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Cosmic Awareness on September 21 This is Kees from Galactic Channelings.

We found this channeling of "Cosmic Awareness" worth reading (or listening to). I've personally followed the channeler, Will Berlinghof, for some years now and I think he's one of the purest channels. Here he speaks about the paradigm shift that will take place tomorrow, September 21. This is exactly 9 months after the famous date of December 21, 2012, passed by without much happening for most of us. "Cosmic Awareness" says that it takes some time for an old paradigm to die completely and a new one to kick in. Tomorrow will be the day that the new paradigm takes over for good, he says. The most remarkable property of these new energies is "instant karma". In other words: when you focus on something, it will manifest much faster than before. It's important to realize this, so that you don't spend your time on fear mongering news and such. Visualize positive and beautiful things! The transcript is here: The September 21 Transition Channeler: Will Berlinghof Welcome Awareness. Thank you for being with us for the Rainbow-Phoenix session of September 16, 2013. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter for your messages, Joan Mills as Questioner and Energizer. The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked. Is there an opening message or current event you wish to discuss prior to moving into the questions at this time please? That this Awareness does have indeed an opening message for one and all. That this Awareness would state that event of great importance is quickly moving towards the planet, towards the collective human consciousness. That this event is that event this Awareness has been speaking of for several months now. The event of the completion of the 9-month cycle and that which was a pause in the fabric of time and space as seen from those levels of conscious awareness beyond that which is human awareness. This Awareness has spoken of this period of time as an important state of inner reflection, of working within to achieve a level of understanding of the events that are ready to begin. It would be erroneous to think that nothing has been happening during the last 9-month period. Indeed much has occurred both on the personal level for many as well as the collective level for the planet itself, the collective level of human consciousness. This Awareness wishes to discuss this day more fully at this time. It wishes first to state that it is the end of the paradigm of belief and consciousness that has been dominant on the old planet A/B, and that new paradigms of belief and understanding are in the process of being formed and the 21 st will mark the ending of the old paradigm. What is important is to realize that this day is simply the birth day of a new paradigm that will now move into actualization. That the birth itself will be monumental, but it will still require an energy of understanding that has grown, that has expanded. That what will become quickly apparent is that events and circumstances will actualize themselves far more quickly than ever before.
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For this reason, it is imperative to understand that when one puts one's focus and attention in a certain direction, the likelihood of this occurring will be greatly expanded to what once was. That there is that concept that is known as instant karma. That when one has engaged in a thought process or an action, that there is an immediate result due to the thought or action. That this will be indeed the case for many and they will truly begin to see how it is that when they put their focus in a certain direction, they will quickly experience the consequences of their choices and their focus. Knowing this will be of great assistance to the many who have been working so hard at releasing the karma, not only from this lifetime but from many lifetimes. Many will think they have not done any work of this nature, but this Awareness would quickly state that many have been working at unconscious levels, that which could be understood as the dream state, and even though in the everyday workings of their lives they may not see results of this work, nonetheless this work has been undertaken by the many who have as their intent and desire a shift in consciousness. Therefore the 21st of September will mark the conclusion of the old realm of thinking and thought and beliefs that have so long dominated planet Earth, the old A/B model. That as a birth is but the new beginning, it would be erroneous to think that upon the day itself all will shift drastically and one will be launched into the New World and the old world will simply disappear. When a child is born, that infant cannot immediately express itself at high levels. On the personal level, one is not to anticipate that one can immediately do magic of the highest order, but knows of the possibility of doing magic of the highest order. Simply be patient, understand that you are newborn into this new paradigm of beliefs that has just emerged and that it will require a time for the growing and maturing into a higher state of actualization. Be also aware that as you think, so shall it be, and for those who understand this, they will also understand the great responsibility that will go along with this: the responsibility of ownership of one's thoughts and one's beliefs. This leads this Awareness to the second manifestation of the new order of belief and projection: this being on the collective level. That the new paradigm will be such that the collective will not immediately understand or realize what is now possible, what is available, and that they will continue to live as they have always lived, entertain the same thoughts and the beliefs that they have always entertained; and that this is a time of transition. That karma is such that many come onto this planet with the soul purpose of dealing with the souls karma, and the individual will have experiences of the karma throughout their life, moving towards the elimination of karma and the introduction of Dharma. Dharma is that state of a blank slate upon which anything can be written, whereas a karmic state is a state where the slate is written upon already and one must go through the checklist of karma and deal with the karma, eliminating the karma so that the blank slate of Dharma can be created. Once one has dealt with the karma of the soul, as so many have taken on in this life, a state between karma and Dharma could be understood to exist. When one is used to doing something a certain way and suddenly is not obligated to do it this way any longer, it does not always follow that one has the realization that this is so. Therefore many who are in a karma-free state will continue to act as if karma still exists in their life and thus, even though they are no longer governed by karma, their actions, their
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way of thinking and responding may be of the old nature until they recognize this is no longer needed and it is no longer the case. At that point they can indeed move into their Dharma and begin to put upon the slate that list of their own making and their own creation. But this period of time between the ending of the old karmic patterns and the full actualization into the new way, where one works with their Dharma and from a Dharmic state will take some time. This applies on the personal level but it most definitely applies on the collective level as well. Therefore, even though September 21, 2013 will mark the ending of the old paradigm, it may take the collective some time to fully understand and appreciate the new status of belief and consciousness. Do understand that the procession of the soul is a continuum, is a steady movement forward. Thus as one understands this, one will not be disappointed, as many were on December 21, 2012 when planet A did not suddenly appear for them. Everything has indeed changed, but it may take a while for the individual to fully understand this and implement it. It will take the collective human consciousness a time to realize these changes. That this Awareness is complete at this time.

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