o ych% Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mar0 Rutte and ,6A of Royal 5utch 8hell Peter Voser sha0e hands after exchanging a signed agreement at the ?orld 6conomic .orum (?6.) in 5a os% 8wit/erland on >anuary 'B% '()*+ (Reuters) 6rime !inister of the Netherlands !ar3 Rutte and 4$, of Ro0al 1ut/h 2hell 6eter 7oser attended the 2012 Bilderber !eetin s held in 4hantill0# 7ir inia# 8)2)9) from !a0 31# 2012 until %une 3# 2012) Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands% 7hen;E+8+ 8enator >ohn .orbes Ierry% #enry Iissinger% former E+8+ 8ecretary of 8tate ()3D*;)3DD)% and <gor 8+ < ano % .oreign Minister of Russia ()33&;'((B)% also attended the '()' Bilderberg Meetings+

President o# U2raine Vi2tor Danu2ov"!h+ &le#t' greets #ormer U. . e!retar" o# tate $enr" %issinger in %iev+ U2raine on )onda"+ ,une /G+ /0-/. Henry Kissinger attended the 2002 Bilderberg Meetings held in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A. from May '0# !ne ', 2002. &3P Photo'

Foreign )inister o# *eden >arl Bildt &le#t' and Foreign )inister o# Poland Rade2 i2ors2i &!enter' meet *ith President o# U2raine Vi2tor Danu2ov"!h &right' in %iev+ U2raine in 9ovember /0-0. >arl Bildt is a member o# the Bilderberg Group and the 6rilateral >ommission. Carl Bildt attended the 200' Bilderberg Meetings held in Hertfordshire, ?ngland near :ondon from !ne (#1, 200'. &Photo: P3P4Pa*el %ulaO )inisterst*o pra* ?agrani!Fn"!h'

8eput" U. . e!retar" o# 8e#ense Paul Wol#o*itF &right' es!orts Prime )inister o# U2raine Vi!tor Danu2ov"!h &le#t' through an honor !ordon and into the Pentagon on <!tober C+ /00B. Wol#o*itF and Danu2ov"!h met to dis!uss a range o# national and international se!urit" issues. &Photo: U. . 8epartment o# 8e#ense4R.8. Ward'

7uropean Union President $erman Van Rompu" &!enter' and 7uropean >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso &right' *el!ome President o# U2raine Vi2tor Danu2ov"!h &le#t' ahead o# a 7uropean Union;U2raine ummit in Brussels+ Belgium on Februar" /G+ /0-B.

Bilderberg Meetings participant .oreign Minister of 8weden ,arl Bildt (left) sha0es hands with .oreign Minister of <ran Mohammad;>a ad Sarif (right) after a press conference in 7ehran% <ran on .ebruary B% '()B+ (Tinhua1$hmad #alabisa/)

Bilderberg Meetings participant .oreign Minister of 8weden ,arl Bildt (left) greets President of $fghanistan #amid Iar/ai on $pril D% '()B+

6xtra- 7hierry de Montbrial U .riends- $ Bilderberg <ntrigueN

6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ 8ire!tor o# the Fren!h 5nstitute o# 5nternational 3##airs &5FR5'+ *el!omes Paul Wol#o*itF+ President o# 6he World Ban2+ at the 5nstitute in Paris+ Fran!e on <!tober -1+ /00A. 8hierry de Montbrial and -a!l $olfo;it9 are reg!lar Bilderberg Meetings 3arti+i3ants. &Photo: J World Ban24Fabien )arr"'

,ean;>laude 6ri!het+ the President o# 7uropean >entral Ban2+ gestures during a meeting.

6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ greets )ario )onti+ Prime )inister o# 5tal"+ during a WP> /0-/ !on#eren!e held in >annes+ Fran!e on 8e!ember 1+ /0-/. 6hierr" de )ontbrial and )ario )onti are regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipants. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

/001+ 7vian WFran!eX ; 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ meets *ith ,ean;>laude 6ri!het+ President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2. 8hierry de Montbrial attended the Bilderberg Meetings in 012", 0122#011", 0112, 2000# 200(, and 2008#2002. &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

WP> /0--+ Vienna+ 3ustria+ 8e!ember -0+ /0-- ; 3ndrU LUv";Lang &le#t'+ 9on;e=e!utive >hairman o# Les 7!hos+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &!enter'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ and 7hud Bara2+ #ormer Prime )inisterO )inister o# 8e#ense and 8eput" Prime )inister o# 5srael. AndrH :H/y#:ang and 8hierry de Montbrial are reg!lar Bilderberg Meetings 3arti+i3ants. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

