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First, this is a hyperlink to the prior blast:; jump to the bottom to read the action-items.

Second, among quasi-filibuster highlights, a key-point made by CRUZ in his FILIBUSTER is that RESISTANCE IS NOT USELESS and, during his all-nighter, he has emphasized the fact that, if ObamaCare doesn't apply to everyone, then it shouldn't apply to anyone [#MakeDCListen]; meanwhile, LEE claims that this DEFUNDING OBAMACARE BATTLE LIKE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Third [and this is HUGE, having been presaged by release last night of the petitionas per a prior blast], Chairman Reince Priebus noted, in-a-battle-between-ted-cruz-and-harry-reid, we-must-standwith-senator-cruz; the impetus to have taken this extraordinary action may have been reflected in an essay [Were Breaking Up] that was presaged by Sarah Palin [as per prior blasts and this consolidated strategy to destroy the-republican-establishment]. Fourth, DRUDGE PRONOUNCES CRUZ and PAUL to be the 'HEART' OF REPUBLICAN PARTY, as LindseyGraham, describing-ObamaCare, claims This-Bill-Sucks; meanwhile, RedState has started counting votes [Finger Lickin Frauds] and it's the Senate's Turn to Defund ObamaCare Before It is Implemented. Fifth, Mark levin-feels people-have-had-enough-of obama-and-mainstream-republicans, as moderatedemocrats-are-quitting-on-ObamaCare, and many claim its Time For Change & To Start Mobilizing For Political Action in 2014; yet, the crazies persist [ObamaCare-supporters-sign-petition-to add-birthcontrol and sterilants to water-supplya modern-day-eugenics-program]. Sixth, although OBAMA TWITTER ACCT BRAGS THAT HEALTH CARE PREMIUMS ARE LOWER THAN PREDICTED, Guzzardi reports that 3/5 top-tweets that are trending are related directly to the quasiFilibuster; meanwhile, the First Procedural Vote on Continuing Resolution is Expected in the Senate @ noon as Cruz keeps quoting from an anti-ObamaCare-letter-from-union-president-jimmy-hoffa. Seventh, Prices Set for New Health-Care Exchanges are unnerving and FNCs Hannity recently hosted a Segment that erupted Into an EPIC Shouting Match; meanwhile, a Town Hall Attendee Trashed McCain [claiming he is guilty of treason to His Face] and Marco Rubio supports Cruz. Eighth, articles related to potential governmental-shutdown have noted that, facing government shutdown, Obama's party can't bank on 1996 mythology, despite the fact that conventional wisdom wrongly says Republicans got blamed for the last shutdowns, helping Clinton win in 1996, when, in reality, it was the economy, stupid. Ninth, among the agitators for Cruz has been the Senate Conservatives Fund, which has often been quoted in these blasts and which just blasted a LIVE VIDEO of Cruz; it appears that GLENN BECK supports the battle-cry: 'TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT.' Tenth, although MSNBC this-a.m. claims Cruz is a Machiavellian Harvard-grad and CNN has slammed his having read from Dr. Seuss, it should be noted that the former undermines its persistent elitism [while Cruz quotes from Duck Dynasty to claim We're Going to be Happy, Happy, Happy When we Defund

ObamaCare] and the latter omits mention that the latter served as bed-time reading for his two daughters from a father:


Over 10 Hours and Still 'Cruzing'

