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Image Menu- This menu groups together features for working with images and your canvas.

You can resize documents, adjust Curves and Levels, duplicate images, and rotate images from here. 1. Mode- The first item on the Image menu is Mode. This is what you use to change the color mode and appearance on the entire image. You have some other choices here, including grayscale and duotone. A. RGB color- This stands for "red green blue" and represents a mode of color selection that determines each color based on its red, green, and blue values. These are the "primary colors" of mixing wavelengths of light. RGB Color mode is used for images intended to be viewed on computer screens or for general home color printing. B. CMYK Color- This stands for "cyan magenta yellow black." Each color in this mode is determined by four values for the four colors of ink used in color printers. This color mode is used by professional printing companies. 2. Adjustment- From here, you can change the colors and overall tonal quality of your image. The most basic types of adjustments you can make with Photoshop involve colors and brightness. The most simple is the contrast/brightness adjustment. A. Brightness- It makes the image brighter or darker by a specified amount. B. Contrast- It is defined as the separation between the darkest and brightest areas of the image. Increase contrast and you increase the separation between dark and bright, making shadows darker and highlights brighter. Decrease contrast and you bring the shadows up and the highlights down to make them closer to one another. 3. Image Size- You use this function to resize an image. When you select image size from the Image menu, a dialog box appears with some numbers corresponding to the current size. A. Pixel Dimensions - It refers to the image's size on screen. B. Document Size- It refers to the size at which the document will print. 4. Canvas Size- It is similar to Image Size, but changes to an image's canvas size that can provide more working area for your image. Anchor Section- You can anchor the contents to a side or corner of the window by using the Anchor section of the Canvas Size dialog. 5. Crop- Make a selection, go to Image and select crop. Then, everything outside your selection disappears. The image size reflects the change. Layer Management Creating multiple layers lets you easily control how your artwork is displayed, edited and printed.

1. Layer Blending Mode- Blend modes affect how the pixels of a layer will interact with the pixels of the layer(s) below it. Photoshop CS3 has twenty-five layer blend modes. 2. Layer Locking Option- You can lock layers fully or partially to protect their contents. 3. Layer Visibility- This action toggles the layer between hidden and displayed.

4. Layer Style- Photoshop provides a variety of effects such as shadows, glows, and bevels that change the appearance of a layers contents. 5. Layer Mask- It allows you to control a layers level of transparency. 6. Create a New Set- A layer group is very much like having a virtual folder in your Layers panel, a folder that you can place similar or related layers into. 7. New Fill or Adjustment- Fill layers let you fill a layer with a solid color, gradient, or pattern. Unlike adjustment layers, fill layers do not affect the layers below them. Adjustment layers let you experiment with color and make tonal adjustments without permanently modifying the pixels in an image. 8. New Layer- It is to create new layer in the layer pane. 9. Delete Layer- it is to delete particular layer in the layer pane. 10. Fill- it affects only the actual contents of the layer. 11. Opacity- it controls the transparency of anything and everything on a layer. Layer Management A. Adding New Layers You can think of the layers as clear pages overlaying each other. The layers pane provides a good visualization of this concept because the layers appear in the layers pane as they are organized in the document. To demonstrate this, add a new layer and type a little on it. 1. Go to Layer> and Select New Layer. Type a name for the layer in the dialog box that appears and click enter. 2. It should now appear in the layers pane (but since it is currently empty, there will be no sign of it in the image). B. Selecting Layers 1. Click a layer in the Layers panel. 2. To select multiple layers, click the first layer and then CTRL-click the last layer. 3. To select all layers, choose Select > All Layers. 4. To deselect a layer, Ctrl-click on the layer that you want to deselect. C. Arranging Layers 1. Click and drag your Layer 0 copy 4 underneath the Layer 0 copy 3. 2. You can double click on this layer's name to change it. 3. If you want to delete a layer, you can either drag it to the delete layer icon at the bottom of the layers pane or select the layer and click the delete layer icon. D. Merging layers 1. Select the layer you want to be on top of the new merged layer, make sure the other layer you would like to merge is directly beneath it, and select Merge Down from the Layer menu. The two layers are now one. 2. If you want to merge down an entire file of layers, select "Flatten image" from the layers menu and then all layers will be squashed into one. 3. When you merge or flatten layers that contain text layers, you will be asked whether you would like to rasterize that text (that is, convert it to an image and lose the ability to edit it). It is a good idea to copy any layer and hide them before you rasterize and merge. 4. It saves you the work of completely recreating layers if you decide to change text.

Working with Text Text Tool- This is the tool you need in working with text in your Photoshop document. Just select the text/type tool and you are now ready to type your desired text. Use the options bar to change the style of highlighted text.

With the Type Tool selected, your mouse cursor will change into whats commonly referred to as an "I beam". 1. Choosing a Font As soon as you select the Type Tool, the Options Bar along the top of the screen updates to show us options related to the Type Tool, including options for choosing a font. 2. Choosing a Font Style Choose the font style by clicking on the triangle to the right of the Style selection box. Select the style you need (Regular, Bold, Italic, etc.) from the list that appears. 3. Setting the Font Size Choose a size for your font by clicking on the triangle to the right of the Size selection box. This will open a list of commonly-used preset sizes that you can choose from, ranging from 6 pt up to 72 pt. 4.Choosing the Text Color The Options Bar is also where you choose a color for your text. A color swatch appears near the far right of the options. By default, the color is set to black. To change the color, click on the swatch. Image Editing Cropping - One of the most basic photo manipulation processes, it is performed in order to remove an unwanted subject or irrelevant detail from a photo. Resizing an Image- In resizing an image you can change the document size and pixel dimensions. Cutting out pieces- you can use lasso tools, marquee tools and crop tool to cut out pieces. Adjusting Exposure- you can adjust the exposure of an image by adjusting the brightness and contrast of it. Using the Magic Wand it is use to select similar color tone. Cloning- allows you to copy one area of an image and copy it onto another area.

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