,a!ob Fren2el &le#t'+ >hairman o# ,P)organ >hase 5nternational and #ormer Governor o# the Ban2 o# 5srael+ greets 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ at a WP> /0-- !on#eren!e in Vienna+ 3ustria on 8e!ember /0--. &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

,a!ob 3. Fren2el &le#t'+ >hairman o# ,P)organ >hase 5nternational and #ormer Governor o# the Ban2 o# 5srael+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &!enter'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ and 7d*ard 8LereLian &right'+ Founding 8ire!tor o# ,ames 3. Ba2er 555 5nstitute #or Publi! Poli!" and #ormer U. . 3mbassador to "ria+ attend a WP> /0-- !on#eren!e in Vienna+ 3ustria on 8e!ember -0+ /0--. ,a!ob 3. Fren2el is a member o# the 6rilateral >ommissionO 7d*ard 8LereLian is a member o# the >oun!il on Foreign Relations in 9e* Dor2 >it". &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

/0-0+ )arra2e!h W)oro!!oX ; Ban %i;)oon+ e!retar";General o# the United 9ations+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP> &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

7hierry de Montbrial (left)% President and founder of the ?orld Policy ,onference (?P,)% chats with >im #oagland% $ssociate 6ditor and ,hief .oreign ,orrespondent of The Washington Post% during a ?P, '()) conference held at the Rathaus in Vienna% $ustria on 5ecember )(% '())+ Bhierr0 de !ontbrial and %im "oa land attended the 2002 Bilderber !eetin s that 5as held in 4hantill0# 7ir inia# 8)2)9) from !a0 30# 2002 to %une 2# 2002) (Photo- ?orld Policy ,onference)

/001+ 7vian WFran!eX ; 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ $ans Gert P]ttering &!enter'+ President o# the 7uropean Parliament+ and ,aap de $oop !he##er+ e!retar";General o# 936< &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ and 3bdullah G^l+ President o# the Republi! o# 6ur2e"+ attend a WP> /0-- !on#eren!e in Vienna+ 3ustria on 8e!ember C+ /0--. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

/00C+ )arra2e!h W)oro!!oX ; 3mr )oussa &le#t'+ Ath e!retar" General o# the League o# 3rab tates+ *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP> &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ President and #ounder o# the World Poli!" >on#eren!e &WP>'+ appears *ith 3dil 3bd al;)ahdi+ #ormer Vi!e President o# the Republi! o# 5raK+ during a WP> /0-/ !on#eren!e in >annes+ Fran!e on 8e!ember C+ /0-/. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

/0-0+ )arra2e!h ; )iguel _ngel )oratinos &!enter'+ )inister o# Foreign 3##airs o# pain+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &right'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ and ,ean;8avid Levitte+ 8iplomati! 3dvisor and herpa o# President 9i!olas ar2oF" &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ and his *i#e )arie;>hristine de )ontbrial &right' dine *ith Fareed Dasseen &!enter'+ 3mbassador o# the Republi! o# 5raK to Fran!eO+ during a WP> /0-/ !on#eren!e in >annes+ Fran!e on 8e!ember C+ /0-/. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

8inner;debate+ 3bdullah G^l &le#t'+ President o# the Republi! o# 6ur2e"+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

)anuel $assassian &le#t'+ 3mbassador o# Palestine to the United %ingdom+ appears *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ during a WP> /0-/ !on#eren!e in >annes+ Fran!e on 8e!ember C+ /0-/. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

/001+ 7vian WFran!eX ; 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ and 3bdoula"e Wade+ President o# the Republi! o# enegal &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

3lassane <uattara &le#t'+ President o# the Republi! o# >`te d@5voire W5vor" >oastX+ appears *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ during a WP> /0-/ !on#eren!e in >annes+ Fran!e on 8e!ember .+ /0-/.[ &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

/001+ 7vian WFran!eX ; Raila 3molo <dinga &le#t'+ Prime )inister o# the Republi! o# %en"a+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP> &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

