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Syllabus for Chemical Principles I: CHE 131

Fall Semester, AY 2013-2014
Instructors: Professors Garafalo (Rm 215 Fennel)) & DePierro (W202E)

Meeting Times:
If you are in section A, classes meet M, W, F, 10-11AM in Stoklosa Hall (216), and F, 8-9 AM in Reed Hall (204)
If you are in section B, classes meet M, W, F, 11AM-12 in Stoklosa Hall (216), and M, 8-9 AM in Reed Hall (204)
If you are in section C, classes meet M, W, F, 10AM-11AM and F, 8-9 AM in MAT 3010
If you are in section D, classes meet M, W, F, 11AM-12 noon and M, 8-9 AM in MAT 3010

No matter what class section you are assigned, you will be assigned to one of the following 3-hour lab sections,
which meet in the Chemistry Laboratory: M, W, or F,12-3 PM; M, W, or F, 3-6 PM; M ,W, Th, or F 6:30-9:30 PM;
Sat AM
Extra Help Hours (Office Hours)
Garafalo: M 2 PM in W204; T 12:30PM inW204; T 4 PM in W101; W 8AM in W204
DePierro: TBA

Course Description: This course emphasizes construction of scientific concepts based on observation, and the
development of reasoning skills based on active learning. Topics include mass, force, energy, interpreting
phenomena in terms of atomic theory, gases, stoichiometry, periodic properties of the elements, and solutions.

Course Requirements: Texts: Chemical Principles I, Notes for Fall Semester, and Laboratory Guide both by F.
Garafalo, and Chemistry Labs,(CENGAGE Learning). All available at the bookstore (Mass.College of Art)
Various documents, daily messages, and a day-to-day class schedule will be posted on the electronic
Blackboard System, but you are expected to come to every class. (This is your responsibility; attendence is not
taken.) If you need to talk to us, please do so in person after class, or before, during or after a help session. We
cannot do chatty e-mail with 600+ students. Class meetings will include instructor - led discussions of the Notes,
and interactive problem solving with your classmates. You are expected to read chapters prior to coming to class so
that you can participate. You should do all end-of -chapter questions! Answers will be posted, but copying answers
does not mean you understand a problem. Test questions will be similar to these.

Tests: You must take 3 of the 4 hour exams. Each is a 20-question, multiple choice exam. You are allowed to miss
one exam of your choice. If you take all four, your best three will be counted. If you miss an exam for any reason,
that is your drop grade. There will be no makeup tests for any reason, including an excused absence. Expect
material from lab on the tests. The final will be a two-hour, 40-question, multiple choice exam.
Test Dates: (Note: Section A & C time is 10 AM, section B & D time is 11AM.)
Test 1: Wednesday, Sept. 25 (week 4) Units 1 (ch 1 - 12), 2, & 3
Test 2: Wednesday, Oct. 16 (week 7) Units 6 (ch 1 12)
Test 3: Wednesday, Nov. 6, (week 10) Unit 6 (ch 13) & Unit 7
Test 4: Wednesday, Nov. 20, (week 13) Units 8 & 9
Final Exam: Sometime during week 15. Units 10, plus selected material from previous units

Grading: 3 best tests: 3 x 18% = 54%; final exam =26%; laboratory =20%; for a total of 100%
Approximate cutoffs: A: 93, A-: 90, B+: 87; B: 80, B-: 78, C+: 76, C: 68, C-: 64, D: 60

Course Outline:
Orientation week: Introduction to Active Learning; Diagnostic Exam, First Assignment
Week 1: Measurement: Unit 2 ch 1-3 & 6,7, 8; Math Foundations: Unit 1 - ch 2, 8, 9
Week 2: Math Foundations: Unit 1 - ch 9 12; Mass, Density & Volume Unit 2 ch 3, 4 & 5
Week 3: Observations about Matter: Unit 3
Week 4: Inferences about Atomic Realm: Unit 6 ch 1- 4
Week 5: Inferences about Atomic Realm: Unit 6 ch 5 - 11
Week 6: Inferences about Atomic Realm: Unit 6 - ch 12 & 13; Periodic Table: Unit 7 ch 1 - 3
Week 7: Inferences about Atomic Realm: Unit 6 - ch 14
Week 8: Periodic Table: Unit 7 - ch 5 - 8
Week 9: Periodic Table: Unit 7 - ch 9 - 12
Week 10: Energy: Unit 8
Week 11: Gradients & Equilibrium: Unit 9
Week 12: Charge: Unit 10 - ch 1 9
Week 13: Charge: Unit 10 - ch 12
Week 14: Charge: Unit 10 - ch 7 11
Week 15: Final Exam

Learning Objectives: After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Unit 1: a) evaluate a ratio and use it to determine the amount of one quantity that is associated with a given
amount of another.
b) convert numbers back and forth between standard and scientific notation
c) express numbers as logarithms, and determine antilogarithms

Unit 2: d) read instrument scales and report numbers with the correct level of uncertainty
e) determine the correct number of significant figures to report in a derived result
f) recognize the process of measurement involves comparing, counting, and reporting a number with a unit
g) define gravitational mass and density, and apply these concepts in various situations

Unit 3: h) give the different characteristics of solids, liquid, and gases
i) identify a material as either a compound, mixture, or element, based on experimental evidence
j) understand the laws of conservation of mass and constant composition
k) state evidence supporting the idea that matter is composed of tiny particles

U4:&5 l) distinguish between velocity and acceleration
m) understand the concept of force and correctly use the word force
n) describe the quantitative relationship between acceleration, mass and force

Unit 6: o) express the relationship between the gas pressure and volume, temperature and number of molecules;
perform calculations based on these relationships; interpret observed gas behavior in terms of the
underlying behavior of its molecules

Unit 7: p) understand the classification of the elements in terms of similar, recurrent properties
q) use the mole concept to compare masses and volumes of different elements
r) balance simple chemical equations
s) use the mole concept and a chemical equation to determine limiting reactants
t) express solution concentrations using mass and volume, or moles and volume

Unit 8: u) distinguish between potential, kinetic and internal energy
v) perform calculations using specific and molar heat capacities

Unit 9: w) identify various gradients and describe how a physical system comes to equilibrium
x) describe the process of osmosis and perform relevent calculations

Unit10: y) interpret the behavior of electrochemical cells in terms of charged atomic entities
z) recognize various ionic substances - acids, bases, and salts.

All materials, in whatever format, submitted by students for evaluation in MCPHS courses may be used by MCPHS
for program or institutional assessment. To the extent possible, individual identification will be removed from these
materials before they are used for assessment purposes.
Students must abide by the Academic Policies and Procedures set forth in the MCPHS College Catalog.
Important information regarding Excused Absence Approval, Disability Support Services for students,
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism, and other academic policies is set forth in the Academic Policies and
Procedures section of the MCPHS Catalog. Students must read,
understand, and comply with all of these policies and procedures.

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