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Lesson Plan Subject Class Enrolment Date Time Theme Topic Language Focus Main skill Integrated skill(s)

: English Language KBSR : Year 5 Cempaka : 20 pupils : 16 September 2013, Monday : 0730 0800 : World of Stories : Hygiene : Narrative writing : Writing skill : Reading skill

Learning Outcomes

Specifications All levels

4.1 (b) Write at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph level in 4.1.4 Write words, phrases and sentences in clear legible cursive clear, legible print and cursive writing. writing.

Level 3 4.4.3 Construct simple and compound sentences independently by 4.4 Construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. looking at pictures.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: a. write their ideas in complete sentences. b. correct capitalization, spelling and punctuation mistakes. Previous knowledge: The pupils have experienced in doing proofreading for their friends work. Teaching aids: Picture cards (Appendix 1), Pictures of the events of the story (Appendix 2), List of questions (Appendix 3), mind map (Appendix 4). Moral value(s): Eat healthy diet and importance of hygiene

Educational emphases: 1. Thinking skills: Critical and creative thinking skills are incorporated in the learning outcomes to enable learners to express their ideas accurately and creatively in the target language through writing. 2. Learning how to learn skills: Buddy support approach and proofreading during writing process encourages pupils to work and learn in community. This helps them to become independent learners.

Stage (time) Set induction (3 mins)


Teaching/Learning Activities To

Rationales gauge pupils the


Pictures of polluted food (Appendix 1)

1. Teacher displays the pictures of polluted food in picture cards. 2. Teacher talks about the polluted food with the pupils.

attention lesson. -


To prepare the pupils for the lesson.

Pre-writing (6 mins)

A series of pictures and some eliciting questions (Appendix 2)

1. Teacher pastes Appendix 2 and mind map (Appendix 4) on the board. 2. Pupils study the pictures and do

To prepare pupils for writing.

Questions to be asked while eliciting questions. (Appendix 3)

Mind map helps to give a clear hierarchical relationship of ideas which help the pupils with the structure of their essay.

Brainstorm a sequence of events of the story based on the pictures.

brainstorming. 3. Teacher elicits questions based on the pictures. 4. Teacher writes pupils answer on

Mind map on spread sheet (Appendix 4). .

the spread sheet.

Whilewriting (12 mins)

Writing first draft

1. In groups of 4, pupils write a draft referring to the mind map and pictures. -

To organize ideas into sentences. Buddy support approach

For pupils who have finish earlier, ask them to reread and

2. Each pupil writes about a picture.

enables them to help each other. The inexperienced buddy will also learn from experienced buddy. -

check for mistakes. Teacher walks around to assists the pupils language, spelling and punctuation.

Post-writing (6 mins)

Proofreading (Capitalization, and spelling) punctuation

1. Pupils exchange their drafts with their group members. For example: Pupil A writes about picture A. Pupils B write about picture B. Then, pupil A do proofreading of

To correct and learn from their friends mistakes.

Pay more attention to weaker pupils.

Revise peers feedback.

pupil Bs draft.

2. Pupils do proofreading of their partners drafts.

3. Drafts




improvements are made based on peer feedback. To evaluate pupils performance.

Conclusion (3 mins)

Compilation of their writing as a group.

1. In group, pupils compile their drafts and hand in to the teacher for evaluation.

Teacher instils good values and healthy lifestyle. 2. Teacher elicits oral responses from the pupils. Why do you think hygiene is important? What else can we do to stay healthy?

To instil good values in pupils daily lives.

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