,ean;>laude 6ri!het+ #ormer President o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2 &le#t'+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &!enter'+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ and 3lassane <uattara+ President o# the Republi! o# >`te d@5voire attend a WP> /0-/ !on#eren!e in >annes+ Fran!e on 8e!ember .+ /0-/. ,ean;>laude 6ri!het and 6hierr" de )ontbrial are regular Bilderberg )eetings parti!ipants. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

8inner;debate+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t' *ith )i2heil aa2a!hvili+ President o# Georgia &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

/001+ 7vian WFran!eX ; 8mitr" )edvedev &le#t'+ President o# the Federation o# Russia+ meets *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP> &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

Le#t photo: /001+ 7vian WFran!eX ; 9i!olas ar2oF" &le#t'+ President o# the Fren!h Republi!+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP> &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4' Right photo: /001+ 7vian WFran!eX ; Pas!al Lam"+ 8ire!tor;General o# the World 6rade <rganiFation+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP> &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

WP> /0--+ Vienna+ 3ustria+ 8e!ember C+ /0-- ; 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ 7hud Bara2+ #ormer Prime )inister+ )inister o# 8e#ense and 8eput" Prime )inister o# 5srael+ Peter Praet+ )ember o# the 7=e!utive Board o# the 7uropean >entral Ban2 &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

/0-0+ )arra2e!h W)oro!!oX ; 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ Fu Ding+ Vi!e )inister o# Foreign 3##airs o# the People@s Republi! o# >hina &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

WP> /0--+ Vienna+ 3ustria+ 8e!ember C+ /0-- ; $is Ro"al $ighness Prin!e 6ur2i 3l;Faisal+ >hairman o# %ing Faisal >enter #or Resear!h and 5slami! tudies+ Fu Ding+ Vi!e )inister o# Foreign 3##airs o# the People@s Republi! o# >hina+ $einF Fis!her+ President o# the Republi! o# 3ustria+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ President and #ounder o# the WP>+ 7hud Bara2+ #ormer Prime )inister+ )inister o# 8e#ense and 8eput" Prime )inister o# 5srael+ )ar" Robinson+ #ormer President o# 5reland and President o# )ar" Robinson Foundation+ 6oomas $endri2 5lves+ President o# the Republi! o# 7stonia+ )artti 3htisaari+ #ormer President o# the Republi! o# Finland+ a2ong 5l+ Presidential 7nvo" o# the Republi! o# %orea. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

3#ri!a: 6he Road to <pportunit"+ Paul Wol#o*itF &le#t'+ President o# the World Ban2+ *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'+ President and #ounder o# the World Poli!" >on#eren!e &WP>'+ and his *i#e )arie;>hristine de )ontbrial &right' greet $an ung;,oo+ #ormer )inister o# Foreign 3##airs o# the Republi! o# %orea & outh %orea'+ during a WP> /0-/ !on#eren!e held in >annes+ Fran!e on 8e!ember .+ /0-/. $an ung;,oo is a member o# the 6rilateral >ommission. &Photo: World Poli!" >on#eren!e'

/001+ 7vian ; $ans Gert P]ttering &le#t'+ President o# the 7uropean Parliament+ 9ambar"n 7n2hba"ar &!enter'+ President o# )ongolia+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial &right'+ President and #ounder o# the WP> &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

/0-- 3nnual >on#eren!e 7uropean Governan!e and Geopoliti!s o# 7nerg" Program+ H peed Bumps on the Road to ustainabilit"I+ $erman Van Rompu"+ President o# the 7uropean >oun!il+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

8inner;debate+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ )i!hel Barnier+ 7uropean >ommissioner #or 5nternal )ar2et and ervi!es &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

>on#eren!e+ outh 3#ri!a and 3#ri!a in a >hanging World+ ,a!ob G. ?uma+ President o# the Republi! o# outh 3#ri!a+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

Lun!h;debate+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t' greets ,a!ob ?uma+ President o# the 3#ri!an 9ational >ongress &39>' &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

R*anda: 3#ri!a@s role in a ne* global realit"+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t' *ith Paul %agame+ President o# the Republi! o# R*anda &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

R*anda: 3#ri!a@s role in a ne* global realit"+ Paul %agame &le#t'+ President o# the Republi! o# R*anda+ *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6omorro*(s 5raK+ ,alal 6alabani+ President o# 5raK+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6omorro*(s 5raK+ ,alal 6alabani+ President o# 5raK+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6omorro*(s 5raK+ ,alal 6alabani+ President o# 5raK+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

$amid %arFai+ President o# the 5slami! Republi! o# 3#ghanistan+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

