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Juan David Uribe Problems Stakeholders have to go through:


Stakeholders are everyone that has an interest and an effect on any given business. Stakeholders can go from the directors of the companies to the animals in the surrounding space. An example of a stakeholder can be Greenpeace on an Oil company. Greenpeace can be a stakeholder because ultimately they can stop what the company is doing. Also, Greenpeaces success would be measured on what happens with the company. With all of this in mind, it is only logical to infer there will be problems between different stakeholders, if not all of them. But with this, there is always a solution to the problems. Stakeholders think very differently, and with this issues come along. An example of a stakeholder problems can be found here in Ecuador. This was a huge problem that has not been totally solved yet. The problem was in the amazon region of the country. Texaco, a huge oil company that came to the country to look for oil and then sell it. The company served here for many years, with the due exploitation of nature like any oil company. Texaco, had some oil drills on the floor through the entire process and no problem was ever revealed. Then, their contract in the country was done and they left, taking all the drills and machinery with them. People in the surroundings then started to get sick and in some cases died. They looked for an answer. They researched and tested, and finally proved that the problem was in the water, and that the poison in the water came from the holes left from Texaco. With all this information and proof, the people from the towns with some help of the government, sued Texaco, for mass poisoning. The trial took years, but eventually justice was served. Texaco had to pay a huge bill for the damage done. Both to the people and the government. Then again, their works in other parts of the world did not stop, making this problem capable of happening again. So, there was a solution to this stakeholder problem and it can be called arbitration , which means , someone else , in this case , a judge , makes the decision of what is fair for the stakeholders. In conclusion, stake holders are every person or group of people who have an interest or effect on a company. With the range of stakeholders being so wide, the probabilities of having a problem are quite big. The example of the Texaco authorities and the community around the company being poisoned is a clear problem and the company being sued by s group of stakeholders is also a clear example of how this conflicts can be solved. On this case, solved with the hand of an outsider. A Judge, and with this , the conflict solved was solved by arbitration.


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