Dear Patriot, As you are no doubt aware, today is a historic day in our ongoing fight for liberty. Senator Ted Cruz, a courageous leader in the Senate, began a speaking on the Senate floor to ensure that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid does not make any changes to the House Continuing Resolution that funds the government while defunding ObamaCare. This House CR is extraordinarily important because it may represent our last chance to stop ObamaCare - a train wreck law that is unaffordable, unfair, and completely unworkable. Thanks to Congressman Louie Gohmert, I was able to visit the Senate Gallery tonight while Senator Cruz spoke. We are grateful to Senator Cruz for his willingness to fight this terrible law. It takes a great deal of courage to do what Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are doing. This road has not been easy and they have had to fight strong objections from both sides of the aisle. It was a couple of minutes before 8:00 pm eastern when we arrived. When we walked into the gallery, we noticed that except for a couple of Pages, the Presiding Senator, Clerks, and stenographers, there was hardly anyone else on the Floor. As Sen. Cruz began reading the Bible and Green Eggs and Ham to his daughters, a few reporters perked up and watched what was happening and a few more Pages walked onto the Floor and listened. The gallery had about 50 people in it the entire time we were there. It would be so easy for Sen. Cruz to say no one is here and stop the filibuster. Yet he is standing up for us. More importantly, he is standing up for our freedom. He is leaving no stone unturned in this fight defund ObamaCare. It takes remarkable fortitude, confidence, and assurance to know you are standing on principles that are worth fighting. The empty gallery is likely a walk in the park next to the criticism and ridicule Sens. Cruz and Lee have faced the last 2 1/2 months. To know that the Senior Senator from your own state is whipping votes against your efforts and to continue to do what you know is right, shows character that we can all admire (Senator John Cornyn was reported to have been whipping votes against Cruz and Lee last night). Please take the time to thank Senators Cruz and Lee for their determination and their tenacity. Thank their staff members as well who are supporting them behind the scenes and who are also facing criticism from their fellow colleagues. Thank the other Senators and Congressmen who have joined this effort. Senator Mike Lee (UT), Senator Jeff Sessions (AL), Senator David Vitter (LA), Senator Mike Enzi (WY), Senator Jim Inhofe (OK), Senator Rand Paul (KY), and Senator Marco Rubio (FL), and Pat Roberts (KS) have all voiced their support for this effort and have spoken on the Senate Floor today about ObamaCare's many flaws. Congressman Paul Broun (GA), Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX), Congressman Richard Hudson (NC) have all stood in the cloakroom or back of the Senate Gallery supporting Sen. Cruz. These Senators and Congressmen are standing up to the powerful DC establishment and Ruling Elite, and they are standing up for the American people. The fight is not over and we need more help! If your Senators and were not on the Senate Floor today, please call them on Wednesday! The Capitol Switchboard Operator can be reached at 202.224.3121 and demand that they commit to have a clean vote on the House Continuing Resolution which funds the entire government and does not spend our hard earned tax dollars on ObamaCare. ObamaCare was rammed through without any debate in 2010. Despite the fact the majority of Americans voiced serious concerns about the impact of ObamaCare, we were ignored. Now in 2013, everything that we predicted higher premiums, loss of coverage, a stagnant economy, loss of doctors - is coming true. It's time to have the debate in Congress that we were denied in 2009 and 2010! To top that off, in the country where all men are created equal, the Senators, Congressmen, and their staff want to force us to pay for and live under this law yet they have exempted themselves from ObamaCare. This is unAmerican. No man is above the law in America. America was founded precisely because our founders did not want to live under kings and tyrannical rule and now we have a Ruling Class in DC forcing us to live under laws they do do not want to abide by. (BTW, the staffers on the floor of the Senate Chamber who are watching the filibuster really, really

do not like having that pointed out to them. As we were watching the debate in the Senate you could see body language change in the Senate Chamber as soon as the exemptions and the Ruling Class is mentioned.) You may be wondering, "How can I help? How can I get involved in this historic moment to stop ObamaCare from becoming the entrenched law of the land?" Here is what is needed next: 1. Join the fight on Twitter TONIGHT and throughout the week. Please use your Twitter account to weigh in on this debate. The Senate offices are paying attention to Twitter and the hashtag #MakeDCListen is trending #1 on Twitter tonight. We are making a difference on social media and on Capitol Hill! A list of the Senators twitter ids is below. Contact both Republican and Democrat Senators. While tweeting, ask your senators the list of questions below, give them a map of the Capitol in case they have forgotten how to get to the Senate floor, and let them know you are watching. Be sure to tell the Senators you do not want a vote for cloture to close the debate (which is likely to happen on Friday or Saturday) until there is a guarantee of a clean vote for the House CR. That is our next milestone in defunding Obamcare. 2. Call your Senators' offices on Wednesday. Please do not forget to call both of your U.S. Senators and your Congressman. The message is simple: If you are not standing with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, you are standing with Harry Reid and propping up ObamaCare. When calling, ask your senators the list of questions below. Let them know you are watching to see if they are listening to you or not. Be sure to tell the Senators you do not want a vote for cloture to close the debate (which is likely to happen on Friday or Saturday) until there is a guarantee of a clean vote for the House CR. 3. Talk to others about ObamaCare and the filibuster. Use our talking points to ask your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers about if they want to pay for a law that Congress and their staff is exempt from. Ask them if their health insurance is changing. Ask if they have had notices from their doctors about the upcoming changes in their health practices. If they are as concerned as you are about ObamaCare, forward this email to your family, friends, co-workers, email lists. 4. Send your ObamaCare stories to us. Please use this link to share your ObamaCare stories with us. The Senators need real-life examples of how ObamaCare is destroying our jobs and our health care system. If you have not already done so, please tell us about how ObamaCare is negatively impacting you. 5. Stay Tuned. Watch for more email updates from us. Follow Tea Party Patriots on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on the latest details as we learn them. In liberty, Jenny Beth Martin Co-Founder and National Coordinator Tea Party Patriots @JennyBethM

Questions to ask:

Do you want to vote to fund a law that an ABC News/Washington Post poll shows 9 out of 10 Americans believe is not ready to implement? Do you want to vote to fund a law that most Americans do not want? Do you want to vote to fund a law that exempts Big Business? Do you want to vote to fund a law that Big Labor says will shatter its members health care and the 40 -hour workweek? Do you want to vote to fund a law that exempts you and your staff? Do you want to vote to fund a law that gives government control over one-sixth of the economy? Do you want to vote to fund a law that is killing jobs in your state? Do you want to vote to fund a law that is forcing employees in your state to work fewer hours?

Do you want to vote to fund a law that is forcing employers in your state to reduce or eliminate health care coverage for your constituents? See more at:

Click for Talking Points

Here is a list of all Senators and their Twitter Handles. The ones with #ThankYou spoke on the Senate floor today in support of Cruz and Lee. The ones with #MakeDCListen have not shown their support on the Senate floor.