Pa2istan toda"+ PerveF )usharra#+ President o# the 5slami! Republi! o# Pa2istan+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

Pa2istan toda"+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ PerveF )usharra#+ President o# the 5slami! Republi! o# Pa2istan &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

Le#t to right: Bertrand >olomb+ #ormer U9 e!retar" General %o#i 3nnan+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial+ and Robert Badinter &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

8inner;debate+ Petr 9eaas &le#t'+ Prime )inister o# >Fe!h Republi!+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

8inner;debate+ 8ora Ba2o"annis &le#t'+ Foreign )inister o# Gree!e+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

8inner;debate+ >arlos Ghosn+ President and >7< o# Renault+ greets 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

7uropean >ommission President ,ose )anuel Barroso &/ nd right' appears *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t'. &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

U9 and the 9e* >hallenges o# 5nternational e!urit"+ $ans Bli=+ )i!hel >amdessus+ Gareth 7vans+ ,ean;)arie GuUhenno+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

Ramses /0-0: Global >risis and Global Governan!e )orning;debate #or the release o# Ramses /0-0+ Pierre Lellou!he+ e!retar" o# tate o# 7uropean 3##airs+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6he ta2es o# the Fren!h Presiden!" o# the 7U+ ,ean;Pierre ,ou"et+ Fren!h e!retar" o# tate #or 7uropean 3##airs+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

Presentation o# Ramses /0-/ ; B0th edition+ ,ean;Pierre Ra##arin+ #ormer Prime )inister+ Vi!e;President o# the Fren!h enate+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

6hierr" de )ontbrial+ GUrard Longuet+ Fren!h )inister o# 8e#en!e and War Veterans &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

5nvesting in 7urope@s 7nerg" Future+ 3nnual >on#eren!e o# the H7uropean Governan!e and Geopoliti!s o# 7nerg"I Program+ 3ndris Piebalgs+ 7uropean >ommissioner #or 7nerg"+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

Brea2#ast;debate+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t' *ith >elso 3morim+ Foreign )inister o# BraFil &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

9e* >hanges and >hallenges to the Global 7!onom"+ !on#eren!e;debate+ Robert 8. $ormats &le#t'+ Under e!retar" o# tate #or 7!onomi!+ 7nerg" and 3gri!ultural 3##airs+ United tates+ and 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

8inner;debate+ >harles Riv2in &le#t'+ United tates 3mbassador to Fran!e+ *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

ir Peter ,ohn Westma!ott &le#t'+ United %ingdom 3mbassador to Fran!e+ appears *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

>on#eren!e;debate+ Boris 6adi! &le#t'+ President o# the Republi! o# erbia+ *ith 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

8inner;debate+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &le#t' *ith 3bdou 8iou#+ #ormer President o# the Republi! o# enegal and e!retar" General o# the 5nternational <rganiFation o# the Fran!ophonie &<5F' &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

>on#eren!e;debate+ 6he Role o# >hina in Global Governan!e+ Dang ,ie!hi+ )inister #or Foreign 3##airs o# the People(s Republi! o# >hina+ 6hierr" de )ontbrial &Photo: http:44***.thierr"demontbrial.!om4'

3B<U6 6$7 3U6$<R: William P. Lit"ns2i served in the U. . 3rm" #rom eptember /00-;9ovember /00:+ primaril" in the First 3rmored 8ivision in German" &3pa!he 6roop+ -;- >3V+ Budingen'O he *as deplo"ed to 5raK &near Baghdad' #rom 3pril /00B until ,ul" /00:. $e attended >restvie* $igh !hool in >restvie*+ Florida #rom -CCA;/000 and graduated in /000. $e lived at Do2ota 3ir Base+ ,apan &U. . 3ir For!e base near 6o2"o' #rom -C1.; -CCB. &$is mother is #rom ,apan+ and his grand#ather *as dra#ted t*i!e b" the 5mperial ,apanese 9av" during World War 55.' William P. Lit"ns2i has traveled e=tensivel" and has visited 6o2"o+ London+ Paris+ Rome+ Berlin+ Vienna+ Brussels+ Lu=embourg >it"+ )uni!h+ Fran2#urt am )ain+ 9e* Dor2 >it"+ Washington 8.>.+ Boston+ Philadelphia+ >hi!ago+ eattle+ and 8allas. &7;mail: *plB-:b"ahoo.!om'

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