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Ethics is a matter of morals and behaviour. It is in accordance with the norms of the society. However, it is to be remembered that local customs can not be taken all over the world. Definition of ethics Ethics is the distinction between right and wrong. A system of moral principles, rules and/or conducts. A science that deals with morals. (Moral is a branch of philosophy.) Moral correctness: Concerning principles of right and wrong behaviour; ethical Based on peoples sense Standards of behaviour Definition of civic Of a town or city; municipal Of citizens or citizenship Dos and Donts of life/living: Being muslims, we should be watchful of four things: (i) Halal (ii) amal-e-saaleh (iii) haraam (iv) tawaazun the Quran and the Sunnah provide for them. HE will enjoin on them that which is right and forbid them that which is wrong. HE will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit for them all foul and HE will relieve them of the burdens and the fetters that they used to wear 7:157 Begin with yourself ME Honest, truthful, pure, clean, pleasant, tolerant, friendly Avoid bad language and company At home, o help parents o be kind to siblings At school/college: o Respect and help teachers o Observe rules o Keep books neat and tidy o No mishandling of school furniture and property At play: o Be fair no cheating

o No bullying o No jeering At table: o Wash your hands o Dont put your knife to your mouth o Look after other people as well o Dont be greedy for food o Dont speak nor drink with mouth full o Cover your mouth when sneezing/coughing o Elbows on table a big NO! In the street/neighbourhood: o No pushing and running against people o No wall chalking o No destruction of property o No littering o Keep foot-paths clean of litter (fruit peels etc.) DO NOT throw them on the road o Be polite to old, foreigners and the crippled; dont make fun of them o Wait for your turn at shops/when shopping On the road: o Follow traffic rules they are there for your safety o Give room to pedestrians o No littering of roads; put all the garbage in a bag inside the car and dispose at a proper place Everywhere: o Never be rude to anyone o Knock before entering a room and close the door quietly behind you o Show attention to elderly people o Never interrupt anyone talking o Be punctual o Be tidy o Be alert in public of any mischievous movements; report them immediately o Be cooperative o Form a queue, especially at bus stops, banks, billing counters, etc At work: o Be punctual o Respect and promote life o Respect and promote culture of reason and rational thinking o Liberty of thought and religious views with cultural freedom (specially in multi-national companies) o All practices be based on same standards quality assurance o Maximization of efforts o Use of polite speech o Justice and Honesty: the key words never to be forgotten o Be true always. (REF 4:58)

When applying for job: o Avoid bad, indecipherable handwriting o Avoid poor layout o Check your spellings o Answer all questions in the application form; write N/A where applicable o Follow instructions o Be honest! o Covering letters with your resumes: keep them short, to the point When going for the interview: o Be punctual o Look confident o Firm handshake NO BONECRUSHING o Dress formally o Do your homework: gather information about the company/employer; have a rehearsal At the interview: o Listen carefully; dont interrupt o Show enthusiasm o Speak clearly and confidently o Be positive o Keep to the point

What our deen says? Islam claims universality and flexibility without dilution. For example, it provides us with the perfect greeting, beyond time, geographic and demographic constrains: ASSALAM O ALAIKUM WA RAHMATULLAHI WA BARAKAATUHOO The religion of Islam provides us with a relation between claims and practices. It emphasizes on character strength which is ideally acquired by confidence, through contact with our faith. It is to be noted that deen is easiness. Human personality is complex; affected by evolution and development caused by genetics, environment, early up-bringing, family size, nature of family, education, peers, social settings, learned behaviour, etc. Islam emphasizes on an integrated holistic personality by the principle of unity in life, through conscious modification of behaviour. For this, a role model is a necessity, without limitations of time and place. This problem is resolved by two major educational methods: (i) the Quran (ii) the Sunnah and the Hadis (21:10 and 68:4) Features of the Role Model: truthful trustworthy fair and just kind and compassionate straightforward patient

accessible courageous humble and simple following the Sunnah plays central role in development of a moderate character and personality and is obeying commands of Allah. 3:31 4:170 4:59 4:61 4:80 Justice on Individual and Society Justice is a practical word, not hypothetical. It has various dimensions and meanings as indicated in the Holy Quran: Balance, proportion and harmony (82: 6-7) Fair dealing (4:3) Equity (4:29) is providing a person with what he deserves Fair, even to the enemy (5:8) Compensation (2:48) Honest judgement (4:58) Social responsibility (16:90)

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