Name Lisa Murkowski Mark Begich Jeff Sessions Richard Shelby John Boozman Mark Pryor

Twitter Handle @lisamurkowski @SenatorBegich



Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat #MakeDCListen

@SenatorSessions Republican #ThankYou @SenShelbyPress @JohnBoozman @SenMarkPryor Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat #MakeDCListen


John McCain Jeff Flake Dianne Feinstein Barbara Boxer Mark Udall Michael Bennet

@SenJohnMcCain @JeffFlake @SenFeinstein @SenatorBoxer @MarkUdall @SenBennetCO

Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

Richard Blumenthal @SenBlumenthal Chris Murphy Tom Carper Chris Coons Marco Rubio Bill Nelson Saxby Chambliss Johnny Isakson Brian Schatz Mazie Hirono Chuck Grassley Tom Harkin Mike Crapo Jim Risch Mark Kirk Dick Durbin @ChrisMurphyCT @SenatorCarper @ChrisCoons @marcorubio @SenBillNelson @SaxbyChambliss @SenatorIsakson @brianschatz @maziehirono @ChuckGrassley @SenatorHarkin @MikeCrapo @SenatorRisch @SenatorKirk @SenatorDurbin

Republican #ThankYou Democrat #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat #MakeDCListen


Dan Coats Joe Donnelly Pat Roberts Jerry Moran Rand Paul Mitch McConnell David Vitter Mary Landrieu

@SenDanCoats @SenDonnelly @SenPatRoberts @JerryMoran @SenRandPaul @McConnellPress @DavidVitter @SenLandrieu

Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #ThankYou Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #ThankYou Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

MA William (Mo) Cowan @SenMoCowen MA Elizabeth Warren MD Barbara Mikulski MD Ben Cardin ME Susan Collins ME Angus King MI MI Carl Levin Debbie Stabenow @elizabethforma @SenatorBarb @SenatorCardin @SenatorCollins @SenAngusKing @SenCarlLevin @StabenowPress @amyklobuchar @alfranken @RoyBlunt @clairecmc @SenatorWicker

Republican #MakeDCListen Independent #MakeDCListen Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

MN Amy Klobuchar MN Al Franken MO Roy Blunt MO Claire McCaskill MS Roger Wicker MS Thad Cochran

Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen

@SenThadCochran Republican #MakeDCListen

MT Max Baucus MT Jon Tester NC NC ND ND NE NE NH NH NJ NJ Richard Burr Kay Hagan John Hoeven Heidi Heitkamp Deb Fischer Mike Johanns Kelly Ayotte Jeanne Shaheen Jeffrey S. Chiesa Bob Menendez

@MaxBaucus @jontester @SenatorBurr @SenatorHagan

Democrat Democrat

#MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat #MakeDCListen

@SenJohnHoeven Republican #MakeDCListen @SenatorHeitkamp Democrat @SenatorFischer @Mike_Johanns @KellyAyotte #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

@SenatorShaheen Democrat @ChiseaNews @Menendez4NJ

Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

NM Tom Udall NM Martin Heinrich NV NV NY NY OH OH OK OK Dean Heller Harry Reid Chuck Schumer Kirsten Gillibrand Rob Portman Sherrod Brown Jim Inhofe Tom Coburn

@SenatorTomUdall Democrat @MartinHeinrich @SenDeanHeller @SenatorReid @ChuckSchumer @SenGillibrand @robportman Democrat

Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

@SenSherrodBrown Democrat @jiminhofe @TomCoburn

Republican #ThankYou Republican #MakeDCListen


Ron Wyden Jeff Merkley Pat Toomey Bob Casey, Jr. Jack Reed

@RonWyden @SenJeffMerkley @SenToomey @Bob_Casey @SenJackReed

Democrat Democrat

#MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

Sheldon Whitehouse @SenWhitehouse Lindsey Graham Tim Scott John Thune Tim Johnson Lamar Alexander Bob Corker Ted Cruz John Cornyn Mike Lee Orrin Hatch Mark Warner Tim Kaine Bernie Sanders Patrick Leahy

@LindseyGrahamSC Republican #MakeDCListen @SenatorTimScott Republican #MakeDCListen @SenJohnThune @SenJohnsonSD @SenAlexander @SenBobCorker @tedcruz @JohnCornyn @SenMikeLee @OrrinHatch @MarkWarner @timkaine @SenSanders @SenatorLeahy @PattyMurray @CantwellPress Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #ThankYou Republican #MakeDCListen Republican #ThankYou Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

Independent #MakeDCListen Democrat Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

WA Patty Murray WA Maria Cantwell


Ron Johnson Tammy Baldwin

@SenRonJohnson @tammybaldwin @SenRockefeller

Republican #MakeDCListen Democrat Democrat #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen #MakeDCListen

WV Jay Rockefeller WV Joe Manchin WY Mike Enzi WY John Barrasso

@Sen_JoeManchin Democrat @SenatorEnzi

Republican #ThankYou

@SenJohnBarrasso Republican #MakeDCListen

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